In this day and age, many consumers are going digital so it leaves publishers like Activision in a bit of a quandary regarding the approach to physical releases of games, such as Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy on the Switch.
Sure, they made the effort to put some artwork on the outside of the box, just so you know what game you're buying. But once you get home with your purchase, don't go expecting a nice image of Crash sticking his tongue out when you open the box.
Activision has instead taken a minimalistic approach to the interior box artwork, in keeping with this new-fangled digital era in which we find ourselves.
This bold approach gathered near-universal praise on the Reddit thread on the subject and AdamG3691 summed up the mood of the masses quite nicely:
Bold, minimalist, inspired.
See how the blankness sharpens one's awareness of the game itself? Your attention is drawn to the cart, and then you think "surely there must be more?" Your eyes are drawn to the warranty and manual info, informing and enriching you with the knowledge they hold, yet offering the choice to remain in ignorance, to play truly blind.
You contemplate the possibilities of what could have been, the white void becoming a canvas to your imagination, and suddenly through you, the lack of inside art becomes all possible works of art, an infinite number bounded only by your mind.
You share your experiences with others online, that together you can ponder the true meaning of the expanse of nothingness, and together become enlightened.
Clearly OP you just don't have enough knowledge of the ironic arts to realise such beauty and genius!
Do you agree with Adam's hot take on the inside of the Crash box? Be sure to share your opinions on the minimalism movement with a comment below.
Comments 99
Now that's good sarcasm!
I miss the good old booklet
Ooooookay then?
(Meanwhile I was excited when Ys VIII came with a map and three cards.)
Man, I miss instructions. It was so cool to read them
I remember when Isaac came with a booklet and two sticker sheets.
Smaller publishers like Nicalis are having a blast with going physical.
I think he is being sarcastic.
Why can't people just print an instruction manual? Look at the space, it even has clips for it above the cartridge.
Worth the praise IMO, not many publishers offer decent reversible covers like this...
This is Activision. Paying for a port. On a system where they also have to pay for cartridge manufacturing. They're not going to pay for extra cover art, or layout and print of a booklet. Luckily, not everyone is like them. :/
I've been thinking about the whole eShop pricing thing. On Wii Shopping Channel, Nintendo demanded you have a publisher, and Nintendo decided the price of your game (!!). On Wii U, they went the complete opposite direction and let garage developers order kits themselves, let them self-publish, and let them adjust the price whenever they see fit.
With the Switch, getting a kit in the first place requires submitting a game draft and presenting a production team/plan. So it's possible they dialed several other restrictions back up as well.
True. Many of them stick to merely removing the corporate logos, ratings, screenshots, and summary. They seemingly can't be assed to remove the art, or the title spine.
I paused playing video games from 2011 to this year because I started traveling for work a lot and had no time or luggage space to play, plus some jerk who is no longer my friend stole my PS3 and Wii after he said he was going to borrow them and suddenly disappeared.
I was surprised to find instruction booklets gone and prefer physical any day because Internet connections are rarely reliable and some even have an 800MB daily cap in the places I reside.
One of the better articles I've read as of late. Bravo!
Less is more. I guess...
all my switch cases are cover-reversed, there are really some gems inside... and some lazy one, like this one.
shame, shame
Hate it, clearly a move to save costs and save ink and hide it behind being cool and clever but it fools no one.
Same as the “save the planet” stance when they did away with instructions- clearly cost saving.
Games cost the same but we are getting less and less.
Don’t even always get the full game on the Cart.
The gaming age of “milking” us is apon us and the golden age is over....
With micro transactions, this sort of nonsense and things like WWE and that awful tennis game both that were abandon as untested messes...
The gaming industry is expecting more money from us for a lot less.
Your diversionary humour fools no one!
And people is going digital because...?
They seem to blame us, but sometimes (many times even) people go digital because that's the only way. They charge physical prices for digital games and still we go digital because we want, right? Then they don't put effort in artbox or they just don't release the games with retail edition. Catch-22.
Does anyone else miss the smell of a new game coming from the sealed air of an intruction booklet’s ink?
