Ubisoft's relationship with Nintendo is an interesting topic; the studio has consistently been around during recent Nintendo console launches - supporting the Switch with Just Dance 2017, the Wii U with ZombiU, and several titles for the Wii on day one - and no other studios have been granted such free access to Nintendo's property in recent times. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle signified a great deal of trust from Nintendo's point of view, and this has only extended with the upcoming Starlink: Battle for Atlas.
So how has this happened? And how will this relationship benefit both parties? Well, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot recently sat down with GameSpot and - luckily - this very matter was discussed. Guillemot explains that the relationship has blossomed thanks to this consistent support, with Ubisoft's commitment to Nintendo - through easy and "difficult" times - helping the cause.
"It's a long-term relationship, so we've been working with them on all the machines they launched, and so from the beginning of the Wii to the Wii U, Switch, we were always there with them, and so we have been working closely while it was going out, when it was more difficult, so we are real partners that are happy to work together, and that helps a lot.
We like what they do also. We are big fans of what Mr. Miyamoto and his team is creating, so that helps the creators at Ubisoft to work with the Nintendo teams because they learn so much."
As we mentioned above, Starlink: Battle for Atlas is the latest project to prosper thanks to this relationship, with Nintendo happily allowing Fox McCloud - protagonist of the company's Star Fox series - to appear in the game. While agreements on these matters are never straightforward, Guillemot explains that knowing each other well has helped Nintendo to feel more confident in letting its property be explored in new experiences.
"It's never ... it's always ... you know, when you work with the brands of another publisher, it's never easy, because you really have to understand the spirit of it, you have to really bring something that can help that to continue to grow. So it's not easy, but as we know each other well, they are confident that we can really bring high quality experiences, so that helps."
Finally, in one last question, GameSpot asked Ubisoft's head honcho about the potential for a Mario + Rabbids 2. His answer is understandable, but the "yet" certainly has us intrigued...
"I can't say...
[Laughs] I can't give you an answer yet."
Have you played many Ubisoft games on Nintendo systems? Do you like the recent collaborations in Mario + Rabbids and Starlink? Share your thoughts with us below.
[source gamespot.com]
Comments 117
You got to love Ubi. I always try and get as many of their games as possible.
Hopefully we see a new Rayman and Child of Light soon on Switch.
I see good things coming from this to be honest. Mario and kingdoms is a solid game and Starlink is clearly geared towards the Switch.
I'll continue to support Ubisoft if the games they bring continue to impress 👍.
He means sticking with them throughout the Wii U era haha
Kingdom battle is the best exclusive game on Switch.
Thanx David Soliani.
Starlink isn't exclusive to the Switch though, and they haven't given us much beyond remakes or multi platform releases.
Hopefully they can give us some more Switch exclusive games?
Switch needs some 3rd party exclusives badly.
I think there will be a Mario+Rabbids sequel. I mean, why not? The first one has sold well and there are many directions a sequel could take. Add Link and watch it sell twice as much.
Deffo sticking with Nintendo through Wii U era has massively helped. And truthfully Starlink is only gonna sell on Switch. Unless there's a last minute announcement of Rachet for PS4.
I don't care I want a major triple a unique title from these guys. Don't get me wrong I liked the Mario+Rabbids game but I've had my fill. I need a more mature title like the new spiderman game. This is just a troll comment so no need to reply.
New 2D Rayman (with no touch levels and more music levels), please! Heck, make a spinoff with ONLY music levels, please.
Mario and Rabbids Battle Kingdom is an exclusive from Ubisoft and the upcoming Starlink game has Starfox content exclusive to the Switch version. Did you not read the article?
@MagnaRoader yes thats true but it does have exclusive Switch content and I'm not sure on this but i think its probably developed from the ground up for the Switch and ported to the others... I could be wrong though but with the exclusive content and all the focus, i wouldn't be surprised.
Oh, like they didnt delay Rayman Legends to make it go multiplat and WatchDogs just because.
Ubisoft and Nintendo ~ Sitting in a tree ~
K - I - S - S - I - N - G
Rabbids invade Hyrule will be the next game! Please, please let that happen!!
@MagnaRoader I mean, Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate just came out, and we have Bayonetta 3, Travis Strikes Again, Daemon X Machina, Gear.Club Unlimited 2, TWEWY Final Remix, Yo-Kai Watch 4, Inazuma 11 Ares, Ace Attorney 7 and hopefully a western release of Zoids Wild to look forwards to at least for 3rd party exclusives due later this year or next. PS4 has what, Nioh 2, Fist of the North Star, and... okay I'm sure there has to be a few other 3rd party exclusives they have upcoming, but I don't know what.
