While it's a great bonus that the Nintendo Switch is a multi-region device, not everyone wants to import games. Sometimes having regional variations in your collection can trigger minor bouts of OCD.
The Euro release date for The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ has slipped a few times, but publisher Headup Games has been in touch today to confirm that the new shipping date is scheduled for 7th of September of 2017. This is 100% confirmed, nothing will change. They promise!
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In the European version we won't only get the game but also two wonderful Isaac sticker sheets as well as a retro-style manual - basically the same as the Launch Edition of the game in the US.
A European release of Cave Story+ is next on the agenda for Headup Games, so if you live in Europe you might want to hold fire on that US import.
Comments 26
I'm glad it finally got a date, but I caved an ordered from the USofA. Didn't get the launch edition, so now I feel like should have waited. Goes to check trade-in price
I really want this, just because it comes with the old fashioned games manual. Never even played the previous iterations
Strange, here in The Netherlands shops are saying it will arrive this friday.
What took them so long?
I'll pick it up, but we are still a ways off yet. Frustrating. I want this game big time. I want it downloaded because I know I'll never get bored of this and always want it on me (like with 3DS), so I'm tempted to pre-order for the box and just cave in and download the USA version. We've still got ages to wait... so I might as well... but I really can't be bothered with the hassle of buying USA eShop cards. Eugh...
Sorry to hear it took that long. I still haven't been able to beat this game once =(
When I preordered my copy, it was set for June, in June it was set back to July ... and then to August. And now this! Seriously, this better come out on this date! ):
Better late than never, eh. Intrigued by what the 'bonus trinkets' might be unless they just mean the stickers /manual. Will likely get this as even though I've got the game on a couple of platforms now there is new content and I don't own a physical copy. Ordered the US copy of Cave Story+ recently as I wasn't sure the European one would get the extras but may cancel that now.
Already bought Launch Editions of both from the US. ^^
Glad others who aren't keen on importing will get to enjoy these gems as well now!
It seems Head Up games are as bad at releasing Nicalis games in Europe as Nicalis are.
I don't like this cover : making Isaac look powerful is to me much less intense than making him look vulnerable like on the US cover.
Anyway I got it day one on the US eshop (but that's the game I initially got the Switch for, so I really couldn't wait).
Btw the game is really great and worth the 40 bucks. If you're hesitating then go for it !!
Yeah I don't know why but I figured we'd get in the euros not too far off from the US release. I'll get it when it comes here, any word on the file size?
I'm happy with my imported American version. Took a long time to get a physical copy here though.
Had mine pre-ordered from GAME for a couple of months now. Not in a hurry for it but looking forward to it.
On my "to buy list" physical. It was originally listed on Amazon UK as 16th July.
@Rontanamo_Bay That is very strange. I've put at least 150 hours into my switch copy (I mostly play in hand held mode) and haven't had this problem. Check and see if there is a software update you are missing. If not it may be a problem with the calibration of your joy con.
Bought it day 1 from Murica after buying $$$ from Play Asia, must've sunk over 120 hours into it easy. Love this game!
@faint same here.
Is it the same date for Ostrahlia??
I beat myself over the head every time I see an article about The Binding Of Isaac Afterbirth since I am trying to save money and not buy any more games for now. Had the game on Wii U and have been eager to play it again since I got my Nintendo Switch.
@Tibob this is the same cover as the 2nd printing in the US
@Rontanamo_Bay And the issue doesn't occur with other games?
You should probably try updating the controllers too.
I wouldnt buy that JUNK even if i went back to 1993 and it was published on SNES....
Glad i didnt bother getting the american version.
Too bad they didn't release it when I wanted to buy it.
I'll be busy with Mario Rabbits and hopefully Stardew Valley by then.
Hopefully HeadUp is also working on bringing Cave Story 3D to 3DS eShop since the lazy Europe hating Tyrone won't do it.
@Rontanamo_Bay Sorry for returning to you so late.
But updating the controllers should be as easy as going to System Settings > Controllers and Sensors > Update Controllers.
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