Japanese stores work a little differently when it comes to pre-orders on new systems and games - after all, while retailers around the world were selling pre-orders right after the Nintendo's Switch Presentation earlier this month, there was a wait before the same happened in Japan.
Now images are popping up of game cases in Japanese stores, giving an extra look at the boxes in which we'll keep those little cartridges. We already knew the general design for the front, in particular, but some posts on Twitter show how each game also has art on the inside; we've seen this occasionally with 3DS games, in particular, but it seems mandatory with Switch titles.
@SpinelessOyster has posted images of the boxes for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and 1-2-Switch:
Gaijinhunter, a name familiar to many Monster Hunter fans for his YouTube channel, has also tweeted images of a number of titles.
These games aren't on sale right now, of course, but simply on display to build awareness.
Do you like the look of the Switch cases?
Comments 109
They are stunning! Was tempted to go digital this time, but despite the convenience it would provide, I am slowly going back to walking the true path!
They look amazing. Having art on the inside slightly makes up for having no instruction booklet!
Nintendo wanting their games to have a premium feel? Controversy! Down with Nintendo!
This all looks great, I really hope this comes to the UK as well. Quite a bit of animé comes with double-sided sleeves as well, especially premium collections. I don't think this is going to win over any of the doubters... but sooooo gorgeous!
Huh ?!
Why on Earth that Sangokushi game rated CERO A (Everyone) ???
I think should be CERO B due to violence level like Street Fighter.
Btw, I wonder how big is Switch box ? Dimensional size...
Wait japan is getting a physical release of Setsuna? That is BS.
I love the idea of game art on the inside of the case! I hope this is a norm across all regions.
Pretty, but huge waste of plastic for such a small cartridge
I hope the Europe version will look............HA HA HA HA HA. Sorry what am I thinking, even the front case of the European version looks awful with link looking over his shoulder at you.
Wish you didn't show Twitter pictures on Nintendo Life, work block them Good job I got an iPod connected to unrestricted WIFI.
Hopefully they will stay this beautiful as time goes on. I remember early in the 3DS cycle that artwork took advantage of the perforated boxes. Then, aside from Atlus, most games forgot this was a thing.
@TwilightOniAngel Has it been confirmed digital only in the West?
I was talking with my brother about the size of cartridges. Disks for me have become a minor inconvenience. I like to push a button and the game starts. That is why I was manly a digital download during the wii u era. Since the games are so small and portable it see myself by more hard copies than downloads. Good stuff.
I really hope other than translating the text that the art and design of the box is exactly like this outside of Japan.
Love them let's hope we get as good a versions!
And dam I want dragon quest soon!
Do you suggest the game boxes are an inch square >_>
Heck yes! I knew these cases reminded me of PSP cases!
I won't be getting a Switch until next year and see how its doing.
Or small like DS cases.
Instruction manuals or bust
@Anti-Matter I had heard the height of blu ray box if that helps?
Hopefully this is a trend that keeps up, since it's the clear plastic used for the cases. Remember the first 3DS games all have pictures on the inside that appeared in the holes made in the cases? They stopped doing them after a while sadly.
I agree the boxes are a bit big more my liking though. I was hoping they would be more in line with the 3DS square size. They look to be like the PSP cases were. They obviously don't want to make the cases so small you can't fit any information on them or else we'd have cassette style cases by now. I guess they also don't want to confuse people by making them 3DS sized. And this would also instantly shout "handheld game!" rather than home console which is what they're trying to sell it as.
Love it. The clear plastic makes sense now
@KIREEK Yup in the west is digital only.
I really like them!
@Malanta @Xaessya I appreciate the need to have something on the shelf of a decent size to be eye catching and include all the necessary product details without being overly cluttered, but GB/GBC/GBA/DS/3DS cases are a fine enough size, surely?
Though that would reinforce the idea of it as a portable machine...
@Xaessya no one cares. We are here to enjoy this artwork and anticipate the switch so go tell a Sony website about your plans to not buy yet 🖒🖒🖒
@TwilightOniAngel LAME
They remind me of the vertical Super Famicom boxes.
