Ever since Star Wars: The Last Jedi arrived in cinemas back in 2017, fans of the series have been quick to express their - shall we say - passionate feelings towards it. Some love it just as much as any other Star Wars movie, but taking a wander through any corner of the internet dedicated to the series reveals that there are plenty who aren't afraid to shout about their frustrations with it, too.
With its sequel, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker launching this week, heated conversation is as prevalent as ever, and The Last Jedi's director Rian Johnson seems to have left a subtle(ish) reaction online. Interestingly, he appears to have chosen the not-so-common medium of Pokémon GO to do just that. Check out this post below:
That's right, after catching a Shadow version of the Poison-type Sludge Pokémon, Grimer, Johnson decided to give it the nickname 'Discourse' before grabbing a screenshot for the world to see. Is it a hint that he finds the discourse surrounding the films to be pretty toxic at the moment? We'd say so.
No caption was submitted with the screengrab, but the image paints a pretty clear picture without.
[source comicbook.com]
Comments 138
Rian Johnson is a sad little crybaby that made a terrible Star Wars movie.
I was going to call mine "The Last Jedi" but it wasn't dead and on fire.
Nothing sells movie tickets better than pissing off potential moviegoers, am I right?
After Solo you’d think they would learn.
If RJ's supposed future Star Wars trilogy ever materialises I'll be quite surprised. He needs to stop getting dragged into social media Star Wars discussion and concentrate on making good films that are a bit more cohesive than The Last Jedi.
Don't bring that sad discourse here too
A guy tweets a photo and it becomes an article?
He thinks he's funny, and that was the problem with TLJ as well.
Knives Out was fine for what it was, and so is Looper. So please, more of that, and less of TLJ.
A very mature way to handle allegedly immature fan reactions.
Nah, fam. Don't drag us Go players into your Star Wars drama.
Here we see an example of a broken man. Seriously Rian, you made one really bad movie. Not even your cast apparently think your movie was good. So let it go and just move on. The quicker Rian gets the stink off him that was TLJ, the better it is for everyone includinig him. He's a good director that just ended up up a trilogy. Knives out, Looper are great movies so I don't agree on him being a terrible director. I just think he's a director that was highly arrogant and cocky and took on all the work on himself instead of collaborating with people that knew better and could have saved this movie.
Him acting out like this is just awkward.
As much as I totally hate The Last Jedi, And for me, has totally ruined Star Wars, and it can never be undone, I don’t think he is to blame entirely, Kathleen Kennedy on the other hand......
It's a toughy, he's absolutely right that there are a lot of losers using the film as an excuse to say racist and sexist stuff and that discourse has really taken a hit from these nasty people.
With that said, it's an objectively bad film and there are plenty of decent people who don't stand for that stuff, who are saying equally harsh things about the film, because the film made some straight up idiotic decisions.
He is doing a good thing by speaking out about the stuff, but he also needs to appreciate there is no silencing the disappointment with the film and that it will never be seen as the game changing Star Wars film he seems to think it is
I thought TLJ was okay, not great. Don’t hate it, don’t love it, and the new trilogy to me is almost like the prequel trilogy. The difference is that I can watch the new trilogy once and won’t need to see it again, I can see Episode III a couple times, and at least enjoy machete order viewing to include Episode II (look it up) only to enhance the original trilogy, but as it stands, the original trilogy I can watch endlessly.
I actually really like The Last Jedi and it's on my top Star Wars list (which is 1 - New Hope / 2 - Rogue One / 3 - Empire Strikes Back / 4 - The Last Jedi) but that is a childish tweet, specially before the release of the last episode. Also, I think JJ shouldn't have dissed on Rian, and that might be his slap back
The one thing i hate the most about TLJ is how they squandered Finn's character, i thought he was going to be some kind of liberator of the stormtroopers, making them see that they were brainwashed by the first order, but nope, he was made a buffoon.
Ironically, I'm rewatching The Last Jedi now in prep for the final film.
This movie is just kind of there.
It does little to advance the narrative which may be its biggest sin.
Rey finds Luke, who has turned into a grumpy mess.
Finn and Rose go on a busy work mission that accomplishes nothing.
Kylo and Rey flirt over instant messenger.
Holdo doesn't tell anyone her escape plan just because.
Kylo gets a promotion at work after killing his boss.
Luke dies after having a pretend fight.
The Resistance ends the movie fitting on the Falcon.
If it sounds stupid, it kind of is. The humor is wildly out of place, iconic Luke Skywalker is reduced to a pathetic coward because the new underdeveloped cast can't shine next to what the original trilogy characters were, and the whole affair feels like fan fiction penned by a very talented high school kid.
Yoda said something about failure being our biggest teacher. The Last Jedi is why Solo underperformed, though the quality of Solo is why it lost money. Disney is already doing damage control over reception of The Rise of Skywalker.
Johnson is a good director who should never have been given the reigns to a Star Wars film. Disney had no trilogy plan going into the thing, let Johnson abandon every idea set up by JJ in The Force Awakens, and was reshooting the newbie right up until the last minute because they still have no idea what they're doing with Star Wars.
I love what Star Wars was and tolerate what Star Wars now is. Like Nick Nolte says in the Mandalorian: I have spoken.
This man isn’t just responsible for making a bad movie, he’s responsible for Solo tanking at the box office. It’s a shame because Solo was a decent movie and deserved better. Now it won’t get a sequel.
I think Rian doesn't like Grimer. That's it. What's Star Wars got to do with anything, and why do people take it WAY to seriously?
The biggest question The Last Jedi left me with is if Johnson can alter Force abilities to allow ghost Yoda to summon lightning and physically bop old Luke on the nose with a ghost cane, why not follow around the First Order with a thundercloud and call it a day?
@RadioShadow Star Wars, the 1977 film, invented the modern blockbuster, seriously upped the special effects game at the time, and became a hopeful cultural phenomenon at a time when films were dark and America was coming out of the Vietnam and Nixon eras. It cemented itself into pop culture and became an important part of most 80s kids' childhoods. Without Star Wars we'd have no ILM, without ILM we'd have no Pixar and if you bothered to do the slightest bit of research on the lasting impact of the original trilogy you wouldn't run around the internet complaining that Star Wars has nothing to do with anything.
