On Thursday, Nintendo posted their financial results for the fiscal year ending in March 2018 – predictably outlining the Switch’s phenomenal performance, which resulted in an over 500% increase in profits for the videogame giant.
However, Nintendo was conservative with its operating profit guidance, estimating that its OP will increase by just 26.7 percent from the year prior.
While this would achieve Nintendo’s highest profit since the fiscal year end in March 2010, it misses analyst estimates by about ¥83.7 billion – resulting in a slight decline in Nintendo’s stock on Thursday.
However, Jefferies analyst Atul Goyal sees a far more positive outlook for the Godfather of gaming. He believes NTDOY’s 12-month price target will hit ¥79,900 - far beyond the average analyst price target of ¥59,582.
Goyal believes the “OP could more than triple in 2 years” – due to the Switch’s success, growing digital adoption of console games, and the mobile game revenue Nintendo has recently seen.
And for those still doubting Nintendo’s mobile IP: they brought in ¥39.3 billion in sales – an increase of 62% year-over-year. That’s no small chunk of change.
All things considered, now could be a solid time to play the Nintendo stock game. Goyal believes it’s the "cheapest game stock in the world” today – but that it won’t be this way for long.
Buy low and sell high, friends!
Do you think Nintendo will be able to maintain its strong performance, or will the bubble eventually burst? Share your predictions with us below...
[source reuters.com, via markets.businessinsider.com]
Comments 32
He's actually correct.
Should've bought stock during the Wii U days...
@sillygostly I was planning on buying stock shortly after the Wii U came out and it started to go down... Then I had a kid... and another... and another, and now I have no expendable income. lol.
Yeah, I fell for the stock trap back the day when I purchased ten grand worth of Sega stock--this was when it was at a real low back in the days of the Saturn/Dreamcast (I thought surely it can only go up from here)--and by the time I eventually sold it a few years later I'd lost nearly half of that. I'm not gambling on such things again.
@impurekind I think the big difference between Sega and Nintendo is that, for all of the talk in the online bubble about how great Segas IPs are they actually aren’t (and never have been) that strong outside of their enthusiast community.
Aside from Sonic the Hedgehog could an ordinary member of the public identify a single Sega owned IP from the Mega Drive era? Whilst they made some great games in their most commercially successful period they were mostly either built around attractive but generic themes (you’re driving fast in a sports car! You’re shooting aliens as a non copywrite infringing Arnnie! You’re a ninja!) or licensed (Michael Jackson, Spider-Man etc.).
By the Dreamcast era they were producing very distinctive original IP attached to great games but those games have little penetration in the public consciousness and they were often ‘one and done’ even when the potential for forming a franchise was there.
Nintendo by contrast has some incredibly strong IP that’s been very well fostered over long periods of time. Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Pokémon and Animal Crossing all occupy an important place in the history of video games and they’ve all at various points had incredible penetration into the public consciousness that will not fully fade in our lifetimes.
You literally cannot ‘make’ another Pokémon or Mario happen from scratch (enough people have tried). As the media world becomes more fragmented the value of those mega franchises will continue to grow. Holding so many of those solid gold franchises means that Nintendo should always be pretty valuable relative to Sega.
But I’d agree that not gambling on stock is a good idea - it is a roulette wheel best avoided!
Wall Street “experts” are wrong half of the time. If they are right only 80% of the time, most of them don’t even need to work anymore, all they have to do is just sit at home and trade stocks. By now the current price of Nintendo shares most likely already priced in expected growth. It’s the unexpected growth that’s not priced in yet.
why on earth you do stocks!?
its only profitable when you have alot of money and buy alot of shares, and monitor the index 247. you got to have knowledge about currencies, predict them. its not like you buy some shares and wait to be rich.
its a fulltime bussines people. you never make money with $100,- to spent.
you get crap funds.
these big guys laugh at you.
Man that sucks... A lesson learned I suppose. I don't gamble in any way for that reason. Not to equate stocks to actual "gambling" but, it is a gamble not knowing the outcome.
Hindsight is 20/20 as they say.
It is impossible to predict honestly, just look at Super Mario Run as a prime example, the first mobile Mario game, should have been solid, and it wasn't. And I can't see anything upcoming that will raise the stocks at the moment. All the big things have come out. You'd just have to hope the online announcement is something special, but it could very easily be dreadful. Other than that you just have hardcore games like Metroid and Smash which probably will do nothing for stocks
ive got 30 shares during the wiiu days at about $18 a share so this is gonna b a fun ride
@SethNintendo Pokemon is the only thing you mentioned that COULD have an impact. But it still remains to be seen if the Switch is a practical console for Pokemon with its size. Announcements like Labo are more likely to raise stocks, announcements like the Switch itself, or Pokemon GO. You honestly have to think big. The theme park is a big one but still anything could happen. I wouldn't put my money on a CG Mario movie!
