During his appearance on stage at Seattle's Geekwire Summit earlier this week, Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime said the company's approach was to do things differently. He reinforced this point by referencing the unique voice chat system on the Switch and how it could be used on the go.
When asked if he considered Xbox and PlayStation as a competitor to the Switch, Reggie said Nintendo was focused on the bigger picture:
My competitive set is much bigger than my direct competitors in Sony and Microsoft. I compete for time. When I do that, I have to be creative and innovative in order to win that battle.
Reggie went on to explain how Nintendo was actually competing for the entertainment time in consumers' lives:
That time you spend surfing the Web, watching a movie, watching a telecast of a conference: that's all entertainment time we’re competing for.
What do you think about Reggie's comments? Are you pleased to hear Nintendo is not concerned about the competition? Or do you think it should try and appeal to the same market as Sony and Microsoft more often? Tell us below.
[source arstechnica.com]
Comments 160
So its their cop out for lacking a web browser, netflix etc.?
This is weird to see, considering having Netflix, YouTube, and other streaming apps would help keep people on the system longer. Yet they still don't have anything but hulu.
Having Netflix on a system doesn't make me play games less. I'd play the games the same amount. Sometimes you're in the mood for a movie, other times for a game. One is not a substitute for the other.
Reggie, as always, is spinning as only a marketing shill can. God, I miss the days of faceless NOA Presidents like Arakawa and Kimishima. At least they didn't flap their gums just to try to sound clever.
"That time you spend surfing the Web, watching a movie, watching a telecast of a conference: that's all entertainment time we’re competing for."
... Couldn't any company in the entertainment industry technically say this?
Does it really? Do you carry a Switch around, or a DS, just so you can watch a video or is it just what you MIGHT use if you're bored with the game you're playing? I still have a phone that I can watch YT on. If he's competing against that, he can't win. But he's not.
Putting Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime on Switch will have zero impact on game sales. People will switch back and forth at their whim, but they'll still buy the games they want for their system. It's a ridiculous argument.
My wife complains that since I got the Switch Nintendo is the only company I give the time of day to. It's true though. Microsoft, Sony, modern movies, and TV are just looking for my $ without offering equivelant entertainment in return. Wheras my Switch has provided literally over a thousand hours of entertainment. 800 spent on Breath of the Wild, 200 on Shovel Knight, and 200 on Enter the Gungeon. Many other games I've racked up dozens of hours on. My only complaint is two broken left joycons, but given how much I've used them its understandable. I look forward to even more content in the future.
Referring to web browsing and apps like Netflix was an odd choice. Time can be spent doing these things on the Wii U, but for whatever reason . . . cannot be done on the Switch, despite (now) having an online subscription service fee. For us Wii U owners, it's pretty easy to interpret this as paying more for less.
Bashing aside, instead of competing for that time, why don't they allow these services/features on the Switch? Reggie's PR here might as well be overtly stating Nintendo is choosing to fight unnecessary battles.
Soooo, after saying that, Reggie kind of confirmed that we can forget Netflix, Web browser etc... on the Switch...
Yayyy ! :/
@Illusion that’s really not healthy, you should think about diversifying your interest
And it's thinking like this that's the reason Nintendo is a shell of it's formal self and Sony and MS are dominating the console market. Seriously they need to get rid of that idiot Reggie he is just a complete joke now and his thinking is not doing any good for Nintendo.
To be honest any form of entertainment/leisure pastime is competing against all the others for our pennies. Do I spend my cash on Mario Party, or Red Dead 2, or a trip to Alton Towers, or some books, or Netflix, or a trip to the o2, cinema, dvds, a new guitar, fishing rod, a football game, or dance lessons? Or something else? We all have limited time and money to spend in our lives and as we get older we may get more money, but we get less time.
As for the PS4/XB1 battle, I think since the Wii we’ve understood that Nintendo has been selling a different style of product than the other 2. They may constantly be selling action movies, where Nintendo has a lot more animated films, with a smattering of a lot more genres and styles which for me makes Nintendo a far more well rounded games system in the long run- the best example being that neither of the competition has a game on it like a Mario Party. They tend to focus on open world games, fps, and sports.
I don't need my Switch to have Netflix. I already have Netflix sorted. I bought a Switch to play games lol.
Even if the Switch had those other apps, I would hardly use them on it. One of the top features the Switch has for me is game suspension. Switching to a media app would require giving that up. I don't care that the Switch lacks them at all.
"watching a telecast of a conference"
We can't even watch a live Nintendo Direct or E3 presentation on the Switch. It only appears after the show has finished. Not are we notified of an upcoming Direct in the news feed.Yes someone like me would know already as I visit here but many wouldn't.That's pretty pathetic when you think about it.
As for apps, add YouTube and I'll be good. I don't have a Smart TV or Chromecast so to watch YouTube on TV I would need to use my Wii U.
if your console is connected to your 'main' TV and someone else is using it, if you have a PS4/XB1, you are pretty much stuffed but if you have a Switch you can just undock. Now with Nintendo having smartphone games, this is two areas where they are winning your time.
One of Nintendo's biggest competitors is on their own system, Fortnite. Since my nephew has started playing that money vacuum, he has not bought a single game from the eShop or on cartridge. He spends his money on v-bucks. For skins. Or emotes. He may as well just throw his money in the bin.
@Tasuki Don't blame Reggie for Nintendo's policies, he's just the one charged with giving us all the bad news and making it sound like good news.
"I have to be creative and innovative in order to win that battle"
Yeah, like overpriced cardboard nobody wants and rehashed WiiU games 🙃
Netflix is 40% of the bandwidth at Night. That ship sailed, just release the app.
@Agramonte LOL You just killed me !
@StephanDLW someone who gets it!
Maybe they should stop wasting our time with their stupid app then.
You know what I kinda agree... Yes streaming services may be missing but my time is taken up by games not Netflix. If I need to stream that I have a TV to do that. I like that games are the main focus for the console. Hell I have 300 hours in xenoblade. That is what expect from Nintendo.
Was Reggie speaking for himself or the company?
So he wants people playing games at all time and not doing anything else?
Can’t stand Reggie.. he just irks me and I can’t figure out why...
After the voice chat comment I think Reggie is an idiot. Were he competing for that time, he would have a lot of entertainment apps on switch. Instead he talks about how small his direct competition is? What is going on with Reggie? I've rolled my eyes at his comments in the past but this is a bit much
@Tyranexx Yep, it's clearly his way to say nothing by saying something. Which he does all the time. That is because he is only NoA, and not Nintendo Japan. He doesn't make ANY decisions for Nintendo. Never has and never will.
The only 4 reasons NoA and NoE exists are:
1. Marketing locally.
2. Localisation / translation of Nintendo games.
3. Local distribution.
4. Contacts with local third party developers.
Regarding Netflix etc on Switch. I think what he is saying is he is wishing/planing for a very specific 'Nintendo' way of entertaining us in the time we would otherwise be on Netflix, the web, iTunes whatever. I don't think a Netflix app on Switch is him 'winning' our attention - because you'll be watch someone else's plan for our entertainment. He's talking about the general Nintendo approach for holding the market and his plans to expand that 'attention grabbing' business model into new areas of media.
So for those saying these interview snippets are contradictory to Nintendo's refusal to give us those apps - it's not. Clearly Reggie doesn't care much of a hoot about Netflix, Hula etc and may even specifically dislike those companies offerings. He's talking specifically about gaming and maybe future non-gaming Nintendo entertainment products that they hope might be good enough to keep us off other companies offerings.
However I don't think Reggie is being very clear in general at the moment - in fact he's making a bit of a mess out of his press time - and there is going to be a lot of misinterpretation, but I'm ok with the guy.
He just want's to entertain us using the 'we'll do it but only if it's fun' methodology that Nintendo tries to live by. BUT Reggie is NOT Nintendo and needs to be clearer that this is his stuff we are hearing.
