Due to some parts of the world formatting dates a certain way we have 'MAR10' day coming up, which is a cute / weird way for Nintendo to celebrate its mascot. In fairness to Nintendo of America, its announced plans not only include publicity-led activities but also a nice charitable gesture.
Nintendo will team up with Starlight Children's Foundation to provide 2000 colourful hospital gowns for seriously ill hospitalised children, giving a lighter tone to their time in treatment. It's a nice idea, and you can see a mock-up of the designs below.

Beyond that Nintendo is doing Mario-themed shenanigans in Facebook messenger; we'll just copy the press release for this bit because, well, we're not big users of the app.
People who visit Facebook on MAR10 Day will be able to use a free Mario-themed frame for their Facebook profile photo from March 10 at 5 a.m. PT until March 12 at 11:59 p.m. PT. The frame will add iconic items from the Super Mario Bros. universe to any photo or image, and is also available inside the Messenger Camera. To find the frame in Messenger, simply open the Messenger app, take a photo and then tap the smiley face icon. This special frame will be the first one to appear in the top "Featured" section. Users can then just tap to add it to their photo.
Beyond that there'll be some Mario-themed discounts of 20% on Amazon.com (these are US-centric celebrations, remember). My Nintendo in North America will also get some new discounts from 10th March, including 30% off Mario Kart 8 on Wii U and the second Animal Crossing-themed DLC pack.
It's a decent line-up of events, we think, and of course Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is among the playable Nintendo Switch games at PAX East this weekend.
Will you be celebrating MAR10 day, or do you format dates differently and find it all a bit baffling? This British writer is somewhere in the middle...
Comments 43
I would rather like to know what the Switch related bonuses for My Nintendo will be.
Physical Rewards please!!
Discounts on a game most of us already own. Thanks.
Those gowns are really neat.
Why would they give a discount on the Wii U version when they have the better Switch version soon? Shouldn't they give a discount on THAT for Wii U owners who already own it on Wii U when it releases?
For a moment I thought they added some T-shirts to MyNintendo but nope. More discounts. -_-
I already tweeted at nintendo america and got no response. They should release Super Mario Run for Android on March 10. It's been long enough.
Also, why not a discount voucher for the switch version of Mario Kart 8?
Maybe they'll start IP infringement proceedings against anyone who writes the date as MAR10. In Britain we won't have to worry though seeing as tomorrow is actually 10MAR.
Given that Mario Kart 8 has an attach rate of something ridiculous like 50% it is a waste of a discount for most of us. Plus the added fact that Mario Kart 8 Deluxe comes out a month later, this is a hard pass.
Still, the charity is nice, hopefully it does bring a few smiles.
As an american, i'll be seeing Mar 10, 2017 everywhere. I typically write my dates 2017.03.10 (year.month.day for largest to smallest) so I suppose written out its still 2017 Mar 10. I do think the M:D:Y method is silly though. But we also use standard instead of metric which is even more annoying. An entire month or more of school could have been compressed to probably 3 days if we only had to learn metric. /rant
The Switch is out yet My Nintendo is still garbage, I'm not surprised. No Nintendo rewards program will top the fantastic Club Nintendo.
Nintendo makes charitable donation by teaming up to provide hospital gowns but make childrens experience in hospital a little more bearable
NintendoLife comment section complains about a MyNintendo reward
Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way but I found Nintendos goodwill gesture to be nice.
Let's not get too caught up in our 'sense of Nintitlement' here, OK?
Discount on mariokart 8.
I've waited so long to buy this and now with the discount it's just so worth it.
Oh wait, the discounts not coming to Europe
I wrote my dates day (numeric), month (spelled out), year (numeric). To me makes more sense to make reference first about the day in which we are, then the month, then the year. However, most U.S. population used the mm/dd/yyyy formats. So when looking at my format, it take them a bit to process the information LoL!
