As we've already covered, the only way to get the legendary Pokémon Mew in Pokémon: Let’s Go is to buy the Poké Ball Plus device (brand new, we should add) and transfer the 'mon contained within.
It's important to remember that this is very much a one-time deal; once Mew has been transferred from that particular Poké Ball Plus, it can never, ever be accessed again.
In case you needed proof of this, Nintendo Soup has reported that one user, who was unhappy with the transferred Mew's stats, decided to delete their save file in the expectation that they'd be able to transfer Mew a second time and perhaps get better stats.
As you might expect, they were less than happy when they realised the Mew inside the Poké Ball Plus had gone for good.
Here's what Nintendo says on the topic:
Mew can only be transferred ONE TIME, into one copy of Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! or Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee!.
Once it has been transferred to a game, it will no longer be available on the Poké Ball Plus to transfer again to a different game.
Deleting a save file with Mew in it will also delete Mew. If you have deleted a game with Mew, you will not be able to get Mew a second time on a new game from the same Poké Ball Plus.
The only solution, should you do this, is to buy a second Poké Ball Plus. Gulp.
[source, via]
Comments 126
Solution: Catch Mew in Pokemon GO, and send it over to Let's Go!
...err wait, you can't...
Hahaha! Oh dear. Well that was jolly unsporting of Ninty to not let us do the equivalent of a soft-reset for stats with the PBP
Hopefully the full Pokermans game coming later next year will allow us to transfer the Mew into it?
So if you re-play the game you cannot get mew, unless you buy a new pokeball? That's nice of Nintendo
@Kit It's a tough one, because if you could reset the PBP, then what's stopping you from distributing it with other players for a profit? I guess a better solution would have been to make Mew available in the game without the PBP, rather than use this as an incentive to buy the device.
@Bunkerneath I'm not sure, but I think you can put pokemon into the ball, so maybe you can put Mew back before reseting the game. If something happens to the Switch though...
Well that sucks Pokeballs doesn't it Nintendo
This deal is getting worse all the time.
With that title I almost thought voiceoverpete teamed up with gamefreak for a new pokemon commercial.
Well... obviously...
@Damo That's just what I was thinking. Where Let's Go is aimed partially at Pokémon Go players with large player communities, I could imagine one Pokéball Plus sharing out 10-15 Mews.
While it is disheartening to see Nintendo being quite so ruthless when it comes to selling such a fun toy... this is not the first time we've had one-time Pokémon we could not reset. Pokémon from live events, download codes or online downloads (with the ribbons that prevent you from trading?)
Personally I got my Pokéball Plus for Pokémon Go & as a nice gimmick, the Mew was a bonus. If you were planning on sharing Mews out like the Milky Bar Kid, then it pays to research prior to purchase.
It’ll all be okay when, months from now, Mew is available via Mystery Gift through the news feed or an announcement.
I understand it in a way: if you could get Mew over and over again, you could freely (or for money) distribute it to other players, without them having to buy the PBP. It’s like a (very expensive) download code.
On the other hand, the Mew inclusion in the PBP is kinda crappy. As a way of making people buy the controller, I think it’s on the same level as microtransactions and other shameless stuff the companies offer these days.
Of course you could get the game without the controller, like I did, but if you’re a completionist it might be hard to pass on the PBP, as you would miss out on Mew.
So if my Mew has 0 IVs in anything or a Speed reducing nature, I'm stuck with it. Great.
I was not planning on buying pokeball, however, that does seem unfair, considering the fact that you cannot backup Let's Go saves, since the cloud backup is disabled here. So, if something ever goes wrong, and you bought the accessory wanting to get Mew, you're out of luck...
That’s kind of ridiculous. There should be a way to reset the ball to its factory settings
@Medic_alert You're thinking of the games themselves. When you download a Pokémon to your game from a download code it's a single use and has been for years.
