With SteamWorld Dig 2 being a tremendous success on the Nintendo Switch, we at Nintendo Life Towers thought it would be only a matter of time before more titles from the excellent Image & Form would make their way to the hybrid system.
And now we're very happy to confirm that SteamWorld Heist: Ultimate Edition is heading to the Switch on 28th December this year for the price of $19.99 in North America, £14.99 in the UK, and €19.99 in mainland Europe.
Alongside the excellent main campaign you can also expect not only all of the previously released DLC, allowing it to live up to its 'ultimate' status, but also optional touchscreen controls for precision aiming, and most importantly a beautiful home menu icon. No #icongate this time.
We're also promised an extra degree of content, although the cheeky so-and-sos who made the game aren't giving us any more than the phrase 'and more' to go on, so we'll all just have to wait and see what else we can look forward to.
Are you as excited for this as we are? Let us know in the comments down below.
Comments 61
Absolutely loved the game on 3DS. I look forward to playing it again on the Switch. Worth double dipping for sure.
Yes! Finally! This game is so good and I recommend it to everyone!
Surely my final game of the year
Got this on wii u and 3ds... should I triple dip??? For a game this good the answer is hell yes!!!!
Limited Run Games can't come soon enough. Need all these games physically.
One of my favorite 3DS eShop games. I'll pick it up for sure.
Fantastic game - but ouch at that price. It's much cheaper on iOs...
The UK eshop says that it is £17.99 and not £14.99. Just a heads up.
Triple dipping it is, then.
I've been waiting for Dig 2 to take a price drop (possibly Xmas day) after hearing it was a good but short game. But if they come to some sort of bundle deal for the two, I'don't be interested in that as well.
Double tip for me ! I was waiting for it !!!
Physical and I'll consider triple-dipping..
Great news! I have played Dig 1 and 2. After finishing 2 I almost bought Heist for the the 3DS. I'm glad I waited. This will be a great Christmas present for myself!
brilliant game couldnt put it down
Always said I'd have preferred this to Steam World Dig 2 (until I played Steam World Dig 2 - one of my games of the year). This seems like such a good fit for the Switch.
Absolutely fabulous news! I adore the folks at Image & Form, and SteamWorld Heist is an utterly essential purchase.
Oh Switch eShop...
@MrGawain Steamworld Dig 2 isn't that short. It's around 10-15 hours if you 100% (which IMO is the one of the main points of that game).
@coxy100 It is a lot cheaper on iOS - BUT there's no DLC on the iOS version and there isn't likely to be any (there was a complicated reason to do with it being sold as a premium game with no in-app purchases, which meant they couldn't add them later - something like that). I'm not a little tempted to double-dip on Switch.
Got this on PC but I've not played it yet, if there's exclusive content on Switch I'll definitely re-buy.
I absolutely loved this on 3DS, got it using MyNintendo actually. Couldn't put it down, this is great news for Switch owners who have yet to experience it.
I have this on Vita. I loved it so much that I'm willing to buy it again on Switch... Even though I can still play it on my Vita... There's a reason why I don't have any money.
Does it have Physical copy or only digital?
Aww man I just bought it on PS4 about 2 weeks ago because I thought it wasn't coming to Switch. Aww well guess I might end up double dipping just for the dlc and portability on this one.
We'll see, right now there is so much to play - on the Switch and else where - that I don't see myself having the time to play this again, although I never got around to playing the DLC on the 3DS. If the game ever gets a really good sale, I might still pick it up though.
I loved this game when it came out. I will most likely buy it again, cause the Switch is the perfect home for it.
As much as I loved it, I won't be double dipping at that price. Instead, I'll double dip with Enter the Gungeon!
Well shucks. I got this for my New 3DS XL, but didn't really have time back then. Only played it for an hour or so.
And seeing how I've pretty much left my 3DS behind, I'm actually going to double dip on this one then. Still really want to play this one thoroughly.
Yes. Holiday miracle!!!!
Just when I thought I might be done buying games for the switch this year
Oh damn, "No #icongate this time."
I love to complain about icons! In a serious note, I have never play this and since this has all the content on it plus touch screen controls and I love SteamWorld 2; well this is a buy.
Here I was thinking December was going to be a quite month to burn my backlog...........
@JaxonH Good luck! You will be fighting against me for copies.
