Global brand consultancy Interbrand has released its rankings for 2018's best global brands. Nintendo hasn't been on the list since 2014 and has now returned following strong sales and marketing of the Switch. The video game company is in the 99th spot - with Japanese car manufacturer Subaru last on the list.
The top three places go to Apple, Google and Amazon. Microsoft is in 5th place and Sony is in the 59th spot. Nintendo is notably the only standalone video game company on the list. The remaining brands are predominantly linked to food and beverages, fashion, technology and the automotive industry.
Last month, Prophet's Brand Relevance Index for 2018 revealed Nintendo's brand recognition in the UK had also increased. On this list, Nintendo had moved up to the 11th place. In contrast, Sony's PlayStation was in third place and Microsoft's Xbox was in 17th place.
What do you think about this? Do you think 2019 is shaping up to be another good year for Nintendo? Tell us below.
[source interbrand.com, via gonintendo.com]
Comments 33
B-But, i was told that Nintendo was Doomed. are they wrong about that?
Welcome back, Nintendo.
Keep maintain the Switch momentum.
That's great, but I already knew they were one of the most recognized before this list was made. Nintendo will always be the grand daddy of videogames, even if they weren't the first.
Nintendo is to video games what Ford is to cars or Coca-Cola is to soft drinks. It might not be the first, but it's importance to the industry today is so great it will never be forgotten. If Nintendo shut down tomorrow, and 100 years from now humans haven't blown the Earth back into the stone age, then Nintendo would still be a known name when people talk about video games.
Nintendo got into the Top 100 with a little help from Stormy Daniels. Now even Donald Trump knows MarioKart and Toad.
Clever advertising? Gaming devices that can be played anywhere? Third party support? Recognizable characters in killer games?
...Nah, it's just a fluke. Nintendo should still go third party. DOOMED!...eternally.
I still question how you can possibly measure brand relevance with any chance of accuracy. 10 kidnapped grandmas are asked what company comes first to mind while they're being water tortured?
Not really sure being 99th in the world is anything to shout about.
In other news, the sun continues to be hot and grass is usually green.
Seriously, we're talking about the company that created Mario and Pokemon and has had four of the top ten bestselling video game consoles of all time, not to mention complete and utter domination of the handheld video game market for as long as there have been handheld video games. Ya think it might be a well known brand?
So the "good news" is that they 99 out of 100. And the competition is either 40 spots or 94 spots ahead on the list. 😳
Not exactly new or news, Nintendo as a video game company has been one of the most recognizable brand name around the world since the late 80's, come on Nintendo Life (and Liam Doolan), are you really scrounging for anything new to write so bad you have to resort to this ???
@OorWullie I don't know mate, there are a lot of companies in the world. I wouldn't like to count them!
@OorWullie says "Not really sure being 99th in the world is anything to shout about"
ANSWER: If we take the most expansive definition of company, ie any business or farming operation conducted by 1 or more person, the number of companies in the world is in the hundreds of millions. So the number 99th is indeed something to shout about.
Of course. What else is new???
Eh, I don't care if they're the #1 most recognisable brand in the world, I just want games. Besides, last I checked, 2 is not a winner and 3 nobody remembers. 99th place is a long way to go to be #1.
Nintendo's stock always ebbs and flows with their business. For now, good for them.
@Agramonte yeah because their output is directly comparable, right? One is the company whose OS is in more than 90% of PC's of the world alongside tens of apps and devices and the other makes everything from TVs to movies, mobiles, headsets, music, with a bit of insurance thrown in. But you knew that already, so another poor trolling effort. 2/10
@gortsi The press about the list does not even go past #10. And the headline are top 3 or 5. Or simple about Apple being #1 for 6 years running. Everyone else is barely mentioned.