@KIREEK If you're referring to Setsuna, yes, confirmed retail and digital in japan, confirmed digital only NA/EU
Exactly that, dimenions wise (excluding depth) GB, GBC, GBA, DS and 3DS games have been more or less exactly the same...as its a "home" console they have to make the cases bigger
@TwilightOniAngel : You could import a physical copy of the Japanese version seeing as the Switch is region free, but I doubt that the Japanese cartridge will include an English language option. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
@gaga64 My thoughts exactly. I'm guessing they are keeping the big boxes mostly so that the games are comparable to other consoles, and not seen as just handheld games.
@gaga64 : No more wasteful than Wii or Wii U games that could fit inside a CD case.
Hell, "back in my day ", PC games used to come in large cardboard boxes that housed a single CD. How times change.
the most gorgeous switch box will be the one that's mine.
They look really nice.
Some of them look a little too busy on the inside, but I'm really happy with the layout of Nintendo Switch boxes broadly. And Zelda's NA/JP cover is AMAZING.
You cared enough to reply~
And why go to a Sony site to share an opinion on non Sony products?
@nab1 and yet they will insist that they're not directly competing with the other consoles...
@sillygostly or the GameCube discs that were smaller than standard CD size. But at least the GC and Wii games included manuals
The first picture was a bit deceiving as it looked like the size of a normal Wii U game case luckily this is not the (pun) case
@gaga64 Well regardless of whether they are competing or not, it's important to keep the public perception accurate, as silly as that is. Think of why the Xbox 360 was named 360 instead of Xbox 2, it was only because 2 seems less than (Playstation) 3.
I like the size of the cases. Like PSP and Japanese Gamecube cases.
Love the artwork on the inside. Hopefully that comes to the west too.
I miss my manuals. Stupid trees.
Hmm I'm going to have to rethink whether or not to buy digitally or physically 😭
I remember hearing that the GameCube had larger cases so that people wouldn't feel it was inferior to the other home consoles. Probably the same idea with these. I'm just glad they haven't gone to cardboard like Sega started to do back in the day with the genesis to be more eco friendly. I want to take care of the planet but those cardboard cases sucked compared to the older cases
@sillygostly Hah, I'd almost forgotten the ridiculous oversize PC game boxes. That was all about making people feel better about spending £40 on a couple of floppy disks
All these look gorgeous. If the artwork is like this in the US I'll be sure to find away to display them and just keep all my games in a carrying case.
Just a friendly reminder of what I'd like to see on Switch.
Yes, I have an X1, but a home, numbered KH game on the go? Total deal sealer to me.
Gorgeous. Simply gorgeous. I hope it's mandatory!
These look amazing. So jealous of the Setsuna physical release and that we have to wait for Disgaea 5
This is a great idea. Not having books inside just makes game cases feel so empty, so this gives the game a much better first impression.
This Graphic Designer approves.
@JaxonH @ThanosReXXX
You guys look closely at all of those inserts and notice a trend about the Switch set-ups? Every picture shows the Switch in 3 modes - TV, portable, tabletop - it's not a hybrid, it's a tribrid (yes, that's a word, I looked it up).
And the Joycon are in different places in all of them - you switch them onto the Grip for TV mode, you switch them onto the tablet for portable mode, you switch them off for tabletop mode. It's all about the Joycon.
The dock is only in 1 of those 3 modes. It's not about switching the device between home and away, it's about switching around the joycon in the variety of modes. That's the switch.
I'm just calling Switch a device from now on. Maybe gaming device. I don't like machine, that french guy can keep it.
Love 'em.
The BoTW case has two clips that look like they could hold an GBA-sized manual...hey, I can dream, right?!?
I seem to be the only one who doesn't like the insides. I mean: One or 2 pieces of cool artwork would have been cool, but now its just the stuff you find on the back of the boxes. Controller set-ups and stuff like that. It looks very busy!
Design-wise everything related to the Switch looks dapper. What I would love to see inside those boxes are little sheets of paper with codes to redeem MyNintendo coins for our physical games.
MyNintendo needs to go physical.