But for those who are hating on Reggie - do you really feel like you have enough of an angle of the guy to hate him. The dude seems like a big clumsy bear of a man to me. Sure - a sharp, sometimes intelligent businessman - but at heart I think he's just another big kid. Which is probably what many of us here are.
I'm not going to start hating on him just because of a few dumb comments.
Stop moaning about Reggie. He is essentially the mouth point for Nintendo outside of Japan. Everything he says is dictated from Kyoto.
@brunojenso It's not Nintendo's job to make those apps. The only reason why we don't have Youtube or Netflix on the Switch is because Netflix and Google refuse to make apps for the Switch, or want to be paid to make apps for the Switch (and then Nintendo refuses).
The reason why there is no web browser is because of hackers.
@Trikeboy He's only the "mouth of Nintendo" in the US.
@sanderev Sorry but I don't agree with you on any of that.
Clearly Nintendo is choosing to keep those apps off their system at this time. There is no way those companies would specifically keep their product off a highly successful device like the Switch. No way at all. No - those apps are being blocked by Nintendo for now.
It's not about the app development money either - and I never suggested that Nintendo should have to make those app themselves - why on earth would they? Clearly they don't want them at this present time. Next week maybe they'll appear. Who knows. Personally I don't care - I bought a gaming system that I knew Nintendo planned to keep game focused for a chunk of its lifespan.
Jeez. You people are entitled.
@janpampoen That's very generalised judgement - Who and what are you talking about? Are you not entitled?
Actually I don't care what you think. I just really dislike when someone puts out a comment like that that's is attacking everyone and nobody at the same time.
@MrGawain i dont think thats the case, the other systems have more variety genre wise than jontendo consoles. Case in point: Nintedo only gamers are just now being introduced to Souls like games, simulation games, and to some extent FPS games
I don't understand peoples fixation of having webbrowser and Netflix on their Switch. When you are away you have your phone, when you are home you have your television. Also I am using Chrome cast so even if I go away to a place that has TV I always take my Google Chrome with me.
If I had Netflix on my Switch and said I don't need to take chromecast with me, then I am doomed as my wife would use the switch to look at Netflix and I would be unable to play games on it.
I have always said that Nintendo does gaming console and Sony and Microsoft does media boxes. I don't need that, I got a PC that is even more powerful than a PS4 and it can do everything it can do and a little more. So understand his statement. Also it is not only about what consumers do with the console, it is about how much money and time they will spend to implement features that has nothing to do with playing games.
@Edgarmtanaka well that is you, not everyone else
I agree with him. The time I’m spending not playing my Switch, is not dominated by me playing the PS4 Pro. It’s dominated by me reading about video games on the internet or watching tv.
The Switch is not good at competing with other media for users time.
It a really good gaming platform.
But it you want people to think Nintendo = entertainment you need to go beyond gaming.
The PS2 was a really good example of a entertainment platform.
And the Switch setup is not able to do the same.
But it can do something that the other can not.
Provide a gaming platform on the move.
And the only thing that competing with that right now is the 3DS.
It's pretty simple; Nintendo don't make much money (if anything) on Hardware sales, most of their money comes from software sales. Putting Netflix on the Switch might encourage more people to buy it (though that's debatable, as it's on pretty much everything else anyway) but it may also take away from gaming time which potentially means less games bought and less profit for Nintendo.
Yes Nintendo and the others to some extent are competing for "time" but when people decide they want to play games they are still going to be choosing between PS4, XBOX and Switch so to ignore the competition is foolhardy
They're competing with Pizza Hut, every minute spent eating pizza is one less minute of gaming on Switch. This is just Reggie taking revenge on his former Pizza Hut job. We understand Reggie, don't worry.
If you want more time then make a machine that has it all lol
@carlos82 I don’t necessarily think so. I especially like my Switch because I can do other stuff too. Watch Netflix on my TV and play Switch in handheld. Carry my Switch around when I’m doing laundry. I can’t do that with the others and provides me more flexible game time I would not have otherwise.
The things that Nintendo guys say keeps getting more and more stupid and nonsensical everytime.
One can do MANY different things on Playstation consoles and can only play games on Switch but they want you to compete with all your "entertainment time" as a whole. Why the hell don't they do something about it then???
Are they insane?
Up to this point they probably considered dumb their customers with the online subscription thing and all, but this proves that they are completely dumb too.
It is like a bottomless pit of stupidity
Nintendo is Not a Cookie cutter.
Sony & Microsoft are Cookie cutters.
@SuperGhirahim64 reading it again you're probably right (serves me right for reading these quickly whilst at work
) but essentially there is no difference for Sony, they are still competing with Netflix and such for your time too.
I do think he's right. I use my Switch much much more than any of my previous consoles. More Switch time = more Switch games bought.
@Octane please tell me I'm not the only one who has used a Switch at the dinner table (especially when we take the kids to a restaurant)
With red dead 2 on its way......
@diwdiws eh of course. That's the whole thing about opinion, also the fact that I don't understand someone doesn't mean I do not accept their decision or opinion.
@sanderev well yes, given the exploits that were dreamed up for the Wii and Wii U, allowing users to homebrew thousands of copyrighted old titles, it hardly surprising Nintendo don't now wish to create future hostages to fortune with a browser.
@Anti-Matter yeah Nintendo good. Sony and Microsoft bad.
Nintendo is the angel and Sony and Microsoft is the devil 😉
@Anti-Matter what is a cookie cutter
He has a point. Most of my free time is occupied on the Switch. So it's working. lol
Lotta armchairs round here
The Reggie hate in the comments is really ridiculous by now.
It's like, every single thing he says gets spun around in a weird way that either:
At this point I pity people like Reggie, it does not seem to matter anymore what he says, some people will interpret it in a way that makes him look like a horrible person. It's not just Reggie either, many other persons who sometimes give interviews are in the same boad.
And on that note: You people, who apparently only WANT to see someone being bad not matter what they say/do make me sick!
Like in this case: They make money, if you do something like play their games (which automatically means buying them). If you watch Netflix (for example) instead of playing on your Switch, they do not make any money.
So it would be better for Nintendo if they manage to release games that make you play those, instead of watching Netflix!
Whether that would work with you, an individual person, and the fact that they can't completely make Netflix irrelevant do not matter.
Every minute of free time you spend with something other than playing games on your Switch (or do something other Nintendo related) is a minute Nintendo isn't making money. Getting as many of those minutes as possible is what any company in the business is trying to do.
So, is Sony profiting from you watching Netflix on your PS4?
It's possible that Netflix pays Sony for that to be possible, though in that case we don't know whether it is truely worth it for Sony, and we don't know what kind of deal Nintendo would get from them.
In any other case: NO, Sony does not profit from you doing that. They probably let you watch Netflix on their console so you are more likely to buy a PS4 in the frist place, which in turn makes you buy more games for that console instead of another.
(Switch is selling even without having Netflix though...)
Nothing Reggie says here in this case is in any way wrong or stupid or anything. It is just the truth, not just for Nintendo but all companies in the entertainment business. Every minute you do something else is their loss.
Nintendo competes for my time. They have been winning that battle since about 1991.
Even though I know that it's mostly PR talk from Reggie, I think that this is actually the best strategy for Nintendo. If Nintendo still were to compete with Sony and Microsoft, they would definitely fail, since the consensus is that the PS4/Xbox are the consoles to go for to play pop culture games (FIFA, GTA, CoD, AC etc.) and this won't change easily. Nintendo competes with Netflix, mobile games, TV, or other types of media that are 'just fun to do'. If they don't target at those groups you get another WiiU scenario, where some families and passionate NintendoLife visitors are the only ones to buy the console.
This is also the reason why it's so important for Nintendo to get Netflix/Youtube/Crunchyroll/Twitch on the Switch.
But what if the cuatomer wants to spend their time playing on one of the competitors(don't act like you don't have any nintendo) consoles?