I'm the Star Wars fanbase. I love story (that's often what draws me to games in adulthood). TLJ had a killer preview. I saw TLJ opening weekend; tldr, I boycotted Solo's opening. I guess RJ felt filling all of JJ's mystery boxes was like being given orders. Thing is, mystery boxes are a great element of story. I spent months guessing what was in those mystery boxes, wrapping them in my mind, like gifts, dreaming of what await inside. Then Rian Johnson threw them off a cliff because he thought I'd rather be surprised than rewarded. He was given an opportunity to carry the torch of something cultural to me, squandered it, told everyone I didn't like what he did because I hate women and people who aren't the same color as me, and everything I had to say on the subject is poisonous. The man is unkind, and I'm stuck deciding between enjoying a construct I've enjoyed since childhood, or speaking with the only voice I've been allowed: omission.
@Jacob1092 You can use Parasect; it's dead, having its very soul sucked out by a big-headed parasitic mushroom.
I don't really wanna get into all of this, all I'll say is Sequel trilogy bad (minus TFA), Original trilogy and Prequel trilogy good
Where is Baby Yoda when you need him?
Well at least Jar Jar can take time off from being the dead horse now. I'm saving all my fanbase outrage for when the Robotech and Mass Effect movies are finally a thing, though.
He's terrible at directing movies but hey, at least he's good at trolling and being an a-hole on social media.
Rian Johnson's films tend to be subversive (in terms of trying to play with viewer expectations) and deeply sarcastic in tone. That works really well with certain genres (such as the recent Knives Out, which was fantastic), but it was, and is, a poor choice for the straightforward space opera people expect from Star Wars.
Ditto with Paul Feig and Ghostbusters. A director of gross-out comedies was never going to do anything worthwhile with that license.
Rian Johnson directed Mass Effect 3: The Movie with Star Wars characters and cannot figure out why everyone thinks he made a bad movie.
There was no real character growth (everyone is in a worse state than they started, with the small exception of Rey), and he ignored the simple things like the fact that the Resistance was made up of old rebels that would have known how to disperse into small cells to avoid having everyone caught up in the world's slowest WW2 boat chase sequence (only in space!).
@PoorGeno You hit the nail on the head with that, man. We're in a time, mainly since the female led Ghostbusters of 2016, that if we criticize a film that features women as the heroes, we must be sexist . But at the end of the day, a poor script with a salad bar of plot holes and underdeveloped characters is a lousy film and in danger of becoming the new norm. The Last Jedi wasn't a dud because of Rey and Holdo and Rose. It was a dud because it was a poor script with a salad bar of plot holes and underdeveloped characters when decades of Star Wars comics and books held better stories. Ghostbusters 2016 didn't fail because it was female led, it failed because as a comedy, it wasn't funny and as a scary movie, it wasn't scary. While the article above is about Johnson, Lucasfilm's problems are a Kathleen Kennedy issue. She let Johnson do whatever the heck he wanted. We can pile on him til the womprats come home, but the head of Lucasfilm is where the buck stops.
I enjoyed everything Star Wars until Last Jedi. I think he messed up, not me. Hyperspace ramming being a thing breaks every space battle that ever happened before and I assume because Holdo also thought it wasn't a thing is why she told literally noone.
The director later saying that Leia had zero force training did not make space force floating any more believable.
Luke spends years trying to see the good in his father and it pays off. Senses one fleck of darkside off his nephew and its lightsaber time.
Rey still has no explanation for skills other than the plot demanded it and writing is hard.
Poe's space phone call was cringe and that did not work for Han, why is the First Order so dumb if they somehow toppled the New Republic off-screen?
What the heck was that space bombing run scene? Did they forget that Y-Wings go faster and hit harder?
Why is space gas suddenly a thing?
Why couldn't the First Order hyperspace in front of the Resistance? They could've thrown in a line of dialogue about how that couldn't work because reasons, but again, too hard to write a script.
I don't care that animals are also slaves. I really don't care.
Why do both Phasma and Snoke have to go out like Boba Fett?
Ew green milk.
I can't think of a single enjoyable moment of Last Jedi. I avoided Solo because of it. I'll probably avoid this next one and just wait for it to be free on Disney+, like the Mandalorian which has been good so far.
This dude is the biggest loser currently on the planet.
@nessisonett let’s hope solo gets its supposed disney+ show. Like many people have said in the past, the whole concept of solo would work perfectly as a show, especially now with the mandalorian.
The only thing I like about the original Star Wars are the characters, I always found the movies themselves quite dull and couldn't even tell you what they are even about, haven't even bothered with the new ones
Behind Empire, TLJ is the best Star Wars film. People forget that when Empire came out that had a VERY vocal base of detractors as well. People were unhappy about the Vadar reveal, and they wanted Leia to hook up with Luke and not Han... but second acts are literally built to frustrate and surprise. If anything, it builds the third and final piece up for ultimate catharsis.
My feeling is a lot of the choices made on TLJ will play into Rise to give it that much more meaning. And in time, people will relax and look at the trilogy with full context and realise they were overreacting just a smidge...
Johnson is a very good director, though he has yet to surpass his debut feature, "Brick."
In terms of filmmaking—cinematography, directing, etc.—“The Last Jedi” is one of the top three Star Wars films, imo (behind only "A New Hope" and "The Empire Strikes Back.")
As someone who enjoys the franchise but doesn’t have any strong attachment to the universe or its characters, I thought TLJ was a lot of fun, in spite of some missteps. It was the first film since the original trilogy that actually managed to surprise me (in a good way.)
Which is all to say… I can understand why a lot of people who are bigger SW fans than I am dislike it, though I still don’t get some of the extreme vitriol that has been spewed at Johnson.
Doesn't matter what fans think. The movies pull in massive money, this is all that matters.
I also find it absolutely hilarious when "fans" dissect the movies and then go on to say Mandalorian is good. Its not really that good, its entertaining, but I wouldn't say I'm aching each week for the next episode. Its well put together, it looks good, but overall, not that much.
Isn’t that just a screenshot of a video game?
This dude made a sh!tty Star Wars movie, and stated ANY criticism against the Last Jedi was not legitimate. dude is a disgrace
Loved every star wars movie episode 1-8.i already got my ticket for episode 9 this Saturday. Yes I have to wait till then since every showing was filled up
@Gerald yeah they signed off on that script. People shouldn’t be attacking him personally or threatening him though.
He made a bad movie in my opinion. From the boring slow speed space scene to the pointless boring casino scene, it made me not care what happens to any of these characters. And he completely wasted Luke. They wanted to teach us that our heroes aren’t perfect (like it’s an original idea).
When those intial opening credits to Phantom Menace scrolled up, that was as good as it got. All that anticipation, all that hype, built on the back of cherished childhood memories. It was downhill from there. I never understood why Last Jedi made people angrier than Force Awakens. They were both so God awful.
