Update 2: Hori has confirmed to Nintendo Life this issue has been resolved with the release of Switch firmware 6.0 in collaboration with Nintendo. Full details can be found here.
Update: Hori has reached out to Nintendo Life to confirm that this issue will be fixed prior to the D-Pad Joy-Con releasing in Western markets. The company has given us the following official statement on the matter:
We are working to have this issue resolved by the time this product is released in the US. We don't have further details at this time, but we wanted to personally reach out to let you know that we are working on this and this will be resolved.
Original Story: Earlier this year, Japanese peripheral maker Hori announced a left-hand Joy-Con with a full D-Pad arrangement, as opposed to the official Joy-Con's separated buttons. If you remember this news, and especially if you were one of the many thinking of buying one, you might be interested to know that the device is currently experiencing some technical difficulties after its recent launch in Japan.
The manufacturer has issued a statement on its website to warn customers about a battery-draining issue currently being experienced by early adopters. At present, the Joy-Con appears to be draining its corresponding Switch's battery life even when in sleep mode, presumably meaning that it's cheekily slurping up power from the main unit when it isn't supposed to.
Hori is asking people to make sure to remove the Joy-Con from their Switch consoles before putting the system to sleep, making sure that no connection is being made between the two devices. The company is now attempting to come up with a solution for the issue and has politely asked customers to await further information.
We're currently in the process of getting our hands on one of these for a hardware review - we'll be sure to share this verdict with you lovely lot as soon as we can.
Were you thinking of picking one of these up? It might be best to wait for any future announcements before taking the plunge.
[source hori.jp]
Comments 83
Bit of an oversight there.
Was looking forward to this. Maybe Nintendo sees this and will produce their own version.
Let's all say it together... "OH DEAR!".
Just buy the mod kit for £15 off amazon. Its so easy to do
Yikes, hope that gets fixed soon.
At least they are trying to fix this but... didn't they test it?
@Djgoa do you have the name of the product?
i'd like to have look on Amazon.
This is Brexit all over again, I'm fuming xx
I still don't see the point of a non detachable joycon.
Also I don't get why people so desperately want a D-pad. That might be because the switch has so many 20th century looking games, but the d-pad is so horribly placed on those teeny tiny controllers it makes it impossible to use it for anything else than weapon selection or quick menu.
@Djgoa Doesn't that require you to destroy a real joycon?
@Rhaoulos there's a load of 2D fighters and the joy con is crap for accurate inputs for these games.
@Djgoa These are only £18 and you can still keep your other JoyCon for multiplayer on the go. That feels worthwhile for me if they can fix the battery issue.
Hopefully this can be fixed. The d-pad looks identical to the Pokken Tournament d-pad, which was amazing to use for 2D games.
Was thinking of getting this, but then found it has to be attached for it to work, therefore you can only play in handheld mode, it put me off.
My issue is the colour is unmatched, I sadly hate the 2 different coloured Joy Con matchup that so many seem to love, so without a right Joy Con that matches I’ll stay using my horrid dpad buttons
Understandably, but frustratingly, third party hardware always seems to come with a catch or seven, so I instinctively steer clear of most of it.
@gcunit Hori are normally pretty good quality wise so this is disappointing.
Kinda glad I forgot all about this; will wait then. Although wish they’d release a matching grey one.
@Dog Well Hori did design and build the Pokken controller.
@Rhaoulos While I can personally manage without a traditional D-pad, I can sympathize with those who prefer it for easy angular inputs and especially quarter-circle inputs.
But the fact that Hori made it only useable for handheld mode is questionable. Sure, it's substantially cheaper than a regular JoyCon, but now you have to manage an extra JoyCon that only has one function for one mode.
IMO, they should've also pushed for a "decked out" option for those of us who wouldnt mind paying the upcharge.
I don't see how these have a use anyway, the joycons have buttons for a reason to maintain equal footing when using them as individual controllers. Anyone that wants a d-pad surely will just buy a pro controller?
