Yesterday, we saw the first gameplay footage for Shinobi Refle: Senran Kagura, the first entry in the long-running series for the Nintendo Switch. However, it wasn't the only Senran Kagura title to be revealed; the lid was also lifted on Peach Ball, a pinball game for Nintendo's console.
While fans of the franchise will be disappointed to learn that despite getting two new Senran Kagura titles, neither of them is a fighting game, according to series producer Kenichiro Takaki, Peach Ball is a title he's been wanting to do for a while:
This is something I’ve always wanted to do. I wanted to play something that will let me feel when the ball touches breasts. I want to play pinball on a woman’s body. Since there’s a lot to learn for pinball, I want to make it something easy to play. The pinball stage will come in a light and shadow, as we’ve been working on the concept that will be something along the lines of a “bright attraction park” on one end and a “slightly suspicious attraction park at night” on the other.
Takaki also confirmed that more characters are expected to be added to Shinobi Refle:
At first it’ll be Asuka only, but I’d like to add several more characters next.
Are you looking forward to these games, or were you holding out for a fighter? Let us know with a comment.
Comments 58
This guy might have some issues that need to be adressed by a doctor. Hopefully not a naughty nurse though.
As kinks go? Could be worse.
What happened to the action games, does Switch not deserve an action based Senran Kagura game? Instead we get pinball and some touching mini-game?
At this point I start to think that this serie producer started up with fighting/action games only for reach the sales and popularity needed for gain the freedom to produce all the weirdness he always wanted to make XD
"I wanted to play something that will let me feel when the ball touches breasts."
Get a girlfriend mate...
I'm havin this
He likes women? Surely that's sexist?
I can see there being a snow storm from SJW's surrounding that pinball idea. Tbh though, nothing suprises me when it comes to Japanese game development.
Somebody help these people!
At least he's earnest and honest.
This game may end up being quite fun although you'd have trouble explaining that to someone cos they'll just see large quantities of BOING!!!
@JohnBlackstar BOOM! Straight in there with the casual sexism.
@AcridSkull sorry what sexism?
Damn, thought this was a Princess Peach pinball game on first glance
Of all the uses for HD Rumble...
Bit hard to objectify photons
If this doesn't come to the West along with that previous one...
This guy's brazen honesty is fantastic! I'm sure the game will be a laugh.
This is a major breakthrough in the pinball scene, we should all be grateful the Switch is blessed with this unprecedented madness.
I do love me some video pinball and if things continue like they are this might be the only game of it's kind on the Switch, so... time will tell.
Right. Okay... nope, nope, nope. Help.
I like Senran Kagura, I like Life too, this pinball game sounds fun.
Wonder what fun Takaki will make next
Does anyone remember when Peach became a ball in Mario Pinball?
Hopefully they don't balls it up.
He's my type of guy! I need stuff like this coz I'm always single lol
This guy just doesn't care, he's doing what he likes and make money on it. I'm jealous.
If the pinball mechanics are great, then I might be up for this.
Sure, but it's still hard to objectify patterns of photons, even in your mind.
@Shane76 I'm with you on that one
Two Senran Kagura games on the Switch and neither one of them has any shinobi fighting. SMDH.
Sounds interesting.
No thanks.
So we arent getting the fighting game? Why? Oh well not in a rush to get into the series.
More like "Sinball" than "Pinball".
Tecmo began their career with Ninja Gaiden then progressed to making Beach Volleyball game. Senran Kagura devs are following similar career path.
Will there be any foot worship?
I don't see a woman in the above links picture.....
Haha, this guy is such a perv. This whole presentation had to be super awkward for that lady co-host.
If this guy ever gets a girlfriend, I'm afraid for her safety...
@Fandabidozi Naaa, I think japanese society gives a crap about western feminism. They have their own conceptions about gender, sex, erotism, etc.
@invictus4000 I think he is married and has a daughter?
Found atleast statement that he recently had a daughter and hope to in the future make games children also can enjoy.
I fail to see how he is more of a danger than whoever plots out violent games. Just because he like breasts does not mean he goes out and grab strangers. Or however you think he would hurt others.
Just stating that just because he makes that kinda games does not mean he is dangerous
So this is Peach Ball? Nice.
Now how about some Boob Splatoon, I mean, Peach Beach Splash for Switch? I want my Super Sonico!
I still don't see Hibari. >:c
Also, I expected gameplay, ugh...
Sigh, that quote is so groady. Whatever, such is the world we live in.
@JasmineDragon I know right? Can we get a real SK game please?
@Joeynator3000 FYI: This article is not helping the case you were making for this game yesterday
Another Senran Kagura, another day one purchase for me. Still hoping for Shinovi vs and Estival vs to get ported to Switch in some type of collection though. Maybe we could even get Peach Beach Splash on Switch.
@NEStalgia ...What do you mean? I still stand by with what I said about these being more tame compared to the ones on other systems.
He's so weird, holy crap.
I like pinball. 😃
@Joeynator3000 Wow. that says a lot about the ones on other systems because the ones on Nintendo just get odder all the time
@NEStalgia ....I don't think you get what I'm saying, lol
"I want to play pinball on a woman's body."
That's an interesting kink there buddy. You got several options,
1-Track down an actual Elvira Mistress of the Night pinball machine.
2-See if Konami has any.
3-See if you can find a chick who is uh, very open minded and into hard play.
4 Or I guess you can make it yourself.
@Joeynator3000 I'm not sure I want to
@NEStalgia was talking about the fanservice portion (the part 99% of everyone only looks at when seeing these games, lol) of the games, not the games themselves. lol
@Tempestryke I haven't heard of Elvira in AGES. There is a truly retro blast from the past
@Joeynator3000 Well, the fanservice is the stated design goal...
@acridskull Not sure if you are claiming I am sexist because I wrote "naughty nurse". In all actuality I could have meant a male or female nurse. I have a few friends that are nurses (males and females) so I generally think of nurses as either gender although I still prefer to be helped by a female nurse myself. If it is a naughty nurse then even better.
Would be better if they made a male version of SK and you get to erm, play with the balls.
Alright, this is starting to sound creepy...
One of the pizza places, I think Roundtable? Had an Elvira pinball machine.
This might end up being fun if only to see how he experiments with the HD rumble effect. Plus, if it turns out to be an actually decent pinball game, I think that might make for a good addition to the Switch's library.
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