Rockstar Games Japan has confirmed that the Switch port of L.A. Noire will run at 1080p when played in docked mode.
The remastered sleuth 'em up is due for release in Japan on December 7th with a retail price of 5,389 Yen. Rockstar has reconfirmed that it will include all five DLC packs, touch controls in handheld mode and Joy-Con motion controls. It has also stated that in handheld mode, the resolution of the game will be 720p.
The other piece of news is regarding the game's trailer, which is apparently on the way; we've not seen any footage of the Switch version as yet but hopefully we'll get a proper glimpse soon.
L.A. Noire hits western shores on November 14th.
Comments 100
Fantastic! Really looking forward to this release. I'll be more than happy to pay full price, as we're getting all the DLC for free. That and it's portable!
As it should be for a last gen game! Glad they are doing more then just a straight port even though they aren't upgrading the graphics.
As I said in the forums this shows Bethesda up wiith their port of Doom by having gyro controls and a bump in resolution when docked as opposed to undocked.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I still disagree. Sure they are upgrading the controls but they aren't upgrading the graphics. Doom is already more graphic heavy then this game and as I would like motion controls for it it still controls just like the other games.
Awesome news. I'm getting this no matter what, as this is the kind of triple-A third party game I want on the Switch, but still excellent to know it won't be an overly gimped port.
Good good, L.A. Noire is one of the few games where resolution is more important than frame rate, although I'm still hoping for a locked 60fps.
Rockstar seems to be really going forward with this port. Glad LA Noire gets a second wind
@SLIGEACH_EIRE DOOM and L.A. Noire are two totally different games though. DOOM is much more advanced visually.
Can't wait to play this game.
@Damo And much more busier
Wow, they really added to this game. Neat.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE L.A. Noire is nowhere near as graphically intensive as DOOM is.
Looking forward to finally finishing this...
@SLIGEACH_EIRE There is absolutely no comparison.
I've played this to near completion on xbox 360 but never finished it. I look forward to playing it on Switch. Should be a great port , really looking forward to it. Hopefully we'll see more ports from Rockstar (Red Dead Redemption? )
@SLIGEACH_EIRE are you being for real. You are comparing LA Noire to Doom.
You seriously can't believe LA Noire is graphically more demanding.
Now there's absolutely no reason not to get this game, even if the only improvement in the graphics is a resolution boost.
@Damo Switch is more powerful docked than undocked and it would seem they're not using the extra grunt for anything. I also said that I think that they want Doom out in time for Christmas so that could be why they didn't make the cut.
Meh, i bet the trailer is all cut scenes and no actual gameplay.
@kobashi100 Did I say that? No! I'm saying that Doom runs the same docked and undocked. Bethesda aren't using the extra power to any effect. Whereas most other developers have, usually bumping up the resolution.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Maybe they could have done more, maybe they couldn't. But you're comparing a game that released in 2011 on the Xbox 360 and PS3 to an AAA FPS that came out in 2016. I for one see no reason to doubt they did what they could though.
@link3710 there is literally zero chance of that happening. Red dead redemption 30 FPS, GTA 5 30 FPS, la noire 30 FPS, bully 30 FPS. Remastered La Noire 30fps across the board. Unless we're talking games that have cartoon graphics or low grade graphics effects you're never going to achieve 60 FPS on any current gen consoles.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE let's be happy it's on Switch at all. Maybe there graphics engine doesn't support hard locked resolution swaps. And at this point we really don't know for sure what the difference is docked and undocked. The graphics may get a boost, all we know for now is that frames and resolution don't get a boost.
@Nintendoforlife I think they're pressed for time. It could be possible as a future patch to bump up the resolution.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Not sure how likely that is, it's not like it has to match the release date of other consoles. It's a port they can take all the time they need theoretically. They might want to get it out during the holidays at all costs, but tbh people are buying DOOM with or without the holiday rush.
It is a 6 year old PS3 game. At 50 dollars it needs to be.