@LUIGITORNADO Maybe there is but the instructions with it are that terrible. I wonder if anyone has tried leaving one in a freezer?
I wonder if you can actually trade you pokeball Mew tho. I have 2 as my first ball was faulty so I went and swapped it and now have another Mew squeeling at me from inside it. Not taking it out tho yet.
have you guys seen the user score for this game on Metacritic ? xD
I also got a key chain as a 'BONUS' for pre ordering the game.
I only got one of those too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@vitelus Shows how most of the 'professional' reviews, including the one on this very website, were paid for. Not one website even published a negative review and most went out of their way to make sure negative aspects were kept out of the spotlight as much as possible! Also take a look at the users scoring it 10/10, all of them have never played any other Pokémon game than Go and/or RBY. If it had had any other name than Pokémon, no one would have bought it.
mixed with the impossible cloud save, it's a perfect combo
@c2017nlifemedia @Vitelus You could equally ask how many of the negative 0/0 reviews were written by long time players on the day of release - how many of them have actually played the game or gave it a fair chance? Plus when a game is getting so much negative response prior to release, isn't it only natural for critics enjoying a game to focus on the positive?
I've played Pokémon since RBY (including all mainline games, Ranger, Channel etc.), am a dedicated lv40 Pokémon Go player & played the TCG back in my Yu-Gi-Oh! days... and I think Lets Go is fun but flawed. It definitely could have done with a "hard mode" for long time players & the throwing mechanic needs more refining. Personally I'd give Let's Go a high 7/10.
It's DEFINITELY better than the dumpster fire that was Colosseum on the Gamecube & that has a userscore of 7.8 on Metacritic. -facepalm-
They could have at list find a way to link your pokeball plus to your account the same way you can claim gold points only once for each game. This way you'd get a fresh Mew in case you delete your save.
This is a download code in the form of a Pokéball. Once redeemed, it can't be redeemed again, as many readers have said. The rest, including this article, belongs to the internet whining side of world. Keep Calm and stay away from whining.
I don't think that consinders as 'whining'. The ONLY way (right now as of typing this in November '18) to obtain a Mew is to buy the PBP. Once you lose your safe file, keep in mind there's no cloud backup for Let's Go, the Mew is gone for good. That wouldn't be a problem when the code/Mew was free or tied to the Nintendo account, but it's tied to an expensive accessoire as a one time use. I get that those 'codes' always worked this way, but that doesn't mean there could be a much better way of handling it. Just like I said, it should've been a code that ties to you account like a DLC and everytime you start a new game, Mew could be sitting in the ingame storage system.
So this means only one of my two kids that will be playing this game on Christmas Day can get Mew? On the same Switch. Explain that to my kiddies Nintendo...
@RennanNT This! Anyone confirm?
As mentioned above, redeemed once yes. But I've never seen DLC that I couldn't redownload at a later date. It's also really expensive for DLC. It's really anti-consumer and shouldn't be accepted and I hope it's not accepted by the community because one time download DLC should not become the norm. Is whining about the whiners the good part of the internet?
Solution: always do some research and make and informed decision before purchasing these things!
Thanks for supporting shady practices, Pokemo-, I mean, Let's Go fans!
That's one of those 'trade it to a trust friend before resetting the game' things. That way in theory you could get it back from them once you start your new save. Though honestly, is there anything stopping ya from just making a new save on a different account on your switch? I mean sure you wouldn't have mew in it, but if you just wanted to replay the bulk of the game you could without deleting the original. I could be wrong though.
@cleveland124 Just because this needs reiterating, single-use pokémon download codes have existed since at least Pokémon Black & White back in 2011... you could only us them once & then NEVER again, even if you deleted your game. If you've never downloaded DLC that you could not redownload later, welcome to Pokémon.
However, the PRICE of the download is another question... personally I think Nintendo should have also announced that Mew could be obtained free later on via online downloads. I would still have bought the PBP anyway. The Pokéball Plus is actually pretty decent value as a controller/Pokémon Go accessory. It's only expensive if you're only buying it for the Mew.