Well hybrid doesn't exclusively apply to 2 functions, AFAIK. But yes, that would be best. Anything less is selling its capabilities short. You wanna buy it and use it exclusively as a home console out the box? You can do that. You wanna buy it and use it exclusively as a handheld out the box? You can do that. Wanna buy it and use it for tablet style play with console amenities on the go? You can do that too.
It truly does cover all bases. It's fine to refer to certain aspects of it, like saying "as a handheld it's blah blah blah" or "as a console it's blah blah blah". But as a whole, it's all the above. And generally speaking nothing has changed, it's still a gaming console. It's just that it has broad functionality.
@Robotron2084 they were awesome weren't they!
This was something that I liked on the PSP and Playstation 3 games...the inside artwork, but it seemed to only be on Sony's games and a few (very few) 3rd party games. I love it, and I hope it's not just nintendo that does it...I also hope nintendo puts side prints of the title on the sides, that don't just look like typed words...one thing I've hated since the Gamecube...some were typed, and others were bright and colorful.
Sadly the west will probably get solid-colored cases with one-sided art. We always get worse.
Japan got smaller GameCube cases with cardboard slipcovers (only seen in the west with the Game Boy Player Startup Disc).
I hope uk boxes are same. They look great.
@JaxonH "Well hybrid doesn't exclusively apply to 2 functions, AFAIK."
Well now you can know farther. (That's an AFAIK joke)
I'll be honest w/ you, not that I'm not usually, but if you asked me what hybrid meant I would have gone the "2 or more" route myself, but since this all started last July I've looked into it and every definition of hybrid I can find says 2, not 2 or more. I guess that's why the word tribrid exists. There has to be a word that means 2 or more but Google is letting me down.
Not that it matters, I know everybody likes the hybrid of Home and Away, nobody wants to start calling it a tribird of Home, Away and Tabletop. Not even me. But I like the 3-mode display in the box art.
@Anti-Matter They're similar in size to PSP cases.
Not too sure on that, definition also has this
composite; formed or composed of heterogeneous
A composite is not limited to 2, and heterogeneous means diverse in content.
So one meaning of the word may be specific to 2 (the most common form of the word) but alternate definitions allow for more, and none of them state exclusively 2
Japanese packaging always looks better than the rest of the world's.
Always loved getting Japanese games for the SNES, Megadrive, Saturn and Dreamcast, always well printed with great manuals and artwork.
Those are packages that I can actually display. I love the BOTW package art. Odds are we don't get that type of packaging in the west.
@Xaessya What opinion did you share? This is an article on game cases, and you say "I'm not getting a switch yet, I'll wait a year and see how it does". You didn't even give any reasons for not buying, so your comment was indeed useless.
Love em! I love that they put art inside the case behind the cartridge and potentially where a manual could go. I am really digging the packaging art for this system.
@Toph6661 they are awesome. I'm going to do both, digitals for smaller indy titles and the heavy hitters like Zelda, mario, etc will get the physical treatment. Can't wait for 3/3/17!
Those look neat! No more bland game case interiors (hopefully).
Also noting that none of the games seem to have an icon regarding local multiplayer via linked switches (such as one indicating that only 1 game card will be needed).
Looks like a space for manuals above the cart. I hope that happens, I hate the inserts that say access the manual digitally.
PSP game cases started out with art on the inside and then most titles dropped it after the first couple of years in order to save on printing costs. Hopefully Switch games will keep it going all the way through its life.
@th3r3ds0x same! I was genuinely considering full digital for the ease of all games on the go always... but then I'm tied to eshop prices and no pretty box... no confirmation of account system just yet either :/ but mega excited for 3/3/17
The game art on the inside looks nice, but in my opinion, the Switch game cases would have looked so much better in red.
Like this: https://www.ebuybit.com/product_img/10000080.jpg
which look like VHS boxes.... except beautiful...
my Dragon Quest III on SFC and Tales of Phantasia. stunning.
more of that for switch would be killer.
I'm always a fan of this. Loved it with Square PS1 games, the Grandia II Dreamcast case might be my absolute favorite case to ever hold a game. Hope this will be the norm.
