We already know that Mario Kart 8 Deluxe has smashed all kinds of sales records both in North America and Europe, so it should come as no massive surprise to learn that the game has sold over a million units worldwide in its first week on sale.
That's according to respected industry analyst Daniel Ahmad, at least. He now lists the racer - which is an update of the existing Wii U title - alongside The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild in 2017's exclusive million-sellers club.
The game is clearly off to a great start, and the fact that it's a double-dip doesn't seem to have harmed its commercial fortunes. In fact, it could well be that many people who picked up Deluxe haven't played the Wii U original due to that system's low sales - making this an even smarter move on Nintendo's part.
Do you think Mario Kart 8 Deluxe will have the legs of Mario Kart 7, which cropped up in the UK sales chart last week? Or do you think it will fade in the coming months? Share your thoughts with a comment.
[source gonintendo.com]
Comments 119
That's great! Do we know how the third party titles are doing? Puyo puyo tetris will be interesting as released same day.
@XenoShaun Puyo Puyo placed 18th in the all format chart and 26th in the single format chart.The PS4 version didn't enter the top 40.MK8D is 1st in both UK charts with Zelda 3rd and 5th in the single and all format chart.Really good week over all for Nintendo in the UK and Japan but Nintendolife haven't reported the charts this week for some reason?
That's nice I suppose. Please bring on the new games though Nintendo. I'm hoping for a good E3 Direct.
Puyo Puyo isn't bad. It just seems that people don't want to spend that high amount of money for a simple puzzle game.
Release the Neo-Geo Magical Drop and I will buy. It's incredible that top games don't find the way to the system.
I do like Magical Drop more than this Puyo Puyo even if it just support only two players.
Puzzle Bobble is good too. Also Puzzle De Pon.
Nice, but like normal i ordered it from official UK site on Tuesday, and still it is being processed. Got an email this morning at 3am saying it has not yet been sent, Well that's nice as if i didn't know, and they would keep me updated. If they don't have the stock, don't sell it.
I thought they might of learned from the fiasco with the Switch release, but obviously not.
@Boyoshi There are new games coming. We already know about Arms, Splatoon 2, Fire Emblem Warriors, Mario Odyssey and potentially Xenoblade Chronicles 2 this year alone.
I'm glad I decided to pick it up. Enjoying it so much more than the Wii U version. Online battling has been fantastic fun
@OorWullie They didn't because there was no media create chart this week (I think because it's Golden week in Japan), only Famitsu (MK8D 280k, Switch 74k). Meanwhile, at comgnet.com... Splatoon 2 - 297 pt, DQ XI 3DS 196 pt, DQ XI PS4 173 pt. Boy Splatoon 2 will be something there
@OorWullie The Media Create Japan sales right? I just checked the source and in last week's article, it was mentioned that the charts wouldn't be up until the 10th in Japan.
@FragRed I see your point, but there is an astonishing lack of F-Zero, Metroid, Punch Out, Earthbound/Mother, Warioware, Kid Icarus, Pikmin, Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Paper Mario, Donkey Kong, Starfox, Smash Bros and Kirby. I'm not saying I want all of these games or that the games coming out don't look good. but least one strong return be nice. Hence, I'm looking forward to E3.
But its just a lazy port... why would anyone buy this??
Its not fair.... I already bought this on Wii U with all the DLC I should be entitled to a discount
Nintendo is Doomed
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
The two best games ever made.
Yep. That's what I said.
@gcunit You know what? I think you're quite possibly right. You definitely are about Zelda: BOTW. Super Metroid wants a word about the 2nd position though. Both games are in the top 10 for sure.
Can Mario Kart 8: Deluxe surpass 8.31 million in sales?
That is great news and well deserved for the title.
I'm hoping this is a trend for Nintendo first party releases, let's hope the same happens for Arms, Splatoon 2 and Mario Odyssey this year.
Nintendo fans love Nintendo first parties. That's why we buy them.
I also hope we get some great third party AAA's that suit the Switch and appeal to the Nintendo fans.
