Last time we heard about Team Ninja's Dead or Alive series, was when the developer was queried about the possibility of the sixth entry coming to the Nintendo Switch at this year's E3. It was explained how technical hurdles would need to be overcome before a release was even considered.
Now, in somewhat of a surprise announcement at the 2018 Dead or Alive festival in Japan, publisher Koei Tecmo has revealed the latest entry in its Xtreme spin-off series will be released on the Switch next year on 20th March. Officially titled Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet, the game originally launched on the PlayStation 4 and PS Vita in 2016. Pre-orders for this latest version open on 19th November. Currently, there's no mention of a release outside of Japan.
The Xtreme series started out exclusively on Xbox in 2003 and is a sports and mini-game compilation starring the all-star female fighters from the Dead or Alive cast. In the third entry, players can play games like volleyball and "butt battle" while unlocking more swimsuits for the characters and taking photos of them in various exotic locations. The series has received a mixed reception over the years, particularly in the west, due to "cultural differences" - as explained by President of Sony Interactive Entertainment, Shuhei Yoshida.
It might not be the exact Dead or Alive game the majority of Switch owners wanted to hear announced for the platform, but it's at least another Team Ninja game to grace one of Nintendo's platforms. This developer has maintained good relations with Nintendo over the years - with the company responsible for Metroid: Other M during the Wii generation, Hyrule Warriors during the Wii U era, Fire Emblem Warriors on Switch and in 2011 it released the quality portable fighter Dead or Alive: Dimensions on the 3DS. Hopefully, this latest announcement is a sign the mainline DoA games are on the way the Switch.
Take a look at an original trailer for Xtreme 3 below:
Would you like to see this game released on the Switch in the west eventually? Or are you holding out for one of the main entries in the Dead or Alive series to be announced? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 136
With Sony going kind of nuts recently, I think we'll see a lot of these sorts of games migrate to the Switch.
This week on "games that you don't ever wanna be seen purchasing at a Gamestop".
I genuinely hope this isn't where Dead or Alive franchise stops on the Switch.
That was the worst game trailer I’ve ever seen and I am 100% kink shaming all of you who purchase this.
NintendoLife will give it a 4 and pretend they're too good for anime games while they give every indie under the sun a 9
The PS4 version will have the bikinis replaced with dresses that couldn’t even offend an extremely conservative Puritan.
While it‘s very nice that this game is coming to join the Switch library, I seriously thought it was a real fighting game O-o you know with real punches an such.
Sony's censorship policies and the bad press from DOA6 are showing their effects.
Would this game be running on the same engine as DOA6? It might be a test to see how well the Switch can handle it
Yess at last, day one purchase for me, now bring us ninja gaiden, nioh and other m
@gloom So you’re... gloomy about the trailer? Sorry, couldn’t resist a pun!
@Rika_Yoshitake You're so on point it hurts XD
Tough luck on Sony's side.
Won't be surprised if we see more companies flock to the Switch.
Senran Kagura followed DOA's footsteps. Degrading a good fighting game into a nourishment for teenage boys' hormone.
Yep dont care, im buying.
Imagine the hysteria if a western studio tried to release this type of game? Lol. The thought police would soon stamp it out. Must be nice to have the freedom to do crazy stuff like this.
Who would’ve thought that “technical hurdles” would be Sony crapping it’s pants and Team Ninja realising that they might be able to make some money on the switch. It’s kinda funny how “technical hurdles” kind of dissipate when there’s potential money to be made.....
@ThomasS is has some fun casino mode btw.
@Retupmocnin the difference is only that in DoAX games the volleyball game and the casino (in 3rd game) is solid for what it is while Senran Kagura has some fun fighting games but Reflexions is a €9,99 cash grab and that Pinball game is even worse and is €44,99...
Even for a true Senran Kagura fan both Switch games and Peach Beach Splash on PS4 are mediocre crap (and I am a SK fan)
Day one buy for me! My wife and I love these games and we own all the games except the first game on the original xbox.
@GarryTash wrong, there are still technical problems because DoA6 runs on a different engine and 2 DoAX3 uses 2 types of gaming engines and 1 of them is the light version on Vita.
DoA6 runs on a totally different engine
I think the Switch can handle boob jiggle physics.
Get ready for everyone to throw a fit again. Remember, unrealistically proportioned women in games and movies is insulting, but unrealistic men in games and movies isn't even worth mentioning!
