Mario Kart 8 Deluxe hits store shelves next week but we've been lucky enough to get our hands on it before then, and we're pleased to confirm it's one of the best games on the Switch.
As well as sharing our critical opinion of this welcome remaster we thought you might like to take a look inside the retail packaging for the game. As usual there's no manual to speak of, but Nintendo has at least been kind enough to include a kick-start control guide on the inlay.

Let us know if you'll be picking up Mario Kart 8 Deluxe from your local retailer or if you're opting for the digital download route by posting a comment below.
Comments 125
Nice and colourful as expected!
EDIT: At the request of Niinbendo: Target Australia are doing MKD for $62.00au until 30th April.
The hype around this game is beyond ridiculous. It's the same freaking game. Just goes to show you that Switch owners are starving for quality games.
I kinda wish the inner design had pictures of all the racers or a bit of artwork instead of the controls.
Got enough profiles there, @Damo?
Might pick this up next week, but i'm more excited about the release of Puyo Puyo Tetris.
This is going to be my first 'physical' Switch release and my first Mario Kart since the Wii so I am looking forward to it.
I have a bad feeeling my pre-ordered copy doesn't come with all the toys they have. However will I be able to post attractive Hustler-style pics of my Switch game case?
Physical copy all the way, digital downloads are for people with more money than sense as they simply have no re-sale value. As well as bizarrely costing more (usually)
I traded my Wii U copy of Mario Kart 8 in for £19 which has pretty much covered half the cost of my switch version £42), if i'd bought it digitally I would have been stuck with it
@Jack_Goetz One for me, one for my son, one for the Japanese eShop, one for the NA eShop...
As someone who didn't get a Wii U, the more Switch games that get ported mean less reason to get a Wii U. Although, it's tempting, since the U is about $100 cheaper.
@Dakt Thank goodness then we have your AMAZING and not at all predictable comments to keep us entertained, eh?
Didn't realise the empty box with no manual actually comes with all those toys. Day one now!
@Shellcore Oops.
@subpopz Hold on cowboy. Let's wait for Switch to surpass 13.56million total sales, then we can go there.
@Damo Just pulling your leg. Those photos are nice by the way.
@damo great phones, but how does it TASTE?
Bye Bye, Loather !
I will enjoy New Battle Mode in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with other players, while you keep so Negative and keep trolling with negative comments.
Enjoy your negativity.
@Damo Thought it might be something like that. Definitely a great way to get the most out of the Switch!
Nice pics
Anyway, It's a Rainbowtastic !
@Marios-love-child digital copies are for those of us who have lost tens of discs to "act of child" and keep finding 3DS cartridges in the washing machine (although they are surprisingly robust!)
@JamesR I wouldn't know about the durability of 3ds cartridges. Several lost ds carts back in the day have led me to adopt an all digital approach.
Have it preordered, will hopefully arrive next week.
It better arrive on release day, I got a flight the Sunday after and want to be HD racing at 30,000+ ft!
I kinda disappointed that all the hype around MK8D is here a week early. I noticed the review embargo drop and then thought "yes, better go and download it tomorrow". Alas, another week to go...
Ya, no manuals sucks nowadays.
Now I just hope for colorful art or instructions on the inside of the cover art for Switch games. 🤔
This looks more like someone trying to show off their collection of plastic than anything else.
Each to their own of course but personally I'd never buy a digital game unless it was either at a rock bottom bargain price or of course a download only game eg fast RMX.
The only other exception would be Virtual Console games.
Don't get me wrong I can see why people do it for convenience but the idea of not being able to pass the game on to a friend or trade it in once you've finished with it completely puts me off.
Also what if you download it and hate the game...... want to trade it in or sell it on?? Tough you cant you're stuck with it.
@Yasume get back under your bridge.
@Shellcore Cheers!
@antdickens I'm not licking any more Switch game cards for your benefit and amusement, Dickens
@DarthNocturnal There's a manual with the physical version of Shovel Knight? Wow, I feel like I missed out actually. Does it have the same thing on the digital manual? I don't have my 2DS to check.
@Yasume: "...Just goes to show you that Switch owners are starving for quality games."
The butthurt is strong with this one
Cool pics!
Off subject, I know Nintendo stated in its Direct that they would be hosting a tournament when the game is released. Any chance of NLife also hosting a tournament?
