The Nintendo Switch eShop has a relatively clean and simple layout early on, but it has had a small tweak this week with the addition of a 'Charts' tab. Unlike the Wii U and 3DS eShop equivalents it doesn't allow you to filter between current and all-time bestsellers, but does show the sorts of games that are shifting solid numbers of downloads right now.
We had a look at the UK list, and the top 10 - at the time of writing - is below:
- Snake Pass
- Snipperclips - Cut it out, together!
- Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove
- Metal Slug (ACA Neo Geo)
- 1-2-Switch
- World of Goo
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
- Human Resource Machine
- Metal Slug 3 (ACA Neo Geo)
There aren't too many surprises there, though evidently Snipperclips and FAST RMX are showing pretty good legs in 2nd and 3rd; Breath of the Wild may normally be expected higher up the chart, but we suspect most with that game opted for the physical retail release. It's worth noting that the incredible adventure title is a whopping £59.99 on the UK eShop, so it's been far cheaper to pick up the cart version.
For those of you curious about which Switch titles are most popular in your country the eShop is certainly worth a look.
Comments 74
Any shopping cart integration yet?
This has to tell you something about the quality of its library if Snake Pass is the most popular game.
Baby steps
It's interesting comparing the charts between the different regions. Here in Australia it goes Snake Pass, Snipperclips, Breath of the Wild, Fast RMX, Shovel Knight. Overall in the other areas though, Breath of the Wild, 1-2 Switch, and Bomberman R all seem to be charting lower than the eShop exclusives. Seems to be implying that most people are still going physical for the Switch, either due to the conservative amount of storage or because carts are awesome (which is my point of view)
Edit: Meant to add. I think the inclusion of a "Charts" or "Best Sellers" list is a great idea for the eShop, especially due to how it is handling the increasing number of titles available.
I'll be a lot more interested when Super Mario Sunshine - GameCube is at the top of that list
A shame it only counts digital copies.
Probably more to do with the fact that it's the newest game on the list and therefore the most recently downloaded by the Majority of people and also the fact its a download only game
The Snake crawling so sneaky and smoothly to the Top of Download.
@Neon_Blues It's a shame a digital store hot list only counts digital games xD
Snake pass is the top downloaded game for the switch. At least there's two neogeo games there too I thought there was gonna be more neo geo games in the top 10
@Yasume Pretty much all systems don't have a super great library when they've only been out for 1 month.
@Yasume Snake Pass has good reviews and people seem to genuinely enjoy it...maybe it's #1 because people actually like it.
Snake Pass is great! It is such a relaxing game...I actually can't believe I enjoy being a snake, but it might be more that this game gives me nostalgia feels for the n64 era, and more closely the donkey kong country games. And it has gotten me really pumped for Yooka Laylee! Of course, I will have to get it for PS4 or pc... I don't think I can wait for Switch release
Welp, it's official, people are more interesting in jerking off imaginary cows than exploring a Breathtaking world of wonder. I blame the parents, of course. They should not have deprived their children from exploring their Wild side when they were younger.
@Yasume We'll it's totally flipped now! In order to troll effectively and surprise us, you'll have to post something positive on a Switch article. lol.
Oh, and Snake Pass is well-rated, at least. Matches Mass Effect Andromeda ratings on the same platform. I mean I don't put much stock in aggregate ratings myself and that's apples-to-oranges (I'd rather have Mass Effect Andromeda showing up on Switch) but I thought a little substance was in order.
@Yasume I'm not so sure about that since Zelda is on that list.
It's more of an issue specifically regarding price and the digital-only content.
Snake Pass is relatively cheap for an eShop game (not going to do a quality/price comparison since that is extremely subjective), is very recent, and is download-only. The numbers are going to be skewed.
Also, I'm not sure too many people would actually download Zelda vs physical considering the size of the game and the additional invest in SD cards.
@Yasume Or... It's telling you that Westerners are finally overcoming their superstitious fear of snakes. Think about it! Snake Pass isn't simply a game, it's a triumph exemplifying the escape from thousands of years worth of tall tales about evil snakes!