Gotcha Ranger - £42, does not work as a controller on your Switch.
Joycon £42 - does not work as a Go Plus/Gotcha
Pokeball Plus - £45 does both
Kind of makes sense to avoid people freely spreading Mews left right and centre but the least Nintendo could have done is include a warning on the box or a big insert sheet or a sticker on the Pokeball stating it is a one Mee transfer.
@Velocirapstar Also you can only perform the transfer with your Switch balanced on this Unicycle.
I have altered the Deal. Pray I do not alter it any further!
Admittedly not a Pokemon player so I wasn't aware that Nintendo had issued one time download codes in the past. But the idea is still shocking to me as someone who has downloaded alot and it seems its only been used by Nintendo. So I still hate it and hope it doesn't get supported because I buy many Nintendo items and don't want to see this model pushed to other games. Price is always subjective I guess, though the Pokeball seems way more limited than a standard joycon to me.
My question is whether retailers can reset it, or will buying a used pbp(once it is old enough to be used) not come with mew? I mean, I already purchased the pbp but if retailers can reset it then I could get a used one, removed mew from it, return it for full price(they let you do that for a week with used items at GameStop) and get infinite mew.
@Other-Brother Yeah, from what I can tell Nintendo used it as an incentive to buy the Pokeball but for my two sons and I it was an incentive not to buy it. Game is still in the box waiting to be put under the tree, hoping there aren't any other surprises, Nintendo always seems to find a way to annoy me, hopefully this is it.
1 Mew for a $50 device that technically should probably only be $20
No cloud saves
No Pro support
Only option to turn off motion is to play in handheld mode, meaning there IS an option, we just can't use it on the tv, which is a stupid decision.
That's enough negativity for 1 game I hope.
Let's pretend this is gonna affect anyone with a brain and make an outrage about it.
Back then we had to bring our Game Boys and link cables to time-limited live events hundreds of miles away to get one Mew. Nowadays you can just buy a stylish controller in the nearest shop and get one of those elusive Mew's with it.
Of course Nintendo would not develop a Mew-producing cheat factory accessoire / controller.
That presumptious cheater-wannabe should have read the manual: "You can only receive Mew once from a single Poké Ball Plus. Please make sure to save your game after transferring Mew into Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! or Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! Also take care to not accidentally delete your save data."
There is not lack of common sense today compared to the past. A combination of internet anonymity with unprecedented access to share and post things results in people often sharing the worse things about humanity. Had the internet been around 50 years ago, I have no doubt that posts would be similar.
@cleveland124 That's okay, it seems most people that aren't long time Pokémon players don't understand about the one-time download codes either, but they've been around nearly a decade and they're still around today... I believe they're doing one for Ho-oh and Lugia for Sun/Moon at the moment.
I believe the main reason that Nintendo/Gamefreak lock the codes to a single use is to prevent people resetting for special legendary pokémon (so everyone in the world has perfect ones/game balance) and to make people trade - they've always been about making the game community focussed.
I agree I wouldn't want to see this spread to other companies (or other games owned by Nintendo like Smash Brothers). I think it's only unique to Pokémon because of the pokémons randomised stats. As for the price of the ball... I'd have wanted it cheaper to compete with the other accessories, but indeed it's subjective.
I guess I think the solution to people trying to get better stats is simple with our modern tech. Activate the code online and at that time tie the character and generated stats to the online activation. Thus if you delete and redownload you always get the same stats and would gain no benefit in regenerating stats.
@rjejr Chill. Forcing players to use certain modes is nothing new for Nintendo, cough cough Splatoon. Also why should it be $20. It’s basically a joycon with less buttons, rgb lights, a speaker and Pokémon go support, that probably adds $10 to the already $40 joycons.
