One of the main reasons to buy a physical game on the Nintendo Switch is to avoid using up extra space on the system and microSD card. In the case of Ubisoft's upcoming release Starlink: Battle for Atlas - out next Tuesday - it appears you're just going to have to accept defeat.
In case you missed the game's updated box art, a post on ResetEra has reaffirmed that owners of the physical copy of the game will be required to perform a 6GB update on release. To put this in perspective, that's roughly half the size of the digital version, which as we found out yesterday, comes in at 12.7GB. Either way, if you're planning to play this game featuring the Star Fox crew, you might want to start considering a bigger microSD card if you haven't already futureproofed your system's internal storage.
A 6GB download in 2018 might not seem like a big deal, but the size is magnified on the Switch due to the limited internal storage included with the system. The new memory requirements for Starlink are at least better than initial reports of a 15GB day one update.
What do you think about a 6GB day one update? Are you happy to use this amount of storage space? Have you been anticipating this release? Tell us below.
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Comments 159
I think it's only a question of cartridges size, that's all !
They don't want to pay extra costs for a bigger size cartridges... Done !
Not a big deal really.
@Kalmaro Seconded
people seem to think the system has 32GB internal storage, and that is partially true, however, upon actually examining, the space left after you register and update the first time is between 24GB-22GB, so yah, a 6GB day one download hits pretty hard
As long as the hit is on external storage, ok by me. But some games like NBA2k18 or South Park, insist on gobbling up your internal memory which can't be expanded.
Getting this Physical for the Starlink toys.
So 8gb card then?
In not happy about it.
The game could fit perfectly in a 16GB cart but Ubisoft is so cheap that they decided to use 8GB carts.
I know Nintendo can’t do anything about it, but I wish it could force publishers in to use proper sized carts.
Not a big deal to me, but a I bought physical for the figurines.
@jhewitt3476 Just buy an SD card. If you are fine buying a $75 game I think you could afford one, 128 microSD cards are usually going around on sale for about $25.
Honestly, you're way better off getting the digital version for this game anyways so...
Its a shame Nintendo delayed their bigger memory Switch Cartridges to next year. But hopefully once they release these minor issues will start getting resolved.
Another broken game, I'm out.
@link3710 Not really. I mean in order to play this game you need to purchase the physical figures and add-ons. So buying the physical copy would make much more sense in this specific scenario.
@jhewitt3476 I want to agree with you but this is hardly day one anymore. Switch has been out for over half a year, people should have a cheap memory card by now, or just archive the data of games they aren't currently playing or something.
So, 32GB Cartridges will be distributed on year 2019 ?
I keep cross my finger for Final Fantasy games (FF X/X-2 & FF XII) can be fit on 32 GB Cartridge.
@patbacknitro18 No you don't. The digital version is cheaper and doesn't require any toys to play, coming with digital versions of most of the figures, or all of them with the digital deluxe.
Day 1updates is a no go for me
@Cobalt well put.
@Anti-Matter Apparently. They were set to launch this year until Nintendo delayed them till next year, I don't believe they ever gave a specific reason as to why they were delayed.
It's better than the idea of a 15 GB day-one patch, but that's still a lotta gigs that could've been used for digital games..
Uh oh, my 64gb sd card isn't going to last too long at this rate...
32 GB cart is already available. Only 1 game uses it:
Btw, Starlink can easily fit into a 16GB card.
I mean compared to the 100gb plus games on PS4/Xbox One (hell, Black Ops 4 is getting a 50GB day one patch), this isn't that bad. Still isn't great though, but I blame this more on Ubisoft being cheap than anything. I'm still excited for the game though, and I bought a 400GB SD card because I go mostly digital.
@Dalarrun Yeah but you have 1Tb/To HDD not 32Gb/Go to store... That's a huge difference...
To get the same amount of storage between a PS4/XBOXONE and a Switch, you basically need to have :
32 SWITCHs to equal 1 PS4/XBOXONE in terms of storage... :/
Yea, we gots the normal paranoid crowd.
Why not wait for something official before claiming "its teh hidden free DLCz" or what have you.
I'm still buying this game, slightly annoying since Ubisoft could've used 16GB carts. Oh well, at least microsd cards are cheap and I still have plenty of room on my 128 GB.
It’s not the size of the required download that’s the problem (I have enough space). The issue is that you have to make a download when buying a physical game in order to get access to the whole thing. Put the game on bigger carts please!