@HobbitGamer lol. The smell of paradise
"This bold approach gathered near-universal praise on the Reddit thread on the subject and AdamG3691 summed up the mood of the masses quite nicely"
Pure plain sarcasm. Pretty sure the guy can't accept the fact that the producer didn't bother to deliver anything but a blank sheet of paper to customers who still try to hang on to good old physical copies.
It's a ridiculous approach in my opinion. They don't provide instruction manuals anymore, saving them the money they'd pay to produce them. Maybe now they'll start focusing on saving some ml due to no print at all.
Maybe next the cart itself will have no label anymore so that lucky customers will be able to customize it with the art they want, making them beautiful and exclusive editions. Or who knows, they'll reduce the case size to a minimum enough to protect the cart - maybe some 3mm larger the cart itself.
Well, let me just compare the physical copies inside art in my (small) physical collection:
Old releases:
.Zelda BOTW - nice art
.Super Mario Odissey - red art with the lyrics to Jump Up Super Star
.Mario Kart Deluxe 8 - control guide info
Recent releases:
.SF 30th Anniversary Collection: blank with warranty info on top left corner
.DK Tropical Freeze: reversible standard art/Funky Kong cover
.Megaman Legacy Collection 1+2:
blank with warranty info on top left corner (at least this one came with a cleaning cloth and the download code for collection 2 is pretty much a card)
Crash I bought digital. Sad times we're living. Sad, sad times....
The snark is strong here. XD XD XD XD
Someone at Nintendo doesn't want to buy many toners.
Of course the comment he made is sarcastic.
Minimalism and the use of white space are all very important. Bravo 👏👏👏
@Bronson You clearly missed a lot of video games in these 7 years. That guy who stole your things is a dirty cheep person, why did he do that?
I was moving from houses in 2010 and I didn't have space, so since he was a longtime friend, he offered to hold onto them and I told him he could play them since we were like brothers.
I realized something was amiss when on PS3 playing SFIV that I saw my username sign on, and I called him to ask what was up and he said he lent it to a friend and asked if I was willing to sell it since I wasn't using it, and I said NO, and said I DID NOT SAY YOU COULD LEND THEM. He said on his honor he would make sure they were safe.
Later on, some personal drama erupted when his girlfriend caught him cheating and he was asking me to hide stuff which I had no idea what he was talking about and it turned out he was trying to send flirty messages to a female friend of mine, and then it turns out his girlfriend started messaging my friend and finding out what was going on, leading to him begging me to make sure they don't talk. That didn't happen, as they did. A couple months later because he said he needed space and would drop off my stuff later, he then said please do not contact him anymore in the future. He then never returned my calls and cut me and every mutual friend off.
I've visited the town he lives in where my mother still lives once in a while and drive by his place and don't know what to do or how to approach a big guy who is a cop now (funny, huh?) to get my stuff back.
There in his home or probably in other people's homes now if he sold them are an entire library of GameCube, Wii, PS3, and PS2 games that fill up two huge storage boxes, lost to his selfishness.
That is another reason why I didn't play games for years because I was afraid someone else was going to steal my stuff again, and time and again, whether it was books people borrowed but never returned or disappeared from moving, I lost things.
Sometimes I wonder whenever I'm San Francisco if I'll bring a few friends over to knock on his door and ask for my stuff or answers.
In the meanwhile, I have years of games to catch up on, and was very fortunate to be given a PS4 Pro for Christmas in 2016 (which I've still never used, LOL!!!), and earned a good chunk to buy both a New 3DSXL and Switch and near-complete collection of amiibo at retail price, all within the past 8 months.
@John_Deacon my DK Tropical Freeze has a reversible cover with Funky Kong on his surf board
@adh56 you're totally right, man. My mistake. I've edited my original message now. Thanks!
Same thing with Capcom games, eh?
@HobbitGamer : I LOVE the smell of fresh DS games, almost as much as the games themselves.
I hope this article is ironic
I'd be so annoyed to see white inside box.
I'm surprised Nintendo were able to use the same cover as sony!
@Bronson That sucks... When I was in college my landlord stole all of my SNES games ( about 50 ) and my collection of Gameboy, Wii, and DS games about 9 years ago... Maybe 90 games in total. Many of those SNES games were bought for me by my grandma when I was a child, some of them are very rare and expensive tpday. I still haven't replaced them... I doubt I ever will.