We know Xenoblade 2 and Monster Hunter will sell great, but I also hope we get some games from Square Enix in their mainline series like Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. There are also tons of games that could be remastered from various publishers from the PS3 and ports from the PS4 that would suit Switch well and suit the Nintendo fan base.
I honestly think there is money to be made from us. But I'm not sure any publisher is willing to take that risk just yet.
At least there is hope that they will make new games in the next couple years that really do the Switch and the fanbase justice. But there is potential for a lot of things if publishers understand Nintendo fans.
I personally just don't want the latest FIFA or Call of Duty.
Glad to see Deluxe doing so well, despite all the comment-section nay-saying. If it ends up being bundled with the console it could even catch up to Mario Kart Wii, as long as they keep the momentum going for other Switch releases; Monster Hunter and Dragon Quest for Japan, CoD* and Madden for the West, Smash Bros. Animal Crossing, F-Zero and Metroid for the fans, Virtual Console of course, and any main series Pokemon will help enormously, but I think a Pokemon game that takes inspiration from Breath of the Wild could be HUUUUGE!
*I'd be happy if the only Call of Duty the Switch got was a version of the original Modern Warfare; it's old but gold.
@yokokazuo I'm not sure about that but the Japanese charts from the week ending April 30 were published a couple of days ago.MK8D sold 280,229 copies and the Switch 74,217.The week before Golden Week too so they should even higher next week.The UK charts were published a few days ago,Nntendo got their first UK number 1 in 6 years and first home console number 1 since MKWii.Good stuff
@SuperCharlie78 Ah OK,I just seen your reply after I wrote this reply.That explains it
@gcunit It's hard to disagree with that,Zelda at least.I think Mario Odyssey will be joining that list in a few months.
@OorWullie The UK charts were reported here:
@chardir I completely missed that,cheers.I'll stop making a fool of myself now
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I think it will in the long term, expecially if they bundle it with the Switch eventually, and they will
Can anybody tell me - at the end of 2017 when SWITCH has sold 12 million units world wide - how many copies of MK8DX will have been sold by then?
I'm guessing 6 million!
One thing that I've noticed is with best since at least OOT Zelda, best ever Mario Kart, the most relevant tetris/bomberman releases for years and a street fighter 2 port incoming, the first three months of switch are an absolute nostalgia juggernaut. We've seen the power of nostalgia in other media like the Star Wars franchise recently, and Nintendo is really surfing that wave. I've been surprised by how many nontendo friends and family have been curious about games beyond MK and Zelda - particularly tetris and bomberman.
And we haven't had VC news yet!
@Boyoshi Yeah I get what you are saying. F-Zero ain't coming back, Nintendo is going to focus on one franchise per genre I think and Mario Kart fills that racing genre. Just like Arms will replace Punch Out most likely and Splatoon is the shooter. That's my assumption anyway.
As for Metroid... that is a real difficult one. It's a game that excites the fans but doesn't shift units. So when does such a game get announced? Early on or late in the system's life?
Deserved,hardly been off it since release,online is great and brutal at the same time.
You know what you need to do Nintendo, announce DLC at E3!
@gcunit Ocarina is still the best. Mario 64 second. However, BOTW is easily the best game I've played since Majoras Mask. Easily.
I don't know if that would go over well. It's already a definitive version type of game, so to announce DLC for it would be kinda wrong. I think whatever they could put new in MK8D would probably just be saved for Mario Kart Switch. That's if we get a Switch original Mario Kart game.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe doing a great job keeping Switch momentum high in the UK.
@OuterTsuchinoko : I'm confident that there will be a Mario Kart 9 on Switch (though not until late 2018 or sometime in 2019), but it will need some new mechanics/novelties to justify its existence. Perhaps it's time for a spiritual successor to Double Dash?
@OuterTsuchinoko The only people that would be annoyed are Wii U owners who didn't want MK8 Deluxe to have any new content. I think Nintendo would be wise not to create MK9 and just keep expanding MK8 Deluxe with DLC meanwhile the rest of the team works on other franchises.