I’m still on the fence regarding this game. It looks really cool, and I love Star Fox and space shooters, but I’m afraid it will be a little bit empty with the gimmicky toy thing being a central part of the gameplay. But I’ve read that the use of the different ships is optional and that you will be fine with only the starter pack. So I hope it’s more to the game than the toys. Will wait for reviews before deciding, but I must admit I’m a little bit tempted. Star Fox 64 (and especially the 3DS edition) is one of my alltime favorite games and this looks like a spiritual successor to that masterpiece. Perhaps Starlink is the follow up Lylat Wars deserves and that Nintendo so far has failed to deliver.
Yeah, I understand why they went with cartridges but at the same time you can only fit so much on 'em. So far the Switch has been mostly good about games being compressed or whatever well on the cartridges, it amazes me that Breath of the Wild can fit on a cartridge.
They have no problem in cutting content and put it in 99,99€ bundles, but hey, 16GB carts are too expensive these days!
Meh. They told us from the get go to get an SD card. One year in I still haven't bought one, but I want Okami and I only have 5GB left, time to splurge methinks.
So no one's going to point out that Nintendo could have just used a cheaper format for their games to ship on? I know, this is the part where I get told it's for piracy reasons even though it did nothing to stop it.
Nintendo should have just used more universal storage options. There have to be some and it would have been cheaper.
Hell they could have used SD cards since you have to have one to load the games and can download the games from the eshop onto one. I wonder if that would be cheaper than their half a game cards they used now.
Hold on a minute! ''Starlink: Battle For Atlas File-Size Is 12.7 GB On Nintendo Switch''
Last time I checked 12.7GB fits on a 16GB card. Unless they aren't using a 16GB card... Whether it's Ubisoft cheaping out, or Nintendo offering too expensive game cards, I don't know, we don't know what prices of these cards are. All I know is that I don't like it. This defeats the point of physical medium for me. In that case, I may as well buy it digitally, but I'm not paying €70 or whatever for a digital game...
So if you buy the game, but have poor internet, you can’t even play it? That barely seems legal. I’m out
@Octane I don't know what's going on with the pricing in Europe but I would recommend buying it off the US eShop for $59.99 for the digital version
Sick of this [removed]
Please mind your language - Octane
@Cobalt My Xbox One X has a 1 TB drive and is already nearly full with less games on it than my Switch with a 128 GB sd-card.
The average XBox game with 4K support is close to 100 GB in size. It’s a whole different league than with Nintendo Switch.
You are of course fogetting that both the PS4 and Xbox One are disc based systems,and therefore pretty much need massive installs on every game,so they will have storage issues too if you plan on owning a lot of games.
For those systems an aditional HDD drive is pretty much a must,so on the Switch you just need to upgrade your Micro SD card 256gb are very cheap these days.
I also like the way you state 1tb storage as if it were the norm on the Ps4 and Xbox One,there will be a lot of 500gb storage consoles out there too.
@WiltonRoots I would love to try Okami but I refuse to buy that game digital it should have released with some kind of special edition for people that want a physical copy. That would have been nice.
It’s just a messy set up.
@Cobalt Or just two SD cards
Like this one:
Also HOW would you think Nintendo would fit a 1TB HDD in a Nintendo Switch? It's NOT possible. It never was and never would be possible.
Sure they could opt for 1TB flash memory, but I know NOBODY wants to pay 1000+ dollar for a Switch. Because that would be the price for a Switch with 1TB flash storage.
And even increasing from 32GB to 128GB would easily add 100 dollar to the price of the Switch.
Releasing a 64GB Switch would've been around 50 dollar more expensive, which would still be doable. However, 64GB fills just as easily as 32GB. So you would still need an SD card really quickly.
@sandman89 @WiltonRoots ye could always try importing the japanese version of okami as it comes with an english version that the switch auto detects. I got my physical version off eBay. It was just a case of waiting an extra week for the game to ship to me.
@johnvboy Personally speaking, storage isn't an issue (although I guess something can be said about the measly 32GB of internal storage). If this game required a 5GB install? I'd have less problems with it. I'm just not a big fan of the fact that you need to download a part of the game. The Wii shop is effectively shut down; what happens to this game 10-15 years from now when the Switch eShop is shut down? The entire game becomes unplayable if you don't have access to the eShop. If it's an install, you can always play the game, regardless of whether the 'patch' is still available or not. The game is only 12GB, so it could easily fit on a 16GB card; It shouldn't have been like this in the first place IMO.
