A brand new Animal Crossing-themed New Nintendo 2DS XL has appeared on the Nintendo UK store, set to be available in Europe next month.
The console hasn't received an official announcement from Nintendo just yet, but some details can be found on the Nintendo 3DS Family page of the website. The system is set to include a digital copy of Animal Crossing: New Leaf – Welcome amiibo (the updated version of Animal Crossing: New Leaf) which will be pre-installed onto a 4GB microSD card, and a Nintendo 3DS AC adapter will also be in the box.

This console edition will launch on 20th July this year in Europe, although no news has been provided just yet surrounding a North American release. Whether this release is designed to coincide with an upcoming Animal Crossing on Switch announcement, or simply as something to tide fans over for another few months, is unknown.
Would you like to add this new 2DS XL to your collection? Are you desperately waiting for news of an Animal Crossing game on Switch? Let us know down below.
[source nintendo.co.uk]
Comments 55
Also, pretty naff design.
Looks fresh!
Importing the shield from Murica so I’m good, lol
I won't lie, I saw the start of the headline, saw the picture, got all excited...then continued to read and felt sad I prefer the original AC 3DS XL one to be honest. Feels like a sign Nintendo are focused on pushing through a few more sales of the 3DS game off the back of the mobile game rather than coming out with a Switch version just yet.
I can’t believe the 3ds hasn’t sold 100 million already with all the 3ds/2ds variations.
Bloody hell Nintendo, just give us an Animal Crossing Switch game! We need our fix!
Does the New 2DS's screen have a better looking 2D than the New 3DS, when you shut off the 3D? On 3DS everything looks like dimmer or something when you run 2D.
I was about to be filled with envy but that design is kinda weak. Europe can keep it, my pokeball 2ds xl looks better
And people said the 3DS was dead :3 its got 30 more years left in its life
This is the first N2DSXL design I don't like the. The DQ Slim version, the two Pokemon versions and the Hyrule Shield version are all on point in terms of design.
Dear Nintendo, please announce Animal Crossing for Switch with proper gameplay or Portal Knights with latest update 1.4.4 will One Step closer to feel like "Animal Crossing" game.
You know, i still playing Animal Crossing New Leaf until today for almost 5 years. And now i take care my 4 different Towns with total 40 villagers (3 Physical Retails, 1 Digital download).
Not too impressed by the design but gotta judge seeing actual photos. I thought the Majora's Mask N3DSXL looked cool but when I saw in person and opened I was so disappointed.
Never played an Animal Crossing game, then again one Jaded Brit told me to never start as I do enough bumming round the house, make oat biscuits and trying to sex up my <cough>; I mean tidy the garden in real life to redo it in a digital world.
I'll wait for the inevitable Luigis Mansion 2dsxl bundle
You guys just kept begging for Animal Crossing.
Now shut the hell up and be patient.
I hope Nintendo does something smart with the 3DS to keep people interested.
Well, there you go Animal Crossing fans. Lol.
Why does USA get a Hylian Shield and EU gets anthropomorphic animals
Still waiting for an AUS Hylian Shield 2ds please!
Actually i want 3DS PAL version due to Dillon Dead Heat Breakers and Style Savvy Styling Star were NOT Released in Physical for USA version (Both of them were released in Physical retail in Japan & PAL version).
But, my 3DS is USA version from Beginning.
If only 3DS Region Free...
@KingdomHeartsFan make it like amiibo festival!
@bolt05 : We miss out on most of the special edition consoles due to our miniscule market.
There still appears to be an abundance of Metroid New 3DS XLs available. I would have thought that to be strictly limited edition, but apparently not. I'm also completely baffled that the limited editions of Fire Emblem Warriors and Echoes are still readily available, yet Nintendo never saw fit to reissue the highly sought after limited edition of Fire Emblem Fates, which is the only way to own the entirety of the game on a cartridge. By God I was lucky enough to find one in a store the weekend after it launched, but I would have had to pay off a scalper otherwise.
It seems the 3DS is dead to Nintendo they have only been pushing the 2DS for a year now, to my knowledge there has been no new variations of the 3DS only the Metroid one, the 2DS gets all the television time as well now. I am hoping Nintendo atleast gives us a Luigi Mansion variant of the 3DS system before they completely stop pushing the 3D model .
Loved the old white Animal Crossing 3DS.
This one...not so much.
Still waiting for the Switch Animal Crossing game. and it better not be a spin off.
If it comes here, might get it for my daughter. Or if we get that white & lavender one with TL, get that one for my daughter. She needs a new system and isn’t a big fan of the Switch
@KingdomHeartsFan it really is awful, I'm glad it only cost me 10 quid and included the 2 amiibo
I'm still waiting for an all-black model ow New 2DS XL, or at least something resembling that that doesn't have some sort of overly bright color combination.
Nintendo: Show up at E3 and don't mention AC
Also Nintendo: "Now that E3 is over, have an AC special edition 2DS for a now 5 year old game!"
