In another week of big releases, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a welcome upcoming arrival on the Switch. It's impressive to have a game like that on a portable device, and we've explained why it's worth a serious look in our Skyrim Switch review.
A big question that swirls around ports, naturally, is performance. There are few better than our chums at Digital Foundry for assessing these merits in any game, and they've put together their analysis of this Switch release. It's a very positive outlook, all told, which is terrific to see.

Are you planning to buy Skyrim on Switch, or perhaps it'll be a festive gift? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 56
Cannot wait for this. Between it and Zelda DLC Winter is gonna be full of open world awesomeness for me
Yay. Great to see Digital Foundry going back to back on the Switch analyses
Day one patch activates Video Recording feature as well!
Lucky for the Rime guys they got to blame their poor Switch port on the hardware before this video came out.
I'm impressed they even bothered porting the newer version, I thought this would be the last Gen version all the way and was expecting a PS3/360 comparison video. For those who don't know, Skyrim had problems on PS3.
Doom and remastered Skyrim, devs are going to need a better excuse than "hardware" for their incompetence.
Just want to add my two cents about the "it's not a perfect port" comments that usually appear whenever a Switch port is reviewed by DF.
To call them "imperfect" because they don't look like it runs on a high performance PC or Xbox One X is completely missing the point.
It IS a perfect port when the developer makes FULL use of the Switch's capabilities. And they should be praised for doing a good job. Because some of these games, Doom and now Skyrim, they needed some dark magic to run as they do on Switch.
Sure, the discussion over these ports being downgraded is perfectly sensible. Considering there is an obvious difference in power and capabilities. No prob with that.
Too many games. Haven't even finished the launch title super bomberman r because of Zelda.
The very steady the 30 fps is a happy surprise to me. Looking forward to playing this for the first time tomorrow.
Of course Skyrim will be handled much better. The game is pretty darn old, so some sort of a visual upgrade, though not on par to the PS4, is expected and it seems to be much easier and smoother compared to Doom. Still, glad Bethesda is going all out for Switch
Good stuff. Now we've just got to hope Switch owners show their support like the devs have done by buying these games. I think Skyrim will do well but Doom and LA Noire deserve to be successful too.
@OorWullie Exactly! Doom is great everyone buy it!
@1UP_MARIO true. The Switch has too many games which is amazing. (!!)
I can attest to it’s quality, as I’m currently playing it. It obviously doesn’t look as the PC version I spent so long playing, but it looks damn good nonetheless.
@NewAdvent Spent over 800 hours playing the PC, still bought it, it manages to feel fresh still. Plus if you only played the 360 version, it looks a lot nicer.
@dumedum it's amazing yeah but not for my bank
@Malcrash For me, the main problems with Doom are the lack of HD rumble and motion controls. Those features could have really improved the game. I can get over downgraded graphics. That said, it’s a lot of fun still.
Doom is a very well put-together port also. Bethesda is killing it with their Switch support.
Doom is excellent, tho I wish I could get rid of the exclamation mark on the menu screen?
As for Skyrim well done all round will purchase this next.
Really keen to see sales figures for these in the coming weeks?
Between this and Doom, Bethesda has showed the gaming community that almost anything is possible for the Switch.
I've played about 300 hours on the PC and I'd like to get it on my Switch too but I just can't get used to playing games like this with a controller. I hate it! It feels so clunky and intuitive. I'll stick to the PC version and to keyboard and mouse.
But! I'm really pleased for the people that haven't had the chance to play this awesome game before, to do it on the Switch now. I'm surprised about the sheer quality of this version.
Now someone just needs to find a way to transfer game saves from PC to switch so i don't have to start over.
Wow!! Looks like Bethesda done a great port. Remastered version, and only noticeble lower detail on foliage in open areas. Interesting how the many more low-performance static shadows in Switch version actualy makes the town-areas look better than the PS4-version. Very smart way of hiding less detail. Im really looking forward playing this tonight. Any one knows if its being released at midnight european time, or is it east coast noon like with LA Noire? (cirka 4-6pm in Europe)?
It's cool that they got the game to turn out right. I am planning to get this at some point after Nintendo gets with the times of allowing save data backup either by SD cards or tied to your account i.d like your download history. Until then, I refuse to buy anything more for the Switch.
Reason being is because a month after my day one Switch purchase my console reads game card after a few inserts and not after the initial insert. So I called Nintendo to set up repairs and we got all the way up to the question of game saves. The Nintendo rep told me that all of your save data would be wiped from the device with no way to back it up. With that being said I canceled the repair process.
Well, this makes the future of the Switch a bit more reassuring. Some ports are just not working out for it, unfortunately. I had such high hopes for RiME to be a great game with beautiful visuals and I am sad that it ended up looking like a Wii game with terrible optimization. For now, I have no other system that will play that game as my PC is slightly outdated for it.
