The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD is one of the Wii U's biggest titles in the first half of the year, and with its release a little over a month away Nintendo will be showing it off all the more.
Nintendo Minute's weekly video is worth a watch for those keeping an eye on this release, then, as it gives an extended look at the game. We see a bit more of the amiibo, learn that a quick tap on the touchscreen can transform Link, and get to look at a few areas. For fans that played the Wii version, in particular, this Wii U entry brings back waggle-free controls and a left handed Link, which is rather neat.
Check it out below.
Comments 70
Oh, it's waggle free? Then I might play it again. The waggling of the Wii-version was really tiresome and unnecessary, but underneath a really good game.
I love that it uses the left-handed Link this time around. I've only played the Wii version (and thus, with right-handed Link), and the mirrored world will be interesting to work with. There's also some personal gratification with this move, as I'm a southpaw myself.
The line, please don't fire me at the end, after she was going on about how she likes to be 'poked in the butt'!!! Lols
Will the amiibo only be bundled with the first prints of this game? I really don't want to miss out on the extras or a new amiibo but 2016 is making me break the bank already for Nintendo games.
A bit like getting excited about saying that the movie of the year so far is the re-release of Titanic. If it were to be re-release yet again.
Can't wait
@zool Well this isn't a rerelease.
Ok. I thought it was. I thought I'd played it many years ago.
@zool you don't have to take this release personally just... don't buy it. Don't buy any amiibo. Don't buy anything you don't want, nobody is forcing you man. You sound like a broken record at this point, I anticipate your post on particular articles before you actually post
Who are these hipster douchebags?
You can see that they did more than a upscale. They reworked a lot of the models and it looks much better.
I got the Wii version as a gift back in July. Should I still get this. I think it looks a lot better and I want to play the canon version of the game. Plus I just want to support Nintendo in these hard times for them.
Haha! Well said.
The amiibo will be released separately later in North America only I think. Europe's getting the separate amiibo on release afaik. I've already preordered the bundle and the separate amiibo and will cancel one once I've decided if I'll go digital or not.
@zool Perhaps you should sell your Wii U and give up on Nintendo altogether. You are overwhelmingly negative on pretty much every post. Really, I'm being sincere, why bother? It's clear you have moved on from Nintendo and despise everything they are doing just go your separate way.
I really want the Wii controls but haven't heard it mentioned anywhere, should I cancel my pre-order as I'll happily play the original? Playing Wind Waker on the Gamepad was annoying and the pro controller didn't work too well when you wanted to aim, I'm afraid Twilight Princess HD might have the same problem.
This game looks good. I can't wait for it. There is just to many games coming out that I want. Maybe I'll notice the hd more. I mean I did, but I think it will be better in my TV and I get to use a better controls.
@MailOrderNinja the ones that have given up on Nintendo are the ones who did not buy a Wii U; about 90, 000,000 of them. At the moment Nintendo seem to have given up on its long term loyal gamers. The ones who invested in the Wii U and who want a reasonable supply of good HD games.
Ok something called an NX and no one knows what it is, is one its way at some future date and so us loyal gamers are hanging on but at the same time are not happy the way Nintendo have been doing things during the last 18 months and how Amiibos are more important than games.
@zool Yeah I get that. I've not always been happy with how amiibo are handled, though honestly I'd buy them if they had nothing to do with the games. I just feel like people need to give up if they are that upset with Nintendo. In 2015 they released two genre busting critical darlings that even my friends that hate Nintendo wanted. They won awards even though on those award shows typically only heavy duty shooters win out.
And let's be honest here, the content people are crying about with this game especially are so secondary there is no reason to even care. A frankly looking boring arena mode and some heart refills? Come on people, that's such a small thing. They act like you can't ride Epona or something without Amiibo or something equally as offensive.
@wazlon I think I'm the opposite.I got on board with the Wii U late and wasn't happy about the waggle really, so I loved the GameCube version. I'll be surprised though if you don't aim arrows and such with the Gamepad similar to the minigame in Nintendo Land.
@MailOrderNinja Nintendo have a new type of customer, like you said you would buy the Amiibos anyway, I guess because you like these toys enough to waste money on them.
Ultimately the spending on Amiibos will effect the amount of games sold, and the games industry or at least the Nintendo games industry will suffer.