Looks like a big title landing every month will really fuel switches momentum!
I double dipped so I helped
I love Mario Kart , one thing you can say about Nintendo's games their just fun to play . Simple as that .
As good as MK8D is I'd still want to see a Switch Mario Kart. I played the heck out of MK8 on Wii U and even got close to a World Record so I don't mind seeing a more added to Deluxe, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't make a new game. I do see the plus side to what you're saying though. MK8D is huge and could stand up to the task of being the Switch's main Mario Kart if nurtured just a bit more. They could be planning on letting Mario Kart sleep this gen and give something like F-Zero and Metroid some time to shine. Which would be kind of cool to see happen for once and have them hold off on MK9 until the next system.
Double Dash is my favorite Mario Kart and would be perfect for the Switch in terms of local multiplayer like the GC original and just in title alone as well. Mario Kart Switch, how obvious would it be to have a return to DD with switching characters. If Nintendo did this I wouldn't know how to contain my excitement. I just hope that it's a long way off seeing as I need time to completely wreck MK8D still.
I double dipped mostly because I want to race online with internet friends that either skipped the Wii U or double dipped too. The double items make it a different racing experience...a lot more chaos. Game looks absolutely stunning, btw.
imagine when Nintendo launches Smash Bros. Switch...
@setezerocinco Imagine when Nintendo launch an original Switch game...
@WiltonRoots doomed!
People are really buying up software and accessories. I like to see that hunger, it's good. High sales and attach rates bring new games more than install base does.
Zelda already sold millions, Mario Kart over a million already, Puyo Puyo and Lego City outselling versions on platforms with 30-60 million users, games like Bomberman R exceeding expectations...
That's the stuff that will make 3rd parties turn heads. Stark contrast to Wii U.
Well desreved, MK8 is a great game and Deluxe only makes it better.
@XenoShaun "Do we know how the third party titles are doing?"
The real info is, how many hardware units is MK8D moving? Is it just selling to current owners like the Wii U version?
"In fact, it could well be that many people who picked up Deluxe haven't played the Wii U original due to that system's low sales"
Wii U sold 13.5m, which is low compared to other game consoles, but is still 4x current Switch sales. I do think some Wii U owners held off on picking up a Switch "b/c ports", but it seems weird talking about 1 systems "low sales" when that systems sales are so much higher than the current system. When Switch sales surpass Wii U sales, probably sometime late next spring, then that will make a better argument. I'm not looking forward to all the Splatoon 2 comments about how S2 is selling better than the original b/c Switch is selling so well when it will still only have less than half of the install base. MK8D is selling well b/c it's MK, that game always sells in the millions, half of all Switch owners having it for on-the-go gaming seems about right, Wii U sales seem irrelevant.
Has NL done a simple poll yet, how many Switch owners also own or owned a Wii U? I'm thinking at least half. Then ask how many MK8D purchasers also bought MK8U. Simple yet fun.
@Mart1ndo Qualifications aren't required. It's opinion. There is no absolute when it comes to 'bests'.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE @gcunit I'd have to throw Super Smash Bros Melee/4 (I'm not sure which) in there too. At least for me anyway, best party game ever.
@Mart1ndo Even for people with every console, there's no way everyone can play every game. There's just too many. So there will always be gaps in opinions, which is why GOTY/GOAT discussions typically involve a large panel of people.
@jswhitfield8 I disagree that 40% attach rate is a conservative guess. Not that it's wrong, mind you - it may even be higher, who knows. I do think MK8 sales are higher now partially due to slim choices on the Switch at the moment. So I'm not sure if it will carry a 40-50% attach rate throughout it's life. By the time Nintendo hits the 15-30 million switch mark, there's going to be much more software to choose from. Should they ever release MK9, MK8 sales would drop off sharply too, so it may be hard to keep a lifetime attach rate of 40%.
I have both, and I LOVE Deluxe and the battle mode!