The main thing that ruined Star Wars for me was growing up. Once I realised that Chewbacca et al aren't real most of the magic has already left. No matter how good a film someone makes it will never bring that back. 😭
@Hagemaru Yes. This. Looper sucked.
@RadioShadow LOL, wow. Star Wars alone revolutionized special effects. They broke new ground and did things that didn't exist prior. ILM was born from Star Wars. I take it you're yet another who's never seen them. You should correct that.
I'm no fan of Johnson or TLJ, but I'm massively hyped for TROS.
It's fine to not like things, but wow. If you were wondering just how toxic the fanbases of Star Wars and Pokemon really are, look no further than these comments.
So there was a game/movie you didn't like. It happens. Grow up, move on with your life and let other people enjoy the things they enjoy.
Rian Johnson - the biggest manbaby of them all
@Tandoori That'd be all fine and good, except that nobody's allowed to simply dislike a mainstream product anymore. Anyone who isn't absolutely thrilled with the latest movie/game/whatever, MUST be either "entitled" or some form of "-ist" or "-phobe", and should therefore be constantly shamed and slandered at every opportunity until the end of time.
If others can't get over us having disliked something, then we're not gonna get over disliking it.
All of the star wars movies are really not that good. It is the Star Wars world that you like, not the movies
Seriously F this guy
I will say its been a bit crappy how everyone involved who is not Rian Johnson seems to be on some campaign to backtrsck on or distance themselves away from The Last Jedi ahead of TROS release. Fine, its not a perfect movie by any means and could have did some things differently. But it was a good movie. Own that it happened and exist.
With that being said, I do wish Rian Johnson didn't feel the need to have to defend himself or the movie at every turn. Even if it is just subtle comments here and there. Just let folks grumble and complain and move on. I get the human temptation to want to defend yourself and your work. But he's never really gonna change the minds of those who have resigned themselves to there being nothing redeeming about the movie
@Seanmyster6 okay but performatively disliking things doesn't make you appear smart or interesting.
It's not a good movie. I just streamed it last night with my wife and still think it is terrible. I used to think it was at least better than episode two but honestly I'm not so sure anymore. I'm going to see episode 9 because I think jj Abrams will do better (I did like TFA) and of course I want to see how it ends, but I would not see a Rian Johnson trilogy.
I'm not replying to anyone specifically here so not looking for an argument - just throwing my 2 pennies in to the chat:
I really enjoyed TLJ - it made me think differently about the series and it genuinely surprised and delighted me. After TFA I wasn't expecting to be startled but I found those elements quite exhilarating to be honest.
Sure, I think it has flaws but I thought it was a really bold move - and as part of a trilogy I think it's important to have changes of pace and tone.
I thought Luke besting Kylo and the 1st order without having to fight - by achieving some kind of supreme Jedi state - was totally boss and the image of him floating was so memorable and beautiful - and totally in keeping with him as a statesmanlike elder Jedi.
Seeing the ship slice through the other ship was glorious and it illicited numerous shouts and squeals of delight from the kids in the audience (mine included). That's good enough for me to put aside any concerns about continuity with the other movies. My son won't care - he's 7 and although I enjoy the movies as much if not more than him, I understand that his generation is the target audience and always has been. They aren't kids movies - but it's clearly a series that's been conceived to appeal to and inspire young audiences first.
Haven't seen it since but looking forward to re-watching before TRoS to see how the whole trilogy feels one after another.
Making creative, original work to publish is always a risk and infinitely more complex and troubled than expected. It never turns out the way you plan - there are always things you wish you'd thought through better and had more time to work on. Doing that with a Star Wars movie is that times a Galaxy Far Far Away. I admire Rian Johnson for what he tried, the original and exciting stuff he pulled off - and for sticking up for himself and his work.
Can't wait for TRoS - got tickets booked in a massive screen and I'm sure I will enjoy the culmination of a saga I've loved since I was the age my son is now. It's Star Wars!
@Tandoori And performatively liking things doesn't make one appear fun or optimistic
The real problem with Rian is he doesn’t want discourse. He won’t accept ANY criticism as valid and if you do criticize his work your a toxic man baby. You can’t just crap all over canon and original characters and expect every fan to worship the ground you walk on. What he did to Luke was enough to hate the script let alone any of the other horrible decisions in that film. But JJ and Kathleen deserve just as much blame (if not more in some cases) for this train wreck.
I miss the days when episode 2, mitichlorians and jar jar were all I had to complain about the series.
@darkswabber Really wish I could watch The Mandalorian, I’ve heard it’s fab but no Disney+ in the UK yet -_-
I love how this Nintendo centred website has become full of Star Wars conversation because of one tweet (and btw The Force Awakens is my favourite Star Wars movie, so don’t hate on Disney Star Wars)
Toxic Director gets toxic fans. I hope they continue to haunt him for his narcissism and arrogance. I've accepted the turds I've released, he should gracefully accept that he messed up. I imagine in 20 years he will reflect back in an interview after releasing something good, that he'll consider it one of his biggest regrets. Assuming he grows up a little and still has a career by then. I just hope I live long enough to see it happen.
A bit too peripheral to warrant an article here IMHO, but Rian Johnson deserves more applause than I can ever humanly give. It's redundant to roast fan scum when the movie itself already has the destruction of many fans among its honest derivative merits, but at least he does that in style.
Convulse on in the comments, folks. At least until/unless The Rise of Skywalker hopefully exorcises even more fanship from your minds.😘
johnson is on damage control because he knows he fked up episode 8 nearly ruined the new trilogy and trying to place blame on the fans themselves seriously he owes the fans and even jj a apology.
I just finished yet another rewatch of the original trilogy over the weekend. They were just as magical and enjoyable as ever.
Which is weird because everyone is bleating about how these movies were "ruined"? They played fine, and I was as captivated and entertained by them as I always have been.
There have been Star Wars movies I haven't enjoyed as much, but to say that a movie you didn't like "ruined" the others is just ridiculous and hyperbolic.
Maybe some people just need to get a grip and stop acting like hysterical spoiled, over-entitled children.
Oh my GAWD, dude! You made a movie fans didn’t like. Sucks. Grow up, own up, and move on!
A friend has bought tickets for us to see Rise of Skywalker on opening weekend and I'm so not looking forward to it. After what The Last Jedi did to Luke I just don't see the point in the films even continuing.
@MisterKorman Exactly. Knives Out was super fun and has garnered almost universal acclaim from non star wars edgelords, but you wouldn't know it because every time Rian Johnson's name is even mentioned in passing, any reasonable conversation is drowned out by the tantrums of manbabies.
