Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle has now settled into a number of Switch game collections, offering up another distinctive and high quality experience. We also get to see Mario as a gun-toting leader of a ragtag militia, sort of...
In any case, those interested in how the game showcases the Switch hardware should check out the full breakdown by Digital Foundry. It's a mostly positive outlook, also going into the resolution we get when playing in docked and portable modes, if that's your kind of thing.
It is one of the most impressive Switch titles from a visual perspective, even though sacrifices were made with the resolution.
Have you played Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle yet? If so let us know what you think of it in the comments.
Comments 65
Interesting! Nintendo doesn't really do antialiasing often but this game is a good example of it done right.
It's the one game I bought the Switch for and its by far the best of my four game collection.Fantastic game!
Ill have you know its Mario + Rabbids Battle Kingdom and Ill also have you know Zelda was once at patch 1.11 (One point eleven) not 1.1.1
God get it right.
Seriously these guys cant even get the name of the game right. I figured saying versions wrong was a slip but no. Cant even get the name of game right.
Kinda kills their credibility a bit.
Great looking game.
If you told me it was running on an Xbox One, I'd have believed it (aside from, ya know, Mario being in the game).
@Wazeddie22 I'd say it's in my top 3. BotW and the Mario Kart port being 1 & 2. Great game!
Had a feeling it was sub HD undocked. Still @ 600p it looks great.
The snowdrop engine is great for switch.
Oh and DF are the very best when it comes to the technical stuff. Nobody else matches what they do.
Great game.
Finished the main game today. Had 6 crashes on the final boss which kicked me back to the home menu. Seemed to be multiple enemies getting burned at once that was causing it.
I want this game, but hearing of crashes is turning me off.
Great game. Haven't finished the main story yet. A treat to play. pleasantly surprised.
@justin233 Even with the rare crashes, games is fabulous. I've yet to have any crashes myself, and I beat the game already.
I'm praying that South Park makes it to Switch.
@BLP_Software Might wanna edit your own post friendo
Its Kingdom Battle, not Battle Kingdom ^^
@Einherjar Thats what the video says repeatedly. Its called sarcasm.
@RyanSilberman Me too, but I doubt it.
I don't own it yet myself but I will. It really does look impressive and a labour of love.
@BLP_Software your comment was harder to follow than a video lol
Try to use apostrophe's, otherwise it looks like the roman numeral III
@NintendoFan4Lyf I imagine your right and they'll use snowdrop engine for more titles.
It could also be that they were using snowdrop for Steep , which was a launch announcement but has hit what appears to be trouble in development. So mario + rabbids has ended up beating it to a release.
I dont think it fairs well for Steep that kingdom battle is 600p undocked, personally for me gameplay over graphics anyday, but if they cant get steep to an acceptable standard say 600p 30fps in undocked a la M+R , then the portable aspect of the switch is going to cause headaches to other devs too.
P.s I love my switch, not hating , just musing.
@Captain_Gonru its mostly ubisoft but there are lots of the error even happened twice against final boss and i had the most perfect turn one ever both times but the game is gunna get patched guaranteed since dlc is coming for it.
To be honest I'm not a fan of Mario franchise and never buy Mario games in any form. So I did not want to buy this game but this game sold itself to me! Not only that, but it also sold its dlc to me! 😳 I never thought in my wildest dreams to pay 80$ for a Mario game, to say nothing of those cursed Rabbids! Anyway now I have the game and I'm amazed at its gameplay quality.
@Axlroselm i just hope the additional story contenther world and tells more about the bwaluigi and maybe lava queen characters since they were never destroyed.
I own this game, but I don't yet own a Switch. I really hope they bring the Switch price down before the end of this decade, otherwise I bought the game for a figure and a box!
Just started it and it's great, even the cut scenes are quite funny!
@NintendoFan4Lyf Didn't they mentioned Fractured Butthole a few times?
@BLP_Software Sarcasm requires a certain tonality to work.
What you wrote sounded like a genuine complaint.
Sarcasm would have been "As we all know, its actually called Battle Kingdom, even UbiSoft made the error and printed the cover wrong"
Obvious hyperbole, inverted commas or even emojis, for when you want to be very sure that it really gets across help.
"Come on ! Even a baby knows that"
@JaxonH If you told me it was running on an Xbox One X, I would've believed you too. Now, if you said this was running on an SNES, I would be a little hesitant to believe you
Idk, the resolution might give it away for the X...