"People sarcastically complain about a cover not having interior artwork"
What have we devolved into??
@Moroboshi876 - I decided to go all digital with Switch after proudly collecting physical for 30+ years, and this was one of the reasons I was able to let go. To me, the presentation is so poor on standard editions, they are no longer worth collecting.
This stuff is bound to happen. When more and more people are going digital, why put in the work for physical
@bimmy-lee Yes, but they argue that people went digital and there is no point in doing things right, so it's like I say, catch-22. They forced this situation, in other words.
I hate that games don't come with instructions anymore, but I still much prefer physical editions, because digital make me feel that I've downloaded them illegally. When you buy a digital game you have the same as when you get into piracy: a rom. So I still prefer physical.
It's not like Xbox One or PS4 games put anything on the back of their game covers (feel free to prove me wrong). Poor Nintendo getting all the hate.
Does it really matter at the end of the day? I'm just glad I own a physical of this game.
I'm more upset the Switch version has no leader-boards and the menu icon doesn't have Crash & Coco's face on it. Such an outrage! Where did I put those pitch forks?
@NewAdvent Well here I Norway the physical editions are generally 10 bucks more than on the e-shop. So it only takes 5 games to earn back my 128 GB sd-card.
It's not just with Switch and 3DS games, it's also for a lot of XBOX and PS4 games as well.
Hence, why I buy mostly digital these days, as I refuse to pay 10 bucks extra just to get it physical. It has no added value to me.
I'm pretty sure that's sarcasm...
Missed opportunity here. It would have been pretty neat to show some original artwork from the release on PS1. Would have been even better to see a game booklet that was updated for Switch. Oh well, it's a graphic designer's dream, and you almost never get fun things like that.
@Moroboshi876 - I hear you, all valid points. It’s still a little strange to me because I value physical media. My approach to digital has been varied. Gaming has been a slow, resistant creep since Wii. I haven’t purchased a DVD in a decade, never purchased a blue ray, but I still buy 90% of my music physical. So far, the convenience of having my library on my Switch (and buying games as I wish with no neurosis about a possible physical version in the future) has outweighed any longings for a shelf full of game cases.
Amazon screwed me and I wont even get my copy until July 15th at the earliest. Even though I pre-ordered like a month in advance. Soooooo Lame.
That's just plain lazyness....
They couldn't come up with a way to lootbox charge for anything useful on the interior cover art so they just didn't bother at all as there was no profit in it.
At the least if they didn't screw it up, physical still is better as you have a working game long after the servers go away in the future. At least that's a good prize in itself.
Terrible. It’s like the visual equivalent of licking the switch cartridge
A double sided insert probably will cost Activision less than a quarter (dollar) more. It's called fan service. Never mind the manual. But at least they should have included some art on the backside of a clear case.
As for going digital, lately on the Switch, I literally switch sides, mainly because on the Switch, the save is on console, and most games gets updated after release, so if you boot up the game after 10 years on a new console, it's will be version 1.0 if Nintendo no longer provides the update. Some games even needs a day one patch to run without glitches. Not to mention that your game is with you anytime you want. If Ninty provides cloud
Saves and restore with their upcoming online service, I might even go 95% digital (some games just have collectible value, so physical on those).
I love the american version of L.A. Noire inside cover. Why they won't do that to every game? Oh, I see... cut costs. Lazy freaks...
This is the single best use of the internet in the history of the internet. Major props to whomever wrote that.
@techdude Considering the cut-rate porting job Activision did across all platforms where even the X1X and P4P are running at 30fps and Switch gets stuck in SD portably, I'm pretty sure that extra quarter on box art would have cost them more than the per-unit cost of the entire game port
Omg it's getting worse and worse to own a Switch... I'm a ultra Ninty fan and of late... I'm getting bored, I have to get a Xbox ONE this week I'm so bored, Ninty have no games out and nothing worth looking forward to imo no more ports and half assed attempts anymore please all the games people want seem dead or dying
@Scrummer Nooooooo, really?