@Prof_Yoshtonics Link would not sell that game. He simply doesn't fit the mood of the rabbids or the art style as well as mario. More mario characters though pleasssseeeeee!
Red Steel was one of my favourite launch games ever. It wasn’t perfect, but it illustrated some potential few actual Wii games ever met. It was the little details: the way you could rotate a gun in your hand or zoom in by holding A and physically moving the Wii remote forward. How many other Wii games used that special awareness?
I loved the Dojo ‘base’ and how you could pick which level to play. There is a lot to be said for the tense, confined gunfights of a corridor shooter in an age of open world games.
Because of the small levels it’s one of the few FPS games I’ve ever played that got 2-player death match /right/ too.
@link3710 Grandia 1 and 2 remastered will also be Switch Exclusives and it looks like Civilizations 6 will be a Switch console exclusive.
@RadioHedgeFund I thought Red Steel 2 was leagues better than the first one. Better controls, more interesting art style, better combat, you name it.
@Razer Good additions, plus The Snack World is exclusive even if it's not yet coming to the west, and Layton's Mystery Journey is a console exclusive since it's only on this plus phones + 3DS.
I honestly think Nintendo has more major 3rd party exclusives coming out than either Microsoft or Sony at the moment. Xbox One doesn't even have any upcoming ones confirmed outside of indies as far as I can tell.
...I wish sticking with them included more diverse support. There are many games that nintendo hw could run but they don't put/port to their systems. I miss the gcn days where I could buy a majority of my 3rd party games on any system of my choice. Nintendo doesn’t have to make a bleeding edge system for that to happen, but devs have to step up.
That being said...I am fond of their exclusives and attempts to capture Nintendo's design template. Just wish that the games that they put on everything and a potato would go to switch.
@steventonysmith I don't need you to point out that Rabbids is exclusive nor that Starlink has exclusive content. Maybe read my comment again before trying to sound hip and cool eh buddy?
@MagnaRoader "they haven't given us much beyond remakes or multi platform releases."
Ubi's a publisher. Multi-plat is pretty much what they do...
"Hopefully they can give us some more Switch exclusive games? Switch needs some 3rd party exclusives badly."
"3rd party exclusive" is kind of a rare thing that doesn't exist in the industry anymore. Nintendo's the only company that really even gets that now, so though rare, it's still a lot. Publishers don't really do exclusive. Modern games cost too much to limit to just one platform. Some games are PC only because they really need keyboard and mouse, but otherwise, even Sony doesn't get 3rd party exclusives. Timed exclusives is the best they muster (Nier Automata.)
@Lumine I'd kill for one exclusive or not so long as it is day one Switch.
@NEStalgia @link3710 again, I said I hope Ubisoft give us more exclusives...
I don't see why exclusivity matters personally. I also don't really want more Ubisoft games because most of them tend to play the same way.
I suppose I'm just jaded and feel like this is a PR move anyway. For the people who actually want Ubi games, I would think actions would speak louder than words anyway.
@NEStalgia actually you are right... Nintendo is really the only company that has 3rd party exclusives from developers...
Sony's exclusives are mostly 1st party or in MHW's case, region exclusive.
Good point.
now Rayman and/or Rabbids in smash bros has to happen, after the quake demage is done of course
@NEStalgia Nintendo gets 3rd party exclusives because there hardware is, let's say, more different than the other consoles. A lot of times the games have to be made from the ground up to even be on the Switch so you might as well make them exclusive.
Not to say that's a bad thing. I love some of those exclusives.
I did read your comment hence why I pointed out the obvious because your comment was in direct contradiction of information in the article you were commenting on. Thanks for thinking I was trying to be cool, because I am a huge nerd.
I don't understand why people say that the switch needs 3rd party exclusives. To what end does the switch/nintendo needs this? This is a genuine question.
In my opinion nintendo them selves have a lot of exclusives and systemsellers.
I do agree that they need 3rd party support because the systems library would be to small otherwise, and from what I see there is a growing support for the switch (e.g. Diablo, dark souls, games from Bethesda, ubisoft and indie support).
I see the need for 3rd party support but not for 3rd party exclusives.
That's not to say that I don't love M+R, I'm on my second run through.