If a company does things differently, then it will defend what it does, until there are enough complaints from customers or until they admit it's not the best way of doing things.
On the other hand maybe it's just another way and not a worse way, maybe even, in the long term it could be the better way.
Currently watching WWE Super Show-Down on my PS4.
Nintendo loses about 4 hours of my time from this.
I have been playing Spider-Man since it released on September 7th and just got Shadow of the Tomb Raider about a week ago.
Nintendo hasn't been getting money from me for a few months now. Due to lack of big releases and such.
Smash Ultimate will most likely be my next and last Switch purchase through the rest of 2018.
Ready for Animal Crossing.
Reggie says a lot of dumb s#$t.
Good God NintendoLife is so slow with the news. This story is 3 days old. And of course you've ignored the real story here and how Reggie continues to spout $h~t.
"What we see is a situation where we know that Nintendo Switch is being played in the open, at a park, on a metro bus," he continued. "We believe the easiest way for you to connect and have a peer-to-peer experience with voice chat is with your mobile phone. It’s always there, it’s always with you."
Hello Reggie. You know what else is always there? The Switch. But I expect no less from NintendoLife, very poor journalism. And another thing, how are people supposed to play online in a park? Complete trash from the king of talking garbage.
Or how about this line from the Arstechnica article:
"The short version: Nintendo would rather be defined as an "entertainment" company, not a gaming one."
Great job at entertaining; no Youtube, no Netflix, no apps, no web browser, no messaging, no party chat, etc. Just a plain ol' vanilla handheld. We're supposed to make progress with time, not regress. Plus now we've to pay(Nintendo Switch Online) for this train wreck. The Wii U had all of this stuff and it was free. Having these features would only enhance the Switch and make it a more attractive proposition for potential customers to buy.
Seriously, the NL author of this article should feel embarrassed on leaving out so much crucial information.
First, I don’t understand how anyone can hate someone doing their job and they aren’t necessarily hurting anyone when doing it. Second, I understand the frustration of not having certain services on the Switch. But I think I can see a point here. When I’m playing a game at home, I can easily see myself getting distracted with something else like Netflix or Hulu. I’m not saying it’s a great excuse or explanation. But I can see the train of thought behind this
He's doing a good job for me I guess. I've stopped playing my ps4 all together and I only watch Netflix if the wife wants to. My free time is spent on my switch. Greatest purchase I've made in years.
He's right then.
I go through long weeks barely touching my Switch because I'm spending my precious few hours allocated to entertainment either watching YouTube/Netflix/Hulu/etc or surfing the web.
Then I'll jump back into the Switch with a great new game. The portability really helps their case since I can play on the commute, but recently I've been reading books on the train instead. The cycle continues.
Their job is to woo me back to spend my entertainment hours on Nintendo. Last month, I actually played a decent amount of time on both my NES classic mini and SNES classic mini, and I would consider those platforms as worth my purchase. But from a Nintendo standpoint, those are sunk costs. I'm not earning them money when I play them at this point, and eventually, I'll run out of great games I want to play on them right now, and I'll start spending time on other things again. With Switch, they can lure me to pay more with games that have active DLC, or with new games arriving that I might want to play, or by locking me into a 12-month online membership (which they have, and I don't regret it), and convincing me to continue reupping said membership when it runs out. Those are all business reasons why they need to figure out how to make consumers like me to want to play my Switch more.
Or, alternatively, they need to announce additional classic minis like an N'64, which I'd line up at Nintendo NY to buy. Their job is to convince me that my time and money is better spent with them than with other entertainment platforms, because I can't pay for them all. I'm not paying for YouTube Red, for example, despite the annoying ads. If all I ever watched on my TV was YouTube, though, I probably would pay for Red. There's a finite limit, and they need to woo me more, even when I'm already in their camp.
Since about 70% of Switch owners have an Xbox One or PS4, that sounds accurate. Switch fulfills a different need than PS4 or Xbox One.
Wow. The comments. Just wow. So much anger.
I don't know about you guys but for me the original idea around consoles is just to play games, which is what I do on mine, something the Switch excels in, plug and play and away you jolly well go. Games on a games machine.
All that other crap? They're just little extras, especially when I can watch Netflix/Youtube/Amazon/BBC on my laptop, my phone, my smart tv, my mac at work...it's a bit stupid of me to demand Netflix on my Switch when I can just flick a button on my remote and BANG! Netflix. Or pull out my phone and BANG! Netflix. Or open my laptop and what do you know...Netflix. Is that too much physical activity?
But yeah another troll article.
@WiltonRoots "It's a bit stupid of me to demand Netflix on my Switch", a $300/€300/£270 device that could easily do so. Thank God Nintendo realised the error of their ways and not let us have a service that was on their past products, e.g. Wii, Wii U, 3DS.
I agree, however, that this is troll article(and a poorly written one at that). It's what this site does best.
@WiltonRoots I also don't have a strong desire to watch Netflix on my Switch (since I also have a phone, a laptop and a tv that can also do this in a higher resolution) but still, it's always nice to have this opportunity, especially if you're using a device made by a company like Nintendo, who wants to market the Switch not purely as a game device, but as an 'entertainment device' (since Nintendo also is suddenly an entertainment company, right?). Having exclusive Mario titles apparently isn't enough to keep (new) Switch users motivated to keep carrying the Switch around, and having apps like Netflix or Youtube may fulfill our needs.
I used to think Reggie was cool, but lately he appears to be losing his touch. 1 of 2 things is happening here. Either he is just losing his touch and has no idea what we want anymore, or he’s being pressured by Nintendo of japan to lie out of his arse about how Nintendo does things ‘differently’ and so in doing this he is revealing that he has no actual power in his position. Either way it sucks that Nintendo are so gosh darn blind to their mistakes and they’re as arrogant as ever.
@nintendobynature I can tell you didn't buy the Wii U.
@TheGhostWhoWalks @Pluto14 Well who's to know why it's not there, probably some back n forth politics between the two. It'll most likely appear at some point though. But to me it's no deal breaker as all I want to do on my Switch is play games.
Edit: to add to that, I think I probably used iPlayer once on my Wii U, Youtube once, and Netflix never. Plus I never watch TV or game on the go, I like taking in my surroundings too much.
"I can't wait to have Netflix on my Switch so I can download the app and then literally never use it because I already have Netflix on sixteen other devices in my home." - The Fanbase
People want poop just so they can say they have it.
@diwdiws I also work 45 hours a week and excercise for an hour and a half every day. I play board games or watch various older TV shows with friends once a week. I also watch anime with my wife at the end of the evenings and spend a lot of time helping my family members with various projects. I do more than play Nintendo, its just my favorite way to relax.
@WiltonRoots I wouldn’t mind having Netflix on my Switch. That being said, I can watch Netflix on 4-5 other devices I have readily available. I usually use Apple TV, because it’s just one click and ready. If not Apple TV, I’ll use the TV app. I’ve never seen the need to fire up one of my consoles to watch Netflix.
While I wouldn’t mind Netflix on my Switch, I think I understand why Nintendo don’t want to put it on the Switch. If I were to watch Netflix on my PS4 instead, that’s time used not playing (or buying) a PS4 game. In the meantime, I could play a Switch game in handheld mode. These days, I prefer to do one thing at a time, but I know many that like to watch Netflix while doing other things (surfing the web, playing games) at the same time.
Cookie cutter = an approach to be Same without any characteristic.
In other words, Copy & Paste, Not Unique.
@TheGhostWhoWalks me either. First Nintendo home console i never had.
This is why they're so behind the times in many ways, because they keep their heads buried in the sand by not looking into their competition.
These guys are as smart as they are dumb. It's just baffling.
This has been my argument for Nintendo's seemingly draconian policies, amd explains why there's no drive for a browser, Netflix, etc., as well as a sparse UI.
@Cobalt Notice how there's been quite a bit more anti-consumer behavior recently from gaming companies?
