Late last year we told you about a ratings listing that outed Rime for the Nintendo Switch; developed by Tequila Works, it's a title that was originally unveiled as a PS4 exclusive way back at Gamescom 2014, but that publishing agreement with Sony ended. The developer is now releasing the game with Grey Box and Six Foot.
An adventure game that naturally draws parallels with some major franchises, it seems to put a great focus on exploration and puzzle solving, and now a new trailer shows off updated footage and also confirms that Switch rating. IGN has published the trailer, with the official website still promising more details soon.

Are you excited about this coming to Nintendo Switch?
Comments 63
i dunno but it kinda looks like the graphics got a downgrade from the 2014 trailer, does anyone else think that
This immensely interests me...
Very reassuring to see the Switch can handle a low-budget, derivative indie title that seems to have all but asset-flipped textures from The Wind Waker.
All aboard the good ship HYPErion. Full speed ahead!
Great looking game, and a great game to show off the visual prowess of the console. Glad to see it coming to the switch.
You're joking, right? Just because they share a similar art style does not mean they were asset-flipped.
Looks alright. The reason why its coming to the switch because the game uses UE4. The game could easy ported on the wii u using Unity 5.4. I have to see the reviews first and buy it.
This is my kind of game!!
Not terribly (excited), no. A Breath of the Wild is going to overshadow this relatively Indie title in a BIG way.
Nice art style. I wonder why the kid doesn't have some sort of weapon to defend himself.
Much more interested in this than BOTW.. excellent trailer.
I prefer this art style than BoTW tbh
I get some ico vibes from trailer
This isn't something I was previously aware of. But I'm getting Ico/Shadow of the Colossus and Okami vibes. Maybe even a bit of Wind Waker. Which is good
Doesn't look like a major system seller, but I'm digging the art style a lot. Kinda reminds me of Journey. Looks pretty darn good, and a nice addition to the Switch library.
To begin with, the more games the better, whatever they are! Perhaps it really is as easy to develop for/port to Switch as is rumoured. That's good even if it comes from a relatively modest title. Looks right up my street.
looks boring
@Solid_Stannis This uses a similar art style. That's not the same as asset flipping
The switch logo at the end looks puny next to Xbox and PlayStations
BUT the logo itself of course looks beautiful, plus I've been so excited to see them go back to the red of former glory years!
Honestly thought this game was vaporware. Now all of a sudden it's near done and coming in May.
@therealgamer don't forget a review is based on opinion. So don't let official review make out what game is good or bad for you
This was one of the few PS4 games that had caught my attention in recent years, so I'm very happy to see that it's coming to the Switch.
@kevfrei That also struck me as something they haven't thought about with that logo layout. Tiny indeed. Actually I'm not really a fan of other aspects of that logo either, though it isn't really bad either. In any case I'm really excited about the console itself.
I'd be really happy if Switch could somehow change the idea most people seem to have of Nintendo's consoles being first party only.
Looks similar with BoTW...
But sorry, not interested.
@kamikazilucas Maybe that rumour that the original trailer wasn't gameplay is true after all? I don't know, the trailers look similar, the old trailer had better use of lighting in my opinion, and that makes a big difference.
Oh well, glad to see the project is still alive and well, sort of...
@abbyhitter If older quotes still apply to this game; it's because there's no combat, it's mainly a puzzle/adventure type of game.
@Solid_Stannis I don't think that you know what the term "asset flip" means.
This looks really good! Can't wait to see more.
Feels like a nice mix of Wind Waker, Team ICO, and Thatgamecompany. I'm looking forward to it!
/spend seven years deriding games that put pretty graphics over gameplay
/switch port confirmed
"Oh my god it's gorgeous"
If that's what the gameplay looks like, it kinda gives off a Gurumin feel more than the Wind Waker feel people are talking upthread (note: original TWW is a game that is bad, and not good). There's definitely too much water, I don't know why game developers continue to think people like water levels in games.
@buildz Hey now, clearly this person just learned a new word and they're really excited about it. And like many other folks on the internet, they're using any word they learn that sounds clever as a synonym for "I don't like this thing because of reasons" with zero regard for what it means.
Nice trailer and music. Also nice to see a nintendo logo next to the PS4 and Xbox1 for a change.