@martynstuff The charity gift and the reward are two different things. People are allowed to complain if the reward isn't as good as they'd hoped, this is a Nintendo fan site so it's a given that would be the part that affects readers more directly.
With that said though I actually agree with you, the reward is completely overshadowed by this pretty sweet gift and I hope they take it further!! When I was very young I was in hospital for days with severe asthma and they had a gamecube set up. Honestly made the whole thing 10x more bearable. Hope they continue this with switches.
I think what Nintendo is doing with those hospital gowns is pretty dang cool.
Pretty cool they're making those gowns. Something like that is sure to help cheer a kid up.
As for the discount on MK8, what a missed opportunity. This definitely should have been a discount on the Switch version pre-order or something similar. Hard core Nintendo fans already own MK8, and 30% off would be far more enticing to purchase again. And 30% off may help bring in relapsed Nintendo fans.
Lovely gesture with the gowns. As for offers/rewards for us lot, I think we can wait a little while for the better stuff - the Switch hasn't even been out a week yet so it's a bit premature to start talking about discounts. It'll come in time.
Tomorrow is MAR10 Day.
Where can I buy a MARIO shirt for my kid? I've tried target, Walmart, and a local game store but can't find any.
The charity gowns are awesome. I would actually contribute money to the cause to get one of those gowns. Very cool thing to do Nintendo.
The my Nintendo stuff however... gosh when I read discount on Mario Kart, I thought it would be for preorders of the Switch version, I was all in. Then I saw it was Wii U 😔
No point getting MK8 on Wii U if its on Switch anyway.....
It's easy to get confused about date formatting when it's all numbers, particularly within the range of 1-12. But I do appreciate punny "themed days" emerging from the MM.DD trend (or, likewise, from another date writing format - that's how we got Star Wars day in spring, too!).
It's always awesome to see companies (and anyone, frankly) indulge in charitable work, too.
I'm ready for My Nintendo to mean something to Nintendo Switch owners. Very cool thing Nintendo is doing for the kids though.
Ooo I sense some rivalry with pi day... 3.14 (14th of March) but seriously, MAR10 is genius but if only there were a Zelday... hmm what about ZEL(by)DA(te)?... which could be every day! Woot!
I still say they should have released MK8 on Mar10 day.
Is this mean they will release Mario Run on android tomorrow? Please Nintendo?!!!!
I love that March 10th is Mario's birthday. I'm English too..but still celebrate MAR10 day 😃
Would be even nicer if they allowed for discounts on the Switch version of Mario Kart 8, like for people who have it on WiiU, purchased the DLC, or like traded in some coins...
Those gowns are quite a nice gesture. I definitely would have enjoyed something like that as a kid, though I was never hospitalized. XD
I'm not too hopeful about the rewards, but we'll see.
And remember back in 2015, 2014, we thought Club Nintendo was crap?
How little we knew…
Good times...
And then immediately after you post your comment, every single post is about the gowns.
Hope there will be some switch related bonuses!
Can't wait for MARIO Kart 8 Deluxe!
I didn't even realize MAR10 was a reference to March 10th.
I'm interested in seeing the My Nintendo update. Edit: Never mind I already own the MK stuff.
I'm ex Air Force, so its 10MAR2017 for me. Lol
More tiny discounts. I regret not buying the Virtual Console games when they were available
Well coins for dlc instead of discounts is a nice change (even though I'm still not getting it regardless)
@martynstuff For real. Simmer down, Selfish Sammies!
@martynstuff This. Did they announce ahead of time that there would be some big special discounts on Mar10? Maybe I missed it, but to me it looks like Nintendo announced discounts out of the blue, and everyone's reaction is "NOT GOOD ENOUGH."
What would be really awesome is if they didn't give a discount on Mario Kart 8, but but pre-order it on Mar10 and 10% of the sale goes to Starlight Children's Foundation.
I just can't believe that they haven't announced Super Mario Run coming out on Mario day especially when it's coming out in March. Feels like a huge miss.
Nothing in europe? The switch should have been released today
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