The weekly Media Create sales figures for Japan are out, and the big news is that the Labo Variety Kit outsold PS4 exclusive God of War by almost two-to-one.
The main Labo kit sold 90,410 copies, while God of War sold 46,091 units in the same time frame. The Robot Labo Kit shifted 28,629 units. Sorry, Kratos.
Elsewhere, Kirby Star Allies recorded 17,381 copies sold, and Splatoon 2 wasn't far behind with 16,671. On the hardware side of things, Switch sold 34,165 units compared to PlayStation 4's 13,447 (for both standard and Pro units combined).
The full software charts are below.
- [NSW] Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 01: Variety Kit (Nintendo, 04/20/18) – 90,410 (New)
- [PS4] God of War (SIE, 04/20/18) – 46,091 (New)
- [NSW] Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 02: Robot Kit (Nintendo, 04/20/18) – 28,629 (New)
- [NSW] Kirby: Star Allies (Nintendo, 03/16/18) – 17,381 (433,488)
- [NSW] Splatoon 2 (Bundle Version Included) (Nintendo, 07/21/17) – 16,617 (2,248,923)
- [NSW] The Snack World: Trejarers Gold (Level-5, 04/12/18) – 15,847 (51,502)
- [PS4] Metal Max Xeno (Kadokawa Games, 04/19/18) – 15,044 (New)
- [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo, 04/28/17) – 11,393 (1,484,644)
- [PSV] Metal Max Xeno (Kadokawa Games, 04/19/18) – 8,355 (New)
- [NSW] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Limited Edition Included) (Nintendo, 03/03/17) – 6,895 (961,427)
- [NSW] Super Mario Odyssey (Bundle Version Included) (Nintendo, 10/27/17) – 6,491 (1,697,522)
- [PS4] Far Cry 5 (Ubisoft, 03/29/18) – 6,280 (122,958)
- [PS4] Cities: Skylines PlayStation 4 Edition (Spike Chunsoft, 04/12/18) – 5,750 (17,116)
- [3DS] Pokemon Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon (Nintendo, 11/17/17) – 3,569 (1,618,478)
- [PS4] Death end re;Quest (Compile Heart, 04/12/18) – 3,348 (18,651)
- [NSW] Portal Knights (Spike Chunsoft, 04/19/18) – 3,226 (New)
- [NSW] Neo Atlas 1469 (Limited Edition Included) (Artdink, 04/19/18) – 3,176 (New)
- [PS4] Monster Hunter: World (Limited and Bundle Editions Included) (Capcom, 01/26/18) – 3,103 (2,006,158)
- [PS4] Rainbow Six Siege Advanced Edition (Ubisoft, 03/01/18) – 2,896 (41,872)
- [3DS] Detective Pikachu (The Pokemon Company, 03/23/18) – 2,817 (71,209)
Hardware sales were:
1. Switch – 34,165 (36,308)
2. PlayStation 4 Pro – 8,967 (1,473)
3. PlayStation 4 – 4,480 (9,491)
4. New 2DS LL – 4,191 (4,564)
5. PlayStation Vita – 2,892 (2,921)
6. New 3DS LL – 2,842 (3,366)
7. 2DS – 439 (616)
8. Xbox One – 59 (55)
9. Xbox One X – 57 (17)
[source pushsquare.com, via 4gamer.net]
Comments 114
Meanwhile on PS:
"This doesnt include digital its probably 100k!!!1!"
It should seriously include digital in this day and age, but I doubt its that high.
Good numbers for Labo for sure. On the hardware front it doesn’t look like Labo is a hardware seller though as that number is down
Meanwhile the rest of us in the UK, Europe and the US are playing a wonderfull crafted game.
Possibly because there was nothing else to buy?
That's only cuz they don't use youtube in Japan.
@sanquine meanwhile I'm playing both and having a blast. It was a great w/e for gaming between Labo, GoW and the 3.0 update for MHW.
@Sanquine That wasnt the point I was making. While I agree their "why isng digital included" point is accurate, I dont agree with their whining.