7 days! Can't wait!!
I'll definitely be picking this one up next week
@Yasume Its so fun that people like you completely neglect that fact that this is also a handheld release. And last time i checked, the last handheld MK was 6 years old.
@Reignmaker I'm sorry, but what quality exclusives does the Switch have exactly? 1-2 Switch?
If I had a reason to buy the Switch, I'd have had one by now. Problem is that it doesn't offer anything that can't be found on other platforms.
Glad I'm going digital.
On the issue of local play, the back of the box SADLY states "one copy of the software per player".
Certainly takes the sting out of buying it again yes. Next Friday simply cannot come soon enough for me and many others I'm sure.
Perfectly timed for another bank holiday weekend (in the UK at least)
Nintendo certainly ramped up their marketing at the Target by my house. The decorative "balls" out front had Mario and Luigi covers on them and the buggies were decorated to look like mario-karts.
@Yasume You are right in a way, but I've gotten to the point I just want everything on the Switch. Regardless whether it is on another console having that ability to pick up and go is something you cant appreciate until you have it. I've been playing Horizon after Zelda and I just want to be able to take it on the go.
In addition many people didn't play this game and I'm personally excited about it because of how portable the experience now can be and the chances it opens for me to play with people.
@Yasume Or possibly because there's a ton of people that haven't played the Wii U version? I'm not sure where you've been looking but a ton of the comments I've seen about this game have led with "I've never played the Wii U version..."
@Yasume Snipperclips and Violent Ken!
Stupid Nintendo. If they'd released it this week I'd be playing it now.
Were it not for me already owning it on Wii U + DLC I'd have probably bought this.
Too much 'disco' looking for me. Mario Kart 64 all the way!
Anyway I will bite, the game is so good.
Switch offers 2 things: Console + Portable.
Are you Blind ?!
@Yasume going through my ps4 collection half are ports and remakes.and the other half are new.besides that the only game I had for the first few months on my ps4 was oddworld which is a remake of a ps1 game lol.at least with mk8 I'll get to play that for a few years and not just one play through lol just some facts
@Niinbendo Sure tell me exactly what you want me to include?
Like I said last week even though I own the Wii U copy I'll have to double dip for the Switch. The game is just too darn fun!
@Sean161 My friend, in a world where everything is digitized, I don't think Nintendo will bring paper manuals back. They stopped using them with 3DS and Wii U.
Already pre ordered just waiting for the release date!
@kingc8 No it's one cart per console as essentially it's a "home console" release.
I'm going digital only because i won eshop credit and mk8 is on ebay right now. Should be enough to cover most of it.
@Yasume What game genre(s) or game(s) are you pining for exactly to have switch on your mind?
@Marios-love-child I'm normally as staunch as you with physical-only. Even imported Setsuna to get physical (that was a month long saga!) But I have 4 possible exceptions at the moment. Splatoon, Kart, Arms, and Puyo. Maybe Street Fighter, but I might skip that entirely. Played it on 3DS and I'm not a big fighting game fan.)
I'm debating. I want physical and the box is gorgeous. And yet, like Splatoon, these are games that I'm not likely to want to player hours a week months on end like a "big" game, they're games I might want to play a few rounds, but might want to do so any time over the entire life of Switch. And i'm not likely to want to switch out my Zelda, or Disgaea, or XC2 "main game" cart just to play a few rounds of Kart (why wear out the cart contacts for frequent swapping of quick play games?)
So it's a hard debate right now. Physical which I want, and digital which for these games I might be more often playing it.
@Einherjar @Yasume Yes, because Arms, Splatoon 2, and handheld Mario Kart 8 is so darned multiplat. The first two aren't released yet but will be exclusive when they do, but I'll just go grab my WiiU and strap a generator to it and take it to the park for the last one.
I'm not the biggest enthusiast of the MK8D rerelease but sheesh, if you're going to do the trolling thing at least put a little more effort into it. You're really slacking off these days... "ZOMG, there's only four exclusives in the first 8-10 weeks of a console launch, and one of them is also on the legacy platform!" is just lazy.
@Captain_Toad An exclusive Ace Attorney, 2D Metroid, main Pokémon game, a DK game and a quality new IP would be nice (no mediocrity like ARMs).
The new Mario game looks good as well. Have high hopes for the 2018 Fire Emblem game too.