That's awesome.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Doom is getting a boost when docked, as with the other consoles it'll have dynamic resolution so when docked it'll stick to the target of 720p more of the time, this is how it'll use the extra power. As you said it may get a later patch but given the post process effects at play I doubt it would increase the target resolution
@Spoony_Tech "As it should"
I was honestly going to tell @damo that those EXACT words should have been the subtitle for the article before I started reading the comments, or even the article for that matter. Just seemed the perfect follow-up.
Won't be getting this one, seems a bit point-and-click to me, I'd rather just watch a movie if that's the case, but good to see another well known game on Switch this year.
A few years from now when we look back at the Switch's first year of games i think history will look upon it fondly. I'm sure we will have all forgotten about that 5GB NBA save file by then.
Actually the first 9 months, 270 days, Zelda March 3 to XC2 Dec 1, pretty much covers it, not sure of ANY Switch games after XC2 in Dec, Jan or Feb. Lost Sphear In January I suppose, but that's it so far. Pretty intense 9 months.
Day one, yet another amazing game on Switch to play anywhere. And a good, engrossing single player experience just like Skyrim and Xenoblade 2 and DOOM and Mario Odyssey.
As for gyro
I would have liked gyro in DOOM also, but by no means is an additional feature worth boycotting a game over.
If you're only gonna play games with gyro you're gonna have slim pickins going forward. 90% of all games released will be an automatic no-go just based on no gyro alone.
Dual analog is still the standard in console gaming, and should not be viewed as a negative. It plays exactly how it does on other consoles, and Bethesda makes very smooth analog controls.
So people used to complain about motion controls and now people want motion controls? Come on just pick one already
I absolutely loved this game when it originally came out. I bought all the DLC and cleared every single mission, and spent tons of time just wandering around 1940s, pre-freeway LA.
They did a great job recreating old neighborhoods and landmarks that no longer exist, and even scoured old LA Times articles to recreate real crimes, such as those that randomly pop up as you drive around.
The game is excellent and due to their efforts, serves as a walk back in time through LA history.
As long as the port is solid, we should all be quite pleased with this game. I can’t wait to play it again a 2nd time!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I wouldn't say it's more powerful. The switch just ups its clock speed and turns an extra fan in the dock on.
A significant step up from previous generation then. I'd like to see more 360/PS3 remasters on Switch.
This is quite a step up from Rockstar's last handheld game on a Nintendo device.
Really looking forward to playing this doozy.
It's just amazing how the whole gyro discussion continues here.
@rjejr The great thing about LA Noire is the optional driving segueways. If you enjoy driving to your next destination a la GTA, you can, or you can hold a button to let your NPC partner drive, and the game loads you your next stop. There really isn't much point-and-click about it. However, the interrogation sections may not be everyone's cup o' tea.
Thank you SO MUCH for the gyro support!
All the new promotion art for this game is so much classier than what they originally had.
Really makes me want to play it.
@onex Thanks for the info. I made good use of both those types of driving in FFXV depending on my mood. I know this isn't a simple point and click game but it does seem focused on questions and answers. If I'm going to do that I'd rather have a fantasy JRPG setting like The Witcher 3 which I still need to play. No time for LA Noire, maybe if I had time I would.
This is what I'm talking about. I'll gladly take 360 / ps3 era games at 1080p 60fps because I missed so many of them!
I still want to compare the remastered version for PS4, etc. to the Switch version before I decide which I'm going to buy. I'm thinking I'll take portability over graphics though, as recent remasters of other previous gen games aren't that much better IMO.
Good news. Now I just hope this, DOOM and Skyrim can do numbers over the holiday season. Also very interested in NBA 2K18's sales performance when it hits shelves. Last I looked, it topped the E-Shop best sellers list. That could potentially be a great sign. If all these games do the numbers, the future may be even brighter than it seems.