@NintyNate Err....but this is a thread about a game that just released on all platforms including Switch? And in the past 2 weeks Mario Tennis and Ys 8 and Wolfenstein released. And in the next week or so Octopath, and Shining Resonance. These are all new games if you're a Nintendo gamer and don't already have another console (and 3 of them are new even if you have another console.) Plus Octo Expansion, Fortnite, Sushi Striker from last month.
I'm all for buying all the consoles and playing all the games out there, but saying Switch has so few games you're getting bored at this point is silly, when there's a bunch of 100 hour epics plus shooters plus random other things. Even if you only want to play games that have Mario or Link in them, you just got Aces. Plus Valkyria, Vespyria, Smash, Pokemon, etc coming in a few months. If you're not finding games to play, you may just be tired of gaming. Or looking for specific games that aren't on Nintendo.
Good lord, I've seen write-ups like that--written non-sarcastically--about the Des Moines music scene.
The neckbeards and granny-glasses take their mediocrity seriously over here.
@Stocksy Not to defend unfinished games because WWE and that Tennis game were some hot garbage, but you DO realize how incredibly expensive game development has become in the last decade, correct?
@bimmy-lee I actually understand the strong points of digital gaming. I have to admit that when I want to change the game it's way more comfortable doing it without lifting my butt from the couch than having to switch disks or cartridges. And with Xbox One it means spending much less money.
But I hate when people has to buy digital games on Switch that have physical versions since day one which cost less than digital, it's an awful practice because digital games just don't have the same distribution costs than retail ones, just that. They take us for fools.
Anyway, I guess we are going towards an all-digital age, and that is nearer than we think. Problem is when (or if) they tie it to subscription fees. If I have to download a game because it has no retail edition, or because it's extremely cheap, at least I want it to be mine forever.
@Indielink yes reflected in half finished games and gamers paying for the rest in DLC and passes. You realise how expensive gaming has become??
Do you think EA, Rockstar and like are making no money? Oh hell no... they are making it hand over fist and concentrating on the lowest and easiest ways - VC, loot boxes and nonsense like that and people justifying their actions by saying “do you know how much it costs to make games”
Printing double sided cases, giving instructions and not milking your fan base or abandoning games should be basic and shouldnt break the bank
I went physical with this game only because I may want to trade it in when I'm done.
@NEStalgia last game I I got properly was xeno 2... Aces is crap and not fun at all with nothing to really do.
I don't.classify many 3rd party as they already out on other consoles for like £30+ cheaper.
If people like all the others that's great but nothing has come out that everyone is after and it being wow in a long time ... It's just the case of again Ninty gets crap and its way more expensive ... I played Doom on my mates PS4 when he got it like nearly a year ago and it ran great he only paid £12 for it new, and then it comes to switch and it's £50 for less than. Half the game! Nah...
It's funny that this sparked a discussion on physical vs. digital. I personnaly like both for different reasons, but for a platform like the Switch, I still prefer physical. I sometimes buy digital if a game isn't available in physical format, or if they're way cheaper than physical, but this practically NEVER happens on Nintendo platforms.
On PC, it's different. While I agree that's it's almost impossible to get physical releases on PC, most that do are simply keys to unlock the digital version anyways. But on PC, prices are much, much lower than on consoles, and I really don't mind as many games eventually end up in the "impulse buy" category when they get on sale. On Switch, even on sale, most games still aren't impulse buy, as they're still pricey.
But nevertheless, even if I'm more from the "less is more" school of design, this packaging for Crash trilogy is simply pathetic.
It's clearly blank so that you can color in your own version of Crash! (Or anything else)
@Stocksy It takes more man hours than ever to make games, especially "big budget" ones. Sure, it may seem like we're spending the same amount of money for less, but really we're paying the same amount of money for more developers to work on larger games. So in that sense we're getting less, but also more, depending on the outlook.
I see your point though. Change can be frustrating. That said if it comes down to a choice between creating a good, solid games and designing/printing clever box materials... I'd choose the former every time...
I think this is ridiculous. In an era of digital games, a lot of people buy physical copies for the physical aspect. I like having paper manuals that fit in the case. I like seeing artwork on both sides of the cover(such as BotW or Skyrim).
@Stocksy At no point did I defend loot boxes and I made a point to agree with you being unhappy about unfinished games.