A bigger memory for this game I guess, won't be a issue for most Starlink gamers who are will to invest in the expensive games toys. It's all part of the package.
For me, games with toys are a rip off.
@zool The toys are optional.
@link3710 Yep, I’m heavily leaning towards digital on this now, considering you’re getting much more content for less money.
There are 'must buy games' that have large update downloads, and then there is this. Probably would have bought it if was all on the cart, but now not fussed.
I was thinking if I should buy this game, now I know I wont. I will not buy games which skimp on cartridges. Unless I find at a discount bin for less than 20 bucks, I won't be playing it.
aaaaaaaand that's another reason why I'm waiting for Everspace.
My PS4 needed an expanded hard drive. My PS3 as well. My Wii U has a 1tb hdd. Whenever I want to update hearthstone on my iPhone. I have to offload a bunch of apps, and once it’s updated, redownload them. Well, my launch switch got a 256gb sdcard and I I haven’t had to worry about it since. This is what gaming is, even my pc had run out of space over the years. Too miss out on a game is your own fault for being stuck in the past whining about why every game isn’t 100% on a cartridge. Games used to be on 2 or 3, or 8 different discs sometimes. And I didn’t miss out on playing those ones if I wanted too.
@patbacknitro18 See I think you are wrong there (and Ubisoft’s decision on cart size more curious). If you download the deluxe ditigal edition, you get all of the ships/weapons/characters without the toys and at a much cheaper price. Ubisoft should have provided some additional incentive for the physical (and their toys) by avoiding the 6 GB burden on those wanting the physical.
Does anyone not have a Micro SD card at this point? It does make me laugh reading articles like this when most AAA games elsewhere are around a 40-50gb install these days if not higher
oh, they CAN do something. give the carts away.
but's it's Nintendo so don't come looking their way for logic and good decisions.
@jhewitt3476 mine had 25 gb after first start up.ill have to wait to get this game
Doesn't bother me too much, it would be better to have it all on the cart but it won't stop me from purchasing the game, i'm hugely excited for it, can't wait for it to arrive on tuesday
@link3710 it for £70!!!
@FlashmanHarry I did not know this. Thanks.
That’s a whole lot better than the initial rumored 15GB patch. It’s worth noting that Fire Emblem Warriors ended up with over 6GB of patches in the end, though that was after a hefty amount of post-launch DLC. I can manage to set aside that amount of space on my MicroSD card if the game is good enough. I’ll consider buying it now at some point in the future, though I still think they should’ve sprung for a larger game card.
@Cobalt as an indie developer do you know how much it costs the cartridges?
Initial hype had me on this but quickly faded with the more coming out on it. Cheaping out with a smaller card on $75 dollar game is just wrong. Also, not a fan of the game being geared for making additional purchases for weapons and ships.
No I don't, sadly I work only with digital...
I'm too small to produce games on cartridges or discs. :/
But I can get infos if you're interested in that. I have friends who work with bigger companies and even AAA companies for two of them.
Meanwhile PS4 gets a day one patch too, probably even a bigger one.
Think about that before complaining about this, day one patches are sadly a thing most AAA games do.
@patbacknitro18 not true one bit!
@sword_9mm I don’t think that “giving the carts away” can qualify as a logical or good decision...
They could try and make them as cheap as possible but, providing them for free? From a business point of view that’s quite ridiculous to be honest.
@Cobalt I was just curious to understand how much expensive is to get cartridges in comparison with blueray and how much more is for 16gb
@Frendo chill out mate, I know him and his opinions quite well.
Ok, when I'll get the infos, you'll be aware of that !
N has plenty of cash and actually this 'cart issue' is their own making. they did this in the snes/nes era and they're doing it again.
N never learns. i want mario on my PC now. i never would have said that years ago but now it's time. N needs to be a publisher; not a console company.
The eshop edition list the file size as 12.7GB or so, what if the 6GB day-one patch is on top of that digital file size? My guess, is that the day-one patch is mandatory whether you go physical or digital...
Nintendo going publisher only is not only a terrible idea (see-Sega) (See also-general effect on the industry from one less competitor) but less likely now than it has been for years.
As for the carts, they could give them away at cost but then we don’t know they already don’t.