@PlywoodStick I know you're just having fun, but I'm guessing way more people bought 1,2 Switch digitally after they brought a Switch home than those who didn't immediately pick up Zelda alongside the Switch as a physical copy and thought, oh I should buy Zelda I heard that might be good.
Also, 1, 2 Switch is fine, just too expensive even with "launch tax".
People don't want to fill up their hard drive by getting digital Zelda.
@aaronsullivan I think paying a goose egg is too much for 1, 2, Milk, even Wii Sports 2 / Nintendo Land 2 would have been a better showcase. But I understand that Nintendo wanted to get away from Wii era designs. Just... not like this... There's a psychologist's gag in this situation somewhere, though!
Seems a bit silly considering there's hardly anything to buy.
EDIT: Well I give up. Image isn't displaying properly.
@PlywoodStick Only the people who never set foot outside, even to their mailbox, to buy a physical copy of a game "Nobody's buying Zelda digitally" is generally a good thing for fans of physical releases
That so many ARE buying 1-2-S in any form is troubling.
@Yasume C'mon, try harder than that. Needlessly and compulsively bashing Nintendo is the in thing all the cool kids on the internet want to do these days, but now you're just bashing on excellent independent studios for no apparent reason. That's not trolling, that's just classless.
@Yasume You don't know what you are talking about.
Snake Pass is not exclusively on Switch but it's a new game with nostalgic ties to the N64/Collect-a-ton era that's also easy to pick up and play for a relatively broad audience. Also, the price tag is considered pretty fair compared to stuff like 1-2-Switch and Bomberman. So no wonder many early adopting Nintendo fans are picking it up.
I also downloaded Snake Pass, along with Blaster Master Zero. I like having both a relaxing game and an energetic game to alternate with!
Interesting how that 'I am Setsuno' game is not on the list. I expected a game like that to be in the top 10.
@NEStalgia The Best Buy across the street from where I work finally got their restock! They had 22 copies of BotW left yesterday, down from at least 51 during almost all of March. I finally got a Wii U copy, for all I know it was the only one they got in this early April restock. Hopefully it won't take another month for the next restock, though, otherwise history is going to repeat itself with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. I can sort of see the logic in overstocking early on, but that shelf community of Zelda copies are going to miss each other now.
@Zeargo JRPG's ain't as popular as they used to be.
It's about time they added a proper shopping cart system
@PlywoodStick Actually, I thought JRPG was still a bit popular. Although, I am sure anyone who would play it, is probably playing Zelda instead.
I had to buy Zelda digital as when I got the switch no one in my local area had the physical copy. Would have preferred physical but no way was I waiting.
I would think full retail games would chart low because of the extreme lack of storage space on the Switch. I'm still holding off on getting a card for more space, but I have only downloaded Blaster Master Zero and I am Setsuna. Nice to see a chart feature, but I am still puzzled why there is not a better way to see all the games available. I had to use the search feature to buy Setsuna since it was one of the original downloadable titles.
If Nintendo's plan with not having the Virtual Console available at launch was to highlight their third party contributers, then mission accomplished!
It's a great thing.
On the Wii and Wii U alike, the top 10 was always stuffed full of the usual suspects like Ocarina of Time, Super Mario World, and so on and so forth.
If Nintendo want third party support, they really have to make room in the pantheon for newcomers.
Kind of unfair I'd say, given the information available.
@PlywoodStick Thanks!
Hopefully more games being released get physical versions available, I'll buy digital versions if that is all that is available but much prefer physical even if it costs more
@Marios-love-child People like you need to STOP GETTING MY HOPES UP!!! Sunshine is the BEST 3D Mario game! I still own it on Gamecube, but ohh How I'd love to take it on work trips with me!
I'm setting myself up to be disappointed.
Interesting to see Metal Slug 1 over Metal Slug 3. Which hey, I get wanting to start a series at the start (and the former came out on the Switch more recently). I just hope those people discovering this franchise at the bottom level move on to the masterpiece that is MS3.
Wait until Super Mario Odyssey came out and Voila...
