From now until the start of the new year we're going to be republishing some of what we feel are our best features of 2015. Hopefully this will offer the chance for newer readers to catch up on content they might have missed and allow long-time fans to reacquaint themselves with features they enjoyed the first time around. Our final feature involves one of the big Nintendo news stories of 2015: the arrival of Linkle, the elusive "Female Link".
The idea of a 'female Link' isn't new, though has been a topic that's been a little more prominent in recent times before it all culminated with a reveal of Linkle in Hyrule Warriors Legends. When The Legend of Zelda for Wii U was originally revealed at E3 2014 the appearance of the character seemed to spark a bit of an online meltdown; conversation grew around the hero potentially being a woman. Then we had the design that would become Linkle pop up in a Hyrule Warriors artbook, and the recent additions of wearable dresses in The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Hero for the male protagonist was perhaps a playful nod to the ongoing discussion around the topic.
I should probably start with a key point - we've put 'female Link' in quote marks in the headline because that's how Linkle is often being referred to, and I stupidly did that in the post-Nintendo Direct news article for the reveal. I was likely affected by all the 'female Link' chatter when writing that, and even in the Direct itself Bill Trinen spoke about how "she looks quite familiar..."
Yet Linkle isn't a Female Link, she's Linkle. See, it's in the name, a separate individual that'll clearly have her own backstory and role in Hyrule Warriors. She'll have her own segment of story that'll no doubt intersect with the rest of the campaign - the whole plot of Hyrule Warriors involves different characters from different Legend of Zelda universes intertwining and fighting the cause in unique worlds before teaming up. Linkle's the latest member of the cast along with various other deadly fighters that happen to be women, including Impa and Princess Zelda herself.
Of course, the rather rubbish name - in my opinion - of Linkle and all the 'female Link' talk applies more significance to the reveal, in some ways; it actually gives us a positive opportunity to look at how The Legend of Zelda can evolve as a franchise, especially in light of Aonuma-san's stated goal to apply his own twist to the open world genre. He's spoken about stepping back from the increasingly linear nature of the series and returning to the approach of the original NES game, which didn't have such a clear way to the end goal. Much of the talk is about giving players freedom, and right back to the Video Game Awards showcase at the end of 2014 the focus was on picking a place to explore and setting off at will.
Now let's look at some comments Aonuma-san made after the whole 'Link is a woman' chatter from E3 2014, speaking in this case to mmgn:
Actually that comment I made jokingly. It's not that I said that it wasn't Link. It's that I never said that it was Link. It's not really the same thing, but I can understand how it could be taken that way.
It seems like it has kind of taken off where people are saying 'oh it's a female character' and it just kind of grew. But my intent in saying that [was humour]. You know, you have to show Link when you create a trailer for a Zelda announcement.
...I don't want people to get hung up on the way Link looks because ultimately Link represents the player in the game.
I don't want to define him so much that it becomes limiting to the players. I want players to focus on other parts of the trailer and not specifically on the character because the character Link represents, again, the player.
Though Link is referred to as 'him' in that final paragraph, let's just look at Link as a character for a moment. In various titles from the series he's really just 'the hero', with Link being the default name that Nintendo applies. Yet let's not forget that the player is given the power to name the hero - rather than Link saving Hyrule it could be Spartacus, or Julio, or Jeeves. The hero is you, basically, or the name you want to be representative of the respective game's hero. Link is a default, a familiar name that's simply easy to associate with the franchise. Link is a placeholder.
Now, that's blasphemy, I know. After all we have official timelines and lore saying Link is the hero, yet I'm just pointing out the obvious; many have never played as Link. They've played as heroes dressed in green, yep, but that's it.
At this point you might want me to get to the point, so I will. What if all of this talk of freshening up the franchise and an open world with a freedom and non-linear approach in the Wii U game is on the level - what if the nature of Link as a hero is about to join a host of other RPGs and have a free choice of gender, allowing players to be the hero / heroine they truly want to be?
It's good enough for Xenoblade Chronicles X, Fallout 4 and various others; you create and customise a character to be your representative, which you can make a bit like your idealised self or something else entirely. The game narrative and how the world works operates regardless, through story elements and the seemingly random and emergent possibilities in the open world. If the next major Zelda title is aiming to implement some of these ideas, then a simple gender choice at the start is not only possible, but I think it'd be welcome.
