RiME comes to Switch soon, and while the wait has been quite a long one we're hopeful that it will have been well worth it.
Interestingly, it has been discovered that RiME on Switch - despite being portable - takes up more storage space than it does on Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
According to the game's eShop page, RiME gobbles up 6.9GB of storage, while the Xbox One version takes up 4.29 GB and the PS4 edition 4.25 GB.
What does this mean, ultimately? Perhaps Tantalus - the team behind the Nintendo port - hasn't been able to compress the game data as effectively, or maybe the Switch version has extra content we don't know about?
It's anyone's guess, but let us know what you think by posting a comment.
Thanks to SLIGEACH_EIRE for the tip!
Comments 44
Not entirely sure why it needs to take up extra space. Perhaps some additional features will be in the game? Any idea's when or if the game will have additional features and when/if they'll be announced?
I still say maybe they took the time to update some things before releasing. For all we know it will be the definitive version.
2GB for HD Rumble data. Clearly.
@TheMadPolarBear There was an article last week or so saying as to why they weren't going to put motion controls in. They did say they had a couple of Nintendo features added but nothing that would suggest another 2 or so gigs.
@Spoony_Tech Ah i must have missed that article. Motion controls I can live without but yeah, 2gigs is a sizeable increase, an explanation would be nice.
They likely uncompressed some of the music or textures to allow better performance.
Fine with me, but this could be troublesome with Switch owners who mainly buy digital.
The bonus 2 GB is the right joy con's camera functionality
Yuck! Blegh! Disgusting!
@Spoony_Tech A switch version of any multiplat will never be the definitive edition.
Likely what @ballistic90 said. Compression hurts performance and the Switch is the scrappy console.
Maybe it’s because some of the assets are included in 720p and 1080p to have less interlacing when switching between docked and portable mode
Yeah, I'm not buying a Switch until there is a new revision with more built in storage and other features. I got a gaming PC but there is no Breath of the Wild for PC. I can wait.
Still a small game anyway and 2gb extra is a small price to pay for a great game
Hopefully this means shorter load times. The load times on the PS4 version were LONG.
physical copy please!
@Menchi187 And why is that? We've already seen a dev or 2 say the Switch version will be the best version available. It's not like the game is graphic heavy. If they improved the graphics for it and dont patch that into the other versions then it will be the definitive version. Of course I'm just bouncing that off a wall as we have heard nothing about that from the dev.
@Spoony_Tech Trust me, the graphics will not be better on this version. A lot of games don't look graphically demanding, but there's a lot going on behind the scenes that makes it harder to run on the Switch.
See everyone, there's no Switch Tax for the same game. We're getting a whopping 62% more Rime than on other leading consoles!
Link costume.
I don't care about the extra space it takes up. I care about the price! It's looking like the Switch version will be 25 Euros more expensive than the PC version.
So, to the silliness about the Switch “never being to have a definitive edition of a multi-platform game”: as a PC gamer, I watch the PS4 fans attempting to lord their hardware supremacy over the Switch, and its fans, and find the whole affair..........absolutely adorable! Like watching a 5yr old try to explain why he’s the Master of the Universe to a 4yr old sitting in the same tire sandbox. You’re all sooooooooo damned keeeeeyuuuuuute!! Here’s a cinnamon disc!
A definitive edition has much more to do with what content is included than the level of graphical fidelity itself....but, but, 1080p and 60fps and.....STOP IT! I simply cannot handle this much cuteness! You’re gonna make me evacuate my bowels!
Oh, and lastly, that 4yr old may well silence that 5yr old, when he stands up and blasts off into space, leaving the other stammering as undisputed Master of the Sandbox.
There's really no RiME or ReaSON (yeah, I went there...) why there's so much news around this game (file size, delayed, etc.). Just come on already sheesh...
Hopefully means faster load times
This more than likely means a whole lot of uncompressed textures and other data, to accommodate for faster loading times, which would be a definite plus for the Switch version, which in a way could certainly make this the definitive version in that respect.