Once per save file I not only understand, but agree with. Once per device is in your face greed. Imagine you buy the game for your kids (S, as in plural) you expect that since both kids have their own account on the Switch, they will both get the mew and even you can get one too when you play after they go to bed...
Nope! Absurd, but I bet you the cost of one of these controllers that that limitation was pushed on the dev team by the marketing/business side of Game Freak.
It's almost as if Nintendo put this on their product website...
If only there was an article mentioning this before the game released.
@cleveland124 Indeed, though historically Nintendo/Gamefreak has never required an online account.. only access to the internet so the download would have to be tied to the ID of the physical cartridge & then store that information effectively forever as you can still move new pokémon from Pokémon Ruby (2002) into the current games.
As an aside, as someone that was very young prior to the internet... I remember people being jerks then too.
.... So you can't redeem your download code more than once!? How greedy! I wanted a whole team of news by transferring it to Pokemon Go and doing that a few times! Sarcasm over
Honestly this isn't rocket science.... I mean common sense indicates that yeah, once used that's it.
And many people buy the accessory to play with it (at least I did) and having mew was a bonus..... So I don't see how they are greedy. Many legendaries can't be caught unless there are mystery gifts in any Pokemon game..... So what else is new? People love to jump on the 'nintendo is greedy ' train before actually giving it a second thought ... smh
Too bad there isn't some mobile game that connects to Pokemon Let's Go that you can trade different legendaries and Pokemon with.|
Yikes, it's almost as if you don't need the pokeball shaped joycon to play the game.
Or you know, link your game to your PKMNGo account.
Not forever, just like the wii all digital content becomes innaccessible at some point. And these files are so small I can't imagine they'd take up any real server space.
That said this is a physical device. Another super easy implementation would be to put a tiny amount of flash memory (like amiibo) and at time of registering lock the generated stats down and tie to the nintendo account so you can't use to cheat or give to multiple people.
why is mew closed off in a peripheral seriously its very dodgy that companies still do this
Well I mean this does make sense. If you could just get a Mew whenever you wanted, then there would be Mews everywhere. That said, Nintendo/Game Freak locking Mew behind 50 bucks is shady for sure. I love Mew just as much as everyone else, but I just can't justify it.
@Velocirapstar I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further.
Allege shady practices aside at the moment, didn't this person think that it will work like a download code or the very least go online to find out beforehand (like Hobbitgamer linked)? That is a pretty risky jump to take for getting better stats on a Mystic Pokemon from a $40 or $50 device.
Yeah they made that pretty clear before
This is stupid, who the hell cares if people give Mew to their friends.
You deleted your save, it was super effective.
@Powerballad You used Full Restore. It has no affect on Mew.
@Powerballad OK, THAT was brilliant! Well done
@HobbitGamer also brilliant
Well yeah, no duh. If you transfer something out of something, it's no longer inside it.
Why is this a surprise to people? It's just like the download codes you get for Pokemon in other games. And don't say, "Yea, but this is $50." because if you're paying $50 just so you can have Mew you're quite frankly an idiot. I mean, it's pretty obvious they're going to let you get Mew some other way down the road. It's just a neat bonus for early adopters.
@Yorumi I was referring to download code like the Legendary ones that are being given out at select stores for a limited time in NA, not downloadable content (dlc).
Now that I type them both out, they both could share the same abbreviation. Guess I should of mention mystery gift.
So I read it but don't see anything related to if another family member uses the same game but on their own account on the Switch would that mean on their side they can get mew or is that a no go? Does anyone have this setup and if so did they try and see what happened?
But can you transfer Mew back to the Pokemon Ball Plus though before you delete your save file? If it's only a one time deal and is perma gone for good then they should allow the ability to transfer it back to the Pokemon Ball Plus since rightfully the creature is already yours for buying the device.
Can you trade a Mew from Go to Let's Go? Has Go had a Mew event yet where you can catch it?
@RennanNT If something happens to the switch it has cloud saves now, right?