Rockstar is a pretty poor example if you are trying to come up with a company with poor practices when their last game was a monstrously huge singleplayer game that has been bolstered by a multiplayer mode that they have been putting out free updates to for years. EA has been feeling the backlash of their poor practices, given what they said at their E3 conference and the aftermath to Battlefront 2.
Switch cartridges are expensive, if not including a manual or doubleprinting art on both sides of the cover is the sacrifice made to get the game at the same price as other versions I am cool with that.
Either funny or he's genuinely just a modern art critic.
@NintyNate Well if you don't already have the PS4 or X1, then those 3rd party games that are already out on other consoles are still new to you. Maybe they're cheaper on other consoles, but how many are you buying to add up to $300+ savings for new hardware? If you have a PS4 or X1, then you can already take advantage of those sales, so no loss.
However if we exclude games that released late on Switch and count retail only the list still includes, since Xenoblade (and since you like Xenoblade so these other games would appeal to you most likely) there's still Sushi Striker (judge it or don't, it's not a mobile puzzle game, it's more of an action/tactical game/RPG....strange, maybe overpriced, but fun and unique), Octo Expansion for Splatoon (DLC but good DLC), Octopath, Shining Resonance (day and date with the PC twins), Valkyria in Sept (day and date with PC twins), Tales of Vespyeria remaster (day and date with the PC twins, was a big feature in the XBox E3 show),, day and date with PC twins, special content for Switch, Crash trilogy (day and date with twins), LGPikachu/Eevie, Smash (if you're into that sort of thing), plus the Xenoblade prequel that's either DLC (cheaper) or a physical standalone game (like how Sony did Infamous First Light and Uncharted Lost Legacy.) Plus the "late releases" that may be cheaper on other consoles but you'd have to blow $200-300 to buy a console to get the sales on.
There's tons of games on/coming to Switch, moreso all at once than the best years of 3DS+WiiU. Now if you don't like any of those games, or you'd rather buy new hardware to buy games at lower prices because you'd rather not spend more at launch on Nintendo and get portability, that's fine, but it's very different from saying there's a lack of games. WiiU had boredom inducing droughts. Switch does not have that right now. First party, yes, but this time 3rd party exists.
I'm not saying not to get other hardware, I have Switch, PS4 Pro, X1X, I love all of them, and recently moved much of my PS4 library to X1X and really grew to like that little black box quickly. And each console brings some unique things to the table. The more the merrier. But saying Switch doesn't have enough games is just not backlog on Switch is about 20% of the size of the other two, and the console only existed 14 months while those existed 5 years.
Nintendo's never been the best bargain console brand, at least not since OG Game Boy. The most popular consoles generally will always have the lowest costs of total ownership. Of course PS4 also lacks features (FWIW, Sony has far more digital sales than MS has these days. Look at today's Deals with Gold's kind of lacking, though MS tends to undercut them a few dollars whenever they do have the game on sale.) Ninty's sales are kind of thin by contrast.
Edit: Oh I forgot Trials (the better-Excitebike-than-Excitebike series from Ubi) day and date with the twins, FIFA19, day and date....3rd party is doing ok with releasing things same date (a.k.a. not more expensive) as other consoles. That's just the current stuff for this year until Jan 1. Next year the Japanese devs will start cranking out content. There's lag time because they only got started this year after seeing Switch take over Japan. They're definitely leaving the Sony ship if they hope to sell in Japan.
Still, nothing wrong with not liking it, but....I've got to wonder what you actually do like? My issue across 3 consoles is I like them all equally with a lean toward Nintendo. If I had the problem that I didn't like one of them I'd be a lot richer.
@NEStalgia wow ... Well I love Metroid, but that ain't coming anytime soon, F-ZERO is dead, Starfox is dead (starlink does look good though!) And a few others, smash ultimate I'm getting but that Xmas and uhh yeah nothing has been announced that has made my jaw drop... I want an Xbox coz i love gears and I wanna play a few other games that are only on it and better on it... Ps4 I like but most games are abit meh on it, I borrow my mates every 6 months (did GOW the other week) so I don't need one.
