During the Nintendo Direct E3 2018 live stream, details were shared for Torna - The Golden Country - a DLC expansion for Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
Players will guide a group of legendary warriors on a journey through the tragic history that doomed a kingdom and drove a hero down a dark path 500 years before the events of Xenoblade Chronicles 2. You'll need to defend yourself from Malos and his forces using all the fury of this refined battle system, allowing you to fight as both Blades and their masters, the Drivers.
This new storyline will be available as a stand-alone retail package on 21st September, and season pass owners can enjoy the content early on 14th September.
It's worth noting that this is the final listed expansion on the game’s official website, so this could be the last content we see for the game. You never know, though - Nintendo could surprise us with more in the future.
Have you already purchased the season pass? Will you be playing this new expansion later in the year? Let us know with a comment below.
Comments 33
This looks good but malos was such a weak villain that I will not be as engaged with this.
Stand alone release? The expansion must be really beefy then. It looked cool but the frame rate seemed to have a ton of issues. I have the season pass so will be checking this out for sure.
I glad that we got some more info on the game. I will be continuing adventure for sure.
Xenoblade 2 is incredible, so I honestly cannot wait! Aside from the Smash all characters reveal, this was the best part of the direct for me!
Neat! I would prefer a main story expansion though after the lame ending though. I guess they fixed the frame rate issues and release it as standalone?
Anyway they may drop another rare blade or two but I would prefer them to work in a sequel.
So glad I bought the season pass
Looks good - September is crazy right now. Maybe after I am done with DragonQuest.
"as a stand-alone retail package"
Retail as in it's own package? Are they releasing the "Complete" game at retail? I really dont' understand this phrasing.
I haven't purchased the game or DLC yet, waiting for it to be done.
@Tsurii The despair the”ray of sunshine” possessed was at least relatable and born of his experiences. He tried to have faith in humanity and it failed him, much like the architect before him.
Still that is neither here nor there as the dlc focuses on malos and thus my misgivings still stand. By himself he is a paper thin villain and even with his connection in the overall plot he is more puppet than villian. Thus really, really boring. It is doubtful that they will go too much into the motivation that drove “sunshine” as it would kill some of the “plot twist” in the main game.
@Tsurii nothing wrong with that. However you seemed to be challenging the fact that I don’t like malos. Which isn’t needed as I only stated that I personally wouldn’t be as engaged with such focus. Either way I will buy it and jump back in when it comes out.
I just hate the fact that it's prequel DLC. Prequel DLC always feels so disconnected/separate from the main game for me. I prefer an epilogue involving the same characters or something alongside the main campaign.
Wait, stand-alone package?
So could I buy this for someone if they don’t have XC2 and they’d just play this campaign?
I wonder how it would work if they took the story like that.
I'm a little bit confused; i got the full game and also purchased the expansion pass. Does that mean this DLC is included in the expansions pass? Or do i get the option to buy the expansion pass a week ahead of people who don't have the expansion pass?
And also; the description of the pass says thst a full new story dlc eill be released in december. Does this mean that this story dlc which was meant for december will be released early in september?
Anyway, i'm super excited for this!
@rjejr @Roam85 @GlennW In the video, it says at the end that the physical version of the DLC contains a code to the Expansion Pass for XC2. It also notes you need the base game to be able to play the content of the Expansion Pass. The physical version of the DLC releases on the 21st but current Expansion Pass owners can play the DLC on the 14th.
I also believe the expected Story DLC in the Pass' description is this here.
@Kumatori But there is no true physical [cartridge] version of Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna ~ The Golden Country, which really puts me off.
oh the retail release is a code?
I mean I hope that’s not the case, but even with New Super Luigi U on Nintendo’s gameguide, it says “‘’Players must own a copy of New Super Mario Bros. U’’”, which it actually turned out you didn’t have to.
If I’m really getting a box of Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna ~ The Golden Country only containing a piece of paper and nothing else [the cartridge of that content], I won’t be happy.
That season pass was well worth it. Yes please!
