Ask An Enemy Studios has revealed that its unique split-screen, single-player shooter A Duel Hand Disaster: Trackher is coming to the Nintendo Switch.
Described as "A Split-Screen Single Player Twin Stick Risk Em' Up in which your score is meaningless unless you exist", A Duel Hand Disaster sees you controlling two ships simultaneously. Your main goal is to rack up the highest score possible, but the only way to make it stick is to "decide when to leave with it". Dying wipes out your score completely.

Here's a bit more detail, direct from the developer:
Kill enemies to earn points on the left, recover resources to multiply those points on the right, but most importantly you must decide when to keep your score. Playing till death is not an option.
The HR-D does not take damage. It kills enemies to earn points and keeps the Trackers out of the Zastrus Core. Your primary concern is the LINK to the DF-R. Anytime you shoot and move on the left the link drops. To keep it active you must sacrifice the Material the DF-R has been recovering. Material also multiplies your final score so use it wisely. Black out entirely and you will pay dearly.Killing enemies while recovering a resource with the DF-R will multiply your points. ProTip: Locate a resource, kill enemies while recovering a resource, rinse and repeat.
Recovering Parts enable the DF-R's defenses but most importantly they repair the Extraction engine. When you reach full capacity you can leave with your score, but if you are willing to stay in longer and push yourself harder you will be handsomely rewarded.
The game is currently on Kickstarter, with the aim being to raise funds to speed up development - the studio has already stated that A Duel Hand Disaster will launch regardless of the success of the crowdfunding campaign. Which is perhaps wise, as the current campaign has only raised $3,810 of its $45,000 goal, and has 8 days remaining.
This certainly looks like an interesting concept; would you invest in this on your Switch?
Comments 43
Look alright. It may just be that it's late and I'm tired but I'm having a hard time following what you're supposed to do.
Switch must have more shoot'en up games. It'll be a time killer.
Looks awesome , would definitely buy
… Couldn't you play it in table top mode and just hand one controller to a friend?
"sees you controlling two ships simultaneously"
AGH! Why do so many games want to do this now? It's annoying! It just splits my attention to the point where I can't enjoy the game. This gimmick ruined the last part of Velocity 2X (seriously, I'll probably never get the platinum trophy for it, because those levels where you control two ships at once are miserable to play through), and I know for a fact it's going to be in at least one other upcoming Nintendo Switch shmup.
Sounds interesting but not my type of thing at all.
What the hell??? Sounds annoying at best. If anything, it sounds like this would be best played 2-player tabletop mode. Anything else sounds like a chore.
The dev is struggling to get its Kickstarter funded and now announces that it's coming to the Switch. Who knows if this game will ever get released ...
I like controlling two characters simultaneously, but...not really sold on this one.
@Kalmaro haha you aren't the only one. Plenty of people are intimidated with it at first glance, but when they get their hands on it, the competition get's fierce I had a guy walk up at PAX South 2016 and picked up the controller upon telling him "you are going to be controlling two ships at once" he put the controller down said "forget this" and walked away. Haha respect tho. There were many others who didn't and made me proud.
@MJ1200 I wouldn't use the word struggling. I've been working on the game for over 2 years now. That's a struggle. It may be new to you but it's definitely not new to me or the thousands that have already played it at events and floored me with their skills.
@SteamedSquid Give it a shot if you make it to any events I'm at. You can check out for any updates on that. I'd be happy to run you through it. You may just surprise yourself
@ChessboardMan You sure could, but not only does that NOT make the game easier you are only cheating yourself. Plenty of folks have learned the hard way that it doesn't get easier. As a matter of fact you have to remember you also wipe your leaderboard position if you die ;D
@ThatNyteDaez Step yo game up
@Ralizah One thing that you need to know when playing Trackher is that you do not take damage on the left. That has helped a ton of people be more aggressive. If you let the enemies pass you they will come after you on the right. Doing something on the left affects the right and vice versa.
One thing I've found frustrating in games where you control two ships/characters at once (Brothers, Ibb and Obb) is that being on the same screen if characters cross paths you lose focus on who you're controlling and that is definitely frustrating. I'm hoping I've "solved" that problem
@mattmayatt That's what I'm talking about
@icerzerocool I agree whole-heartedly Graceful Explosion Machine is great. Give it a shot!