So yeah, I hope that E3 brings something good to the table.
@Yasume Just shows that Switch owners aren't Wii U owners.
Anyway, it'll feel weird to use a shoulder button for items. I hope X does the same thing for the sake of comfort.
That is some really good looking box art there.
Edit: I think that Sean guy wants a manual....
@Niinbendo Done!
I had this digital on Wii U with all DLC and played it to death. And Nintendo think I'm going to pay another 50 notes for what is essentially an enhanced port? Damn right I am! Mario Kart on the go is a killer bonus. Games on the Switch are intrinsically better by virtue of them being on the Switch.
@Yasume The 3DS has all of the stuff you described out already. Go get it!
i guess some games you just have to buy twice or thrice
images hostingcertificity.com
@NEStalgia Especially considering that, say, the Xbone has what, 5 hard-exclusives in total ?
But seriously, we had this discussion before, even ports have merits on the Switch, as they reach a new audience (Handheld / Console peeps).
I get that people are missing some meatier games. I do so as well. Heck, my Switch is already collecting dust :/
The lack of VC games is really hurting it imo.
But sh*tting on a rerelease of one of the best Mario Kart games certainly isn't the way to go here
If they're not going to include manuals, I guess at least explaining the controls is better than nothing.
@Einherjar Do we really have to count Ryse though? I mean can't we pretend it's an Atari Jaguar game unrelated to XBox? I'm pretty sure Microsoft is doing that! XBox: It plays 86.7% of the games you can play on PS4" might be a slogan they can run with
My Switch certainly isn't collecting dust (my PS4 and 3DS are, because of Switch, despite some good games waiting for them), but I am longing for meatier games But UNLIKE XBone (and WiiU) we already know a bunch of those games are coming, and approximately when. So it's fair to whine and complain "But I want them nownownownownow!" but is just silly to complain they don't exist as though we haven't already seen teaser trailers for a bunch of games, most of them exclusive, most of them landing this year (at least in Japan.)
@Yasume I personally wouldn't expect one of these games to be announced for this year's e3 since the switch is fresh out of the gate; very hotly from the amount of support the developers they may praise(although stranger things have happened so don't take the captain's word to heart).
I pretty sure since the switch (for the Japan side of things) got off the heels of the 3ds and japan is taking heavy notice. it won't be outside the realm of possibility in the future.
For the time being, I suggest to be patient, no one got good right out of the gate.
I mean the 3ds/ps3 had one of the worst starts out of the gate and look where it is now.
BTW, do you have a 3ds?
@NEStalgia Ryse ? Thats not even an exclusive game anymore Its also on PC. So no, doesn't count.
But yeah, at this point, the Xbone is a cheaper, middle-class, inflexible PC with a limited library.
It has no Character, its not unique and it has next to no exclusive games.
So yeah, the Switch will have double that at the end of its first year.
How old is the Xbone now ?
@Einherjar Haha good point!
And XBone has the Scorpio successor that will play 86.7% of PS4 games, minus the really good ones, and do it PRETTIER than any other console! I wonder if it will look like a Betamax player to show how superior it is versus the VCR? Ohh, or LaserDisc!
Battlefield TWO. Exclusively (for 6 weeks) for the Power of Xbox OnePointFive:

@Yasume mk8 on the go isn't on anything else but the switch...
@NEStalgia In all fairness, it will be REALLY hard designing an uglier console than the PS4 has been.
I mean, the pro starts to look like a moldy takeout box, those styrofoam thingies...
The Xbone may look primitive, but the PS4 is downright ugly.
Heck, the barely euclidean base model is barely funktionable, as the slanted front wont accept USP plugs bigger than the barebones cable size... Properly designed, let me tell you...
Good, no reversible cover, now I don't have to feel bad about buying it digital. Though the regular cover is really pretty.
Will get it at latest on May 3rd, can't wait for this.
In Reno. As a joke, I put a dollar in a slot machine, pulled the lever, and won 80 bucks. Cashed out immediately and will use it for MK8D! But digital.
@Marios-love-child - Or people that keep their games and don't sell them back.
@Yasume I would kiss Wendy Oldbag for a Switch-exclusive AA!
Did people moan like this when gta V was re-released? NO! We lapped it up.
@timson72 I especially lapped it up because the re-release trailer had "Let's Go All the Way" by Sly Fox!
