A while ago The Pokémon Company confirmed a series of promotions to celebrate the upcoming release of Pokémon The Movie: I Choose You in the West. One of the announcements was the distribution of Pikachu in various hats, accounting for multiple regions; the kicker is that you can only choose one from six.
The first 'Original Hat' Pikachu is now available - in Pokémon Sun and Moon you select Mystery Gift on the menu, then Receive Gift; here you input the code PIKACHU20. You can only redeem the code once, so if you want a different hat you'll need to wait until the relevant week. Details are below.
- 9/19/17 – 9/25/17: Original hat (Kanto and Johto regions)
- 9/26/17 – 10/2/17: Hoenn region hat
- 10/3/17 – 10/9/17: Sinnoh region hat
- 10/10/17 – 10/16/17: Unova region hat
- 10/17/17 – 10/23/17: Kalos region hat
- 10/24/17 – 10/30/17: Alola region hat

As for the capabilities of this first Pikachu, they're below.
Level: 1
Nature: Hardy
Gender: Male
Ability: Static
- Thunderbolt
- Quick Attack
- Thunder
- Agility
Are you planning to grab this Pikachu, or will you wait for a different one further down the line?
[source pokemon.com]
Comments 47
I want one, but then I'd have to turn on my 3ds...I haven't touched that thing in so long I'm not even sure where it is anymore.
C'mon I want all six!
Grabbed one earlier. I'm tempted to restart my copy of Sun each week so that I can get all 6 hats.
"hacking/genning is bad and cheating, how do we stop people from doing it???"
"make it so that there's six event versions of pikachu but you can only get one per save"
"you're promoted!"
I'm not brave enough to restart so I'll stick with the Sinnoh cap.
Intrigued. I thought there is only one save file so the pokemon won't be present upon doing it. May I ask how you do it?
I choose...
none of them. What a pointless event.
Gotta Ketchum all!
@UltimateZero I would use Pokemon Bank, and transfer every pokemon that I want to keep in to Bank before resetting.
I'll wait till I get Pikachu with volt tackle, miss that move
You don't know how much I searched for Pikachu in this game when I first got it...now they're giving him away.
The nostalgia tell to pick the original, my personal taste is divided between Unova, Hoen or Kalos. God dammit Nintendo.
I want that Blue !
Good idea. Thanks man.
Sinnoh or Unova for me.
Kanto and Hoenn, that's all I need.
Not gonna lie, it's pretty dumb you can only have one.
It'll either be Hoenn or Unova for me.
I don't mind that you can only get one, the Kanto/Johto is my choice anyway. I liked Hoenn, but not as much as the first two. The anime went way downhill after Hoenn in my opinion, I can't say I really liked any season past that point. I guess X/Y wasn't awful from what I saw, but it had some really annoying aspects.
Does it evolve into a hat-wearing Alolan Raichu?
Gotta get OG.
I'm going to farm a few each week. Couple for me, couple for my niece.
Kanto/Johto Pikachu for me! By far my favorite anime arcs.
@NaviAndMii: Pun points for you!
@Tyranexx No pun, no fun!
Kanto the best of all!!!!!
I hate that it's named "Ash's Pikachu". It's like dating someone who isn't over her ex.
@Bolt_Strike I mean, the event Pokémon has been known for awhile and has its own Z-move, it's no more pointless than other special formed event Pokémon - heck, many didn't even have anything different other than aesthetics when this has a signature Z-move.
Hopefully I remember to grab the event later because I honestly would prefer the Kanto one.
...though really having 6 versions and limited it to one per player is stupid, so much for "catching them all", this doesn't even encourage trading because people won't have duplicates (unless they restart files to get each one and then trading is still irrelevant), this seems counterproductive to one of the core mechanics of the series (collecting).
Annoying that you can only get one version of it, so I'll go with Sinnoh, despite the hat not looking the nicest
I want all of them!!!! errrrrrrrrr
what if its a bootleg pikachu >
Eh, I guess I'll get the original for nostalgic purposes.
That and as cool as the others look, they look a little too similar, in my opinion. I honestly rather have one that's not like the other.
Guess I'm in luck. Never started my journey on my Moon copy. So now I can get them all.
I have both Sun and Moon so I'll be able to grab 2 of the 6 legitimately (screw you, hackers). Think I'll grab both Sinnoh and Unova hats.
@Bolt_Strike They're rarer than shinies, if that helps.
What exactly is the point of this whole "choose your hat" concept? With all the hackers and powersavers out there, getting access to all 6, especially with trading, will be easy.
@Sakuraichu You're joking right?
I'm all about the Johto region.
@In_Ex_Fan you can get to a pokecenter early enough to get one.
it's where i left off...
I wonder... What happens when you breed of of them?
@w00dm4n I know, I played through Sun. Just didn't play Moon yet.
Does it evolve into hatted Raichu?
I thought they were all the same with a different hat, you telling me they'll have different moves etc? Sounds like most people will just grab the most OP version of pikachu, over which hat he has.
It's also worth mentioning that this Pikachu comes with the pikashunium z.
Stupid not to give a chance to get all of them. So I'll get the first one.
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