As has been the case for a short while now, the three major territories (PAL, North American and Japan) are all going their own way when it comes to Splatoon 2 Splatfests. Now we have the details for next week's Splatfest in North America, which would sure make for a fun real-life event at a convention.
It's Sci-Fi Vs. Fantasy, which seems like a rather neat showdown to us.
As you can see in the tweet it kicks off at 9pm Pacific (which is midnight Eastern) on 17th November.
So, will you be Team Sci-Fi or Team Fantasy?
Comments 47
Phew, phew, phew, phew.....
Alright, team fantasy it Is! Hopefully my team actually wins this time, haven't been on the winning team once so far, haha.
Pretty sure I'm gonna have to go with fantasy. I absolutely love it.
Do you live? Do you die? Do you splat for the fantasy?
(Brownie points if anyone gets the reference)
Really? On the day Pokémon comes out? DX
Tough choice again.
I.... I really don't know, honestly. This is a tough one.
I have always preferred medieval over futuristic settings so the choice for me is so obvious. Nothing beats knights, swords, and magic, hence why I love stories involving King Arthur and Merlin the Wizard so much.
Fantasy. Not a hard choice at all.
I like Sci-Fi slightly better as a rule, but I overwhelmingly prefer Marina. Tough choice.
Y'know folks, science fiction doesn't mean aliens. Science fiction is just fantasy with rules, really.
Sci-fi. Not much for most fantasy fiction, by and large.
@TobiasAmaranth No? I mean, it depends what sort of sci-fi you're talking about. Hard science fiction, where the speculative elements are grounded at least slightly in current understandings of the universe and everything needs to be explained shouldn't include any fantastical elements.
Games like Star Ocean shows you can have both with Sci-fi
It's a tough choice as I do love both but, I will have to go with fantasy as LOTR and Harry Potter hold my attention over Star Wars/Trek. Once again I love both although Star Trek's better than Star Wars. Ooph. There I said it.
I've won every single Splatfest and I'd choose Sci-Fi.*
*Individual results may vary.
Something like Thor Ragnarok, blends both is rather fun.
Team sci-fi all the way. I love Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones, but nothing beats Isaac Asimov's Foundation series.
I may be european and thus already fought over cold or warm breakfast this month, but if I could join an american Splatfest, I‘d go with Team Sci-Fi. First of all, I‘ve learned my lesson, and that is Pearl almost always wins in the west. Secondly, Fantasy would probably take place around the Middle Ages and I DO NOT wanna live during the Middle Ages.
My Squid-Kid is augmented.
Which do I choose?
I'm both, but will go with Sci-Fi because I'm guessing Fantasy will be the overwhelming majority.
Essentially Doom on Switch or Skyrim on Switch. Maybe that's where this theme came from? Either way, I'm getting Doom so Sci-Fi for me! I always like the high tech stuff. Actually, I don't have Splatoon 2, but I'm planning on getting it at some point. Probably after Christmas along with maybe FE Warriors.
I think this is possibly the coolest splatfest theme ever. I don't have Splatoon 2, but I'm rooting for team fantasy anyway!
@Prof_Yoshtonics I second that! Star Trek is superior to Star Wars!
But to be fair, I think Star Wars falls more on the Fantasy spectrum. Trek is 100% Sci-fi, though.
@Tyranexx WLWDWTYS?
This is all I can think of.
Yep, all fiction is fantasy.
Life is just a fantasy, can you live this fantasy life?
@Desrever Yeah you're probably right. An Intergalactic Socio-Political Space Opera is the best description I've heard for Star Wars. Lol Star Trek: The Next Generation is second to none. Definitely my favorite body of Sci-Fi work.
@Prof_Yoshtonics Actually, this would be like Star Trek vs Star Wars, with Trek being Sci-fi while Star Wars is Fantasy.
Edit: Didn't see that someone already pointed this out, oh well!
@KirbyTheVampire I disagree. Fantasy in comparison to sci-fi is a poor man's Splatoon.
Team skyrim
Now that's a Splatfest theme I can get behind (my choice would be scfi-fi)!
Hopefully we get the same theme in Europe...
@TobiasAmaranth When it comes to creative writing, technically science fiction is something make believe that could possibly happen. Fantasy is something make believe that could never happen.
@JubilifeRival: Good guess! I'm actually paraphrasing "The Fantasy" by 30 Seconds to Mars.
Basically Star Trek vs Star Wars
So unfair the EU get lame splatfest vs
Ah! For the first time, a splatfest in which I will have a REALLY hard time picking a team! Call me #teamundecided at the moment. Maybe I'm leaning a little bit fantasy at this point. I dunno.
@Lizuka OH MY GOSH!!!! SAME HERE!!!!!! I just play Splatoon 2 for Splatfest mostly. I'm too busy with other games is my reason too. Haha.
Competing with ultra moon and my nephews birthday... Another missed splatfest.
Going to go with fantasy since the only sci-fi I'm a huge fan of is Star Wars. (plus, I can convince myself that's fantasy instead of sci-fi. Not a big leap)
Team Fantasy all the way. Sci Fi is super boring for me...
Stranger Things vs Game of Thrones.
Team sci-fi but this is the hardest spatfest to date! In fact, I may change my mind by the 17th.
Both are fantastic but I watch more sci-fi. See you online!
@Lizuka You're not missing much. Just a lobby full of politics. My advice would be to disable viewing people's posts.
Team Sci-Fi!!!!
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