@AskAnEnemy All I meant is I'm not a high score chaser. The concept seems cool though.
I'm at an airport right now on my way to SAAM Arcade in Washington DC. If you are in the area I encourage you to come out and give it a shot. Hell if you want to challenge me with your score I'll give you a free copy on release. I've done it before. If you guys have any questions do not hesitate to ask. I dropped out of game design school to make this with no prior programming or game design experience. You better believe I've got some things to say <3 Jaycee
@Jack_Goetz No problem with that at all man. It doesn't have to be there are PLENTY more things out there to play fo sho!
@AskAnEnemy Haha, fair enough. I wish you the best of luck with this game!
@Kalmaro It's all I can ask for If you ever see the game at an event say hello. I'd be glad to show you the ropes, it's intense no doubt but it can also be hella rewarding
@AskAnEnemy Haha, if only I could get to an event. Next year I am going to something though, maybe pax or something. Those tickets sell out so fast, hope I'm quick enough!
This could be pretty neat, depending how involved the control scheme is. My right hand is pretty dumb, but it could still work, and the concept is intriguing. Nice to see people exploring the possibilities of the Switch technology.
@AskAnEnemy Yeah, I've had that problem as well. So you're actually taking steps to address the problems caused by this sort of control scheme.
Thanks for the reply! I'll keep an eye on this.
Anyway, good luck with the kickstarter.
What a nice change I have a developer commenting and answering critics.
Good luck with the game. I'm not sure if it's my bag but I'll give it a try.
Definitely has my interest! I'll most likely buy it day one. The World Ends With You's dual-character controls were both very frustrating and rewarding, with my biggest issue being my peripheral vision had a hell of a time watching the top screen, but since this is side by side, it should be significantly easier.
@AskAnEnemy Thank you for taking the time to reply to everyone! Helps you to earn to cred.
@AskAnEnemy I played this at Evo if I recall correctly. I remember figuring out from your hints (or the person running it if it wasn't you) that the center of the right stage is a safe haven because you mentioned that staying in them too long will cause it to collapse in on you.
I was wondering if you made the collapsing signal yet because you mentioned it kinda just does so with no warning in that build.
Looks frustrating.
if i hear anyone refer to a game genre as a "risk em up"
i will drop kick you in the taint
@ogo79 Drop kick me then becuase this ain't no shoot em up this here's a mo nibelsnarfing RISK EM UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Henmii Plays great
@crystalorbie sorry for the delayed response since I'm currently at SAAM Arcade. First off AWESOME (EVO) seconds yes. The warning indicator is definitely there now
@Kilroy Are you kidding me absolutely!!
@AskAnEnemy Welp, guess I won't be seeing this at any events then. ...any chance it could be demo'd via the eShop? After rereading the game description, I'm wanting to try it more.
@AskAnEnemy No profanity please. >.<
@Joeynator3000 oh for flips sake :/
@SteamedSquid I wouldn't count on it, but don't it won't be an expensive game in the least. It's a score based arcadey risk 'em up. I'm one dude. I'm not making the next Witcher, I'm making the type of game one dude would make. It's challenging. It doesn't beat you over the head with a tutorial. There are no cut scenes. You just jump in, push your luck and hopefully you get to keep your score. Training people to remember they have to extract is really hard since all shooters have trained us to become braindead and agressive in the sense of playing till death and keeping the score. It's hella rad!!
Lucky for you! I guess its the kind of game I can't get my head around. Or at least it looks that way.
Believe me every single person that's played the game at PAX or any other event always has that same initial reaction. Once they try it, they understand it. Sure they may die immediately, they may not and die later, but once they understand they need to leave to keep their score that's what not only brings out competition in everyone, but also where the true gameplay loop is. When you realize there's more on the line towards your leaderboard position, that feeling is exhilarating This game is absolutely not for everybody and I in no way claim to be. All I ask of people is to give it a shot before doubting what they are capable of
@Henmii @SteamedSquid @Kilroy @crystalorbie @KIRO I'll be doing a live demo of ADHD now that I'm back from SAAM Arcade on the Kickstarter page at 7PM MST if any of you peeps are interested in checking it out. Come ask whatever questions you might have.
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