Update: Vern has now posted a clarification post on NeoGAF:
Lol all those quotes.
Been sitting on this cuz I'm not sure it's really worthy of a post (because I lack the most important details) but f*** it, why not...heard awhile back more from R* is in development, from my most reliable source, but wouldn't confirm what or when. Essentially was told it shouldn't be a surprise what title it is. I personally fully expect a GTA title (whatever it may be) because it makes sense since you see everyone clamoring for it in every damn thread, and it's the biggest game on Earth. Now watch this post get turned into Youtube videos and GoNintendo news articles again, when I said nothing at all of actual substance. For real this is in no way confirming a GTAV port is coming, it's just my solid as f*** source giving me some info and my own educated guessing. Probably shouldn't have said anything because I have nothing, and in 6 months or a year when another R* title gets announced I can claim I was right. So just ignore what I said somehow. I blew it.
Make of that what you will.
Original Story: The source who correctly predicted news of L.A. Noire coming to Switch has dropped a hint that Grand Theft Auto V is also on its way to Nintendo's console.
NeoGAF user Vern correctly predicted the release of the L.A. Noire remaster on the Switch long before it had been officially announced, and recently responded to another poster complaining about Rockstar choosing the "sleuth 'em up" over GTA V as its first Switch release.
His reply: "Patience".
While this is naturally a long, long way from being anything official, the fact that Vern seemed to have the heads-up on L.A. Noire makes this rumour one to at least mull over, rather than dismiss outright.
Would you want Grant Theft Auto V on your Nintendo system, though? That's another debate entirely...
Thanks to SLIGEACH_EIRE for the tip!
[source express.co.uk, via neogaf.com]
Comments 179
Well if it comes to the Switch then it looks like I will finally get a chance to play it, as I won't need the big TV for it
Oh hell no now I'll NEVER get a switch
Of course GTA V will come to the Switch, it's a PS3 game like LA Noire, it will be easy to port. I hope Red Dead will be ported too.
GTA V seems to have been in the top 5 in the charts every week since its launch four years ago, and I have no doubt that a Switch port would help continue its dominance in the market. But Rockstar can't cheap out on this one. 32GB cartridge or bust.
This would certainly be quite the step up from Chinatown Wars!
Could be Red Dead.
If LA Sells well (I for one will be getting it day one for my switch as I missed it when I moved from 360 to Xbone) then this will 100% happen, even if its the 360/ps3 version GTA V would be amazing as a portable!
I just hope it performs well
I really, really hope this is true.
While I want to play LA Noire, even if I didn't I'd buy it just for more of a chance to get GTA on Switch. GTA V on Switch would be amazing and I really hope we do get it.
GTA 5 came out right around the time I grew disdainful of being home, which made me dislike console gaming. It would be nice to play this again if I'm not tethered to my house.
But let's be honest: if the rumor is true, they're putting this out because it's one of the highest selling games of the last few years, and they're well aware there's a contingent of Nintendo fans who never got a chance to play it.
I played an unhealthy amount of GTAV (1000+ hours!) ..now that I've finally got my life back, I dare not touch it again!
I can't recommend it enough though - great game! ..just, if the rumour is true and you do decide to get it, remember to go outside once in a while!
They could definitely do it. Just a PS3 version. No problem porting.
Oh it's happening, it's just a matter of when!
Wouldn't surprise me all that much, to be honest. Have some of their staff work on the L.A. Noire port to get to know the hardware, then port over the best selling game of the last couple of years. It would probably still sell hundreds of thousands of copies, if not millions, more than making up for the costs of porting.
It's a no-brainer, really, more so than any other port out there.
He also said it was a guess and that people shouldn't make news articles about it.
Hooo boy, it's happening.
May try the game if this rumor is true
If they can get it to run seems like a no brainer to sell at least a couple million units.
Didn't he like go back on this and say it was mostly a guess? I recall him apologizing for it (not like he had to).
Can only be a good thing no
Easy port, easy money.
I would happily go for Red Dead on Switch.
Buying it, for sure !!
A 4 year old game? But is portable, hmm maybe
Yes please.
@eltomo Yeah, Red Dead would be an insta-buy for me.
GTA V is a good game. A bit overrated in my view, but good nonetheless. Still have it on PS4, though, so no double-dipping for me.
Best. Console. Ever.
Would probably pass on this, don't think I could buy this for 4th time.
I played this game obsessively on PS4, but if it comes to Switch then I will double dip, for two reasons: 1). I would love to be able to take this game with me, wherever I go, and 2). I want to do my part to send developers the message that big third party titles can sell on Nintendo hardware.
So is this rumour any more credible than all of those "GTAV on Wii U" rumours from 4 years ago?
Thanks for linking to your Soapbox, saved me the trouble.
This would be the 4th version of the game I would have owned. PS3, Xbox One, PC and then this 😂
2K is officially interested in Switch, so GTA5, Rockstar's golden goose of the last several years, seems like a matter of time. You bet I'll double-dip myself, although I still wish for a GTA4 port a bit more. While I technically have it for PS3 now (there was a sudden stealth giveaway on PS Plus that I found by lucky accident), it's either Switch or trying to import that's weird "GPD Win" thing for me if I hope to play it anytime soon. I've bitten my lip about the first RDR (rumours say the complexity of the code drove Rockstar to give up on all further ports at some point), but here hope still springs eternal.
If we see this on Switch, we'll probably have reminders to wear headphones if you play it in public, because people would probably complain about hearing swear words while jogging through the park. I'm only half-joking here.
Vern also predicted articles like this would turn up:
"Now watch this post get turned into Youtube videos and GoNintendo news articles again, when I said nothing at all of actual substance. For real this is in no way confirming a GTAV port is coming,"
@NaviAndMii "remember to go outside once in a while!"
insert trademark Switch click sound here
Intriguing. I mean its not really my sort of game but could be a huge boost if it does.