@Yasume and others berating this for being a mere port on a system full of ports...
You're right. It would be awesome to have this instead be Mario Kart 9. But look at this from Nintendo's business perspective.
Developing totally new games that will take full advantage of the system takes time. We're also coming from a Nintendo console that many people skipped, and therefore skipped many games that we will look back on as underrated classics. (I believe it will be similar to how some view the Dreamcast today.)
Now that the Switch is breaking sales records left right and center, there's a considerable profit to be made from people whom this game is totally new for.
As for me, battle mode was the one thing that held the original back from being a perfect game. Seeing as they've fixed that, and the rumors that new tracks/characters could be coming in the future, I'm getting this again, and I can't wait to do so.
Nope just people with more money than sense
@Marios-love-child - If that's the limit of your vision. I don't trade in games, ever: I buy it to keep. I still have SNES and TG16 cartridges and am glad I do. While I'd much rather have physical for everything, the convenience of digital cannot be denied, especially for something like the Switch. I'd rather have all the games available on the system and not have to worry about cartridges. The only downside for me is that I don't get a physical copy to keep.
I do love to have Manual books inside the game box. It looks like a souvenir inside.
But if there is no more Manual books, i'm ready to move on. I still can accept that condition as long I got the game and work perfectly on certain machine.
@NEStalgia Didn't read all comments but did Setsuna physical have English? Haven't downloaded yet and was curious.
@Dakt I've seen slower. Remember pre-Switch 2016 days? Yeah. Brutal.
@BlueKnight07 yep! If you load it on an NoA/NoE account, text is in English, if you load on a Japan account is in Japanese. Voices are Japanese in all versions.
@Einherjar LOL, very very true. The PS4 is made out of what has got to be the cheapest plastic I have ever seen in my life other than that brittle stuff they make plastic Easter eggs out of. It might really be the same thing, just thicker and textured. And the trapezoid has never ever worked. I've yet to see a Pro in person....but I'd hoped they made it pretty, but all the pictures I've seen of it make it look like an extra layer of ugly glued to the top of the existing ugly. A pretty VCR or an ugly game console. Such a choice the PC twins offer in their set top boxes....
I do struggle mightily to actually find the disc slot when swapping discs in that original base model. It's under a shelf and I can't see it so I have to do everything by feel. It doesn't go very well....pretty much ever. Pro adds a whole extra layer to feel through.
@NEStalgia Oh ok, thanks! Agreeing with a lot of what you and @Einherjar are saying, by the way.
@Sean161 My friend, a video game console is much different than a plant. You already play the game on the screen; it's more convenient to just have the instruction manual be digital. I don't think Nintendo will bring paper instruction manuals back.
@NEStalgia Well, there have been people who couldn't even finde the power "button", which happens to be a touch sensitive part of the main seem running along the system
And the disc tray is, as i like to explain it, "somewhere in the crack, you'll notice it when the discs slips in, and hopefully before its scratched too badly"
To be brutally honest, people give the top-loader PS3 model a lot of sh*t and i have no clue why. Yes, its not quite "good looking" either, but at least it works properly.
And by god, do i miss consoles where i can get my discs out without the system needing power...
@Yasume "I'm sorry, but what quality exclusives does the Switch have exactly? 1-2 Switch?"
It's not about the exclusives right now. At least it isn't for the 2 million people who purchased one. It's about the portability and a vastly improved user experience. Nintendo could literally re-release Wii U titles for the next 6 months and this system would still be a hit, because they're titles most of the world haven't experienced yet. Don't like it, don't buy it. But crying about it is pointless.
@Einherjar LOL great description of the disc loading process! It could be summarized in only 4 letters though
Relizah and I were just talking about the power & eject buttons earlier this week. If I do everything by feel to even load the discs under the shelf, imagine how much fun I have trying to power the thing off/on or eject the disc! WiiU never gave me that problem....I could find the buttons just fine.
I'm not a fan of the top loader models though. Mostly for the same reasons. It's under a shelf. And the top loader can't be. It has to be sitting out in the open like an SNES. Even NES didn't need that! That's still a bad design. I think they were just using up DiscMan parts laying around in one of their many buildings they auctioned off for cash.