Nobody is sending out press releases that SONY is buried at #59
either. They were #100 back in 2014 - so they also up a spot - time to open the champagne 🙄
@Agramonte The link you provided actually mentions new entrants to the top 100 and specifically Nintendo and some others. It's not like Nintendo put out a press release, so take it up with Nintendo life for reporting the news I guess? Otherwise I don't exactly see a point in your comment
@gortsi All those brands are buried in the text. "News" are the top 5/10 brands and Apple.
Seeing how I made a general comment. I did take it up with Nintendo life on how they reported the news.
@JasmineDragon Hahaha to your first sentence! XD That was great! I needed that laugh. Thanks!
@Liam_Doolan the list is not about being the 'most recognised brand'. The list is ranked on 'Brand Value' which Interbrand determine themselves based on financial analysis, the role of the brand, and brand strength.
"Eh, I don't care if they're the #1 most recognisable brand in the world, I just want games. Besides, last I checked, 2 is not a winner and 3 nobody remembers. 99th place is a long way to go to be #1."
You literally wouldn't be alive without some of the brands in the bottom 50 here. These are the most powerful companies in the world. Some of them have more power than medium-sized governments. Getting to Number 99 on this list isn't like completing Breath of the Wild. It's a staggering achievement.
ETA: NL formatting strikes again. Just imagine that first paragraph is in a quote block.
@Agramonte How can you be so short-sighted that it never occurred to you that being on that list actually IS the achievement? And seeing as there are billions upon billions of companies that DON'T make it onto that list, it should be quite clear how positive this actually is.
It's just like the Fortune 500 for rich people and companies. Of course a certain position is always better than the other, but making it onto that ranking is already a pretty big deal, so bring out the champagne indeed...
@JasmineDragon Or... it could just be that you used the wrong type of brackets and NLife did nothing with their formatting...
Use these ones: [ quote ] (without spaces, obviously), and it'll look better. At the very least, the words "quote" will disappear from your comment...
Just remembered that quoting only works if you also add the name of the person in between the brackets, just like how it works in the forums, when it's done automatically.
It should look like this:
[ quote = username ] quoted text [ / quote ] (obviously, once again without all the spaces removed in between the brackets)
Alternatively, you could also use quotation marks to bookcase a quote.
@ThanosReXXX I used proper brackets on my first attempt. It didn't work. And making the word "quote" disappear from the comment just left it looking like it was my words instead of a quote. Not really what I was going for . 😉
@JasmineDragon I know, but you can try the forum format,
as I mentioned in the edit, that I just added...
@ThanosReXXX Yeah and you do not hear about who is at #499 either. You do see 20 articles on Bezos, Gates, Buffet, Koch, Ellison.
But I am sure NL will write an article on the game that comes in at #49 in the top 50 best sellers in 2018. Because you know, tons of other games didn't make the list 😏
@JasmineDragon "You literally wouldn't be alive without some of the brands in the bottom 50 here. These are the most powerful companies in the world."
I think I could manage without any of those brands mentioned. Man survived for thousands of years without Apple's or McDonald's help. I get what you're saying, though, that it's an achievement for any company on that list. It's just not something to be popping open the champagne about, unless you happen to be one of those companies.
As long as Nintendo stays in business and makes games that I want, that's all that I care about. The rest is just icing on the cake.
@Cosats numbers being very misleading, if you figure 99 out of millions of public businesses whose names are known by more than one country, even being #99 on a list of names recognized in most every single country in the world is still pretty damn good,
@Agramonte Somehow I knew you wouldn't understand.
Like I said: keep in mind how many companies DON'T make it onto that list, and how many companies there are worldwide, so even reaching nr. 99 is still a MASSIVE achievement, regardless of your personal sentiments about it, which don't matter at ALL.
But forget I ever mentioned it. I've got better things to do with my time...
@ThanosReXXX You can say the same thing about Every single "list" ever created.
Yes man, Everyone should have better things to do with their time than concentrate on what is at #99 on any top 100 list 😉
@Agramonte I rest my case...
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