Microsoft with their ridiculous DRM plans on the XBOne (prior to release)...
Sony with their cross-play crap....
And Nintendo unwilling to give people more options.
Greed is a powerful thing. Screw the consumer.
@baller98 I live in Thailand and as far as I'm aware, Fire Stick's don't work from a Thai IP address. I can buy Chromecast here but it costs around $90.
As I'm an owner of all 3 consoles (PS4, XBONE and Switch), it's the Switch that doesn't get as much playtime right now, and I'm not really sure why. As much as nintendo has many great first-party games, it seems to lag in the variety of other games (real sports titles for instance). Nintendo should create their own realistic sports series like they did in the past, and keep them going. I'd still like for nintendo to also create their own Trophy/Achievement section to the console as well (not tie it in with an app or website). They could easily do an Amiibo Picture Trophies or even a coin achievement section...even though it's not a big thing, it does keep people coming back to play the games over and over again to try and unlock each trophy, and it gives people a chance to feel greatness when they earn them (especially kids). It's also a chance for them to get some of the big AAA games that Sony and Microsoft have. I'm not a fan of them, but Call Of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, Mortal Kombat and Final Fantasy would help them out with getting a bigger audience, and being able to play those games on the go and possibly connect with someone nearby, would be a great opportunity for them to become even bigger. The only other thing I would say, is bring the virtual store back...add NES, Super NES, Genesis, N64, Gameboy, DS, and the possibility of Wii, Wii U, Gamecube, Dreamcast and of course TurboGrafx and (just for me) Atari. Nintendo doesn't really need to COMPETE with the other consoles, they've proved this since the Wii era with outdated graphics compared to the others, and it's not something that apparently they need (as the Wii crushed the competition). I've been a nintendo fan since the NES (actually since Donkey Kong on the Atari), and I'll continue with them for their exclusives. Other than that, I'm also a Sony fan, so I'll always have both consoles in the house. Other than that, as long as nintendo creates the Mario Golf game for Switch finally (been a while since a console Mario Golf game...Gamecube era) and bring Super Mario 3D World from the Wii U over, I'm fine with the Switch!
And notice Reggie said the Wii U "wasn't as successful" as Wii! See? Nintendo themselves won't call it a failure, because it was minimally profitable in the end thanks to an insane attach rate that is actually pretty close to SNES's. It's also why unlike Sega Nintendo reveals numbers for its lowest mainstream system (get real, reaching nearly 15 million is far from being this catastrophic failure that fanboys try to pin it as, that's the 5 month lived, less than 1 million worldwide Virtual Boy!).
Honestly this is the wisest thing for any entertainment company to try to achieve; with cell phones, social media, daily news, 4chan, sports broadcast, grammy awards, music, and other entertainment industry options your real competition is any other entertainment industry an end user uses.
The goal of "having something for everyone" is going to be hard since most people who don't play games, hate games. Not even the Wii was able to draw some demographics in; it took news anchors and hospitals adopting the Wii to get some of these more "traditional" cultures to adopt the Wii.
For all those downers on Reggie-here's news to you your not in his chair nor getting his pay. So stop whining or go play on your unportable xbox, ps4. I myself could care less about apps on the Switch when I want to game on it I go do it. As for those other apps got Smart phone with YT and computer/laptop to do YT. I am in the camp of those on here gaming on my Switch for Games-got plenty of other electronic toys to do other stuff. Nintendo for all it's woes-wrinkles those on here whom wanted it dead but found they resurged with a vengeance and their favorite consoles took a beating and feel it. Nintendo is about innovations of gameplay and long term survival and those failing those well just look at Vita and whom killed it.
@Tasuki Nintendo of Japan has the ultimate say. NoA has to follow their rules, sort of like the situation with Sega back in the Saturn/Dreamcast days.
Honestly, I can buy that right now. The Switch and the other consoles aren't exactly comparable devices. Both play games, but that's about the extent of it. Time is the biggest thing ANY platform has to fight for with me. I have a hard time tearing myself away from retro games to play newer stuff. This contributes to that ;P https://youtu.be/L9fNL-FGbkk
Makes business "cents" to me.
Nah, it's their explanation. None of those make them any money.
You never know,but if it ends up being the case I will just carry on using my pc and Firestick.
So I heard that "competing for entertainment time" was the reason Game Freak left out Emerald features (Battle Frontier?) in ORAS. "guys, people have other entertainment choices. Let's reduce the amount of that time they spend playing our game."
I really don't care about the extra stuff like YT or Netflix, I have my smart tv for that, i like to just keep my switch for playing games
The salt in the comments is real.
Should Netflix and all that be on Switch? Probably, but it's not that big of a deal to me.
Regarding competition with the PS4/XB1, yeah I'm SO glad that the Switch isn't just another powerful console tied to the TV. I see so many people wanting the Switch to be just another PS4/XB1, but that would just make things stagnant imo. The Switch naturally competes with those guys because it's all video games, but the Switch having its own uniqueness to it is awesome.
90% PS4, 10% Switch here
The Switch is mostly fun for intercontinental flights
I love the way people are using this as an excuse for us to not to have Netflix on Switch. There is now excuse for it not, even the 3DS which people call inferior because of resolution was able to have YouTube and Netflix apps.
No other portable or, since people want to go this way, home console lacks basic apps like this. I can use it on my iPad, my Android, my Vita, my 3DS, my Wii U, and my Ps3/PS4.
That does mean I have lots of other options yes, but it also means my other portables compete with the Switch in a way it can't, meaning it loses that battle. So when there's not a game I want to play for months, or I'm just burnt out on games, I don't use my Switch at all. Which is fine, but seems like something Nintendo wouldn't want.
What he is saying makes perfect sense though. Consoles in the style of Sony's or Microsoft's are increasingly becoming closer and closer to becoming gaming PC's. Since I already own a gaming pc, which I can also surf the web, watch Netflix on, and use other apps on, I really don't care if Nintendo isn't matching these consoles power for power, spec for spec, and app for app. I love Nintendo consoles because they retain that video game "feel" that the original NES and SNES possessed. I have a smart tv with Netflix and other apps on it, and I'd rather use my t.v. to watch these apps then do so on my Switch. Nintendo is wise to focus on the fun factor of gaming by itself, because Sony and Microsoft are going to keep burning money on trying to make their consoles as feature rich and powerful as possible until they are directly competing with PC's, and then what would be the point of owning an Xbox when I could just spend my money on a much more feature rich and powerful gaming laptop or pc that plays many more games anyway? Nintendo needs to focus on what they do best, and that is remaining the gaming "purist" in an industry where the borders between pc gaming devices and console devices are becoming increasingly blurred.
Its more or less the same thing in the end I suppose.
@dleec8 This doesn't add up when you realize that even Nintendo's own consoles prior to the Switch had multimedia apps.
@HollowGrapeJ I never said that Nintendo has never tried to add apps to it's consoles in the past to compete with the apps offered on other competitors consoles. I stated that it makes sense in the present for Nintendo to not compete app for app, power for power, and spec for spec, against Sony and Micrsoft consoles since these consoles are essentially turning into PC's anyway. Nintendo in the past has tried to go in direct competition with power for power and spec for spec against it's competitors, and it correctly realized that this was not a sound business strategy since Sony and Microsoft are literally willing to invest tons and tons of money into producing souped up consoles that double as entertainment centers, which now basically compete against gaming pcs and laptops. Sony and Microsoft are also much bigger companies where gaming is only a single division of the whole company. They have much more resources to invest in their consoles, so even when their console fails, they can use profits from other parts of their business to reinvest back into the gaming division. Nintendo is a pure gaming company first and foremost, so if they fail with a console, then it means their entire company is in trouble. This is why it is wise for Nintendo to try to focus on pure gaming in the present, because not only is it what they are best at, but it's their best strategy as a company who doesn't have the same amount of resources as their much, much bigger rivals. At no point in my earlier comment did I state that Nintendo has never tried to directly compete against their rivals. The GameCube, for example, was a console designed to compete power for power against Sony and Microsoft consoles, and the Cube failed spectacularly (although I will always love the Cube!) Then we get the Wii, which was underpowered compared to the PS3 and Xbox360, but which was a spectacular success for the company. From here, you can see how Nintendo is wary to go head to head against competitors when they know they can succeed by offering something that is more focused on the gaming experience, as opposed to trying to turn their console into an etertainment center/gaming pc like Sony and Microsoft are hellbent on doing every console generation.