SD cards or a portable hard drive have been required for Nintendo systems for a long time now, it is time people get used to the idea of needing extra storage.
True...but I doubt it very much that we will be playing this game 15 years from now.
I hate it when games do this. Day one patches are fine but this is just annoying.
I'll still get this eventually but come on.
I'm ok with that.
The inclusion of the Star Fox crew in this almost sold it to me already.
Still gonna wait for them reviews though.
@techdude Yeah, NBA 2K18 is ridiculous. I keep the cartridge as a collectors item, but since I like to keep lots of games on my system memory it's a hellish game to try to play. I'm still curious about starlink, but am afraid the frame rate might not hold up on Switch. Starfox on Wii U has a perfect frame rate and good gameplay. Why can't all developers just create a polygon budget and then stick to it to keep everything at maximum fluidity?
@Octane That is such a great point. Just like the very likely possibility of the NES games being disappeared from my Switch once I lose internet access, Nintendo online service stopping, or Nintendo just deciding for anti-consumer business reasons, these cartridge games could be useless junk once their patches aren't available anymore. That sucks! At least with Wolfenstein you can play a certain amount of the game off the cartridge without an internet connection.
I don’t know why people haven’t at least added a 64gb card to their switch by day one. 128 and 200gb cards have hit as low as $35, so there’s not much reason not to get one just in case. I know people want everything on the cart, but that’s not gonna happen. Not everything’s included on PS4 or XB1 discs, so why expect Nintendo to provide something better?
Didn't they say 15GB originally? I'm ok with a reduction...
I agree people should get a memory card, but product marketing has become so ingratiated and synonymous with "quality", people are afraid to buy the cards I resell on ebay and Amazon, 256GB cards for $25, I buy them for slightly less of course, but I test them and properly format for use in tablets and Switches, but it's the fact they are so low price and made by some no name company from China that makes people afraid, and my job of selling harder, so people feel forced to buy 128 & 256 card for $50-$80 and a lot of people feel if they are going to be forced to pay that price, they might as well just buy a lower capacity one cheaper and a cartridge game and switch the sd cards out
hi-cap cards won't come down any time soon as long as there is not a better and universal technology for storage, as long as they can get away with it, they will over charge for those cards as long as possible
it's the dark side of commerce, happens most commonly in the dairy and petroleum industry also
Why is 6GB a big deal? Wasn’t NBA 2K 30GB? Unless you don’t have an SD card you should be fine. And if you don’t £10 will score you a 64GB card.
@jhewitt3476 That's a reasonable concern, faulty parts.
Luckily for us, we can use cloud backup so even if memory cards fail, you have a backup for your backup!
I’ll admit that I still don’t have an SD card for the Switch so ... I guess I’m going to need one soon.
@maruse @OorWullie does either of you know how much numb nuts those comments are. Those aren't the industry standard SD cards. Put a little more brain beyond those kinda comments. Those aren't your standard SD cards.
@justin233 try MicroSD card.
@SwitchForce Yes, I know. What I didn’t know is that I had to be so specific to get my point across. 🤷♂️
@sanderev I can't see a physical copy price anywhere. Only starter packs at £70
@SwitchForce I didn't say they were, I'm well aware a Switch game card is not an SD card. All I said was "So 8gb card then?" meaning rather than a 16gb card that it should be coming on.
@Cobalt It’s a systemic problem in the industry - ever since the abilty for developers to update a game at any time became available to them, they take advantage of it to print the physical copy early, before the game is ready or fully tested, and then just continue to work on it until release (and beyond)... physical copies become basically access keys, which is rediculous.
It’s all about money and it’s a terrible trend that devs / publishers have been allowed to get away with.
Not paying for the larger cartridges has also been an added problem on top of this.
@Whalehome Just in time — Amazon has 128 GB cards for $24 today.
And agreed — all the moaning and wailing about storage space on the Switch is incredibly silly. I'd rather not pay inflated first-party prices for storage anyway. Just buy a healthy-sized card at a decent price, and never worry about it again.
@Whalehome Actually Nintendo is generally providing it - their first party games are ‘usually’ tested and fairly complete as a package before release... they are probably the only devs doing that in this age of dlc/updates.
They keep working on changes as do the others, but their games are usually a (at least reasonably) finished product when they are launched.
Why even have physical if they are essentially becoming just access keys... it’s a bad trend.