@Toph6661 I'm with you. I went full digital on my Wii U and loved the ease of use that it brought, but I tried out fewer games knowing that I wouldn't be able to buy a used copy and then trade it in. I'm torn.
So pretty ^.^
Wow those cases are gorgeous
@JaxonH Well that's good to know about hyrbird being 2 or more than 2 b/c I really don't think tribrid was ever going to catch on.
Oh, I'm currently going thru my inbox top to bottom, up to 352 I think, and I need to start dinner soon - Shake n Bake pork chops, applesauce and Pillsbury Crescent Rolls - so apologies for this reply being out of order, I'm sure I missed a few. Eventually I should get to them all, maybe by late February.
So what it's just stills taken from a game inside thats always shut most the time nothing new wii & ps3 games did this years ago. Does art work inside a game want you to pay £60 for a game most expensive than ever. wii u rocks
I R8 8/8
Guys don't think we will get this. I was watching nintendo treehouse when they do the hardware overview and during it they open the LOZBOW case. On the inside it is white. Here is the video link, and skip to 2:13 to see. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6N0PDRALqLI
I don't get why the cases are so big when there's just a small cart inside. What a waste of resources!
Well, that's smart, we gamers love the little details!
I hate the fact the case is small. I have boxed snes,n64,GC,Wii,u games and when on shelf they are all similar in height. All the handheld gb..gb c. Gba. Ds. 3ds are all similar too. This is just going to fit with the psp games
@KIREEK Yeah was confirrmed digital only, EB australia removed the game from pre-order too.
@gaga64 They probably can be recycled if you decide you don't want them. So at least there's that I guess.
Looks like it comes with a mini manual?
@AlexSora89 I absolutely can't wait to play KH3 when I'm a senior citizen. It's been over a decade, but I ain't giving up on waiting!
Tell me about that, playing it in adult diapers will be fun!
The did put some effort to the first 3DS cases too.
Later they just bacome lazy.
I love those smaller cases, I hope that's what we get over here too. The box art for Bomberman R is awesome too, I hope the game matches up to it!
What the ... what's with the giant boxes? Oo
Yep I am going physical. The boxes are really pretty and I just like to own things.
@TwilightOniAngel the switch is region free
Awesome, I hope Setuna gets a physical copy over here too.
@rjejr Hmm.... "tribrid"... it doesn't really roll off the tongue as smoothly as I'd like, but as long as we can forego the label "tablet", I'm onboard...
As for "that French guy" (Yves Guillemot, one of the founding fathers of Ubisoft, possessive of a creativeness and visionary mind that has earned him the title "European Miyamoto", responsible for many of their big titles, but who gives a hoot, right? ) and his labeling the Switch a "machine", that's just a word they use, and I misinterpreted it back then based upon one of its meanings, but got corrected by one of our French speaking members.
System/gaming system is a nice alternative, though. Or we could just call it a console, since that word isn't exclusive to home systems, so it could be either.
I hope the boxes are similar size in the west. Seems a bit wasteful of plastic otherwise.
No manuals, not even a tab to place one...
I weep at the lack of an I Am Setsuna physical release in the West.
The lack of manuals is disappointing for many but makes sense from a business and environmental point of view. Few people actually read the manuals these days; the Vita rarely has them apart from certain games produced more for collectors.
Plus they're lighter so transport and shipping is cheaper.
Japan always gets the best game boxes! Just like Marvel vs Capcom Dreamcast Japan version.. USA/EUrope just looks like trash. I bought back then also Resident Evil (Biohazard) JP version on Gamecube and i loved the box
(heavy breathing)
After seeing the boxes in the Treehouse Live, I'm afraid having that art on the inside might be Japan exclusive. It certainly isn't coming to US based on the Treehouse footage.
I like them. They're like PSP cases...
It's a neat feature, I guess. Hopefully they are like that for the western releases. If not, oh well.
