While we here at Nintendo Life have already shared our thoughts on our hands on experience playing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, our friends over at GameXplain have a few additional treats to share with us. One such treat is the confirmation of Palutena's Guidance returning to the series.
As you know, Palutena's Guidance was an easter egg present in Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U in which characters from Kid Icarus: Uprising would chat about various fighters present while playing on Palutena's Temple stage.

While every fighter had a unique conversation about them, DLC fighters did not receive the same treatment, instead getting a generic "be cautious" conversation. However, now all fighters have unique conversations about them. While most characters have recycled conversations, so far we know at least Link has an entirely new conversation, with the reasoning being Link being a different incarnation than the previous Smash Bros. Link. You can check out the Palutena's Guidance on King K Rool in the video above or for Daisy by clicking here.
Unfortunately, it appears that Snake's codecs have not returned with new conversations. Additionally, there is no information on if new DLC fighters will also receive unique conversations.
Are you excited on the return of this easter egg? Drop us a comment on what you'd like to see for the new fighters!
[source youtube.com]
Comments 33
Love it! Shame that Snake's Codec Call won't have new lines though, I always preferred those more. I wonder if it's because of the Snake voice actor switch nonsense?
While I like the gag of Palutena's Guidance, I actually prefer the serious tone of Snake's codec more. Also would be nice to add Snake's codec in there, having just Palutena's guidance would lead some idiots to still believe this is just a Wii U port with little new stuff.
@ninjapenguin1 david hayter returned as snake for smash ultimate so that’s not the reason. Probably because kid icarus is kind of a sakurai franchise since 3ds.
Well, I'm glad thery're bringing this back, especially if the Codec Calls will not come back. I was actually expecting some sort of replacement for it, but this is fine as well- at least they only need to make new ones for the newcomers.
If they mention Ridley being big, I'm gonna lose it.
There goes my hopes of hearing Snake talking about Pac-Man
@GrailUK And ProfisaGaming will spoil what they don't.
Enjoyed the Palutena guidance stuff so glad it returning
This are reasonably well written but also reasonable poorly delivered.
I preferred Snake's codecs, but, who knows if he'll even be in future games. At least with Palutena's Guidance, they can have accessibility and consistency in voice casting. Good to have regardless, can't wait to see and hear them!
How does this in any way, shape or form deconfirm Snake's codecs? It's not mentioned at all in the video which could either mean it is, or is not returning, we simply don't know yet. Unless somebody actually has concrete proof that it's not returning?
I hope they at least reference the Snake Codecs with Snake's entry.
He’s keeping us waiting, uh.
@Yosher David Hayter said he hadn’t recorded any codecs, but this was back in June-ish so things could have changed.
So glad this is coming back. Stuff like this makes Smash hilarious and fourth-wall breaking. Wish Snake wasn’t being left out, though.
EDIT: After listening to the sample for K. Rool, does anyone else think Viridi’s new voice is downright awful?
@thesilverbrick Glad I'm not the only one! She sounded great in four and Uprsring. Here, she just sounds annoying. I wonder what happned...
Well isn't this appropriate. Last night I dreamt Hades had his own character reveal trailer for Smash. Too bad he didn't make it in the final roster. I hope he at least makes an appearance in a few of the new Palutena's Guidance conversations or as a World of Light boss.
@thesilverbrick Yeah, I'm disappointed Hynden Walch has been replaced. I happen to be a big fan of many of the shows she's lent her voice talent to (namely Teen Titans and Adventure Time), so it's a real shame.
Kid Icarus: Uprising was criminally under rated for as fantastic of a game as it was. "Constant voice acted dialogue while you play" sounds pretty obnoxious, but the dialogue was often just a great as the stage it was scripted for.
I like how it's lightly suggested that Pit's appearances in Smash are canonical, as Smash is referenced within the Kid Icarus game, and Palutina's advice in Smash references post-game story progression in regards to Dark Pit and Viridi.
Basically, what I'm getting at is, please give us a Switch sequel to Kid Icarus. Or at least a remaster of the 3DS game, now that Smash is wrapping up. Our demands will never be satiated. Please understand, Sakurai.
@TheFanatic Exactly, plus the fact that he could have possibly just said that because he wasn't allowed to say anything about it. To be honest I'm not expecting the codecs to return, but people are acting like it's already deconfirmed, so I'm just curious why, and if definite proof of it has already been shown.
I like that there is stuff to unlock, but it doesn't take hundreds of hours to unlock everything. It does give the feel of progression early on in the game, which will make it like you achieved something.
I really hated that MarioKart 8 Deluxe just unlocked all racers and tracks from the start
I like the Codecs better, but still cool.
Pit: Who's the lame Samus imposter?
Palutena: That's Captain Bren McGuire of the USS Freedom Forces.
Pit: What does he do?
Palutena: Well, apparently, his Turrican Assault Suit can withstand the heat of the Sun.
Pit: Oh. He's gonna be a real toughie.
I have to issue with coming across as snobbish.
I totally am a snob in regards to these things, and I'd much rather have no voice acting than pointless inclusions that don't add anything, but serve to muddy the overall presentation.
That stinks there’s no Codecs, but these were fun enough! Glad to have ‘em!
I am betting Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden and DoA is coming as DLC character...or at least I sure hope so. Anyway, that's my bet, if I lose, you can call me hopeless...
It would be a hoot if they took Corrin's guidance and completely changed what it said in the translation. That'd be a funny meta joke.
I love Kid Icarus: Uprising so much, and seeing this feature returning was a joy.
EDIT: Also I wanna say that I don't mind the new Viridi voice much, but still, Hynden Walch shall be missed.
I second a new Kid Icarus!
Kid Icarus: Learning how to read with Pit
No Snake Codec, oh wellz, at least Palutena and Pit still have their thing.
I just hope DLC fighters get their own guidances this time around. I never cared for how separated they felt in Sm4sh by not having Guidances or Custom Special Moves.
Don't count the codec out yet guys. Just because it hasn't been announced doesn't mean it won't be in the final product.
Part of me wants to say Sakurai Bias, but that part is also similarly biased and hopes this will help Kid Icarus Uprising either get a sequel or even a switch port.
Kid Icarus Uprising was a joy, one of the few 3DS games I would have loved to see get an HD remaster for home consoles
That's nice to hear!
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