As for continuous sales, I am of the belief that its seen as a cheap way to acquire in game currency.
@GuruOfGreatness : So you were unable to play it when it was released on 5 systems years ago?
GTA 5 is on PC, 360, PS3, PS4 and Xbox One.
I own PC and Xbox One version.
I don't like to miss out on games, so i have Gaming PC, PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, PS3, Xbox 360, NVIDIA Shield TV, VITA and 3DS.
Honestly. GTAV is everywhere already. I'd rather have red dead
@Nincompoop did you uh, read the article?
@nhSnork Haha! ..oh man, I asked for that one!
Grand Theft Auto V, biggest game of last 5 years don't come out at Wii U so Nintendo Life writes an article against GTA V (the linked article) Whats next, "why Call of Duty is not for me?"
Back on topic: A Switch release would be great.
If true at the rate things are going i might as well just send Nintendo my bank details and address now it'll save me a lot of time.
I won't doubt Vern as he's accurate in all of his prediction though I think he probably say that to shut the other guy up, not necessarily a confirmation that the game is coming to Switch but a slight of if you really want it to happen shut the heck up and keep living.
I wish SquareEnix would bring the new Tomb Raiders to the Switch and that the updated Shadow of the Colossus would get ported too.
I have a feeling it would be Red Dead Redemption rather than GTAV
He also said this lols
"Now watch this post get turned into Youtube videos and GoNintendo news articles again, when I said nothing at all of actual substance. For real this is in no way confirming a GTAV port is coming, it's just my solid as f*** source giving me some info and my own educated guessing".
Oh wow. I had tons of hours on PS4. I would get it for the Switch if it ever come out!
@DairyOverdrive why?
AWESOME!! Day 1.
Just my opinion, but I think getting GTA V on Nintendo Switch would be the biggest release the system has got to date, bigger than zelda and mario oddysey. GTA V still sells unbelievably well, years after release they are still in the top ten every week which is absolutely insane. Imagine if they get it on a portable device and the exclusive portable home for GTA? People would buy switches in droves just to get that game on the go, I think it would sell millions no doubt. People from PS4 and XBO would buy a switch just for that game. Nintendo IP's are pretty popular, but GTA, in my opinion, is the biggest and most popular game series ever, basically since San Andreas hit GTA has been a cultural icon on the same level as Mario. Sales figures don't lie.
I would love that. But what I would really love is some Red Dead on Switch. Mmmmmmmmm baby.
Bring it!
Seems like something obvious that should happen. It ran on PS3 (just) so Switch won't have a problem. I imagine it's only a matter of time.
@NaviAndMii Ew, life is for dweebs
I though this as soon as L.A. Noire was announced, especially as it originally launched on PS3/360. As many others have said I'd much rather have Red Dead Redemption which is a much better game
Certainly feasible, considering Doom is on Switch just hope it's true.
And by the time it arrives on Switch GTA6 will be announced on the other consoles and that's a game that i very much doubt would run on the Switch,just like RDR2. Remasters of older games are the best to hope for when it comes to third party titles unfortunately.The market for the other 2, numbers wise, is too big to ignore for third parties and will take priority over any consideration of bringing the newest games to Switch as well,especially as its too much of a compromise with the hardware limitations.Depending on how well Wolfenstein 2 looks,performs and sales numbers,could well be the evidence of future support of the biggest releases,along with DOOM too.It'll be interesting from here on to see just what may come from third parties in the next couple years
That would just be insane!! GTA V on the go?? Wow! Hell I'll even take III & IV!!
@NaviAndMii I will go outside....and take my Switch to play outside. Lol 😃
Even if it's just a port, I'd like to perhaps try it out. Being a Nintendo only gamer, I've missed out on a lot of big franchises like this. Though some of what goes on in GTA I find very disturbing.
Don't play with my emotions damnit >_<
@SLIGEACH_EIRE if you've never played any of the GTA's you've been missing out on an incredible video game experience!!
"Patience young Padawan"
This is some shoddy reporting. In fact, you didn't even research this.
Verne made a comment yes, and then clarified it immensely in a following post or two.
He specifically said he has NO direct confirmation that it is coming. It is merely his hunch along side of the fact that he knows more is coming.
In fact he spent several posts backtracking the comment and clarifying. He even poked fun at how nintendo fan sites would read way too much in to this.
I don't have a problem with Nintendo life reporting it, I would just prefer you actually go to the thread and read All of Verne's comments.
No one should have any expectations of GTa coming based off this. Please people.
I'll be double dipping for sure, got GTA V on xbone but hardly played it as never get time to sit at the TV.
@BravelyDavid some truth to that. But it would defintily prolong the appeal of GTA 5 and keep it on the charts for longer that it could, if it wasn't on the switch.
GTA 5 on Switch would be great,but i don't see it happening in the near future.
@DairyOverdrive why? [2]
GTA V please come to Switch 🙏🏽
Not even a big GTA fan but I'd buy GTAV on Switch day one.
i'm sure rockstar won't pass an easy opportunity to sell gta v at full price again
@rjejr That the rumours never came true, doesn't mean they weren't... you know, true. Rockstar could've been exploring the option of porting, but not go through with it due to issues with the Wii U tech and the incredibly disappointing sales.
The Switch is apparently way easier to port to and a resounding success.
@MsgBoardGamer actually no doubt at all that it'd be immensely popular. Tons of people are waiting for more and more reasons to splurge on a Switch and that's just another reason added to the pile. It doesn't matter if it's not necessarily something that's been available to Nintendo fans before. Portability is a huge selling point! HUGE! And let's face it Switch isn't just appealing to die hard Nintendo fans.
This is great news. I definitely could double dip on GTA V.
This is the first time in forever that I'm more excited about third party games than Nintendo games. Seriously my top goes like this:
1) Doom
2) Skyrim
3) LA Noire
4) Super Mario Odissey
5) FE Warriors.
