One of the most requested Pokémon games of all-time is a sequel to the 1999 Nintendo 64 title, Pokémon Snap. Will it ever happen, though? While fans have been hoping for a follow-up for two decades, according to Game Freak's Junichi Masuda, it's going to need a very unique twist.
During an interview with Metro's Game Central, Masuda was asked why there hadn't already been a new Snap game, following the release of the Wii U GamePad and Nintendo Labo Camera Toy-Con. This was his reply:
"All I can say is that I don’t think we can just make the same thing again. So we’d have to come up with a very unique twist on this if we do make another one."
So, it has got to be something seriously special. The Labo Toy-Con Camera might not be enough of a spin, either.
What do you think? Would a sequel to the original N64 title actually need a unique twist? Or would an updated roster of pocket monsters to snap be enough? Leave a comment below.
Comments 79
Stop the mindset of thinking everything has to be unique and special. Give the fans their new F-Zero, Star-Fox and Pokémon Snap...
Innovating is great, but not everything needs some crazy new ideas to be released.
There's a point where if you force "innovation" then it becomes a gimmick rather than a new mechanic. Something that feels disjointed and a bothersome to use compared to the rest of the game, or perhaps just becomes boring after the initial set of uses.
I don't believe a word of that mindset anyway. Improving on the old/current formula should be enough to warrant for a new game anyway. This is the only reason I believe dynamaxing exists in Sword and Shield and while I'm sure there's some people who will be really into it, the whole thing is clearly just meant to be there for a cheap hype moment until dynamaxing no longer feels special.
I truly thought that the pokemon series would continue to evolve (no pun intended) when they added seasons to Black and White, but all they keep doing is taking one step forward and one step back. Taking away additions that really felt like they were going to stay and help Pokemon to become a more fleshed-out game.
Anyway, back on topic, for another Pokemon Snap game it's pretty straight forward. Add more pokemon? Add an option to play with Labo VR (key word "option")? Maybe add the rare option to capture certain pokemon via Pokemon GO style (it'd suit the on-rails adventure very well). I don't think I've seen a spin-off game so heavily requested by the community yet continues to be so heavily ignored.
So Wii U gamepad and Labo Camera aren’t enough to make a unique Snap experience, but they’re happy to keep pumping out almost identikit core Poké-games every single year?
Make it a VR game as suggested in the article
There you have it, amazing twist that Nintendo will absolutely love you to do as it will heavily push the vr set sales
Make it also work with regular motion control as not every body will want it in vr
There, perfect twist, get it done, I am not into that kind of games but just give the fans what they want
Funny that they say that considering the state of the main series games.
There were plenty of other franchises that would have benefited from the use of the Wii U Gamepad, but publishers are notoriously impatient and deadlines reign supreme.
@gaga64 WiiU was made for snap. I thought of snap as soon as I played Nintendo land and looked around my room with the game pad in the theme park.
I never played it was not born when it did sooo. It will be nice to play a part 2
This is like, the one game that screams to be a smartphone game. Can you even buy a phone without a camera built in in 2019? This is like the best possible use for that whole AR idea.
People saying they were shocked by it not being on Wii U, but 3DS would have been perfect for it as well. More so than Wii U in my mind.
It's probably more that Pokemon spin-off games never sold even close to mainline numbers and it would be too much effort to make, since It's not mainline course that can be reheated multiple times with minimal resource spending.
Am i the only one who finds hearing that from Gamefreak of all developers (While not the kings of the similar sequels, still infamous for them) just utterly hilarious?
Did everyone forget this or just never played it:
@SNES64DD I hope you're not suggesting that's a worthy substitute for a whole Pokemon Snap game. All you do in those modes is stand in one spot and hope that a good pokemon is present. It doesn't go any further into gameplay than that.
Why does every new version of a Nintendo game have to have a frikin' unique twist!
How about just the fact it would be generations better graphically and on a system that could do it even more justice because of the way the Switch's motion controls and screen and Joy-Con and stuff work!
Christ, look at what Sony did when it put WipEout into VR: The only change it really made was making it work in VR! And most people seemed to really enjoy and appreciate that.
Why isn't that kind of step forward enough!
It's the same stupid thinking that's stopped us from getting a new F-Zero game in generations too!
Unique twist: It'll be a mobile game.
Why don't you give the things fans want instead of creating soulless junk
Add as much realism as possible.
I look at it as a bad business decision if they still don't consider a new Pokemon Snap.
