Fire Emblem Heroes has proven to be something of a sleeper success for Nintendo; while it's not in the same league as Clash of Clans or Angry Birds, it's ticking away nicely and earning cash for its creator regardless.
Nintendo is giving the smartphone game a fresh push at the moment with new events, and the company has also produced this lavish live-action trailer which gets across the epic nature of the strategic gameplay.
Will this new promotional drive convince you to pick up the game again if you've forgotten about it, or have you been a seasoned player since launch?
Comments 39
Wish the game was as good.
This trailer seems a bit too serious for a casual mobile game, but it does make a good pitch for a live action FE series!
It's a good trailer but also gets me annoyed that Nintendo still won't get Ike's games to the fans at a reasonable price. I was lucky as I got into FE when PoR was still a rather new game but anyone who got into FE after around 2010 are screwed unless they want to spend insane prices.
Blimey! That was rather good.
@Grumblevolcano I feel that that if GCN games end up part of the Virtual Console service PoR will be a title that will end up there. That or they might do an HD remaster. The characters are way too popular for Nintendo not to do either.
I got PoR for $40 around 2008 so I guess I was one of the lucky ones.
Nice video. Definitely what I envision when playing FE Heroes. Try to at least.
Dramatic video and then you see the game itself.
I love the game a ton. Really really well done down-scaling of the full experience. Focused heavily on the tactics instead of romance and cooking. Unfortunately, I love it so much I had to stop playing because it was sucking up too much of my real world time!
People thought the trailer is good? It was so cringe worthy... the only good part is the Black Knight doing that Power Ranger pose
More like Fire Emblem: The Movie, there's literally no gameplay. Remove the last part and people will mistake it as a movie trailer.
Wait, a Blockbuster Movie Scene of Fire Emblem Heroes for a Mobile games ??
I thought the same way too.
Peoples might be deceived by Awesome Blockbuster Movie alike trailer for.... a mobile game.
I thought it was awesome, you guys should consider that this was make by Japanese, which means crazy screams, stunts and a bit of silliness (even masters like Akira Kurosawa used japanese tropes).
The game is very enjoyable, and it is my "go-to" when I'm waiting for something.
I want even more FEWarriors and FE2018 now.
@Snow-Dust Anything to do with Power Rangers is not good.
I would love a campfire moment, like the one in the trailer in FE2018.
I love Awakening and Fates, but true friendship and trust moments never come to the group, only in individual conversations which is a bad thing. Ike rallying the troops was one hell of a moment and still one of the most epic in FE history.
these sorts of games are huge in asia. i felt that this was going to be their biggest earner. i expect this sleeper hit to be wide awake soon enough. this ad ought to help, but it's not in the same league as leeyum neesams.
I just can't get into tactical RPGs
@LegendOfPokemon Yeah, this could've been great marketing material for Fire Emblem Warriors.
Until the pricing structure of mobile games changes from Free+micro-transactions to one-and-done purchases, I'm not going near them. No resources over time, no paying micro fees to have more resources sooner, let me just buy a game and play it when I have time at my own pace. Good thing I've got my N2DSXL ever at hand.
? Good? The trailer was cringe worthy. Their expressions and looks were exaggerated, and the armors were faithful in terms of design but looked really fake as actual armors. It was like seeing the average anime adaptation to live action, and yes, I think they are all terrible.
I played pretty religiously for around four or five months before getting burned out. I still log in daily for the freebies, but hadn't actually played in a month or more. Yesterday, I actually spend the 180ish orbs I accumulated on the new banner. I got some solid characters, so I might go back and play the newer levels that I've missed.
...Why is Lyndis blonde? That is my only quibble.
This was incredibly cringey and misrepresentative of the actual app.
They cast the dorkiest-looking guy in the world as Ike. I mean, damn.
Lyn would be pretty much perfect if only the producers learned of the existence of wigs.
I could say things about Lucina and Roy but then again I don't care about either character.
Who needs Game Of Thrones when you have dramatic fantasy action and quality acting right there..
Then you realize how stupidly ridiculous these characters would look if they weren't anime
This really makes me wish Tharja and Camilla had won the choose your hero campaign so Nintendo would've had to navigate around the fanservice to make this commercial.
Maybe hope for a Radiant HD remaster.......oh who am I kidding it's never happening
@Frank90 Exactly. We all have our time-killers on our mobile devices. My wife checks Facebook, my daughter has Snapchat. My son has YouTube Kids. I have FE Heroes. It's pretty much perfect for what it set out to do.
@WiiHawk Hell yeah! And sets the mood for a full fledged FE game!
fire emblem live action please, when they reenacted greils death i almost cried.
Don't care for this app at all, unfortunately.
Funny commercial. Not sure "epic" is the word I'd use, though.
@Grumblevolcano I know what you mean. I managed to get POR from my local game store for a slightly premium price of $65 + tax however I did manage to snag radiant dawn for $50 used at a gamestop with the case and manual. This was back in 2013 and with me being INCREDIBLY lucky
Haven't played the game, but why isn't Nintendo producing shows and movies already?
I'm still waiting for a Metroid movie trilogy.
And maybe a FE series? XCX also had a really great story, maybe turn this into something? And of course, there's always the question of making a LoZ series. But the problem of Link speaking would still stand in the way. Maybe find a way storywise to actually turn him into a mute? I don't know.
But to quote the video:
Come on Nintendo, seize the moment!
@Grumblevolcano You have to keep looking. I got POR in AMAZING condition for $28 at a Goodwill.
Fire Emblem: Game of Thong.
as far as live action video game commercials go, this was actually super cool. I don't know what's cringe about it at all. I'm actually stunned that this much effort was actually put into a fire emblem commercial, especially for the mobile game.
The commercial is a bit late! Also, I hate those big budget/live-action commercials for super simple and cheap mobile titles that are full of microtransactions. They show nothing of the gameplay and give completely the wrong impression. Nintendo shouldn't be on mobile, they shouldn't do free to play and they shouldn't do these kinds of trailers. But yeah, all that lovely money...
@SLIGEACH_EIRE that's how every (successful) mobile game ad is. Mobile games are simple and their ads over the top.
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