Metroid Prime Trilogy

There have been ongoing rumours about the Metroid Prime Trilogy coming to the Nintendo Switch for a few years now, yet it's still nowhere to be seen. Is it real, is it fake? Nobody is entirely sure, but it seems to keep popping up here and there.

In the latest update, we've now got a Swedish retailer by the name of Inet claiming this trilogy collection will be released next month on 19th June. If the name sounds familiar, that's because it's the same "reliable" retailer that first listed the game, not long after Reggie was spotted wearing a Metroid t-shirt alongside Geoff Keighly around the time of The Game Awards in 2018.

Online Listing
Image: Inet / Nintendo Life

The last time we heard about the possible return of this Wii collection was actually a few weeks ago, alongside the rumour about a deluxe version of Pikmin 3 - when video game historian and Nintendo Life contributor Liam Robertson said both games were real. Before this, at the beginning of 2019, Imran Khan (the former senior editor of Game Informer) said the Metroid Prime collection for Switch had “ been long done” and the reveal was originally planned for December 2018.

What do you make of this latest listing for Metroid Prime Trilogy on the Switch? Can you see it happening - do you think we'll see it as soon as next month? Share your thoughts down below.

[source, via]