I haven't seen the Sequel Trilogy at all since I'm somewhat of a casual outsider (and I was annoyed to hear how Disney ignored Lucas' ideas) but is Episode 8 worse than Episode 1?
Sure are a lot of whiny crybabies in here dishing out the same tired verbal diarrhea. You're not cool. You're not special. No one cares about your hot take on TLJ shared by every other angry loser.
Nothing triggers a bunch of sexist incels like a movie with a strong female lead. Something something SJW.
Basically the new Star Wars trilogy in a nutshell.
I sometimes think that the majority of the Star Wars fanbase are as toxic as the Sonic fanbase at times. I like both Star Wars and Sonic and I am no one of those type of people.
The fact that the "toxic fans" have moved on to Mando and baby yoda, and the cast and JJ are moving on from TLJ, and Rian is still trying to bring up TLJ backlash is all you need to know about Rian Johnson.
@LaytonPuzzle27 Sonic 2006 and the movie's design were bad. Fans rightly complained. Sonic Mania and the new design are good. Fans have rightly praised them.
Calling fans toxic for right calling out poor content does not make them toxic.
Rian Johnson your star wars film was the final nail in the coffin for me when it comes to star wars...Worst film of the whole saga
I won't condone the worst behavior of some segments of fans, but they don't represent everyone. As others have pointed out, Johnson comes across as very arrogant and self absorbed, unable to handle even honest criticism. He seemed to want to force people to agree with him, or dismiss them if he could not. He comes across as a troll through much of his behavior. And it sounds like he did make a bad, or inadequate movie. The passion of the fans for the Star Wars franchise is what allowed him to be in a position to direct such a film and to likely profit tremendously from it. That passion can manifest itself in negative ways that I don't agree with, but without that passion, he would never have been in that position to begin with. People like him will gladly take the payday, as he did intend to commit to planning another three films before everyone came to their senses, but he apparently was not ready for even the most basic criticism.
TLJ is the first Star Wars movie since the original trilogy that I really loved. I can aprriciate the prequels for what they are trying to do, but there is no getting around that they are badly made movies. Most of the sequels are well made and fun, but it's in a fan servicey superficial way.
TLJ really felt like a labour of love. It brought philosophy and allegory back to the series. It was the first movie since Empire to do anything genuinely surprising. And it managed to give all three main characters, and even a few supporting ones, a fully realized character arc. Finn's arc I admit was a bit week, but Poe, Rey, Ben, and Luke all had an interesting change in perspective by the end of the movie.
It has it's flaws; jokes that fall flat, some awkward dialogue, pacing issues in the second act, continuity errors in the choreography, but these weren't enough to ruin it for me. And let's be honest, none of these problems are new to Star Wars.
"People were unhappy with how some characters were portrayed, people who don’t understand character arcs were bothered by a sequence that they felt was pointless, and some just felt that the story didn’t live up to what they hoped for (though that was by design, it’s also a fair conclusion to reach)."
Could not agree more with this. Many of the story decisions made in The Last Jedi seemed to intentionally be the exact opposite of what you would see in a run-of-the-mill Star Wars story. Between movies, TV, books, and comics, we already have 100,000 of those — heaven forbid we try to reinvent and push things in a new direction.
Fandoms seem to easily get stuck in ruts, though. What I wouldn't pay for a Marvel movie that didn't feel the need to be nothing but punch, quip, punch, quip over and over again. They're starting to move things in a positive direction there, but it shouldn't take 20+ movies to make baby steps toward an improved mode of storytelling.
@sleepinglion I've been wondering that ever since. If force ghost Yoda has as much power and impact as he did when he was still alive, why isn't he helping them? One zap, and they're gone.
@Illusion You can skip Solo as well
I had high hopes for Solo, because I did like the spin-off Rogue One more than 7 and 8. But no, I didn't really enjoy Solo.
@nessisonett No UK? That's so weird. Mandalorian is good. Different from other Star Wars films, more like a western, but it's enjoyable.
@AhabSpampurse Most hated Empire until they saw the Ewok filled mess that was RotJ. RotJ is basically three B movie plots tied into a feature film. While it very much fits with the episodic nature Star Wars was created to mimic, it is a very jagged and unsatisfying piece of cinema.
TLJ basically has the same problem. The Rey plot makes some sense, the Finn plot is just an excuse to poo all over the idea of the smuggler with a heart of gold trope and make a statement about legendary heroes, and the Poe plot exists just to poo all over Space Opera heroes/everything that came before it.
I'll believe that TLJ had worth when the kid with the broom shows up and smacks the snot out of the First Order. Otherwise, it holds about as much meaning as the child asking about "The Shepard".
@MisterKorman I guess I meant his comments in defense of TLJ from the beginning. He has been relatively quiet up to now. Though, I do want to clarify I'm not suggesting he never stand up and be proud of his work (if he is).
@Richnj I alluded to it in my first post andI shouldn't say its everyone. But there has been quite a bit of chatter from JJ, some cast members and execs (I think Katherine Kennedy in particular) as of late on TLJ with a tone of almost trying to distance themselves away from the movie. Which just feels very crappy and a bit disingenuous to some degree. You would think Rian Johnson went rogue and made his own Star Wars movie and no one involved was aware until after the fact. Which is obviously not the case.
@FNL yeah? And why do people like TFA WAY more than TLJ.... even though it has the same female lead? Also Rogue One has a female lead and it’s regarded by many as the greatest SW movie.
Poor excuses for poor taste.
This guy just can’t let it go, can he? He really needs to get over the fact he, not only made a terrible Star Wars movie, but a terrible movie in general.
There was one way Abrams could fixed it in ep9, in a way that even addresses TLJ, instead of recon-ing it, but if the leaks are to be believed, TRoS is going to be another terrible Star Wars movie too.
@Yorumi spot on!
The Last Jedi was okay. Not the greatest, but also not the worst. It had some pointless scenes that drug on, and had some moments that didnt make too much sense but at the end of the day, it happened. I'll be seeing The Rise of Skywalker on Teusday and/or Wednesday(I work at a theater so I get to see early screenings of movies, dont worry though I wont spoil anything). I'm hyped to see how this trilogy ends, I just hope it finishes on a high note and not a whimper
Last Jedi > episodes 1,2,3 that’s for damn sure. And it certainly wasn’t worse than Episode 8... there were some absolutely stunning moments that surpass all of the other films that countered the wtf moments for me for sure. I also liked that Luke was brought down to the -disappointing- level he was. The humanness of a hero. Zen monks aren’t perfect either;)
Really though, none of the series is perfect. All contain corniness and nonsensical bits. Nostalgia is a wonderfully funny thing.