I still say the WiiU had simply the absolute best disc system I've ever used. The loading was SMOOTH and clean and precise, and it just grabbed the disc just right. The PS3 & PS4 drives sound like there's plastic parts clacking together like they're ripping itself apart. WiiU feels like an automotive grade drive. Probably part of the cost, but boy was it worth it. And then the discs themselves have those lovely polished edges. No other discs have that.
@SmaMan Great point, for some it may be hard to double dip. Per Nintendo's Japanese site as of Dec 2016 it looks that the Wii U only sold 13.56 million consoles, which isn't that many (Xbox One 26 million, PS4 54 million). So many getting into games like Mario Kart 8, Breath of the Wild, Lego City Undercover, and others for the first time are doing so on the Switch. But the good news will be that those of us willing to double dip get the definitive Mario Kart now and the promise of more to come (extra levels or at least MK9). With Mario Kart being one of if not my all time favorite franchise I will be picking this up Friday morning for sure.
@Reignmaker The 2 million who purchased it are the same old nintendo fanboys who buy anything that nintendo craps out. The system could literally have been anything and it still would have sold around that number. Just look at the Wii U, which also had a strong start. Thinking that the system can survive on ports is very naive.
Sorry for the short reply last night I was tired and just about to go to bed
In fairness I still have the vast majority of my old games, all my snes, n64, ps1, ps2 games etc are still in the loft and I'd never consider getting rid of them as they're classics in my eyes and every now and then I do still get them down and play them.
Back in those days of course we didn't have digital games so it was never an issue.
I agree that it can be very convenient to have digital games all saved to a memory card but I don't agree with the pricing structure for them but that's a discussion for another day the silly prices they charge.
Anyway 99 times out of 100 they cost more than a physical game and what happens if you've bought it and it turns out you don't like it? (You can't seriously tell me that's never happened to you). I'll tell you what happens your stuck with it that's what.
I just believe it's better to at least have the option of selling the game on and making something back on it if it's something you're NEVER likely to play again and obviously with a digital download that's impossible.
Also this Mario kart 8 deluxe is a perfect example, for anyone planning to double dip once they bought the switch version it's very unlikely they will ever play the wii u version again so it makes sense to be able to trade it in
I aprichiate some may still play it but most probably won't, I mean why would you if have a better version of something available to you
Fanboys ?!
There were a lot people who bought this games are NOT 100% Fanboys.
You are that NAIVE , PATHETHIC People !
@Yasume Can I still remind you that there is a huge amount of people who didn't own a Wii U? Its the only Wii U port on Switch launch, other consoles have/had way more ports/remasters/HD editions or how you want to call it.
Also your judgement of ARMS is weird since the game isn't even released? People had the same judgement about Splatoon and that turned out to be one of the better Wii U games/new IP's Nintendo created in the last decade.
"If I had a reason to buy the Switch, I'd have had one by now.", You wish. Its nowhere available in the Netherlands and it won't be until mid may.'
Like literally, stop the bullshit. The 4 people that I know who have a Switch don't even own a Wii U, let alone a 3DS. And I know enough people who want a Switch who aren't Nintendo fans either. I know this is an anecdotal evidence, but I know for sure there are more people out there who don't own a Wii U and this game.
The point is: I don't know the ratio of Wii U owners vs Switch owners and neither do you.
@Yasume Xbox and ps4 especially survived on ports on months.
@NEStalgia The PS3 top-loader has a sliding door. So as long as your hand has room to put the discs in, you can put it in as little room as you want...like i am
I generally hate automated push/pull drives (If anyone knows the technical term for these, please tell me !)
My Wii drive broke once, my PS4 drive broke twice.... i have some BAD experiences with it. And classic slider drives tend to scratch discs from time to time.
Generally, i prefer drives where you put the discs directly onto the spinner, like the GameCube or the top-loader PS3. Hassle free, durable, disc friendly.
And i just replaced a PS4 drive the other day. It IS just a concoction of flimsy plastic gears and hooks. The best part ?
This "swiss clockwork wannabe" also drives two rubberised drums that pull the disc in and out. One on each side. One of them is built in, the other just lies in it, connected to the other via a little plastic toothpick...
And now guess which part does have a tendency to pop out on a regular basis ?
So yeah, i was one of the few peeps who cherished Nintendos decision to go back to cartridges
Storage tech has evolved so immensely, there was no need for disc drives. And i couldnt have stomached another UMD handheld experiment
My Beautiful White Wii still can play both Wii and Gamecube.
