A little while ago we had a brief play of an early Wii U build of Flight of Light, the next project from Cystalline Green. The studio released Totem Topple, which had some notable post-launch updates to improve the experience, and is also publishing the Wii U port of Gear Gauntlet.
Flight of Light has a fairly neat concept - pitched as a futuristic flying rhythm game, on the Wii U it utilises Wii Remote motion controls to swing left and right across the track, with the goal being to hit the notes as they come along. It's also coming to PC and PS4, and though it was an early build we could certainly see its potential.
Crystalline Green has now launched a Kickstarter to try and push the project over the line - the money is primarily to fund the soundtrack, with musicians signed up should the funding come through. The initial funding tier to get a copy of the game (on any platform) is £7.
The campaign's only been up one day at the time of writing, and has raised nearly £600 of its £2500 goal.
Let us know what you think of this campaign in the comments - do you hope to see this game make its way to Wii U in 2017?
[source kickstarter.com]
Comments 16
Wii U version canceled alongside a smug "we never said it was coming to Wii U" comment in 3, 2, 1...
@rjejr Salty...
Pass. Looks boring to me. But good luck to them.
Actually I can confirm it is Wii U. I have played it many times before a the London Anime & Gaming Con. It's a fun game!
I always thought a Rhythm based racing game would be cool. Unfortunately, my class is about to begin and I can't view it. I'll have to watch it when I get back.
the last indie racing game i heard about was fast racing neo and that thing is phenomenal. maybe it's a genre that indies can really sink their teeth into and churn out something other than yet another stylish platformer, or twin stick shooter - nothing against either. the look at least distinguishes itself from frequency and amplitude, if only the background setting.
@Grandpa_Pixel I should also point out I have seen what the Wii U developer kit looks like too. Surprisingly not too different from an actual Wii U
@rjejr you're close.
"Should the campaign not succeed, it'll be difficult to see how the game can be completed. Certainly it will mean long delays and maybe even dropping some platforms, notably Wii U™. That would be a real shame, given the history and origins of the game."
There you go. Game doesn't hit target=no Wii U version. Needless to say, i'm in.
This is basically the same as Cosmophony, only with more colourful graphics and inferior music. I think I'll stick with Cosmophony. ^^
@Jamotello If you forget the game breaking bugs in FRN, yeah. Otherwise no.
@ThanosReXXX Salty? Did you read the kickstarter page?
"Should the campaign not succeed, it'll be difficult to see how the game can be completed. Certainly it will mean long delays and maybe even dropping some platforms, notably Wii U™. That would be a real shame, given the history and origins of the game."
Thank you @argh4430 Though to be fair I thought you were joking and went and checked it myself. Sorry to have doubted you.
@rjejr I've been making the game from the start for Wii U, so I'm damned if it doesn't come out on it (plus I already have the devkit and have released games on Wii U before, whereas PS4 and Steam will be a new challenge for me).
The latest version in the video runs on the Wii U, though with some of the effects turned off for local multiplayer.
Edit: It's more that if the kickstarter fails, then I need to do contract work for months instead, and that pushes the release date back beyond NX release date.
@rjejr no problem. I didn't know if you read the campaign, so I just wanted to let you know how close you were.
@JamesCoote I hope you succeed. It looks and sounds great. I backed, and waiting to see how it goes.
@rjejr I was just kidding, man. No need to be so...
Oh, wait...
@JamesCoote Good luck. I really do wish you best, but surely you must know how things have been around here of late. We have to go thru 40 days of rain to get a glimpse of a single rainbow.
Speaking of Rainbows, ever hear of a game called Rainbow Skies? It's a sequel to Rainbow Moon, was supposed to release in 2014 on PS3, and I'm still waiting.
It looks ok, but not good enough for me to want to Kickstarter. I've been burnt out by some other Kickstarters that have got delayed, cancelled or just didn't live up to expectations.
Still, good luck to them.
@shani never encountered any game breaking bugs in fast racing neo. lucky me! either that or i enjoy it so much, i never noticed the critters.
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