People will play what they want. You can be playing a wonderfully crafted game or playing with cardboard making little applications. Whichever suits you.
Of course in Europe you currently only havw the game option
@YummyHappyPills Occasions like this really show just how childish some over at PS can get.
Can this Labo vs GoW comparison stop? It is literally the most apples-to-oranges comparison ever.
It's been fun watching ponies at resetera claim that there's PS4 shortages and that's the reason why GOW isn't selling... clearly it's not the fact that Japan doesn't care for a reskin of The Last of Us ;D
@EVIL-C I still agree digital should be included. Thats over half of the sales in some instances
@EVIL-C @YummyHappyPills
Yes, i get your point. It is whining from the PS staff.
@EVIL-C oh please, look at the comments in the NL section sometimes. I do not comment often but i'm always reading the comment section. Furthermore, the NL staff are always port begging when something is not announced for the Switch.
Basically what I thought LABO would do. Not even Xenoblade 2 Numbers. And this is going to be the best market for it. Didn't even help sell Switch.
GOW is a solid hit with a 95% Metacritic. Just stop the play hate and go play it - it is tons of fun and a long game - a good bang for the buck.
Not even like most people here are from Japan - where we all live GOW is killing it.
I just respond to the headline of NL. They make the comparison with god of war selling less copies than Labo. While the headline at pushsquare : Japanese Sales Charts: God of War Debuts in Second Place on PS4. But i guess that is why i visit PS more
I guess you're right. I just hate the headlines sometimes from both NL as Pushsquare
Meanwhile on NL..
“It doesn’t include digital downloads for LABO too!”
So... it’s even I guess
@Agramonte well if you add the two Labo kit sales together they are more but really we will only see next week in the drop off in sales
I am sure that if it was the other way around we would get a "Kratos crushes cardboard" or similar headline at PS.
Some very large dept. Stores didn't start selling Labo until Saturday. Those figures aren't included here
@Agramonte it's selling for more than your average game, it's a significant boost to Nintendo profits but you are clearly a glass half empty / my glass is actually empty kind of guy, with everything from Switch to Labo to Kirby, always moaning or having a sideswipe at, basically, everything Nintendo related.
Maybe they don’t like the God of War hipster makeover.
A lot of parents were shipping for Labo at the weekend in Japan, my good lady tells me... (she's Japanese).
I expect Labo to be a bit of a slow burner selling through word off mouth etc.
Yay... !
All Hails the Toy Con 01 Variety Kits !!
Looks like Labo could wipe out the internet.
Labo more popular in Japan than game that isn't very popular in Japan.
@NaviAndMii 😅
Dear Nintendo: Let me download the Labo software without buying the whole kit. I just want that dang piano.
Breaking News: New, fresh, unique Japanese made product sells more in Japan than a franchise that has never sold very well in Japan. /s
The comparisons of these two are beyond ridiculous on both sides imo as they are so different from one another.
This is great and it really blows my mind. Ever since Labo was announced, I haven't been interested. And I'm loving GOW.
However, I find the fighting fun, and I love that people habe different tastes. I don't think the guys at Sony are crying over this. GoW is selling fine and this are two very different markets.
Again God of War is nothing that special or new, Labo on the other hand is awesome and fresh, can't wait to get my box on friday! X3
@Sanquine "Meanwhile the rest of us in the UK, Europe and the US are playing a wonderfull crafted game." You do know those people who bought Labo can buy GOW the next day? Or the next week? Or next month?
@Agramonte "Just stop the play hate and go play it - it is tons of fun and a long game - a good bang for the buck."Okay? Why are you telling a Nintendo community knowing damn well half of them will never play this? That doesn't make any sense.
Didn't they say that Metal Max Xeno sold 50K is a couple of days?. Maybe it's counting digital copies, but still, it's a huge difference.
The only reason someone has brought Labo over God of War is to make a cardboard cutout of Kratos
Y'all get childish over here too.