@SethNintendo if Nintendo can't make a mobile Mario game work in their favour I'm not optimistic about a movie. Let's just stick to video games!
I predict Nintendo overtaking Xbox and sharing an equal part of the gaming market with Sony. If Sony stumbles with PS5-aka too expensive to fly off shelves in a timely manner, Nintendo might actually take a bigger piece of the pie than Sony. Nintendo is where my inner child lives and I'm sure many other gamers feel the same way, as long as they don't severely mess up, they'll be back on top before long.
@SethNintendo What's an OTC stock? I'm someone who is seriously interested in buying stocks, but haven't got a clue where to start. :/
LOL. Nintendo "Godfather of gaming", isn't that Atari?
Bought about 220 shares of nintendo at 29$ just after the intial release of the switch and couldnt be a happier investor. Bought even more at 50$ Keep up the amazing work nintendo.
@EVIL-C It refers to stock that’s traded “over the counter” - meaning it doesn’t trade on a major stock exchange.
@sillygostly I did buy stock in the Wii U days. Go me! I'm holding onto it for now but it's been a long rough ride.
I also have stock in TakeTwo but my financial advisor keeps trying to get me to buy EA and I refuse to do it on principle. It might be losing me money (probably is) but I want nothing to do with that company.
It's taken me several years but I have enough of a portfolio now that if I had any major life emergencies (lost house, lost job) I could withdraw it all and live off the money for two full years. Of course I don't have any kids.
@SethNintendo Well, when I bought them they were at an all time low, so I thought they could only go up. Little did I know they could go even lower!
@JaxonH Exactly.
@StuTwo A valid observation.
I bought some with my reitrement funds but ended up selling them when I changed jobs. I knew they would perfom well, and I doubled my investment. Wish some of my other stocks had performed as well, tbh. Only one that touched it were AI software companies, which all performed solidly.
I didnt think it was possible to buy stocks in Nintendo.
I'm playing my favourite N64 game, Superman 64. It's brilliant. Later on on plan on playing ET on the Atari 2600
Can you buy Nintendo stock in the US? My parents tried during the Wii era and told me it was only available on the Japanese market. I also don’t really understand stocks do sorry if this is a stupid question - I’m guessing the OTC comments above me may have answered this for me.
Wish I'd bought stock during the Wii U years
I'm not sure that anyone should be taking investment advice, nor making financial investment decisions based uponan article or comments on it from a video game commentary website. That said, if Nintendo's profit doesn't triple in the next 2 years, given how low it was in the Wii U days which is where the baseline is being taken from here, they would probably be exiting the business... It's a pretty safe bet that their share price will increase in that timeframe, but how sustainable will it be later, and how liquid will the asset be, and how will external conditions affect the market, and finally would you just be better off altogether investing in the big banks and getting dividends twice a year which are fully franked in Australia so you don't pay personal income tax on those dividends.
My money's in the bank stock.
@Scapetti If Johnny and Timmy can convince their parents to take them to the umpteenth Minions movie, it’s not gonna even be a question about Mario. Especially considering those parents probably grew up on Mario and will have a vested interest in seeing it as well. Nintendo and Illumination will have to actively try to screw this up to prevent people from going to see it. Mario has to be right up there with the likes of Mickey Mouse as one of the most globally recognized characters on the planet. I can tell you right now when my mom hears about this, she will probably want to see it. Again, they would need to actively try to do a piss poor job to screw this up
Terrible idea to invent in anything you have an emotional attachment to.
@austin_voigt Hmm, I would've thought Nintendo stock only traded on a major stock exchange.
@EVIL-C See @SethNintendo's response - explains it well:
"You can buy OTC shares from sites like Fidelity. Right now OTC shares are hovering at 52.90.
You could buy off the Tokyo Stock market but the current stock price on for Nintendo is 46170 yen which is 423 US dollars per share. I believe you have to buy at least 500 shares when investing on Nikkei also so it cuts out a lot of small time investors since your initial investment would have to be at least 211,500 dollars to invest in Nintendo on the Tokyo Stock market. Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong but remember reading about the problems in investing directly through an article about some investors wanting Nintendo to split so more people can invest in Japan.
So basically your best bet is to buy NTDOY (OTC) which you can buy a lot of shares or just 1 share if you so desire."
@SethNintendo Im there with you I picked up 200 shares when it was 14$ then another 200 when it was 18 a share.
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