@Marios-love-child Good luck with that. Sunshine requires analog triggers to be played, which none of the Switch controller options offer. Without analog triggers, you can't make Mario spray the FLUDD while running (He'll stop in place and fire with a digital-only trigger). Good luck chasing down Shadow Mario in Delfino Plaza or cleaning up Sirena Beach in time without analog triggers.
Unless we see a controller revision or support for GameCube controllers, Mario Sunshine can't happen on Switch.
Another thing I actually had to ask a friend about, as I haven't found it in reviews, is that there isn't any way of submitting user scores to games on the Switch eShop.
And let's hope it doesn't show up later.
That stuff was never a good idea.
Congrats Snake Pass!!
@Zeargo Setsuna was kind of a B-grade JRPG. It was a Squeenix side studio with a relatively small budget and even for it's PS4 debut was just a download game outside Japan, same as Switch.
Can't comment as I am STILL waiting for my import physical copy to arrive. (mrgrrgrrr) but it was never a big JRPG release in the way DQXI or SMTV is. That and JRPGs have never been mass market games, just a small niche. They seemed like "mass market" back when gaming itself was niche market. Now that gaming is mass market and mass market tastes (lack of thinking required, big pretty effects to passively watch, basically the rules of blockbuster cinema) apply, the "gamer's games" niches show the proportions they really always were. Games about stats and numbers, strategic thinking at a macro level, with tons of text to read aren't really going to appeal to the masses
@plywoodstick Interesting they got their restock so late. I was told that Nintendo's shaping up their shipping process to deliver to the companies that move the most Nintendo stuff first, and apparently Gamestop has been their #1 for a while, but they didn't recognize it properly with the WiiU, with the Switch apparently they're recognizing that and supplying Gamestop first. Given the pre-launch logo placements and such, I definitely think Best Buy has moved way down the list for them. Surprising after all the WiiU E3 demo booth promos. A month for restock is pretty slow. And in that limited quantity. HOPEFULLY they will be able to catch up and actually have units on the shelf in time for MK8D, though I don't suspect that's going to be quite the system seller Zelda is turning out to be (in the west.)
I'm fully aware of all that but a guy can dream can't he??
I'm pretty sure a gamecube pad adapter is possible although that does kind of defeat the object when it comes to portability.
The best we can probably hope for is a revised joy con with an analogue trigger but I'm guessing that wouldn't come cheap.
Either way I'm not giving up hope that one day it will be possible ☺️
You know what I love, the IGNORE button! No time for trolls who spend their time on here making dumb comments that bring nothing to the conversation.
Really surprised Master Blaster isn't up there. I am really enjoying it. Maybe I should reevaluate my gaming habits. Nah sod it I'll take my usual tact. Everyone else is wrong and I'm right.
@Marios-love-child Oh, don't get me wrong; I'd love to play Sunshine again, especially on-the-go, but Nintendo unfortunately was incredibly short-sighted with their decision to go digital with their shoulder buttons again. Sorry, I didn't mean to come across as a dream crusher, just trying to be realistic.
I want a Switch
@BigBadJohn "Everyone else is wrong and I'm right." Congrats on learning how to internet!
@thesilverbrick I'm convinced "Mario Sunshine" is pretty much the only answer to the question "why does a controller need analog triggers?" Other than racing games, Sunshine, and Luigi's Mansion I can't really think of games on any platform that actually use them, or at least use them for any purpose. Flight games maybe but they're lost to the 90's anyway.
@NEStalgia Super Monkey Ball!
You may have hit on the reason why we don't have VC yet. Third-party developers like Sumo who've supported the new machine at launch are getting the limelight just now which wouldn't happen if that chart was filled with Retro Nintendo games.
What it tells Me is a good game that was just released last week has gone to Number 1 as you'd expect.
Captain Obvious
@Zeargo @BigBadJohn
In the German eShop it's apparently a top 15 list (not sure if in the UK it's just shorter, or NL just didn't give the full llist), at least here Setsuna is in the 11th spot, Master Blaster made the top 14. Here's the complete listing:
1. Snake Pass
2. Snipperclips
3. Fast RMX
4. Zelda BotW
5. Shovel Knight Treasure Trove
6. Human Resource Machine
7. Super Bomberman R
8. World of Goo
9. Metal Slug
10. Little Inferno
11. I am Setsuna
12. Has-been Heroes
13. 1-2-Switch
14. Master Blaster 0
15. Metal Slug 3
And there you have it.
