In a familiar occurrence in the lead up to Nintendo's Switch presentation, reporter Laura Kate Dale has shared more details regarding three upcoming Ubisoft titles coming to the Switch. As always they're rumours, but Kate Dale has been correct in multiple past reports.
If you don't want these potential surprises spoiled for you before 12th January, then you shouldn't really be reading this...
First up there's information about a Switch port for Rayman Legends, a 2013 Ubisoft side-scroller that was a sequel to Rayman Origins. Supposedly, the title will be announced during the event and will then be released after the first months of the Switch's launch window.
Next up we have the Rabbids/Mario crossover SRPG. After reporting on who will be composing the music for the title, it seems that Kate Dale has outed the name of the game. Titled 'Rabbids Kingdom Battle', the claim is that a source now pegs the game for a September release window.
Lastly, we have more info regarding Beyond Good & Evil 2 and its apparent exclusivity for the Nintendo Switch. With a full year of exclusivity, the title will feature a teaser that will close the upcoming presentation.
Also of note, potentially, Kate Dale now believes that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild could be a launch title for Switch, having previously expected it later in the year. There have been lots of contradictory claims on this one, though some of the marketing materials and retail advertising in recent weeks do suggest it should arrive early in the Switch's lifespan.
In any case, let us know what you think of these rumours, as always, in the comments.
Comments 94
clickbaited and sinker
Rabbids kindgdim battle sounds like a mobile game...... Oh no......
LKD, Why do you bother tweeting some speculations about next week event? What would you hope to gain from this?
Also, 10 days left! I'm very excited.
SPRG? Nooo!
It's great reading the latest from
.... but seriously now, I'm hoping that 1)these rumours largely turn out to be false or 2) we get at least some surprises at the Jan 12 event
Rabbbids DESTORYING the Mario RPG brand, Check!
Legends is good, but no need for a port.
Nothing says, "not interested," like using those stupid rabbits.
I have no opinion of BGE, since I wasn't one of the 187 people that played the original.
All and all, lots of meh from Ubisoft, but that's par for the course for them.
12 months exclusive, now that is something.
As of Laura: Does she have the Switch-rumor monopoly or what?! Hmm, I'll take it all with a pinch of salt...
You know you're dealing with "that" kind of person when they're a card-carrying Derpnaerys Snoregaryen fan who can't even spell the usurper child's long-obsolete honorific title right.
We can't just ban this thing from the internet already, can we?
lol is that Legends rumor just trolling? I mean, seriously it will never not be "too soon" enough regarding what went down with Legends and the Wii U launch.
The biggest potential spoiler is that BGE2 would be in next week's reveal, but you use the artwork from that game alongside "Potential spoilers for Nintendo's Switch event next week...", so you kinda told us without opening the link. Doesn't make any sense.
@Light-Of-Hope I feel the same at point as well. I'm sick of these leaks because it is spoiling the surprises at this point.
Remember, folks! If you read rumours from Laura, throw them here:
@ottospooky I also enjoy watching videos from Laurakatedalexplain on YouTube
Another day, another rumor. I seriously hope that not every single one of these statements are in the Event...
I wish she'd just go away. And all the other notable leakers. Why can't we all just wait and be surprised at the real reveal?
I just really wanted her to shut up! Truth or not, can't people just be surprise when the time comes??
All these people mad at Laura and Emily with the rumors; what you really need to be mad at are the rumors themselves and the fact that they end up being true.
Just because the rumor isn't something you want to be true doesn't mean you take out your anger on the messenger.
@Koniec I would suggest not accessing the internet between now and the 12th.
@LUIGITORNADO We didn't want to spoil any bits of the presentation for anyone.
We do not need rayman legends its already in all the consoles this gen no need to do a useless port on Switch
@Loui The spoiler could have been it wasn't planned to be revealed.
And ubi fail again I was hyped for bge2 as a Switch ONLY exclusive but if it's coming out for others I don't want it anymore ... Where's the Switch only games ubi!
Rayman Legends? No thanks.
Same with Rabbids. Almost as bad as minions.
No interest in BG&E2, either.
Oh well.
@Nintendoforlife That would of been extremely unlikely with a heading of "More Reported Details on Ubisoft's Big Plans for the Nintendo Switch"
Should of used an unrelated image, or just the Ubisoft logo.