Good Reason to buy the Pass soon then
@kitroplious It's $60 on Amazon for physical and only $40 for digital, so I hope it's not a piece of paper.
Good, I have until september to complete my 2nd playthrough.
It seems weird not to see the main team in the expansion... I wonder it this will be like a completely separate game with a separate save like the master mode in BotW.
@Tim_Vreeland @kitroplious Physical version contains download code for Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Expansion Pass. Expansion Pass only playable with Xenoblade Chronicles 2 game (sold separately).
From what I understand of this is that the physical release will only be a paper with a code. My guess is you also pay 20$ more for the plastic case.
I feel as though the retail version is intended for anyone who bought the North American limited edition, as it doesn't come with a game case. But having just a download code in a shelf display box is a bad move, Nintendo. People are going to be furious.
@Magician I bought the Limited Edition. It came with a steel case
@Tim_Vreeland - I'm aware of that. But the EU version of the LE came with a standard case plus a steel case. The NA LE has just the steel case, no standard case. Personally, I want nothing but red cases on display on my shelf.
@rjejr I would like this clarified as well, as Gamestop now has the Torna expansion listed as $39.99, and still has the season pass at $29.99, unsure if it's listed as a mistake or if the prices are incorrect or what?
@KaliphV3 I checked this last night on the eShop while my wife and kids were watching since I can be clueless at times. Best I can tell they are selling an actual box for this DLC, but the box only has a code for the DLC in it. Not the game, not a code for the game, not a cart for the DLC, just a code for the season pass.
It wouldn't surprise me if this $29.99 season pass were going for $39.99 since somebody has to pay for the box. Stupid, but the whole thing is stupid.
Sorry but I can't find a link. Now I'm wondering where I read it?
@KaliphV3 Just checked Amazon they have it listed as $39.99 as well.
I take it back, I am surprised.
Holy **** Nintneod, charging $40 for a $30 season pass box?!??! That is just so wrong in so many ways. 80% of these are going to be returned when people realize it's an empty box and they need to buy another $60 game to download the code from the empty box. smh
@Kumatori "In the video, it says at the end"
Ah, that's where I saw it last night, on the Switch in the news section.
Found it on the XC 2 website. Apparently nobody at Monolith or Ntinedo has any reading comprehension and has no idea what the phrase "Stand alone" means in video games. Somebody in the US will probably sue them for that, I've seen people sued for less.
Retail Version
New to the story? Get the stand-alone version of Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna ~ The Golden Country.
Does not include the main Xenoblade Chronicles 2 game.
Retail version contains download code for Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Expansion Pass. Expansion Pass only playable with Xenoblade Chronicles 2 game (sold separately).
Available on 9/21
Retailers: Coming soon
And charging $40 for a $30 empty box season pass is total BS.
OK @KaliphV3 last one before I scream.
@rjejr I think I'm deciphering what they meant on the website there! It might be a stand-alone version for real, with a code for the Expansion Pass.
So you have Torna AND an Expansion Pass code. If that's what it's all about, those who already have the game are better off getting the Expansion Pass directly instead of paying for the retail version. I don't really understand why they're doing this. IF you end up buying the base game, you also end up with a useless game cartridge as you'll have it double because of the code and IF you don't buy the base game, you end up with a useless Expansion Pass code.
@Kumatori @rjejr
Yup the $40 physical version comes with a cartridge for the standalone playable Torna, as well as a digital code for the season expansion.
Nintendo needs to cover this more, because so many people are confused.
@Tim_Vreeland Maybe they dont' want to cover it more and explain to people that it cost $40 for the game on the cartridge or $30 to download the season pass which includes the game. Nobody likes to talk about the Switch tax.
As much as I prefer physical over digital, having the game and the DLC on 2 separate carts doesn't make much sense to me. Still not sure if I'll buy the game on cart and download the season pass or both digital but I'm not buying both on carts. I'm getting YS VIII in 10 days so XC2 is probably waiting until Christmas at this point.
Thanks again for the news update.
"This new storyline will be available as a stand-alone retail package on 21st September"
Hmm, that's weird.
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