The launch of Splatoon 2 really helped to boost sales of Switch hardware in Japan during the month of July. The console shifted almost 100,000 units in a single week, which was a pretty impressive feat.
Things have slowed down a bit in the Switch sales department in Japan this week, with just over 22,000 units shifted. Still, it's much the same for all console sales this week.
Let's take a look at the latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create:
PS4 – 28,779
Switch – 22,277
New 3DS LL – 16,083
New 2DS LL – 14,939
PS4 Pro – 5,909
Vita – 5,177
2DS – 2,999
New 3DS – 575
Wii U – 151
PS3 – 110
Xbox One – 100
Last week the Switch sold almost 88,000 units, so the bean-counters at Nintendo of Japan probably won't be panicking too much yet. Splatoon 2 also passed the one million sales mark in Japan this week, which again demonstrates how important this IP has become for Nintendo in such a short period of time.
Thanks for the tip SLIGEACH_EIRE
Comments 149
Monster Hunter XX launches today, I wonder if Nintendo held back deliveries last week to double up on today?
Wonder what caused this sudden change. Has the stock situation in Japan gotten worse? Hard to believe considering the lines that we've seen up to this point.
I wonder if people who lined up for a Switch and didn't get one turned around and bought a PS4 just to keep from going home empty handed? Sure sounds like something I'd do...
@FX102A That... would actually make a lot of sense!
Well tought!
No worries, I would expect the Switch to be a hot item the remainder of the year. Beyond that is up to what Nintendo has up their sleeves.
and it begins
I'm shocked that they still have WiiU's and PS3's over there!
is it really slowed down or because they can't buy it because none in stock?
Seeing as how thousands line up for a chance at a hundred, wouldn't the "slowdown" be attributed to the fact that's how many were available?
Oh the shortage horror, not a big deal yet but if Monster Hunter XX doesn't help raise units or Nintendo can't find another supplier for their screen soon then it would be disastrous for Switch. I doubt most Japanese player will care if Monster Hunter XX launch since it's basically a minor upgrade to Monster Hunter X (Generations), the real hiccups is Nintendo putting the supplies out there. If the Japanese audience can't find a Switch to buy then they won't buy Monster Hunter XX. Hopefully Nintendo solve this going forward.
That's like saying there has been a steep decline in preorders for the SNES Classic in the US the week after they went live.
Too early to tell the impact of this but I would agree that it is likely stock is being held ready for Monster Hunter as that will help to drive unit sales up.
Mario Odyssey will be the next major push before Christmas I think. Possibly expect a slow November too.
Wow guys, can't believe the Switch is failing and Nintendo is holding back stock and it has no games! Look at the facts, the Switch only sold 2 units this week! Nintendo is dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomed.
Switch sales fall "DRAMATICALLY" to what they were before Splatoon 2 launched, NINTENDOOOOMED!
I'm pretty sure they still sell as much as they can put on shelves and the stock situation simply got worse.
The reason for these dramatic rises and drops is likely that they were saving up Switches for the Splatoon 2 launch which instantly sold out (particularly the Splatoon 2 Switch hardware bundle, which obviously could not be sold before Splatoon 2's launch).
Also, there is a Monster Hunter XX Switch harware that Nintendo obviously has to hold back until MHXX's launch.
@kenrulei Must be in low supplies which is why they are force to play the lottery in able to win a chance to buy one.
Need MOOOORE Supply of Switch !!
Come on, Nintendo !
Kick PS4 butt !!
Dangit. The nintendoomers beat me to it.
It's so funny how pathetic Xbox has become in Japan. I am honestly surprised Microsoft is even still trying to compete at all. It's losing to the all but discontinued Wii U.
@Anti-Matter Can you please stop? PS4 and The Switch can exist together. They're both good consoles.
One week of off sales is nothing to worry about, but wow, that was a steep drop off. Did they just run out of systems or what?
Looks like Nintendo cleared through all their Splatoon 2 bundles for now.
Nintendo sold ~337,000 Switches in the 4 weeks immediately following Splatoon 2's launch. I don't think they expected Switches to fly off of shelves that fast, hence their lack of preparation and thus lack of stock for this current week.
Wonder how well MHXX on Switch and the MHXX Switch bundle will sell.
First week in quite a while I think that PS4 has outsold the Switch.