I don't like the idea of paying full whack for a lazy, half done game when others have it for way cheaper
I got octo expansion and the DK dlc for Mario+Rabbids and it great but I need more
You either don't get sarcasm or I don't. 😕
@NintyNate That sounds better, sounds like you do like a lot of the stuff but just want more
And yeah until Treehouse I didn't care about Starlink, but once I saw it I realized it's basically Starfox that originally was made without the SF license....but now it has that too
(Still, no for Octopath, Valkyria, and Shining Resonance? I figured since you have Xenoblade you'd be into the RPGs!) Those are not more expensive, it's exclusive for Octopath and simultaneous multiplay for the other two (Ys is cheaper on other platforms though since it's a late switch launch.)
And, Crash here, but if you're not a PS1 nostalgic it loses some of the luster.
Here people are obsessing over the lack of art on the inside of the cover. Meanwhile, I'm just glad the game is actually on the cart. Something companies like EA and Capcom aren't bothering to do, and it's frustratingly pointless to buy a lot of their physical releases unless you just want something on the shelf.
@Regpuppy Preach!
Regarding saving ink and print costs, they could do a black & white image and it would cost the same as some type such as warranty info.
I'm shocked how poor quality Switch game stock is and the quality of print sometimes as well. Just got Blazblue and you can barely read the reverse text!
@Indielink that was my point about rockstar really - although maybe i didn’t expand on it - they are doing it right and being rewarded with riches.
Instruction books, maps, free content. - biggest grossing game of all time.
They also did well to add excellent multiplayer to a monster solo player.
It’s possible but only a few bother... most take the Low road
Sarcasm aside, what a waste of plastic Switch game cases are! They should be no bigger than 3DS cases.
@GoldenGamer88 When I opened up Ys it just made me "awww so cute." Like the map and poster on the otherside and cards and stuff are the best things ever, but it made me feel like NIS cares a bunch and give that company equity in my head. "We care about this game you're about to play - here's some thank yous for buying an early copy." That same level of charm carries thru the game it obv didn't have a huge budget - but does everything right with a love put into it.
@SleeplessKnight In terms of dimensions they are large, but look at the plastic thickness versus 3DS cases (and worse, DS cases), there may not actually be more plastic in use.
@NEStalgia you may be correct there. I wasn't really meaning it from a waste of resources/material angle, but more of an aesthetic or practical angle. Take for example cassette tape cases (for those who remember those lol), they're probably one of the best examples of only using exactly the amount of plastic/packaging they need. Switch game cases are pretty much the opposite.
@SleeplessKnight Ahh good point. Though they're so tiny next to movies and PS or XB games. Technically the whole case is SLIMMER than a 3DS they stack more units in a horizontal row on a shelf, but 3DS was more squat so many shelves you could fit two rows tall. I wonder if anyone has calculated the volume of all the cases to compare? (Now it's getting OCD!)
Heck I miss the giant PC game boxes that were the size of a cereal box I have quite a few laying around. Back then you'd get spiral bound manuals, cloth maps. Ads. All for free!
I always find it funny that in the PS1 era discs were in jewel cases and now PS games are in thick movie boxes. Jewel cases stacked so nicely. Not as nice as cassettes though (Lets just go back to vinyl in cardboard sleeves ) I like the Switch boxes. To me 3DS's squatty and thick cases had a terrible visual presence and indicated "inferior" while Switch boxes have the height of a small paperback. With uniform red spines and tall profiles they remind me of a set of encyclopedias (do people even have encyclopedias anymore?) on a shelf or pile, but have a nice presence when you pull them from the stack. And, conveniently, are about the size of the tablet part of the console (*shown actual size!)
How slow of a news day is it when you post an empty, white case as a news story ?
Damn, NL...
@EVIL-C I know, right? It's like there's nothing about Fortnite to publish at all
(shush and enjoy the white case story.)
@NEStalgia I like lots! Haha yeah I'm sorry but Nintys E3 this year was very meh :/ ... Even the Daemon x machina game looks abit :/ lol
@NintyNate Yeah....the E3 was actually waaaaay worse than the actual lineup though. That's the real tragedy. There's a really healthy launch calendar for 2018 and E3 made it look vacant. Marketing fail: Nintendo's specialty Maybe not games you're interested in but a healthy lineup all the same!
But yeah, E3 was just bad. They really should be looking in a mirror after that disaster. It was a step above Wii Music.