HAHA, I feel like this is a "well, duh" moment. Sucks for the person involved though but maybe instead of being super paranoid about stats, just enjoy the game.
Haha. Well that's pretty obvoous, never did anywhere they state it would be more than one mew per ball.
It was a pokeball containing a mew. Mew is not dlc, mew is a pokemon. You can't expect your pokeball to still have a mew in it after you remove it.
For those worried about losing mew and wanting to start a new file, just trade it to a friend who will be able to return it.
Only solution is a new amiibo. Get to work ninty
I wouldn’t be surprised if this gets a patch to somehow get Mew in the game or there is an event distribution of Mew in like 6 months. At this point it doesn’t feel very hard to get Pokemon, I stopped doing the distribution events on the 3DS because they started to feel repetitive. Looking forward to the new generation on switch!
I made an account on this site just to say this, the person mentioned in the article is a straight up idiot and has never SRd for a Pokemon before. What you're supposed to do is save in front of the delivery man, grab the mew, check it's stats, and reset the game if it's stats are not to your liking. You do not delete your save file, it's just like a regular download code packaged with a controller, all of this outrage is stupid.
I don't see why people are so surprised to see this as it is very clearly a controller with a pokewalker like concept. And while it might be hard to believe a controller isn't tied to your game or account and therefore doesn't have a clue if you deleted your save or not. And on top of that that isn't at all how resetting for a Pokemon works. If you screw up getting a new that's your fault not Nintendo trying to screw you out of your money.
Weren't there warnings that the Mew was one-time only? This isn't new - TPC has been doing the "single code/download only" for years.
While I agree - despite the reasoning why this allegedly shouldn't happen - that the Let's Go games should be open to cloud backups, it's hard to excuse the cluelessness of the user who deleted their save.
Here in Indonesia, 1 Pokeball controller = IDR 900,000 / US$ 60.
I think i will buy the Standard copy first (without Pokeball) since i'm really broke right now.
@Velocirapstar Pray they don't alter it any further
Link to one account, done. It's not hard to account link items/unlocks. They literally already have infrastructure. When I boot up BoTW it knows i purchased the DLC because a magical yes/no flag is set on the nintendo account
Leave it to nintendo though to create a convoluted one time process that can not only only be done once, but has a chance to fail and can't even bother to set an account flag to future proof it while still locking it to one time.
Looking for better stats for Let's Go? Does that even matter?
Hackers, get to work!
@Yurumi So make another profile to replay the games with. Sure you cant get Mew again but you can still replay the game. I made one called EX just so if I ever needed to play a game but didn't want to delete my save data.
@Yorumi that is also true. Oddly enough there are even people that complain about those with commute cost, store employees, and human interaction lol. But yep different cause, different perspectives, the spice of life.
40 or $50 peripheral with a bonus Pokemon or 40 or $50 Pokemon with free peripheral
It is funny because I just imagine myself shaking a cane saying people these days have it good. Back in my days (early 00s) only gamers in Japan got rare Pokemons like Celebi & in-game events and having your game erased was as easy as having your friend start a new game and save over your file.
@WhoaManWtF The Switch has cloud saves, but it's disabled for Splatoon 2 and Pokemon.
Man, I love how much integrity Game Freak have for their games. Not happy with your free Mew? Well, tough you ungrateful sod. Now you don't have one. Hope you are happy. Lol.
How are people surprised by this? It's no different than the other event Pokémon given out via just so happens that the "code" involves buying a peripheral (that some were going to buy anyway...there was similar anger directed at the Poké Walkers for HG/SS) instead of just asking an employee for it.
@GrailUK - What good does it do to get a perfectly competitive event Pokémon when most competitive battles deny entry to those Pokémon? Why people can't be happy just receiving the Pokémon is beyond me...
@Devlind - Doesn't matter for the core games, honestly...why it matters now, I can't say.
@Alsebra I know right.