Well, no surprise the sales dropped off. Aren't these things still practically impossible to find in Japan?
The sad thing is, some people out there actually think this means the Switch is on the path to becoming the Wii U 2.0.
Well given the headline Nintendo Life gave it anyway. Click bait beats reasoned journalism I guess.
There's plenty of Switch in stock on Amazon Japan.
Stock constraints at it again!!!!
SWITCH sales haven't fallen.. They've sold 100% of stock availability....
@EmirParkreiner that's a great call. Most bundles are just a cardboard box over existing units, I can imagine them holding back hardware units ready for a huge 3rd party game release. Splatoon 2 has sold 1m units in Japan in 6 weeks plus driven Switch sales. One bad week doesn't equal failure 😁.
Ah, yeah...
MH XX Switch sales will be revealed after at least 3 days from now.
Keep praying for Nintendo for enough stocks of Switch and OMG Sales of MH XX.
Will very likely get up again. Mario this year and Pokémon in 2018 or whenever Gamefreak is done with it.
Not to mention the port of Dragon Quest X and the Dragon Quest XI release. If I remember right DQ is ultra popular in Japan.
EDIT: If its because its sold everywere, they obviously can't sell consoles they don't have.
Still of course sales are slow, anyone that was going to buy one for months bought it last month for Splatoon all at once. Stock is now low, and anyone that wanted to buy one in August bought one in July because Splatoon. A Ubisoft turn-based-strategy isn't going to light fires in Japan, that's a Western genre.
Plus 3DS is siphoning some Switch sales still, apparently, with a lot of big releases still on there, the two systems are selling at about parity, and the combination of Switch + 3DS sales is still trouncing overall Sony sales over there, both of of which, PS4 & 3DS are likely being fueled by DQXI primarily.
And in other news, WiiU is still outselling XBone by a whopping 50%!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE That's a restock, it's been scarce since the Splatoon 2 wave of systems that was clearly hoarded for sale during the Splatoon 2 launch. We'll see if they're there tomorrow
Those Wii U sales are really hampered by stock shortages.
@NEStalgia Even though turn-based strategy started in Japan?
Mario + Rabbids is a 2018 release in Japan.
Looks like they didn't actually establish a higher baseline yet. Just Splatoon 2's launch and Obon
I've given up on getting the switch, im never gonna have enough money, and even if i did, theirs nothing in England concerning stocks besides CEX, who sell it for over 300 pounds on average. Hope everyone else is enjoying it though.
I ran out of lemonade for my stand and didn't bother making any more. Despite my decades of experience and expertise in making lemonade.
For some reason there's been a decline in my sales...
I heard a theory that Nintendo holds back stock, especially in Japan, until a big game is released. Once the big game comes out, they get the systems on the shelves next to those games. After a few weeks, they start the process over again; building up stock for the next game.
I don't know if it's true or not, but if the sales figure goes up after MH gets released in Japan, it would make sense.
@dkxcalibur i wouldnt be suprised, they've done it with games countless times
Guess we can kiss third-party support goodbye now. Those testers at Capcom are already writing their dissertations on this failure.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE No, there isn't. The only ones being sold on are sold at a far higher price (45,000 yen vs. the normal price of 29,980 yen), which clearly points to there being stock shortages.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Actually the Wii U is almost out of stock on Amazon JP
22thousand is still good for one week's sales. Overall Nintendo sold something like 53thousand piece's of hardware. That's pretty impressive when ya look at it for a 'slow' week
Edit: Nintendo actually sold 56,017 pieces of hardware last week. Sony sold 39,975 pieces of hardware.
Switch sold 22,177 more than Xbox One, I guess it's better than nothing.
Incoming Mahe post: "Switch is doomed! The PS4 is so great! I even take mine to bed! You guys should too! Unnghh!"
The stock situation is very, and I mean VERY bad. Today I was at the Aeon Mall in my area (which is a huge shopping mall) and they had a notice saying that they will have 5 (5!) Switches available for sale on August 31st. Only 5 and in one of the biggest shopping malls in all Japan!
This is getting beyond ridiculous... and it's going to hurt Nintendo because irremediably some people will get fed of waiting and give up on the Switch.
Now I think I was quite lucky getting one back in April.