@BensonUii I think a reason for no gyro in Doom is due to it running at 30fps. While gyro at 30fps works on a game like BotW, in a fast paced action shooter the 1:1 motion can be jarring. Think of Splatoon 2 when in the plaza or whatever it's called, it feels kinda bad and there's a noticeable movement difference to when in battle, where it works like a dream.
@RazorThin Most people complain about waggle type of motion, like the spin attack in Mario Galaxy or the roll in DK Country returns, which didn't need to be motion based an actually felt worse than just hitting a button. But I don't think anyone would ever argue that for actual aiming gyro controls can be much better than analog.
@Snakesglowcaps Good to know! I only have a copy for PC so... I've got the frame rate set to unlimited probably lol.
That's fantastic news!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Not really, two different things. Like Spoony said, this isn't getting the graphics bump the PS4 rerelease is, and is a last gen game running on a res bump. Meanwhile Doom is a "current gen" game already so they dropped the res instead of reducing the visual effects further and not having to develop docked/undocked optimizations for what is already a graphically heavy game (I mean, it's an id game....graphic heavy is kind of what they do...)
Agree that no motion controls is a miss on Doom though. Not because I think they need to support all the hardware features, but because I think Doom on a console that doesn't need sticks to aim would be the ultimate version of Doom off PC no matter what resolution it runs. They didn't so much miss a chance to do more stuff for Nintendo fans so much as I think they missed a chance to really make that the best console version of Doom there could be.
My thoughts exactly. The Batman and AC remasters come to mind.
@BensonUii The Xbox 360 version wasn't glitchy at all, and this happens to be one of my favorite games of last gen! You are in for a treat!
@RazorThin It's almost like there are different people with different opinions, amirite?
@ricklongo or maybe I'm seeing the same people who complained about motion controls are the ones who want them now :>
@link3710 I believe the facial capturing they used in LA Noire is tied to the 30fps cap. The PC version of the game is locked at 30fps due to this, and when modders tried getting the game to run beyond it screwed up the gameplay.
"But detective, the Switch version costs 10 dollars more."
"Just the tax maam."
I'll be picking this up, changed my mind
@nab1 agreed. The gyro is on top of stick control and adds an additional level of sensitivity. People who ask what's the big deal with motion controls are getting confused with Wii waggle. Gyro controls done right is unparalleled on console for twitch gaming. End of.
I believe in docked mode it will be locked 720 @ 30, the handheld will be 30 fps also but have a dynamic resolution. I think that's what DF were getting at when they said 540p. Docked won't have to scale.
@faint So you don't think that a GPU running at 768 MHz is more powerful than the same GPU running at 384 MHz?
Looking forward to it!!
From what I understood of this game, it was more story driven and less mechanically demanding. If that's true it leaves more system power for the resolution.
I am very much excited to play this for the first time.... not sure how I totally missed everything about this the first time it came around. It looked boring to me then and now I can't wait!
I bought a 128 GB sd card at launch.... looks like I am going to need a bigger one. Switch is on fire right now!
Interesting info about this game:
Most people aren't aware that this game was not developed by Rockstar, it's made in Australia by Team Bondi and published by Rockstar. Their relationship soured during the development period, Team Bondi basically went bankrupt after making this game.
The team members were later taken in by Mad Max director George Miller to make Happy Feet 2. So happy ending after all.
@Nincompoop at the time Team Bondi was one of Rockstars internal studios. Also, this was one of the most expensive games ever made due to the new mo-cap tech and extensive acting required.
Team Bondi was going to be ‘Rockstar Sydney’ but the conflict between them and Rockstar ended that planned marriage. They were not part of Rockstar, they had to pay for everything themselves. They owed massive unpaid wages to the employees and had no contract for new games so they folded.
I'll be glad to pay for and play this game again. And after hearing how R* shut down and SJW complaining about GTA IV I support them even more. BRAVO!
@Nincompoop That is awful for them. I followed the developement of the game as they were working on it as I have been a huge Rockstar fan for a long time. I never played the game though since it came out after I had traded my PS3 in on a PS4. I remember reading interviews with the team and they were super enthusiastic about the mo cap and the huge script they had created. Too bad, sounds like they got a raw deal afterwards.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Yeah, but this game is waaay older than Doom.
