Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night—the hotly anticipated not-Castlevania from Koji Igarashi—is still on pace to release on the Switch, whenever the team gets around to it. Though it seems that we still have quite a wait ahead, it does look like steady progress is being made on the project, as the development team has released some new footage in a new Kickstarter update.
Here, we see the courtyard shown off, alongside a boss battle with Zangetsu, a samurai character who resents anyone and anything tainted by demonic power. It’s looking like things are shaping up pretty nicely, and this is sure to fill a niche in the Switch’s library. Here’s the footage:
And for those of you interested in hearing some of the game’s music, just follow the source link and check it out on the game page.
What do you think? Will you pick this up for the Switch? How much longer do you think we’ll have to wati for this one to release? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 51
But whennnn??
Day one on Switch, assuming it turns out well.
Bold move killing of your protagonist in a new footage.
samus returns reintroduced the metroid half of metroidvania, i guess this shall provide the vania half.
Almost forgot about this game.
I can't wait to play this, I am a very big castlevania fan!
It has awoken from its slumber.........
The development of this game I mean.
No need to rush the game, A rushed game is a bad game............yeah, yeah, hurry up already.
Looks and plays much better than when it was first shown though still kinda wish the Wii U version didn't get cancelled but oh well I'm picking this up for Switch anyways. Hopefully a playable demo of this surface sometime early 2018.
This is a release date purchase for me— zero question. Ironically, I always thought that the eternally-in-development-wait-it-was-supposedly-feature-complete-in-June-right? “Hollow Knight” would be tiding me over for “Bloodstained,” but at this rate I half expect the reverse to be true! Still, any “complaint” is minor when the bottom line is that Switch has an impressively robust lineup of titles on the way , especially for Metroidvania fans.
Sooo many games hitting the Switch I temporarily forgot about this one! Day one! Hopefully a retail option!!
If this gets a physical release on the Switch I'm totally onboard. Looks really nice and sounds great.
That looks waaaaay better then before. Feels far more like a Castlevaina now.
Looking good, I can’t wait for this to come out.
I was worried about this game for a while, especially as a backer.
Those worries are pretty much gone now. This looks like it could end up pretty great, that ice swordsman's animations and attacks look fantastic.
Looks good. I haven't played Castlevania since Dawn of Sorrow, but I'll probably pick this up if the reviews are decent.
Thinking of Castlevania gets me all nostalgic for CV 2. That game was my jam on the Gameboy. I played it for hundreds of hours. Sooo many batteries.
/old person moment
I'm kind of hyped for this game... but I don't seem to like the animation of the characters... It feels slow and clumsy in the videos...
I wasn't super impressed by the last gameplay demo, but this is looking really good! Also the soundtrack sounds awesome.
Now if only Konami could just get Castlevania back on track with a new game of their own and release the other 3 gameboy VC titles on 3ds and the gba vanias on the system too.
I prefer linear ‘Vanias myself, but this is looking pretty good. Maybe IGA can do these and Konami can go back to their roots with their own Castlevania games. Ha! That’ll happen.
This is a first for me in terms of footage. Even in its current state, Bloodstained is already becoming the "Castlevania" that I wanted since the DS games. It may not look like a GOAT for me, but I still want it either way.
Still looking a bit rough.
As a big Castlevania fan I can't wait for this!!! However it kind of seems like Castlevania Order of Eclessia 2. It is just weird but I have faith in the team and that they will deliver a great products. I will probably get this for Switch and PS Vita.
I know it's still in development, but am I the only one that thinks this looks bad? It plays really, really slow and the combat seems uninspired. I know that's how castlevania was (and it's targeted towards its fans after all), but if Mighty No. 9 taught us something is that some things are better kept in the past.
Thankfully the character model aniamtion is now much much better and a lot less floaty, its looking good.
Definitely has a SotN vibe to fact, almost too much. Right down to the big cat running at the bottom, and how the sub-boss battle plays out. As excited as we all are for true-to-form Castlevania game, this gameplay demo isn't giving off that vibe. It looks forgettable.
