With the Club Nintendo service finally shutting down this year, fans have been waiting expectantly for Nintendo's new account system. The company revealed the snappy title of Nintendo Account in October, and explained that the system will use cloud storage to exchange data between platforms. It was also revealed that accounts will be backed by a points system, which can be used to purchase both physical and digital goods.
The big news today is that registration for Nintendo Accounts has gone live in Japan. Those who register between now and February 1st will receive 100 Yen for every 1000 Yen they spend on the Wii U and 3DS eShops.
As expected, you can link your Nintendo Network ID as well as your social media accounts, such as Twitter, Facebook and Google+ - however, if you sign-up using one of these methods, you won't be able to purchase anything on the eShop - a Nintendo Network ID is required for that. Provided you have a Network ID, you'll also be able to browse and purchase software using your smartphone or computer via your Nintendo Account, which will then be automatically downloaded to your console.
There's no word on when the western registration will go live, but we'd imagine it will be soon.
[source neogaf.com, via nintendo.co.jp, eurogamer.net]
Comments 69
So excited!! I miss club nintendo
Gosh darn it, give me it now!
why am I excited? no idea but darn it I am
huh ? that's sooner than I excepted... it's good news nevertheless !
Excellent! Great News! I can hardly wait.
Yes please! I want to change my NNID.
What I don't understand is why they shut down Club Nintendo so far in advance of starting Nintendo Account.
Are they going to restart giving rewards for disc games? It looks like probably not.
So, couldn't they have just changed NNID to Nintendo Account and added whatever new features they needed...? I'm not sure I'm quite grasping the need for this overhaul.
@FierceRagnar Yup, that would be awesome!
You can't even do that with your PSN. If Nintendo did it, it'd be really awesome
btw, that moment, when you can read all the Kana but not the Kanji
Meh, nothing to get interested in for now, and cloud-based is a huge red flag to me - I've seen enough pretentious garbage priding itself with "cloud-based features" to avoid anything involving it without any losses.
@chardir I'd imagine that the point system from now on will be limited to digital purchases, but I'm not sure where Nintendo is going with this.
@C885 This isn't a part of NNID's, it's a separate account service that can be linked with your NNID, but doesn't have to. Setting up an account via Facebook or Google login (hurk) is also an option.
Interesting, basically this is 10% rebate off all your purchases if you register and link NNID. Pretty good deal!
Ok. I completely forgot my Nintendo ID password and the gmail it's connected to. What to do?
Shibata pls
10 percent sounds like a pretty fair bonus. I guess I'll be waiting some more to grab all those indies.
I'm also interested in hearing more about the achievement system and its benefits.
Also Nintendo has a site like this opened up now.
I'm interested to see what kind of physical rewards there will be. However, I do worry about rewards only being offered for the purchase of digital titles. I absolutely buy physical when possible.
Hmm... (trying to remember my NNID password)....
I hope this comes to NA soon.
The 100 yen for every 1000 yen spent sounds like what they did with the premium Wii U console. Good to see it back and extended to the 3DS.
Cloud-based? That explains the choice of new DLC. (ba-dum-tssh)
I'm not really expecting this in NA anytime soon, unfortunately, given Nintendo of America's abysmal track record with digital releases. Probably next Summer at the earliest.
...though if it IS coming soon, it would explain why they chose now to release the Badge Arcade.
Think about it; $10 is the smallest option to add funds to the eShop in advance (barring the "needed funds" option, which is at the time of purchase). Add $10, get 10% (meaning $1) back. That's essentially a set of bonus free plays every time you put funds in the eShop.
I feel like this would be a great way for Nintendo to start the new year here in the west. NoA in particular could certainly use the goodwill right about now.
@BaffleBlend Or you could use the cash to buy a sweet new theme.
You know, the ones for $0.99 like the Project Mirai DX theme! Well, provided you live in somewhere with a 0% sales tax like Alaska!
Yeah, "live"
@AVahne Surely Nintendo won't mind if they find out one day there are, like, 5 million people "living" in Alaska!
Side note: Nintendo should sell music like the Fire Emblem orchestra music on the eShop. I loved the rendition of "The Final Holy War" in the recording of an FE orchestra I heard.
Should be cheap too, so they could give it away for free if they so desired.