I know I'm in the minority here, but still. The Switch rocks.
(Insert obligatory too violent to be played in public coment)
Not something I would buy, but more popular games on the system is a good thing.
I hope they are able to port the remastered PS4 version over. Not so much the graphical upgrade, but the increase in population and traffic density goes a long way in making the gaming more immersive. That's my hope, improved lighting a shadows I don't care so much about.
@Nincompoop I might pass on GTA V as I have never played any of the games in the series but I will surely buy Red Dead Redemption. That game is super awesome.
Had it on PS3, really enjoyed, but only ever got about 3/4 way through. Might be one i'd double dip on though... More likely to finish it if I could take it on the go
I would buy it. Never had the chance to play it before. For L.A. Noire, Skyrim, BOFTW and probably Mario Odyssey I am buying a Switch soon.
Beat the main quest on xbox 360...would play again and go for 100% on Switch.
If this turns out to be true then I'm all for it. I love GTAV, and on the go would be pretty cool.
@Akropolon "That the rumours never came true, doesn't mean they weren't... you know, true. "
But it doesn't make this rumour any more true either. And from reading the comments, even the guy who started the rumour said he was just making it up.
"and a resounding success."
Wii U sold 13 million, Switch has sold 5 million. Resounding.
It does seem much easier to port to, I'll give you that.
Even if Switch doesn't get every mutiplat - and it probably won't as newer game engines get more and more complex and geared towards 4k machines - Switch could possibly get just enough that it doesn' tmatter so much about what game sit doesn't get.
Nintnedo really needs to do a much better job supporting Switch than it did Wii U. Nintnedo hardly ever markets games using the words "Exclusive". Xbox and PS4 have all kinds of exclusives in their marketing lexicon - timed exclusives, console exclusives. They throw the word exclusive around so much it's practically meaningless. Meanwhile Ninteod on Wii U had actual exclusive games such as Bayonetta 2, Wonderful 101, Hyrule Warriors but it never marketed them as such. If Nintnedo woudl makret games like Zelda and MArio and SPaltoon the way Sony and MS market games that aren't even exclusive, like FIFA and Destiny 2, Nintnedo could show that multiplats are pretty much meaningless, it's the exclusives that really matter. B/c when you choose between and Xbox1 or PS4 you are getting the same multiplats, but you are guaranteed to miss out on so many Ntinedo exclusives. But Ntinedo never does that. Wii U had a lot of good games people never played.
As a long time JRPG fan I can honestly say that XCX is SO MUCH BETTER than FFXV. But FFXV goes on and on and on. Nobody cared about XCX a month after release.
So Switch doens't need every mutlplat, just some, and Ntinedo needs to hammer home that it's the exclusives that matter and market those. PS4 has a lot next year - GoW, Spiderman - so it will be tough to do, but Xbox 1 and it's $500 X1X have much less. Well see what Nintnedo brings this holiday.
@MsgBoardGamer Also, GTA III, Vice City and San Andreas weren't still selling like hot cakes four years after their original release for a bevy of platforms. Try, try again.
Not to mention that the Wii did get a Bully port and that events in the past are in no way whatsoever a guarantee for the future. No one ever thought porting GTA III, Vice City or San Andreas to the Wii made sense. Everyone knew GTA IV couldn't run on the device.
The Switch on the other hand can easily run GTA V, which is still a charts dominating title. So yeah, it still is a totally plausible thing to happen.
Had it on the 360 for a week until I lost my entire game collection traveling on a Greyhound bus (they were in a CD holder). Never replaced it. So I would definitely consider giving it another shot
@rjejr 13 million in 4.5 years vs 5 million within half a year without ever letting up in the charts. I'd call that a resounding success, yes.
And I totally agree with you. Something like GTA V makes sense to me: it's still ridiculously popular, it's easy to port and it would simply be a wise investment on Rockstar's part.
But mostly it's exclusives and how you market them, that matters. The Switch will never be 'one of the three' consoles, in the sense that it has its own little corner of the market: which is perfect. Nintendo not competing directly with Sony and/or Microsoft is Nintendo at its best if you ask me.
@MsgBoardGamer are you unaware of the popularity of Switch or GTA 5 currently? What report do I need. It's common sense. A portable handheld device gets GTA 5 which also happens to be the first time Nintendo gets an entry from Grand Theft Auto. And can you tell me where your info and reports are that contradict that it'd be popular just because it's not something Nintendo normally offers? What I'm saying makes a helluva lot more sense than what you are.
@DairyOverdrive Bitter?
I've never managed to play it for two reasons, 1) I don't really like GTA games that much any more, not since number 3 on PS2, and 2) I most CERTAINLY don't have the time for games like that any more, which is why off screen play on the Wii U, and now the portability of the Switch is/was a Godsend for people like me. Means I can play without monopolising the telly, or staying up until 3am on my own just so I can get some playtime in.
So now, with a price cut to about £25-£30, if it's released, I can finally give it a try.
@GuruOfGreatness : Okay then. Well. I'm sure its coming to Switch, because 2K release major games on Switch.
They surely wants GTA 5 as a portable game too.
@Akropolon "Nintendo not competing directly with Sony and/or Microsoft is Nintendo at its best if you ask me."
Just feels like them selling themselves short to me. And I always feel bad for their employees. People at SquareEnix making games, they know their games will be marketed and sold and everybody will be playing them and talking about them. People at Monolith make an XC game, a week later it's forgotten. The only reason people were still talking about XC was b/c it was a Gamestop exclusive and GS was selling new copies of games used for $75. XCX just kind of came and went. We'll see how much effort Ntinedo puts into promoting XC2 w/ Super Mario Odyssey to promote.
And Switch isn't a "resounding success" until it actually outsells Wii U by a large margin. Wii U sales actually shouldn't even matter, Iwata himself said Wii had to outsell Gamecube's 22m sales to be a success. Switch has a long way to go. I think it will get there, Nitneod will sell 5 or 6 different versions and bundles, 100m may even be possible, but it isn't anything yet.