@gatorboi352 /shutting down
Rayman Legends port is kinda weird. It no longer has the Nintendo unique aspects without a second screen and it is pretty old now. :/ I mean I love the game, but okay.
Rabbids and Mario RPG-thing is just too weird to ignore. I don't think Nintendo would go into it without some control and that could make it a unique and even promising combination... but so weird.
BG&E2 has great potential as an exclusive to garner attention from the XB1/PS4 crowd that usually ignores Nintendo.
All good potential if not baseless, but I hope Rayman is new or something?
"Rayman Legends port"
This is echoing things, but isn't that too soon? Though it seems like Ubisoft just likes porting Rayman to as many systems as possible.
BORING - Roll on the official news!
Let me first start, I'm a MASSIVE longtime supporter and admirer of Nintendo, however...
As somebody who purchased the WiiU at launch and all but all of it's essential/recommend titles over that period, I'll be damned if Nintendo are simply going to repackage and resell them as Switch exclusives. Also, I don't want to see A Breath of the Wild held back on WiiU just to make the Switch more appealing to many.
Please, do the Switch right.
Coming from the person who said Zelda wouldn't be a launch title even though Nintendo already said it was.besides that Zelda is being shown on the switch when every Nintendo shows it.preview,live TV now she changes her story lol.the 12th will show all.bge 2 also has been basically said was switch lol months ago
That's just what the Switch needs. A port of Rayman Legends. Expect the console to be as rare as the NES Classic Mini.
...I wouldn't mind a Switch port of Rayman Legends, if the rumor is true.
"Laura this... Laura that. Laura Laura Laura."
"Laura that? Laura Laura Laura?"
"LAURA~! o/"
^ Literally all I'm getting from being on this site and youtube in regards to the Switch. It's like watching an episode of Pokemon with no cute/cool monsters duking it out with unique type combinations and awesome moves.
Basically, it's like watching a pair of Magikarp flop around uselessly... You'd honestly be better off not posting anything at all. Don't make a new article every time the woman tweets something that may or may not be true. Like... why is this even a thing?
People can find her on twitter themselves...
Laura is everywhere, no more surprises. Need to avoid the whole Internet now... see you next Friday.
Looks like another game is getting SWITCHED over... to no one's surprise.
Rayman Legends? LOL.
@Syrek24 That was unnecessary. Seems more like delineation of your own failure to comprehend someone's random salty comments on the internet.
Yaaay LKD!
@Heefe See you there!
To go over the BotW release rumours properly...
The original 'not a launch title' rumour was only speculation resulting from the mis-interpretation of the actual rumours she'd received.
This was then spread around the internet as if it was a proper rumour, with everyone jumping on the bandwagon.
One of her European sources (not one of her main sources) then said the same thing several days after the rumour had been circulated.
Now, some of her main US sources have confirmed that BotW will be a launch title for the Switch (no mention of Wii U release, though), so she has had to retract her claim that it wouldn't be ready in time for launch.
So it now boils down to three possibilities...
1. her EU source had fallen for the same false rumour everyone else did, and BotW is a launch title for the Switch in all regions.
2. it's only the EU version that's delayed, with it being a launch title in other regions.
3. her EU source was actually referring to the Wii U release being delayed, while the Switch version will still be a launch title in all regions.
So it's a paid exclusivity-period deal? Can't say I'm a big fan of those, especially when Sony does that.
Does anyone know how much of a system seller Beyond Good & Evil 2 will be? I had never even heard of the first one before I started researching the Switch.
It's fascinating how many people don't want the surprises to be spoiled, yet read these rumors anyway. Don't blame the leakers for your own lack of self-control.
On topic: can't say I care much about these titles, at least for now. I thought Legends was ok, I find the Rabbids repulsive and we know next to nothing about BG&E2.
@KirbyTheVampire It has the potential to be a great game, but it doesn't have the brand power to make much of a difference. Maybe the trailer will seriously impresses people, who knows.
None of this really interests me, sadly. I've been done with the Rabbids ever since the original Rayman Raving Rabbids. I've already played through Rayman Legends on my XBOX ONE and the only way I'd purchase it on Switch is if it's $10 or less. Beyond Good and Evil 2 is great to see but I've never played the first one so I can't say I'm exactly excited for that.
Hopefully the rumor about Assassin's Creed coming to the system is true. I'm not a big Assassin's Creed fan, but I really enjoyed Syndicate and would probably get a successor on Switch.