I'm impressed with how the Switch handles Skyrim. I was afraid that it would run at less than 720p, but it makes it to 900p when docked...very good! I put Skyrim on my X-mas list, so I'll have to wait and see if I get it. If not, I'll be buying it the day after.
Would been awesome if one could choose between static 900p (as it now is), or dynamic 720-900p in open areas, so there could be more foliage on the ground, bit more detailed trees, but at 720p. I would prefered that. But it looks good anyways.
@RasandeRose It’s not a static 900p, it drops bellow that at certain points already.
I like RPGs and I like open world games, but thankfully I never liked Skyrim. Why thankfully? Because I wouldn't know when to play. There are too many other great games on the market right now and in the near future.
So, I will definitly not buy it. Still great to hear it turned out to be a good port, for all the fans.
Well, according to DF, theres no proof of dynamic scaling in docked mode. I tend to trust their analyzes, and ofc I hope its accurate enouch.
@RasandeRose My bad, I misread the article, when they talked about dynamic resolution, that’s only for portable mode😬
Either way, I’ve played it in both modes, and it looks stunning. Motion controls work well, but I prefer just using my pro controller. Played about 3 hours now, even with a banging headache. That’s probably why I misread the article.
Thats no problem, I thought it might be a missunderstanding like that. Its a good compromise in handheld mode. And sure, 900p is a bit more pleasent for the eyes, and it seems to be perfect for towns. But I would have prefered a bit lower res in wooded areas, if it could have opened up for a bit more details with grass and stuff on the ground.
Hooray! After a few high-profile performance flops recently, I was a little nervous, but will now be picking up Skyrim on Switch. I've actually been anticipating this for months, so it'll be fun to have another massive adventure to enjoy over the winter season.
It's hard to believe that, over a year ago, I would have laughed sadly if you had asked me if a Bethesda game was coming to a Nintendo platform. Needless to say, I'm pleased.
Keep the awesome ports coming!
@crackafreeze I can't see 2017 being beaten
@OorWullie I bought LA noire and Skyrim is arriving tomorrow as well. I'll probably buy doom after wolfenstein 2 is out.
Whoa! Very small differences in textures, resolution and some assets. The Switch version looks so similar, and you can pay it on the go, making it the go to version in my eyes.
Definitely picking this up tomorrow. Long games like these will be enjoyed far more by me on the Switch and it’s ability to play anywhere.
Maybe it’s just me but I just never get caught up on all those small technical comparisons when the port is a close shave like this. It’d be one thing if the port was just obviously horrible but it’s not. The game looks beautiful, it’s portable too, and Nintendo console owners never had this game experience before! So Nintendo gamers dig in and support Bethesda for supporting us!! Grab Doom while you’re at it!! Great sales will bring us more big games!! Maybe even EA will pay better attention to what’s going on over in Nintendo land! Rockstar is!
@OorWullie I’ve done my share and bought all 3!! 😃😃👍
@rjejr Well, actually, that it was going to be the updated version was pretty much already hinted at in the very first Switch trailer, and only more and more confirmed later on in subsequent Skyrim-specific trailers. Quite easily visible for the discerning observer who's familiar with the series...
All the areas and surroundings and details already showed this. There were even early comparison videos on YouTube to show that this wasn't the old version.
Either way, it appears to be a great port whichever way you look at it, so I hope it's going to sell well. Would definitely be good for the continued Bethesda support...
@rjejr DOOM, FIFA and NBA2K, the only relevant current gen AAA releases on Switch, all come with them substantial compromises. If you're of the mindset that Switch is a 3DS replacement and a portable console, your line of thinking is going to be way different than one believing Switch is a Wii U successor and a Home console.
For me, I couldn't care less about portable consoles. Bought a 2DS XL in July and have picked it up less than 20 times.
My XB1 gets about 4 hours of play a day. BTW, DOOM looks light-years better on it and it's the 3rd worst version to boot.
Wait...the PS4 and Xbox One versions are 30fps? Well, I know which version I'd get if I do end up getting this game at some point. I'll take portability over resolution and some extra foliage any day.
@gatorboi352 "the mindset that Switch is a 3DS replacement and a portable console, your line of thinking is going to be way different than one believing Switch is a Wii U successor and a Home console."
Well it's kind of both, a true 3DS next gen replacement, and a "New Wii U". I've been saying it's a "last gen" home console for a few months now. Some people belittle me b/c of games like Doom, Skyrim and LA Noire, some agree w/ me b/c of Rime and Yooka-Laylee. Well nobody really brings up YL, that's my thing. I suppose it's 2 Wii U duct taped together, but I think the crowd on here of late is too young to get the reference. Speaking of, there were of bunch of them looking for you in the other thread if you haven't been over there already. This whole site is turning into a playground, but not in a good way.