"In a Corporate Management Briefing, when asked about how many Wii Nintendo expected to have sold in three years, Satoru Iwata said, "I do not intend to declare how many Wii we will be selling today, but Wii will be a failure if it cannot sell far more than GameCube did. In fact, we shouldn't continue this business if our only target is to outsell GameCube. Naturally, we are making efforts so that Wii will show a far greater result than GameCube.""
Just replace Gamecube w/ Wii U and Wii with Switch. Resounding success is 10's of millions away.
Switch needs things like day one Red Dead 2 or day one GTA 6.
This stuff would be cool and all, but damn they are old games.
@GuruOfGreatness i just don't get this line of thinking. How is it you don't have time for games like that, but you actually do have time for games like that on the go? If you're playing a game like GTA whether it's in front of your TV or outside on your porch, isn't it still consuming your time all the same?
I really wanna believe it, especially since it already would've been possible on Wii U, but still I'm highly doubtful because of Rockstar's track record.
But it would surely give the Switch a huge push!
As a PC user of GTA V, I probably wouldn't double dip (unless they implemented gyro aiming), but I'd be happy to see RDR and RDR2 coming to Switch!
@gatorboi352 I am aware it is not Day 1, but we are getting Wolfenstein 2 hopefully not too long after release and Doom a little after one year after release, so at least we are headed in the right direction.
Because on the go, I can pick up and play for 20 minutes if I get the chance, or on the toilet, or at work (I'm self employed do that helps).
At home I have a wife and two children. I can't play whilst being a Father full stop, as I want to be with my children. I CAN however play off screen in the evenings when it's just my wife AND I, if she is watching some rubbish on the telly or if it's something I don't mind watching but feel I can watch without my full concentration.
Then there are those very, very rare occasions when it's just me and I'll play on the big TV.
Quite simple really.
I’d rather have Red Dead 2, personally. Already played the first to death and I have zero interest in GTAV.
I certainly wouldn't doubt it since LA Noire is coming. Personally I wouldn't buy. Already played the game, and I'm not (even close) to a fan enough to double dip. GTAV seemed just "ok" to me, and I really don't understand why it's such a big deal....but it is....so it would be great to see.
If the whole game were Franklin and Michael I think I might have liked it more. The sheer grotesqueness of what's his name, despite that he's no doubt the fan favorite character, really turned me off the whole thing. The repetitive so-so gameplay didn't help either. The scripted heists were fantastically done, but they were so few.....
Like my conversation in another thread, the whole darned game is just so darned juvenile. As much obscenity, foul language, sexual references, an entire sidequest based on pot...and as much juvenile behavior as could possibly be crammed into a single game.......teenagers and frat boys no doubt eat this stuff for breakfast, but for me, I'd pretty much rather spend that time doing almost anything else. It was "ok"...it had some fun moments... Nobody can ever outgrow Yarn Yoshi. Even if you think you outgrow it, when you're 60 you'll love it again. But I think most people outgrow this kind of thing permanently. Still, I'd love to see full support from third parties, and for every trashy GTA there's an LA Noire and Red Dead behind it.
@gatorboi352 Setup, knockdown, courtesy in the presence of other human beings. Being able to pick games up for intermittent play in various locations even within the house (waiting for the timer to ding in the kitchen, laundry room, wherever.) there's plenty of "wasted moments" in a day you can cram in some gaming....if it's instant on convenient. Versus the setup of the whole AV system just to get into a game you can only play when sitting in that one location.
Sure you get SOME time to play in that one location....but that's where Switch is good. You play your TV games as normal when you have time. But you can chip away at the content in other settings when you get the chance right on the same machine...no save transfers or anything, and then just plop it onto the TV dock again if you want to play with the TV again.
If you live alone it may not seem like much of a big deal. If you don't live alone it's the difference between being a gamer and not!
Rockstar had GTAV running on the Wii U, but decided to cancel it after it became clear the Wii U was going to be a commercial failure.
Now that the Switch is successful, and has proven to be a fairly successful platform for open-world and 3rd party software, a GTAV port on Switch would not surprise me at all.
@NEStalgia @gatorboi352 I've put over 100 hours into Breath of the Wild on Switch - I haven't done that with a game since I started a family over 10 years ago. It's literally a game-changer for me.
I've already played trough it on both PS3 and PS4, but I'd give it a third go if they made a Switch version. It's a really good game and I'd love to have a portable version. Red Dead would be even better but GTA definitely makes more business sense.
@GuruOfGreatness along those lines, do you often find yourself having many quick pick up and play sessions with AAA games on Switch?
Setup, knockdown, courtesy in the presence of other human beings. Being able to pick games up for intermittent play in various locations even within the house (waiting for the timer to ding in the kitchen, laundry room, wherever.) there's plenty of "wasted moments" in a day you can cram in some gaming....if it's instant on convenient. Versus the setup of the whole AV system just to get into a game you can only play when sitting in that one location.
Sure you get SOME time to play in that one location....but that's where Switch is good. You play your TV games as normal when you have time. But you can chip away at the content in other settings when you get the chance right on the same machine...no save transfers or anything, and then just plop it onto the TV dock again if you want to play with the TV again.
If you live alone it may not seem like much of a big deal. If you don't live alone it's the difference between being a gamer and not!
This!!!! 100% THIS!!!
@NEStalgia yeah i guess so. For me, i have a wife and kid and so when I'm home, there's no gaming time in front of a TV or away from one, until the kid goes to bed. When I'm not home, the last thing I'm trying to do is fit in 10-15 min on a AAA game through a 6 inch screen.
Just my use case though.
WHY is this article still up or not corrected? What the hell is going on with this site lately?