Better off just buying a modded joycon with a dpad off of eBay. That's what I did. Works great and still has gyro.
@Kai_ the pro controller is a bit hard to use in handheld.
Gah... !
Nintendo SHOULD release the Revision version.
@toiletduck You can do anything with enough gaffer tape!
@BionicDodo add super glue to the equation and I'm all with you!
@GameOtaku It's ridiculous that they don't already.
Still hoping that Nintendo will offer their own solution to this, but knowing them, it seems unlikely no matter the vocal demand that might exist =(
This is why Dpads used to be wired into a plugged in console. Everyone knows a dpad draws about 50 amps of power due to how complex and powerful it is.
Oh, that's not how it works? 😋
Pointless ?
Is it creating a draining loop or something? There’s no rumble, gyro, or transmitter, so unless something on the board thinks a button is always pressed, I don’t get how it’s happened.
@Kai_ well actually the d-pad on the pro controller is absolutely non functional lol.
The four buttons are amazing for 2d platformers and people can keep on dreaming that Nintendo will do joy con with it...
If only there were a way that it wouldn't have to be powered directly by the console.
I was certainly in the market for one of these, and I hope they'll also make a replacement right joycon with the stick below the buttons. That claw like grip needed to reach the buttons over the top of the stick is an ergonomic nightmare. Such a terrible design, and all because of the fringe use case of the joycons being detached and used as microscopic, crippled controllers for infants.
@Maxz Let's all say it together... "OH DEAR!.
@Kai_ It's not exactly very convenient to use a pro controller on the go. The Switch's lack of a d-pad is truly terrible design, especially given the amount of retro games on it.
How in the world did they not notice this while in the testing phase?? Tells me they weren't properly tested to begin with.
"I don't see how these have a use anyway, the joycons have buttons for a reason to maintain equal footing when using them as individual controllers."
Well sure, that's the idea behind the Switch, to share controllers, but what if I told you that under normal circumstances, people use their Switch a lot more in handheld mode, alone. I've been playing through Sonic Mania in handheld, and it's not very easy to control with separated buttons. Riddle me this, if there is no use for a product like this, then why does it exist in the first place?? There's obviously some kind of consumer demand for it.
At the very least, Nintendo could make joy-cons with a proper D-pad to give players a choice. You could have one set for sharing, and one set when you're by yourself, but I don't see that happening for a while — as of now, it goes against their marketing of "sharing a joy-con with a friend."
@Rhaoulos fighting games are the sole reason for my getting one. Coupled with Nintendo’s silence on releasing something like this on their own.
@Ralek85 If Hideki Kamiya trolling them about it didn't get them to move, the rest of us have no hope. We should have gone for Sakurai. They'd do it for him.
@Kai_ For the same reason 3DS and DS had D-Pads instead of 4-way buttons? Street Fighter, BlazBlue: CTB, Fighter Z, all require quarter-circle inputs that are all but impossible on the 4-button pad, so you have to use the analog stick, but analog sticks aren't really ideal for those inputs either. The option for a standard D-Pad would be really important to play fighters and shmups in handheld mode without such janky controls. The analog is an ok-ish stand-in, but it's not the best Switch can be.
Forget the Pro controller, for these games you want Hori's other excellent Switch controller, the Real Arcade Pro (stick.) But it's kinda hard to take that with me on the go or to use the Pro controller on the go.....I'll settle for a D-pad.
This controller still looks terrible however. No wireless, no rumble, no gyro, and it's ugly and now has a battery draining bug. Hori makes great stuff, but this isn't one of them.
Good luck on fixing Hori, I know a lot of gamers are still waiting for one but not when it's bug with problems.
@Shufty So I get your argument, D-pad is more comfortable for fighting games... However when we are talking accuracy and just accuracy alone I believe the current 4 button setup is more accurate than a d pad.
That's why I avoid 3rd party accessories like crazy... there's always a big 'but' (tee-hee) hidden in somewhere.