It should be acknowledged, of course, that you can have sprawling RPG experiences with more fixed characters too, with a notable recent example being The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Yet I've always thought of the links between Zelda titles - in terms of storyline and lore - to be often tenuous as best. Yes, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask was a direct follow-on in one of the branching timeline paths, but often they're standalone adventures; it seems Nintendo likes to have the freedom to take different routes and tell new stories as it pleases. The timeline itself is only so furiously debated because it's so illogical and scruffy, applying a plot to a group of largely unrelated games; if it was all planned, the timeline (official or otherwise) would be blindingly obvious to all.
But yes, the hero of these games has always been male - apart from the awful CDi Zelda game, which hardly counts - and that'll bring calls that it should ever be thus. Yet if everything stayed the way it always did gaming would be rather dull, frankly. So much of what I love about gaming, regardless of platform and developer, is how it can be surprising and throw up the unexpected. Even if you want a Nintendo example let's just consider Super Mario Maker - that has features and editing options for 2D Mario platforming that have never existed in the main games; that's a good thing.
Having a male / female choice in The Legend of Zelda for Wii U need not affect the story or how the game's played in any way, especially as it's now so common and standard in the open-world RPG genre. The hero is the player remember, as Aonuma-san has suggested, and so providing that choice - whether with customisation or just one fixed variation for each gender - let's the player be their own kind of hero. You think the hero should always be a man or boy called Link? Fine, you could choose the male option and call him Link. No problem.
In terms of narrative, too, saving the world doesn't have to mean saving Princess Zelda, either - she leads the fight in Hyrule Warriors and your quest is to save the Kingdom with her and many others. Now, I loved the story-telling in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword in which you're chasing after Zelda to rescue her (though she's doing hugely important work of her own), yet that was about a deep bond and friendship. I'm equally happy working through the story of exploration and protecting human-kind in Xenoblade Chronicles X.
The prospect of a huge open-world Zelda game, with freedom to approach the narrative in my own way, is hugely exciting. It would be a change from the narrative-driven norm for the series, yet that's wonderful - the series has mastered that mostly linear approach, it should have the freedom to evolve. Yet if that's the direction it's taking, with story merely being one part of experiencing the world, then the player should also - I believe - have a stronger say in who their hero is. The option can be positive, not harmful, for the series.
Linkle may have a slightly daft name and be described too much as the 'female Link', but if that sets the ground for our hero / heroine to choose their own gender in the future then so be it.
Comments 245
The whole idea behind Link is that he represents the player, right? He's the link between the game and the player. It makes perfect sense to include an alternative gender option for the character, then.
@Ralizah agreed plus it's not like it would ever affect the story or game play either
I would like to have 'spin-off' games that involve Linkle as the main character.
Without a defined player character LoZ wouldn't feel like LoZ. If they let you select your gender, it should be an option to play as either Link or Linkle (even if Linkle is about as canon as Lana/Cia/Volga etc at this point). I don't need deeper character customization in my Zelda.
Since Hyrule Warriors is a spin-off, they can have more flexibility than a main game. There's no telling whether Linkle will ever be a main character in a main game.
I always dislike gender-swapping characters for the sake of it, and I don't see why we need a female version since Link is supposed to be generic. However, I like Linkle since she's slightly different from a gender-swapped Link and I wouldn't mind being able to choose to play as either Link or Linkle in future games.
Also Link is never the same person except for some sequels like Majora's Mask and the Wind Waker series.
Quoting Demise:
"Though this is not the end. My hate... never perishes. It is born anew in a cycle with no end! I will rise again. Those like you... Those who share the blood of the goddess and the spirit of the hero... They are eternally bound to this curse. An incarnation of my hatred shall ever follow your kind, dooming them to wander a blood-soaked sea of darkness for all time!"
So any character can end up with the spirit of the hero, for the blood of the goddess it's mostly the lineage of the original Zelda, that turned into a royal family over generations and each new female newborn in their family are named Zelda in honor to the goddess human self I believe, this also show how Zelda only has a father and never a mother in each games.