Hmmm, finally a step into a good direction, but honestly I can't see a reason for paying 39.99€ for a digital game when I can get physical retail box for less (29.99€ - 35€) from Amazon
I'm guessing this is somewhat of a bug catch round where they are looking for bugs before we get it? I'll guess on a week or two before we see it.
Interesting - I wasn't expecting this until March.
I hope there is some way Nintendo has for extending that "spend" into "spent" on the eShop. Club Nintendo will be defunct for almost a full year by the time we get it in the US, and the DDP - which I've always thought they would extend to everyone when it expired December 31st, 2014 - is being extended to everyone, so they got that part right. But what about the past year of purchases? I know Nintendo keeps track as its all thru the NNID accounts. Maybe they could put a cap on it, say $10 for people who buy a lot on the eShop.
Though I suppose Nintendo had their big eShop sales this past weekend and are launching this after the sales end so they don't have to.
Well I am glad to see this finally coming out. Looking forward to 2016 and some good news for a change. Any recap articles on NL are going to be so depressing, but maybe we can all cleanse ourselves with a good cry and welcome 2016 with the slew of new games that are coming. And probably a new system soon.
Wasn't this supposed to start next year? Guess I'll link my Japanese NNID now
Not bad at all. So far no one has really complained about anything.
FOr people asking for the ability to change the NNIDs, if Sony can't do it, don't expect Nintendo to be able to. They barely know how to get on the Internet, let alone change a username or password.
But hey this will be good, as long as this is physical and digital purchases.
$1 for every $10 spent? Yes, please!
I know I'm likely being really stupid, but why do we need a Nintendo Account AND a NNID?
I mean, what exactly is the difference and why can't the NNID I've already got do all this stuff?
It's already very 'Nintendo-like' in its awkwardness. Do we have to sign in twice?
Curiouser and curiouser.
I'm really excited for Miitomo!
Said no one ever
@agqwestern So true.
We will be "Westing"
Because West is always waiting.
Come on Nintendo, let's see it available to the West soon as well.
@LinkSword That's the thought I just had. I'm not going to buy a ton of indie games only to have the account set up go live the next day and lose out on the bonuses. This could actually hurt indie sales till it goes live here in the west. It better happen sooner then later or some indie devs might not be too happy. There's at least 2 to 4 games coming out in the next few weeks I want but I may have to hold off now.
I hope it's before the end of the week so Xenoblade Chronicles X can be my first purchase against the new system.
New brand name to distinguish it from the lackluster NNID. Mainly for marketing reasons I assume. Plus it offers a huge overhaul on how accounts work from the previous version
@TheWPCTraveler That [the music idea] is a fantastic idea.
Only for digital purchases? That's disappointing.
"100 Yen for every 1000 Yen they spend on the Wii U and 3DS eShops."
I hope this isn't an indication that physical purchases will not be recognized with this service.
@Ralizah I think what they mentioned above was a promo for early sign-up. But I'm kind of with you, they haven't officially announced how they will handle physical purchases.
Alright, now how about NA?
Hopefully we get credited for every game purchased between the service gap. Doubtful, but I can dream.
Ok … wow! I never thought, I'd see the day. No seriously. I am really glad, that Nintendo is finally doing this important step.
This brings me to a pretty important question, at least for me. Probably, no one will be able to answer it, because obviously the system is just starting over in japan and has yet to come to europe and the rest of the world, but I was wondering the following: Would this cloud based thing also include Virtual Console games, which I own on my old Wii console?
You see, the thing is: Back in the day, I helped 20 people (even more than 20, but anyway) to get online with their Wiis, so that they would have access to the online shop, on the old Wii consoles. By doing that, you would be rewarded by Nintendo, by getting all of the available Virtual console NES, SNES and N64 games for free.
I know, that by only using an old Wii, there is no possibility to sort of 'connect' those Wii virtual console games with your Nintendo ID, because the Nintendo ID never was implemented on the old Wii console – BUT – I realized, that when you copy all of your Wii data over onto the 'Wii part' of a WiiU, then that WiiU is able to 'detect' if you already own Super Metroid, for example, and if so, will grant you a special discount, if you are willing to buy it again on the 'WiiU part' of the WiiU console, or in other words: it grants you the discount, if you are willing to buy Super Metroid again in the Nintendo eshop, in case you already bought it on the old Wii shop.
So, the one million dollar question is: will the 'Nintendo Account' register, not only all of my WiiU purchases, but also all of those, that have been made on my old Wii, when I copy over all of that data, onto my WiiU?