@NinNin the point is the power is not in the dock. Wasn't the clear when I brought up the clock speed?
Now we wait for GTAV!
Haven't seen nothing, but day one purchase confirmed;-)
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Instead of being happy for positive news you are being negative. This is ... so you.
@faint No. That's not your point. You said this, "I wouldn't say it's more powerful." What you said is wrong. The Switch is more powerful when it's docked. Nobody said on this comment section that the power was in the dock.
You know they are called Rockstar Games for a reason.
I bought LA Noire for my PS3 when it dropped to $15. I never really got to play it though because Sony bricked my console.
I really liked 3rd person motion games on the Wii (Godfather, Scarface), so I'm excited that this has it too (albeit not as action focused).
standard for Nintendo 1st party games
And that's it. Nothing else. This isn't a first party game. 3rd party devs are reaching out by bringing the bloody game to the system and making sure it runs well. Not every shooter or game works with gyro. Watch the gameplay. It's just strafing to aim for the most part. So maybe it would have, maybe it wouldn't. I was hoping it might have gyro- but it doesnt. Thats not a reason to skip a game, or protest a game.
You do what you want. But I promise you that you will not be heard whatsoever. This not selling on Switch will send one message only- Nintendo fans hate real AAA shooters. You wanna let them know you like motion, tweet the devs. And if enough people care theyll do the same. You won't be heard because only ridiculous Nintendo fans who nitpick reasons to skip the 3rd party games they whine about not having for years would actually "boycott" a fantastic game for not having an additional feature out of fear they lack the skill to actually aim with an analog.
Not every game is going to have every single feature you want, and it may not even be a good fit. Motion is shaky on screen and DOOM is smooth. Maybe it doesn't hold framerate. Notice they made a spinoff game for VR but not for Skyrim or Fallout 4. Skyrim uses the exact same motion as PSVR. Yet for DOOM they had to make a game built ground up. Maybe there's a reason for that. Maybe devs have a reason for the choices they make. Motion is nice. But so is button customizations, so is anti aliasing. Yet I don't see anyone boycotting Nintendo games for lacking these standards that have been around for years. Because it's small potatoes at the end of the day. Bethesda is bringing 3 games. And adding motion for one of them. What more you can you reasonably ask for...
Read the post again.
I dont see anyone boycotting Nintendo games for lacking button customization. An industry standard.
And no, motion is not standard on Nintendo hardware. It's been used in a handful of 1st party Nintendo games. This isn't a 1st party Nintendo game. It's a nice little option, no doubt. Nobody is saying it's not a nice option, but read the post again. Maybe it's not a good fit. It doesn't work for every game without being shoehorned in. Motion is shaky on screen. DOOM is smooth. Maybe motion screws up the framerate. Notice despite Skyrim and Fallout 4 being made VR games, notice DOOM had to have a separate game built ground up? Maybe not every feature you want would have worked out.
But even if it would have worked, are you gonna start boycotting Mario Odyssey for not allowing you to remap controls as you see fit? Are you gonna boycott Xenoblade 2? Didn't think so. Only 3rd party games. Cause that's what Nintendo fans do. They whine and moan about getting no 3rd party games, then when support comes they get on a high horse and start making ridiculous demands for the game to be identical to Nintendo's own games. No wonder 3rd party developers don't like bringing their games over.
And Nintendo only started integrating motion properly on Switch. So, like 6 months ago. You act like every game has had it for years or something. Motion on 3DS was a totally different beast. And only a couple games used it, usually for stupid stuff like looking around. And because the system lacked a second analog (didn't see you boycotting 3DS for lack of analog).
If Nintendo lacks a standard feature, it's totally fine. If a 3rd party game brings parity with other versions, it's not good enough. As per usual.