@Anti-Matter My launch day system had an unhinged disc mechanism. It scratched discs while pulling them in and couldn't push them out anymore.
But Nintendo repaired it for free (almost, i had to pay in/out shipping). Since then, never had any issues ^^
@Yasume I disagree. The Switch has altered the way I play games. I've actually been hoping for ages that someone would release a system like the Switch. Now that I'm not tied to one location I'm really starting to enjoy gaming again as it is much easier to fit into my schedule. I'd be happy as a clam if Nintendo remastered every single Wii U game for the new system. I'm still picking the meat off of Breath of the Wild. MARIO Kart and Tetris are coming at a perfect time for me.
@Yasume Just goes to show you that Switch owners are starving for quality games. Agreed.
@subpopz Just because you didn't like the Wii U doesn't mean it wasn't a quality system. Why do you say that?
@BigBadJohn I know how you can play it now.
@Crono1973 enlighten me.
@BigBadJohn If you act now you can pop the disc into your Wii U and be playing within minutes. Don't wait a week like everyone else, take charge of Mario Kart 8 today and start having fun!
@Crono1973 ah I see. Good point but with a few flaws. Firstly I traded in my Wii U because it is an old console which is no longer supported and secondly I'm excited for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe which is an enhanced port of one of my favourite games of all time. Playing the "old" version on the crappy Wii U screen no longer does it for me now I have the outstanding Nintendo Switch. I like playing the best versions of games. I'm weird like that. Maybe one day you too will sample the delights of this fantastic machine and will have less time to spout negativity on a fan forum.
@BigBadJohn So you sell your consoles once they are no longer current? You have no PS3, Xbox 360 or anything older? I see that you only want to play on a tablet, not on a TV and that is why you sold the Wii U. Lastly, it seems that you will continue buying the same game as many times as it is released to always play the best version. Given all this, I am sorry that you will have to wait for a week. Sorry I couldn't help you get into the game sooner.
I have Mario Kart 8 Wii U and still keep it even I will buy Switch version soon.
I like to collect Nintendo things.
Oh, Wii U is very useful for my Wii games. It will displayed better than from Wii machine.
Wii U is not crappy after all.
@Crono1973 That's right buddy I do sell all my consoles once they are done. I'm a cutting edge kinda guy. Quite an important bit of information you should have gained before advising me on my gaming habits but thanks for the effort. Quick point though I don't want to just game on a tablet I also want to game on my tv. I'm also partial to gaming whilst out and about. Thankfully I own a Switch so I can do all those things with no restrictions. Cool right? And lastly I'm not buying the same game. I'm buying the deluxe version with enhancements that aren't on the Wii U. Yes I will have to wait a week but I can easily fill that time with Gorgeous Destruction Machine, Blaster Master Zero, Snipperclips, Bomberman and Fast RMX. I could play Zelda but 200 hours is probably enough.
@Anti-Matter I don't think the Wii U was crappy either but the screen on the gamepad is embarrassing compared to the Switch screen.
Yeah, actually.
It looks a bit Yellowish, makes the Beautiful green grass on Go Vacation Wii looks like Autumn grass.
But I like the Blueish tint on Gamepad. It makes more Vivid color.
Pre ordered from GameStop
I like they're making use of the inside of the box given the lack of any inserts or manuals. Hopefully we'll see some imaginative use of the space in the future, such as artwork or comic strips and such like.
As an aside, I saw a Switch in person for the first time yesterday. I must say I was surprised just how dinky it truly is, and the thought of a game like Zelda running on that screen must be quite a sight to behold. I won't pretend I'm not disappointed by its lack of power, but seeing it in person has definitely sparked something inside me. And that's without seeing it running any games!
@subpopz The Wii U wasn't a failure because of it's build quality and it wasn't a failure because of it's games (as is obvious). It was a failure because few people bought it which makes this sentence: people are hyped to have the game on a console that's likely to not be the failure Wii U was nonsensical. Some of the same people who are hyped to have this game on a non-failing console are the ones who didn't buy the Wii U and caused it to fail. It's like a self fulfilling prophecy. Indeed, the build quality is higher on the Wii U than on the Switch and yet this is the console that people have chosen not to fail.
I didn't say the Wii U failed coz of its build or games (which I already clarified once that I didn't mean that). Which is why I said that it wasn't a failure for those reasons. We agree here.