The $1 for every $10 spent deal has limitations. For one, there's a cap for what I assume is every 24 hour period. Second, this deal is only running until February 1st, 2016.
If we're going to get the same 10% offer, I'm glad I've held off on buying from the eShop since Club Nintendo became useless.
@iphys I've done the same, only buying games on Sale.
Still not entirely clear how this all works. Some websites are reporting that Nintendo Account replaces NNID altogether (which it does not). Maybe it would be too much work to completely replace it, so integrating NNID is probably a better option for the moment for current users. Still have questions to add to those already raised:
Will purchases be tied to the account and not a console?
Will players of the smartphone apps/games have to create an NNID or will the account suffice for mobile/marketing of the Nintendo brand?
Is it possible to connect more than one NNID to a single Nintendo Account?
Will My Nintendo rewards be based on all Nintendo Account activity or only on NNID activity within the Nintendo Account?
Ready to see how all of this will work.
I hope so, I don't see why not. As you say, if you transfer your Wii games they appear on the WiiU shop with a discount, so there's a connection between them and Nintendo knows you already bought them and your purchase history.
@CB85 @chardir - I think we are getting a lot more than just a rewards program - I feel that with the NX we are (finally) going to get cross buy, and have our eshop purchases tied to IDs rather than hardware.
Really hope the prizes are put into a global type system where ALL Nintendo account supported countries can order the prizes they wish to have. This was a HUGE problem with club Nintendo , especially North america ...It was a huge decline for the prize selection from 2010 got worse overtime all the way to the end...at least for America it was atrocious. Remember when there was nothing but kirby patches and greeding cards+ a few game download options , weren't those the cold days?. I have my fingers crossed for a good selection and good quality rewards.
Im still salty to this day over what a great idea that was mario kart 7 trophies that NEVER came to NA.
Just so long as it is not linked to your system, if it is linked to your system then this is not a step forward at all.
in other news Nintendo's region locking ways probably won't stop anytime soon.if they want to keep their eShop and account system region specific,ok fine..they just need to atleast give us the right to load other region's cart games and then the ability to download out of region context (like the game patches etc) by scanning their AR codes and transferring you to a downloading page that you wouldn't be able to access otherwise if it's not from your region..that would work quite well without creating a mess in the different region eShops IMO.
Hopefully this comes out in NA soon. Would really help with my Badge Center collection. ^^
If it's only for digital purchases then sorry but I'm not going to pay £10, £5 or even £20 more for a game!
Club Nintendo was well hated in North America, EU, and Australia by most people who used it.
So Nintendo shut it down far in advance to pave the way for My Nintendo Rewards, so the new program wouldn't inherit the "bad" stigma of the Western Club Nintendos.
Ironically Sony and Microsoft do not have any rewards programs that rivaled Club Nintendo in any region of the West.
I don't understand why Club Nintendo exists in the West, when PS, Xbox, PC and Steam gamers are quite happy with no rewards program.
Well I was going to download Mario 64 today, but now I want to hold off to see if it launches in the West soon. We need to all tell ourselves that all of our digital purchases in the gap between Club Nintendo and this won't have counted for anything, because that is likely going to be the reality.
Can't wait for the North American launch!
So a few things from the Japanese website:
-There's a "Discounts Just for You" section, which is currently empty. Probably will remain that way until the My Nintendo services launch in March.
-On your user profile page there's a drop down menu for your country, though it only has Japan. Might be indicative that you'll be able to change your country.
-Purchase history tied your NNID will be carried over to the Nintendo Account. So yes, this is account-tied, not hardware tied.
-100 yen in pre-paid codes for every 1000 yen added to your balance, not spent, for the first 10k yen per day.
-Software already purchasable from NCL's website, and yes, 3rd party titles are included.
@Xenocity Don't know about Sony but Microsoft definitely does have a rewards program, Xbox Live Rewards of which that is both better and worse than Club Nintendo at the same time. Worse in the case of no physical rewards but better by you being able to earn Xbox credit that can be spent on anything in the Xbox Marketplaces (360 and XB1) rather than having to pick from a specific list of games .
@Xenocity Club Nintendo was hated by everyone except Japan? Really? How can people hate optional free stuff?
@Xenocity Because it's nintendo DUH
Coolio! It would be sweet if they credit my purchases over the last 8 months or so. I will have a ton of credit if so.
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