As for the SNES, of course it's unbelievable. Everyone knows Rabbids weren't around back then!
600p and no Daisy
@GravyThief I would be very surprised if they lowered the price any time soon. Why would you lower the price of a product that is still selling everywhere like hot potatoes? They even said that they are not making any promises on available stock for Christmas if I interpreted the news headline correctly (didn't read the article). However, there are and have been lots of promos... gameseek did a 200£ deal recently for a very few lucky people. Tesco direct often has reductions via codes on electronics (I got like 30£ off by buying stuff over Tesco direct). In the US, there were codes through Amazon on electronics. You could look into Amazon prime and get it delivered through prime now where I believe you get a code for your first purchase. You have to check but I think the switch is now on prime now at least in gray I think to remember. So if you want and spend sometime researching you can get cool deals. I also bought Mario + Rabbids, Mario Odyssee as well as Dragonball Xenoverse 2 for 25£ each. So you can save on the games side as well.
@RyanSilberman that would be so sweet!
@silentium my hope is the popularity/lack of meeting demand wears off after Xmas and there is a price drop after its first year on the market. Kind of normal practice for most consoles (except weirdly the Wii U). Alternatively they may release new cheaper variants such as handheld unit only or dock unit only. Less likely but you never know.
Either way I won't be able to get one until next year anyway, with me having to spend c.£350 for a Switch + Pro Controller. I'm only getting Collector edition games now that I want so I don't miss out on any.
Reports of crashes and patches and all that means I will likely wait for a while before perhaps putchasing it.
Of course this is Ubisoft so I'm in no way surprised.
So that explains why handheld mode looked not as crisp than some of the other games I played. It actually drops to 600p rather than 720p. By no means a deal-breaker, but it was something I noticed. The game is absolutely beautiful and a complete joy to play. Pick it up if you haven't already.
Do what you like of course, but I've played for about 10-15 hours and haven't experienced any crashes whatsoever. Just to give you an idea of how rare that is.
I'm not either but this game is so awesome and refreshing.
I highly recommend it, seriously, I hate RTS games but this is just so we'll put together.
My favourite Mario game in a long time!
I've played it for 15 to 20 hours and it hasn't crashed once.
@FX102A I have played probably for a similar time or a little more. I am at about 40% of the story and I had one crash.
So, not a big issue in my eyes. Not enough of an issue to miss out on this seriously amazing game. Love the graphics, the style, the humour, the strategy piece, the exploring piece. Well rounded game!
@GravyThief oh alright, I thought you were hoping for a discount pre holidays! My bad, sorry! A discount next year sounds a lot more realistic. If you can (or have to) wait for that long, fair enough!
Only bought it last night, I don't normally play turn based games, but this game is fantastic. Everything about it is perfect, only Zelda tops it for me. Ubisoft have done a brilliant job merging the two together, it's the surprise game of the year for me, as I had no interest in it when I first heard about it.
This released at an awkward time between paychecks and while I was on vacation so I haven't picked it up yet. The surprisingly positive critical response has made me realize I've got to make a point to pick it up as soon as I can.
@thesilverbrick I'm currently saving to put a deposit on a new car, but I ended up buying it as I couldn't wait any longer, I'm glad I did as it's awesome🙂
@Hughesy I think I'll just bite the bullet and buy it. It's still within the two-week window where I can get 20% off on Amazon.
Best game on Switch in my always correct opinion. Its just so much fun, and hilarious to boot. The Rabbids bring alot of much needed humour & personality to the Mushroom Kingdom. The busy backgrounds are great too, so many little things happening.
If someone told me this was running on the PlayStation 5, I'd believe them! (Gotta 1up that ridiculous statement!)
TLDR version: It says that the resolution is below 720p in handheld mode and the frame rate is 30 but that it is a beautiful and fun game that uses good antialiasing and that the engine has proved its versatility.
@Powerballad to be fair this has been in development since 2014, Steep hasn't.
@BLP_Software Their tech analysis is generally pretty spot-on, though.
I just tend not to like them due to their hellish "fanbase".
@liveswired Yes, it was going to be a Wii U game like many other Switch games.
@CrazedCavalier Digital Foundry is the best site for software analysis.