@NEStalgia The Mario + Rabbids won't be for sale in Japan until next year, so that won't affect Japan for a long while yet.
It I don't think that game is a system seller. Although I can't wait to get my hands on it! And waiting until next year is going to be tough!
do these weekly or monthly numbers matter if stock is not at 100% available?
@Aaron09 yup I own them both
@maruse yes and no, people will get tired of waiting but the Wii was hard to find for almost a year and it still sold fine in years 2,3 and beyond
@FX102A a.k.a the calm before the storm.
Sales were down because you can't buy something that isn't there.
Total Switch software sales in Japan have exceeded 3 million. Splatoon 2 accounts for 1/3rd of all Switch games sold in Japan.
Zelda Breath of the Wild, 1-2 Switch, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Arms, and Splatoon 2 have sold 2.5 million copies combined, which means all 3rd party games on Switch have sold ~500,000 in total. Super Bomberman R is currently the best selling 3rd party game on Switch in Japan, with around 100,000 copies sold.
Do note that digital sales and digital-only games are not accounted for in these numbers. For example, Snipperclips and Minecraft have each sold over 100,000 copies in Japan (i.e. more than Bomberman), but are not accounted for in the aforementioned software figures.
It's not like DEMAND has dramatically fallen.
I wonder if Nintendo have another Millions of Nintendo Switch with MH XX game to anticipate Very High Demand.
I think Nintendo have something behind their sleeves...
The bigger story is why is Microsoft still in the Japanese market?
@maruse While LATAM is drowning in stock since the MSRP is over 500 dlls in most places. You can even find the Splatoon 2 edition.
Well the PS4 outsold the Switch last quarter anyway. No reason for this quarter not be the same. As long as it has a decent install base.
I really hope Nintendo fixes the stock situation in time for the Holidays.
@Franklin It might have something to do with the fact that Minute Maid opened a bottled lemonade factory next to your stand and buys lemons by the warehouse load in exchange for a 10% premium..... I'm sure the supplier will get around to finding a crate or two for you eventually. If production slows at the Sunkist plant. Maybe in May?
@westman98 2018? Wow! I hadn't heard about that! So August is pretty dull for Switch in Japan. Or would be if it weren't still sold out from Splatoon's launch.
@MegaVel91 TBS video games started in the West. Chris Crawford's Tanktics. Now if you're thinking board games there's Shogi (Go) which is originally Asian, but not originally Japanese. (Turn Based RPGs on the other hand started in Japan, but RPGs in general started in the West and turn based was a unique Japanese twist on the genre.)
@retro_player_22 "If the Japanese audience can't find a Switch to buy then they won't buy Monster Hunter XX."
People in Japan have admitted to buying games before the console so they would have them on hand. A lack of a console stopped nobody from buying games.
@ThatNyteDaez No one does that... They could have bought a PS4 MONTHS, YEARS ago... No one walks into a store trying to get a new item and buys an old one.
Lol @ Wii U outselling XB1
Watch how the stocks 'suddenly' increase after this. #ArtificialDemand
''is it really slowed down or because they can't buy it because none in stock?''
This should have been researched for the article or at least mentioned as a possibility if they were too lazy or couldn't find an answer.
The has begon!
@NF6429 Hi, could you not order it from Very ? you'd get 10% off your first order and would have a year to pay for it, that's what i did, and got mine on launch day from them
Um... maybe some Japanese gamers still like to play Dance Evolution Arcade by Konami, the machine that using Kinect technology and it was from xbox360 ideas. They still addicted for Kinect I guess.
If not by Kinect factor, some peoples who stays on Japan are probably Western people that looking for xbox1.
But if not by Western people, I guess some Japanese gamers have Western mindset such as Bigger screen, Microsoft names behind the product, etc.
The woman in the image looks like she's got a mega creepy hand!
Ps4 maybe looks better from all aspects, but it tainted by its notorious reputation from I know and I heard. Looks like I compare two different peoples. Ps4 is like Very Beautiful / Handsome people but with Arrogant personality while Switch is more like Average looking people but with Kind personality.
I would rather choose A bit underpowered machine but has a lot of lovely games to choose rather than a Superior machine but with very few games that suitable for me. From I know about both of those company, Sony is targeting more Adult audiences while Nintendo is still targeting Kids to Adults. There are More Kids friendly games on Nintendo than on Sony.