@dleec8 But this still confuses me. I want to know the real reasoning behind this. Reggie said if we want Netflix or whatever on the Switch, we have to take it up with them.
But, why? Netflix and other streaming services are on basically every device ever. I doubt they wouldn't want to put it on the Switch as well. Nintendo must be telling them they can't do it or something. I don't know.
@HollowGrapeJ I've been thinking of why they havnt just added Netflix to the Switch as well since your first comment, and the only thing that makes sense to me is that they want to make the Switch seem different compared to the other consoles. For example, many fans of the PlayStation and Xbox really do see them as entertainment centers that also play games. Nintendo does not want the Switch to be seen as an entertainment center/gaming device because the Switch can't compete directly against Sony's and Microsoft's consoles since those consoles fulfill that duel role so much better. So if a consumer walks into a store and has the choice between the three consoles, Nintendo wants the consumer to think hmm well the PlayStation and Xbox are powerful entertainment center/gaming consoles, but the Nintendo Switch is a pure gaming device. Since I already own a smartphone, computer, or smart tv that can play all the apps I want, I'll just go with the Switch since it's a device meant for a pure gaming experience. It's a marketing strategy called differentiation, where you want your product to seem unique compared to rival products. A unique product generates value in the mind of the consumer. But this is just my educated guess as an answer to your question, because the Switch already has the Hulu app available on the eShop, so there is a mystery as to why Netflix hasn't been okayed for the system. It might have something to do with money.
Even more reason to give people the option of streaming media on a device that has convenience as one of its USPs.
But that's far too obvious and sensible for Nintendo I suppose.
WTH Reggie immortal he doesn't age a bit.
@electrolite77 Hulu is a streaming service available on the Switch, is it not? There has to be some kind of other reason why Netflix has not been green lighted.
@dleec8 'For example, many fans of the PlayStation and Xbox really do see them as entertainment centers that also play games. '
Lol that is the dumbest ''''example'''' I ever heard. Nobody thinks of their PlayStation as an 'entertainment center'. I never heard anyone ever saying that. It's a console. You must be confused with the Nintendo ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM
And because it's hooked up to your tv, it's easy to boot up Netflix, and you can resume the game right after that. Stop these dumb excuses
Why is this one interview turned into 30 articles?
can't wait for homebrew to implement these basic features because nintendo is too stubborn to do that
@BigKing I have many friends who use their Xbox or PlayStation as their entertainment center since they literally use it to stream media and watch movies as their main option over their PC or phone, so im speaking from my own experience. My girlfriend literally uses her Xbox only to stream media and watch movies like 90 percent of the time she uses it. So from what I have seen, yes, many people use their PlayStation or Xbox as their central entertainment option. So you can take your "dumb" comment and stick it in the trash where it belongs. If you have an opinion or an experience you would like to share, then share it, but no need to get aggressive. Sorry I didn't consult you before i posted my comment, but frankly, I don't care about you or your opinion. Try to show your fellow posters a little basic respect when you post. You will look like less of a fool.
@BigKing @dleec8
Entertainment system
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Entertainment System)
An entertainment system is a system of entertainment usually of electronic components that handle audio and video, video gaming, computers, etc.
More specifically, an entertainment system may refer to:
Home theater system
Home theater PC
In-car entertainment
In-flight entertainment
Video game console
//////End Wikipedia copy pasta
Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo all make Entertainment Systems. If you want to talk about people using the wrong word(s) here's one: people who complain about Nintendo aren't "gamers"; they are fakers who think playing CoD or Madden online makes them a gamer but it just makes them "trendy".
By the way 75% PC master race and 24% Switch here saving only 1% for anime tittie games and Final Fantasy games on the PS4 when I'm bored on the PC
@BubbleMatrix82 If you understand context, then you can easily see that I was writing about the phrase "entertainment center" as a device people are using to do more than just play games. I contrasted that with the Switch, which is a much more limited console in that it lacks apps, can't stream media, and can't play movies. If your reading comprehension is so bad that you can't understand the basic English that I was writing then that is on you. Go take an English class so you can better understand what people are writing before you ignorantly lash out because it's hard for you to follow along.
@BubbleMatrix82 oh Christ you're that asperger guy again. Go away please
@dleec8 so your girlfriend bought an Xbox One just to use Netflix? You think people buy PS4's just for that? When you can get a cheap media player or Chromecast for a few bucks?
And they call it a media center. Stop lying bro. You gave her your old Xbox 360 so you can Netflix and chill, or she lives with other people. Or you don't even have a girlfriend
@BigKing You sound like a clown. Just writing a bunch of BS. Continue being a clown. I have nothing to do with you.
@dleec8 Interesting, the other guy called your example dumb, in return you call him (not his examples) dumb, a fool and a clown, yet you claim he's getting 'agressive'.
Also, for reference, the couple of people you know who buy a gaming console in order not to play any games on it are textbook examples of statistical outliers. When the average person buys a PlayStation, it's to play games on it, not to press play and watch (although you could make the argument that a great many PlayStation titles in recent years are essentially movies).
@dleec8 Sure, your girlfriend went out and bought a Xbox entertainment center, just for using Netflix. And she calls herself an Xbox fan.
That makes sense.
In a way, Reggie and his "big competitive set" have won though. My PS4 gets more of my time, but only because that system DOES have Netflix, and movies/series easily have me watching for several hours. Games require more input, and often have pacing issues that make me put them down. I prefer games though, but more often do we sit down together to watch something than we do to play a game together. We eat while watching, but gaming requires our hands to be not otherwise occupied.
SO... Netflix on Switch equals more than double my time on Switch, and -90% time for my PS4 which I only still boot up for Netflix and physical movie discs.
@Anti-Matter one can be unique and also give all the "EXTRA" bonuses that competitors give. Nintendo games are unique, and imo often better (not always but often), it'not like Nintendo is unique because they deny their customers things that others give them. Being unique because you give more is good, being unique because you give less is bad.
If they want people to spend more free time on their system rather than "anything" else they should give at least all the "extras" others give to their customers.
Instead with the subscription they have lost almost all my time (every now and then I still use Switch since I already have it anyway).
Their strategy if they want to monopolize people's time is completely wrong imo. But I'm not even sure that they really want that. Seems quite stupid to me that a game producer is competing for example against time spent on tv series. Expecially while other game producers offers both games and all those other things. Their games can be considered better than other games, but their games cannot be considered better than other kind of things because they are things of DIFFERENT kinds. It is not a matter of better or worse, unique or not, it is a matter of more or less, and Nintendo offers less in that regard.
It's kinda sad that almost no one here seems to understand business marketing.
And so many are short sighted. Microsoft and Sony also aren't game industry companies. They are huge tech companies focusing on different suites of products and havelarge gaming divisions. They can afford to shut down their gaming division. Nintendo can't. Nintendo has to think bigger.
If you spend too much time and effort focusing on direct competition, your company will suffer when the industry changes. Kodak is a prime recent example. Nokia is another. There are plenty more examples in different industries.
@jsty3105 and having a product with the most narrow and less versatile type of content is a good way to face possible industry changes?
Lol. Nintendo games are the ones that have changed the less compared to others, and I even think that this is a good thing, usually I despise games that are too different than the classic types (..."things"... like the ones that Quantic Dream does for example, and they dare call those... "things"... GAMES!!!!), so I can appreciate that, but I understand that because of that they NEED third party games if they want to be competitive. For the same reason it is just silly to say that they want to compete with every other form of entertainment while they are the only ones that don't offer anything else than just games, and in a much more controlling and limitative way than others too.
