A new trailer has been released for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, giving fans the chance to take a sneak peek at the game's story.
After some pretty hefty delays over the last few years - remember when this was going to be on Wii U? - Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night seems to be back on track towards securing a proper release. The Beta Backer Demo for the game launches today for those who pledged $60 or more dollars to its crowdfunding efforts, so there's certainly hope that the project is coming along nicely now.
We still don't have an official release date for this one just yet, although a slightly wider release window will supposedly be announced "very soon". If you're patiently waiting to get your hands on the game, hopefully this trailer will help to tide you over until then - this is the first time we've been able to hear the soundtrack and voice acting alongside the game, after all.
Did you back this project back in the day? Are you still excited about it coming to Switch? Throw us a comment below sharing your thoughts.
Comments 37
Might miss the switch at this rate.
Hope the demo comes out for non-backers eventually. Not sure if I want to get this yet, despite loving Bloodstained Curse of the Moon, I'm so bad at Metroidvanias.
I'm still not convinced by the 3D models and animation style on this - it's a step up from how Mighty No. 9 translated Mega Man's 2D to 3D, but the combat and platforming all looks a bit flimsy? I really don't think it looks very appealing.
Really hope I'm wrong and it turns out great though!
I hope it turns out good. I am not convinced by ANY of the trailers and the demos.
I just got my backer demo, but as I predicted my laptop can only run the game on extreme slow motion. Ah well, I'm super hyped still.
Wow. The voice acting actually sounds really promising!
Looks pretty awesome to me. Release it already
Really? In my opinion Mighty No. 9 looked much better. The graphics and art style somehow doesn't match. The physics are also not that great, for instance the way the candle holder is destroyed looks kinda in slow motion.
Inti Creates's version looks that much better in comparison.
Hmmmm I do want this to be great but I’ve not seen a trailer yet that really sells me on this one. The 8bit one was great but there is something about this that doesn’t quite click.
Something about it doesn't feel right...I feel like it would have been so much stronger with high res pixel art like the DS Castlevania games (like Dawn of Sorrow--that game was beautiful) but oh well. Gameplay looks a little stiff. I'm still interested though, just not excited.
This is my type of game.
THIS. This looks so GOOODDDDD.
Super excited. Hope this has higher success than Inafune's attempt. And slaps Konami a wake-up call for a true updated modern 2D Castlevania.
Close to the top of the list for my most wanted games and Curse of the moon is one of the best games I've played so far this year, can't wait for this and it looks great. Hopefully Konami will see fit to release some Castlevania goodness in the future, perhaps those rumoured E3 showings which never happened are still a thing
This demo was running on the Atari Box.
@Fake-E-Lee It is suuuuch a fun game, I played it and it is as good as I had hoped. That feeling goes away pretty quickly after you start playing the game.
Looks and plays better than before, I'm excited for this hope a release date is announce soon. I did enjoy Curse of the Moon the first play through but can't return to it due to it been 8-Bit inspired, something I'm getting tired of seeing nowadays.
@Dualmask : IMHO, what doesn't feel right is how it sounds. Castlevania soundtracks are aggressively awesome. The sad violins feel like a page ripped from Castle of Heart, whose soundtrack represents a MISSED opportunity.
@Dualmask Konami was on a roll releasing Castlevania games non-stop on GBA and DS. Then..... they simply stopped. I miss those days :/
Might have to revisit those games (i never beat Aria of Sorrow, after all).
Looks too...clean. I don't know...
For somebody like me it"s just atrocious !
The rendering is charmless, the music sounds like a caricature of old Castlevania's tunes, the 3D models are just not right and the overall is just bad...
I would like to love this game deep inside of me but I can't because of the FACTS right in front of my eyes...
Without me this time, Iga san...
Its weird when i watched this on my phone it didnt look that hot, but i just rewatched it on a bigger screen and i am much more into it.
I think the physics look good (like castlevania) i am not 100% sold on the graphics but i think when i get it and play it , everything will flow brilliantly.
I kickstarted this what seems like a lifetime ago. still excited. might download the demo, but not sure if i want to wait until the full game release.
It looks really good overall, but I think the issue people have with it is the conflicting art styles. Magic-anime-girl meets gothic horror is just a weird clash. Taken on it's own magic-anime-girl's animations are fine. And the backdrops are fine. But put them together and the character art and animations feel at odds with the world. If she were less anime, or the world were more anime, I think it would feel more "right."
since i am a superb backer, i think you all owe me a thank you for making this game possible.
i am yer god
I love it. I have faith in this one, I have the feeling it's not going to disappoint.
Small elements of this look good, but so much of it just looks off/wrong to me.
100000% OK with you !
A 2D 32bit visual with a Shanoa style as the main character and I'll buy instantly even at 60 bucks... In the state of what is it today, even for free I don't want to play it... :/
I knew this was a fudge back when it was announced. When all you got to show is promises, and want millions in return from fools failing to do research heavily pointing to the fact you're way past your prime... well just don't back those kind of projects.
Video game designers, programmers and other staff usually fade quick, and often develop psychosis. It's an exhausting job that sucks away your soul at a rapid rate.
By far the most neglected aspect is being stuck staring at the monitor, zoned out and unable to work out or even remember the task at hand; instead of taking a break, then taking out a piece of paper and working out the problem the normal way. Miyamoto never had a computer in his office. He wrote, sketched and drew; and was surrounded by his own papers (organized for quick referencing), research material (books), and magazines.
That scene at around 27 seconds looks so bad it's kind of unbelievable. Looks like something straight out of a game like Wii U's infamous The Letter, generic-ass assets and all.
Still, as a Castlevania fan, I'll reserve judgment until the final product.
@KingdomHeartsFan Not to quibble, but I'm pretty sure the ecclesia was the main popular assembly of the democracy of ancient Athens as well. In other words, the broader definition is "congregation," which may be used in the context of religion/church but also in terms of other types of collectives/organizations.
Anyway, I was a KS backer of Bloodstained, loved Curse of the Moon, and I'm still super stoked for this one.
Wow, what a downer. This really doesn't look as good as it should.
@ogo79 I'd thank you, but I too am a backer so I want some of the glory 😎
@TromaDogg We need to form a guild of gods.
@ogo79 @TromaDogg This thing you guys are doing is hilarious.
Looks like it will either be really good or not good at all I can't tell yet, I am hoping its great I love these types of games. Some of the models in the clip looked spot on and some look less than spectacular to me and some of the voice work sounds good some not so much, it is still a work in progress so I am hoping for the best I am one of the ones that loved the 3DS Castlevania title Mirror of Fate and the new pre game Blood Moon seemed to be very well received so that gives me hope.

how about this instead?!
dude vampire hunting is serious business
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