Nothing again gender selection in future Zelda, but it would feel so weird to have a Zelda game with a fully customizable character, and not something more recognizable ^_^; But an approch like Pokemon, with only a gender selection? Sounds cool to me, girls deserve to have a proper "link" to the game as much as we boys had for almost 30 years.
Still I wonder what Linkle story will be in Hyrule Warriors, I'm kinda hoping she's gonna be Link's younger sister, which however would mean they have parents with an incredibly low imagination for names XD
@FullbringIchigo Yeah. Other than Skyward Sword, I can't think of a Zelda game where gender dynamics even mattered with regard to the relationship between Link and Zelda.
They should just make Link female in the next Zelda. Don't make it a player choice. Just say, "The legendary hero of this age is a woman."
Since Link is an established character (yes, I know it's technically a different Link in most games) I'd prefer he stay a he. It would be interesting to play a game, or part of a game, as Zelda, though. I think if they want a female protagonist, they should use one that's already female.
As for choosing a gender, I'd worry that that would limit the game to some degree. Unless games are specifically built for it, like Mass Effect, having a gender option means the game cannot have gender-specific relationships. Those may not be common in Zelda games, but I want the creators to be able to put them in easily if that's what they want.
I wouldn't mind being able to choose, but I also wouldn't have minded if Link had just turned out female once...actually, I think I would very much like it.
In games like Zelda "Identifying as the hero" has never been that important to me, and even if it were, If this character suddenly had boobs and/or female genitalia it wouldn't create anymore of a dissonance than the fact that he usually has pointy ears, which I also don't have.
Who cares? This article is a waste of thought. Give us the option for male or female link - design our own Link as well - he always looked like a boy with sexuality issues - but if that is the only thing people (who are obsessed with boobs) and Nintendo can think of to innovate they may lay LOZ to rest.
@liveswired Wanting to play as a female means a person is obsessed with boobs?
Psst... Link is the male protagonist and Zelda is the female protagonist of the Legend of Zelda series. It's been that way since its inception and shouldn't warrant a change just because a vocal minority would like to play as a female character.
We got Lara Croft, Samus, etc. If you want an RPG experience with a gender option for its protagonist ya got plenty of Bioware games available. Linkle would be more interesting character if she's idolizes Link in a similar sense that Sakura idolizes Ryu in the Street Fighter series.
If Nintendo implemented a female Link it should only be as an "option", but I really don't think its necessary. A Zelda game actually starring Zelda would be more feasible imo.
Can't we accept her as her own character instead of forcing her to be a female Link?
between link and zelda, no, but what about in ocarina of time, when ruto give link the stone? do we just make ruto an implied homosexual?
the thing is, a female and male hero would be treated differently by specific kinds of people... and to make the world believable, they would have to write different dialogue or perhaps change the story a little.
in Majora's mask, the boys club would definitely reacted differently if linkle tried to join... and someone would have arrested tingle.
"Wanting to play as a female means a person is obsessed with boobs?"
and butts too. I'd prefer a female link, because I'd rather be staring a girl in tight's butt than a dude in tight's butt for hours on end...
doesn't even have to be revealing, girl butt > guy butt.
boobs only matter when you can use motion controls to make them bounce.
@khaosklub I'm not suggesting we retroactively add in gender options to older games, just that the core relationships in the series aren't gendered.
I was always under the impression that "Link" isn't the actual canonical name of the hero in the Zelda series, but more of an identification of the character who inherited the triforce of courage, yet this name is never mentioned in any legends. Because, technically, every Zelda game allows the player to pick a name of their liking, making "Link" an obsolete name for their specific adventure.
With that out of the way, "Linkle" is indeed a very dorky name, but it's a very distinct name that identifies this young girl as a standalone character. The inspiration of her having originally been envisioned as a female Link is still noticeable, but several things about her are still different enough. She's no longer "Link as a girl", she's herself, and that's enough for my taste.
I feel at this point it would be a bonus to have a female Link available in Zelda Wii U but it is not essential. I sure am welcome to the idea.
I personally like the the legend of zelda series the way it is. I would not mind a spin off that features customisation, triforce heroes is kind of dabbling in that. But that's because you aren't playing as a hero in a deep story, you are playing as yourself in an online dungeon type game. But as for main series games I would definitely prefer Link to be himself. This has nothing to do with gender though, I would feel exactly the same about not wanting Samus to be a man. They have their own identity even if they do represent the player, plus the story would definitely have to be affected if you could play as different genders.