Anyway, I don't know why anybody is surprised or cares. I've said from the start Labo will be a hit, everywhere, and literally changes nothing for anybody. I'm not interested, don't have to play with it so no need to be b*tching about it but the youtube outrage, even from some big Nintendo people, has been shocking. Like this is taking away from games being made for Switch or something. Some of these people are worse than I was when I spent 2014 and 15 complaining about the amount of PS4 remasters but I at least had a legit gripe considering PS4's exclusives to that point had been garbage save for inFamous and Bloodborne.
@Simon_Fitzgerald Hello again. Nice to see you C/P your posts when it doesn't get a reaction on your own site
I'm playing both and havi but a great time, but the fact that Japanese gamers didn't buy a Western game shouldn't come as a shock.
God of War is easily one of the best games I've ever played.
@MartyFlanMJFan And from Ys8 to Shining resonance to Battle chasers to Flipping death the Switch glass is half full. Not everyone is looking at your glass.
Some of us still even keep the 3DS and games like Alliance Alive in the Nintendo platform glass.
A re-skin of The Last of Us. Maybe play the game before making ridiculous statements.
Not buying Labo and don't know a single person who is. Good for Japan. Shelves at retailers here in the US are stocked full of it.
@YummyHappyPills Can't fault my efforts XD
@Agramonte you're just always having a dig, reminding us, as if anyone cares, that you haven't played your Switch, or Kirby will flop, or your Switch is for when your nephew comes round, or what's the point of playing any given game on Switch when you'll just play it on something bigger or better. It's tiresome, you're in the wrong place if all you wanna do is remind us the grass is greener, or at least more graphically impressive, on the other side.
You might be surprised when NPD reports come in next month. I haven't gone to any retailers looking for Labo but it's been tracking well on Amazon.
@NaviAndMii I would seriously love for that to happen just to see people lose their minds, haha.
@Simon_Fitzgerald Hey, ya gotta try. Starving artists and all that.
Give it time and someone will probably make something God of War-ish in the Toy-Con Garage.
Now that'll be cool.
Either way, hope you understand different products for different markets and all that. God of War is on my list because it's looking mighty fun, and Labo is too because I'm a programmer, and any opportunity to do something weird.
@MsJubilee Most people on NL won't buy a PS4 so that's a pipedream. Most people on PS also have a switch
@MsJubilee So for the other half then. The nintendo community is inside the videogame community. They all videogames.
No difference when telling people to stop play hatting on ZBOTW and just go and try it out. Enjoying a good game on PS4 doesn't make you any less part of the Nintendo community.
Meanwhile, I'm not planning on purchasing either GoW or Labo.
@YummyHappyPills Yeah i'm sure plenty of people got Labo and are having a lot of fun with it. God of War on the other hand is completely different, there's really no comparing them except in how many units they've sold so a lot of people are blowing this out the water by saying Labo/GoW is rubbish.
@Simon_Fitzgerald Absolutely. Ironically I've seen a lot of Nintendo people shoot Labo down and its like...if its not for you...let it be.
Playstation 4 Pro sales really jumped to 8,967 from 1,473?
Labo is not for me, i am not surprised japan is eating it up. Can't wait for E3!
" 16.[NSW] Portal Knights (Spike Chunsoft, 04/19/18) – 3,226 (New)"
Yay.... !!
@dimi There is a PS4 Pro God of War bundle. That could explain the jump.
@MartyFlanMJFan And you repeating the same thing over again. You just want to see that I rather play a FPS on my PC or been using my Switch to keep kid friendly games in the house or Rather play Ni Nokuni2 over some random retro game. And not that I waited 5 extra months for battle chasers or excited about Ys8 and Shining... or getting the new Mega Man. Or been playing with my 3DS for the past month.
You just cherry picking and making the narrative that you want to hear.
@Agramonte keep on hating dude.
It's a simple difference of preference. I'm an older gamer with a busy mobile life - the average kind in Japan. I was given GOW by a friend and it failed to engage me after a couple of hours, after which I abandoned it and went back to playing Splatoon 2 in breaks between my clients. I suspect that, like Nier Automata, which I also bought at launch, the game is never going to hold my interest and it'll remain unfinished. If I want story I'll watch a movie, which will present more in less time.