@FredBiletnikoff True, though the 3DS version was actually really great without it.
That's an odd game that really SHOULDN'T be good but somehow is
Very short sighted indeed, with gamecube support on vc its an almost guaranteed license to print money yet for some odd reason they continue to ignore it.
I've never given it too much thought before but maybe it is possible to re configure the controls on Mario sunshine to work without the trigger.... Who knows.
If the virtual console doesn't happen then a HD remake would be the next best thing (or even better depending on your point if view)
Some clearly opted to pick up the Switch version of BotW physically so that they can taste the cartridge.
Good but eShop still needs changes. Some of the earliest releases could only be accessed through the search bar, browsing the titles is fairly limited with the current options. Glad to know they're gonna be giving us more than ways to browse though.
@Anti-Matter Sorry, I can't even comment on that...yet. Wait until it's been out at least a month and then I'll be happy to tell you if you are right or not
In the states Snipperclips is #1?? I don't see all the fuss.
@leo13 if they don't add GameCube VC games on the Switch it'll be a total fail on Nintendo! The problem with getting your hopes up is its Nintendo we're talking about here. You may be disappointed. They still have their corporate heads up their corporate *sses!!
@joey302 I got my GameCube hopes up for Wii U and was disappointed. So I bought an old CART and pulled out my GameCube. I'm not going to make that mistake again, but if they were to release Mario Sunshine today... I'd buy it today
@leo13 mario sunshine, Luigis Mansion, F zero GX, Eternal Darkness, Geist, Warioworld, metroid prime & echoes, fire emblem path of radiance, wave race blue storm, Mario golf/tennis, animal crossing, star fox assault and a bunch of others!!!
If they can only get their butts in gear!! 😡
@joey302 I don't know why but I feel compelled to answer all those games, but I'll only respond to a few
Metroid prime 1&2 I wouldn't buy. I downloaded the trilogy on Wii U.
Wario World- I'd buy that. I found a used copy a few years ago... It didn't work and I paid a local company to resurface it and they lost it... I never got to play it
Path of Residence-YES I discovered Fire Emblem with Awakening which I LOVED. Then I bought Fates which I enjoyed so I'm ready for another one.
Star Fix Assault, YES! I never played it, but I've heard the multiplayer mode it awesome.
I'd also like Viewtiful Joe. Mostly because I heard it's similar to Wonderful 101 and that game is amazing.
I don't know if they can get the rights but I'd love to buy Rogue Leader and Beaten Kaitos and Beyond Good and Evil too
@leo13 well lol my point really was to exemplify what can be done on VC with the cube amongst all the other systems they can bring forth. The virtual console is one of Nintendo's greatest weapons aside from their IP and they don't exploit it at all. I also feel there was absolutely no excuse to not have VC ready for Switch launch. But I'm hoping they prove me wrong down the road and when I say down the road I expect to see it surface this year!
@JunkRabbit The Australian eShop has it as 15. Although I wasn't surprised much by that after it not being top 10 else where. While Zelda: BotW is 3rd. With the rest of top 10 roughly the same as the one above.
@leo13 "Path of Residence"
Yes! You have discovered the new Fire Emblem game where you have to fight demonic dust bunnies and dragon wall spiders! (Well, dragons for ants, anyways...)
@leo13 "Path of Radiance", but yeah it's a really good game. And it would definitely benefit being on virtual console, especially seeing the ludicrous prices it's now going for.
@PlywoodStick good catch. Sorry that happens to me sometimes when i use swype on my phone. It's faster, but less accurate
@AlwaysGreener well those prices are why I've never played it
@Yasume so are you not enjoying Snake Pass? Shame I really like it, although I still think why am I not playing Zelda, but hey. I will probably think that when playing any game for a number of years. Anyway SnakePass is a nice change of pace and the control mechanics are really good when you get good at it.
@aaronsullivan don't forget 1-2 Switch is missing the terrible cow lives. No one should buy it!
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