@fafonio I recall the same triggered incels losing their minds over TFA as well. And over Captain Marvel.
Not our fault your film sucked. You reap what you sew
@UmbreonsPapa It's not that he went rogue. But Rian was pretty vocal about there being no plan, and that he had full control. Even Mark Hamil said he asked Rian to "think of the fans" to which Rian said he had to "think about his movie". And as far as I was aware, JJ wasn't meant to come back for the third movie but he was drafted in after TLJ when they chucked the other guy out. He handed it off to Rian, so why would JJ get to dictate how the movie went?
So you have actors who have no say in which way the movie went, and a director who originally thought he wasn't going to have to close the trilogy. They have the right to be honest about how they felt about TLJ regardless of connection.
Kathleen though, she's a different story. She hired and fired these people, she directed them to operate in the way in which they did, and she's made excuses such as "there's no source material like Marvel", which is an utter lie. She is most definitely being disingenuous. But again, she hired Rian and gave him full control of TLJ. Writing duties and all. They can share equal blame for people not liking that movie.
JJ and the cast trying to close off the trilogy in a way in which they are happy with. It would suck for the cast (new and old alike) to have to end this trilogy and the "saga" in a way they aren't happy with. So I'm not surprised they got very vocal, just like the fans. It's their last chance to do it right.
@Octane - I can get behind this. Rian simply doesn't understand Star Wars, end of discussion. He excuses what he thinks he knows as toxicity regardless the brevity many arguments have had, and in doing so citea more nonsense responses, cause why work hard to convince someone otherwise when your only responses are just as fruitless? It's why the internet is so abrasive.
But RJ's genuine talent ain't bad, Knives Out way "okay" but I liked Looper.
@Richnj I didn't mean everyone. Sorry that my comment is confusing to you.
Rian Johnson is in the wrong, but these same people dragging him defended James Turner retweeting insults toward Pokémon fans.
@sleepinglion “Kylo and Rey flirt over instant messenger.” Hahaha! Yeah. Even when I first watched the film in theaters, with their Force sensual connectivity or whatever, I wondered if Rey was going to accidentally catch sight of Kylo on the john or something. He rustles a newspaper then notices her.
Coincidentally, I had an odd dream about Dark Helmet and Colonel Sandurz last night.
@MisterKorman Upsetting Star Wars fans is a little silly when you're trying to sell a Star Wars movie. Especially a 9th in the series. By part 9 no one but hardcore fans care. And when they're not happy? Oof.
@Yorumi I have the benefit of having been a child at the time, although a very young one. Since it wasn't clear, my response was a slightly sarcastic as Return of the Jedi is clearly an inferior film.
The narrative that Empire Strikes Back was hated is a very thin and stretched narrative. As I said, most of the hate I grew up with was directed at Return of the Jedi for being a quite honestly bad movie (although that was again from children who grew up with it later on VHS and could see it more for what it really was after 100+ viewings). 4 year old me loved every Ewok minute shown when I saw it in theaters.
The merit of the argument is something I have known for years. Look in any TV Guide that was listing any Star Wars movie in the 80's and 90's and it would give it a middling rating. Critics didn't like the movies because they felt collectively Star Wars changed cinema (and in many ways they were correct), while fans loved them (even the weakest, RotJ). The issue with TLJ is the opposite is happening. Critics love TLJ while fans are deeply divided by it (and most not for the scapegoat reasons we are accused of).
In the end, guess which one matters more (i.e. makes more money) at the box office? Time will judge it eventually, but it probably will land in the pile with the rest of Star Wars somewhere around The Phantom Menace, The Christmas Special and Attack of the Clones. The reality is that even best of them (Empire Strikes Back) is not high cinema when stacked against the best cinema has produced.
Rian Johnson's Last Jedi is a steaming pile, end of. Completely killed any hope of the new trilogy ending up being good.
The movie that killed my enthusiasm for Star Wars. I never thought it could be done, but RJ did it.
Toxic fan base? Are you kidding? Ruin and KK use a beloved franchise to push some creepy social engineering and as a vehicle for their political agenda...destroyed beloved characters and made a generally bad film and the response is that the fans are toxic because they didn't worship them for it? Here's an idea, keep your self-important political perspectives out of our business...quit preaching and leave us alone already. They destroyed this franchise. Even Hamill was calling it out and saying he didn't agree with it.
@Yorumi Agreed, ESB is beloved by fans and is considered the pinnacle of the franchise. Ruin is FOS
@FNL it can be a small percentage..... but that is not a excuse to defend a terrible film. At this point this just likes to hide behind the criticisms with the excuse of “toxic fandom” ....
Obviously is toxic... he made one of the worst films ever and he just doesn’t admit it. Instead, he attacks the fans.
Fans weren’t THAT toxic with TFA. TLJ is just on another level because it’s a horrible film.
If you insult your clients you deserve all the hate that comes towards you.
I hope he learns his lesson and just shut the f up.
@MisterKorman He attacks the fans and destroys the franchise...what do you want them to do, buy him ice cream? Even Hamill didn't like it.
@MisterKorman I barely remember a single film that I’ve gone out of the cinema pissed off as that when the credits rolled.
At least other bad movies I laugh at how bad they are..... this one wasn’t even sad.... it was infuriating
Lol.. Someone really needs to make a giant billboard of that picture of Rian Johnson with the words "Feeling Triggered?" on it.
Perfectly sums up the present times... but more importantly, appeals to my sense of humour
Rians only mistake is feeding the internet trolls.
C'mon man, don't read the comments, NEVER read the comments.
And if you do because you are dumb, certainly don't respond to any of them!!
The Last Jedi is not a very good movie. The way I describe it is that it is a serious of small annoying mistakes (and some massive missteps) that build-up over time that annoy the viewer. It could have easily been saved with some tweaks to the production or a clear producer vision for the trilogy. On paper it should be a great movie, in practice it is missing so much heart and soul that made the Star Wars saga so endearing. I've never been one to hate on a director, but Rian's smugness makes it really hard to defend his movie (it does have some good part and great moments)... I also, don't blame JJ, if Rise of Skywalker, turns out to be not a cohesive movie. The Last Jedi really gives JJ, not a lot to work with. I don't blame Colin Trevorrow for leaving the production after his reported argument with Rian and Kathleen Kennedy; I would not want that job.
My favorite Star Wars movies (I've yet to see Solo).
The Empire Strikes Back
Revenge of the Sith
A New Hope
Return of the Jedi
Rouge One
The Force Awakens/The Phantom Menace (depends on my mood that day)
Attack of the Clones
The Last Jedi
Star Wars died for me when Disney bought it and canned the old expanded universe, replacing it with their own strictly inferior sequels. I've many times expressed my reasons in a polite but straightforward way. I wont go through them here again.