One word: FICTION
I played the first game on Xbox. I thought at the time that it was a volleyball game which happened to have ladies in bikinis in the staring role. On closer inspection it was dress up simulator with a few rubbish mini games. I liked it.
Samus, Wii-Fit Trainer, Camilla and Rosalina as Switch exclusive characters?
I rather have a main series DoA on the Switch.
@Heavyarms55 the unrealistic men are muscled and powerful, the unrealistic women are sexy and servile. Don't pretend there's no difference.
Played the original loads on xbox, quality games and nigh on impossible to get the girls to accept and wear the smallest bikinis, so not as much of a perv fest as it looks (which isn't saying much).
Sees headline ... "DOA xxx coming to Switch". Gets excited.
Reads about "Xtreme" series ...
Goes from a likely purchase, to never will consider a purchase...
Back to waiting for DOA on the Switch...
@marck13 This is just spin-off of the real DOA fighting game series, don't mistake one on another. Which sadly most people tend to do.
This is exactly the DoA game I wanted on Switch! Loved the Vita version, really looking forward to this, and to Omega Labyrinth life
Not really a fan of this series. Now I'm a fan of the fighting series but a game in which all you do is see boobs bouncing is just boring. Just give us a true DOA game or a collection of the first 5 would be awesome.
@gazamataz "ladies in bikinis in the staring role"... The misspelling of "starring role" made me laugh so much, I kind of hope it was deliberate!
This is awesome news! I've been clamouring for a fresh Dead or Alive game on Nintendo consoles since being completely hooked on Dimensions back in the day, and while this isn't quite the Dead or Alive game that I wanted (I would kill for a complete port of V), the fact that they are bringing this sort of game to the Switch at all bodes well for future entries in the franchise.
I just hope that there will be a physical version of this, even if it is Japan/Asia exclusive like the last instalment.
Funnily enough, the first two games were rated PG (or at least the second game) for "Mild sexual references" in Australia. Nowadays, this sort of game is likely to receive an MA15+ or even R18+, which is, frankly, ridiculous considering that our R18+ rating places virtually no restrictions on nudity. Girls in swimsuits with exaggerated bounce are more likely to receive a harsher rating than depictions of full frontal nudity.
Ha ha, man, Nintendo is really shocking me with this generation of games.
i might just get this for the tatas
Love how anyone who doesn’t like games that do nothing but shove boobs and butts in your face get branded ‘puritan’ on this site. When the only appeal is sexual and it’s only women it can only possibly please straight men and (possibly) lesbian women. Straight women and gay men aren’t automatically ‘puritan’.
You need to accept that these games are divisive for a large number of reasons and not just ‘ugh liberals want to take my booby games away’.
Despite the knee-jerk reactions that happen with fanservicey games like this, I think it's harmless. I've even heard the gameplay for this can be legitimately fun as well, so I'm all for this.
That being said, it's not on the top of my list right now. But that's mostly because of the sheer amount of good games currently, and that soon will be, on the Switch. The next year seems like it might be hectic for me.
I think it’s great and a lot of fun with a good amount of laughs. What’s wrong with some erotic stuff in life? Not everything needs to be horror or violence.
For those who don’t like that, just ignore it. It couldn't be easier.
Curious that as the mainline series becomes a *little" less sexy on the Playstation, the full on fan service side series comes to Nintendo.
We live in strange times.
Oh good grief, why, why does this exist?!
Why not just bring a proper Dead or Alive game to the switch...even a port of the 3DS game would be better than this!
Since I have my reasons to doubt this will get a proper EU/US release (Koei are convinced it wouldn't sell all that well); I have to wonder- will importers be able to play this with the English text present in the Asian release of its PS4 and Vita counterparts?
If that's a yes, then I hope that the people awaiting this game with bated breath (fnerr fnerr) enjoy the region-free nature of the Switch and the ease of setting up a Japanese account.
@Rayquaza2510 very good points, I stand corrected.
I thought it was a fighting game
@1UP_MARIO This is the spin-off.
There's a video game version of "Keijo"? Who knew?
Hey now, they come after people who tell the truth too much
@ThomasS You seem quite jumpy. I never said they'll drop support for PS4 but instead flock to the Switch (as in they'll also port games for Switch as well which could possibly mean less exclusives for PS4). They'd be crazy if they actually went all in on the Switch and left the PS4 platform lol. Chill before you call others fanboys or at least ask em to explain their stance lol.