My prediction is that if Nintendo have got the NX, what ever it is, wrong and it flops, Nintendo will still make games. For Smartphones, the3ds, it will sell Amiibos until the market has had enough and the bubble bursts, but home console games Nintendo will follow Sony.
THAT IS WHO KIT REMINDS ME OF!! GABE FROM THE OFFICE!! xD That's why I always felt so unsettled by him xD
@zool I assume you meant Sega and not Sony. Honestly, I'd love it if they did and I wouldn't have to buy a new console of theirs, but alas I don't think we will see that soon.
I don't know if I see buying amiibos as a waste of money. I think people who drink, collect sports memoribilia, and various other hobbies are wasting their money, but everyone has small things that bring them small joys.
That looks way better than previous footage I have seen but Nintendo are still doing a scumbag move by charging full price for this. For full price they should of remade it with the specs of the pre wii u launch Zelda demo.
Probably going to waste a hundred bucks on this anyway.
Now do you need to use the tablet controller or can you use the pro controller?
@MailOrderNinja yes Sega, sorry, I ment we will play Nintendo games on a Sony's Playstation, or maybe Xbox.
One last point and my biggest gripe. We buy a game, we like the game. It has extra content built into the game. That content should be priced fairly according to how much extra content there is. But if it is activated by an Amiibo we have to pay £10 to £15 for the Amiibo to release the content, even though the value of it may be say £3. This is fine if you are an Amiibo collector, but a gamer who has no interest in Amiibos looses out on content.
@zool Yeah, I can totally see that side of it. I wish Nintendo would just put the DLC online for cheaper than the toy. It would let people that have no interest in the decorative side of the figure to just get what they want. Seems to me that they'd make even more money that way while simultaneously quieting the criticism of hard to find physical DLC.
@SetupDisk Unfortunately that's the industry right now. Sony put out a game not even a year old with hardly a graphical upgrade and charged full price. I wish that remakes weren't a thing mostly and DLC is out of control, but that's our industry now. Twilight Princess pricing seems fair to me considering the amiibo included.
It just seems odd that Wind Waker came out at a reduced price they couldn't sell this at a standard price with the Amiibo included. That would work out to what they charge for amiibo anyway.
I am still amazed at how much better this looks than the reveal video shown here though. That was muddy as hell.
@MailOrderNinja That game was just a port.
@SetupDisk Yeah, I suppose they could. Aren't they offering a digital version for $40 though?
@amiiboacid Well they marketed it like a remaster, it's even called remastered. Either way port or not that was no worse than this. At least this is a generation (honestly 2) apart.
@Ichiban I'm not sure about the rest but the Australian dude goes by Ichiban.
Not seeing any reworked models. Only thing they did was up the resolution and brought in higher resolution textures.
i am buying the hell out of this game, but will wait for skyward sword on the eshop before i dive right into zelda. that way i can follow the timeline even if it's unnecessary, not really canonical, and pointless to do so. JUST BECAUSE.
Takes one to know one. ZING!
It looks great and as expected. People saw a badly compressed reveal video and got all reactionary like everyone on the internet seems to these days. It looked like really nicely improved textures then, and it still does now. What people are seeing more of now is regular gameplay and you can see exactly what just HD even without significant texture updates can really do for a game. Especially in these games where Nintendo tried to reduce the jaggies by adding bloom or blur in the far off objects. Now there are crystal clear details at a distance so you can see items and characters from the forced perspectives in the castle much more clearly than ever. After all you could never get a different viewpoint on many. On top of this, many of the textures have been clearly reworked by artists, not just some unsatisfying algorithmic up-res.
More appealing to me than all of that is the interface and control refinements. Really looking forward to this and had it pre-ordered since near the first reveal.
Oh... but the models are identical to the originals. None of the models shown in this video show any sign of change. I'd wager the geometry hasn't been touched.
@aaronsullivan 6 the door decorations in Malo Mart are now circles instead of being jagged.
I'm not sure, the price for the game in Canada is $99.99 with the Amiibo so I can't see it being that cheap.
Nintendo is the only one that jacked up the prices when the Canadian dollar started going down. They never lowered them when the Canadian dollar was higher so it seems like extra gutting.