@rjejr I haven't gone for MK8D. I have it on WiiU and didn't really play it. I think it might be the same for Splatoon2. They're not bad games, I just find a single-player experience to be richer personally. Guess I'm bucking the trend again. I also have a PS4 now so choice is massively increased, though I haven't touched it yet because of Zelda, so I'll see whether I keep it long-term.
Hopefully it doesn't fade out anytime soon. Nintendo seem to have had great success with the switch and it's 2 first party gamed released so far. I think it's finally started to realise that marketing properly is key to success and it has clearly shown. I'm just hoping they don't get lazy with it. Whilst it's been a success so far, there is still much work to be done and we don't want another Wii U on our hands (not slating the system, more it's marketing). Hopefully they will keep up the good work and keep the sales up. With a new IP releasing next month and E3 coming up, this is the stage that they can't afford to screw up, but so far, congrats Nintendo, you're doing great
Anybody else been seeing Target/Nintendo billboards in their area?
I saw a big MK8D one on my way home from work yesterday. I can't recall seeing any video games on billboards before, outside of trips to really big cities like NYC.
"it could well be that many people who picked up Deluxe haven't played the Wii U original due to that system's low sales"
Yes which is why I hope other Wii U will be ported to Switch too. Would love to play Captain Toad and Paper Mario on the move!
@Captain_Gonru As well as they're selling, probably not anytime soon.
Nintendo would probably do well to re-release Twilight Princess HD and Windwaker HD on the Switch. The same logic applies that not many people played the WiiU versions, so they would probably sell respectably. Also, it might give players another chance to grab a Wolf Link Amiibo!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Well first the Switch has to lol
@gcunit I believe what @Mart1ndo was saying is how can he have an opinion without playing the games. It's like saying Mustard is better than ketchup, without ever having tried ketchup.
Anecdotally, I'm hearing a few older gamers expressing excitement about mk8. Think it will be a title to bring back the lapsed fans.
I can see MK8D getting a sales boost around Christmas as lots of families who may have been completely unaware of the Wii U pick it up, depends on how well it's marketed and if Nintendo release a Switch+MK8D bundle.
That's great news, and honestly shocking that a 2 month old console that's out of stock continuously can sell a million seller on a game that's a re-release from the failed predecessor. This console is going to be something pretty amazing.
Hopefully the momentum (and the supply, most importantly!) continues.
My only concern is since Nintendo has a history of taking the wrong lessons from success, they learn "Oh Switch is a console for quick multiplayer games" just as they learned similar things for quick casual games on the Wii, and abandon the broader market for deeper titles which hurt them and produced a kind of wasteland for fans at the same time. Hopefully they stay more balanced this time.
Very good numbers.
And in other news; water is wet.
Why is this even a surprise? There's hardly anything else to play/buy.
So yeah, obviously it will do well.
I doubt first party game sales will stay this high forever. Before MK8D, there wasn't much to play except Zelda and some smaller games. MK8D is only the second big game to hit the Switch, and a game from a wildly popular franchise at that, so it's not really a surprise that so many people bought it.
Good for MK8D. Now hopefully, I can find a copy this weekend (otherwise I will download this title since I expect to keep it for most of the life of my Switch).
Super Metroid is old.
You know? I still wonder if they're still going to release Mario Kart 9 and just make TWO Mario Karts a tradition, where they first remaster an older game, THEN introduce the new stuff, or maybe switch it around so the new system(s) get stronger launch years...
Either way, that MAY rocket any new consoles.
(And, I know it's too dead at this point for anything like this, but Mario Kart 7 is sort of feeling a little dated on the 3DS...)
(This is exactly what I mean.)
(But that still doesn't detract from the fact that, besides the horrible, horrible cramps on a launch 3DS, it's my favorite Mario Kart. DS and DD following closely behind, though 8 may take DD's place eventually...)
I love Mario Kart 8 Deluxe! Hopefully it maintains its momentum.
Ironically, I have Mario Kart 8 for my Wii U. But I never ended up playing it very much. For some odd reason I think it works better on the Switch and I am enjoying it much more on the new platform.
@NewAdvent You'll crack. After all, what else are you going to play if not for all the ports?