No one likes fair weather friends, least of Japanese businesses. Good for them.
As for other possible IP’s for Ubisoft to resurrect, I think Chibi-Robo could be neat.
@Spoony_Tech They should do a Starfox + Rabbids where we get to blast Rabbids and Rabbid-shaped space ships to smithereens. There could even be a giant Rabbid head as the final boss to spoof Andross.
@TheFanatic Chibi-Robo deserves more love. It's a shame the semi-sequels have been so sub-par. I want a nice HD game with the gameplay of the first game. I'd even be happy with a straight HD remake.
I mean, I agree with most of what's being said in the article, but are Ubisoft really pretending all that stuff with Rayman Legends (finished Wii U exclusive was pushed back last-minute for half a year to make it multiplatform) and ZombieU (exclusive Wii U game was later ported terribly to other platforms) never happened? Or how they supported the console at the start and then quickly abandoned it, even going so far to not release an already finished Wii U game?
And why is there no mention of this in the article @ryancraddock ?
Again, I don't have any issues with Ubisoft currently, I actually enjoy quite a few of their games.
But I expect a journalist to mention this kind of criticism, even in an otherwise positive article. Otherwise it's not even journalism anymore...
@Frendo Because that would be a terrible idea. Please let the Splatoon IP alone!
I don't agree that they "stick with Nintendo thru hard times" at all - but I would say they constantly give Nintendo second chances.
I will forever be thankful for ZombiU. The best horror survival game ever made.
Is it too much to want Zelda + Rabbids: Hyrule Kingdom Battle?? Please Ubisoft??!?! https://imgur.com/a/dUL9Rr7
To me, the Rabbids and Rayman are in the same "Just Ignore That It Happened Tier" as Crazy Frog. Then again, that seems to be popular in Europe for whatever reason.
After Ubi bounced when they saw the Wii U sinking, I wasn't happy, but it made sense for them, as well as other 3rd parties. I've had words for them at times, but I have to give credit where credit is due-- They stuck it out with Nintendo and managed to land a doozy in M+R. No complaints from me.
@justin233 Preach.
If I could send Ubisoft a hug digitally, I would. Instead I'll open my wallet to them, as I plan to purchase all the plastic toys coinciding with Starlink. The game looks like tremendous fun.
My prediction : Star link will be an average game.
@shani you're right - the only Wii U exclusives they had were built on the premise they'd make a bucket load.
As for the rest - Assassins Creed, Watchdogs, Splinter Cell etc were token ports, outsourced to Ubisoft Romania with a small team set aside who ported to Wii U in under two months and the games were booted out the door, no attempt at optimisation or to make use of Wii U architecture, the in house teams poured their hearts into Sony and Microsoft with Wii U getting the leftovers.
Yeah I don't know how much i believe they stuck with them, because there was an unreleased Wii U title that they said was done, but needed to see better numbers on wii u so as far as I know they never released it.
@TheFanatic lol - I just have a soft spot for the little guy. The lack of success for the series is one of gaming’s great tragedies.
@Spoony_Tech "Hyrule Warriors 2: Rabbid Invasion!" would probably sell pretty well just so people could slaughter unending waves of Rabbids with swords, spears and clubs. Has to be a mosou game though, not turn based strategy. I think it could work, Hyrule needs a bit more comedy, that place is always so dour and tragic, a Rabbids invasion would do them good.
I sometimes give the Ubi management flak for the handling of the Wii U launch days, but Nintendo is as much to blame, and really, that was during the most aggressive takeover attempts by Vivendi. They really had to play it safe at the time.
Ubi still does a lot of crazy stuff none of the other big stocklisted publishers seem to dare, so I can't really stay upset at them.
Here's to many more years!
Well, Ubi Soft did stick with the Wii U longer than pretty much anyone else, even if it hasn’t been entirely consistent support
I’m glad Mario + Rabbids exists, I had so much fun with it a few months ago. Sure, the DKC DLC had potential to be much more, but in the end it’s the perfect example on how you handle a 3rd party Mario game.
@rjejr Man, you sold me so hard on that game. I want that to become reality so badly now. Who doesn’t want to beat endless waves of Rabbids?
I hope this partnership leads to Ubisoft getting a character in Smash Bros. Ultimate! Rayman deserves to be more than a trophy, like he was in Sm4sh!
“I don't understand why people say that the switch needs 3rd party exclusives”
Me neither. Maybe these people haven’t noticed it’s not the 1990s and third party exclusives don’t really exist apart from when they’re funded by/have involvement from the platform holder.