@MsgBoardGamer are you actually comparing "oil-water" to a portable GTA experience on a Nintendo console? Let me clarify for you. Oil-water is not something desired by people. Oil and water separately are, but not together. Nintendo Switch is selling like hot cakes and desirable. GTA always sells like hot cakes and is desirable. GTA on a portable Nintendo console is desirable. See what I did there. You're arguement is mute. You're saying that it may not be popular but why? Just because it's never been done before? If anything that would make it even more popular. In fact a diehard Nintendo fan who only games on Nintendo consoles would be even more so inclined to experience GTA on their brand of choice because they haven't had the opportunity to do so in the past! Should I go on? Do you maybe want to take a seat and have a sip of oil water?
Well considering there are no AAA games just yet it's hard to tell. I CAN say though that I would not have played half as much Splatoon 2 or nearly completed Mario and Rabbids were it NOT for being able to play when I like.
I can only assume that a quick 20 minutes of a game like GTA here and there, as and when, would mean that I actually get to experience the game.
Damn... I'll triple dip on this one... :/
I had it on X360, XONE (almost on Steam) and if it comes to Switch, I'll sure get it.. AGAIN...
I would buy it. It's been a while because the series got stale to me. Having the option of playing on the go does it for me though.
@MsgBoardGamer do you even own a Switch? I don't need to provide proof. The current popularity of both says it all. If it's coming to the console which it most likely is why would Nintendo invest in that, why would rockstar invest in that unless it was sure fire to be popular? I feel like Nintendo and rockstar are probably more business savvy than yourself. This article itself has already garnered much interest. LA Noire a much less popular franchise has become a talking point simply because It's making its way to Switch. You're the one who's not providing evidence as to why it wouldn't be popular because you have none other than the fact that you seem to be a hater.
@GuruOfGreatness This is me! Thank you! Someone else gets me. I can't believe there are people on here saying that portability isn't a selling point.
I also own a PS4 and I love Monster Hunter, but I don't think I'm getting it on the PS4 because of the reasons you listed. I was a huge fan of the series on the 3DS because it gave me options and mobility.
@Dang69 Am I missing something? Can you clarify?
@gatorboi352 Does your wife game? If so, the ability to play two separate games at separate paces is invaluable without annoying each other. If not...how did you fail so hard.....get off this board and start working on that!
I'll take my 10 minutes on a 6" screen over not playing. Heck between 3DS, Vita, WiiU I've completed RPG epics, 10 minutes at a time I wouldn't have touched otherwise.
@MsgBoardGamer it's more than just a rumour it's a source that has been accurate about Switch announcements on two separate accounts dropping a massive hint at a future announcement of a GTA 5. In fact going out of his way to do so. You're a clear Nintendo hater sitting here argueing with everyone quoting them in your response like it makes you seem smarter to reiterate what someone just said. Gtfo of town. Switch is doing well no matter how much that bothers you and 3rd parties are clearly interested and investing more in the console. And your pessimistic comments on here aren't going to stop the hype train nor are your oily water rhetorics. You've made zero sense in every response I've read. This site is for Nintendo fans not cry baby haters so go away. No one wants or needs you here.
If true this is great news for switch owners.
My only concern is because it's already sold millions and millions of copies on other consoles will people want to buy it again
As much as I love the game I've already bought it twice, once on ps3 then again on ps4, I honestly don't feel the need to buy it a 3rd time and I'm sure many others will be in a similar position
@Snakesglowcaps Do need to get personal. Let's keep it civil in here, OK?
Definite buy for me if true.
@Octane personal? Responsed to every comment I made challenging every thing i said and everyone else commenting. If anyone made it personal it was him.
I've had plenty of opportunity to play GTAV but never have because the series simply has never interested me.
A Switch version would hardly change my mind but I realize this would be a significant title to bring over so hopefully his hunch is correct.
@Snakesglowcaps Well, it's a public website, everyone can respond to you, that isn't a crime. His post were all very civil, and you were the one to start using profanities.
Also a friendly reminder, you don't need to respond if you don't want to.
@Snakesglowcaps I'm a moderator.
It's legit
I linked this in the forum the other day. Guy has a solid source, it's how he knew LA Noire was coming. And that source says more is on the way from Rockstar, and that "It shouldn't be a surprise". He concludes it must be GTAV, and I trust his judgement.
I would be very surprised if it arrives on Switch. GTA isn't a franchise that Nintendo would normally want to be associated with due to their universal image. L.A. Noire may break that trend, but the GTA brand alone would take a lot of consideration on Nintendo's part. I'm not sold on this one...
@Octane you're correct I don't need to use profanity. But if you read all the comments I was being civil and @MsgBoardGamer kept challenging me for being positive about a possible announcement and using blatantly unrelated comparisons. I didn't comment on @MsgBoardGamer first, he took it upon himself to challenge every single thing I commented on. So why exactly is he not being warned for making the comments section an unfriendly and unwelcoming experience for me? I was merely excited and speculating and he just wouldn't let it go. I also dismissed him in what was intentionally meant to be an over exaggerated response.
@Octane and we're all big boys here. One swear isn't going to scar anyone here for life. If he's going to dish it I should be able to respond accordingly. I found his responses to be anything but civil. He was being snide and arguementative. If the issue was that it's merely a rumour with no base than why didn't he just provide that proof initially instead of continueing to challenge me to answer. He could have simply said here's why it's just a rumour and left it alone instead of 6 or 7 comments in.
Well of course it's going to come to Switch because I just bought a PS4 and the version of the game there, even though I'd loooove to have a portable version.
Personally, I play video games to get away from everything that GTA is about, so I'm not interested in this. But there's no doubt that this would be a huge release for the Switch if they can port it without watering it down too much. I know it's not typical Nintendo fare, but I doubt Nintendo would turn down all the money this could make for them. They didn't turn down Chinatown Wars.
I should point out that vern claims that's more of a guess on his part. In the past, he hinted at LA Noire, the recent Direct being on the 13th, and that the Switch's UI/OS would be purposely minimalistic. He talked about that last one at length before the Switch launched. He's seems to be less sure about this particular one however.
