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Shadow Puppeteer is out today in North America and Europe, the first console version of the title that previously arrived on PC. Our review will be with you shortly before the Download Update goes live, but in any case we thought this tip on improving its performance should have its own clear article rather than be buried within that assessment of the game.

Publisher Snow Cannon Games has advised that it may be worthwhile to install the game directly onto your Wii U's internal memory, as it's been discovered that running off an external hard drive can cause some parts of the game to run more slowly. The European version of the game is a smidge over 2GB, and we did notice an improvement when we instinctively transferred the game from our hard drive to the system itself during the review process. The slowdown certainly doesn't make the game unplayable in any way, it must be said, and an "imminent patch" should clear the issue for good soon.

This isn't the first game where this has happened. Some previous Wii U eShop titles have come across this issue, while even the occasional retail title performs better directly from the hardware; this writer noticed a hefty improvement in the performance of his Wii U copy of Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut when transferred to the system's internal memory.

Our review will be with you soon, but are you tempted to pick Shadow Puppeteer up today?