Personally I just want games, I don’t care whether they’re exclusive or not.
This does remind me of the one sequel rumor called Mario + Rayman: Rabbid Behavior.
Didn't give it much credit till I heard some stuff about it that sounded like a total Ubisoft thing to do. Like adding "Aimee" the girl in the "Real World" as on of the characters.
This concerns and excites me.
@justin233 If I read anything I'll let ya know. But first we need a new Nintendo Direct date and time. I know it probably isn't until next week but I keep checking back here incessantly anyway.
Far Cry. Bring it.
Because of course they helped Nintendo through dark times!
Who would even dare to suggest they were the one who singlehandedly kickstarted the slippery slope that ended up in the Wii U's failure?
@Yosheel you got me, laughing!

yeah thanks for the Zombi U and Assasin's Creed IV: Black flag guys...but screw you for abandon us when we needed yo the most...
The Wii U was screwed before its launch. Rayman Legends was (sadly) a largely irrelevant release on all platforms.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Ubisoft abandon ship with the Wii U?
Can't say I am really bothered if there switch output is exclusive. Why do people get so hung up about having exclusive 3rd party software. If ubi release multi platform games on switch that's fine. As long as you get the chance to play the game on switch why do you care if the same game is released on other consoles.
@Kinoen they did and you can't blame them. Zombie U under performed and switch hardware sales never picked up.
Love a lot of what Ubisoft do both on Switch and Xbox One. I'd love to see them go all in with a mature exclusive on Switch. I think Bethesda has shown how strong support (doesn't have to be every title just what works) can be beneficial to all involved.
the hell is going on with the ffi in difficult in the title
I hope Rayman will be in Smash Bros. Ultimate. For how close Ubisoft and Nintendo have been, I think Ubi's mascot deserves more than a few trophies.
@honkdonkey the F was hungry
Zombi U 2 for Switch anyone?
@N8tiveT3ch Give me a break with the "mature titles" motto. That is so ... last century.
Just want an Ezio collection from them, that would be icing on the already fantastic recent Switch line-up cake.
valliant heart please
Seems like we've gone from lamenting the lack of 3rd party games to just lamenting the lack of 3rd party exclusives. Is that progress?
It's tough to ask of any third party developer/publisher to self produce an exclusive title on any platform in this day and age, without the system manufacturer putting some money in to help diminish the risk in case the game tanks in the sales departments. Multiplatform, especially across platforms with very similar architectures and near equal performance levels, greatly helps reduce that risk, and the Switch unfortunately offers neither of those things when compared to the other two platforms, so anyone complaining that Ubisoft isn't investing enough in the Switch should think twice before reproaching them anything. They've certainly tried in the past, look at ZombiU, and it didn't perform well enough for them. They would have left Rayman Legends exclusive to Wii U if the Wii U had shown the signs that they would have at least broken even, but every sign was pointing to the opposite. I honestly think they can't be blamed, they're amongst the devs out there that really do give Nintendo platforms a chance the most. They're like the polar opposite of EA for example, who just DON'T want to try.
I don't like these guys very much and they are dishonest.
They screwed up with Assassin's Creed - could have had multiple games on Switch already as well as dozens of other franchises.
I think the Mario Rabbids collaboration is a POS sorry.
And my favorite game, Zombi U, they criticized the sales for no reason and then made a disgusting port of it to the other consoles instead of improving it and making more sequels for it, perhaps for Switch. Etc etc.
@dumedum ridiculous post. Basically because they haven't released games that you want on switch they are dishonest.
Being dishonest means misleading people. Ubisoft never promised any games on Switch. They haven't mislead anyone.
Zombie U never Hit the targets they wanted so where are you getting this criticized for no reason. Why would they go down the road of making a zombie U 2 when the first one under performed. I am guessing the ports on other consoles didn't do the numbers Ubisoft wanted either. The public have made their choice, they don't have any interest in Zombie U
@kobashi100 learn that other people can disagree without being ridiculous. You are childish. But I expected responses like that .
They were obviously dishonest because they made promises about relationships and then went back on it. Perhaps that's okay with you. Not with me. They misled all Nintendo customers. Zombi U sold very well. You are spewing out a myth.
@Razer Persona 5, DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY NT, Yakuza 6, Death Stranding (Kojima), all Sony exclusives from 3d parties, and PS4 don't need exclusives so much. Almost all games are developed for PS4 and then they get ported for Xbox1
@Agramonte Decide for yourself how credible the source is as a tease.