Still going to get it though but that's a lot of money for one game. You could say that a lot of games cost well over a hundred bucks with the DLC which is true but I generally don't feel the need to get those games right away and wait till they are on sale.
Usually only Nintendo games that bomb go on sale. They did have some kind of thing with Gamecube and Wii that was a reprint of best selling games for cheap but I haven't seen it for Wii U yet.
@amiiboacid You'd have to show me a side-by-side on that one. They do look kinda nice, but the original did a pretty good job especially in tight spaces like the castle Malo Mart.
@SetupDisk I apologize, I had no idea of Canadian prices being so high. I was refrencing US pricing.
Please don't give these clueless and fake muppets(Kit and Krysta) the time of day.
@Sligeach @Ichiban
Yikes. I'm not sure why you both feel this way, but I think these videos are great. I get to learn more about the games, which help with deciding if I want to buy the game or not, and they're pretty funny too.
and yes, I'm totally excited for Twilight Princess!! Definitely one of my most anticipated games for this year. (^_^ )/
I have the game/amiibo version already pre-ordered.
@MJKOP its called free speech. You may be happy with what Nintendo are doing, but a lot of us are not. I don't have to buy what I don't want, and I can walk away and buy a PS4 or xbox, like most of the Wii owners did when they deserted the Wii U.
And you may look in amazement if In 18/24 months if Nintendo no longer make games. I don't want that to happen so I use my free speech to say where I think Nintendo is going wrong.
If they had taken notice of most of us gamers, critics and third party developers, and got rid of the gamepad earlier on they would have sold a lot more Wii U's and games. Instead they treated it as a third console and tried to please us Wii U owners with loads of stuff for the gamepad. Maybe they are now filling the months until the NX what ever it is.
Managed to get the Limited Edition version of this pre-ordered from Amazon for £30 the other day, i think thats worth it.
The girl in that video plays the game like she's never touched a videogame in her life. How did she get that job?
I am glad Nintendo is selling Amiibos. No doubt that profit from Amiibo is funding Game development.
@zool free speech? Did I tell you to shut up? To stop commentating, stop talking? No. I used my right to free speech to point out, as others have done, that your moaning is getting a tad predictable, boring and you simply sound, at this point, that you have a really big chip on your shoulder, concerning amiibo and the GamePad. "Us gamers", I'm a gamer, I've been playing games since Asteroids & Centipede, and I reckon I've had, possibly, more fun with my Wii U than I have any past system. I love the GamePad, my kids love it. amiibo are fine, I've picked up seven outta the hundreds available. One each for me & my two children and another couple I got cheap on Amazon. I've enjoyed the little extras they've brought, but I wouldn't feel for a second I was missing out on anything if I didn't have them. Nintendo have sold millions in a pretty short space of time so I guess they're not gonna disappear anytime soon, and I can live with that. I'm not attacking you by the way, and of course you're entitled to your opinion & entitled to voice it, no hard feelings. But I'm a gamer and generally exclusively a Nintendo gamer, and I'm generally happy and positive things will get better too
I'll pick this up,I bought the GameCube original back in the day,I also bought a like brand new copy of it last year for my Wii lol
Game costs 50.
amiibo costs 15.
Bundle costs 60.
Bundle saves 5.
People get the amiibo, save with the bundle and as a bonus get a non-essential additional cave fight.
That looks just as barren and soulless as the rest of the game.
And apparently, people who openly choose not to pursue the bundle are upset that this (the most lacklustre content 'upgrade' ever produced) isn't available to purchase or play otherwise.
Skylanders and Disney Infinity didn't 'ruin' gaming. It's talking like they did. Or inferring that amiibos are going to do so.
Hey @zool, you know why amiibos sell so well?
Why people actually buy them?
More often than not, it is NOT for the games.
Have you ever seen those capsules in malls, those random access 'machines' where you put in some money and get some terribly made toy that eventually becomes part of a dedicated collector's set?
That's amiibo. But instead of paying hundreds and having to deal with the frustration of doubles, people pay more for both a) the knowledge that you will never get the same amiibo twice and b) the build quality.
Don't believe me?
The manager at my local Game like store (EB Games, for reference) doesn't have any Nintendo systems. But he is a Nintendo fan. And his home has over 25 amiibos, in their boxes, on his display shelves.