@Ovedo Exactly. And just look at how this kind of thinking basically ruined that last entry in the Star Fox franchise by trying to force in weird motion controls and dual-screen functionality in ways that felt particularly clunky and awkward. I'd have preferred simply a cutting-edge [in term of presentation and graphics] version of the original Star For formula over that any day of the week.
@Kyranosaurus I was hoping people were more appreciative of GAME FEAK efforts to remember their past. The Pokemon Company isn't one to span outside of what is well established. Everything else to them is just that, a spinoff to be forgotten.
I’ll take more of the same with Advance Wars, Battalion Wars, F-Zero, Star-Fox and Pokemon Snap .... my favorite franchises are underused!!
@SNES64DD I think it's hard to appreciate a small insignificant tribute when it plans to be nothing more than that. Had this article not come out, many people may have thought that it would hint towards an actual Snap game in the future. Saying "here's a reference to that thing you really used to like now shut up" isn't often well received unless it actually means something going forward.
@gaga64 Exactly. I don’t find Masuda’s response very convincing, either. Just seems baffling considering how much demand there is for a new Pokémon Snap.
Maybe they’re not convinced that the demand will actually translate into decent sales. But even that seems unlikely considering how many relatively low-key (by the main entries’ standards) Pokémon spin-offs we’ve seen since the original Snap debuted.
@SuperGhirahim64 your profile picture goes perfectly with your comment
Why should Nintendo make a game just because the fans demand it? if they can come up with a good concept for a new, say, F-Zero, that's cool - but if it's going to be more of the same, there's already 6 of those games! SIX!
A unique twist such as it being handed to a competent developer? Most main series and spinoff Pokemon games for quite a while now have been mediocre at best. There are plenty of directions that a new Pokemon Snap game on modern hardware could take that would be incredible and a huge step forward from the original if handled correctly but I have zero confidence that it would be. We'd probably just end up with a free-to-play phone game made with minimal effort and resources.
The unique feature line is just PR. That’s all it is. If a game isn’t being announced you’re gonna get PR, some throwaway comment about a game’s potential. Sure, ask all the questions you want, let them gauge interest, but don’t hang on their PR, even indie developers are starting to give these PR replies. Speak candidly and you’re showing a company’s hand and then you’re fired!
When asked if there would ever be a follow-up to Pokemon Snap, Masuda quipped, "Obviously not, because here at Game Freak we hate two things: giving fans what they want and taking their money. I mean, we could probably just slap together a remaster, but who would want that? Any new Snap game would have to be iNnOvATiVe." Pokemon, of course, is one of the largest franchises in the world, raking in huge amounts of cash with hardly any innovation between games.
Gyroscopic aiming isn't unique enough?
The Wii U would have definitely worked perfectly, Nintendo added that camera mechanic to Pikmin 3 and that was like an excellent concept example for what they could have done for a Pokémon Snap sequel.
Yeh cause those new "innovative" gameplay elements worked so well for Star Fox Zero.. sometimes more of the same is what we want
As I've said before, we are talking about a series that since has added 6 (about to be 7) more regions, hundreds more Pokémon and a ton of other stuff to it's lore. That's about 5 games worth of content right there that could lead to some fun and unique gameplay.
The other thing is that since then, you've had not only the rise in portable digital camera usage, but then seeing that usurped by the emergence of the smartphone and that as an eventual replacement for standalone cameras.
@Noid All of which are on old hardware that not everyone has access to, and people who do have access to it might have played those games to death already and just want a new entry already with new content. Arguments like ''just play the old games'' are always silly to me because in that case, why EVER make a sequel at all? You can just play the old game anyway, right?
Whatever the case, I'd really like a new Pokémon Snap. Even if it comes with the shoddy-looking environments featured in Sword & Shield. I still don't understand why they didn't make one for the 3DS or Wii U but the Switch will work just as well. It doesn't really need innovation, either. If they can think of something to add that's fun and innovative.. sure, by all means, but don't hold back development because of it.
I'm going to assume a sequel to Snap is so highly requested because people want a Snap game. Add more pokemon, courses, items, and more ways to interact with the environment, and we're good.
Lol at the innovation, dynamax is the worst thing ever, i plan on skipping Sword and Shield just because of it and bought Letsgo Pikachu last week (which i initially was planning to skip).
All i wanted was a breath of the wild like revamp of the Kanto region, again playing with Pokemon Trainer Red and Green as a rival. Same story but with depth to the lore of the Kanto region, maybe some side quest with some NPCs (which could give additional story and XP besides the main quest, maybe even replayable for leveling up pokemon). You know just a small reboot.
