Hyrule Warriors Legends is shaping up to be a fairly substantial expansion on the core content of the Wii U original, with the HD entry already having a lot to offer. Various new characters and fresh stages have emerged over recent months, and now a couple more details have emerged via Famitsu magazine.
The most notable is the My Fairy feature - you can find fairies throughout levels and recruit them, taking one at a time into battle and benefitting from buffs and assists. Like weapons they're elemental, so it seems that swapping between them depending on a stage type will be essential; you can level them up and assign skills by 'feeding' them, too, which makes it sound a little like amiibo training in Super Smash Bros.. Beyond feeding them you can, perhaps unsurprisingly, customise their outfits; you can be deadly in a battle and look fabulous at the same time. It all sounds a bit like Smash Bros. meets Style Savvy when you read about the various rooms you can use to customise your fairies - original translation via Perfectly Nintendo:
- Dining Room: Where you feed them
- Salon: Change clothes to have a more fashionable fairy
- School: Adjust 'rental' skills that are useful in battle
- Party: Exchange skills with other players via local wireless. You can then rent them at any time.
Also revealed in Famitsu was The Great Sea map for Adventure mode, which is naturally related to The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. The Adventure maps have been a great way to celebrate games referenced in the campaign, so this was an inevitable addition.
A new trailer is on the way this week and recently released screens are rather small, but the official website (in Japanese) is nevertheless worth a look.
[source gamecity.ne.jp, via perfectly-nintendo.com]
Comments 41
Fii Fairy or Navi for me
@Yorumi I hope you realize they are only doing this because they can't make it the same as the 3ds since it can't handle as much and thus they have to add other stuff to make it more worth it besides we are getting the new characters added to wii u, not to mention hyrule warriors came out a while ago so of course they will think up new stuff to add.
Hopefully the new Adventure Map is transferable with the characters on Wii U too, because getting the characters transfered with the old Adventure maps on Wii U if you already completed them would be kind of boring.
It still sell the 3DS version kind of like a paid DLC for the Wii U owners.
I held off buying the WiiU version because I was too busy with stuff. Glad I did, the added features to this version is pretty big.
"Customise Your Own Fairies"
Boob slider?
I wasn't terribly interested in the original Wii U release, but I find myself becoming more and more interested in this 3DS version with each new bit of news about it. I don't know if it'll be a day one buy, but it'll most definitely be something I get next year.
So glad I held off on the original Wii U release now!
@Yorumi I agree. I haven't got the game yet, but this game is deserving for a console not a 3DS. I'm guessing they'll make people pay for additional DLC for both copies as well just like they did for SSB. It's a giant cash grab again. I'm actually beginning to hope that the NX is going to be a hybrid console, just so stuff like this can't happen anymore. The 3DS has gotten so much more love over the past few years than the Wii U, it's no wonder why the Wii U is struggling so bad.
Tingle will be pleased!
Knowing KT, I can see them as late DLC on Wii U, but of course they will let the portable version sell first based on those new features.
I also hope this does not mean compensation for a bigger sacrifice we do not know of due to the weaker hardware.
@Yorumi This probably a bad time to suggest but have you tried getting a big magnifying glass for your ds system. Also if they stripped it down and not add anything then it would seem like a complete cash grab even though its only slightly but hardly since they want to expand the range but if they added nothing then people would probably pass it since its much smaller then the wii u version.
Wait, is the content in the 3DS port not going to show up on the Wii U version?
@Yorumi well legends isn't getting any of the challenge modes or fury of ganon modes. That's confirmed btw
Maybe there are still more Wii U update announcements to come.
Either way - I'm glad to see KT taking this further on 3ds - I love playing Samurai warriors on 3ds and I love Hyrule warriors on Wii U so I'm hyped for this! A huge game for the portable 3ds!
Curse you KT! Customisable fairies? How did you know my weak point!? T__T
I assume the reason is they feel the potential for DLC sales on the Wii U have dried up and they think they could make more money by selling an "updated" 3DS version of the game.
Nintendo themselves have given up on the Wii U so even they may not see the point in going out of the way to support it since the 3DS is still successful.
What is this clap trap? Is it a game or Style Boutique? Not my problem and they can keep their fairies away from Wii U.
Welp, that makes it an instabuy in my book. I was already gonna get it at some point, and now it's looking like a day-one purchase.
Still waiting on that Wii U DLC announcement! C'mon Nintendo.
This is a slap in the face and a punch in the gut for the people like me who got the Wii U version.
Now I'm even more curious about the amount of contents and modes compared to the Wii U version. If it's similar to SSB for Wii U and 3ds where the portable lacks certain modes and contents, but makes up for having one or two different ones.