Labo, on the other hand, I'm interested in and would buy but for tight finances this month, simply because it's different and seems like it'd be fun to tinker with.
In my circle of acquaintances, nobody has bought either Labo or GOW. There's been some interest in Labo but the price has been a deterrent, and nobody has even wanted to borrow my copt of GOW.
Different stripes for different people at different stages of life.
Hardly surprising.
It's Japan we're talking about.
They never cared much for western games.
Each to their own fella.
The hardcore gamers will never see the appeal of products like Labo.
To them everybody that buys a videogame console is obsessed with graphics and frame rates,when there is a very large portion of PS4 and Xbox One owners that don't really care that much about this either.
They also fail to see the buying motivations of the masses.
@Agramonte nah I get sick of you being dismissive of anything which you seem to deem beneath you. Calling Kirby a silly game, can't fight off the PS4? Just comes across as an agenda when the simple story is that the current Kirby on Switch is a success. Labo is number one in Japan, by a huge margin, but you dismiss that as can't even match Xenoblade figures, or that it isn't a system seller, or it's only Japan and everyone else in the world agrees with you. I don't mean to attack you personally I'm sure you are a good person but your little digs, usually in a round about way, are ever present and I can't seem to let them pass. My apologies, and I don't ignore your positive, funny comments, I quite often 'heart' them, there's just no way of you knowing that unless I tell you every time.
@YummyHappyPills Japanese internet isnt as great as most countries, despite being such a vast land for tech.
I love this chart just for the Xbox sales figures.
Poor xbox...
Everybody arguing Labor X GoW is missing the point, which is the MASSIVE boost in XBX units sold!
@Sanquine I disagree, i'm sure alot of NL have PS4's as well. I'm a frequent person on NL and don't go to PS really, but I have both systems and like them both equally.
More interested in Labo now I've seen some youtube videos. The cardboard stands up to cat abuse. One guy made a guitar with Labo and a tennis racket with the Switch having the strummable strings. RC racing looks way more fun than it has any right to be. And the weird goofy animal in the cart in the house seems strangely moreish. It's the piano that first got my attention, yet it's everything else grabbing my attention. When get gonna build the RC first but then the house, which I had zero interest in, cos gotta play that platform game. The fish graphics look sweet in the rod game. And the bike game seems better than I expected. Many youtubers are complaining that it takes literally days to make everything. But they're missing the point. Building it is part of the experience.
@OctoInk20 you OK dude? You might want to try a chill pill, you're gonna choke on that salt
Who hurt you?
Oh, and I want GoW too! No law against getting both (just finances darn it).
New quirky gimmick sells more than a new game in a series that never sold well in Japan, news at 11.
"you screech"
The irony.
Seriously though, stupid comparison. Hopefully both will do well demonstrating that video gaming is a broad church with options for all sorts of people.
Decent for Labo, one thing that makes me wonder is what proportion of the stock they sold. Since the boxes are bigger than a standard game case there's the chance that they may not have stocked as many as a regular release.
If they sold nearly all of them it could bode well for next week as they could very well be selling them as fast as they can stock them.
Wow. Has NL and Push Square merged ?
@MartyFlanMJFan well, seeing how Battle Chasers (may) Ys8 (Jun) and Shining (Jul) are all coming in a roll - I'll probably go into Joe Madureira/Sega/Ys fanboy mode. I'll be gushing about the Switch for a bit.
No worries man - I know you don't. I mean we just talking about our expensive hobby in the end... at the pub it would just be a lead-in to the Liverpool beating the crap out of Roma conversation. But you know - I'll see if I need to tone it down a bit from now on.
@Agramonte Rome will fall next week... two away goals or not.