@Turbo857 Psst... the fact that the characters have traditionally been a certain gender isn't an argument for why there shouldn't be a gender option. Link isn't really a character with certain traits and characteristics in the same way Mario, Samus, Fox McCloud, etc. are. He's a blank slate for the player. As such, there's no reason to not include a dual gender option for people who want to play as a girl.
I really hope that in the next Mario game, I get to play as "Maria." It's been 30 years, we need a change! Super Maria Sis.
And in each legends he is depicted as the Hero, never it is said it's Link or any other name. The hero can be of any gender as long as it has the spirit of the original hero that is the Link from Skyward Sword.
Zelda is a bit different since it's tied to her sharing the blood of the goddess who took an human form named Zelda, and it became a tradition to name each female newborn in the royal family Zelda in honor of Hylia Human incarnation.
Each new Zelda are maybe the goddess reincarnating each time, which also add the always missing mother of Zelda which probably died when giving birth.
It's embarassing to even say Linkle.
I think it would have been awesome since Hyrule Warriors tears open rifts to other realities to just have her BE Link from another world.
@FullbringIchigo just a bunch of angery zelinkers getting mad that it's a possibility linkle may get in the way. See midna,illia, and malon.
@Ralizah @Yorumi
And even if Ruto had been gay it would really not have impacted the story.
What, we can accept that a human and a fish person (sorry, Zora) can get together but if they're the same gender that wouldn't fly?
There were many ways to name a not-yet-is female analogue to Link.
I don't really see what's wrong with having Linkle even if she was supposed to be a female Link, though as I am a female myself I don't get the same feeling as males have as they are use to play as a male in the role of saving Hyrule or Zelda. (I know not every female are a fan of Linkle just saying).
I wouldn't mind playing as Linkle in Zelda U if that became a thing or to say I wouldn't mind a spin-off game where I could play as Linkle either. I am not saying that Linkle should replace Link in any sort of way and I am okey if Linkle "fail" to become a accepted character even though I think it is a bit sad.
I think even playing as Zelda or a another female character from the Zelda series in a real Zelda game could be cool even if it was only during some side quests or sub-stories .
Anyway, my reaction to Linkle is "Why not".
@linforcer Bestiality is fine, but we have to draw the line at homosexuality. Good God, we have standards!
Has anyone asked for a female Mario? I'm not sure why Link is the only character getting a female request.
Link ain't just an avatar, he may have been before, but he's now a character. And also, just for example, you could give Cloud and Tidus different names, but does that mean they aren't their canon names? For me, I'm really excited for Linkle. Hopefully we'll see Larry Croft, Samuel Aran, and Bayonetto in the years to come
This is an idea I've always been interested in, and would be totally open to it if it was featured in the Wii U game.
Of course, the common argument against this is that Link is an established character who has always been male. But here's the thing - Link in each game is a totally different character. Look at the Links from A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. Sure, they have their similarities, but each one is its own character with their own background and their own unique traits. The one sure thing they have in common is they share the spirit of the legendary hero - they are each a reincarnation of that hero. But where does it say that every incarnation has to be a guy?
Of course, if you're that much of a traditionalist, as Tom says, you can just select the male option and name him Link. But I am all for being able to play as a female in the next game.
Not that I would mind a female protagonist, but I am totally 100% against the idea of changing a beloved character just to confirm to the whims of a certain sect of gamers.
Link is no different than any other main protagonist. If they want a female protagonist that's fine, but don't do it out of external pressure. Do it because that's what they creatively chose to do on their own accord.
And this, this seems be completely out of the desire to bend to external pressure.
I just don't buy the whole 'Link is only a template for the player'. He is an established character, with personality. This is literally just pandering. Maybe I'll cry about Zelda never being male, that's definitely discrimination.
If you're going to make a female protagonist just make it Zelda.
I don't understand why they made a female character for link I mean im not totally against it but its weird that they make a different gendered link and im not being sexists ether I would say the same if they made a Male samus for a metroid game.