Wanting to compete with everything else can be good, ok, but they need to offer more than others if they really want to achieve that, not LESS thanb others.
I myself would have been the happiest customer ever if Switch was versatile and useful enough to be the ONLY thing that I wanted to use, something to give me the possibility to ditch everything else and expecially PCs, but Switch instead made me want to play almost only on PC because of how much limited it is.
Their goals can be good, but the way they try to achieve it is so horribly wrong.
@LuckyLand in this Nintendo made a strategic choice to focus on a portable gaming -centric product.
Ppl may have now forgotten but the narrative leading up to the Switch launch was that Nintendo should get out of hardware. Adding in entertainment risked the Switch being classed as a portable entertainment device - and there's much too strong competition already in that market.
Who knows, they could have done so and be perfectly fine but it was certainly a risk
Not that I really care about either, but it is odd to me that they have Hulu on Switch but not Netflix.
I personally wish they’d add Spotify, but at the same time I’d probably just use it on my phone still. I guess I can listen to the Smash Ultimate soundtrack on it soon (but I’d actually prefer to listen to it on my phone).
By far the dumbest statement made by Nintendo for the last couple of years and certainly seems like a troll statement.
How can you claim to be an entertainment platform and not have any entertainment media outside of video games?
How are you even going to attempt to compete in the entertainment space as a whole, if all you bring to the table is games? (one aspect of media entertainment - there is Music, Movies, graphic novels and videos from YouTube or Twitch, even social media)
Don't be stupid Reggie. I'm not gonna stop watching movies and reading manga because Nintendo has games.
My son has Asperger's, not me. Also, stop trolling everyone on this page, people here aren't here to argue over YOUR beliefs; we're just here for a good time. Besides, there's better arguments on Kotaku because it's SJW land, so go there and leave us alone here.
Dude, I was supporting you. BigKing is an ass.
@c2017nlifemedia I respond in kind if someone attacks me with an insult. Nothing too special about it. I treat everyone with respect except for those who do not show me any.
@BigKing When did I say she ever called herself an Xbox fan? You're making so many assumptions about who I am and who my friends and girl friend are that it sounds like you need to go make some friends yourself. Newsflash clown: There are ALOT of people in this world who use their console to watch movies and stream media on, SOME even use their console more for watching movies and using apps then they do games. My girlfriend plays games maybe 5 hours out of the week. She spends far more watching movies on it. Why is that so hard for you to accept or understand? Have you never met a girl in your life that you just can't believe that a woman could own a console and watch movies on it mainly instead of playing games on it? Go out and make your own friends and meet a woman who owns a console and maybe it will be easier for you to understand that these people do exist. You sound bitter about someone you've never met on the internet, which makes you just another dime a dozen troll.
@BubbleMatrix82 Sorry! Now that I read your comment again in a more calm environment (I was at a buddies house last night watching the UFC card) I can see that it wasn't a hostile comment. For some reason, it came off as one after reading that other idiot's comments.
My wife considers herself a gamer yet she uses our PS4 to watch funimation and Netflix more than play games on it. It isn't about how often you play, it's about how you identify. 5 hours a week playing games would count as a gamer as much as 5 hours a day as far as I'm concerned. All it takes to not be a gamer is to deny gaming as a worthy time spender, which Nintendo is trying to convert these naysayers into Switch owners. Which means the role of the Switch is to entertain people, and not to give people a device to engage in super competitive gameplay nor is it to build a community. Having a Nintendo IS the community; much like having an iPhone X is the community. Nintendo is a status symbol, which puts you in a community with the largest foe being the bromance toxic masculinity community.
And if any of you trolling commenters try to discredit my "excuses" as illegitimate instead of come up with supporting objective data to defend your belief then that makes me win this debate because you can't compete on my level, loser.
@BubbleMatrix82 I agree with you! My girlfriend spends more time playing games with me on my Switch then she actually does playing games on her Xbox. She doesn't own a PC, so she uses her Xbox mainly as her movie and streaming device besides the odd round of Crash or Xbox Kinnect when her family comes over. But she's far more interested in the Switch because of the more "casual" type games like Mario and Splatoon that seem easier for her to get into compared to the AAA titles that seem to always be popular on Xbox. These are the types of casual gamers or nongamers that Nintendo is targeting versus the "pro gamer" types who tend to flock to the other consoles. I was giving alot of my friends grief last night because they were all saying they were going home to squad up and play PUBG on their Xboxes while I was saying they should all get gaming laptops since it would be a better experience all around lol.
@jsty3105 "Ppl may have now forgotten but the narrative leading up to the Switch launch was that Nintendo should get out of hardware. Adding in entertainment risked the Switch being classed as a portable entertainment device - and there's much too strong competition already in that market."
This is ridicuolous. People who bought Switch are either people who wanted Nintendo games and/or people who wanted to play portable games much more advanced that the ones we were used before (I mean you can play Skyrim on Switch! People fantasize about something like that since the first PSP was created but never got anything like that before)
Those people would have bought Switch ANYWAY
They wanted Switch for sure. It is not that somebody said "oh look this is the only thing that don't play movies, don't play music, don't display pictures, don't browse the web, it is so unique being totally useless! I want it so much!!!"
That would be crazy.
If Nintendo offered something more they could only have sold a few more devices, not even a single one less. Because people who wanted Nintendo games and people who wanted advanced portable games (non-handheld portable games) just wanted it and had no other choices anyway.
People don't buy something so expensive because they don't care at all but hey, it is unique because it does less things than everything else. This would be just silly.
Little history to Nintendo when they came onto the market where it was Atari, Intellivision for those remember those days. Nintendo's coming in helped give life to a dying industry with it's Console. I don't think it would be where we are today if Nintendo didn't come into the market. And as others mentioned to get those apps to Switch cost money and you pay royalties to those companies-they don't make it out of their goodness. This is what alot of people whining why don't we have Netflix, Youtube it cost money to just get those apps. I like others mentioned have Gaming Desktop or Gaming Laptop in some of their cases that has more power to do all that already. Just look around you in a Public area and you see people's faces stuck on their Smartphone already watching FB, YT, Netflix and getting their news-why should Switch try to do that in the first place. People are so short sighted here and not seeing the long term game and that is survival. Having to much useless junk will cost money and lose your R&D returns. You think that is what their shareholders want-most likely not. They want to keep users on their Game platform that will keep generating games for them. Just look at the eShop some are becoming now Physical because they know the Switch will sell if your eShop become popular they will buy it like me. As for the 3DS having YT that is the only app I installed on it and the rest is mostly gaming on it. I got plenty of 2DS/3DS games to keep my 15 3DSXL going as some of them I have yet to finish and need to get back to them. Running YT on a Switch is going to drain battery regardless and using it docked is even more worthless to me since I have a Laptop and Gaming Desktop that can do that better with power to run it. Nintendo for it up/downs is still a recognized name for Gaming entertainment value and I like it to stay that way.
@BubbleMatrix82 I don't know anything about your children, but it doesn't surprise me one bit. I'm sure he doesn't have it from his mother.
You're right about me being an ass though. Now leave me alone you freak.
@dleec8 Here's a quote: ' For example, **many fans of the PlayStation and Xbox** really do see them as entertainment centers that also play games. '
Much more fans do not.
