Whether you’ve been a Ys fan from the start, or you’re just getting into this beloved action RPG series, players will appreciate the ability to obtain Adol’s iconic Silver Armour costume from day one in the Switch version of Ys VIII: Lacrimosa Of DANA – no download necessary.
Earlier this month, publisher NIS America confirmed that each copy of the new game for Nintendo Switch would come with a hefty helping of DLC, at no additional cost. Now, the deal has been sweetened.
"Packed into each game" for free, the Silver Armour outfit is of particular significance to those who have been with Adol since he wore it in his debut in the first game of the series, Ys I: Ancient Ys Vanished.
Offered as a preorder incentive for PS4 players in 2017, the outfit will now come pre-loaded on all copies for the Nintendo Switch and will be available immediately to players on launch day. Sometimes, it’s worth the wait for a great game.
Although the costume does not influence the stats of our favourite redhead, it will definitely boost the sense of nostalgia for many Ys fans over 30 years after the series first launched on the NEC PC-8801.
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA is set to release for Nintendo Switch in North America on June 26th, and in Europe on June 29th.
Have you followed the Ys series from the beginning, or will this be your first adventure with Adol? Share your experiences with us below...
Comments 18
...You know, I haven't bought the PS4 version of Ys VIII yet....maybe I'll wait for the Switch version after all....
I found myself drifting away from this on Vita thanks to various Switch games (including Breath of the Wild, which I just got very recently). It's a great game, just not great enough to keep me glued to my Vita in light of recent events. I think I'll just send my Vita copy back to the rental place and get the Switch version...
Pretty cool. I played Ys Memories of Celceta in Vita and that's still my 2nd favorite game I've played on the platform(1st being P4G). I could've gotten this game on Vita, but the translation horror stories scared me off and I pretty much retired the Vita when it came out anyway. It'll be great to play this on Switch, can't wait!
Welcome, Austin!
Have my pre order. Was waiting for the translation fix on PS - but decided better to just keep waiting for the Switch version after.
Ys was always great to play on Vita - can't wait to now play it on the Switch. Now these are the type of Switch games I want.
This'll be my first Ys game. Can't wait.
Hope the port is good unlike PC
I'm on the fence about this game but mostly because of all the rpgs hitting at the same time. I love the genre but it takes up a lot of time. Other than that, I have never played this series.
@wratih9 ditto. I still need to get XC2 and NNK2, waiting for their DLC to be done, and DQ is coming, and KH3. So I'd like to play this, but not sure where to fit it in. Besides JRPGs I'm 88 hours into Horizon Zero Dawn and 30 hour GoW arrives tomorrow. sheesh
@CanisWolfred I'm waiting for the Switch version to release at $60 to see if Sony puts it on sale that week for $30, they've done similarly timed sales a couple of times now. Steam had it for $44 last week but I don't game on PC, just saw it on twitter.
Dark Fact, foiled again.
Excited for this!
@YummyHappyPills First Ys game here too. Watched a few videos but sort of going in blind. I want to get it at launch but I also want Octopath at launch and don't want to be playing them at the same time so something has to give. I guess if this launches in a bit of a state it would help make my mind up and I can hold off and play Octopath while it's fixed up. But if I hear good things day one I'll probably jump on it and Octopath'll wait. Choices choices!!!
@kyleforrester87 Sure thing. I want a good ARPG after Xenoblade 2...existed.
It's my big June game tbh as I hold no interest in Mario Tennis
@YummyHappyPills hey don't be knocking XBC2. Bloody loved it!!
@kyleforrester87 XC2 I'm sure is fine but man was it dull. Didn't get far at all. Ys however looks right up my alley
Hello, Falcom? I need to return my Ys I armor for Adol. I'm bumping into enemies and they're not dying. Hello?
Ive been with it since the first and the TG16 CD release no less which debatably has the best musical tracks then too.
I am not familiar with the series but the videos I have seen have spiked my interest.
Perfect opportunity to play through all the most current versions of all the other Ys games on my vita. Didn't buy Ys VIII for my vita since it didn't have any extra content from the ps4 version.
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