So does anyone know if another family loads up their account would that means they don't get a mew on their account?
And yet people wonder WHY people playing Pokémon end up cheating.
@AlexSora89 and yet before that people always cheated when they loose. There are those who win and those who lose. That's gaming your not special so lets get that straight.
A reminder, you didn't pay for Mew, you paid for a special controller for Let's Go, which doubles as a Pokemon Go Plus (also worth $60), that had a Mew inside.
If you want to play a new file, create another account your Switch. You cannot get Mew but it keeps Mew safe in your main game. Besides, I can see them offering Mew again as a limited time offer a few months down the line.
I've seen the question 2 time but if we put Mew on de PBP before reset the game and put it back in the game will it work? I don't care about it's stat but if I want to start a new fresh game I can't find a way to do it on my account...
And this is why people hack Nintendo games. This, right here
I'm not a "loser", I couldn't be bothered by playing Pokémon competitively even under torture given all the hard work that goes into it. That doesn't mean I can't get annoyed by the great lengths the franchise sometimes goes for the sake of putting players back to square one.
The reason the Pokémon Company is so against cheating and such? The singular creatures, each one of them, are basically exploitable for money. Fair play got nothing to do with it, it's more of a front if anything. The real reason is every one of the individual Pokémon, while at its core being part of the game's code, is actually treated like some kind of snowflake, is because anything below a 60% availability rate can - and will - be eventually sold.
The most this attitude has earned, however, aside from alienation from former fans who feel they've outgrown the franchise, is keeping Mad Catz and fellow cheating device manifacturers afloat thanks to the GameShark's and Action Replay's spikes in sales whenever Pokémon is involved. If you want any kind of proof concerning that, look no further than any boxart for the devices; for every Pokémon you spot, you can take a shot, if you're into drinking games (and live near a hospital, or possibly value your life very little).
As for me, I'm still as much of a fan as ever, I don't feel I've outgrown the franchise at all. I am, however, fed up with the worship the Pokémon series is starting to demand from its fanbase. The first blow the aforementioned "worship" - the one that I used to have as a kid - took was the dreaded "NEW GAME - OPTIONS" screen on my GBC Gen II titles, coupled with the lack of backwards compatibility in the Hoenn games (I might have been a preteen at the time, but the fact this helped the first Gen I remakes sell did not fly over my head); by now I'm well aware of how manipulatively the Pokémon franchise is handled, and I gleefully avoid getting too attached to the critters I've captured across the games (especially Pokémon GO, where this mentality reaches its nadir), and spend more time with other Nintendo franchises instead.
The one-time use of the Poké Ball Plus, for the sake of avoiding more than one player making use of one, is completely uncalled for; the fact apparently (as far as I can witness here) Nintendo only explained the fact outside the context of material provided within the Poké Ball Plus is flat out dishonest.
Between a Mew locked behind a paywall and the one prompted by the Mew Glitch in Gen I, I'll stick to the latter just because in that case it comes with the base product I've paid for. I also will defend Nintendo whenever I feel its detractors are wrong, because I'm just one big fanboy; this is not the case, as @ClampedDownHard put it best.
For those lacking here's some old news.
"Pokémon Go is an augmented reality (AR) mobile game developed and published by Niantic for iOS and Android devices."
So it didn't start from Nintendo for those wanting to say it this franchise was from Nintendo.
"The game is the result of a collaboration between Niantic and Nintendo by way of The Pokémon Company. "
People hacked game before and yet no one here is mentioning that fact. So why are they talking about those but make it sound like it's just Switch only.
No, download codes enable content on an account. You can re-download the content whenever.
Good thing I did not buy the Poke Ball used...
@SARankDirector $40 Joycon has lights for the battery. Also 1 has an NFC reader and the other an infrared camera. Also HD Rumble. Also bluetooth. Also 4 buttons, plus a stick, plus another 2 buttons on the side, plus a top button and trigger. And 1 has a share button the other Home. And 1 has a + button the other a - button. That's a WHOLE lot more buttons on the Joycon. They also come w/ a removable strap that covers the edge that is specially made to attach to the side of the Switch. Joycon are also very streamlined to hold all of that tech, Pokeball is a ball.