@Snakesglowcaps He questioned you. Look, I don't mind debating, there's nothing wrong with that, there's nothing wrong with being skeptical either. It's all just opinions. But when you start using profanities and say things like ''No one wants or needs you here.'', that's where I draw the line. And don't worry, you're not getting banned or anything like that, but I just wanted to let you know to take it easy and keep it civil.
And I know profanity isn't going to scar anyone for life, but this is a public site, kids visit the forum and comment sections too. No profanity is just one of our community rules: https://www.nintendolife.com/rules
Of course it could end up not happening. So what? That goes without saying. I never said this was 100% going to happen, no chance it hell it's wrong, etc.
Why are you on such a crusade to tell people the obvious? I'm aware it could end up not happening. No need to spell that out for me or anyone else.
But it is a legit source + logical deduction and as such should be taken seriously and not just written off as some random internet rumor which has zero merit
@Al_Godoy I can't deny that those are an epic five games to look forward to!
@Octane fair enough. But I don't find it fair regardless that his comments are just being brushed under the table as debate. Making someone feel small every single time they comment is just as unwelcoming as someone telling another member they're comments are unwelcome. But whatever I took it too far. Think I'm just going to keep my comments to myself. Feel it's more than fair to point out I'm not the only person commenting who seems to have an issue with the negative and arguementative comments he's making if you read above but I guess just because I swore he immediately gains favour.
How seriously do you want to take this news
Hmm... let's see. He was right about LA Noire. He was right about the Nintendo Direct.
I'd say pretty seriously.
He said he has nothing pertaining to actual confirmation. But he 100% believes GTAV is coming, and his super solid source says more IS coming and implies it's GTAV. so... ya. Pretty seriously
No one is claiming history guarantees the future, but when people talk about the likelihood of things, they use — surprise! — history. That's common sense
That's your own comment. And I think it's, ironically, perfectly applicable. History tells us this person has been right time and time again. And if, based on what his source has told him, he believes GTAV is coming... I'm gonna believe it too.
@dkxcalibur This has been debunked by the source.
@Aaron09 thats what she said... #rimshot!
@Damo, I love your writing style, but bringing up that old "sour grapes" article of yours wasn't a classy move.
Of course, it's not the end of the world if Nintendo consoles don't get a GTA game, but that doesn't mean GTA V isn't a fantastic game by any means.
[We're cool, right?]
Pretty ironic that NintendoLife prints an article about how it's something to mull over and we all drop in here to mull over it and have a nice chat but everyone is just dismissing it like crazy and being negative. IT WOULD BE A GREAT THING IF IT WAS TRUE. Why are Nintendo fans on a Nintendo site throwing this out so quickly? Shouldn't we all be united in wanting GTA5 on Switch? Or any further Rockstar support for that matter? You're all crazy! Lol
@Dang69 Thanks, I knew it was just a rumor but I didn't know it was already proven false.
@MsgBoardGamer Its obvious its a rumour thats not the point😂. But now that it still in the middle, the topic of having GTAV is fun to talk about amongst forums wether it happens or not. Ofcourse you can express your opinion and take it with a grain of salt but you are being very pessimistic about it for someone on a Nintendo site. Also doubting GTAV on switch being desireable is very ignorant. Both GTAV and Nintendo as a brand alone is pure popcuture not much less then Michael Jackson or Mcdonald's, there is always desire. I didnt expect Doom and LA noire either but here they being both released on Switch. Besides that, its a Game that ran on much lesser hardware then Switch so thats also another plus. Another game with a comparable engine is already released very soon, LA Noire. And the guy starting all the hype was very accurate with LA Noire coming so he might be on to something again and thats why people are hyped up and he knew people will become hyped up by just saying 'patience' because its a form of hope for all these people who 'desire' the Switch.
All of GTA's aspects are cranked up in the fifth installment, so here's your warning.
Case in point - the third playable character in the artwork at the top?
He's Travor, described by the devs as "the usual GTA player incarnate", meaning that any sociopathic behavior shown by players is portrayed in-game by Trevor as an actual real person.
And that's the tip of the iceberg...
@JaxonH Well you know I really dont' trust anybody, so we'll just have to see. Considering how well it's still selling after all of these years I wouldn't doubt it, but I can say it's coming too, doesn't mean it's anything official. I've been saying for months SSB4 is coming to Switch, and someday it will, but I wouldn't expect anybody to take my word for it or bet on it. But it's coming. Super Mario Maker 2 as well, as soon as Ntinedo decided it wants to let us use the touchscreen. People say a lot of things is all I'm saying, probably 99% of them are wrong.
When does Yooka-Laylee release on Wii U again?
Now you're just being ignorant. And repeating yourself. "could very well be wrong". We've been over this. Of course he could be wrong. NO ONE IS SAYING THERE'S 0 CHANCE HE COULD BE WRONG. It's a guess. Yes. But an educated one. And one based on logic and a solid source who's proven right time and time again.
My facts are perfectly fine. It's you who just refuses to accept them.
And I'm beginning to think it's because you're salty seeing that this game has a good chance of coming to Switch.
So I tell you what. YOU BELIEVE WHAT YOU WANT. Leave others to do the same. And when the day comes this is announced, I'll be flaunting these comments of yours all over the site. Believe that
Ya but this guy was right about LA Noire. This guy was right about the recent Nintendo Direct. In fact he's never been wrong. The people saying Smash and whatever... don't have a history of being right like this guy does.
@Snakesglowcaps Then stop replying to his posts. It's not that difficult...
There's an ignore button too just so you know.
@Octane you literally jumped to his defence and are acting like he hasnt been rude, dismissive, arguementative, condescending, and belittling. He also was suggesting that people not be allowed to comment earlier in the comments. Something I was chastised for. I smell favouritism but whatever ban me if you want to for saying this but that's just poor moderating. He's being a jerk to everyone and you're just supporting it because there's an "ignore" button.