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is so good that I don't want to see Mario Kart 9 for the lifetime of the Switch. Simply release 4 extra cups each year for the next 5 years. That'll do me fine.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Since this is still early in the Switch's life and there are not enough made yet it will take a while to reach that number. But, Nintendo's top games tend to continue to sell long after their initial release, so it is certainly possible. Personally, I think we see Smash Kart late 2018 to mid 2019, at which point sales of MK8 would completely drop off.
@Captain_Gonru "near"
No. Not even close to near. More like "never". Wii U was left to die, hardly got any Selects until very near the end. They can't keep Switch in stock. Might not be readily in stock until next Feb/March depending on what the calendar looks like after the E3 game announcements. Zelda and MK8D might likely never become selects. 1 2 Switch and AMRS will, but not this Zelda game, it will be $59.99 until the Switch 2 "Deluxe" version in 4k that includes the season pass.
um, unless you meant on Wii U, then I suppose. Though that would mean actually printing more Wii U discs and shipping Wii U boxes. Maybe on the eShop in 2 eyars if they dont' shut the eShop down. PS3 online store is still going 10 years after launch.
Switch is doing great, Zelda is doing great, "Selects" isn't even on my radar and I have calendars planned out for years.
I don't think it'll fade, not many people who want a Switch have it, so when the Switch comes to stock, more units will be sold.
MK8D will sell as long as the Switch does. If it doesn't hit 10 million, I'll be shocked. It's the King Green of all Evergreen titles.
@8bit4Life I think if this happens it would have to be a bundle, both TP and WW on the same cartridge. I'd find myself hard pressed to buy them both again (seperately) especially as the Switch version would likely be a downgrade without the second screen support. However if they bundled them I might just pick it up for the option of portability. Also handheld WindWaker would be fantastic!
A much much solid online player base in a week than the entire life-cicle of Titanfall 2 on ALL the platforms togheter.
Laugh now, Mohammad Alavi.
Yes. It's a great game. They need to get demos of mk8 on switch's as much as they can. This will sell units.
@gatorboi352 I think at this point it's impossible to determine whether or not Mario Kart is moving units. The system is essentially sold out everywhere so even if people are interested in the console because of Mario Kart, they can't find one, anyway.
@FragRed disgaea 5 complete and ultra street fighter 2 coming out this month for switch.
So the Switch now has 3 million sellers (or close to million sellers):
Zelda BOTW
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
1-2 Switch
I expect Minecraft, Arms, Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey, FE Warriors, and Xenoblade 2 to become million sellers as well. If the rumored Pokémon Stars and the enhanced Smash Bros port are real, they will also easily become million sellers, though I doubt both of those two games will be released this year.
I wish I knew how to crap out giant letters
Oh, a lot of Switch exclusives. ARMS, Super Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2, etc.
Switch is Must Buy Nintendo machines.
It's selling well because it, and Zelda, are the only two games really worth buying the system for at this point. There are some fun games on the system, but Zelda and Mario Kart are always going to be bigger sells then games like Bomberman and that
Personally, I don't care about this game, I already played it to death on Wii U, and don't care to pay the price for the small updates. I'll probably get a Switch when Disgaea and that come out.

Hahaha... Me too.
I own Zelda BOTW & Super Bomberman R but I haven't own Switch yet.
A thought though....
If Wii U sold low because only the Nintendo faithful bought it....
And if the Nintendo faithful are also the Switch early adopters....
Then perhaps a lot of those million are people buying it again because they have Wii U and Switch?? Like, maybe 1 million Wii U MK8's were traded in last week to help pay for this... built in discount we all wanted.
Will ARMS quickly hit 1 million sales?
I really hope the ff7 rumour is true. Also a resident evil game would be nice either re 2 remake or re7 are all welcomed.
@Captain_Gonru To be fair, the N64 didn't launch a Player's Choice line for a year and some change after the system's launch (the system was released in the US in September 1996 and I saw my first ad for the discounted games April 1998). After the GameCube's Player's Choice line came out, it seems the launch date of a discount line got later after hardware launch (eg: Wii 2006 - 2011; 3DS 2011 - 2015; Wii U 2012 - 2016).