Be still my beating heart ❤️
Just started symphony of the night again so really looking forward to this.
this 3D graphic style looks extremely trivial and dull. The game could be good but this is for sure a deal breaker for me
@lillith Forgettable? Behave!!
@lillith Exactly! If Koji went to full modern pixel art like The Mummy Demastered and strived for HUGE HUGE castle ( or worlds ) the game could be remembered for generations to come.
Still, I look forward to this game.
EDIT: Actually to me Castlevania Mirror of Fate looks more atmospheric than this demo. I hope the team do something about this.
@pattybean Symphony of the Night and Mirror of Fate are first cousins who slept with each other and birthed Bloodstained. Everybody so badly wanted this child, but to catch a glimpse of its face - well, that was something that nobody wanted to face.
@Zuljaras My favourite moment in SotN was the day I discovered the upside-down castle. Few games have ever had that "!!!" feeling, where everything you thought you knew was turned on its head (quite literally), and that the game you thought you'd beaten was only just beginning. No Castlevania game since has provided that feeling...and quite possibly, none ever will. I look forward to what they can accomplish with this Castlevania-that-isn't-Castlevania, but thus far, it just doesn't look that exciting.
@lillith Yes that was unique in a good way.
Harmony of Dissonance tried to make that with the 2 souls of the Castle.
Order of Ecclesia tried to build the moment before the actual Castle.
Portrait of Ruin tried to make the castle bigger with the paintings.
If only Konami could wake up. As I remember Bloodstained kickstarter was the biggest is the history? Which means that people want another RPG Castlevania!
No charisma at all. Hope this isn't the sole protagonist, it just look as a game that want to look like SotN without its perfect setting.
Castlevania Mirror of fate was fantastic in terms of graphics. It was not the best Castlevania out there (still a good one anyway) but visually it was a real treat
this footage looks bad, they shouldn't show such unpolished gameplay.
I'll prolly won't support this anyway.
Very noticeable improvements to Miriam's animations. The stage itself also looks more polished, and I like the music.
Good going, Iga and the team. Take however long you all need to deliver a quality game and not another Kickstarter disaster.
@Ras they said they would include a classic, linear mode in the game. We'll have to see if they keep their promise and that it's not just slapped together. It may be worth keeping an eye on it and reading reviews when it's done to see how that turns out.
Ok, this is nothing like the images on the kickstarter campaign, just like Mighty No.9 back then, yet, Bloodstained isn't getting any of the hate MN9 had...
@sihy They've shown so many different shaders and even numbered them, then chose one and showed it to all backers. You haven't been keeping up with the game.
Even if you only compare the first images of this game to this video, it's less of a jump than what happened with MN9. The jury is out on that game, it was bad-to-mediocre.
I know this is just a demo but something just feels off to me.
@Eddyson it's a development update. it isn't the final product.
@audiobrainiac It was supposed to (tentatively) be spring 2018.
Is it just me or does that footage above look like a HUGE improvement since last we saw footage a few months ago? Really want this to be good.
@Sihy They had backers give feedback and vote on shaders and art direction stuff. GO look back thru their campaign page.
@Ras In the time since Ecclesia I've fallen more in love with the Castlevania 1, 3, Rondo, Chronicles style of play. Something way more addicting about figuring out solutions to enemy placements when the player can only approach them from one initial direction. That said maybe this will get me back in love.
I like what I see but I now that some ppl will still hate for no reason.
Still waiting for that E3 demo to be released to backers, four months later...
Hopefully it will be a proper Castlevania spiritual successor, instead of trying to straight up be Castlevania. Yooka Laylee left a bit of bad taste in a few people's mouths.
This is looking waaay better than the last update video. Nice to see it coming along so nicely!
super duper backer
@KO-Cub Yooka Laylee didn't bill itself as anything other than it was - a spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie/DK64 collectathons, a nostalgia trip. The thing is, it ended up being worse than the games that inspired it.
I'd rather they made a Castlevania that wasn't called Castlevania, than a piss-poor spiritual successor that misses everything that makes the game inspiring it special.
@Dang69 I thought so too. Looks more refined.
@argol228 I don't like 2.5D in general though. Not even in finished products
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