I make it a point not to just attack people at random who do like the new content. Polite disagreement and dislike is not toxic. There are however, people who do make it a point to go around, forum to forum, comment section to comment section, attacking those they disagree with.
Star Wars "fans" are second only to Pokemon "fans" in how volatile they get.
@Yorumi I think JJ was ordered to make a crowd pleaser after the Prequel backlash. I also think he didn't want to do more than one movie because of how much Lucas had to deal with. Looking at him during interviews for Force Awakens he looks so stressed out. I think the Force Awakens is a solid enough and more technically solid film, from scripting, to effects, to overall direction and vision compared to The Last Jedi. It's not fantastic, but I don't mind watching it!
After, The Last Jedi its clear JJ was under a lot of pressure to figure out where to take the story after what Rian left him. Let's not forget Trevorrow was apparently less than pleased with The Last Jedi, killing off two key characters that he felt was necessary for his vision of Episode IX. Rise of Skywalker could have been a satisfying conclusion of the Saga if Rian and Kennedy just listened to Trevorrow. at best right now it will be an okay film... which will be a herculean feat by JJ, if its even a decent flick.
@MisterKorman Fans are the one's that control the discourse though. If the casual viewer wants to know if they should look forward to a new Star Wars movie, they are most of the time looking at the fans. Its the reason the Prequels were beaten to death by even non-Star Wars fans because it was "cool" and "universally disliked." Now we see it being socially acceptable to like the prequels now that the fan disdain is being redirected and younger fans now coming out defending their beloved childhood Star Wars flicks. Maybe in 20 years we'll see the Sequel Trilogy get some love when fans have something new to direct their rage to... they always do.
Knowing that Luke still plays a (however small) part in Ep.9 makes it worth watching for me. So I'll be there at midnight, keeping my promise to an old friend...
@Yorumi Thank you! ESB even had 2 super successful re-releases before ROTJ released. ESB was not hated nor divisive.
@Wexter I'm actually kind glad Trevorrow left to be honest. For one, his next movie Bright was a mess. I liked it, but tone, character arcs, and world building were all so haphazard. And the climactic scene had everone just standing there for an awkwardly long time waiting for Will Smith to decide to pick up the macguffin and save the day. TLJ has some sloppy moments, but Bright is on another level.
The second reason is I think killing off Luke was the right call. For one, it makes his final act more heroic. But also, there was an interview with someone who helped Lucas write the original sequel trilogy story treatments, where he said he couldn't figure out what to do with Luke. Whenever the brought in Luke, he sucked all the air out of the room. He took over the story, and the new generation was pushed to the background. It derailed the new story they were trying to tell.
Grumpy Luke solves this problem. Even Mark Hamil, who supposedly hates TLJ, admits this. He said many times that he came to realize it's not about Luke anymore, and that this version of him was what was best for the new character's stories.
Sorry for the rant, that ended up longer than I planned.
I didn’t think TLJ was that bad. But, it’s not that great. I rewatched it recently, and I thought it was alright. It did have a lot of flaws. But it’s not the worst Star Wars film ever. I just thought it was okay. I don’t really think Disney killed Star Wars, but I think Disney is just milking it to death. The only Disney Star Wars movie I thought was the best was TFA. Rouge One wasn’t that great. As a matter of fact, that’s honestly my 3rd least favorite Star Wars movie. It was so frickin boring. If i’m gonna tank my Star Wars movies from worst to best, here’s my list
Attack Of The Clones
The Phantom Menace
Rouge One
The Last Jedi
Revenge Of The Sith
Return Of The Jedi
The Force Awakens
A New Hope
The Empire Strikes Back.
I’m also pretty excited for TROS. It looks pretty promising, and could be the best Disney Star Wars movie since TFA. Anyways, that’s my opinion on TLJ.
Also, TLJ is one of the most overhated movies ever made. I mean yeah, I can understand why people didn’t like it, but is it one of the worst movie ever made? Hell no.
I mean... if you think TLJ is worse than Jack & Jill, you must be really crazy.
@MisterKorman expectations aren’t an excuse either. I went to that movie without any expectations or having read theories or anything.
It wasn’t expectations... it was terrible decisions.
The whole movie is plagued of stuff like that. It was boring, it was pointless and shat on everything the predecessor did right.
I mean... it’s no coincidence that the internet... even these boards which are pretty decent hate on the movie. Even in the real world I’ve only known twi persons who liked the movie.
There’s myriads of youtube videos explaining why it’s pretty bad
I'm not a big Star Wars fan, I actually skipped The Force Awakens, but my friend talked me into going to see The Last Jedi. So to me, it was just another bad movie like Terminator Genysis. I wasn't upset about it because I had no real investment. But still, it WAS a garbage movie and I wish the press would stop trying to convince us otherwise or accuse us of being neanderthals if we didn't like it.
@KitChan about Luke’s holo projection ..... why would the writers use that stupid power if they were still gonna kill him in the first place?
That’s terrible storytelling.... the writers could have easily made it that he arrived physically in his xwing and fight Kylo in person.
Its idiotic. Who wants the final fight of their hero to be a projection and still be killed?
Of all the possible new powers they could have come up with ... he chose the one which doesn’t matter at all because the outcome is the same.
It was set up to be a badass final battle. Instead we got a Luke that barely moved and just stood there.
Wow amazing final battle for one of the most important heroes in Star Wars /s 😒
Fing Rian
@fafonio Luke had to project because he would have been killed by the AT ATs otherwise. Look, I fully admit I would have loved to see him force grip one of them to it's knees, but that would have been dumb fan service. Non-violent misdirection was much more in line with Jedi philosophy, and frankly more "realistic" as far as space wizards go.
@Yorumi If Luke was in charge of a whole Jedi temple, he and his pupils should be on the front lines of the war. If they weren't, that's what the fandom would complain about in your version.
Yes, Johnson messed a lot of stuff up. Was it a good movie? 50/50. BUT...let's not place all the blame on him. It had to be approved first by other people.
“ Luke had to project because he would have been killed by the AT ATs otherwise.“
Thats exactly my point. why project him if he was gonna die regardless? The outcome is the same. If he didn’t die then I’d understand the choice to fool Kylo. He shouldn’t even have to do the fan service you’re saying. Just be there and be struck down by his pupil in person. To show the superiority of Kylo Ren.... not just the wimpy kid he became.
It’s like with Leia. Why would you blast her outside to space and return her ........ if you’re not gonna kill her regardless! Just to put that corny Jedi power?