@Snakesglowcaps No, but since I replied to you about two hours ago, he hasn't replied back to you, yet you've replied to him directly three times and you've been talking about him without @-ing him. It's not favouritism, I'm just telling you to stop replying to him and talking about him if you don't want this discussion to last any longer. And that's all I'm going to say, because I don't believe there's a point in repeating what I've said before. If you have any further issues, feel free to contact us directly at [email protected].
Anyway, I don't want to see this comment section getting derailed any further. Let's keep it on topic from now on: GTA V port for Switch.
Hey Nintendo Life! Actually look into your rumors for like 5 minutes, before you repost clickbait crap. Read this page: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1438593&page=5 , on the original forum thread, look for Vern's follow up posts. His "patience" comment was only on page 4, and he almost immediately redacted it as anything more than assumption. Of course NL won't edit this page because it's probably driving tons of views. Site has gone way downhill since the late spring, somehow.
@Aerona @Snakesglowcaps I would also love grand theft auto 5 on Switch. I don't think I'd ever get any work done.😏
Post #165 about vapour! Is GTAV really that good? (Honest question as I have never played it.)
@GrailUK it kind of depends on the person. A lot of people really enjoy making their own fun online in GTA and the freedom of it. Personally I love rockstars single player experience. Red Dead and Bully come to mind as great single player games and GTA5 is a really well played out story. It kind of has something for everyone so I can't really see someone picking it up and being disappointed unless the grotesque violence is something that might put you off.
I love GTA5 but would much prefer RDR...
It won't be Red Dead. As much as I love my Switch, let's be realist - I don't think the Switch will be capable of running it.
Now, GTA V has been ported to everything under the sun so there is a chance. Plus, it still sells a lot.
People will whine about it being another old port and disregard that they cannot take their PS3/4 and Xbone with them as a portable. As usual.
I might actually get it this time, having never owned the game myself and only watched an LP of it when it was new.
without clickbait would there even be a "news" section on Nintendo Life?
@Luna_110 remind me again why RDR can't run on Switch?
@Luna_110 do you mean the new one? The original RDR most certainly can run on Switch. In fact it could be improved most likely with a smoother frame rate and some minor graphical improvements.
Unless they somehow manage to include the first person mode, I'm not all that interested. If they do pull off that miracle, DAY ONE!
I mean the new one, since it's specs are focused on high end PCs. If they downported maybe, but there would be a lot of compromises like Doom, and even then it's a big maybe.
The original won't come to any other console, since it's well known that the original code and engine for Red Dead is a mess. It's a half baked mix between two engines, in which modifications were not registered, so even Rockstar has a hard time trying to duplicate it. Search Red Dead Redemption Code Mess on google, while it isn't comprobated it is a rumor that has been floating around for years.
This would be huge if true. Not the biggest fan of GTA (bought V and got bored of it), but I know there is a massive fanbase out there would scoop this up right away.
Trevor on the go, hehehehehehe....
@Luna_110 "Its specs are focused on high end PC's"
Wut? It's being made with the original PS4 and Xbox One in mind, and both of those consoles are absolutely crushed by even midrange gaming PCs.
That said, I don't think we'll be seeing RDR2 on the Switch. I think Nintendo would be smart to help 'em get RDR on it though
These insane Rockers should play an intense overdue GTA medley on our kiddy systems and then sell us the rest of their back catalog in bucketloads. Aren't they the kind of company where you find rolled joints in the shotgun editions?
I’ll believe it when it is officially announced.
If gta V comes out, it might be time to finally get it.
If you only want facts then pay no mind. But don't go criticizing others for putting stock into the statistical likelihood of something happening.
People see he's been right before and weigh the statistical chance of his source being correct. People conclude he obviously has an inside source that's real, so if his source says "more is on the way from Rockstar" they believe it. They've weighed the odds of it not being real, and they've weighed the odds of it being real, and they have concluded the odds of it being real far outweigh the odds of it not.
Then they look at the next info, "it shouldn't be a surprise which game". And they weigh the statistical odds of that being GTAV over any other game. And 99 out of 100 people will conclude that is the one game people would expect next. That is the one game people will say "yup, no surprise there". Other games would be a surprise to a great many people.
It's all statistics. It's all weighing the odds. You might not want to weigh the odds and come to a conclusion but don't go criticizing other people for doing so. This guy weighed the information he was given and concluded that he believes in his heart of hearts GTAV is coming. That conclusion was based on all the evidence given to him by his source. And if the evidence was enough to convince him, then it's enough to convince me... because he is trustworthy. Believe it or don't believe it. That's on you. Nobody is giving you grief for not believing it. However, you are harassing everyone here who has weighed the odds for themselves and concluded it's very likely. And that makes me think there must be something motivating you for doing so. You may be able to play it elsewhere, but that is completely irrelevant to being salty that other people will be getting to play it on a Nintendo console. A lot of people don't like it when big games that draw attention release on a console they feel spiteful toward (for whatever reason). And a lot of those people do exactly what you're doing right now. So if that's not your motivation then please stop giving people grief for drawing their own conclusions based on the evidence presented.
@Luna_110 that's really unfortunate to hear. I was unaware and I guess that kind of writes it off. I mean there's a slim possibility of a downport of 2 but highly doubt it. They've really taken a huge step forward.
I'm entering with no hopes. This was rumoured back in the Project Cafe days and nothing ever happened. Rockstar have had multiple opportunities to put a full true 3D GTA on Nintendo and it hasn't ever happened.
The only way I can see it happening is if Nintendo have paid for it but they had the perfect timing to do it with Wii U and still refused to cough up. Granted at that time GTA V was in development so paying for a port now won't cost as much as it would have to include Wii U in development but R* can still charge what they want.