Do you still think a Pokeball Plus is worth $10 more than a Joycon?
This is a freaking cash grab
God forbid you'd want a shiny mew! xD
(This is one of the reasons I have given up on catching them all btw. There's always this one legendary you can't have or something.)
@TheBigK Just as if it was a Pre-Order download code yes.
There will be a lot of sad siblings this christmas
I love it!
So delete your Pokemon Let's Go save and you lose your Mew.
If only there was a way you could wirelessly back up you save to some sort of network storage that is a mass of computer storage nodes.
Oh wait Nintendo already sent us the FU on that one.
@Damo But can't you trade a Mew from GoPoo?
@garfreek - They tend to shiny-lock event Pokémon anyway...either they all are or none are. This is no different.
So that means each player must get their own Pokeball to get mew. That can be so cruel on so many levels. if my other family wants mew they need their own Pokeball. Man that could be going for broke now.
@rjejr "Do you still think a Pokeball Plus is worth $10 more than a Joycon?"
If you want Mew then yes. But that would mean each player needs their own Pokeballs to get Mew and it must be a "NEW". I find using the pokeball fun and a challenge and worth the cash grab.
He needs to sue their ass and get a ps4 and rdr 2 and be done with pretendo.
@SwitchForce I din't mean worth it to you, things are worth whatever people are willing to buy them for, hence eBay, I meant worth it form a strictly technology, design adn manufacture perspective. Value is subject, the cost to make something is real.
@Alsebra Well, I was referring to trying to get good stats in Pokémon Let's Go overall, not especifically Mew, but I agree. Unless you play competitive battles following Smogon rule set, there's little to no point in perfect mystical Pokémon other than bragging rights.
Possible solution: Try trading the Mew to a friend then trade it back??
Just thinking about this------uuuuuuuhghghghghhg (shuddering)
This is pretty dumb. So no cloud saves and the transfers a one time only thing. Hope your console never gets damaged or you want to swap it. Why couldn't they have required an internet connection at the time of redemption (only) and account locked it at the very least? Cheaters are going to find a way around all these restrictions and it'll be the legitimate players that ultimately suffer. It's not like the other promotional redemption methods don't all require an internet connection anyway.
People acting like hacking isn't easy and rampant in pokemon anyhow. Just gen 100 mews the way you want or get someone else to do it. Pokemon company allows cheating in their tournaments, its like the black markets in North Korea. Everyone knows its happening, but if you stop it, then everything collapses.
If you bought a $50 accessory just for some data I can only shake my head in disappointment. At least I have the honesty to say I let my inner child take grip and find the idea of throwing the pokeball immensely satisfying, dumb as that sounds to most crusty jaded gamers.
Look if that guy is so upset I'll literally just give him my Mew. I don't need it, its just been a nice little extra treat.
Now to be fair, it would have been nicer if you could redo it to get one with the nature you want or they should have just nature locked the mew to something neutral like the ashhat pikachus are.
@Damo I agree. Seems like a sloppy money grub to me. Shame on Nintendo for this one.
@rjejr The joy con doesn't have a speaker, also a joycon can't be used on Pokemon go which the pbp can. Also the pbp needs internal memory to store which Pokemon is on it as well as it's cry and have some sort of processor on the controller to be able to calculate how the Pokemon should react to you which probably all adds up to $10
@SARankDirector "which probably all adds up to $10"
So we agree, the Pokeball Plus is worth $10. 😉
Oof this wall of comments
This is a similar but not the same situation with one use download codes for the main series games.