@MarcelRguez Ah, I see. Well, the more games the better. I just hope some bigger names end up on the Switch.
BG&E 2 is 2-3 years away at minimum. That pretty much disproves the rumor. The game only started pre production a few months ago. I wish people would stop with these incessant rumors and I wish NL would stop breathlessly reporting them. We saw this with the Wii U and it only ended up disappointing fans when those rumors turned out to be false. These stories needlessly get people's hopes up.
If Bg&E is a times exclusive, it won't move much hardware. After all, for PS4 & XONE owners, why would they invest in a new console to play a game that will eventually come to their system of choice if they can be patient?
Nintendo needs to secure true exclusives, not timed releases
I kind of admire Emily Rogers now for her decision to not share any more rumors in order to let some surprises for January 12. This Laura girl is getting on my nerves releasing every little piece of info she heard.
@MarcelRguez That's something that I think to myself whenever I read the comment section of any rumor article.
If that Beyond Good & Evil rumour turns out to be true, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if they delayed the Switch version so it can 'be released simultaneously on all platforms', and then delay it some more to release 6 months after the PS4/XOne versions.
Also, if they're doing a Rabbids/Mario crossover, why in the name of all that is good and holy wouldn't you use the Mario name in the title...? That's beyond insanity.
@wiggleronacid It's either that or people trying to force others to go in completely blind. I don't want to be surprised, I want to know Nintendo will not screw this up in advance.
This click bait doesn't appeal to my palate...
Yeah get them just for switch! If I had a Xbox or PS I would wait lol grrr
I know these are rumors, but I like what I'm reading.
Interesting thing about the BG&E2 timed exclusivity is that it's a digital timed exclusive. No physical/retail version for PS4 and XB1.
Meh. NG&E is all that I'd want to play but, you know, rumors...
I don't know why anyone is angry over these rumors.
Even if you don't care about BG&E2, a Rayman Legends port, or that Mario X Rabbids game, someone else probably does.
The more games available for the Switch, the better, even if the currently rumored games aren't necessarily the traditional open world games that Ubisoft loves to churn out every year, to diminishing returns.
The salt. Lol. Bring on more rumors!
@NintyNate if we don't buy the games we can kiss permanent exclusives goodbye.
@westman98 i personally feel that BGE 2 belongs in the Nintendo category more so than the other mature ubi games. It will do better than Zombi U.
Well I'm glad it's only a timed exclusive. Otherwise people would be writing headlines about "Switch exclusives being ported to Xbox and PS4" like it's the Apocalypse of Nintendo or something. Best to just make it timed from the get go so people know what to expect.
Glad Beyond Good & Evil is getting a physical release. Only on Switch too.
I loved Rayman Legends, and I don't object to having it on Switch for portable play, but I did already have the Vita version and honestly, this is one game where it looks just as good on that as on a console. But hey, that's cool.
As for the Mario RPG crossover... Kingdom Battle or whatever it was... I'm actually really curious to see what it's about. Idk why so many people who claim to love video games only ever seem to trash them, and without even seeing them at that.
@aaronsullivan Rayman Legends might have the nintendo unique aspects. Assuming you're referring to Murphy it might be you do it with the pointer and sensor bar instead of touch screen.
I loved playing this game through with my oldest when it first came out and then I loved playing it with my middle child earlier this year. I plan to play it again with my youngest in a year or 2, but it would be hard for me to justify paying $60 again to do it on the Switch because I don't plan on selling my Wii U.
So the Wii U was graced with 6-month-old ports in its launch window, and the Switch is getting a 4-year-old port in its launch window? Great game, but for the sake of the Switch this needs to be a lie. Everyone who wants to play this game has already got it, and a £50 copy won't look too good when it can be downloaded for less than a tenth of that on every other format apart from the Wii U.
Rabbids Kingdom Battle?
Not having anything Mario or even Nintendo related in the name seems really weird.
At this point I feel that a whole lot of Emily/Laura/OBE1 claims are gonna turn out to be wrong. There's always a bunch of fake leakers before a Nintendo console launch (the time before Wii was cray-cray), but now there's people using their own faces, so that at least somewhat increases the likehood of them being true (although it guarantees nothing).
Hey NLife, I'm getting tired of seeing so many rumor reports in the wake of the Switch event. Hopefully it'll end or decrease after Jan 12th.