@rjejr problems with ps3 is an understatement I had it on ps3 I ran into a ton of glitches one time a I was supposed to meet a character somewhere in the campaign and she started attacking me and I almost had to restart the game with a new save if I wanted to continue the story lol
Wow and I thought it was stunning how well Doom converted, this is perhaps even more impressive they took the PS4/PC enhanced version and got it that close plus with no dropped or wobbly frames either.
Looks great to me! Honestly, it looks better on my Switch than it did on my 2012 gaming laptop, when I first played it. Yeah, it won't match my gaming desktop with the Nvidia 1060, but I sure can't take that on the road with me!
@rjejr "We'll it's kind of both"
That is a third way of viewing it, yes. But not everyone does. I know far more people that exclusively play Switch as a portable, never docking it, than folks who play it hybrid or docked exclusively.
You just never know. I do know that Switch isn't for me, as I've become increasingly enticed by cutting edge specs and big screen 4K TVs for my down time with video games. But that's just me.
@gatorboi352 Then why do you continue to visit this website? I'm really curious. Since the release of the Switch, most news on this website are about Switch games, and it'll continue to be that way for several years.
@rjejr There are 3 perspectives: a handheld, a hybrid, and a home console. According to Nintendo, most players use it as a hybrid console. I don't know how accurate that is, though.
@OorWullie Not that it means alot, but on the EU eshop, both doom and Skyrim were in the top 5 on charts when they launched, and still are. So i'd say they should both be selling well on the Switch.
@gatorboi352 I also care a lot about graphics, but if you're passing on the Switch for that reason alone you're missing out; Odyssey looks glorious even on a big 4k screen as do a few other releases. Granted, most games do look well below PS4 graphics, which is a given with such a small console, but for me it's the perfect compromise. I love continuing playing my games on the go. (For games with nice graphics / impressive presentation I prefer playing on TV but combine with playing short spurts on trains / flights. For other games such as Golf Story etc I use the Switch mostly as a handheld.)
@gatorboi352 "and big screen 4K TVs"
So, you holding out for the New Switch or Switch 2?
I never play w/ it out of the dock, my kids play w/ it 50-50 handheld and docked depending if 1 of the other kids wants to play on the PS4. I don't think we've had the kickstand out yet, but if they play it 2 player in the back of the car - trying to stand it up in our portable DVD player strap contraption - w/ our 2 Joycon I'll consider that table top as table top mode to me is less about the kickstand and more about using the 1 system as a screen and 2 controllers, which is a nice bonus.
@rjejr ironically, my brother just gifted me his Switch for the next couple of months as he's getting back to his studies.
Gonna probably pick up a pro controller and give Odyssey a go.
@gatorboi352 That irony is pretty funny.
I enjoyed Odyssey a lot, but I think Galaxy was better. Odyssey felt like Zelda light after playing Zelda on Wii U, which I really liked, and I don't like Zelda games. Though I've never played Skyrim or Witcher 3 so Zelda had that advantage with me. Enjoy.
I have already put 5 hours into Skyrim and let me tell you l. I waited 6 years without playing it or knowing much about it and I am glad I waited. This is the kind of game that consumes time and as an adult being able to play it anywhere is a huge win for me.
@rjejr I found Mario amazing. The only let down for me was that I felt there were not enough kingdoms, I love what is there don't get me wrong and it is a pretty big game. I just feel there could have been a few more large sized kingdoms.
@Jokerwolf My problem w/ Mario wasn't Mario's fault, it was my fault, b/c once we got to the moon, and the 2 hidden worlds on the moon, I kept waiting for the gravity driven levels in Galaxy to make a return. I really enjoyed running around the outside of small planets and around the inside of larger ones, and the levels being pulled around in space.
It was a good game, but I thought SMG 1 & 2 were better, and if anybody today asked me which ones to play I'd say the Galaxy games. Though if they wanted to play all 3, start w Odyssey.
I'm really hoping for a remastered HD port package of 1 & 2 so I can see if I'm mistaken about how much I enjoyed the earlier games.
@rjejr I would just like a true sequel to Mario 64, I know there were a lot of nods to it in the Mushroom Kingdom, how ever they could still make a true sequel to it.
@Jokerwolf I played Mario64 at the wrong time, really didn't like it. I also have a serious problem w/ N64 graphics in general. Hard to explain, very angular, but I know an N64 game when I see one and I react by disliking the game. I honestly can't think of an N64 game I liked. Gamecube had several, but there's no comparing graphics on those 2 systems. I think the Switch may be 4 Gamecubes duct taped together but it would take 64 N64 I think.
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