Just blast the bridge away without Leia and make her use her power to seal the blast, destroy a tie fighter or kill stormtroopers that were getting into the ship. And something happens that she becomes unconscious. Maybe from using her untrained new powers, now that would have been badass. Not Mary Poppins Leia.
Rian just did those idiotic things to “subvert expectations” but he ends up in the same square because, like I said earlier, the outcome is the same.
All that Holdo arc is just a time waster too.
There were a lot of opportunities to develop their new powers in other ways.
@I_member you don’t see other people from the production insulting fans. That’s why he is infuriating. He insults the fans because of his massive ego.
I bet you that if he just says “I’m sorry, I messed up in some places, I admit it” ..... then all this hate would at least slow down.
He just adds fuel to the fire and gives more tools for the people who hate him.
When I got out of the theater.... I just hated the movie ... but after all his responses, insults and excuses ..... I hated him too... not just his mediocre product.
At least KK understood the lesson and went in radio silence for a while. But Rian needs to shut the f up.
Or face the consequences and continue committing career seppuku.
To the replys bashing Rian Johnson, well done for proving his point, idiots.
@Trikeboy ohh so he can insult fans.... but fans can’t insult him or criticize his inferior product?
I wish you people stopped forcing people to like this movie and if we don’t, we are misogynists, we beat women up, racists, etc. When there’s barely, in these comments, those types of arguments.
Face it, if he throws more fuel into the fire... he won’t be able to control the flames.
It’s his choice.... own his mistakes... or well.... keep the anger and the attention towards this way.
If a director like Rian uploaded pictures with a tea cup that says “fanboy tears” ..... what do you expect it’s gonna happen? Lol
@MisterKorman Oh, I guess I imagined all those ads everywhere for the Rise of the Skywalker all over town. The one that opens this Friday? The one that directly follows his, making him involved with it? There totally isn't a new Star Wars film coming up. No sir.
Maybe I should have been broader, said that Disney is trying to sell a new Star Wars film. The director of the last one insulting fans is not a good way to do that. While the target audience is mainly kids, adult fans make a significant portion of it. Why else would TFA be such a big nostalgia bait? I doubt many kids liked the last one though.
I guess this board is full of Russian bots too according to Rian. LMAO.
That was hitting a new low, even for him.
I thought episode 8 was pretty good. Certainly better than 7, which felt like a retelling of A New Hope. I’m currently watching episode three, as I’ve not seen it before - it’s terrible - wooden acting, poor script, so much CGI that it looks like a cartoon, and as many ships as possible flying in the background of almost every single scene...
The Star Wars of my youth is not the same as It is in my later years. And our kids will say the same in another two decades‘ time
I can't seriously be the only person who really enjoyed TLJ? There were moments that didn't work well but over all I thought it was brilliant (especially compared to the Ep4 remake we had prior)
"rIaN jOhNsOn RuInEd My ChILdhOoD"
wow thats so stupid a starwars memeber just blames pokemon go wow.
@Cinaclov I liked TLJ a lot too. Easily my favorite Star Wars movie since the originals.
@fafonio We can go back and forth with this. All of us who like the new movies are apparently are paid Disney shills or week minded Beta males who will blindly enjoy any crap thrown in front of us.
And all this just proves Rian's meme right. The discourse is rotten. There are valid criticisms about the movie out there, but they are often burried in typical internet sludge.
I will say, this particular forum has been staying mostly civil, which is nice.
@fafonio "Why project him if he was going to die regardless?".
If he had been there physically, he would have been vaporized by the AT AT blasts, and the Resistance would not have had time to get away.
Also, fair enough. Your idea about protecting kids in a temple may have worked. But I liked cynical, curmudgeonly Luke. That was my favorite thing about the movie.
@Yorumi Don't ever ask "but why" of Star Wars. None of them hold up to it.
Why are they using giant walkers on a flat plain?
Why are their legs so long? That would make them really top heavy and prone to tripping. See? I told you.
Why did tripping make the shielding on that AT AT so weak, it blows up from one snow speeder blast?
Why did that snow creature hang Luke upside down without killing him?
Why can he levitate his light saber? Obi Wan never taught him that.
Why can they just fly out of that giant worm's stomach? How does it keep it's food in? And what does it usually eat? It lives on a small asteroid.
Why does that giant bottomless shaft turn into a gently curving slide?
Why can Leia do force-gps? She has no jedi training.
And this is off the top of my head and from the best movie.
@Yorumi " He never told them there was another way out. For all he knew they'd just sit and watch him from the sidelines and his whole stunt would be for nothing."
This x 100. Why in the world didn't Luke say something like "Guys, I'm not actually here right now, but Force-projecting myself in. I'm hoping via distraction that I can buy enough time for you all to escape, but I doubt I can hold this for longer than ten minutes or so, the strain is unbearable. Start looking for a way out right now. GO."
The obvious answer for that is "Well obviously he didn't say that because then there wouldn't be any tension for the viewing audience, silly," but even when ignoring that ridiculous "reason", there was no reason that they couldn't have shown this scene as a quick flashback after escaping. Instead, Luke follows Holdo's bizarre method of refusing to discuss plans, and just sort of HOPES that everyone will figure out what he's doing and save themselves.
Only adding to the incredulity of this scene is the fact that, not that earlier at all, BB-8 scanned the cave and confirmed that there was no way out, apart from through the blast door. This was done because Rian Johnson wanted there to be tension. But then after Luke shows up, a re-scan very conveniently shows that oh, looks like there may be a back exit after all! Silly us!
"If he had been there physically, he would have been vaporized by the AT AT blasts, and the Resistance would not have had time to get away."
We don't know that, who's to say he's not powerful enough to stop the blasts mid-air, like Kylo Ren did? (especially if he has the strength to tele-Skype himself there across the galaxy) The First Order is fearful of Luke's power and is hunting him down for a reason, after all. This sums it up well, particularly the final scene:
Honestly, I really wanted to like this movie, but there were so many little things that piled up that it absolutely suffers from death from a thousand cuts.
@BulkSlash I hear Johnson got his just rewards and ROS just ignores his movie.
zips up raincoat
enters comment section
@Claytronical I said before that I would have loved to see Luke take out a few AT ATs in a blaze of anime BS. I fully admit I would have loved it. But stopping what is essential a bullet is not the same as stopping 200 tank shells. Furthermore, non-violent misdirection was more in line with the Jedi teachings, and just a better idea in my opinion.