You wut m8
@NEStalgia I can't even enjoy the fortnite news because I really dislike the game.
I'm just not amused by the melodrama. Also, my day was bad, personally... :/
People need something better to do with their time.
haha wtf is a manual
Wasn't Activision the old EA? They are not the devil anymore, right?
I never use the cases for my portable games, I always use storage cases that holds a bunch of them.
thats how they should have did the n64 boxes.
but inside they should have left out the game because n64 games suck.
I fail to see why this is a problem. I don’t buy physical games for the artwork. I do so to own more than a temporary license to a digital download that will cease to exist someday. Also, I’m trying to save memory on my Switch.
guess im ok about it, its slighlty disappionting, but someone else said 'Youre not giong to be starring allday at the inside of it'
Lazy efforts by Activision. There's nothing bold about it, it's nothing more than the artist at the studio saying "screw it, I don't feel like doing my job". Adams view is hot already, but it's a hot steaming pile of something else
When I was a kid, I used to love reading and looking through the instruction manuals when getting new games. I loved the smell of fresh ink and “new game.” As I grew older, I loved how manuals evolved with their graphic design standards. The books got brighter, with layouts more tightly designed. Note sections became less prominient, but the ply and finish seemed just as valuable as the game. Whenever you got a new Zelda or new Castlevania, you could just see that pride was taken in these little manuals. Some manuals were so great, like Dragon Quest 8, that you couldn’t even close the case. Graphic design was evolving with the games! But then... one day I came home with a new game... and there was no manual. I thought surely this was a mistake! Alas, more and more games came without manuals. Even worse, some bright games like Crash Bandicoot doesn’t even have reverse imagery in it’s cover. Back in the early 90’s, there was a kid drawing characters out of his cool instruction manuals. Kids these days won’t know that excitement. They won’t lay in their rooms admiring old Nintendo Power magazines and game manuals, dreaming of becoming graphic designers, cartoonists, or editors. Nope. Nor are there any vinyl record collections with neat covers to inspire them either. I’ll just upload my sadness to a cloud and hope it doesn’t lost on an old Miiverse server.
@VR32X I couldn’t have said it better 😭
@Stocksy You put Rockstar in the same sentence as EA. That was your mistake.
@Heavyarms55 I had a similar thing with Amazon, but there is a solution.
I pre-ordered Kirby a few months back. On day of release it didn’t arrive. Couple days later I checked and it said I would receive it about a month later. I contacted them through chat on the app and it was useless. So I asked for someone to call me. She then apologised and said it was a glitch on the system (but again I had to explain over and over that I had pre ordered etc before she understood what happened). She then cancelled my order and made a new one (with the Prime pre-order discount) and I got it a few days later.
You can also complain and ask for compensation of some sort because you are not happy. I got £5 off my next order as a result.
I was told they had “never seen this before”. But It has put me off pre ordering from them. It is a total joke if this happens regularly.
Folk go on about the golden age of gaming being over and now we're milked for everything we get, conveniently forgetting the fact we were paying £50 to £60 a game back in the 90's. If DLC and microtransactions didn't exist we would be paying £100 per game at this stage. Game development costs have gone up dramatically while the cost of a game at retail remains the same as it has done for over 25 years.
So the box is lacking, who cares? at least we have Crash on a cartridge now, and in game it explains how to play (it's not that complex just hard to master)
it's not like the PS4 version came with anything better like a booklet or some artwork inside the case.
This didn't really bother me... I was however kinda disappointed that the DBX2 physical copy didn't have any internal artwork though 😭
@NEStalgia don't you dare say that games name lol I spent £40 on that when I worked in Game and I was angry I almost cried haha
You have to agree, Nintys game marketing is meh and they never have the games fans want.
PS/X games big games every few weeks near enough and ninty we gota wait 6 months at a time.
This why I'm getting an Xbox coz I have missed out on lots being only with Ninty (do own a 360) but half the games I want will never come to Switch grrr
Someone tell Darren that this is far from the first switch game with no inside cover art.
@NEStalgia Good points, perhaps I'm being a bit to hard on Switch cases as I do agree they look great as far as design and retail presence.
Well, it not always need to be intricate.
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