Yes once you delete a save after using a code you won't be able to use it again however, in the main games you can soft reset before picking the pokemon up or you can soft reset before capturing the pokemon (depends on the event). In Let's Go Mew is automatically placed into your bag, so it's impossible to soft reset for that Mew as far as I can tell.
TL;DR (it's not even that long lol)
Main games: can soft reset for stat roll
Let's Go: can't soft reset for stat roll
@rjejr What I'm saying is that it adds up to $10 on top of the $40 joy cons
@SARankDirector "What I'm saying is that it adds up to $10 on top of the $40 joy cons"
I know, I was just messing with you. I still don't' quite understand how you think it's worth that, I mean I showed you those graphics of the 2 with all of what they have with little words and arrows pointing to everything, but if you STILL think that somehow a Pokeball is worth $10 more than the Joycon, well I guess you'll be getting your moneys' worth then.
Here's a thought, if the Pokeball is so good and so worth $10 more how about putting aside all of your Joycon for the month of December and only playing on your Switch with a Pokeball Plus and tell me if you still think it's worth $10 more. Gonna be tough using it with Labo I think. Kidding again BTW.
@rjejr Ok, I still agree that locking mew behind it is complete BS. It's a nice controller but no-one should be forced to purchase a controller just to 100% a game.
@SARankDirector Locking Mew to the Pokeball will be ok once they find out some other way to distribute him. Like as a Valentine's gift download to anyone who owns the game. It really seems like a pre-order bonus, only instead of locking him to the game they locked him to an unnecessary controller that costs $50 and only works with 1 Switch game and 1 mobile game Poekmon Go. In my experience pre-order bonuses usually show up in game eventually even if you didn't pre-order. Hopefully they'll figure out a way to give everyone Mew.
Mew is really just 1 aspect of the whole - your $60 base game wont' be complete until you spend more - current gaming climate. PRe-orders, DLC, loot boxes, ,icrotransactions, toys. Nintnedo tends not to lock too much with their amiibo btu they do lock some. OFocurs eamiibo are less than $20, nto $50, btu it's the same idea. Now companies are charging more for special editions and giving people who spend more a chance to play earlier, which is great for people with money, not so great for everyone else. Soon games will release on Tuesday for $90, $80 on Wed $70 on Thursday and $60 on Friday. Which brings up all kinds of issues of spoilers and people playing online games getting a head start go get better.
I don't know what the next thing will be after that, but there's always something to part us from our money. Microsoft nearly got boo'd off it's own stage when they announced Xbox One with all of it's restrictive DRM measures, so they won't announce any for Xbox Two, they'll just quietly put stuff out. That's how they learn, not to stop doing it, but to do it quietly.
Who knows, maybe Santa will bring all kids who open up Pokemon Let's Go games Christmas morning Mew as a download gift when they first turn it on, or sign up for NO to play online. I'd rather it get locked behind NO than the Pokeball Plus.
God thing for me my boys are teens and can handle the truth, no Mew for you.
@rjejr Ok
Oh Lord thanks for telling me I was about to do it to see all the cute cut senses again.
@Cosats Is it "whining" to say it's a bit absurd that after four $60 investments, an extra $50 each is asking a bit much? The average season pass is only around $30. I will gladly send you my donation link if you have $150 laying around that you really don't need.
I know I am a year late, but I got one of these as a Christmas gift this year (thanks to a deal at Best Buy). The person buying it did not know you needed a specific game. I ended up buying Shield, since it would have made sense for them to keep supporting such a clever little device. I quickly discovered that only Let's Go actually supported it and ordered a copy of that, too. While waiting for it to arrive, I ended up stumbling onto the Mystery Gift in Shield. I unlocked Mew in an effort to transfer it back to the ball for GO to automatically spin the stops. This was all well and good, until Let's Go arrived. I cannot transfer Mew and I cannot take anything for a walk because it will delete the data for Shield. They could have at least supported one per season. Last I checked, a PSN DLC for the PS4 would also unlock a counterpart on the VIta and that is a completely different system.
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