As far as indie games are concerned, almost everything's coming to Switch. Just a matter of when 😁
I bought this day one for 3DS... I probably won't be getting it for Switch, but I am very glad that Switch owners will get a chance to experience the game.
This will also remind me to finish up the DLC missions over the holidays...
@JaxonH I hope you're right... still waiting for Nidhogg and Inside.
Inside has already been confirmed for Switch.
And the Nidhogg developer said it would be perfect for Switch, so expect that one too.
I guess I'll trippledip then! Played it through with the DLC on 3DS, but only scavenged a few ships on the Wii U version. Looked great on the big screen and the music in this game is really nice
I'll hold off to see if Dig 1 gets ported.
I’ve already put over 50 hours into the game on 3DS and I’d be more than happy to get it again on Switch.
Just finished Steamworld Dig 2, look forward to this one.
I absolutely loved Dig 2, and it was one of my top games of the year. I never played Heist on 3DS or Wii U, so I'm very happy I'll be able to try this on Switch.
@Spoony_Tech You skipped this one? I see you as the unofficial ambassador of all things Steamworld. I only read all the comments to see how excited you would be.
Awesome! I haven’t played this yet, so will definitely be picking this one up.
@rjejr I don't see the point of double dipping at that price plus I played and beat it twice on the 3ds. Now I did foward this article to my brother that really liked Dig 2.
Oh and I got it for my son on his 3ds so I guess I already double dipped in a way. Only so much money to go around and so many other games I haven't played that I want.
This was a no brainer for Image and Form though as I'm glad they're giving the opportunity for many more to play this wonderful game!
Great game and I will download it as soon as I can. Our house put hundreds of hours into this game on Wii U.
As much as I love Dig 1 & 2........Heist is on a whole other level.........now I wonder what is next for the gang at Image & Form
I liked Steamworld Heist more than the Steamworld Dig games. But, I don't think I have the need to purchase it again as, well, I think I played it to death on the WiiU. Maybe, if there's a super sale at some point. Maybe.
As always, thank you guys and gals for your love and support! Yep, it's $20/€20 etc, a bargain considering it's the best strategy game ever and all the DLCs have been baked into the Ultimate Edition. THIS is the way it was meant to be played!
@Spoony_Tech "Now I did foward this article to my brother that really liked Dig 2."
Well you get to maintain your mantle of unofficial ambassador then.
@imageform Heist is the ONLY strategy game that was able to keep my attention from beginning to end. Time for me to triple dip!
I'll wait for a price drop before I triple-dip, but I absolutely will. And if there's a physical bundle for the whole Steamworld collection, then I'll just go ahead and be that Fry meme.
I was planning on buying SteamWorld: Heist for the 3DS with my eshop gift card that I'm getting for Christmas. I'm glad that I held off this long; I'll be getting it for the Switch.
Great news! I have played this on 3DS thrice already, and LOVED it - I’m double-dipping for sure!
Good to hear! Yet another game to add to my future Switch library.
Loved this game would so love a sequel too!
I dunno, I would have paid $20 for Steamworld Heist and Dig together on the Switch, $25 if they had a physical cart, but right now I can get both on Wii U or PS4 for less than 15$ physical. Hard pressed to shell $20 for one by itself, even if it does have dlc I'll probably never see.
I'll definitely wait for the price drop first before getting the game. I love Steamworld Dig 2, but for that price I honestly should've waited for a price drop on that game before getting it. I've finished SD2 at around 9 hours and I digged almost all the ores but didn't get 100% (Mainly artifacts). I still felt it short and they should've put in more areas, story, upgrades and bosses instead of 100% a game to make it decently Long. Don't get me wrong, I love the game and I recommended to everyone who owns a switch, I just hope the next Digs game has what everyone hopes for. Sorry I've gotten sidetracked.
Great to hear. I'll get it sometime next year when it inevitably goes on sale and I have less games in my backlog!
Excellent game
I highly recommend this game as I bought it both on 3DS and WiiU and played it thru twice (had the DLC on the WiiU). It is one of the best strategy games ever IMO so I while I likely won't buy it again, I recommend it to anyone who hasn't played it and like strategy games. Super fun mechanics and destruction animations.
Hey @WilltheLion, just trade in the ps4 back.
@ekwcll good idea
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