My 400GB card only has about 9GB left. Already downloaded Starlink, though. Although I wish I had pre-purchased the deluxe edition; I initially didn't realize there was a deluxe edition until right after I bought the regular version.
@dazzlerJJD The issue for me (or anyone) should not be ‘6Gb’ - it’s why is anything required when you’re buying a physical product... and the answer is simple... they can get away with producing and releasing the game early and can just keep working on it as long as they want.... instead of the technology of updates and dlc being used to ‘improve’ games in comparison to the older generations, the devs are taking advantage of this ability and releasing half finished games (which is more of an issue when buying a physical product).... the game cart that you buy is basically just becoming an ‘access key’ instead of the game... which is not great.
So what is the consensus of the people who read this article?
So they used a 8GB cart then, a shame.
@Cobalt what projects are you currently working on? Can I see some of your art?
No more Cloud Version, it's hassle streaming online storage.
So question for ya all. If I was to resell this cart and include a cheap microSD card with the update data on, would the new owner (who has no internet/ servers are down) be able to play the game?
For the moment you can see my avatar which is the character of my current game !
You'll see much more in 2019...
Another dumb article about gig size. When PS4 requires over 50 GB of hard drive space per game. Just buy an sd card people. Why is this an issue?
@RadioHedgeFund On the US it's only 60 though
@Cobalt Cool. Lookin’ forward to seeing more in 2019!
@Quarth if you get the digital version, it has the ships weapons and pilots unlocked digitally already instead of needing any toys, so you can get most/all of the content depending on which version you buy (60$/80$)
If Ubisoft didn't cheap out, I would have been day one on this but now I'll simply wait for clearance price (like what happened to all the other Toys to life games). All of this is because Ubisoft won't use a 16gb cart and instead wants to save a buck or 2 on the 8gb cart which is absolutely ridiculous. Bethesda (Skyrim) and NIS (Ys VIII) were willing to use 16gb carts for their titles so I don't understand Ubisoft's reasoning on this one. I'm also curious why Nintendo allowed them to do this considering the game uses their IP in such a high profile way, they use the 16gb carts all the time (Zelda, Xenoblade 2, Hyrule Warriors) so I'm pretty sure they would have cut Ubisoft a break on the cost difference. Strange but I'm sure this will hurt potential sales among physical buyers as many will now be hesitant to buy at full price due to this. I wish Nintendo would mandate digital only for titles that try to pull this. Outside of patches/updates, physical games should be complete on the cart! Now, these games will be trash in the future for new players when servers eventually shut down and you can't download the necessary data to play it.
@link3710 Thanks! But I’m also a sucker for physical video games (you might call it the ”collector’s aspect”).
@BensonUii Nice one thanks...
I'm just curious as to how big the save file is gonna be. If a silly basketball game's save file size is 5GB, then the size of a save file for an open world space combat game must be outta this world lol
@sanderev Why is built in memory more expensive than a SD card?
I said I'd boycott games that do this and I still stand by what I said. Not getting this, no matter how good it is, my money will rather go in games that will come complete on the cartridge. Plenty of those on the way as it is anyway and I already can't afford them all so Ubi helped making my choices just a little bit easier there.
It's not a big deal to me because I just make room for new games, I actually did have it preordered the physical version of the game but I ended uo downloading it to my Switch so happy plus it came with additional content, besides I have enough posters in my room
@Trajan SD cards are sold below MSRP. SD cards use lower quality flash memory than internal memory does. SD cards have a higher competition on the market. And they are slower.
If you look at a high speed SD card it's a lot more expensive.
Also the price increases I named are indications based on what usually is asked for that kind of internal storage. And even if the prices would have been lower, they would increase the overall price of the Switch.
For instance Apple still asks 100-200 euro's for double the storage on iPhones and iPads and such.
A Switch was sold initially for € 329,- here in the Netherlands, a 64 GB Switch would've been 360-375 euro. A 128 GB Switch would have been 400-425. Basically too expensive for 90% of their target audience and the Switch would have failed. And so, people demanding 64+GB on the Switch want the Switch to fail.
I've said it a million times now; Nintendo releasing the Switch with "only" 32 GB of internal storage was a wise decision on their part. Keeping the console cheap enough for younger gamers to buy, and offering SD card expansion for everyone else.
Also for this game, I feel like Ubisoft cheaped out with going for an 8GB cartridge. However I do think they will release updates / dlc down the line (with new toys etc). So it's not that big of a problem. Also I will buy the game day one.
