
As it did last year, Sega has once again put out a Sonic the Hedgehog animated short for the holiday season, and this year it's directed by animator Tyson Hesse, the lead artist responsible for the redesigned movie version of Sonic as well as the opening movie and trailers for Sonic Mania.

The animator and illustrator has been involved with the official series of snappy Sonic shorts for a while now and the latest is a holiday tie-in that focuses on the podgy little beings known as Chao first introduced to the Sonic series in the Dreamcast (and later GameCube) game Sonic Adventure.

Entitled 'Chao In Space', it's just under four minutes long, so we won't spoil it for you - just watch the video below. Suffice it to say that Hesse has blended Sonic with a little Star Wars in a dreamy festive mashup that will bring a grin to the face of any Sonic fan. Give it a watch when you get five minutes and let us know what you think below:

And if you can't get enough Christmastime Sonic goodness, why not check out last year's video and really get into the spirit?