When I see Sony machine start from ps3 era, I see "Adult" machines with very risky and harm potential of adultery things, but when I see every single of Nintendo machines, I see a Toy / Kiddie / What it called a Game image. And I like to see Kiddie images than Adult images.
Ya... the end is clearly in sight
There were 88K sold in Japan alone last week. Maybe, just maybe the bulk of the available system sold really fast and 22K is what was mustered for this week. Unless there is proof of system just sitting on shelves, I doubt there is anything to worry about.
Oh, hi.
Have you pre order MH XX Switch ?
Preordered? Shooot... I'm already playing!
Game went live on the eshop yesterday around 2pm Central time. I activated my mobile hotspot and started downloading the game before I'd even left work lol...
Already started doing quests, learning what does what and snapping screenshots with text added so I can reference what it is later if needed
In the United States you can walk into stores and find a few Switch systems on the shelves. They show up at one store for a few days, then another them another. This has been a regular cycle for also 2 months now. My guess is that it's because of money being directed towards the summer vacation months no now children going back to school. Using an app for a store makes it easy to find them, or just walk in the store. They usually sit on the shelves for a few days until they are sold out again, but just check another store, as they will get a shipment next.
My guess is that this will continue to be the case until mid to late October.
AAA 3rd party support for Switch is very very weak, almost to the point of non-existence. No doubt any first party software will get huge sales.
First party sales and 3rd party sales are not indirectly correlated. The lack of one will not cause the rise of another. That's not how things work.
Hi, i'm 33 but I don't think Mario Odyssey is flat 3D Platformer.
And Switch name sounds Perfect for Nintendo as they depart from Wii branded.
@ThatNyteDaez There´s a special edition monster hunter bundle in Japan released today, makes a lot of sense that people waited for it.
@waveboy - your not alone with your sentiment. I lost all excitement for Switch even before it was named that and was NX. With each rumor I would get less and less excited. Anyway I won't post all my reasons why I dislike the Switch but it made me appreciate my Wii - U more and I am skipping out on the Switch all together and bought a second Wii - U in case the first one fails. That is the only positive thing to me about the Switch is it made me appreciate the Wii - U more and besides I only play 2 to 4 hours a week of games anyway its not my entire life. I have enough Wii, Wii U and e-shop games to last me at least 10 or so more years unless of course my Wii - U dies. I have yet to get excited about any Switch games. I agree Mario Odyssey I would further say looks also odd and out of place and would rather just re-play Super mario Galaxy one and two over again.
Holy guacamole everybody run and yell....mass hysteria. Nintendo is DOOM!!! Tehe.
@Toadie ah, didnt hear about that deal, might try it out if i can in a bit, you got a link to it, the switch sale on very?
"Thanks for the tip SLIGEACH_EIRE"
haha! Of course it's a sligeach story. Listen, this is weekly sales we're talking about here. It means very little. A "dramatic fall" would be if you saw an equivalent drop in monthly or yearly sales. That said, the numbers are back to what they were before Splatoon 2's release, and they're basically even with the monster is that is PS4. There's nothing to see here, folks.
@WaveBoy "Every time i see a new switch(god the name alone is starting to irritate me)article I roll my eyes."
lmao good thing you're on a site called "Nintendo Life" then. Because there's just a massive supply of non-Switch related Nintendo stories right now, right? We got some smart readers on this here site, mhmm.
@Aaron09 No they're not. PS4 is great. Switch is garbage.
@BAN You are aware that the latest Nintendo hardware release was the New 2DS XL, right? And that even Nintendo expects their 2DS and 3DS systems to sell more games in the 2017 - 2018 financial year, right?
Considering all that, this site really shouldn't be as much "Switch Life" as it has been lately.
More PS3s sold than xbox ones....oh dear.
@NF6429 I don't think we're allowed to add links to comments on here but just google 'Nintendo Switch' and it should come up, they usually have the console on its own or bundled up so just pick whichever one you like best, they're really quick at dispatching items too, you just need to be approved for an account and then you can place an order
Software sales on old, established platform exceeding software sales on a brand new platform isn't exactly new. In fact, it's very common.
GB software sales were greater than GBA software sales in 2001.
GBA software sales were greater than DS software sales in 2004/2005.