Right on
Looks cool but never heard of it till just now.
Glad to see this.
Seems to borrow from The Witness with a touch of Last Guardian too. But for me the good thing about this announcement is seeing the Switch listed among the other platforms.
Im kinda interested in it, I just need to see more.
no combat? o.o
Looks very reminiscent of the Wind Waker, if I ever got a hold of the Switch I may possibly check it out. If I can't get a hold of the Switch due to Nintendo's 5 quantity of stocks per store practice then I may eventually just get it on Steam.
Not really feeling it. Nice music, though.
It looks nice. Will probably pick it up whenever I get a Switch.
It's pretty ridiculous to expect one game (an indie at that) to be a "system seller", even games like Super Smash Bros, Splatoon and Mario Kart weren't "system seller" enough to sell the Wii U to the masses.
I'm glad to see this coming to the Switch, more of this please! The Switch needs as varied a library as possible, as early as possible to encourage sales...which will encourage more third parties to jump on board.
Looks pretty good so far
Why is it suddenly every game looks like BotW and has a boy and a dog?
The trailer looks very good! You can see the inspirations.
Please people, don't compare this to Breath of the Wild.
This one seems like it's more puzzle oriented (maybe little to no combat at all?) with a much smaller scope (looks to be a single set of islands?).
Feels much more like something Team Ico would cook up than Zelda.
@gcunit lol, which other ones do?
@Moshugan Seasons of Heaven.
Wow, news.
Hmm a lot of comments comparing to WindWaker. I mean, ok, there is definitely a whiff of inspiration from that, but it's far from the first and won't be the last game to have that (rightly so too). But it doesn't feel that heavily influenced to me. Aside from the fact it's cell shaded, bright and appears to star a young boy I don't get that many WindWaker vibes. Not from the trailer anyway.
It doesn't have the cartoony proportions, the spiral monikers, the emphasis on bold patterns etc. Visually it reminds me a lot more of The Witness and Journey. Much more subtle and understated, with the architecture playing a huge role in setting the tone. Gameplay wise the trailer places heavy focus on puzzle solving and navigating the island over high seas adventure and battling foes, which feels much more Ico with again notes of Journey. I get a strong sense the works of Studio Ghibli may have also been an influence.
Needless to say it likely has taken influence and note from all of them and others. They are all great games, all seminal works that helped to push and define the medium, so of course people will want to create something as good as them. And naturally that will show to some degree in their work. That's not a bad thing. And from the trailer at least it looks to be very much it's own thing too.
I very much look forward to giving this a go. I hope others will too
@kotag not all games need combat.
this and BOTW seem to similar to me....
I had been following Rime when it was been developed exclusively for PS4 and was thinking of getting it for that console when it came out but if it reviews well will most likely end up getting it for the Switch due to the portability factor.
It looks ace! I like the idea of games like this not having combat. The minimal combat in Ico was one of the things I liked most about it. Fingers crossed this turns out well
@Moshugan seriously. People who say this looks like Breath of the Wild (or even Wind Waker, for that matter) makes me wonder how wide of scope their games are. Ico or Journey come to mind more
I'm intrigued. I'm definitely going to be tracking this game.
Looks aight. Digging the look and feel of it.
Cool. It stands out from the usual stuff that's flooding the market.
I might just get this. Looks pretty nice - and it'll be yet another new experience to play on Switch so I'm happy.
@ap0001 With respect, you've got it completely backwards. I'm not sure what your seven-year timeframe references, but the appropriate argument about graphics on Nintendo platforms has been that chasing horsepower and photorealism drives up budget with poor returns, while it's art style and direction that make a difference.
This game's graphics are heavy on style, and its cel-shading is the opposite of photorealism. It's a perfect fit for the Nintendo graphics paradigm.
Also, Wind Waker was a fantastic Gamecube game, and I'm sorry you were too harried by the pressure of whatever you've got going on in life to relax and enjoy the ride when you played it.
Totally my king of game ! hypeeeee !!!!
Nothing to get excited about here
Looks nice.
@kamikazilucas Probably because you are used to higher quality graphics now later into this generation.
Looks excellent. Like a Wind Waker / Ico with a Disney feel.
@brutalpanda me being used to better graphics has nothing to do with it
Beautiful, I'll give it a closer look when it comes out.
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