@NEStalgia Nier Automata isn't an exclusive, as it was released on PC the same day; @Razer likewise, Grandia II remaster was released on PC years ago, and I remaster was also announced for PC.
NieR was released for PS4/PC, because that's where most Japanese AA-AAA games go nowadays. The reason it came to XBox was most likely due to Microsoft's/ Phil Spencer's recent initiative to court more Japanese games and developers. The game may come to Switch, but would probably require hiring a team to optimise it, but perhaps they feel it might not be worth the investment.
@honkdonkey Lmao, the wonders of sans serif fonts.
@yuwarite Yeah but PC is just different really.. I mean if someone wanted they could play Botw and Mario Odyssey on there. I know its not official and all but i just dont really see Sony MS and Nintendo in competition with PC. Maybe thats just me though, i dunno.
@dimi but how are they exclusive if they get ported to Xbox? Actually i think my earlier statement and yours here is incorrect? I'm fairly certain Persona 5 is a 3rd party PS4 exclusive... Im not sure though.
@yuwarite I think @Razer meant the "Grandia 1 & 2 HD Remaster" double pack, which in it's particular form will be Switch exclusive, or at least for the time being. (I have no idea why Switch was chosen for this release, since the only consoles that the Grandia series was previously released on were Sony and Sega platforms, but hey, why not?) PC did indeed get Grandia 2 remastered back in 2015, and soon Grandia 1 remastered as well. They might go on sale together at some point, but they'll be counted as separate purchases.
@NESTalgia is correct in the context he meant. Nier: Automata released for PS4 back on March 7, 2017, while the "Become as Gods" edition for XB1 was released June 26, 2018. Sony definitely made a deposit in the coffers of Square-Enix for a timed exclusive in the console space. The PC version did indeed release March 17, 2017, but the available drivers for many NVIDIA card users who weren't using the more up to date hardware were not "Game Ready." Those users encountered white screens/crashing issues, which NVIDIA never fixed for those users. AMD did eventually fix that issue on their drivers. Console users never had to worry about such things.
@dumedum They never went back on supporting the Wii U at all. Throughout 2012 to 2014, they released Assassin's Creed III, ESPN Sports Connection, Just Dance 4, Marvel Avengers Battle for Earth, Rabbids Land, ZombiU, Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag, Just Dance 2014, Rayman Legends, The Smurfs 2, Splinter Cell Blaklist, Fitness Evolved 2013, Child of Light, Just Dance 2015 , and Watch Dogs. That's a lot of games, plus they are still making Just Dance games for the system to this day. They supported the Wii U heavily and decided to spend the last year or two of the system to develop games for the Switch... which makes sense from a business perspective and keeps active Nintendo fans happy.
@PlywoodStick Those issues weren't with nVidia, they were with Square Enix, who refused to patch the game. And it wasn't under any contractual agreement, just sheer laziness - which is baffling as the game has sold over 1 million on PC. I myself use an NVidia GPU and didn't experience that many issues with it when I first played it. Though I did install the FAR mod shortly after, and that made the game run perfectly and objectively the best way to play the game across any platform.
@Razer The Xbox platform is being steadily integrated into Microsoft's newfound product philosophy of "operating system as a service." In other words, playing XB1 games on either their console or on a PC with Windows 10. So there's no competition there.
Being relegated to mostly only operating in the home console space at this point, and relying so heavily on multi-platform deals, Sony is definitely in direct competition with PC gaming. A very significant portion of the PS4 library is also available on PC, of which the PC versions are often cheaper during regular sales periods.
Nintendo saw this whole situation coming over a decade ago. That's why they switched gears so much starting with the Wii/DS. The Switch more or less represents the culmination of completely dodging the PC gaming bullet that Sony has taken head on.
@yuwarite In the console space, it is indeed largely up to the game publisher/developer to ensure games are patched. In the PC space, however, the GPU manufacturers (NVIDIA and AMD) are just as responsible, if not more so, for being in contact with the game publisher/developer to address critical issues through driver updates. If no driver updates are released for a critical issue, then the fault lies primarily with the GPU manufacturer.
The white screen/crashing issues affected specific cards more readily than others. Which one do you use? The GTX 780/780 Ti in particular were heavily affected, and many users throughout the GTX 700 series were affected as well. Considering that the GTX 750 Ti is one of the most used cards in the Steam user hardware survey, that means quite a lot of people encountered crashing with the base version of Nier: Automata, before any mods existed.