DS software sales were greater than 3DS software sales in 2011.
The momentum is certainly shifting toward the Switch though, with 8+ million Switch games sold last quarter vs 5+ million 3DS games sold last quarter. DQXI will certainly help the 3DS this quarter.
Some people are willing it to become Wii U 2.0.
Thankfully there's no sign of that (thankfully on a personal level as another Wii U standard console would have seen me done with Nintendo, at least for this gen). Sales are strong, the software library is constantly increasing and it seems like new games are getting announced every day. The only worry is the stock situation. Having got so much right in terms of hardware deism, marketing and software, it'd be a shame to blow it due to lack of supply to sell.
I think Nintendo is maybe doing this "shortages" on purpose just to see their products on high demand or something. And I don't like this attitude AT. ALL.
"Can you please stop? PS4 and The Switch can exist together. They're both good consoles".
Well said
@Drommajin It's definitely not on purpose mate. High demand doesn't make money. High sales do!
@GrailUK Too bad you edited/deleted your 'silly words' reply. I LOLd, dude.
Back into 'seriousness', I thought about it because of the NES Mini/Classic and SNES Mini/Classic shortages also.
I get why producing Switches are complicated (Apple) but what about those other 2? What's the excuse? I don't know, really.
@Drommajin Oh phew. I hoped you might laugh, but then I thought it might offend you. (My light hearted sentiment sometimes gets lost in text) Well, multiple preorders and scalpers using bots seems to be a problem. Nintendo have said they are producing more so I hope I can snaffle one at a store.
@GrailUK Don't worry, I hardly get offended! But thanks for being so thoughtful.
Anyways, scalpers are a problem too. I have managed to pre-order my SNES Mini this time from El Corte Inglés in Spain but now they are all sold out. I hope they deliver it to me!
@Drommajin Ye, fingers crossed for every one who pre ordered!
So Nintendo was able to push 100k consoles one week, but left with only 20k for the next one? Or demand was low?
I don't think its only matter of supply.
Nintendo pushed between 60,000 to 100,000 Switches per week for 4 consecutive weeks, long after Splatoon 2's launch, only for sales to fall down to 22,000 this week.
Sounds like a stock issue to me.
@Mahe You realize that the 2DS isn't a "new" system, right? It's a variant of an old system. It's literally just a budget version of the 3DS minus its biggest feature. Whoop-de-doo! This is just the weirdest argument I've ever seen on this site. This is a site about Nintendo, and right now the biggest Nintendo-related topic BY FAR is Switch. Not 3DS. Certainly not 2DS (lol). How this is even debatable in your mind is beyond me. I mean it's truly baffling. Switch is major news for Nintendo. It's their premiere hardware, and 99% of Nintendo's focus and energy are currently being put into it. A new Metroid game on 3DS doesn't change that fact.
Look at the main page of this site. Game announcements, news about ports for Switch, news about Nintendo's big first-party titles, news about big third-party games and indie games. They're virtually all Switch-related. But it's not just this site. Go to literally any gaming site and skim through their Nintendo content. It's all about Switch. The reason for that is simple. It's not that those sites are biased against 3DS, it's that Switch is getting an abundance of games, while little-to-nothing is coming to 3DS. It's that Switch is a brand new system that's selling out at a constant rate, while 3DS is a six year-old system that has been slowly winding down for at least a year or two.
Seriously, going on a Nintendo site and complaining about Switch stories is like going on a Lamborghini news site and complaining because there's too much coverage about the Aventador. That's how ridiculous your argument is. Sorry you feel left out because you don't have a Switch, but if that's how you feel about it then you'd probably be better off not coming here, because they're clearly not going to stop talking about Switch. Nor should they.
Oh, and for the record- I say all of this as someone who owns both a Wii U and a 3DS and still plays them regularly. I love both of those systems, and I've only had a Switch for about a month, but you didn't see me on here throwing a fit about Switch coverage for the first five months of its life just because I personally didn't own one.
Seriously, why can't Nintendo Life research articles before publishing? The expected sales dip and the reason were known way before that week:
Excuse me ?!
I think PS4 is the worst of the bunch.
@FX102A I like your logic. First must have game on the Switch since its release, you wanna make sure you have enough units to meet demand.