That's exactly the problem. Nintendo gamers have to branch out and stop placing demands on 3rd party games as if they're made by Nintendo.
Gyro is NOT standard "on the hardware". It's barely even a standard for Nintendo's own games which happen to BE on the hardware. Nothing wrong with wanting motion, or wishing it had it. But it's ridiculous to try to boycott when we don't have the luxury of doing so. It's not like 3rd party games are now 100% staying forever, or have been around generations. Boycotting sends one message and one message only- we don't play 3rd party games. You've gotta actually prove we buy games and support them before you earn the right to get on a ridiculous high horse and skip GotY quality games over not having additional features above and beyond every other version.
@Cosats : Legend has it that he inspired the idiom "Misery loves company".
Now you're changing your story.
You just said before it was a "boycott". Now suddenly you "wouldn't enjoy it"? Nonsense. You'd enjoy it just fine, like you said you're just "boycotting". Has nothing to do with not being fun or worth buying
And that's why it's so ridiculous
Name me a 1st person game from Nintendo on 3DS PERIOD. That's a joke of an argument. Any Nintendo game on 3DS that used motion did so as a novel inclusion, or out of necessity thanks to lacking a standard dual analog setup.
@BensonUii @JaxonH
The theory that one should buy a game he doesn't really want only to "show support" to a company so that they publish other games that will be more to his taste is a racket.
For the rest, I hate gyro and any kind of motion gaming.
Nobody said anything about "buying a game one doesn't want". That's not the issue.
The issue is boycotting aka skipping a game you DO WANT to send a message or make a statement. It's ridiculous and I'll call it out for what it is every time. But even if one tried to pretend they "don't want a game because it doesn't have motion" I'll call that out as horse manure too. People have been playing games for 30 years with analog controls. But because Zelda on 3DS was missing buttons and therefore substituted gyro for slingshot, and because a whopping 3 Nintendo games on Switch use motion to aim... suddenly any game without it isn't worth buying?
That's the type of nonsense that ensures 3rd party support stays far away from Nintendo systems
Boycotting is skipping a purchase you would otherwise make in order to make a statement or "send a message".
Now you're saying you wouldn't enjoy it. Then that's not a boycott. The two are not the same.
Look, I don't want to argue over the ridiculous reasons Nintendo fans like you dig up to skip 3rd party games. So do whatever you want.
I agree. I was just thinking the other day how this is the best first 6 months of any new console. I can't think of any other system with so many great titles month to month. The Dreamcast was pretty stellar out of the gate.... Hmmm, maybe I shouldn't compare the Switch to the DC. Don't want to jinx it!
I do consider you a friend. But that doesn't change how I feel about people who write off entire games over something so trivial as motion controls.
This isn't the Wii era. I appreciate when games offer motion, as you well know, but it will never be something important enough to negate an entire game- praised and critically acclaimed, that took hundreds of people years to make.
The vast majority of games today do not use motion. And before proper motion existed, did you skip out on games for not using it? No. Which means you enjoyed games without motion, which means you'd still enjoy them now without motion. Yet you choose to draw a line in the sand out of pride because "They didn't work hard enough to make a game to your Nintendo standards". Might not say it but that's what it is.
It is a widely spread opinion, and recently companies such as capcom started encouraging this blackmail, with messages such as "We'll publish more games on Switch if USFII does well, wink wink !!".
No, I wouldn't buy a game that relies heavily on gyro. I try to keep my gaming sessions as enjoyable as possible.
Dude, I never said you had to buy the game.
I don't get it. Gyro only makes it a little easier to aim precisely. It's nice- I love it. But at the end of the day analog works. At the end of the day, you're bickering over slightly improved aiming capabilities. I agree, it's better. But it's not a drastic difference. You can still play the game fibe without it. You can still aim without it. Sure, maybe not quite as well, but close enough.
How in the world slightly improved aiming capabilities makes the difference between being hyped for a game and buying it, and not buying it at all makes no sense to me. Especially when you still use the second analog to help aim, it's only a half measure to help fine tune. That's too black and white.