Red Dead Redemption is more likely given the sequel will likely draw interest for a remaster (and the much belched for PC release).
@MsgBoardGamer A GTA game? No. A 'true' GTA game? Yes that would be surprising.
Please learn the difference? GTA has been on Nintendo handhelds before and people were expecting a Chinatown Wars sequel for 3DS. GTA on Switch would not surprise me in the least.
They don't have anything against Nintendo platforms so this 'history' you speak of is in your head. The issue is them. They don't get the handheld market.
Name calling? You know what, I'm just gonna block you cause you should have let this go a long time ago.
Nah, the code is a jumbled mess for the original RDR. Notice they left it alone and never ported or remastered it on other systems or PC... I doubt that game is coming to Switch.
I think GTAV is the obvious choice. Guaranteed seller. Easy to port.
GTA V is fine if it comes to switch but I would prefer San Andreas Stories
@MsgBoardGamer Read my post above and you'll see I am as sceptical as you are about this. After all the Wii U rumours surrounding GTA V I've learned to stop listening to my heart and start listening to my head (RDR remaster).
In regards to CW it actually did pretty well as a DS game. It just failed abysmally as a Rockstar game and for a franchise that massive.
@MsgBoardGamer No problem. I sometimes have to speak my mind.
In regards to being successful for western companies (I am viewing Switch as a handheld) I can't see it because PSP (despite being successful) only sold half as much as DS and Vita flopped completely. The anime/otaku base buying Nintendo is nothing new. Bethesda and Rockstar is a different audience to the people who buy handhelds.
@JaxonH Well I'm saying SSB4D on Switch, and I was right about Zelda being delayed beyond 2015 - from day 1 - but yeah ok I'm wrong a lot more than I'm right. But I'm right sometimes. Everybody is wrong eventually though. This guy is due. I'm coin-tossing this one, 50-50. Can't rule anything out after Switch got Doom. Doom, can ya believe it? Skyrim I can see, Zelda skins, but PS4 M rated FPS Doom? Did not see that coming. If GTAV was PS4/X1 only I'd say no, but I don't think there's anything from PS360 Switch can't handle.
But if this guy is right about this, I'll try and remember his name next time he leaks something, least I can do.
Ya, soon as I learned it was same guy who leaked LA Noire and the recent Nintendo Direct, I knew to not write this one off. 50/50 is a fair assumption I'd say.
Btw, you see how many SNES were shipped to stores? People reporting they had 30 SNES and only 15 people in line. Mine arrived 2 days ago. Stupid 8bitdo wireless receiver only let controllers register as A and B like an NES controller. I downgraded firmware though and it works with Wii U Pro Controller 100%. Home button even takes you to home menu (something the stock controllers can't do). It's amazing. I do plan to hack it though. Get a full selection.
@JaxonH I know the line at the NY Store was around the block, lasted all day, and they had to end it b/c the store was closing, not b/c they ran out of stock, told people to come back tomorrow. Do you follow them on twitter?
My kids and I decided we didn't need one for $86 for 21 games, many of which we already have. The $415 we'll be laying out for the Switch 4 weeks from today was a factor. I'm almost paying as much for a Switch as a PS4 Pro, kinda nuts. Game and case are nice, but you know me, I'm all about the savings. I could easily pick up a Switch today - they still had 7 in Target from that time they received 20 - and pre-order the game on cart from Amazon w/ a 20% Prime discount and find a case cheap somewhere. So that's my normal MO, this all-in-1 bundle thing goes against everything I stand for. I paid $215 for a PS4 Slim w/ Uncharted 4 last Christmas, that's more my type of bundle. If there are BF Switch deals it's gonna kill me. But that stupid Mario game, I had to go and tell my kids we'd buy a Super Mario Odyssey bundle if Ntineod offered one. I should have put some caveats in there. Oh well, live and learn.
And I still need to think about that $100 XC2 bundle, which I think is too rich for my blood, especially w/o the Prime 20% discount. And that Pro controller is $75. Yikes. I might have to hope Gamestop offers a deal on controllers when I pick up my Switch-Mario bundle. Or something.
Call me crazy, but I hope it's not GTAV. I hope it's a Vice City remake running on the same engine. I'd buy the crap out of that.
@MsgBoardGamer "GTA on the Switch isn't a 50-50 proposition"
Well it is if you think of 50=yes and 50=no, that's pretty much the only options. Before Doom and LA Noire I would have said 1-2%, but since Doom is coming, and GTAV is STILL selling well, week after week after week, and there's a PS3/Xbox360 version out there to port, that's 50-50 for me right now. And that doesn't include this guys rumour, I take no stock in that, that's just me guessing. Realistically it's probably 40% no 60% yes but thats' me trying too hard.
@MsgBoardGamer "I'd say at most 20%. People want to post that this game on the Switch is a no-brainer for Nintendo; they also seem to forget time and time again that Nintendo is unconventional."
Yeah, calling Nintendo "conventional" is a little bit too polite for my liking, I'd more of a "run by moneys" kind of guy. But I don't see GTAV as a Ntinedo call really at all, I think if R* offered it they'd take it, it's more up to R* if they want to go thru the trouble of porting it. And I know Doom isn't GTAV, and Bethseda isn't R*, but if you'd have asked me beforehand which game is more likely to come to Switch - a PS3 3rd person game or a PS4 FPS, well I'd have said last gen 3rd, FPS just don't happen. But since Doom, an M rated this gen FPS has come to the Switch, well than anything is possible. I can't see Nitnedo saying no to GTAV if R* offered. Whether they do or not is up to them, but I'm pretty sure Switch could run the last gen version so that shouldn't be too much of an obstacle.
Skyrim, Doom, LA Noire, Wolfenstein 2 - GTAV wouldn't look out of place among those games.
I'd prefer a Red Dead Redemption port over a GTA V port any day for my Switchelicious.
Not that I would triple dip on a GTA V port though... Hehehe
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