@BigKing I never said that many more people use their consoles as entertainment centers over pure gaming devices, now did I clown? I argued that there are many gamers through who do use their consoles as more of an entertainment center than a pure device strictly for gaming. Of course there are many more gamers who use their console to mainly play games, that would be obvious since Playstations and Xboxes are VIDEO GAME CONSOLES. So you are saying that most gamers mainly play games on their video games systems? Good job figuring that one out, Sherlock. That must have took a lot of critical thinking skills for you to fully think that one through. The argument you were clumsily trying to argue was there there were NOT many gamers who use their consoles as entertainment centers, and you offer NO evidence to back up your child-like logic. I based my comments on the many gamers I know in my life, and based on articles I have read about the topic. Here is a link to one such article:
Here are some interesting statistics pulled right from the article:
"Half of U.S. households already own at least one video game console, and roughly one-third of these households use the devices to stream online TV and movies to television. That translates to about 19 million U.S. households using video game consoles as TV streaming devices."
"The use of game consoles as streaming TV devices isn't restricted to the very young. A Deloitte survey showed that video game console owners in their teens and twenties were the most likely to list streaming video to TV as one of their top activities, but the activity was surprisingly popular among older demographics, too. Thirty-two percent of console owners between 31 and 47 cited streaming movies or shows from services like Netflix or Hulu as one of their top three game console activities, as did 21% of those between 48 and 66 years old."
This article states young gamers are far more likely to stream media as one of their top activities on their console, but even 32 percent of 31 to 47 year olds list streaming as a top activity, and a fifth of 48 to 66 year olds do the same thing. That is a large amount of gamers who use their consoles as entertainment centers rather than pure gaming devices.
I have used my own life experience and actual statistics to back up my argument. You are just throwing out arguments that are made up with no basis in reality. In the real world, if you want to offer an argument, you back it up with facts, statistics, or experience, of which you have offered ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. To me, you just sound like some lonely dude who likes to argue with strangers over the internet. Get a life, or learn how to properly state an argument, you clown.
@dleec8 'as one of their top three game console activities, as did 21% of those between 48 and 66 years old.'
One of the TOP THREE activities. Guess what the first two are.
I also watch Netflix on my PS4(just like I did on my Wii U), that doesn't mean I consider it an ' entertainment center that also plays games'. It's a game console first.
The Switch isn't any different and apps like Netflix would be very useful. That wouldn't make the Switch an 'entertainment center that also plays games', it's still a game console.
@BigKing When did I ever argue that you do or do not consider your console to be an entertainment center that also plays games? My argument was that there are many gamers who use their console as more of an overall entertainment center then just a box that only plays games. That has been my consistent argument this entire time, backed up by experience and facts. First you said that was a "dumb" argument, then you tried to question the gaming/entertainment habits of my friends and girlfriend (people who you do not know yet you felt the need to comment on their habits like you actually know them), then you stated that more gamers mainly play games on their consoles rather than just stream media or watch movies (which was never the argument and which is a REALLY OBVIOUS statement that even a three year old could come up with), and now your argument is that you personally don't consider your console an entertainment center? Good for you bro, would you like a cookie too? You could have just said that earlier and that would have been your contribution to the topic. Instead, you acted like a clown. Either you have a hard time with reading comprehension, or you enjoy coming off as a bitter person online.
Once again, so your apparently slow moving mind understands me, my argument is that there are many gamers out there who use their console as more of an "entertainment center" then as a pure device for gaming. You yourself also fall into this category since you admit to watching Netflix on your console. I don't care if we use the term "entertainment center", or "movie box", or "fun container", or "smiley happy console center", the point is that many people use their console for more than just games. You seem to be caught up with the term "entertainment center" like its a concept you are opposed to. I don't care what you call it, you can call it whatever you want, but the truth of the matter is that many people use their console to do more then just play games. For some people, their top activity isn't gaming, but rather streaming media. Nintendo is not targeting people who look at consoles as boxes to both play games AND also stream media. They are primarily targeting people who are interested in playing video games, hence the reason why HULU is the only streaming option available on the Switch at the moment. Nintendo is trying to keep the focus on gaming with the Switch, and so far, that strategy seems to have worked quite well. Whether you want to call the Switch an "entertainment center" or a "BigKing FunBox" is all up to you, and frankly, I do not care at all what you call it. Stop trolling people and go do something fun in life, like hitting the gym, reading a book, or I don't know, how about PLAYING A VIDEO GAME. You could have been doing all that instead of coming off as a clown online. If you want to be a clown, then don't be surprised when people treat you like one. That goes for online, and in the real world as well.
Yup. He's right. Companies compete for your time. Not just against other similar devices. LOLZ at people still bitching about TV apps. I don't need TV. I play games
More PR bollocks. But blame the message, not the messenger.
Nintendo aren't competing for your time, they're competing for your dollars. They don't make more money when you play more, they make their money when you buy games - so they should really concentrate on making more, high-quality games.
As for Netflix, I would love to have it on the Switch - utterly perfect for watching in bed. YMMV.
Is it Reggie's job now to providing nonsensical, issue dodging, PR responses to criticisms of Nintendo?
You are wrong on this matter. There is money to be made just for having netflix on your console.
1) Everytime you start up your switch you will see a few news stories or what' s on sale this week. The more often you see a certain game name pop up, the more likely you are to check it out or buy it. So they miss a lot of free marketing this way.
2)When you are watching netflix in bed or on the couch and decide you want to play some games you are much more likely to do so on the console you're currently watching on then grab a new console and possibly have to switch cables around.
Personally I play a lot more on my Wii-U since I have netflix and less on my switch. Just because my Wii-U is the only console I own that also has acces to netflix. If I owned a PS4 I'm pretty sure I would spend way more time on the PS4 then on the switch and buy most indie games on the PS4 over the switch, just because the PS4 offers a better user experience.
I'm starting to get irritated by all the Netflix comments these days. It's games console, not a dedicated player of private subscription television services. Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to get Youtube and/or Twitch that's free and anyone may wish to use it at any time and more importantly contains troves of gaming related content including walkthroughs and such rather than Netflix where a select subset of people who are already buying a subscription to an outside service for doing something entirely not gaming related, and for everyone else it's meaningless? I could see the Netflix griping if we already had Youtube, but for now, only one of those options makes any sense at all.
If we add Netflix that only appeals to Netflix subscribers should we then not also be demanding, Hulu, DirecTV, GoogleTV, Sling, and PlaystationTV clients, then an HBO and STARZ specific app for subscribers of only those services? And then what about SiriusXM for radio subscribers? and then why not a Comcast client too so no matter what subscription TV service one may have it works rather than just one subset or another? It's already a mess. PSTV only works on PS. Google TV only works on XBox, Netflix puts clients everywhere. DirecTV is PC only (and doesn't work in Firefox.) Hulu is on Switch. Nobody has Sling because nobody actually buys Sling, and HBO and STARZ apps are scattershot.
Just because you subscribe to one service does not mean that service has universal appeal. At least Youtube is a port beg that has value to anyone.
@Tasuki Reggie may be irritating but these sorts of things aren't "his" plans, he's there to execute Kyoto's plans.
@NEStalgia I've learned that logic goes out of the window with this lot, if they had Netflix they'd cry that Youtube and Hulu aren't on there and vice versa, if Nintendo say a game's got 8 levels they'll cry that they wanted 9....
Well, I think they kind of are competing with other outlets directly if they're after consumer time, it's just that most companies don't see it that way. They focus on making products that will sell, and have lasting longevity in different ways, whether it be through sequel or IP licensing.
If we're talking gaming, Nintendo hasn't really had a direct competitor since the early 2000's, ESPECIALLY in handhelds, the one gaming platform that has had the "audacity" to remain something with low specs while still selling great. Sony's the market leader, but after the PS2, they've been content to slug it out with Microsoft. Nintendo's just been doing it's own thing for years and appealing to a different demographic. I wouldn't mind Microsoft, Sony, or another Sega-like company to come and light a fire under their seat, but as it stands, I'm not betting anyone is brave enough to risk not having a "too cool for school, too mature for your parents" image :/
Still makes me laugh that here are people who, in the 21st century, on a public forum, think that because they don’t want something nobody else should have it and that thing is not attractive to anyone else.
Amazing stuff.
@electrolite77 it's a big problem in businesses too I've forgotten the technical term for that behaviour though...