As for the cave, they followed the crystal fox to a rock pile. There really wasn't a way out. Not until Rey moved the rocks. Which is a whole other can of worms that I just opened isn't it
Anyway, you're not wrong that TLJ has many issues, but to me the themes it explores and journey it puts the characters through are interesting enough to me that I can look past the faults. This video sums up my feelings pretty well. It's 20 mins long and I don't really expect you to watch it. But it's here if you are interested:
@Yorumi I won't argue about the ships, but you can file it under thing I don't really care about. As far as Holdo, yeah she should have told Poe the plan, but she let her ego get the best of her and told him off instead. Also, if you've ever served in the military or worked in a large company, this is pretty standard practice. When the executive level makes a plan, they don't tell anyone until it's fully realized. Then they pass it on to the administrative level to work out how to implement it. And only once that is in place do they clue in the regular workers. The majority of the team isn't included until the last minute.
@Yorumi I agree with the Jedi part. They are not invisible super beings even in the prequels when they are in their prime as you pointed out. As other examples Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon struggled with droideka at the start of TPM. Qui-Gon (a trained master and apprentice to Count Dooku) was even defeated by Darth Maul who by all accounts was a Sith assassin and not a Sith Lord (which we see the difference in skill when Maul fights Sidious in the Clone Wars). We also, see multiple Jedi die in Attack of the Clones, during the start of the Clone Wars. And in Revenge of the Sith is the extremely emotional Order 66 where almost the entire order is killed and wiped out.
I think The Last Jedi had great moments, but is not all that fantastic.
@Yorumi If you know of some military people that say that, okay, maybe they had a different experience than the people I know. But as a person who has worked as an underling, and at an administrative level of a large company, I can definitely tell you plans are in the works long before most employees hear about them.
The First Order's incompetence stems from the idea they are the alt-right to the Empire's Nazis. You're right, if they were more competent, they would have won sooner, but they are still hard to beat due to the vast resources of their backers.
The chase in TLJ involves smaller capital ships vs larger capital ships, whereas Empire is a capital ship vs a small smuggler's ship. But this and the hyperdrive issue is getting back into things I don't care about territory. You're not wrong for being bothered by it, you like what you like and that is fine. It just doesn't bother me.
Holdo definitely could have avoided confrontation if she had done a better job explaining herself. But she thought she didn't have to answer to Poe, and instead tried to strong-arm him. Working in a large company, you see this kind of crap all the time. A lot of conflict could be avoided if people just sat down to talk.
Ultimately though, when Poe organizes the mutiny, she sees his ability to inspire people into following him. She realizes the potential Leia sees in him, and seems to agree he could be a great leader with a little more guidance, and focus on the bigger picture. Yes, there is some sloppiness to make it work, but I really like the character arcs on display here.
And that's what Star Wars is really about. Looking past the bad to see the greatness mixed within. Each era has it's own strengths and weaknesses that, taken as a whole, come together as something awkward, but undeniably beautiful.
But the OT is and always will be the best. No question.
"I said before that I would have loved to see Luke take out a few AT ATs in a blaze of anime BS. I fully admit I would have loved it. But stopping what is essential a bullet is not the same as stopping 200 tank shells."
But with Luke being strong enough to use a Force-projection ability (which I guess he actually wasn't, seeing as how it killed him), who's to say he couldn't stop/deflect that many shots at once, and maybe at the cost of his own life if he was going to die anyway? He wouldn't necessarily need to kill everyone either, maybe just take out a leg on each walker to cripple them.
"As for the cave, they followed the crystal fox to a rock pile."
Yes, but only after C-3PO conveniently says that there NOW may be a way out after all. I just found it contrived.
"Anyway, you're not wrong that TLJ has many issues, but to me the themes it explores and journey it puts the characters through are interesting enough to me that I can look past the faults. This video sums up my feelings pretty well. It's 20 mins long and I don't really expect you to watch it. But it's here if you are interested:"
I guess we're just opposites there, as I found its faults too numerous and blatant to overlook to try to enjoy any deeper meaning in the film. I mean, when I'm watching a film, I don't mind the occasional head-scratching moment of "Wait, why did they do that?" or "That didn't make sense in the established canon/lore" or "How did they get there so quickly?" or "Hey, if they can do THAT now, then shouldn't they have already been doing that in past films?!" but when ALL of those issues pop up repeatedly over the course of (a needlessly long) two and half hours, I simply can't see it as anything other than a poorly-written film. If it wants to be artsy, fine. But it still has to make sense.
I did head to the video you linked with the intention to watch it, but the creator's own disclaimer in the comments has put me off doing so, as it's essentially saying that it's going to ignore the issues I had with the film:
"I think it's important to point out that this essay is a film interpretation analysis rather than a film comprehension one. Therefore, plotholes, sloppy writing, tonal issues etc aren't addressed because they wouldn't be relevant to the analytical discipline I'm following."
Which is totally fair, it's their video and analysis, and they can do whatever they want with it. But I really don't think it'll be my cup of tea.
We'll just agree to disagree, I guess!
I am not a big Star Wars fan, but I have seen all the movies.
Still, even for me this movie might actually have been the worst movie i have ever seen. I went in without much of an expectation and ended up laughing about how bad it was half the time.
Its biggest issue is how nothing about it makes any sense.
For example, it can be fine to have this kind of development for Luke, but given what we know about him, the explanation we got makes absolutely no sense and just breaks the character.
The amount of plotholes in this movie must bei a new record as well, I have never noticed as many as here on just the first watch and I was not really searching for them.
@MisterKorman It's fine If you like the movie. I also like some things that are objectively bad as well, but the way you are trying to defend this movie leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.
You can't just talk as if this is just the recent punching bag for the fans, as this has a far bigger magnitude than anything before.
Solo literally tanked just because people were done with this trilogy after TLJ.
It's also not just Fans that are dissappointed but tons of more casual viewers like me as well, just looking at the comments here, you should see that.
Some of your arguments defending the movie itself are a real stretch as well.
I.e. you can't think of anything better they could have done with Snoke? Oh come on...
Even just saying who he is and letting him die in a slightly dignified way would have already been a massive improvement.
The way he was killed was just as dumb as you could get. It almost felt like satire...
@Claytronical I appreciate that you did actually intend to watch the video. There are some vids out there defending the plot in TLJ, but I wanted to link one that focused on why I liked it, as opposed to one that's more, "Here's a list of reasons why you shouldn't hate it".
I guess my point in a nutshell is; if you scrutinize the movie there is a lot to hate, but if you over-analyze it there is a lot to like.
Edit: I'll try one last video that helps make my over-analysis point. It's a deep dive into the Luke/Ben duel. There is a lot going on between the lines there. If your interested:
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