Does anybody know if this is getting a retail version on Switch?
I would guess HD rumble and other minor enhancements are causing the difference but in the end...who cares? It's a tiny download for anyone with an SD card (mine is 200GB) or just buy retail if it's available.
Size is no problem. If I get this game it will be on retail anyway.
Yes, it's coming to retail - in EU at least - on 17th November. Same day as Skyrim.
Don't know about the other regions.
Last I heard it was running sub 720P in handheld and 720P docked... easy pass...
@XenoShaun btw, what's the deal with HD rumble these days? Are developers even utilizing it any more? Does it offer anything to the play experience?
@gatorboi352 golf story is, just dance will
@gatorboi352 Huh? If a game uses rumble, it uses HD rumble. Even if a game doesn't use a wide range of different rumble patterns, the feature is still more dynamic than traditional rumble even in its most basic form. It doesn't have to be utilized in a bunch of crazy game-changing ways to make it better than virtually every haptic feedback engine that came before it.
@Menchi187 And you're basing that on...
Switch can't decompress quickly enough - as shown in Rayman Legends.
So it's all about the compression.
The extra 2GB is for the character's cape collection, face scan, custom tattoos and haircuts, and replays!
Jokes aside, there's no RiME or reason a game like this should require that much extra space.
Did I say jokes aside? Sorry, I didn't say anything about puns! ...I'll let myself out.
ALL of the Switch software titles take up way more than they probably need to. To me, the ultimate example is the recently released Arcade Archives Mario Bros. It is a software which in code takes up less than 36,000 bytes of information, but for some reason the Switch version needs 100 million bytes (100,000,000b, or 100mb)! Granted, some of that is going to be the emulation software, but even so the MAME emulator software is only around 50,000kb.
Compression sounds likely. I’m not sure what’s in the original game but perhaps translations too if there’s any audio differences.
Maybe it has to do with programming in the achievements. Just a theory.
Hurrah (sarcasm)!
@BAN shrug I never noticed anything in the spurts that I've played Switch.
In contrast, on XB1, they have rumbling triggers in addition to the traditional rumble, and it's pretty sweet in racing games for example. Very noticeable and pleasant.
@gatorboi352 Well there you go, you've only played Switch in "spurts." Maybe withhold judgment until you've had more experience with it? Either way, it's (obviously) subjective as to whether or not you think HD rumble is cool or interesting. I'm of the opinion that it is, but of course you're entitled to your own opinion on the subject.
Outside of 1-2-Switch, I think one of the best examples is Mighty Gunvolt Burst, which does this sort of hotter/colder ascending/descending pinging thing when you're within range of a hidden item. And it doesn't even feel like vibration, it feels like someone plucking rubber bands inside the controller or something. It's not super crucial to the gameplay or anything, but it impresses me pretty much every time it happens.
@BAN see now that description sounds awesome. I'd love to give that a shot.
When I say in spurts I mean whenever my brother brings his over, not necessarily like at a store kiosk or something. I've sunk a few solid hours and multiple titles into Switch.
@gatorboi352 Ah, well that's cool. To be honest, I'm sure HD rumble will be utilized by Nintendo about as infrequently as previous tech, like the Wii U GamePad or the NES Blaster. But even so, I think the feature just by itself is awesome and has a lot of really interesting potential uses.
I hope that other developers pick up the slack if Nintendo themselves drop the ball and hopefully we'll see more games take advantage of it, like we've already seen in that Gunvolt game. That said, Nintendo are apparently using it pretty substantially in Mario Odyssey, so I'm looking forward to that.
@BAN does the pro controller have hd rumble? If i were to ever own a switch I'd play almost exclusively with one.
@gatorboi352 Yeah, the pro controller has HD rumble. It’s considerably larger/heavier than the joycons though, so some people say that limits the effect somewhat, but others say it feels the same. I don’t have one yet, so I don’t actually know.
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