We don't think it's unfair to say that Pokkén Tournament DX targets a particularly devoted fanbase - you have to be into both Pokémon and Tekken-style fighting to get the most out of it, though a loyalty to either can help you have some fun.
While it was a pretty easy decision for many (based on sales figures) to double dip and pick up Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Pokkén Tournament DX is starting off with a smaller Wii U fanbase in the first place and arrives a little ahead of a very busy line-up demanding our spare cash.
Nevertheless it is a very good complete edition of the game, and Nintendo's rather lengthy launch trailer tries to sell its various merits - check it out below.
Will you be picking this up for your Switch?
Comments 48
I didn't buy the Wii U version of this game, so I may get the Switch version.
Can't wait to play this tomorrow.
On my list, but seems daft to buy it at the moment as I'm enjoying too many other games having only had my Switch for a month. Probably my next title after I've finished Mario Odyssey, which hopefully will be next spring.
Got the Wii U version, played it for an hour, couldn't get into it. Won't be buying this for Switch
Have it on Wii U. They're not getting a penny more from me for this port. Especially considering how they just abandoned the DLC on that version.
Day One for me since I haven't got the Wii U version.
Pikachu just gets slimmer and slimmer. Even its arms are getting longer. It used to look like a chubby rat, but now it is finally looking more like a rabbit.
For me the ultimate version is on Wii U as it offers an asymmetric gameplay on a one console which is close to arcade cabinets. I'm for sure can live without those new fighters & don't see any reason to buy it again. Also I've found this title a bit boring in compare of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 which is also available on Wii U. IMHO, ARMS is the best fighting game for Switch owners, at least for now.
This port is Much Much Much .......... Better than Wii U version.
Too bad, you HATE Ports.
Well, Adios !
I will throw some Dollars to Nintendo for this game.
I will use Empoleon, Darkrai, Decidueye for my Switch while you CANNOT Use those New Characters & Keep Complaining for NONSENSE !
@oji That's a shame, there's more being added than new fighters though.
Never got it for WiiU. Tried the demo and it wasn't for me. I wanted to like it.
Tekken series are just Blah for me.
Pokken for me it's Far Better than Boring Realistic Fighting games.
Cartoonish >>>>> Realistic.
Guess what ?
Pikachu have done a lot of Cardio Workout by Dashing a lot of times.
Already got the original one on Wii U and I adore it but I find it hard to justify £50 on a game I've already got just with a few extras.
I have pokken tournament, lego ninjago game and xenoverse 2 to pick up today since i preordered them a few months ago cant wait im all in for the nintendo switch and i skipped out on the wii u era.
@Anti-Matter you really don't have to be mean and call people pathetic just because they have a different decision on purchasing a game..... They have their reasons and it's their money after all. SLIGEACH may sounds negative from time to time, but if you follow this site long enough you can see he actually cares about big N very much.
@Bread-Not-Toast £36 is a price that you can get in the UK
@oji DX supports split screen if you want asymetric. Not as good as the WiiU offering there, but it's certainly very playable.
Decidueye is awesome in this.
@Anti-Matter Tekken games don't look cartoonish, but they're seriously not realistic.
They're chock full of gags and silly stuff, seriously go look up the games' endings.
This game will be good for a release lull, as it stands my backlog has grown too much and I still play Breath of the Wild a lot (and Fifa and Mario are right around the corner).
It's nice how they brought this game to the Switch, considering how few of us went out and purchased a Wii U.
I honestly disagree. I've played this in the arcades a few times and it's fun... for about an hour... with a friend.
That just doesn't cut it for most people. I think you need to be a fan of both Tekken and Pokemon to enjoy this. I am a huge Pokemon fan, I have been since 1998. But I still cannot get myself to buy this game. I am indifferent to Tekken. I don't dislike it, but I haven't gone out of my way to play it since the Playstation 1.
@G0dlike Thank you for that riveting commentary in the games merits. You sir are truly a God of the World of Critics. I thank you.
@anti-matter for someone who constantly promotes their interest in family friendly gaming you come off as remarkably aggressive and close-minded towards other people's tastes.
Had the Wii U ver. Still not feeling that I should buy this. Not much content for us double dippers unfortunately.
As a Fighting Game enthusiast bringing the game to arcade level is more than enough for me. Waiting on ups is gonna suck.
Terrible game on all 3 platforms
Wow! No need to be a P N S. Was just saying I won't be double dipping. I'm sorry if I bore you.... @Quinnsdaddy11
Well... pardon of my behaviour for being aggresive sometimes.
Not again. Just can't seem to get use to it
@Anti-Matter if you don't have the switch yet it's no use buying this day 1 as it will most likely get cheaper by the time you buy the switch.
Don't worry, I can keep my Switch games until my Switch purchase day on December 2017.
I live in Indonesia, so I have to order my chosen games quickly before it too late (that means I cannot order the specific games anymore due to my local game shop owner can't find any from their supplier if the titles are old enough )
Pssst... and don't tell to my Mom if I bought Switch games secretly. I wanna make a Surprise.
@riChchestM : I believe asymmetric multiplayer can also be achieved with a second console + copy of the game.
The ad should've had someone playing the Wii U version.......Pikachu suddenly bursts in & electrocutes all the money out of the person, leaves behind a Switch console & a copy of Pokken DX then buggers off.
Hire me Nintendo, I'll show you how it isn't done!
@Anti-Matter I promise. I won't tell her
Nah had my fill with the first one...a lazy port isn't worth spending money on. They should have made a sequel instead.
Me neither. But I am on my way to EB Games now to pick up my pre-order. Excited!
@8-Bit_Zorldo you can fight a bear in real life
Bought it today. The game keeps growing on me, and it is refreshing to fight without difficult button combinations. And yet it is such a deep strategic game when you learn the ropes.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE In fairness, the fact that you don't own a Switch precluded you from ever buying this a second time, so why the outburst? Did they abandon DLC on the Wii U? Or did they abandon something else? Show me on the doll where Nintendo hurt you...
Really glad I waited on getting this over buying the Wii U version! (Previously rented the game a couple of times.) It feels much more complete than the Wii U version, plus Decidueye is BEAST.
Nah. I bought the wii u one with excitement, and then watched as characters where added to the arcade and frequent balancing changes came to the arcade and the wii u one was completely stagnant. I consider it a waste of my money. Even if it's different this time, I'm not spending another 60$ for that chance.
I might get this when I get a Switch, but definitely not at full price. I liked the Wii U demo, but at the end of the day fighting games just don't hold my attention for very long.
I luv beat-em-ups. I bought Art of Fighting...I'm sure as heck buying this!
No thanks
They really should have been marketing this game just a bit more. Almost forgot that this even existed
@G0dlike What's the point of telling anyone you won't double dip if you aren't adding to the conversation as to why? Was the game boring, terrible, and did you know it includes additional content?
Really thinking I should have preordered this instead of dbx2.
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