@TreonsRealm Skyrim and Ys8 were rehashed old games that made their money ages ago. This is a brand new game that is still in the hole.
Zelda, Xenoblade 2, Hyrule Warriors were all published by Nintendo. This is a 3rd party game with a 2Hr StarFox DLC. The other 20Hrs has nothing to do with SF. Nintendo is not paying for that.
But yes, This not even in the top 100 on Amazon. A StarFox Skin was never going to save this. It will be in the bargain bin soon.
@sanderev I see what you mean. However 2 points:
1. Speed difference between SD card and internal storage isn't that great, and both have been tested to be faster than the Switch cartridges themselves.
2. Price difference leads us to another thing; Nintendo could possibly just make the internal storage for the OS itself and just include a SD card. The fact that the system takes SD cards implies that that should be the storage medium, not internal memory. This then leads us to view the 32gb as perfectly acceptable.
3. Apple's prices are not realistic. Go build one of their desktops and choose some of the upgraded items. Take thr upgrade from 32gb of DDR4 ECC to 64Gb. They charge $800 more, yet that upgrade cost is $100 more than the retail price. 32gb costs $300. So in reality you are paying $400 more for 64gb of DDR4 ECC because of Apple tax.
@baller98 So will I. I just want it for the Starfox plane and DLC Story mission. They say it is only 2hrs
I'm ok about the download. On PS4, I need to download crazy amount of data all the time even when I buy the disc.
Makes me laugh all the negative comments on here 😂😂😂😂
Old ports not acceptable. Partial download not acceptable. If the devs used a bigger card the whinge would then be the game cost too much lol.
Nothing is ever going to be good enough for you people.
@SwitchForce Who said they are regular SD cards?
You should try to comprehend what you read a little bit more before telling people to use their brains.
Toys to Life games almost always need big updates at launch... it's an expected part of the design of the game, which tends to need tweaking closer to release date as they work with external toy makers. Sure, it's theoretically possible to finalize all that stuff before printing games, but it would be a much harder task than a software-only product and of course publishers don't wanna wait.
Anyway, I'm preeeeeetty sure this isn't a Switch exclusive issue, it just hits a bit harder to some due to hardware design. For me, it's quite the opposite...not having to install every single game on the storage makes managing data SO MUCH EASIER.
I miss the days when a game was actually complete when you bought it. I guess Nintendo had to catch up with the times though, as incomplete games has been commonplace on MS/Sony consoles for a long time, sometimes they don't work at all without an update.
As for the storage issue, It doesn't really matter if a console has 32gb or 1tb; you either have to delete games or buy extra storage anyway. My Xbox One X is 1tb and I'm having to delete games so that I can fit RDR2 (over 100gb so far without the multiplayer) on it.
The game is expensive enough as it is. If they had to charge another tenner or whatever to ensure that the entirety of the game is on cartridge, then so bloody be it (or delay it until November to ensure that the content update is included on the cartridge instead of Ubisoft taking their typical strategy of release-now-fix-issues-later-at-the-customer's-expense).
We're talking about the same publisher that imposed a massive patch for Tetris Ultimate on consoles... TETRIS! A game that ridiculously simple should be bug-free.
What is even more infuriating is that people keep indulging this practice to the detriment of those who still care about quality and keeping games for prosperity.
This is ridiculous. What is the point of a physical game if the full game is not on the cartridge and requires a download. Years from now when the Switch becomes a retro console, you will not be able to play so many of these games because it requires a download. Imagine Snes games not being fully on the cartridge and requiring an additional download. Ubisoft is not even using the 8 gb cartridge, which is supposed to be the standard one Nintendo sells. I refuse to buy the game if the full game is not on cartridge. Furthermore I hate when gaming companies charge extra for their game on Switch vs other platforms and don't even spend the money on increased cartridge size. Nintendo and third party companies need to figure this issue out, because it is ruining the experience on Switch. Nintendo should share their tricks on how to compress file sizes. Why does it cost Nintendo so much for the Switch cartridges? Are they outsourcing production?
Guys, this is a toys-to-life game. They're going to cheap out in every way possible. No toys-to-life franchise has ever gone out of its way to provide material quality. They cheaped out on the cart? No duh, they're also going to cheap out on the plastic. Heirloom-quality Starfox figurines are not what you're going to get here. Don't judge by what you saw at the demos, those are not production sets.