I’m happy with God of War and it’s my first entry into the series. Watched some streams of Labo and looks boring to me... like assembly looks alright but seems to be fairly lengthy, and the mini games look shallow, as if the point is building the cardboard item and not playing. Nothing I’d pay much for, if I want to build the cardboard thing I can just download the blueprints for free. I usually support Nintendo’s crazy ideas but I’m gonna go for the M rated Sony title in this instance (only disappoint is I’ve gotten used to being able to be portable with most lengthy games I play but that can’t be helped).
Strange comparison really. Labo does look quite quirky and interesting while GOW is the type of game that would make me buy a PS4.
Now, this comment was so Pathetic ...
Sir, Are you okay ?
Sir, Are you okay ?
Are you okay, Sir ?
You underestimate Labo’s appeal. On Amazon's US website it’s #2 behind God of War, despite Labo costing more and the PS4 having a much larger install base.
At Target, both Labo kits are outselling god of War as well. They’re 1 & 2 to God of Wars’s #3.
That speaks volumes. Labo will outsell God of War in the long run as it will stay ever green & at it’s selling price. I’ll pick up God of War at half price within 3 months.
Im not raging on God of War, but don’t underestimate Labo. And speaking of system sellers, God of War landed flat on that end.
Dang, the salty comments.
Great news for Labo though. GoW still did pretty decent, that game looks fun in its own right.
Grow up and stop being a bitter fool. What do you care if it succeeds or not? And check out my post above, it’s in fact selling very well.
And why the Labo hate? Are some of you so insecure, you lash out about a video game you can ignore?
Quite frankly both look great. But Labob is trying to be a revolution. Big difference.
He’s got to be 14 & very young.
Well there ya go. Will be interesting to see how it does in other territories. . . .
Puts paid to the doubters who thought it would flop. It was always going to be a hit
Some straight up bizarre level of hatred of cardboard by OctoInk. It’s for creative people and kids why is that so personally damaging to some people?
This game is good but I hate my parents
Everybody's piling up on @OctoInk20, but to be frank, I read it as just some next level satyre or something... Though you can never be too sure on the internet
I would be so in for Labo if they found a way to make a Toy-Con light gun with House of the Dead, Virtua Cop, New Duck Hunt, Area 51, and a cardboard foot pedal for Time Crisis. Dare to dream!
Wait, why would we count digital sales for Labo?
It's sort of a physical product =D
@Lord sure, over 100000 people go out and buy a 70 - 80 EUR product just because "there was nothing else to buy" LOL
This is the first time I'm talking about Labo. Now I wonder where to preorder uncut Wolfenstein II and more importantly, should I get Shining Resonance or Valkyria Chronicles 4 along with Ys VIII?
Hmm I wonder if Death end re;Quest is gonna get an English release, it looks good!
@SKTTR Why not both? (if it is because of money, then start saving)
@Angelic_Lapras_King Are you sure about that? I’m pretty sure that the countries with the best Internet connection/services are Korea and Japan.
I’ve got a 1GB fiber connection at home and that’s pretty standard. Meanwhile, when I go back to Europe for vacation and visiting relatives I find the Internet to be frustratingly slow...
Great for Labo, it’s not my cup of tea but I definitely see to potential and appeal of it. It’s a wonderfully creative way to get kids active and thinking.
God of War is also a wonderful game in every sense and the only reason I’m dying to buy a PS4 just for that game (though with my current economics I highly doubt I’ll ever be able to). Missing GoW is something that’s going to haunt me for years.
Lmao that is so true. As I have definitely noticed that pattern since I've been lurking and now posting around here. After a while it's like, yeah, cool story bro, next. Who really gives a D? Just do you and enjoy gaming the way you see fit. I feel like my ps4 was one of the most overrated purchases that I made, but I don't go around expressing that every single chance I get.
It's like they're doing their best to convince others that they made the wrong choice and/or that they can't (or should not) possibly be having much fun with their choice. What's funny is that the way I see it is that they must not be having as much fun as they're trying to portray & tell us given the fact that they have so much time to spend venting and whining about a product that they are not as enamored with or have no real interest in pretty much daily.