I miss seeing more actual news reports or journalistic pieces. The recent editorials have been pretty good though.
@NintyNate you no longer want a game, because it's coming to other consoles.
dear me.
Next week thrusday...
@Moshugan I had heard she was going to post fake news along with real leaks to keep some excitement for the reveal.
No idea if that's true of cause but her Mother3 for switch rumour dose trigger my "yeah right" reflex
How many times must I buy Rayman Legends? I've got the PS4, PS Vita and WiiU versions already!
...I'll probably buy it again, haha.
Yeah pretty much lol I might change my mind but it sucks, Ninty should of kept it for themselves, like bayo 2, and plus I can't remember the game ubi made that was a must have lol
Just give us zombi u 2
Anybody who's anybody knows BEYOND GOOD & EVIL 2 is the only thing that matters. System seller for me. No doubt. But timed exclusivity? that takes a lot of the "system seller" away for other fans who already have a ps4 or xb1 (i don't so might as well do switch). Timed exclusive is a bummer for Nintendo, but I'm glad we're getting the game FINALLY! least the Rabbids RPG won't be going anywhere else unless they put the effort into replacing Mario and pal with....oh I dunno, Kratos and pals? XD
Why are people complaining about more rumours? We don't have any real news. If you don't want to read rumours don't open an article where the text on the link says 'Rumour
More Reported Details on Ubisoft's Big Plans for the Nintendo Switch
Potential spoilers for Nintendo's Switch event next week...'
There's a clue or two in there
Just 'Rayman Legends' is an odd one unless it's going to be a cheap download or the rumour is wrong and it's a compilation.
I have no idea who this Laura Kate Dale is, nor do i care. I assume that she, like that Emily Rogers person is just some random person who may or may not have "sources".
But honestly, don't care. Meanwhile the "journalism" on this site continues to be stellar, reposting random rumors like some sort of subreddit.
Not sure why they would wanna kick off with Rayman Legends? Great game and I have no problems with ports of great games but the switch needs new fresh games!! It better not be 60 bucks either unless maybe they throw rayman origins in there! If so should not be more than $40!
"reporter Laura Kate Dale"............
@kingofthesofa lol!
Rayman Legends!
Good game but really don't see the point of it being released on switch.
Nobody asked for that. It will bomb hard!
Got to laugh at the people moaning about more rumours. You people are hilarious. Don't click on the links if you don't want to be spoiled.
@the_shpydar To be fair, we're getting nothing from Nintendo until January 12th, so they have to post something. Besides, LKD has been right on pretty much everything.
Once she is proven wrong about everything can her rumorus please get blacklisted from this site. Or at least mention her in the title so that I won't fall for clicking these articles every single time.
I'm a big fan of the Rayman games, not excited about Legends coming to the Switch at all though. I don't see the point of that. Anyways, guess we will just have to wait and see what goes down on the 12th.
@Light-Of-Hope Instead of forcing people to be quiet he grown up thing is to not listen
@kingofthesofa she has a beer strike rate than anyone else. That's the only reason her name gets reported.
Bit of an unpleasant response. Don't read it if you don't want to know.
We have 8 days...can we just wait 8 days? It could be tomorrow and these rumors would probably still be published.
@Syrek24; I watched your video and frankly do not see how your comments apply to NintendoLife. Your first beef is with gaming journalists who are not truly gamers. That label would not appear to apply to any NLer; they are gamers and have a deep respect and appreciation for Nintendo's history and position in the gaming world. Your next comment about posting headlines as stories, well, that is the world we live in (esp. since Nintendo is so darn hush about its next console). NL seems to always label rumors as such and is quick to to correct stories when "fake facts" are discovered. So while your video may have some excellent commentary about the news and gaming news generally (cesspool indeed), there was not a need to post it here.
I honestly think they should make a page with all of her rumors and update the page daily. I get that we're all frothing at the mouth for more details but this person is just annoying now. Everyday it's something else she said, it's getting a bit old.
No sir at this point it should be 20 bucks. No more than that. The game will be 5 years old by then.
It's actually kind of funny because even as old as it is, if rumors are true, it still won't be there at launch. Just like on Wii U, and it also won't be exclusive.😂😂😂
@electrolite77 Very well then.
@whanvee Now THAT is the best suggestion I've heard all day. I rather that then continuous articles of their nonsense.
How exciting!
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