I'm hoping the game will still be decent anyway.
Only commenting for the obligatory star fox avatar I've seen 'peppered' in the comments section.
This is why I don't see much point in buying physical anymore for the Switch. Only positive thing would be that you can sell the game or lend it to a friend.
@link3710 the digital version isnt cheaper though
Well, for this type of game I'm totally okay with that. In fact, they could have put the toy and a download code in the box and I would be okay with that too. I just hope that the game is as good as I hope....
6 gb? What the FOX?!!
Its not such a big deal, there's much worse. Doom needed 8gb just for online play. It is a bit of a ugcviyifcigc thing that they put it on an 8gb cart instead of 16 but doesn't matter to be honest.
Not like the 32gb internal storage is going to last, regardless you will need more storage... Im all physical except indies and some shovel ware so i only needed the 128gb one. Got the Nintendo branded one for 15% off on sale.
But yea getting worked up over this is meaningless.
Nowadays even with a 1TB hard drive, you'll be lucky to fit ten AAA games on your PS4/Xbox One. Like, who asks for developers to make their games so complicated that they need to be over 100GB?! Certainly not me.
It's hard to respect publishers who don't respect our storage space. Ewwbisoft at it again.
The thing is, Nintendo DOES have their games on the cartridge in full. Sure they have updates/patches, but I've never bought a first party Nintendo title and had to download part of the game because it didn't all fit on the cartridge/disc. We're seeing this problem with certain third party Switch games, that's all. I hate to say it, but people have to get used to it. Buying a third party game these days means that your physical copy mostly just gives you something to put on a shelf, you're still going to have to download part of it. Let's just be happy that Switch games aren't quite as bad about it as games on other consoles.
I read that Black Ops 4 requires a 50Gb day one patch, and that's an online-only game at full price. So basically, IF I WERE considering to get that, that would cost me full price for half (no dlc) a half (no single player) update of previous COD games which I got more than tired of by the time I put down World at War. I'll also need to pay a subscription fee to even play it, and all of my monthly internet data (yes, it's limited to 50Gb a month) which I'd need to play it as well. And it will be worthless in no time.
This is to Black Ops 4 what a musquito bite is to being slapped in the face repeatedly. It's just annoying, but I'll get over it and won't skip the experience behind it based on the presence of the musquito. The latter however... I find it very unsettling that there is even a market for that sort of thing, but who am I...
the 6gb update is the game itself which they forgot
@Cobalt But why not get a micro SD? Expandable storage isn’t new with consoles. Hell a 1TB PS4 didn’t even become standard until the Pro came out, 500 GBs to store all those massive games with the original PS4 I find way more inexcusible than Nintendo letting you buy a micro SD to store more games.
I’m still not sure if I want to buy the physical just to save that extra 6gb, now. I’m not too much into the toys to life concept, but the ships did look kind of cool in the demos. But if the production sets just end up looking like dollar tree toys, I think the better option may end up being the standard digital. Not only is it $15 cheaper, but you get a bunch of extra ships and pilots and weapons, that you would otherwise have to buy.
Not a problem. Bought a 128gb card on amazon for like $25. Only to find out that I just archive most the games I'm not playing.
Anyone happen to know if the digital pre-purchase will be playable at midnight (Mon/Tues) or if we need to wait till noon?
This article got me to cancel my $75 standard edition physical copy and get the $79 digital deluxe version with everything included. Even the standard digital version gives you more pilots, ships, and weapons. If you have too much money or kids that are dying for the physical toys the physical might appeal to you (still doesn't make sense), but this required update just adds insult to injury.
@xpromisedx But the standard digital gives you more weapons, ships, and pilots. The digital deluxe is only a few bucks more than the standard physical and gives you everything, which if you add it all up is the best value. If you get the physical or digital standard you will pay way more for all the ships, weapons, and pilots. Compare the content, not just the price tag.
@Krazzar ah i see! Thanks! Do you think it is worth it to buy the deluxe edition from the start? I dont care about any physicsl stuff anyway, I hate having studf standing around my home. I am the full digital type of player.
@Shambo : That sounds absolutely obscene. And to think that the only two Call of Duty games on Wii U were fully playable from the disc without any installations or downloads whatsoever. I think perhaps the ability for the game to be fully playable from the disc was what scared off the lazy third parties as opposed to a lack of power, because, for a time, the Wii U was (albeit briefly) the most powerful home console on the market.