@CrazedCavalier Well, it's because while their analysis is usually spot on, though I do find it funny they count slow motion sections as dropping frames, which I suppose is /technically/ correct, all it really does is fuel the fire between fans, with very live ammunition.
Doesn't help that some of the things they say end up coming off as dismissive of Switch.
wait- is the ubiart engine dead?
Interesting. Really dislike Rabbids iP - so still waiting for a sale. Amazon had it for 49.99 for all of Labor Day weekend, but didn't bite. 39.99 is the magic number.
@BlueOcean It has literally never been confirmed that this was going to be a Wii U title. It was only rumored and it was informally mentioned by some Ubisoft representatives at some point, but they were neither connected to or part of any of the teams actually working on the game. Nobody relevant has EVER confirmed this.
The fact that they have been working on it since 2014 also doesn't mean that it was a Wii U title, since as we all know, the Switch has already been in development ever since the day the Wii U rolled off the production line.
What actually IS true, and is way more likely, is that this rumor is based upon/confused with an actual concept that Ubisoft offered to Nintendo for another Mario/Rabbids crossover adventure game that was meant for the Wii U, but back then, Nintendo didn't feel confident in leaving their IP's in the hands of Ubisoft, for whatever reason, and they didn't give the green light for that concept so it ended up in the trashcan.
It is mentioned here, and the information was given by regular NLife contributor and lost games detective/specialist Liam Robertson, under point nr. 4.
Most important is this part:
"Robertson didn’t find a direct connection between the lost Mario/Rabbids adventure game and Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle."
I'm 15 hours in and really enjoying this game. Trying to get "perfect" on each level has been a good amount of challenge for me, and it lengthens the gameplay.
I hate this game.
I bought it.
I love this game.
After Zelda. Best exclusive so far
Best Switch game to buy after you finish Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild!
@Powerballad @NintendoFan4Lyf Yes, Steep runs on Snowdrop.
@FX102A FWIW, I got my first and only crash yesterday in this game, and it's a totally different thing to get a crash on the Switch than on the Wii U. On the Switch, you just get an error message and the OS closes down the game. You're up and running again in no time. But I agree that these kind of crashes shouldn't exist in the first place. The game is way too good on other fronts for such things to happen IMO.
@Nolan420 You really don't have to be into XCOM to play this game. It's a game of its own.
Best exclusive game on Switch for me so far and prob ably the second best game overall behind Sonic Mania. The gane looks great and plays superbly with so many subtle animations and a couple of the bosses have left me with a huge smile
Definitely one of my favorite switch games. Also, one of my favorite Mario games in general. I have put in about 18 hours and still no problems with crashing. Multiplayer is also a lot of fun and no problems with that crashing either.
This game and the new Mario and South Park game are the next three that I will be purchasing.
Looks almost as good as Super Mario 3D World on Wii U.
@edgedino Actually, none of the bosses or even midbosses outside Pirabbid Plant and the final boss are shown to be destroyed or cured. They either just vanish for whatever reason or faint at the most.
Got the replies mixed up.
I was referring to justin233.
My original reply to you was:
I'm not either but this game is so awesome and refreshing.
I highly recommend it, seriously, I hate RTS games but this is just so we'll put together.
My favourite Mario game in a long time!
Sorry about that.
Hats off to all involved for a great fun video that seduced me into a purchase, had second thoughts all the way through to actually putting this into my switch. I have since been rewarded with a very well crafted tutorial / intro that gets you familiar with the game mechanics in a very organic way. Well worth the £38 i paid. Lucky Amazon prime members had a chance at getting this for £35 with a recent voucher promo. Buy with confidence charming game. PS the only crashes i have had on switch so far have come from NBA playgrounds and fast RMX...
Not usually my sort of game, but seeing as it had Nintendo polish on it, I got it, as I knew there would be a chance that I may enjoy it.
About 8-10 hours in and still on World 1 Level 7 (not sure if that is good or bad), I absolutely LOVE the game!!!! Worth every single penny and highly recommended.
To me, it's what Worms and Pikmin would produce if they were cousins and had a drunken, early night
@meleebrawler i know but it is implied that rabbid kong fell to his doom and the ice golem was made unable to do anything but there was 1 boss that was cured/destroy.
@edgedino Do you know how many things ''fall to their doom'' in the Mushroom Kingdom and turn out fine? Especially Bowser?
@meleebrawler just give me a decade to count.
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