@ThanosReXXX "console, since that word isn't exclusive to home systems"
I'm of the belief that it IS exclusive to home consoles. When used by itself - That's a nice "Console" you have there. What "Console" do you game on? I think people mean that to be a home console. If you want to prefix it w/ tha word "portable" or "handheld" you can do that, but by using the prefix you are changing it to another meaning. Like the tablet conversation I had w/ Jax when a lot of companies are calling their tablets "gaming tablets" if they come w/ controllers. Most peopel dont want to use the word "tablet" to mean something like a Vita that has controls on the side, that isn't a tablet, it's a portable. But if the controls come off, like a Switch, then it's a tablet, but b/c there's a bluetooth controller in the box its a "gaming tablet".
So, I don't like "Console" for Switch. Unless you want to call it a "Tribrid console" and have it not roll off your tongue. I'm sticking w/ device. Nintnedo Swtich Tribrid gaming device. Ok we can use console, but it needs a pre-fix or 2, hybrid gaming console. Hybrid console. If it's just "Console" it's a home by default.
I trust your interpretation of the French Guy more than I trust the French guy, he has skin in the game, you don't. If you say he was misleading in his hype, purposefully or otherwise, I believe you. He definitely knew about ARMS and 1 2 Switch though, all his comments about kids and casuals. 1 2 Switch seems like a nutty french game to me, need a few bottles of wine and champagne for proper motivation.
@rjejr Well, I wouldn't go as far as misleading, but machine in French can be used in multiple ways, so in that sense, my own interpretation of it was wrong. And "machine" can also mean device, so it's actually not that far off from your own sentiments. And thanks for the compliment, but my French is far from perfect, so don't you go all out trusting me on that...
I can agree with "device" though, but in general, people will probably not be calling the Switch a "gaming device" but either a console, a handheld or, God forbid: a gaming tabl... <cough!> ahem... tabllll... tabl... nnnnggg!!! aw, hell, a you-know-what...
I do understand your idea behind only seeing "console" as a home device, and the word console on its own in relation to gaming (since the word isn't exclusive to our hobby, as you will know) would in most cases indeed call up images of a device that hooks to your TV and that accepts discs or cartridges, and NOT of the portable kind.
But in the industry itself, both Nintendo and Sony have always called their portables "handheld consoles", so there's that. And who is right? The people, because they don't "feel" a handheld is a console? Or the actual manufacturers/inventors of the devices themselves because it's them that decide what their device is supposed to be? (not to mention that they have to officially register it under some specific label in order for it to be copyrighted and covered by rules and regulations)
@ThanosReXXX "handheld consoles"
You proved my point right there, I said a portable could be a console a long as it had a word in front of it.
"If you want to prefix it w/ tha word "portable" or "handheld" you can do that, but by using the prefix you are changing it to another meaning."
I've been having way too long conversations w/ NES - I'm declaring him my replacement when I leave this place - and I decided Nintnedo's version of Switch is similar to Voltron. None of the 5 parts that make up Voltron is Voltron, only Voltron is Voltron. So for Nintnod you can't have the Switch w/o the tablet, Joycon and dock, you leave out any of those 3 and you may have a tablet or a portable or a home console, but to have a "Switch" you need them all. Now some people may say the "head/body" of Voltron is the most important, b/c the arms and legs can't attach to each other w/o the head/body, and the tablet is obviously the most important part of Switch, but it still isn't Voltron or Switch w/o the rest. Tablet is my device. Nobody will call it that but me, but it's' either device or tablet, that's all I see when looking at that screen w/o the Joycon removed.
@rjejr So, if I only got the head, does that mean that I would have a handheld Voltron?
@rjejr And I never prove anybody's points except my own. Why in the world would I help other people strengthen their (opposing) arguments?
But all joking aside, I can't believe you actually missed me agreeing with you on the meaning and usage of the word "console", so no gleeful cackling (I'm imagining Gollum right now) to celebrate your victory is in order.
As for the rest of it, that's industry facts, not "me" wanting to change things or prefixing something to it that I personally want. All handhelds are consoles, except not home consoles. Nintendo's and Sony's labels, NOT mine. Just read the manuals of these "devices"...
And good thing that we agree on the Switch being the sum of all its parts, I never said it wasn't, and that is also why we can't have a mini that replicates all those functions, unless it's a "Switch Lite"...
You're leaving? Or was that another one of your bad jokes?
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