It might not be the exact Dead or Alive game the majority of Switch owners wanted to hear announced for the platform
Ya, I wouldn't be too sure about that 😆
Please, think of the children, seeing all this half-naked bodies...
How come for some people extreme violence is appropriate and partial nudity isn't? Some people still live in Mediaeval times. Let it be.
Not one person here said anything about any meme. The only one who needs to stop with the meme is people like you who bring it up as you constantly try to prove it's not true
You're wasting your time. As a general rule, the actual adults don't care because they're mature enough to not give a crap what others say, and the kids are too immature to let a thing like logic or evidence stop them from perpetuating a lie.
@1UP_MARIO The fighting games are just "Dead or Alive", without "Xtreme". 3DS received one, Dead or Alive Dimensions. Pretty good for being an early 3DS game.
So, how good is this as a arcade-style Volleyball game compared to other arcade sports games?
So, is it compareable to Sega's Beack Spikers/Virtua Tennis or Nintendo's Mario Sports games in gameplay quality?
Well, I already canceled no nut November next year.
Well, that's a day one purchase
I can see Switch's portability coming in handy for this game.
@Krull It was likely a Freudian slip 😀.
@gcunit think of the HD Rumble support ;p
Oh boy... Now they have to make a sequel with guys and girls so everyone is covered.
I imported the ps4 version because... I'm not sure anymore. The game is rubbish. Its really just an excuse to take creepy pictures of DOA girls in bikinis and that's really about it.
You can play Volleyball, but there really isn't a point to it.
I'd even say its worse than the previous 2 due to the presence of microtransactions.
I wouldn't buy it nowadays (my situation and lifestyle is different), but 10 years ago yes I would. I would rather have main entries in Dead or Alive.
I'm looking at the rippling waves, the sandy beaches, blue skies, beach huts and palm trees thinking...I want a new Wave Race.
Let the butt battles commence!
Played the original on XB1 and PSP version. They were kinda fun but i didn't read good reviews for this version. Too bad there was never a western release cause of sexism. And that was even before #metoo movement. So there's near zero chance. Only import/change shop region
It's not that it bothers me, it just brings the subject up unnecessarily, and thus keeps the topic alive, which is the exact opposite of what you want to see accomplished.
The best way to combat ignorance is to choke it out and suffocate it by not giving it any fuel to burn, and every time the subject is brought up it's like dousing gasoline on it all over again.
The first volleyball game was good but these aren't that great.
But bonus points for whining about thought police while literally attempting to police what people think guys.
It’s ridiculous that we as a society are okay with shooters, blood and gore, war, violence in any form. But when you see sexualized content THAT is where we draw the line.
I just want to blow that guy’s head off and see his guts spew everywhere but I will be OFFENDED if I see a boob bounce... 😒
In an age of interactive porn games on the internet, what's the point in this?
@Bevinator Although its coming out here anyway, so the 'thought police' can't be that bothered.
@Beatley82 bit different to it being developed in the west though! Do you honestly believe there wouldn’t be a big fuss?
Still so woke 😍
The first two Xtreme games were actually pretty good. There's nothing more joyous than seeing sun baked beaches as Bewitched trill Jessie Hold On. And Bewitched are bloody awful...
so no censorship of their outfits as well if loser gets stripped?
@BlueOcean As somebody who is interested in both (real) guys and girls, I can think of literally nothing worse. Guys in this kinda stuff have abs coming out of their abs like a Rob Liefeld drawing and girls in these games would legitimately fall over due to their tiny spines not being able to handle how top heavy their body is.
So, personally, I'm not a fan of this spinoff series, but I do like what this represents: an exodus of fanservice games and devs to Nintendo. More games coming to the platform, and, personally, I've really wanted to see the return of the Senran Kagura fighting games on the Switch, and I think that's just what will be happening soon.
I buy these games for the plot... Yes, the "plot".
Not interested but would have liked Dead or Alive 6 on the Switch. Loved Dimensions on the 3DS and 5 on the Vita. Would be nice to have a portable version of 6 at some point to continue the portable entries for the series.