TL;DR: Nintendo will milk it's property for as long as they can before lowering the price.
"Why is this even a surprise? There's hardly anything else to play/buy"
Makes me laugh when people put stuff like this. MK8D owners are choosing to buy the game over all other Switch games, games on other formats they own and every other type of entertainment they could spend that money on.
I'm expecting a couple of bundles. MS and Sony always seem to have a resin the go. 12 Switch and MK8 bundles seem most likely but I wouldn't be surprised to see a Zelda one as well, maybe a limited edition like they did with the Wii U
@Captain_Gonru "I was looking at "Selects" as a way to buoy excitement post-Xmas"
I understood that, and I agree with you, but after about 10 years of watching Nintendo do 1 thing I disagree w/ after another, I just didn't see it happening.
@Captain_Gonru Spent about 30 minutes w/ my kids in Target looking at video games. Still amazed that Ntinedo made SO MANY AC amiibo, but Zelda is such a great game yet those 6 amiibo are no where to be found. They must have made about 1,000 of each of them, not nearly enough for a game that sold 1,000,000 copies. That company is such a mess.
@Captain_Gonru "Million Sellers""
Logic still holds. People who get a Switch this holiday, like us, will be willing to pay $60 for Zelda or MK8, no reason to discount those 2 now. This is the Switch's first holiday, people will be buying it and it's games up this holiday. Maybe ARMS or Spaltoon 2, ARMS should have been $40 to begin w/. Or a pack-in w/ the $70 Joycon dual pack. I think 1 2 Switch will be bundled this holiday, nobody will buy that at Christmas at any cost w/ all of the rest of the games out there. They could sell it that price at launch b/c what else was there? But Christmas on the Switch nobody is paying even $1 for 1 2 Switch when they'll want to buy Zelda, Mario, MK8D and maybe SSB4D and XC2 and Skyrim. And maybe ARMS and Splatoon 2. 1 2 Switch is not Wii Sports. And the Switch isn't the Wii, it has real games, not just waggle for the casuals.
"Why did I not get that Guardian when I had the chance?"
I took a photo of 1 at Target around release, March 9th, I should have bought it and sold it to you. Or eBay'd it.

But no, stupid me thought Ntinedo would actually want to make some money and sell 500,000 of these. They may have their reasons, but it makes it tough on their fan base, that's for sure. You can't argue that point. Well you could, but you'd loose.
@Captain_Gonru "(I think we agree on that sales tactic being a strong possibility regardless of anything else.)"
Oops, forgot I wanted to reply to that.
Switch should get a crazy push this holiday, but I'm trying not to think about it until after E3. I need to see if they bring it, or they go cautiously and rely on 3DS games to carry them. Can't tell w/ a company that made both the Wii Mini and the New 2DS XL. You ready my many posts railing against everything about the New 2DS XL? I'm not a big fan. I am almost certain that it means no $250 dockless Switch this holiday, it'll be $299, same as now. Maybe $249 BF just b/c they have too to gain shelf and ad space. And there will be a game bundled. I like your Snipperclips idea, that game's better than it should be. And only $19.99. It should be $119 based on 1 2 Switch at $59. So I do think they'll market it. But how hard depends on 3DS games and promotions, and what else they have lined up for Switch. SSB? Pikmin 4? I'm in the "soft launch" camp BTW. I know the name is technically incorrect, but ports of Zelda and MK8, no new 2D or 3D Mario, no pack in game. Yeah, they had the Superbowl ad and spent a boatload on ads, more in 1 month on Switch than probably 4 years for Wii U, but it still feels to me like the Switch "launch" begins at E3 and they are going to blow the doors off. Yes, I know, setting myself up for disappointment, but I dont' care that much, just what I expect. Then New 2DS XL came out of nowhere for $149. But still , where's VC and the online subscription service? Netflix and a web browser? NEW games, not just ports?