This is unfortunately the modus operandi of NVIDIA's business practices. If you buy their most up to date hardware (Pascal, for right now), you are usually less likely to encounter critical issues with newer games than if you have hardware that's at least a few years old. (The GTX 700 series dates back to 2014.)
@shani LOL. All the stuff you talked about has been gone over repeatedly on this site, in articles and comments galore. Anyone who was with the Wii U knows all of that. If it had be brought up again, the article could be accused of stirring things up all over again.
I personally don't fault them for their decisions, although the delaying Rayman was kind of unneccessary. They are a business, and they have to go where there was money to be made, and everyone knows there was little to be had for anyone on the Wii U.
the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round....
I'm sorry, i couldn't hear you over the sound of nier automata running just wonderfully on my x1x... i think you were saying something about broken video drivers?
@PanurgeJr yeah man I saw that. UbiArt Framework i think fits the Switch like a glove. Ages ago there was an idea to make it open source
Nothing came of it unfortunately.
BS.... give us a far cry game and then I might believe you.
@NEStalgia Lol, I have an AMD GPU, no problems here!
But yes, in case you were wondering, the PC gaming market is getting worse. $1200 for NVIDIA's 2080 Ti, their next flagship consumer grade GPU. And it won't even perform real-time ray tracing, Turing's claim to fame, at 1080p 60 FPS reliably in all games. It used to be that flagship consumer grade cards were around half that price at most. Meanwhile, everything downstream is also unreasonably more expensive than their Pascal forebears, which are only just now lowering back down to launch date retail prices after the cryptocurrency mining boom and crash.
Having no competition is just so awful for any tech market...
@baller98 To be fair, a lot of those Ubisoft games for the Wii U were good, or at least popular in specific demographics. The three you listed were the worst ones. But I would also say that, despite what this article claims, Ubisoft had abandoned the Wii U by 2015. Sure, there was Just Dance, and yes, those games have their fanbase, but it's hard to say that is really supporting a system.
And to Qwertyninty above me, I have FarCry 5 on PS4 and it's pretty hard to imagine that on the Switch. I think they'd be better off reviving Red Steel built specifically for Switch Hardware rather than trying to squeeze down FarCry.
@PlywoodStick GTX 970, but the 750Ti is the only 700 series in the top 10 of Steam's most popular hardware survey, coming in at no. 6, and steadily declining - with the 970 closely behind and staying relatively static - and the 1060 at number 1. I'm not sure how big on an issue 700 series cards will pose in the future or what percentage of those users bought NieR, but the top 10 largely comprises of 9 and 10 series cards.
@PlywoodStick I think more people are excited for the $499 2070, also the fact that the price of 1080's and 1080Ti's will come down.
@flapjack-ashley I'm not saying NL should necessarily stir things up again, but 'Sticking With Nintendo In "Difficult" Times' is a straight-up lie and the opposite of what happened.
I really like Ubi but I expect a journalist to call them out for historical falsification.
I wish I could find a partner as devoted as Ubisoft.
@yuwarite True, most NVIDIA users tend to purchase the latest cards when they can. Those users are certainly less likely to witness critical issues, which plays into the perception of NVIDIA drivers having few or no issues, since their later cards get most of the driver focus. However, there is a history of legacy users getting the short end of the stick in certain cases, and this case with Nier: Automata is no exception.
Even with newer hardware, there are sometimes major issues for other reasons. The GTX 970 in particular was subject to a huge scandal for only having a 3.5 GB node of faster VRAM instead of the advertised 4 GB, with games frequently not being able to properly address the remaining separate (and slower) 500 MB node. NVIDIA lost against the resulting class action lawsuit, and were forced to pay $30 to every GTX 970 user, while dropping the price on remaining GTX 970 cards in the wild. I hope you claimed yours, as well.
$500 for the mid-range RTX 2070 is a sick joke. The actual real world price in the face of no competition will crank it up to $600. In addition to the lack of competition, it's also priced so exorbitantly because of NVIDIA's real-time ray tracing gimmick, which not even the next gen consoles like the PS5 are likely to use. The GTX 1070 launched at $380, which was an appropriate price for a mid-range card of it's caliber.