The power to run the Dpad on a joycon is strenuous...
This is somewhat gutting, the joy con badly needs a dpad like a desert rain
Well then... I wonder how a fix would be implemented since it’s not a official joy con, can’t see a firmware update being issues via Nintendo servers.
Mine is on the way along with my Rockman X LC1 & Rockman X LC2 Switch copies so now i’m not sure what to do, could return it (that’ll be a pain), wait it out or see if my local import shop wants it & take the loss.
@Shufty why don't use Pro Controller? It's obvious that for perfect controls you need to use separate controller. Joy-Cons are cool, but have a lot of compromises.
@Alerif This was designed for fighting games in handheld mode.
A. Pro Controller can't be used in handheld mode.
B. Pro Controllers dpad is horrible for fighting games, and has been universally panned by the fighting game community.
C. HORI's dpad on the Pokken controller has been universally praised by the fighting game community, and this dpad looks the same.
No one has mentioned the obvious solution. And it's nothing Hori can do. Nintendo will have to issue a software update to prevent this controller from using power in sleep mode. Since Nintendo officially licensed this to work with the Switch, I am expecting that fix to come through.
Can't wait for this to come state-side with a patch. I'm about ready to trade in my Pro controller too, there's something....off....about the Dpad on it compared to all previous Nintendo controllers. Going from that to say, a WiiU pro controller or a DS4 is night and day.
You’re not destroying it. You’re making it better by adding a fully functional d-pad. And it’s still a Nintendo controller, so you have none of these weird quality or functionality issues that you get from buying third party controllers like the ones mentioned here.
@Flipbot But do you have to cut the case of the joycon?
@Djgoa Link, please?
Those replacement d-pad Joycon shells are alright, much better than just using the stock diamond-pattern buttons, but in no way is it a replacement for a real d-pad (especially a Hori one). You might as well tape a coin over the buttons, or glue a + shaped piece of plastic over them.
There's no center rocker which makes a huge difference, causing moves like down + up simultaneously that would never happen even on the cheapest of d-pads.
@jobvd No cutting. Just unscrewing and lots of little parts that come out and undoing and redoing tiny ribbon cables. It just takes paying attention and doing things carefully. There is a possibility of damaging the new shells if you’re not careful with the screws. But that shouldn’t hurt the joycons themselves and you could potentially put the old shells right back on.
@Azathoth I don’t know how to compare it with the Hori d-pad, since I don’t have one. But I do have 8-bitdo controllers which have rocker d-pads. I do know what you mean, there is a slight difference. But honestly, I’ve been using the d-pad on my joycon for so long now that I hardly ever have any problems with it. Maybe I’ve gotten used to it and automatically know how to compensate, but I don’t feel a significant difference in how well I play on portable vs. with my 8bitdo. And you’re right that both d-pads work way better than buttons. Buttons may be fine for a slow easy platformer like Kirby. But not the best for Celeste or Hollow Knight.
@jobvd https://www.amazon.co.uk/Myriann-Translucent-Controller-Replacement-Electronics/dp/B077D3K4F6/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1532672588&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=switch+dpad&dpPl=1&dpID=51D0m450ADL&ref=plSrch#
You'd almost think this kind of thing would have been discovered in product testing.
@Rhaoulos it's not a JoyCon, as Nintendo will not allow other to product actual JoyCon clones with all the features included. This is just a way to give a improved D-Pad to the switch in handheld mode when playing fighting games.
Anyone who plays fighting games in desktop or docked would use a pro controller, 8BitDo controller (Their dpad is perfect is a perfect clone of the SNES/NES one) or an arcade stick.
@Djgoa Does this ad a real D-pad?
Yes mate a proper dpad. I have one
I've ordered one and am waiting for it arrive. But I hope that it will be delayed now this issue has been found. Because I can't see how Hori can supply and update to the unit unless they send everyone an adapter cable to allow the mushed USB port of the controller to be connected to a PC for update. Or work with Nintendo to create an update that can be pushed out as an update to the Switch like the standard JoyCon updates.