I feel like the developers of this game had a certain demographic in mind but I just can't seem to put my finger on it. I guess it has bikini shopping in it so could they be marketing it to female swimmers?
What a great thing to see, first thing in the morning.
I do hope we get to see this game on the Switch.
Well didn't expect this at all. I guess they figure the market's there?
Nice please not let this be a stream game. Secondly koei has so far brought all games to switch beside Sony exclusive. So hope we get doa6 as well
Fully agree with you. These games are good for a laugh with some friends
It won't be released until NOA censors it to high heaven just to appease SJWs
@Shizuelle lol, indeed.
@Ralizah But hey, more for us...should be good, i suppose... maybe..
"Play on the go"
Best not.
@mikegamer Nah, they only censor first party titles now, don't they? SNK Heroines, Gal Gun 2 and Senran Kagura Reflexions all got uncensored
Dimensions was the DOA high point for me, it had the fluid style of DOA2 and a ton of free content. DOA5 would have been ok if it wasn't such a cash grab that put everything behind a $2000+ paywall.
DOA is my favorite fighting series and I hope that DOA6 is good, but Ill skip it if its another microtransaction battle. With that all in mind Id actually rather they make a Dimensions 2 style game for the Switch based on the DOA5 engine.
As for Xtreme 3, I owned one of the previous games on Xbox which cost me $2 from the bargin bin. Thats about all that id pay for this one too.
Nintendo need to get with the times. I thought the snapshot mode in Odyssey would finally allow me to photograph Peach suggestively in a bikini but it like won't even let me take up skirt photos ITS 2018 NINTENFO give me what I want. Also when is Zelda going to get a sexy makeover. Metroid is hot but I hope 4 ditches the armour and goes third person so we can see her. Also romance options in Animal Crossing I wanna seduce old Joan
This is one of the stupidest games I've ever seen.
@locky-mavo nah, Isabella and Pom Pom
Don't care, won't buy it and have no interest in playing it, but great for anyone who wants to play it. To those that do, I say enjoy.
I remember the first one on Xbox.
We already had broadband by then so it didn't appeal to anyone I knew really.
shut up and take my money!
@mikegamer nintendo is not going to censor these games since they want more rated m games for switch.
I have no problem with these types of games, I just wish the volleyball part was actually decent. I could use a good volleyball game.
@CaPPa "As for Xtreme 3, I owned one of the previous games on Xbox which cost me $2 from the bargin bin. Thats about all that id pay for this one too."
This tells alot xbox was a worthless system if you can buy it for only $2. And to think you can determine the price is a joke on you.
Awesome. Looking forward to it, as well as the Snowflake meltdowns
@shonenjump86 Volleyball Blast on Switch is surprisingly solid.
@PLAYwithGregg alright, thanks for the heads up on that. I’ll have to check it out.
Well Metropolis Lux Obscura made it to the Switch with graphic sex scenes and nudity, so...
@gokev13 Its targeting people who like decent sport games, and people who like to see women in swimsuits.
I had a friend who had the first one. He insisted he liked it because of the item collecting and minigames, but it was obvious that he just wanted to oggle some digital cheesecake. I have no philosophical problem with this except to the extend that the playing field is not equal. If women or queerfolk want to oggle beefcake they're relegated to the doldrums of a yaoi deviant art account. Wherefore art thou, legit Hyabusa goods?
Wait what? What twilight world is this? Can we get a DOA FIGHTING game please?
Nice. Now bring DOA 6.
Hell.....YES! Yes, yes, yes, yes!!!
Can Outlaw Volleyball get a Switch revival?
@CaPPa Calling everything in DOA5 behind paywall is an exaggeration. If you just bought the game, you'll get everything you need for a fighting game. Story mode, arcade mode, survival mode, team battle, training mode etc, and most importantly a lot of characters with varied style that you can play with. Sure, there are DLC characters but the game is already full of characters enough for you to master in your lifetime.
Those $2000 worth of DLCs are mostly costumes that add nothing to the gameplay, they won't make you any better in online play and won't even show up in story mode cutscenes. Those costumes are mostly seasonal and promotional. In short, buying just the base game alone is enough, it's a complete game on its own similar to any game before it.
And yes, I know there is free to play version where you have to buy everything including the modes, but that's just alternative version and can't be compared to the main version that is the retail one.