So I have given it a lot of thought, But mostly about E3, I'll think about the holiday after I see what they show there. Hopefully w/ a NDE, I'm not a fan of Treehouse. I need my 45 minutes of game trailers and Reggie CGI'd into a Spaltoon match against Trinnen.
@rjejr I've been saying for a while now that Switch's future is dependent on E3 2017. The strong first 2 months mean nothing if E3 2017 suggests lots of game droughts, Nintendo needs another E3 2014 this year.
@Grumblevolcano "Nintendo needs another E3 2014 this year."
That's the one where they first showed Zelda U and said it would be out in 2015 right? I'd prefer not waiting until 2019 for Super Mario Odyssey if that's all right w/ you.
I doubled dipped and glad I did. The portability alone is worth it and I like the changes too.
Yes. Exactly. Totally agree. Mario walked into the homes of 1 million+ Switch owners and forced them, at gunpoint, to all go out and buy MK8D.
@rjejr You do have to wonder though how much of the delay was due to the Switch existing. Things probably would've been a lot different if Wii U sales were amazing in holiday 2014.
@Sakura I prefer single player experiences too, do agree that it's a richer experience but there's something about Splatoon that just kept me coming back for more.
For the amount of time I spent playing Splatoon I could have completed Xenoblade Chronicles X 100% by now, but haven't even played the game yet despite owning it for a long time.
@wazlon There's a bit of a vicious circle with me and multiplayer; I don't play much so don't get any better and not being very good gives less incentive to play.
Novelty is good though. I think there's something about the way we learn that makes new experiences way deeper than what we are used to. I wonder if that accounts for a lot in gaming nostalgia.
Mario Kart and Splatoon I might not bother with because I have them on WiiU, but Arms is interesting enough for me to want to try it. Otherwise, there are so many games that there's no reason to not be picky. Indies play quite a large role because they bring so much variety to the table. I never say never though. I did like the new mode in Splatoon2.
@WiltonRoots lol doomed lol troll harder lol
@rjejr Mario is this Xmas lol not 2019 lol
@Grumblevolcano they have games every month even after e3 lol go to the switch shop lol coming soon
@Slim1999 Up to July, I agree. We know virtually nothing about August onwards which is where E3 comes in. Sure we can guess where some of the other announced games will come like Super Mario Odyssey is likely November and Fire Emblem Warriors is likely September but really E3 is where we finally know these answers.
Will holiday be solely reliant on Super Mario Odyssey or will Nintendo put in a few more games like Pikmin 4 and a Smash Wii U port? Will Xenoblade Chronicles 2 actually come out this year or will it be delayed at least in the west? Will Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and/or ARMS get DLC? Is the New 2DS XL's existence going to be a bad thing for Switch?
And many more questions, a lot if not all will be revealed at E3.
@Slim1999 Thanks I'm working on it...
It's a now-perfect mario kart game. And hopefully it paves the way to an even better Switch-exclusive later.
@Slim1999 It was a joke, the person I wrote it to got it, trust me on this.
@Grumblevolcano I see 2 parts to the Zelda Switch delay.
1 - the game was finished by Oct or Nov 2016 but they didn't want Switch to get a late port so they held it for the Switch launch. Which is understandable, as if Zelda U had released in Nov 2016 then Switch really would have been the "port machine" w/ Zelda and MK8. Even though Zelda was a port, it doesn't look like a port on day 1. Nobody accuses all of those cross gen games on PS3/4 and X360/X1 of being "ports". The ones like GTAV which are ports are ports, but like the past year or 2 w/ Madden or FIFA when they release. So that's part 1, the game was done, they just waited for the hardware inventory to reach a sellable amount.
2. And this one is admittedly a bit controversial. When COULD it have released on Wii U if they didn't start porting it to the Switch for the same day and date release? Meaning spending man hours rewriting the code for Switch, and completely gutting out the 2nd screen, no interactive map or inventory system? Game was announced at E3 for 2015. I never believed 2015, not for a second, and there are probably a dozen of my posts on here since E3 2014 saying just that. But I did believe early to mid 2016, maybe the big "May game" we used to discuss back when the Wii U was alive. (I think that was you.) Wii U never got a big May game in 2016, did it? STZ was March I think, Pokken in Feb. Maybe SMTxFE but I consider that more niche than big.