I actually think it would be insulting towards women if they used a female Link in a future Zelda.. It's as if they can't come up with a good enough female protagonist, so they came up with one which is just like Link but with boobs.
The way I see it is that there are two arguments here: Whether future Zeldas should have female protagonists, and whether Link should be made female or have a female option in future Zeldas. I'm all for female protagonists, but if you're gonna do that, let us play as Zelda, or some original character. Don't give Link boobs and then scream 'EQUALITY' cause it really isn't.
I remember when I was younger and my class would play dodgeball at school. The teacher would make the team captains pick the girls first. This is basically saying: "Well, the girls aren't good enough to be picked on their own, and I fear for their fragile self esteem when they're picked last, so I'm gonna force the guys to pick them first." That is absolutely insulting and if anything, inequality. If women are good enough to be protagonists (which they are) then don't just gender swap a male character, make a great female character and show us WHY women should be equal in the first place.
I'm ok w/ a female Link as long as there is a boob slider option in the game.
@rjejr Too soon
Fair enough lol
But seriously, I say just make Zelda playable for part of the game, or create a new, different character altogether (not female version of Link). Whether it was intended or not, Link is now an established, beloved character and I say leave that alone. There are other options if people are that insistent on playing as a female.
@rishisquid More important is that Linkle doesn't end up as a Mrs Pacman type character. Either needs to be actually the same character, like Cmdr Sheppard in Mass Effect. It's not like you see femshep and male-Shep having a conversation with each other in-game.
Or needs to have her own distinct identity. E.g. is Link's cousin or just happens to come from the same village where they all dress like that.
I guess we'll find out the answer in Hyrule Warriors, but wouldn't be surprised if Linkle ends up non-canon, or they change her for mainline Zelda in response to feedback in Hyrule Warriors
Couldn't they have just used Link's Sister?
Linkel just sounds really stupid and uncreative!
It is almost as bad as Lorule!
@Ralizah That doesn't match up to the series lore, though.
Link, against Aonuma's own wishes, has transcended his base intentions and has become more than just the "link between player and game".
Link is an icon, the vessel of the Spirit of the Hero [not the Heroine], who rises up against evil alongside Princess Zelda time and time again.
Their genders are set via their very spirits in this series.
Zelda and Link should remain as the genders they are.
Being given a new heroine to play as, though, ala Linkle, is not a bad thing.
And if the next Zelda allows us to experience a difference by choosing to play as Linkle, while Link, as an NPC, stays behind in whatever village we start in, that would be perfectly fine, too.
My point is, we shouldn't mess with lore-tied gender roles for the sake of diversity, especially when there are equally great alternative options to explore, that would do a lot less to tick off long-time fans of the series that respect the lore to the utmost.XD
If there's an issue of her not being "the heroine by blood" or anything, then just make Link and Linkle siblings in the next Zelda.
Boom; instantly the series has a second hero in the bloodline to rely upon, for the sake of the ladies that want to play as a lady.
Heck, give Zelda a brother, aka, a prince, as well at some point, for the ladies to save.
Just leave Link and Zelda alone.
That's all fans really want, in the end.XD
Oh my God, this has been explored so many times on Zelda Dungeon it's not even hard to say why this is so wrong. Link is NOT a blank, emotionless avatar for you to mold to your preference. Link is Link, reincarnated yes, but an established icon (with his gender being important as well). Zelda is NOT an RPG and Link is NOT an avatar. Please, shut up.
Lol, I disagree. I don't think that simply being a blank slate character warrants a gender change... Especially just to appease a vocal minority.
If Legend of Zelda permitted a gender option for Link since the beginning, then fine. But just because we have the Internet and everyone likes to think their opinions should always be taken seriously, doesn't mean devz should mix up an established formula just to appease them. Adding a female option to the formula should be done so to enhance the gameplay experience only.
Also, I don't consider Link to be that blank of a slate character. Admittedly, he's not a deep character. But he's got as many defined characteristics as Mario and Samus. Bravery, courageous, skilled, etc. He has his own mannerisms, victory celebrations, purpose, expressions, motivations and determination as any main character should have. But they don't ever call him the "Heroine of Time" or the "Heroine of Winds". He doesn't speak but he does have a voice actor. Even if the devz say he's meant to be a link to the player, saying he doesn't have any defined characteristics after staring in games for decades seems a bid misguided imo.