I hear the MHXX Switch bundle (and the game itself) is selling better than expected. It won't be a multi-million seller like a brand new Monster Hunter game, but it should provide a nice sales boost.
I have a funny story about xbox1 in my country Indonesia.
The reason why some Indonesian people looking for xbox1 because..... they used to play illegal modded xbox360 + pirated copies of xbox360 games both in disc and External Hard Disk. And when xbox1 released, they thought they can get pirated copies of xbox1 games, but they were Wrong. Xbox1 is not same with xbox360, even stricter. And the biggest mistake for Indonesian people that also make me laugh is.... they called xbox360 & xbox1 just XBOX ! Not XBOX Three Sixty nor XBOX One. Ironically, they can differ PS2, PS3, PS4 names but Can't mention xbox names correctly. What an ironic situation...
@Anti-Matter How you perceive or view the consoles, isn't relevant. Sony targeting adult audiences is not an excuse to "Kick Sony's butt" both have respectively great libraries and deserve praise/criticism in their own rights.
Love the nutters thinking Nintendo is holding back stock or some other wacky reason. The Switch dropped in sales, get over it!
Excuse me ?!
"I think PS4 is the worst of the bunch. "
And that's your opinion.
And that's why it's selling good.
@westman98 @ThatNyteDaez This is obviously a supply issue. There is a reason it is selling for 47000 on amazon despite the suggested price being 30000.Nintendo more than likely limited stock distribution for Monster Hunter's release.
Monster Hunte xx today, Dragon Quest X in september and Mario Odissey in ocotober.
Worried ? Nope.
@Equinox damn I'd love to have the salary to just impulsively buy a Console, like candy at a checkout!
@Ralizah There is a kid over there that will make you one out of cardboard for like 300USD. Not sure if it will play Mario
Xbox One is picking up steam in Japan
@Ichiban so wait you work for Nintendo did they tell you this info personally?
"not only that but super Mario Odessy has some of the most boring flat environments"
I totally agree! Take the forest, for example. It looks soooo ugly! Mario surrounded by realistic graphics...its just a very bad idea!
@NF6429 I got an email from Nintendo UK yesterday saying it was back in stock. Amazon put dates up when they're going to have it back in. Don't give up! 😊
@Aaron09 Yet with all the perceived Sony deals flying about, one can hardly be surprised if people are extra annoyed at them right now.
PS4 itself may be a good machine, but the way Sony is acting right now with refusing cross-play and all that, less than admirable.
Glad to hear more Switch stock during next week.
Switch will sold crazily with MH XX.
The party most annoyed by Switch supply issues must be Sony. How are they supposed to collate data to see if it is worth copying? Poor Sony.
With the Monster Hunter XX special edition Switch coming out, coupled with the Switch lotteries, I'm not surprised there was a dip.
Amazing, the Xbox has all the things that the Switch supposedly needs based on what I read in here, yet look at how well it sells. Curious to know how well it does in other non-English speaking regions. They definitely need to pull the plug in Japan though.
Good. I knew it was just a thing on beginning. It will fade away soon though unless more 3rd party A++ games will see the light, but limitation of that 4gb ram... we will keep see indie games. Sorry bout it
@UmniKnight True enough. But that wasn't @Anti-Matter argument. I can understand people being upset with Sony if they are behind these exclusive deals, but not liking them because it's a "adult console" is ridiculous.
I have my rights to give a judgement.
Because I have ever saw with my own eyes when I borrow ps4 from my game shop owner, I saw some contents even from Ps4 menu, psn pages are inappropriate contents. That makes me very cautious when someday I own my ps4 just because I have no choice but play my selected games on ps4.
When I see my Nintendo machines, I found Nothing really inappropriate.
Technically, it's only "ridiculous" from your viewpoint. Some people are very firm in their personal tastes and really have no desire to view or take part in adult-themed media. Totally their right and not something to be ridiculed.
@Aaron09 Course, the adult argument is to each their own, I'll give you that.
@Anti-Matter Fair enough
@UmniKnight Yes indeed, however, if Sony id paying off these companies, I could understand why someone would want them to fail.
@Aaron09 Well, at the end of the day it's business, but I'd rather that, if they actually did, they didn't hide it. It just makes people suspicious.