On a site dedicated to that product no less. When they could be fellating and celebrating their little box with like-minded people or in a more appropriate setting. Like a site dedicated to play station or or whatever the hell they decide to worship. You think this is bad though go over to that crap hole that is n4"G". They might as well be taking sony's money under the table. As even the mods are bonafide sony shills there.
@Agramonte Two different communities, two different tastes in games. You can combine them all you want,but it still doesn't get rid of the fact that the many fans in the Ninty community will not touch GOW. That goes for the Playstation community as well, many fans on there will never touch a Zelda or a Mario game.
@Agent721 Hmm, well right now GOW is #1, And #2, 3, 4, 5 are all PSN Store digital gift cards (Where it is #1 & 2).
The fact that you can buy a 30+ hr game with a 95 Metacritic for $30 (3 months from now) is amazing in my book. I'll be playing shining resonance refrain on Switch 3 months from now.
The worst enemy for LABO is Nintendo. Once they start talking about Smash, Metroid, FE and Pokemon - this will be a blip in the Switch hype train. This is the best it will get for it.
I could be wrong - but either way Nintendo makes money 😏
@MsJubilee True. Still worth a try to push either camp over for some games. Futile?... perhaps.
Labo appeals to a wider range of moms and grandmas than God of War. No surprise there.
Also it is a cultural thing. God of War is a very very western game. Base on European mythology that isn't nearly as popular in Japan as in the west.
God of War always pegged me more as a Western kind of adventure, which I respect. I only played a bit of the first, but it was a bit of brutal, QTE fun. Labo's definitely got wider appeal, with the family friendly rating, and it seems like something Japan would go for. Between the mini-games and the Garage, it does feel like one of the better example of making your own fun, though I can perfectly understand preferring a more straight forward kind of game. I can't say GoW standard, since I don't know much about it, just easier to understand as a single play adventure game, something that's been around for years, and has always been a well-known source of fun, as opposed to the cardboard goodness of Labo.
LABO is the perfect thing to distract your kid with so you can play God of War in peace
I am not a fan of god of war. Looks like the type of game that the suits at sony sat down and tried to come up that will cater to the dude bro audience. just don't see the reason for so much hype.
@OctoInk20 Buying Labo for my kids as soon as I have the money. If I didn't trust my kids to be careful with a cardboard construction project, I wouldn't trust them to play with my $300 Switch.
I’m looking only at games, not gift cards. Those get counted under accessory sales and don’t make the best seller lists we typically look at.
I think Labo could be a huge hit given it’s LEGO like form and truly be a big system seller around Xmas. Only time will tell. I’m sure God of War will hit 10 million plus sold. And yes, getting it for cheap in a few months is a great thing.
From the unofficial reviews i’ve heard from friends and people on the internet, Labo is fun for a bit — Putting it together and messing around with the tech for a couple hours. I’m getting that the majority of people will play it (including setting it up) for 10 hrs. Because of this high price per hour cost, I can’t imagine that I’d ever buy it. Meanwhile, I’m 20 hrs into God of War and still haven’t touched much story. I feel like I’m getting more enjoyment and playtime for my money
@hendie001 says the person who obviously hasn’t played this game. The original trilogy seemed very dude bro-ish, but you can’t play this one and believe it fits the same mold. It has a lot of sentimentality and sensitivity that most games don’t come even close to.
Never liked the idea of Labo and never liked God Of War. So, yeah... I don't really care. What I care about is Wolfenstein for Switch, for which I'm waiting for eagerly.
I don't get why a western game gets compared to a Japanese product. By now we all know that Japanese prefer Japanese products.
@OctoInk20 you might actually dislike the labo, there's no problem there (you are just not the target), but to dismiss the sales potential just shows how immature you are, especially with the way you convey your ideas... Anyway, you just got the honour of being the first on the ignore list, so congratulations! Not even our resident Irish troll managed that, so good for you!
@Anti-Matter You're calling other people pathetic. An eye for eye I suppose. Just quit the arguing, both of you. Or use the ignore button.
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