@rferrari24 Because a female Mario could be creepy.XD
Plus, you can't EVER compliment a woman on her mustache, no matter how glorious it is.
Doing so is a death wish.XD
Linkle will be in Zelda U. Calling it.
Apparantly it's Miyamoto's Birthday today.
I keep looking at it and thinking "Zelda in a green hoodie/cloak"
I would love a female Link (Linkelle) and think she's great for Hyrule Warriors but I want Nintendo to do several things before they consider Linkelle for a main Zelda title.
1) They need to get their story straight on what they want to do with Link/ Zelda. Are they just players in a very important chapter of a larger story (Zelda1- LttP)? Are they chosen by fate to save the world until the time of prophecy comes and the messianic Hero of Time saves the world (OoT- TP)? Or are they forces of nature, doomed to repeat themselves until the end of time (SS)? The first 2 have more than enough room for a Linkelle (also, I really don't like SS's implications for the series).
and 2) the Zelda series has a strong female character. Princess Zelda!!! I've been wanting to play as her forever! She already is a pre-established character with a history and a presence. No one would ever confuse her for just a gender swap. How come we don't have a game with Zelda as the protagonist yet? And before somebody says so, No, I don't consider the CDi games Zelda games.
But Nintendo is going to do what they want to do, regardless of what everyone thinks or says. Oh well. Linkelle is here to stay.
P.S. we almost got a female Link for Majora's Mask. She would have been Link's Termina counterpart but was eventually cut out. That would have been awesome.
I don't think that Zelda work with a selectable gender, but I'm not apposed to link just being female. After all, according to Zelda lore, Link, Zelda and Ganon are reincarnated with most installments. Who said link had to be a man with every incarnation? In fact, let's take it one step further and try making link a different species, or come from a different background.
@Yorumi Yeah well I'd prefer to play tomb raider as a male. We need a gender select option for that, bayonetta, Metroid, etc. And don't tell me they're characters and he isn't, cause sweety, I hate to break it to you, but he is.
@Sinister apparently you cant have a female character share link's colour scheme and it be a separate character
I want to play a game as Zelda too, but I'm afraid it might end up as some sexist mess of a game like Super Princess Peach, where the primary gameplay mechanic is manipulating her extreme mood swings!
I think Linkle looks cool but dat name tho.
I think I would cry if that happened. But I've already moved on. I played the first Zelda game a while ago and it was terrible. too old, and too hard. But it does have a modern day equivalent to it. Dark Souls!!! I always name my Dark Souls character Zelda. So if Nintendo refuses to give me a Zelda game, then I'll get my Zelda fix somewhere else.
Please, Nintendo, don't screw up Linkelle. That's all I ask of you (also, stop making Link a blank slate. He deserves more of a personality. oh, and get rid of the timeline. it doesn't work).
Unrelated but:
I was also surprised by how hardcore the original Zelda was when I went back to it. It's hard to find out where to go next if you don't already have a map or something, health is relatively sparse, and the enemies are hyper-aggressive and fast.
I don't get how a separate female character who has a different story, weapons, costume and name created as a "little sister like friend" (quoted from the art book) creates this idea 'LINK IS A GIRL'. Linkle isn't a selectable replacement or an alt skin for Link in Hyrule Warriors Legends but occupies her own place in the narrative and its not the first time Link has had a family.
At best she is comparable to the likes of Batgirl, She-Hulk and Sakura I.e. female equivalent not a female version of the same character.
I'm totally up for a Linkle spin off game but I've always said Zelda can easily support many other heroes and stories. How about an game set during Link's time in the Temple of Time, You play as Impa for the first half and Sheik in the second?
@Yorumi As @Turbo857 said: "But he's got as many defined characteristics as Mario and Samus. Bravery, courageous, skilled, etc. He has his own mannerisms, victory celebrations, purpose, expressions, motivations and determination as any main character should have. But they don't ever call him the "Heroine of Time" or the "Heroine of Winds". He doesn't speak but he does have a voice actor. Even if the devz say he's meant to be a link to the player, saying he doesn't have any defined characteristics after staring in games for decades seems a bid misguided imo."
