Aria Of Sorrow
Image: Konami

Konami's Castlevania series isn't just famous for its tight gameplay, sprawling fortresses and inventive boss battles – it's also a series with some of the best music in the history of video games, and while Konami doesn't seem to have plans for any new entries right now (that's a recurring sentiment today, it seems) it has at least given us a selection of amazing Castlevania soundtracks to listen to.

The company has started a Konami Europe Spotify account which is bursting with classic Castlevania music. The albums available so far include Aria of Sorrow, Castlevania 64, Circle of the Moon, Portrait of Ruin and the legendary Symphony of the Night – the latter of which still isn't available on Switch, much to our annoyance.

Hopefully, Konami will add more music to this selection over time; we've love to have some of the 8 and 16-bit music on there – especially Super Castlevania IV, which has a soundtrack so good you'd swear it was produced by CD-based hardware.

Which is your favourite Castlevania soundtrack? Let us know with a comment.