It's humorous that people who critcize those who collect sports memorabilia endorse amiibo and vice versa. As if anyone has any right to judge anyone else.
Unless you build your house out of chocolate. That's just stupid.
Nintendo, like many other companies, would rather the professional types stuck to areas like game testing.
Which means, in a nutshell, that the person they put in front of the camera probably isn't going to be the best gamer ever.
She's easy on the eyes, has a vibrant personality, hasn't been involved in a scandal, stays covered up (has a 'safe' image) and seems like she helps guests open up alot easier than her talented male co-host.
That and she did say that until just before the video, she had only ever played the game with the waggle controls.
I wouldn't watch these videos if the game in question wasn't interesting to me, but she does make the videos I want to view easier to watch.
I might get this. I bought Wind Waker HD, and that was a great remaster. I'll wait and see.
@SahashraLA OK you make some good points and try to defend the Amiibo against other plastic collectable toys.
But Lego, Skylanders and Disney Infinity toys only effect their games and none of them are games companies. Nintendo is a games company and rather than have a selection of games that work with Amiibos, all their games are build to include these toys.
Nintendo has moved its marketing towards the younger gamer and children. Leaving the previously loyal and long term gamer wondering what is going on. I would guess that very few serious Adult gamers are interested in the toy side of things. And it is these gamers who Nintendo will alienate and ultimately loose to the other consoles.
I'm breaking down and buying the amiibo bundle soley because it looks cool (like every other amino owner ever) provided I can just walk into my local Gamestop and grab it from the shelf.
@zool Nintendo is a toy company
Well. I get the bonus dungeon I asked for. Pretty great! Nothing but positive energy from me. I can't wait to pick up my preorder. It looks spiffy, could look better, but it was already quite the S rank game. Zelda U is gonna be the looker. Kinda wanna get it digital instead, but the box art is actually very nice! I also need to make absolutely sure I can procure the amiibo. I lit a candle to keep the bad energy gnome away. You're welcome.
@Ootfan98 Nintendo is a company that has toys made in China for them.
I'm not really feeling that an improved resolution and more detailed textures is what this game most needed. But there might be some other improvements that I'd appreciate in there.
@Trinexx strictly speaking you have played the mirrored world, this is the way the game was designed.
Enough of me being pedantic though I can't say I'm overly excited, it needed more work doing to it then what I've seen and it really doesn't justify a full retail release. Especially when compared to some remasters on other consoles which cost a lot less than this and have had at least as more work done, in many cases much more. It's still a very good game for those that haven't played it and I would have bought it again if it was a £15 to £20 eshop game.
I can't help but feel that Skyward Sword would have been a much better choice, many people would have missed out since it released so late in the life of the Wii and most had moved on long before it came out.
I have to say I me ss Doug and Allison from the old Nintendo Week. I never can get through an entire episode with these two. Despite this, I'm counting the days to Twilight Princess HD.
@zool Lol you are so obsessed to be considered as a "serious gamer" it's kinda ridiculous. Why are you so insecure? Is that "serious gamer" an actual social identity you claim outside your house?
sorry we can't all be mlg pro gamers like you.
On the gamecube you could allready play waggle free, there was really no need to polish an old game and re_release it again ^^
I did like the Wii controls, but it will be fun to play this with the game pad...even more so since I didn't play the gamecube version so everything will be mirrored to me.
@fortius54 You don't miss them too much because the guy's name was Gary, not Doug. Poor Gary. haha
@Sligeach lol.
@MailOrderNinja It's strange, for me I didn't like Wii controls in Skyward Sword but liked them in Twilight Princess and I had already played the Gamecube version first. It would be nice if they made TP HD compatible with the Gamecube controller too but I doubt that will happen - either that or you'll need an amiibo to unlock it.
@ericwithcheese2 That's right. Gary and Dark Gary. Who am I kidding? I only really cared about Allison. 😁
i want to slam Krysta
@Utena-mobile Way to overreact. XD The woman's working for Nintendo, is supposedly a gamer not just as a hobby but as part of her job, and in the video says she played the original game. From the way she plays however it's pretty obvious she hardly ever plays any games, it's like she's never even touched a control stick. You'd expect something a bit better and professional. Right?
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