SEGA continues to amp up the anticipation for Sonic Forces, introducing new stages, characters and music tracks on a weekly basis. This time around the focus is on Infinite, a new deadly foe for Sonic to face.
He has a suitable 'bad-guy' voice, with the cutscene below showing an early encounter in the game.
SEGA has also released a video of Infinite's anthem, in the game.

Do you like the design of this new foe?
Comments 61
Man, this game has some really bad songs sofar. Usually Sonic games have some really dope soundtracks, but not feeling this one at all >.<
I'd rather not be spoiled on this stuff.
I now feel infinitely edgier
How long until Alex makes a video explaining why this is awful?
I'll post what I said in the Sonic Forces thread
"Better than another game solely revolved around Eggman, although hes probably the one who brought Infinite to them. Judging by the first scene and the technological vibe I'm getting from him I have a good feeling he's from the future and following Generations Eggman, either in the void or after escaping, encountered him. Just a guess though."
That's Jun Senoue on guitar for Infinite's theme BTW, according to his Twitter.
Great to have him back in the Sonic series again.
Seems kind of boring to me. At least so far.
That definitely made me cringe. I don't see why they think a video game about a cartoon hedgehog needs to have such convoluted plots about the apocalypse and "edgey" villains.... but they just keep doing it. Just..... make the game fun. And make the plot serviceable for the gameplay.
I haven't played Forces, obviously, so I can't say anything with any certainty, but I keep getting worse and worse feelings about this one.....
The music so far is really aiming for those people who grew up in the early 00s.
With his name being Infinite, they missed a potential trick with his mask.
Edit: I see they've used it at the end, well sort of.
Oh, boy. The chances of me getting this game keep getting lower and lower.
I reallh wish Sega would go for understated silliness when it comes to the story in Sonic games, just like Nintendo does in Mario or Donkey Kong Country. This is the kind of game that absolutely should get as few cutscenes as possible, and focus on what actually matters.
That theme song tho.
Finally Sega is trying to cater to what brought me into Sonic. A number of the old school fans may lament that they're not gunning for the 90s crowd with this one (although with Mania coming out, I can't imagine why they should get a double helping...)
This is shaping up to be one of the best platformers of the year, can't wait to get my hands on it.
At least Sonic games have plot in them.
@RainbowGazelle Are they good stories? I've never played a Sonic game.
This song sounds so cool and really fits Infinite. I'm way too excited about this game, and I can't wait to see what else Sonic Forces has in store!
At least there's Sonic Mania. That game is Sonic's best hope, seriously, he'd have almost no foundation otherwise
My ears are bleeding, help! Sonic Games always had such good soundtracks. What's up with this one!? Infinite sure looks cool, though.
The more I see about this game, the less I have any interest in it. Sonic Mania however... give it to me now!!!
@-Green- Depends on the game, also depends on how much you like Sonic characters.
Personally I like all of them except Colors and anything after Colors. For some reason things just got dull and uninteresting.
Sick song!!!
Also Flash vs Savitar?!! I'm in.
I don't why I would buy this when Sonic Mania is coming out so soon...
@-Green- Sometimes. Colours and Heroes had decent stories.
Is that you, Conker?
A new enemy teleports behind Sonic and somebody comments that he's faster than him...where have I seen this before?
To my ear sounds like Liam O' Brien is voicing Infinite, which is great cos he rarely does a poor performance despite sounding basically the same in everything. Past roles include Gaara from Naruto, Caius Ballad from FFXIII, War from Darksiders and Grimoire Weiss from Nier.
Sonic Forces isn't looking especially appealing yet, but I'm more interested in this than Sonic Mania. There's some intrigue here about whether there will be a twist with Infinite or if he's really just a new character. I also want to see what Chaos is doing here. Sonic Mania just looks bland and narrative-free: I saw what New Super Mario Bros. did to Mario and I won't support it with Sonic.
Looks like they stole the idea for this villain from the Archie run (which is ending after 20+ years and I'm not happy about that seeing it's been keeping the characters alive) named Phage!
I don't even
Is Sega just getting their ideas from fan fiction now, if so, thank goodness the game's PG
Edit: Nah, that feels too mean, I just hope the fans enjoy it, in their strange, strange STRANGE way.
Gotta say, I'm loving the edginess of this guy. I don't care if they're cartoon animals, Sonic hasn't taken itself seriously in years and I'm just happy to see them taking it all the way, rather than constantly mocking their own game.
Looks like the cutscene animations haven't improved since the Sonic Adventure games, which weren't good even back then. Then again, with the edginess and cheesy music, and multiple playable characters, this is looking a lot like the Sonic Adventure games, which in spite of everything, were still fun to play. Maybe this is a sign that forces will follow suit? That's probably the best anyone can reasonably hope for.
Cool villain. The new baddie being "faster than Sonic" feels pretty overdone by now though. Is the only way to make a bad guy actually feel like a threat to Sonic just to make them faster? Like... I'm sure there was something else they could have gone for.