Even the current $450 GTX 1070 Ti (which may be price dropped soon) is a better deal than the RTX 2070, since the GTX 1070 Ti actually has higher core clock speed (~1600 MHz vs ~1410), memory speed (~2000 MHz vs ~1750 MHz), texture mapping units (152 vs 144), texture rate (~244 GTexel/s vs ~203 GTexel/s), and pixel rate (~102 GPixel/s vs ~90 GPixel/s), with nearly the same power efficiency and actually supporting delta color compression.
The only things the RTX 2070 has going for it are GDDR6, ~448 GB/sec maximum memory bandwidth instead of ~256 GB/sec, twice the L2 cache (4096 KB up from 2048 KB), shader model ver. 6.1 up from 5.0, and OpenGL ver. 4.6 up from 4.5. That's both a step forward and a step backward in most current and immediately upcoming games, since most games are tailored for the highest common denominator anyways: the GTX 1060/1050 Ti and soon to be GTX 2060/2050. I don't even want to think about how horrible the real-time ray tracing performance would be, with even the RTX 2080 Ti being lackluster as it is...
I desperately hope 2019 will see competition return.
@wiggleronacid it's not a lot of games at all . Some of them are total crap. Some are horrible port jobs. Not gonna even discuss the indies or Wii's Just Dance. It's embarrassing to even mention. .And what exactly did they spend time on for Switch? Another Rayman Port just not as good as the Wii U one? Or another just dance or this horrific Rabbids Mario? I don't think there was anything else. These guys released endless amount of games on other platforms. Where's Tom Clancy. Where's Far Cry. Where's The Crew. Where's For Honor. Wheres I'm Alive. Where's all that AC and Division and Rainbow and From Dust and Watchdogs 2. Nothing is at all on the Switch.
There's no more the power excuse. Not after Doom and Wolfenstein. Certainly not for ol' 360/PS3 stuff.
So it's just what it is. Dishonest bunch of liars saying that they have a good relationship . They do nothing. It is what it is.
Yeah, Ubisoft's pretty cool. Mario+Rabbids was awesome and Starlink is shaping up to be great too.
Sure Ubisoft, I still remember when Rayman Legends (a Wii U exclusive) was delayed so it could be released on Xbox 360 and PS3. That was a dirty move on Ubisoft's part.
Nintendo and Ubisoft should make more crossover games; Mario+Rabbids was amazing, I can see the same happening with Starlink
Persona 5 is also on PS3 and Death Stranding is being funded and published by Sony. Picky I know, but they aren't thirdparty PS4 exclusives.
I'm not sure if moderate/bare minimum support is enough to expect Nintendo to hand over all their IPs to them, but OK. I suppose the Switch is getting Wheel of Fortune from them so yay...!
Not a great fan of Ubisoft only zombiU ticked the box for me.
Not sure about battle for atlus. Odd how they aren't showing any star fox gameplay. Worried it will just be a skin.
Naming lists of games.. talking about 'we' when talking about Nintendo and 'they' as in Sony.. Don't act like a stereotypical fanboy so much! Just enjoy the games you enjoy on whatever system.
Ubisoft supported Wii U with just 21 games. But the lineup was more interesting: Assassin's Creed III, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Watch_Dogs, ZombiU, Rayman Legends, Rabbids Land, Just Dance 4, Just Dance 2014, Just Dance 2015, Just Dance 2016, Just Dance 2017, Just Dance 2018, The Smurfs 2 (by WayForward), Child of Light, Cloudberry Kingdom, Sports Connection, Your Shape, the Wii download Rayman Raving Rabbids, and the two Virtual Console games Rayman Advance and Rayman 3.
Switch got 8 games so far: Mario+Rabbids, South Park TFBW, Rayman Legends (again), Monopoly, UNO, Hungry Shark World, Just Dance 2017, Just Dance 2018, and soon Starlink: Battle for Atlas. I got M+R but nothing else that's catching my interest atm. On Wii U I had like 4 or 5 Ubigames in the same timespan.
@EightBitMan Do u ever stop being a troll? You keep blabbering about how Nintendo is now an evil gaming company, which is totally false.
Seriously, we have enough of you being negative about Nintendo. U never say anything positive about the company and whine and complain all the time.
Someone report EightBitMan and have him banned.