@UmniKnight I thought of it being business as well. But it's still dirty business. I wonder how much money Sony has given SE and Capcom. DG11 and MHW could easily sell 5million each in Japan alone on the Switch, meaning if all of this is true, Sony must've given out A LOT of cash to them.
@Aaron09 Possibly aye. And yes, it is business, but consumers don't just buy that way, they also buy with their emotion/heart, otherwise boycotts would never exist, and people would never get annoyed over exclusives, timed or otherwise.
Let's take Capcom and MH, I've been playing MH since I picked it up on my Wii, and part of me is happy Capcom wants to advance the franchise, but part of me is also dismayed that the Western Nintendo owners will not be getting any game (so far known). So the people that have seen a clear line, see a sudden cut that one couldn't have predicted. There are people out there that have bought a Switch for MH, relishing the opportunity to play home-console again, while Japan keeps their all important handheld, or heck, just play handheld on a far better screen/controls.
The whole ordeal has made me far more hesitant towards Capcom has a whole.
Switch doesn't need Western AAA games to do well. Why would it need games that most people can already play? It needs to offer something different to the other three machines that already offer those games i.e. all Nintendo games on one machine.
It is just business though. Same as it was when Nintendo were literally forcing developers to only make games on their machine in the 80s.
@electrolite77 The Switch is different in itself. Many people want to play games on it even if they are also available on other platforms.
Could it be because of the shortage? I mean nintendo blew most of their stock for the splat 2 release? Or is there stock available in japan?
Yes it's different but when it comes to Western AAA games that means underpowered. If RDR2 came out on Switch it wouldn't look as good as on the other systems and the vast majority of people would play it on them. Publishers know this. They also know many of those who would buy it on the Switch would buy it instead of another version, meaning no gain for them. While the odd one may turn up, publishers and indeed the industry as a whole have no interest in a fourth machine playing the same games and cannibalising existing sales.
However Switch doesn't need them. It's going after 3DS owners, Wii U owners, Vita owners, existing console/PC owners looking for a complimentary machine. None of these need Western AAA games they can play elsewhere if they really want. If it gets them it should be a good thing (depending how badly they run) but the likes of the guy above who thinks Switch will 'fade away' without them are deluding themselves.
@FX102A That or just about everyone there already owns a Switch. lol
@ThatNyteDaez Whatever happened seems to have hit all consoles. I think the lack of parts could be an issue though; perhaps the screens. There will probably be another spike with Mario+Rabbids and then a huge one with Mario Oddysey. Every month there is another game that makes the Switch a must.
@westman98 you misunderstood what I was saying. These were two separate statements, not related to each other.
It certainly sounded like you were suggesting that first party software sales on Switch are high because of the lack of AAA 3rd party support at this moment, but if that's not what you meant, then my bad.
@Spoony_Tech I hope they have some physical releases up their sleeves. This digital only stuff so far is making me nervous.
I was in Tokyo in early August and there were still long lines for a lottery to try and get a system. I had thought that all switch sales numbers were just production numbers as they sell out...
They did. They abused their position of power. Sega launched the SG-1000 in 1983 and the Master System in 1986, NEC the PC Engine in 1987. However they couldn't get software because anybody who developed for Nintendo was tied to an exclusivity deal.
(As an aside they also restricted how many games publishers could put out, strictly controlled the manufacturing of cartridges, have the industry its first region lock and got fined for price fixing)
It's all well-documented online though David Sheff's 'Game Over' remains the seminal text.
@BAN Are you kidding me? These are only some of the games coming to 2DS and 3DS:
Monster Hunter Stories - autumn
Metroid: Samus Returns - autumn
Fire Emblem Warriors - autumn
River City: Rival Showdown - autumn
Yo-kai Watch 2: Psychic Specters - autumn
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser’s Minions - autumn
Pokemon Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon - autumn
Layton's Mystery Journey - autumn
Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth - Q4 2017
Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology - Q1 2018
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux - Q1 2018
Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido - 2018
And the bit about 2DS and 3DS games selling more this fiscal year than Switch games? That's Nintendo's official estimate. Even Nintendo doesn't think that Switch games will do overall very well this and next year.
With the exception of Metroid, virtually no one, anywhere, is writing about those games, or about the 3DS because of those games. And gee, a system with 65-million units sold is moving more software than one with like 5-million in sales? What a shocker! The fact that it's even close should tell you something.
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