And that is even if the units are upgradable at all.
Personally I actually like the separated directional inputs on the left Joy-Con, it feels great when playing platformers or games that use the buttons for things like item selection, navigating menus, etc. It feels more accurate to me.
It's not necessarily ideal for fighting games but I managed to pull off most moves in BlazBlue CTB just fine. Seems pointless to have a D-pad that can only attach to the console to work, do that many people play fighting games on the go?
Granted a Nintendo console without a real D-pad is a strange thing since they're the ones who basically invented it, but there's also not a real 2D Mario game on the console so here we are...
@Dualmask I don’t play too many fighting games these days, but I have a few 2-d platformers and I definitely prefer using my d-pad on those over buttons. I have used the buttons, and it’s fine for side to side movements, but it’s really hard to do diagnals quickly. You’re thumb moves over the directions more fluidly, too. The d-pad still works just fine for menu inputs. And the only time I use all of my joycons for multiplayer is in Mario Kart. Since you only use one button besides the triggers, the d-pad is fine.
Remind me when Hori makes something that doesn't suck.
@Djgoa Sorry to bother you but do you know if these are still available elsewhere? Amazon UK doesn't seem to have D-Pad ones anymore and they've vanished from quite a few places that used to sell them.
Just check they do seem to have vanished! Annoying. Maybe hori bought them all up
£22.99 on Amazon.co.uk.
So much for £18
Oh there’s a Western release planned? That’s good to know.
@Djgoa Damn, maybe I am sod out of luck, I really wanted a D-Pad with proper joycon functionality. I wonder if Nintendo have asked them to stop as they now have an officially licensed product.
Can't you fix it so that you can use it un-attached first??
I feel bad for the Japanese audience having paid to beta test a product for the west...
I am sorry but this isn't, some obscure glitch. This is the kind of thing that should have been easily noticed in testing. IF it was even actually tested.
Maybe I'm obsessive, but I won't bother unless this issue is fixed AND they make similar right-side joycons. So I can pretty much treat them as permanent fixtures and leave my regular joycon free for TV mode.
@RedMageLanakyn The Pro Controller for Switch is definitely not their best d-pad. But the DS4 in its entirety is an abomination.
@Indielink Finally one of the people who sees the light!
@Heavyarms55 the fact that they are still distributing these joycons for sale is still dishonest, if they know these joycons that they have made have a manufacturing fault they should cease sale of them and bring out a new batch with the issue corrected, i hope people who unknowing brought these things with the fault get a refund or a replacement.
Crap hope I can cancel my play-asia order *updated - my order is being packed and I can't cancel, wtf Hori, way to wait last minute.
Im interested in this. Price is cheap and lack of dpad sucks portable. I have other controllers for docked. Yeah, wish there was matching cons but based on the Japanese product there will be a plain color available.
@Indielink Well everyone is entitled to their opinion. I enjoy the X1 and DS4 controllers equally, if anything the WiiU controller is an abomination for me.
@RedMageLanakyn The WiiU Gamepad could stand to be a few ounces heavier and the face buttons should be less squishy but overall I like it.
The DS4 buttons make me want to throw the damn thing through my TV. It's a big smushy mess. The sticks are nice and that's about the best I can say about it. The X1 controller is incredibly well designed and the weight is great; it just doesn't fit quite right in my own hands.
@Indielink I got a really good deal on an X1 Elite a year ago and it's my go-to for most games that require a controller. The extra bumpers are really nice and you can swap profiles on the fly, it's really nice.
Brilliant news!!
@Medic_alert That's the thing though, only the D-Pad variants have vanished, the shell replacements with the different colours and SNES buttons are still for sale across the world.
Whoops, guess who completely forgot they put an order for one back in April on play-asia and just got an email saying it's shipped?
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