@PlywoodStick Yeah, I too would also like to see AMD continue to compete, but personally I'm more interested in their ongoing development of Ryzen APUs, as APUs could be the key to radically bringing entry level gaming PC prices down. I think you can currently build a 2400 Ryzen APU system for something like $350 atm, and it's relatively good for some 1080p 30 gaming. This is exciting for me, because with the big news of Steam Proton (which, I'm sure you already know about) I'm looking to build a small Ryzen APU gaming Console PC in the future, running on SteamOS. Funnily enough we were talking about NieR eariler, as that's one of the games currently supported by Steam Proton, so it would be cool to test that one on my future system.
@Omedru I do actually! I love the PS4. My point wasn't to disparage it, but to try and shut down this stupid myth that third party exclusives are the reason for Sony's sucess. They just don't even exist anymore for the most part.
I think the only full Ubisoft games that I've played are Rayman Legends, ACIII, & ACIV on Wii U. Before that, I only played demos of Assassin's Creed on 360 and ZombiU. I really enjoyed them all, but ACIV is my favorite.
@EightBitMan I wonder how you got so far down the rabbit hole with your obsession with Nintendo. You seriously could use counseling.
@Razer well as someone else said Persona 5 is also on PS3 so technically not an exclusive
@yuwarite It was leaked to Forbes that the PS5 will use Ryzen and Navi, so it definitely will be interesting to see what happens with them in the desktop PC gaming space.
At $160, the R5 2400G is honestly not that good of a deal. The $100 R3 2200G offers close to the same gaming performance.
The R3 2200G's 8 Vega GPU cores compare well to the R5 2400G's 11 cores, especially if overclocked. They both use the same stock Wraith Stealth cooler. The R3 2200G clocks up to 3.7 GHz, only 200 MHz less than the R5 2400G's 3.9 GHz. The R3 2200G has 4 threads available instead of 8, which doesn't make that much of a difference on SteamOS, since you're only gaming and not multitasking. They both share the same RAM compatibility of dual channel DDR4, clocked up to 3200 MHz. Otherwise, the two share the same specs, and they're both unlocked for overclocking.
You're better off saving the extra $60 for other components, especially if you're sticking to the ~$350 spending cap. Personally, I would raise it to ~$400 so you don't have to cheap out too much on motherboard, case, and power supply.
With RAM prices being the way they are, be prepared to spend ~$100 on 8GB of 3200 MHz DDR4. (You want faster RAM with Ryzen.) With $160+100, that only leaves ~$140 for the remainder of a $400 build- still not enough to complete it without cheaping out somewhere, unless you're able to take advantage of a retailer's -$50 discount on an applicable B350/m motherboard when bought alongside a Ryzen CPU/APU. For a ~$350 build, you'd require that discount, in addition to something like a cheapo ~$55 Rosewill case/400w power supply combo, and an HDD/SSD you already own.
With $100+100, you can fill out the remaining ~$200 of a ~$400 build with e.g. the addlink S20 3D NAND SATA III 256GB SSD for ~$45, the Cooler Master MCW-L3B3-KANN-01 MasterBox Lite 3.1 mATX Case for ~$45, the EVGA 500 B1 80+ BRONZE 500W Power Supply for ~$40, and the BIOS flashed B350M mATX motherboard of your choice for ~$70-80. (Going an extra ~$10 over budget for the ASUS Prime B350M mATX is worth it.) If you can manage to get the motherboard with a -$50 discount, and make sure the BIOS is flashed, that takes care of the ~$350 goal. This build also allows you to add onto it when you're ready to upgrade.
As for playing Nier: Automata with a complete R3 2200G or R5 2400G setup without discrete GPU, it would be best to run it at 720p on medium settings to maintain 30+ FPS during lots of action, and 40-50 FPS when there's less action. It would struggle with 1080p, not worth the frame drops below 20 FPS even at low settings when there's more action going on. The fancy additions with high settings will cause some sudden drops below 20 FPS, even at 720p, so it's not worth it with this build.
@PlywoodStick Yeah, well I'm in no rush to build the system just yet. I was thinking a Ryzen APU build + my current GTX970, as I'm going to be upgrading my GPU soon any way. I could wait next year when AMD supposedly releases their 12nm Picasso APUs, or just see what other solutions there are in the interim.
Alternatively, I would love to see Steam Machines make a resurgence and buy one of those. I mainly just want a dedicated small PC to install SteamOS to, basically.
I'm Confused, how did Ubisoft "stick with Nintendo" during the Wii u era? They released on it for about a year, same as most developers and then stopped.
Sure, but Rayman Legends being the first exclusive to abandon the ship was the final straw. It all truly went downhill from that point onwards.
Give me Red steel 3
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