This game wasn't even on my radar until I read this lol
@Yorumi it probably makes more sense financially to release the game to a new and larger install base than it does to release DLC for a over two year old game.
Plus this is a lot of content. Five new characters, a new adventure map, new enemies, new maps, costumes, customizable fairies etc and the game already a bit of DLC. Expecting a game more than a year old to get new content is crazy unless its a MMOPRG or something REALLY REALLY big.
I own the Wii U version and am fine with this.
@Yorumi PREACH!
@edgedino they dropped the support on wii u and gave the dlc free to the 3ds they said it has everything wii u has minus a mode no one really plays (challenge mode). It's a chance wii u will get it but we will have to pay for it. I hate there practices
Yeah, how dare they not give free updates...oh wait
@LztheQuack boom
This news does nothing for me except make me smile like a delirious hillbilly.
I can't wait.
So like a Zelda Chao Garden? I'm cool with that!
I am actually thinking about getting this. . .probably not day one for me, but the fact that I'm even considering purchasing it is saying something.
OK now this is day one purchase who am I kidding it was a day one purchase as soon as I heard of it , it does keep sounding better and better though . I also gotta say I don't get people complaining about this game being a cash grab Nintendo already stated the other characters will transfer to the Wii U version if you have it as well the Wii U does not have portable stereoscopic 3D as well I know people that have a 3DS and don't own a Wii U ,. if you don't want the game Nintendo to my knowledge is not forcing anyone to buy it so don't buy it that simple cause it's rude and a waste of space to get on here and try to shit talk something for no good reason ,. LAME.
Seems like a cute idea, but I'm not gonna experience any of this unless it's happening on WiiU, either. I spent too much time to just start all over again, and the 3DS version looks too bad for my taste, anyway.
@Yorumi I'm pretty sure a data transfer option was mentioned that would allow you to unlock the 3DS content on the WiiU version, but neither do I know how far that goes, nor do I know if there's going to be some sort of alternative way, if at all.
Probably a day one purchase. Kinda glad I held out on getting the WiiU version.
@Yorumi its hard to call it the definitive version if the maps are smaller and they have less creatures but sure the dlc is with it for free it's been out so why not, while the only reason its not included free on wii u version is because it was made after the game came out not to mention the wii u version will get all those new characters and maps but idk about the fairy thing.
@Lady_rosalina if I recall they only originally said they would have only those few dlc packs for the game and they started working on the 3ds version after seeing the success on wii u besides as I said above to yorumi the other characters and maps will be coming to wii u so i don't see the problem here.
Also to reestablish its not that they dropped support its that they thought the game was done with after all they saw no problems left or at least I haven't found any problems with gameplay or balancing and they had no reason for more dlc since they only did what they said they would do so the fact we will begetting characters and maps you should be happy but f i recall i did hear something about linkle being exclusive.
I am pretty amazed at what they can manage to fit on a 3DS cartridge. First Smash Bros, then Xenoblade, now Hyrule Warriors Legends - which is a definite buy for me, even though I own and played to the point of exhaustion the Wii U version. I can't wait for this and Star Fox as they are literally the only things I am looking forward to early next year which is helping me deal with the Holidays right now o_0
@edgedino its been confirmed 3ds will get all the content "all previous dlc free on legands" many times now. Linkles story had been confirmed exclusive but character can be over if 3ds is purchased and yes wii u has been dropped off since they are not saying anything about it besides having to have a 3ds to get the content
Hopefully there's an option to transfer these new characters and a map into Wii U version. Multiple times, I want to borrow my friends copy, no way I´m buying the same game again with few extra features.
Since these are Hyrule fairies, I presume that after you dress them and get them ready for school, you can imprison and kill them to restore your vitality, right? That one in the bunny ears is pretty cute...
I would totally pay the full price of a 3DS game and more for all the content being made for Legends... if I could play it all on the unconstrained Wii U version, story, adventures, fairies and all. Sigh.
Hopefully the Wii U version will get this content as an update.
If the 3DS version sells well then hopefully Nintendo will do an update for the Wii U version too add the new modes, maps etc but the new characters you will be able too swap over too the Wii U version.
@Lady_rosalina I already know the dlc will be with the 3ds version, i believe i already said that and I did basically say they dropped support as well while not saying it directly and the company already stated there will be another way to get the characters if you don't buy the game.
This also means they are picking back up support on it with the new version of the game.
I wonder will they put all this new stuff to the Wii U version at some point as well. Maybe timed exclusive to try to sell the 3DS version?
As if the game wasn't already big enough...
Honestly, I am never gonna finish the Wii u version (with the dlc). I just don't have the time, and it gets boring if you play it for to long.
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