But no we got Letsgo and though i was really hyped for S&S dynamax destroys everything what pokemon is. Mega evolution and even Zmoves complimented the lore in some ways but Dynamax is just a unapologetic gimmick.
Besides the Switch's internal screenshot feature, I hope Sword/Shield has some kind of camera considering that they're making detailed environments, specific Pokémon overworld animations, etc. Snap is a great On-Rails and Scripted formula, but the Sw/Sh scenario would be both unpredictable and organic (just needs sufficient scripted interactions between Pokémon and the player/other Pokémon/the environment).
@Heavyarms55 I think they would likely just update Pokemon Go instead of making a mobile "Pokemon Snap". Go already has the camera feature, so it wouldn't be that much of a stretch.
Wow.... Coming from the same person that said that the new Pokemon games have to be easy and have a new mechanic to grab the kids attention. You know that most people dont have to have something flashing every 5 minutes to grab their attention..... kids aren't as stupid and crazy and you make them out to be. If it's fun, it'll grab their attention. They don't have to be smartphones games with wacky things to sell.
Jeez this Mesuda guy does not understand what is making Pokemon so stale... No wonder XY was so hand holding and easy, then sun/moon, let's go. SMH
On one hand we have the demand for video games to be treated as art, on the other hand we have a comments section full of people telling game designers that they need to just shut up and make what the masses demand of them. Good work guys and gals.
I would change it to say
"Here at Gamefreak we hate two things: giving fans what they want and actually working on our games to make them the best they can be.I mean, we could probably just slap together a remaster, but who would want that? Any new Snap game would have to be iNnOvATiVe. And we just don't want to do the work for it."
@Noid Why should Nintendo port Mario Kart just because the fans demand it? There's already 8 of those games! EIGHT!
The last console F-Zero was 16 years ago on the GameCube. (The last handheld was 15 years ago but Japan-exclusive!) You might as well cancel Mario Karts after Double Dash sold less than 64! And good luck trying to find a copy these days. But, fine, plus the virtual console that makes three F-Zeroes on Wii. The Wii U virtual console had GBA games, so if you can use the Japanese virtual console, and mod your Wii U to play GameCube games, that makes six (but all the GBA games look like and play mostly like the first, so why bother?)
None of that matters, because there's 0 (ZERO!) F-Zero games playable on Switch. So I'm having to scratch that itch with new futuristic racing games on PC.
The Wii U was a very unique console that could have made it work. Hell, they could have re-released the Stadium games and made them compatible with the 3DS VC Pokémon games. But nah, Gamefreak hated the Wii U I guess.
@Sanangelo89 The game isn't even out yet. There will probably be a lore connection for Dynamaxing. The idea that it, "destroys everything what Pokemon is," is hilarious.
You are free to not like a mechanic but your are overreacting.
@BionicDodo Yeah, how dare consumers have wishes of their own, shame on them! /sarcasm
“I don’t think we can just make the same thing again”
“Unique twist”
Did Let’s go have a ‘Unique’ twist? Or USUM?
Putting more Pokémon into a mobile Pokémon Snap is good enough. Or if it were like GO, but you could only take pictures.
@impurekind Actually Nintendo wanted the developer of Burnout to develop a new Fzero, but they turned it down.
@MysticX This isn't just consumers expressing wishes though is it? It's people pretty much saying "I don't care what innovation you want to implement just make the game I want and make it now!". I'd like to play a new F-Zero game, but I'm not going to start insulting and ranting at creative types because they have other plans.
@Tantani Heavily push the VR set sales... the sets have been sold out in North America since the day they came out. I've been searching far and wide for one.
@BionicDodo Gamefreak doesn’t really innovate anyway, that’s what makes the “Very unique twist”-bit so laughable, Pokemon games have been pretty much the same since Red/Blue, but a Snap-sequel suddenly needs a “Very unique twist”, please... ~_~
anyways uh lets just not make a new game of this because l doubt it will hardly sell.
Pokemon Snap wasn't even made by Gamefreak, so I dont know why this question pertains to them at all.
Now that there is a a big camera-controlled open-world area with visible Pokemon roaming around and a capture button on the Switch, the need for Pokemon Snap 2 is greatly diminished. All Gamefreak would need to do is add in a basic in-game camera feature with a zoom-in/out feature.
Guys... we’re already getting a new Pokémon Snap... the snap that’s dusting half the Pokémon in Galar
Meh, if they don’t want to make a sequel then just say so.
Funny that this logic doesn't count for the Zeldas, Mario Karts, New Super Mario Bros, etc...