Looks good so far.
@Randomname19 Please stop...
Infinite looks like an awesome villain! Song sounds great, too. I'm so excited to find out more about this game!!
No prizes for guessing which character will betray Robotnik.
The villain fits. Sonic has always had more serious villains even during the 16 bit era. For example, Eggman wants to industrialize the world and enslave creatures in robotic machines. Bowser wants to get married. Eggman is willing to unleash deadly ancient creatures. Bowser had his son dress up as Mario and paint the town. Sonic just succeeds more with serious tones as seen in the SatAm cartoon and Adventure series.
@Dr_Lugae The villain also looks like a mixture of all the characters in Sonic. I can see a little bit of Knuckles, Tails , Rouge, and Silver. I hope the fight sequences are more than just jumping into the bosses.
the edgehog cometh
@AlienX Sonic Colors was when they decided to stop having a cast, for one.
@LArachelDisciple On Wii anyway. The DS version was an excuse to have em all there to test out all their new VAs (As Colours was when they stopped using the 4Kids/Sonic X VAs.)
Something I always hate is when Eggman isnt the final FINAL boss. He's the main villain of the series, I don't care how goofy they make him at times, he should be the final boss. For awhile, SEGA always felt they had to do the "SURPRISE, HERE'S THE TRUE FINAL BOSS!" and its always something or someone I don't care for.
They at least understood this in Colours with not only having Eggman as the final boss but a fun final boss at that. I just hope this new guy isnt the final boss and I can look forward to whatever new mecha the Eggman has created instead. Just tired of these "I'm gonna destroy the world!" characters that show up at the end....
@MarioPhD Why does a Cartoon plumber need villains That try causing the end of existence thanks to a book of prophecy, a giant turtle that causes a black hole that could destroy the universe, An evil cult trying to summon a demon upon the world, An alien race trying to take over the world thanks to the power of time travel, and the list goes on.
@Angelic_Lapras_King Eggman isn't the final final boss in colors. The Wisp Mother is.
FINALLY, I've been waiting for the Edge we lost in the adventure series and Shadow the Hedgehog to come back. My chances of buying this game just went from 10% to 34%. I'm not even joking this villian looks stupid, but I feel like I'm going to love him and this game's plot.
@patbacknitro He is in the Wii version, so I can ignore the DS's ending. ;P
...this is painful. I have a feeling this is going to be the replacement cartoon for "Sonic Boom", featuring a chance to get a fan O.C. voiced by Billy West or Michele Knotz.
I also have a suspicion Crush 40 just lost a lot of work.
Sorry, not sorry, I like it a lot. Both Infinite and the song. Very overdone, but that's not always bad. The main thing, though: how does it play? Nobody plays Sonic for the story!
The music sounds like something you would hear watching a really sh***y AMV or something.
@greengecko007 Please tell me you're kidding. Granted they great, but if you're seriously comparing these cutscenes to those seen in Sonic Adventure, then I think you need to take a look back at them. Cause these are still better than them.
Eh, I am not really a fan of Infinite at the moment; but I am getting some serious Mephiles vibes from his behaviour and character design. I will be keeping an eye out for Sonic Forces but not really expecting too much.
I have to say, last half of Infinite's theme actually sounds pretty cool. Too bad the first half sounds like edgy rapping to me.
I like this new villain, I hope he remains a villain in future games though and not just someone Dr. Robotnik trick to become evil like the many that Sonic had met before this.
@NinChocolate @KillerTan98 @MarioPhD @-Green- I can never get used to those voices and going by Nintendolife's preview of the gameplay, I don't think I want to spend my money.
What I just never understand, is that reputable game reviewers say things that are being done badly in certain game lines (cough 'Sonic' cough) and yet the devs continue to pump out the same junk. I'm not saying they aren't trying at all - but I am saying that it doesn't take much searching to find the reasons why many previous Sonic games have been sub-par, and it doesn't look likely to change. The PS4 has a huge user base and if only 2 percent buy this game they will think it's a success based purely on numbers, and make even more of them, but seriously, I wish Sonic devs would open their eyes. Look at Rayman/DK/Mario/any other good platformer for help.
..and to be clear.. because I would like to see a franchise I used to love at one point, be great again.
Infinite seems really edgy. Though, I guess that's what some Modern Sonic games are (Shadow The (H)Edgehog).
Shouldn't that be Infinite the... Infinite?
Hyped to hear/see more about this villain,dude just kicked Sonic's ass...
But did we really need that cringy black and white opening?😂
Meh, cheesy rock-songs. And the first video was very weird.
Ow the edge
Infinite seems pretty uninspired to me, and that song is not good. Hopefully the actual gameplay is good, but I am a little nervous for the quality of the soundtrack, which is unusual for a Sonic game. Not nervous for Sonic Mania, though! So excited!
Didn't like the song at first at all, but more i listen to it i actually like it now, and it's not like cheesy rock isn't new to Sonic.
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