@tudsworth really wish devs would give us discounts for owning their game in another region. I had to double dip on Senran Kagura because I made a Japanese account to play it's original Switch release and then we were surprised with a unedited localized release months later.
@Franklin Well, the PS4 version has a VR mode.
As for Switch....the ol' everything's coming to Switch thing.
@tobibra I wouldn't know, not a fan of anime/weab genre of games to be blunt.
@PrincessBowsette I guess so
I enjoyed the first one for Xbox much to my surprise. The crazy part is I'd play this due to me always liking the girls of DOA. Damn you Ayane!
Day 1 buy. Hope to see some of the main fighting games come over as well.
@SnowFox cant believe sony is pulling the old nintendo by censoring crap while the new nintendo we have wants less censorship games wat a time to be alive.
If physical I'll buy it.
@ThomasS @BladedKnight Go ahead and misinterpret it then. The first statement is obviously a jab at Sony but by no means did I suggest that companies will leave Sony to completely work with Nintendo coz that's clearly ridiculous. There's a difference between a jab and plain fanboying. I don't hate the PS4 in the first place XD
Remember how I was complaining the other day about the one-handed controls for Pokemon Let’s Go? I take it back.
I'm sure these games have some legitimately fun aspects to them, but it's no secret that the whole point is simply for guys to see softcore porn. And if that's your jam, awesome. If not, don't get it. Simple as that. I mean, I enjoyed watching the trailer as much as the next guy, but it's not a game I'd ever buy. To each his own with no judgements either way.
If they do this as they want without censorship? And they bring it west? Honestly?
...I would buy this... ._.'
I'll import it...for the plot of course!
For everyone acting like this is some big move away from Sony... Scarlet was announced as coming for PS4 AND Switch. It’s an upgraded version of DOAX3 from PS4/Vita.
Scarlet contains new characters Misaki and another to be announced new character; new characters will also be available as DLC for PS4’s DOAX3 Fortune. PS4 version is 60fps and 1080p, Switch is 30fps and 900p (docked)/720p (portable). Switch is also going to be getting a free to play version, more details to come.
I actually got my Xbox and first Xbox 360 consoles for free.
And of course I can determine the price of a game, because its whatever id be willing to pay for it.
Bought Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 on PS4.
It's not a good game... Or maybe not even a game...
There is no content besides changing bikini...
@firenze ps4 version is going to be censored while switch version will not be censored.
@PLAYwithGregg Indeed lol;)
I recall people complaining that the evil SJWs prevented this game from reaching us. Drat. I thought then SJWs were all powerful.
Day one buy. Can't wait.
@CaPPa yea keep saying that and it must be true. Typical trolls.
@brandonbwii Well, the original version of DoAX3 never did. This is a new version, out in Japan next March unless delayed. For all we know SJWs might get this version stopped too. Gonna preorder the Japanese collectors edition just in case.
@Ryu_Niiyama Love your icon just noticed that was from Bakuman just recently re-watched that series again one of my fav's.
Saying what? Are you hearing voices in your head, because your comments seem random and nonscensical.
Oh there is definitely a game in DOA5, I had it for the PS3, but if you happened to want everything (because people do like to collect things) then the volume of microtransactions is ridiculous. Yes its all optional but its still ridiculous and Im not sure how anyone can be in favor of them.
I would 100% prefer outfits that are unlocked through gameplay or given as bonuses.
@dougphisig My avatar is from a Mercedes Benz commercial. I only use avatars that feature the jelectropop group, Perfume. Never heard of the anime you mentioned.
@Ryu_Niiyama ah looks alot like a scene from that anime i mentioned oh well
I prefer this than DOA 6 XD
@CaPPa geezes and they get mad don't they.
@CaPPa The thing is those DLC costumes are mostly promotional and seasonal, as I said before. Do you think they can fit 5 years worth of Halloween or Christmas costumes from day one? No they can't, and it makes more sense to release them in timely manner fitting the theme. And no way Tecmo can predict what company they can partner with for crossover costumes later, as they did with SNK and Falcom. So the argument that they should have include ALL the costumes is wishful thinking. Look, I dislike DLC practice too but let's be realistic here, DOA5 wouldn't ever get released if Tecmo tried to cram all those costumes in the base game from day one.
And there's enough costumes in the game for you to unlock in the game to begin with, on-par with past games including Dimensions. It's not like you only have one costume and must buy the rest.
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