I really feel like the Poke Finder extra in the Pokemon games that feature the Alola region could've really been expanded into a Pokemon Snap-esque sub-game. Instead, we got the Alola Photo Club in the Ultra games. 😕
Not like they've had twenty years to brainstorm or anything.
just give us the dang game lol, its that kind of unique thinking that makes it impossible to give us something so simple
I agree that a sequel to Pokemon Snap would need to be different. Pokemon Snap was fun back in 1999, but I haven't even played it since TBH. However, I don't think that the "twist" is that hard to come up with. All they need to do is turn it into a full-blown adventure game instead of just railed courses.
Make it a massive adventure game like BOTW, and have it include all Pokemon. That would blow everything else Pokemon out of the water.
@Ovedo Even with that mindset, I think this is just an excuse. The 3D effect could have been really cool for an F-Zero game.
The Toy-Con Camera would be a crazy cool twist, being able to see Pokemon in 3D and freely move around an environment.
I think it's code for "we don't think it will sell well"
what is he even talking about? he didn't even have anything to do with the original.
Fine I'll be the "need a twist" guy: The Island became a resort, but sadly, it's being forced to close. You're hired by oak to make a secret dex of as many types and populations as possible. The camera has modes for detecting ghost type, heat vision, 60x optical zoom, with more upgrades to your camera, drone, and ride, as you level your reputation with Oak.
You get apples, pesterballs, sushi (causes emotes), rare candy, and Oak needs you to bring back some specific pokemon you can catch with pokeballs. In the process of cataloging proof of all pokemon in the park, you and Oak discover some of the pokemon are new, some of the pokemon aren't pokemon (what are they?), and you begin to photograph clues to the park's saboteurs that will may you going literally off the rails to solve a mystery that could prove you and Oak's crew are not alone on the island, the implications of which could save the park, if you can take the pictures to prove it. After all, who would bear a grudge against Pokemon Island Park?
Obviously we need a Pokémon/FarCry 3 mashup for this. Just replace the toughguy models with Machamps and so forth. Bam! They can even reuse the animations, since they love to do that.
Ya Labo VR with the camera....make it happen
When a creator says ‘it needs something unique’, he doesn’t only mean because that’s what will help it to sell. He’s saying ‘why should us creatives make another thing like we already have?’ What is it that is going to make them want to commit years to making it? What is going to excite them, and not just the fans?
These people only get to make so many games in their lives. So why should that be another Snap?
Why not hust HD the original then and release it on the Switch??
@Nekonokatzen That would be a good idea in my opinion. But since Niantic seems to like to do their own thing, I don't know if they'd go for that. PoGo seems to stay in line with their other games, Ingress and the Harry Potter Go game.
Here's the twist:
Dangerous ghost Pokemon and the angry spirit of Cubone's mother will only appear when the camera is held up and they attack and kill the player unless we take photos of them. Bonus points for taking photos of creepy scenes were various Pokemon died tragic deaths. This twist in no way bares any resemblance to any other camera/photo mechanic related horror games that may or may not have appeared on the Wii U. Please send me my check in the mail, Game Freak.
A unique twist would be you snap the Pokemon...IN HALF!
Here's what would make it good: Free roaming all 8 regions instead of being forced along a set path.
Being able to save and share your favorite photos with friends.
Hunting for Pokemon during different times of day, locations and seasons.
Photo contests
@oh_no_melon This is a grand idea!
Shutup and make a sequel/reboot already 👍 Your reason not to do it is invalid.
...They can't make it a Labo VR game? That can't be a unique twist? :/
"All I can say is that I don’t think we can just make the same thing again. So we’d have to come up with a very unique twist on this if we do make another one."
Yeah, like they do with all those Pokémon Rumble games. Such unique twists.
I am really wondering why people loves this weird garbage so much
Why are people so obsessed with making a BOTW style pokemon game. They're completely different genres of games. When people say this, what do they even mean. Do they want it to be similarly open world? Do they want pokemon to change from being a jrpg into a dungeon crawling action game? Do they want ganondorf to show up with his loyal charizard at his side?
I am honestly surprised one did not come out on the 3DS. They could have made it like Pokemon GO, with cool AR features. Of course knowing Nintendo they were probably afraid some kid would walk into a street. Still, make interactive backgrounds then, but utilize the 3D and the gyro. And honestly, I am surprised the VR would not be a good enough reason!
I don't get why we then get Pokemon games annually with no amazing twist, but we can't get a sequel to a 20 year old game that people have been asking for.
To be honest I find VR tech as the perfect excuse/opportunity to make another one. They'll eventually realize it, maybe...
Very old news.
You guys were saying?
So that's how you cover-up, huh?
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