It confounds me, at least for Xbox One (the later models anyway), that the games are not being shipped on UHD Blu-ray discs (which support higher bandwidth 50GB, 66GB and 100GB discs). The higher bandwidth of the 50GB disc, as opposed to the regular 50GB Blu-ray could also render it possible to play games directly from the disc without requiring a mandatory install. Does eficiency mean nothing to people anymore?
If it gets to a point that even Nintendo doesn't ship their games on physical media is when I will become a retro-only gamer (or perhaps migrate to PC where I can at least play the best version of modern games). It's unfortunate, because I have been avoiding PC games because almost none of them are being shipped on physical media (which baffles me as to why they even bother giving them shelf space when they are mere codes in a case).
It's just something you'll have to live with due to the Switch trying to be portable. Be thankful you aren't getting the same 50+GB required file size like the other consoles. THAT would be a problem.
What if you're offline?
Who cares. 6gb is small. I get updates in the Gigs, for Steam games daily. My 256gb card awaits. #GrowUp
@Silly_G Physical media is such a downgrade. I avoid it at all costs.
@Dalarrun Lucky for you, there are THOUSANDS of games, in the Sub 1gb range and no law is planned to force you to play huge games. 1tb is very small, for high-end gaming. Use an External to expand
Believe me, I don't even like most AAA games. Doesn't disprove my point that they're ridiculously big lol
@Cobalt indeed.
And now, another example of STUPIDITY !
Because Bandai Namco doesn't want to pay for a bigger cartridge, this is how they found a "great" solution to make the game fit. o_O
I'm tired of all those problems that Switch users have to deal with.
1st, the game looks and plays better somewhere else.
2nd, the game is already available somewhere else.
3rd, the game can't fit the size of a small cartridge so we just compress all the audio to the max... :/
@Cobalt : Ubisoft did that quite blatantly with the Just Dance games. 2017 was on a 16GB cartridge while 2018 (and I believe 2019 as well) were on a 8GB cartridge, containing a ROM with more game content but at less than half the size of the 2017 instalment.
I use this as an example because the A/V downgrade was immediately noticeable. The sad irony is that the Wii U version has better A/V quality (and even a few exclusive features) over the Switch version, with the Wii U version being 15GB and the Switch version being a measly 7GB, which isn't that much bigger than the Wii version!
We live in a crazy world !
Samsung 128GB cards are $30 right now on Amazon. 64GB are $15. FYI.
Just to put this in perspective for the people complaining about "Switch cartridge sizes" being an issue: The XBox One X 4k version of this game is 16.2GB. The NSW version is 12.6GB or so digitally. Even if Ubisoft opted for an 8GB cartridge , that would be only a 4.6GB download. Meaning this patch really is a patch. Because why ship games only after you finish making them in 2018? I.E. cart size isn't the issue, Ubisoft's "ship an empty box while we finish building the product" philosophy is.
If it works out of the box, it's not a Ubisoft or Bethesda game!(TM)
@Kalmaro It is a big deal-ish since I'm paying $75 for this thing, and being forced to buy toys if I want a physical card - least they coulda done was got a SLIGHTLY bigger card for not much more. Like I don't mind downloading loads of GB if the card sizes aren't super cheap, if it makes a better game. We're almost 2 full years in on Switch, they know this will sell well.
@Dang69 I wonder what it would have cost them to get bigger cars. That's a pretty big expense, I'd think.
@Shane76 it's quite charming Nintendo only supplied us with 32gbs of storage.
@Dang69 do you know the price difference? even if it were say 4 dollars more expensive and they sell 1 million copies of this game that's 4 million dollars in cost.
Oy vey. I might have to splurge on a microSD card sooner than I thought. I was hoping to put it off until they came out with a 1TB or maybe even a 2TB microSD card, but it looks like I will have to settle for a 512GB microSD card for now.
Completely unacceptable. Buying a physical copy should get you a running version of the game without needing any downloads. Many people buy physical to have the game many years later, when servers are not available to download the needed files the cartridge becomes useless. I will only buy this if they update the cartridge capacity to include the entire game.
@maruse it's part of the reason why this had tumbled in price, I'm super pissed over this issue. This hybrid madness engages me. So still not biting, not even for £10.99 from argos. Ubisoft did such a great nib with Rabbids. Alas
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