I could have respected you had you said "Ya know, I prefer gyro, and I wish it had it, but I'll at least wait for reviews and see how it plays, see how smooth the controls are". But no. It's all black and white. An automatic no. Was Metroid Prime an automatic no as well? Was GoldenEye 64 an automatic no as well? Was Perfect Dark an automatic no too? I find that hard to believe.
But how would you know anyways if you haven't even ever played a modern game with dual analog? See, that's too black and white. And I cannot respect it.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE you're a fool.
@BensonUii gotta agree with @jaxonH here, and tbh, take it a step further and say that gyro doesn't improve anything. Rather, it's simply a matter of taste.
Contrarily, I found the Wii pointer controls to be an improvement over dual analog.
So you didn't write those games off for not having Gyro? Despite saying you've hated analog since PS1.
Yet suddenly now it's a problem? I know what happened. Splatoon released and now you think every game has to mimic it's controls to "earn" the right to be purchased by you.
It's no different than people who write off games for having gyro. People who wrote off Splatoon because of it. Obviously it takes some practice. But learn how to use properly and it pays off.
Same for dual analog. It takes practice if you never use it. But once you learn to use it, it works well. But not all FPS are created equal. DOOM is a game tailored to dual analog. You don't have to aim with the right stick so much as strafe with the left until you line up your shot. This is how most dual analog players aim quickly with precision. They strafe, and only use the right stick for wider adjustments.
FPS is different than 3rd person games. It's much, MUCH easier to aim with analog in FPS. Even me, who never used dual analog til Call of Duty Black Ops 2 on Wii U... Even I was pretty good with it. In FPS games everything is bigger (So easier to hit) And strafing is a fantastic way to line up shots quicker than even gyro in a 3rd person shooter could offer. You'll aim easier in DOOM with analog than Splatoon 2 with gyro. Or at the very worst just as easily. Because it's FPS and because enemies are mostly on the same plane so strafing can be used to fine tune.
If tens of millions of others can do it just fine, you can too. Like gyro, you won't master it instantly, but it will come.
It's not making assumptions. You just admitted that NO, YOU DIDN'T WRITE THEM OFF.
The only one making assumptions is you. Because Once upon a time you played 3rd person games with analog and you sucked (naturally, since it's a skill that needs to be developed) that every game in existence plays exactly the same and it totallu unplayable using dual analog.
You learned to use the left analog. Right is no different.
@JaxonH I won't buy it either. Mouse and motion controls have spoiled me for many many years. I'm a Nintendo and PC gamer, but, I've had Xbox, and PS3, and I've played shooters on there, and they all played terrible. Unless I have a mouse and keyboard or motion controls, that's a genre that I just won't play. I can't stand using auto-aim, as it makes the game feel like a joke, and without it, I'm stumbling around everywhere even more.
@NinNin the system has the same specs docked or undocked. That is my point. The dock is just a hunk of plastic with a fan. Do you know what clock speed means?
@WhiteTrashGuy I bought a Dreamcast about 8 months after release, I bought a Wii U about 8 months after release, now I'm buying the Switch 8 months after release, talk about jinxing it.
I bought my PS2, PS3 and PS4 2-3 years after release, Sony should thank me. Bought my PS1 in '98 but I have no idea when it released. Bought a Gamecube - my first Ntinedo console - 2 days after it dropped to $99 w/ 4 cheap "Players Choice" games. It was about $200 for the lot. So I'm guessing that was awhile after release as well.
@faint Do you mean if you overclock your CPU from 3 GHz to 4 GHz, it doesn't make your PC more powerful? If you believe that, then I understand what you mean.
@NinNin that's exactly what I mean. It's just as powerful ether way. The difference is how it utilizes is.
Just preordered my copy from Amazon for £32. Never played the game before but I was sold after watching this gameplay trailer from 2011.
I like the premise, the storyline and the added option of playing at home or in portable mode, is a win win.
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