R00D! >:[
@KingdomHeartsFan They will introduce PvP. Not only can you visit your friends town, you will be able to invade, conquer and rule with an iron fist by enlisting the animals you have befriended to form an elite gua...ahem...sorry I got carried away.
@GrailUK @KingdomHeartsFan
Animal Crossing: Empire of Villages - Become mayor of a friendly little village and turn the residents against neighbouring villages, raiding them and capturing their villagers to recruit into your own community. Experience Animal Crossing in a new way with this RTS exclusively on Nintendo Switch.
@DarkRula Haha. How about...Animal Crossing: Dead Leaves.
An undead virus is sweeping the Animal Kingdom. Infected animals are out for blood. Fend off hordes of undead animals and survive the night...else become consumed by the zombie hordes and crave the blood of your neighbours.
It's too realistic! I can't take it any more! I'm going mad!
>Throws Switch out the window
@KingdomHeartsFan Tom Nook asking where his rent is.
Just turn on 3D on just a click, like in a way just to activate the second resolution, you know one acreen is just two low and i think the 3d is like double screen on top of each others so just turn the 3D the minimum and the image quality will get better
@KingdomHeartsFan i understand your feeling, some people are obsessed and can have crazy amount of copies and saves and time to sink in, but us with women and kids and job and a life can't really, i hope they add crafting system, like you go oit in the woods or cave bring loot and craft it to furniture and tools for use or sale, bigger dino and insect and bug collection, pets will be fun but weird, a chance to fuse nintendogs with AC
Nintendo I'm already on the ground, why do you have to keep beating me?
@KingdomHeartsFan @DarkRula @GrailUK I always wanted "The Animal Crossing Mysteries" where you play as a detective in your town, with Isabelle as your assistant. Solve crimes and explore the town looking for clues. Also unravel the mystery of your forgotten past. Starring Tom Nook as the local mob boss.
At this point, Nintendo fans are out for blood.....
thanks for deleting my comment NL
Only 2DS XL? Good job I got two 3DS XL for spares, seems Ninty has killed them off now.
@RainbowGazelle Haha...it would be soo Midsomer Murders lol!
@RainbowGazelle That would be a fun thing to do. Maybe you could have a day within the Switch game that has a mystery to solve, though an entire spin-off game would certainly be interesting. It would definitely give interactions between characters you normally wouldn't see.
It’ll happen..give it time
If we don't get an AC game soon I'm gonna riot
@Silly_G Yeah I pre-ordered FE fates, I was not buying 2 carts and downloading a third piece for that one!
@Anti-Matter I want Code of Princess and Lord of Magna Maiden Heaven in physical, but PAL territories didn't get them.
Lol 3DS should have been region free, at least switch is!!
Another issue is how rare and expensive some games that are relatively cheap in the US because of the market size, trying to get Tales of the Abyss here is not going for less than $50-$60 on EBAY from the UK, there's no copies in AUS and its not on the eshop. Same for Persona Q, except that one is more like $100 plus for a game <1 yr old! It is on the eshop but I want physical!
@bolt05 : I wanted Persona Q, but it was extremely scarce and I can't recall ever seeing any in person.
Hatsune Miku was one of my most anticipated games on 3DS, which I believe launched in September 2015. I was overseas at the time, so I couldn't buy it then, but when I returned in October, I couldn't find a single copy anywhere. Gametraders had European imports (as they almost always do), but they were charging about $80 for a game that isn't even in its shrink wrap. Lol. No thanks.
Sega are absolute morons for not issuing a reprint of that one, especially considering that they had completely sold out just one month after release. They seem to think that consumers want their crappy Sonic games instead.
There's no sweat off my back though. It's not as if I was utterly desperate for those games, but it's frustrating when publishers fail to fulfil demand for a product that is in demand.
@hirokun Six technically (it does count for 2012 since that's when it was first available to people outside Nintendo).
Oh dear god they've completely lost their damn minds! It is one thing to continue to push a 6 year old game, but it's another to push it like it's a new game! This game came out in 2012 (Japan), and 2013 for Europe, it's time to quit milking it already, fans are going to start boycotting you when the Switch one does come out- you're losing fans Nintendo, not gaining them!!
I dunno nl this doesn't seem like a good move to coincide with a switch release announcement
I laugh, LAUGH at Animal Crossing fans eagerly awaiting a new game in their favourite franchise.
An F-Zero fan
Whenever Nintendo decide to unveil Animal Crossing Switch, I hope that it at the very least combines the refinements of New Leaf with the added customisation options of Happy Home Designer.
I was disappointed with the lack of drop-in/out local co-op in the Wii game. I hope that multiple accounts on the same Switch can play together in split screen on Switch (a nice touch could be that the game only goes into split screen when the players are not within viewing distance of one another).
I feel that Animal Crossing hasn't really moved forward in any meaningful way since its inception. Forget Pokémon. Give me an open world Animal Crossing.
3DS is as good and iconic as SNES and PS2.
I love how every time fans are disappointed when a new Animal Crossing game isn't announced at E3 (or worse, one is announced, but it's amiibo Festival), Nintendo reminds them that New Leaf is still around... even after 5 freaking years...
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