It failed because it was a bad and confusing concept that the masses clearly didn't want, coupled with Nintendos poor handling of promoting the thing. Yeah, we hear all the time that people didn't know what the Wii U really was but that excuse doesn't work for people that post here. You know Nintendo Life members knew what the Wii U was. If the next excuse is that they didn't like playing on a tablet, well just don't go there.
The Switch is a different concept, which is why its touted as likely to not fail and do a lot better than the Wii U. Nintendo calls this a console and tells us that the 3DS is alive and well. It's the fans who continue to call it the world best handheld and to judge it by handheld standards. Wii U wasn't given such love by the fans and that difference may be the difference between success and failure.
Those people are hyped to have a great game on a console that is a better concept touted as going to be far more successful than it's doomed predecessor. Their hype creates reality.
@subpopz You are the one dwelling on the word quality, I thought we had that all worked out. I am not even talking about quality, try reading my post again without the quality lens that you are stuck on.
already paid off with a 9:00PM pick up on the 27th! Can't wait, didn't bother with the Wii U so this is totally fresh for me
I'll probably get this, my daughter's really into MK 8 and I love battle mode. Of course, I still need to beat Zelda!
Will get this digitally. I predict this will be on pretty much everyone else switches, so it would be useful to have it available regarding what game cart I'm using.
Also, why is gold a mario a racer? Don't we have enough with metal mario?
What's next? Cobalt yoshi?
@subpopz 🤔 MK8 sold 8 million and is still the 2nd most widely enjoyed Wii U game (by non wii u owners playing on someone else's console, even) to this day.
Psst... Shiny Luigi, Rainbow Inklings, Baby Koopalings, Baby Wario / Waluigi, Sapphire Rosalina, Ruby Bowser, etc. XD
So... if you keep saying don't need the next Nintendo video games, what games that you are playing for the rest of your life ?
Soon or later you will get bored by older titles only. It's time to grab another Nintendo next gen with better performance. To tell this, There is Nothing Wrong to collect more Nintendo machines. I have Wii, Wii U, Older 3DS XL, New 3DS XL, NDS Lite and still want to add Nintendo Switch. I play both new and older games together.
@Anti-Matter I will get a Switch when it starts getting new games that I am interested in. Right now though, it's only getting old games and people are all hyped over old games. Yes I know BOTW is new but it also doesn't require buying a Switch to play it. I guess my problem is that people are satisfied with ports for their expensive new console. What if Super Mario 64 was an SNES port?
Ah, same. Me too.
I still play Animal Crossing New Leaf everyday since 22 December 2013.
And also now I play some Oldies NDS games that I have never got before
while waiting for more New Nintendo games of course.
@Einherjar I've only heard them called "slot load" "tray load" and "top load" drives. The top load where you put it on the spindle is the original CD design, but its difficult usage (you can't blindly fumble it but have to look what you're doing) kind of negated most of the benefit of CDs (the whole point of CDs in its original design (music) was certainly not for audio quality. Other than the lower noise floor, CD's 16bit/44.1KHz sampling is unequivocally worse than analog cassette tape, which itself was worse than 8-track. As an audiophile I still laugh when I hear streaming use "CD-quality audio" in the tagline )
But CD won due to convenience and durability. And the top loading drives were not really providing more convenience over even tray loaders since most tape decks at the time already had autoload, auto-reverse, and auto-rewind.
Thus few were made for audio, and since audio was the main point of disc, few were made in general (except laptop drives which are already fragile.) Personally though the big issue is still that it limits placement. As AV racks were becoming popular, equipment was stacked, and you can't access the top of the box to drop a CD in. Same for my PS4 which sits under the last shelf of the AV rack, I have an HDMI switch above it (on rubber spacers for heat dissipation) as the exhaust blows rearward. The Switch dock, headphone stands, and other misc sit on the top shelf, so I couldn't move a PS4 up there. They're just not a practical design, even if they're durable.
WiiU definitely did the drive right. It cost a fortune and weighed a ton, but that's a part designed to last. PS4's....the very sounds it makes makes me think it's breaking every time it loads a disc.
And I've said since the beginning the carts are the single best feature of the Switch Ironically most of my games thus far I'm going digital including Kart I think (I love physical but that's a game that just needs to always be in the machine!) But I do love those carts!
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