@WiltonRoots Well Nintendo was going to release Netflix, but they listened to fan feedback and understand that people don't really want late ports, so they'll focus on enticing new content instead.
@dBackLash potentially increasing the amount of impressions through an existing channel isn't free marketing I'm afraid. Also, it takes a significant number of impressions to drive a sale (I don't have the market data to back this up but ppl from the advertising industry might).
What I'm trying to say is that, specifically referring to potential increase in income from increased sales, the actual effect is likely to be somewhat negligible in business terms.
There's also a cost attached to getting Netflix or other entertainment services on board. Unless they say they'll do it for free
@NEStalgia figured as much. 😄
I do work closely with advertising companies and I do know what you're talking about.
It generally takes between 7 and 12 impressions from different sources to drive a sale (only around 2% are made after just 1 impression).
This however assumes customers having little knowledge or experience about about the product or brand.
For example most nintendo-fans will know in 1 to 3 impressions whether they are gonna buy a new mario game or not. Based on previous experiences with nintendo and mario games they can probably conclude if they will enjoy the game or not.
This is often true with sequels and DLC.
Another thing to consider is that 1 impression can lead to more impressions. If you are anything like me then you'll likely start looking up more info and reviews if you see any game that looks interesting.
In cases like this a single impression can result in a sale.
What the actual effects on sales are from adding entertainment services is almost impossible to calculate.
But in my opinion it will definitely increase the views on Nintendo's own news articles and will very likely increase the amount of times people will scroll through the e-shop (a good way to procrastinate).
@dBackLash Ah - brilliant! I was hoping someone will have some industry experience to add to the discussion. That's quite interesting data you've shared.
Well, from a customer point of view, I'm all for having the extra media experiences on the Switch. Thinking from a business point of view, I'm personally supportive of Nintendo driving a narrative about convenient gaming on the go. It's a clean, clear message, particularly when they've greatly struggled in the past apart from the Wii and the DS.
Then again, it's been over a year since launch so there's less risk of the message getting warped or diluted
I sometimes think it's down to Nintendo's relatively lower headcount compared to Microsoft/Sony. And they've had a major leadership change in a very very conservative company. All speculation from me though!
@StephanDLW So NOT true. The more I watch YouTube, the more games I discover I want to purchase and play.
@Razieluigi So NOT true. I want to be able to watch Netflix on a device I can use on T.V., on a table, and in bed. The only way I can do that now is to watch on T.V., on a tablet, then on a mobile device. So annoying.
@JLPick I own all 3 consoles and barely ever touch my Xbox One or PS4. The Switch is gaming Crack.
I often watch videos on my PS4 or Xbox One while I play games on my Switch.
@NTELLIGENTMAN One thing about the Xbox One is how slow and messy it is. Games become lost on their store (reminds me of the 3DS's store), it's a messy menu and for some reason, games take forever to install and update. PS4 is completely different to where I can easily find the games and search in the store with ease...just like the Switch, where it's easy to find everything. The only reason that I play the PS4 more, is because of the games on it (massive library of retail and downloads in my collection, but also a bunch of games that my kids play), whereas the Switch for myself, barely has many right now, and it seems that many of the downloads are too many of the 'runners' and cheapie indie titles, or I already own many of the downloads on the Wii U or PS4. The one thing I'd love for nintendo to do with the Switch, is have trophies like the PS4 or XBONE, some kind of reward system that's not linked to a computer or smartphone...would definitely keep me playing more. Other than that, I just need to get a pro controller so I can enjoy it better...my hands get crammed on the joy cons, and the screen starts hurting my eyes after a while. Like the Switch, just still choose the Gamecube for my favorite nintendo console (besides the original NES that I grew up on...technically grew up with Atari, but that's a whole other story).
@dleec8 There is absolutely nothing insulting about telling someone they've said something stupid, e.g. "Your example is dumb". "You're an idiot" is an insult, because it's directed towards the person and not towards that which was said. You don't have to be an idiot to give a dumb example. Either way, if you really enjoy endlessly insulting everyone who disagrees with you, be my guest, but please don't be a hypocrite, and please understand that someone expressing disagreement in a harsh way does not necessarily have any intention to insult.
@c2017nlifemedia It is insulting to completely discount someone's opinion by calling it dumb. Espicially when that opinion is an educated one backed up by experience and statistics. If someone lays out an argument that is based in real world experience and statistics, and someone else calls that argument "dumb" without providing their own set of contrasting evidence that refutes the argument, then yes, it is insulting. Calling an opinion dumb is the same as saying the person who gave it was dumb for saying it. Try telling people their opinions are dumb, and then call them a liar like he did as well when he questioned the habits of my friends as if I made them up. If you dont think that calling someone dumb and calling them a liar isnt insulting, then i suspect you have not had much interaction with other human beings. If you are okay with people calling you a liar and saying your opinions are dumb, then thats on you, enjoy your life. There is also an element of basic human deceny that is an issue as well. It is not terribly hard to disagree with someone while showing respect for their opinion. If you walk around calling people's opinions "dumb" without offering your own argument that is backed up with evidence, then you yourself are an insulting individual who most people probably don't like very much.
@c2017nlifemedia it is always insulting to call someone's example dumb
It implies you're smarter and superior.
Far better to say you disagree and state why
@dleec8 An example is not an opinion (and, considering the discussion was about whether people consider game consoles as media devices that also play games or as game consoles that also play videos, there is nothing to opine about, it's either one or the other). Someone can completely agree with you and still call your example dumb.
@c2017nlifemedia Here is it again for you, because apparently you don't know how to scroll back and read earlier posts:
"Many fans of the PlayStation and Xbox really do see them as entertainment centers that also play games. Nintendo does not want the Switch to be seen as an entertainment center/gaming device because the Switch can't compete directly against Sony's and Microsoft's consoles since those consoles fulfill that duel role so much better." It is an OPINION because I was speaking about millions of console owners who I believe view their console as more of an entertainment center rather then just a console that plays games only. That is an OPINION because I obviously do not know millions of PlayStation and Xbox gamers. I only know those in my personal life, and I used that EXAMPLE to help inform my OPINION. It is not that hard to follow along, although since you continuously fail to grasp what is an opinion and what is a factual example, maybe that is something you just have trouble with. It is an opinion if I attempt to explain what is in the minds of millions of gamers since I myself do not know millions of gamers. If you are still confused then you should read my posts. I give examples from my personal life and from articles, but I take those examples and form a broader opinion about gaming society as a whole. And again, I challenge you to meet someone for the first time and then call what they say dumb and see if they don't take that comment as an insult. I did not know this individual at all and my first interaction was him stating that what i was saying was dumb. Go meet people for the first time and then tell them that and they will judge you as being rude. This individual also took my personal experiences and implied that I was lying about them. Go meet a person for the first time and discuss an issue with them, then when they are done, call them a liar and question their personal experiences even though you don't know them. Once again, a normal person would consider you to be rude and wouldn't want to even talk with you again. Go out in the real world and interact with people like that and I guarantee you that you will not be liked. All that the other poster had to say is that he disagreed, and then he could have contributed to the topic from there. Completely discounting the opinions of others in a childlike way by calling them "dumb", and then implying that they are a liar for no reason other then just to argue, is cause to be ridiculed and exposed. I'm all for thoughtful discussion, but don't act like an immature child who just likes to argue unless you want to be exposed as an immature child. Not only did he come off as troll who just wanted to argue in a rude fashion, but he also didn't even have an argument of his own, and he moved his own goal posts several times when he couldn't explain what he was trying to argue. Go back and read that guy's posts and he was also making fun of another poster by saying he had Aspergers when that poster had a son who lives with Aspergers. It was obvious to me that this was not a decent human being. He should either learn basic human decency or be shamed into learning. I suggest you learn the difference between factual examples and the broader opinions about the world that these examples are used to inform. If you still can't understand, then you probably need to finish your education.
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