So give them 6 months to rework the game to single screen, 6 months while they wait for the hardware inventory to reach 2 million, that's a 1 year delay due to the Switch.
Mario will likely release this holiday. By "holiday" Ninteod coudl mean Valentine's Day or Easter of 2018, never know with them, but maybe they'll announce a new game at E3 this year for 2018 but it will be a New Switch XL exclusive in 2020? ;-p
@Captain_Gonru "Hmm. That could be an interesting poll."
Well, they almost took my advice, but they stupidly left out the Wii U ownership part.
@rjejr I think your 2nd point is feasible despite potentially being controversial, I'm thinking that the delay announcement in 2015 or Reggie saying no Zelda for E3 2015 was the key point at which BotW became a Switch title. I still think it would've ended up being holiday 2016 either way though as Zelda would work better as a big holiday title than something like Paper Mario or Pikmin. Don't forget that if Switch wasn't coming out so soon, Pikmin 4 and a few other games would've come to Wii U in 2016. This is how I'd imagine the situation in that case:
January: Nothing
February: Nothing
March: Twilight Princess HD
April: Pokken Tournament
May: Star Fox Zero, Star Fox Guard
June: Mario & Sonic 2016 Olympics
July: Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
August: Nothing
September: Paper Mario Color Splash
October: Pikmin 4
November: Breath of the Wild, New Animal Crossing game
December: Nothing
With the new Animal Crossing and Pikmin teased at E3 2015.
@BensonUii yep, the better the news story the higher the likelihood of Nintendo being doomed.
@Captain_Gonru "to hold the Switch launch for Xmas 2017" "One port, and one big new title."
It is, we're just in the beta launch now. Relaunch will have new game Mario and port SSB4D. I know there's no reason for me to keep thinking SSB on Switch this holiday, but so far there's no reason not to either.
@Grumblevolcano October: Pikmin 4
I'm still not 100% convinced Pikmin 4 isn't on the 3DS. But if it isn't, yeah, it almost certainly was planned as a Wii U Game for holiday 2016. And I'm ok w/ "Holiday 2017", holiday has at least 3 if not 4 months, so Mario Sept, Pikmin Oct, SSB Nov, XC2 Dec. OF course that doesn't leave anything for 2018 though. Would be easy to hold off w/ 1 or 2 of those games if they had some 3rd party support like Star Wars Battlefront 2 or CoD. Or Monster Hunter. I woudln't release any 1st party Switch game near Monster Hunter 5 on Switch.
@rjejr Hey Pikmin is Pikmin 4 much like how Link's Crossbow Shooting is Zelda Twilight Princess 2...
@westman98 Well until it isn't, then it is.
They announced Pikmin 4 was almost complete way back when, we hear nothing about it for months, maybe a year, then they announce Pikmin 3DS. Then they announce Pikmin 3DS is called Hey Pikmin. Until they actually announce and reveal actual photos, artwork and video of a Pikmin game on the Switch or Wii U then Hey Pikmin IS in fact the 4th Pikmin game, hence my calling it Pikmin 4. Until you can find me proof of another actual Pikmin game - not rumours or hearsay, proof - then Hey Pikmin is Pikmin 4, bc/ it's the only "4th" Pikmin game we have releasing.
I do think that day will come, but until it does, all we have is Hey Pikmin as the 4th Pikmin game.
Yes. Hey Pikmin is the fourth Pikmin game, much like how the Star Wars Christmas Special is the second Star Wars movie, not that Empire Strikes Back thingy...
@westman98 "not that Empire Strikes Back thingy..."
I'm pretty sure if you ask most people today what the 2nd Star Wars movie is they'll say Attack of the Clones, so you picked a bad example there. Is Rogue One the 4th or 8th movie? Now that's a question.
@rjejr I was speaking chronologically in terns of release date, much like how you were when talking about Pikmin.
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