It really doesn't matter what Nintendo says he is. The fact is that though he doesn't speak, he is a character and has a character. I'd also like to see a recent source where Ninty says he isn't, I'm just curious.
Quite like the idea of a new female character that could reflect me more than the traditional Link. However, I think this is a case of art imitating life in that there are justifiable movements against inequality where women come off a lot worse all over the world. Popular culture picks up on these ideas and integrates them into output. Star Trek TNG was heavily influenced by the trend towards psychology and so we had Counsellor Troi, for example. I think it's important to have these issues explored. It's more than appeasing a vocal minority; it's an exploration of contemporary society.
Having said all that, I am more against than for changing Link. An extra character is great, but I don't like the idea of messing with an already established Link. There is always a swing too far when it comes to levelling out polarising opinions. There are certainly still horrendous abuses of women all over the place. But, there is also an acceptance that it's okay to belittle men that is not okay.
This is stupid, for example, and there would be an outcry if the genders were reversed:
I'll not be too bothered which way the series goes in the end, in the same way that knowing some saddo who can't get a real partner can waste a few tissues by watching pixel cleevage in his bedroom doesn't bother me in itself, but the extrapolation of seeing women as sex objects does.
When I played Metroid I knew it was a girl I was playing as, when I played Zelda I knew I was playing as a guy, and it made absolutely NO difference! I enjoyed playing a great game, and had a lot of fun! Apparently I'm not part of generation entitlement, I don't think every piece of media has to represent me personally. I wonder when people will start demanding that every movie studio make alternate versions of movies just to suit everyone's "needs". Especially since this is such a dire situation were dealing with! If I was ever going to drop a hashtag "Non-Issue" would be one of them.
I'm taking Linkle as what she was intended to be...a cutting room floor concept that was tweaked and brought to life. I suspect that koei was influenced by the fact that many of their current spin off musou titles allow you to pick a protagonist of either they came up with the sister to accommodate that. I suspect they originally cut her because the Zelda narrative is a bit rigid...there are really only three main people in a Zelda game. Link, Ganon, and Zelda...everyone else, no matter how cool they are (Impa is awesome even when she is an old lady!) is just window dressing. I think that people are trying to make Linkle into something that she isn't. She isn't meant to replace him in the narrative or herald a future where Ganon and Link are female and Zelda is male.
While they never made the genders completely set in stone I think they would have to rework the mythos to even make a female Link work in cannon. The Princess of Destiny has always been named Zelda since the Prince of Hyrule's sister fell into an endless slumber. Ganon is both Demise's hateful intent and the same person throughout the whole series. Link and his ties to destiny (Hero, Knight ) are usually ambiguously male descriptors. Since the premise of the series is a divine myth, if they are going to make any changes it should be with Zelda herself. They have already proven that the reincarnation of Hylia doesn't need to be raised a princess (Tetra, SS Zelda) and that she is established as a capable warrior (Shiek, Tetra, TP Zelda, ST Zelda, Hylia). Have her search for Link and hold back Ganon's forces while Link deals with the trials of reclaiming the blade of evil's bane. Could work as a dual perspective game.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for representation. Also a genderswap wish list sort of downplays the fact that women are getting more representation...and with the realization that you can't just genderswap a character and call it a day. Men and women have different motivations, are treated differently by society and that shapes their character. Both can have traits of the other but how they express those traits won't be the same. However when you are trying to present a set narrative it makes a malleable protagonist a poor design choice. For a full blown role playing game I would expect more customization.
I don't care....I think the bigger issue is the dual crossbow weapons. How does that work?????? It would take forever to reload two crossbows!
@DuckLord707 This guy gets it.
Linkle should probably remain as just a bonus character for spin-off games, but for the main series, sure, just let the player add a ♀ symbol to their name which gives their 'Link' a slightly different character model and set of vocal sounds. The character model for the game that's in development is probably androgynous enough to represent either sex actually, so you just need the female vocals (which should sound gutsy rather than high pitched and cutesy) and swap the in-game text 'he' for 'she.'
@JaxonH It's a videogame. Ninteodo owns the IP, they can do whatever they want. And no matter what they do they can't screw it up any worse than Zelda on CD-i. First world problems.
Though Linkle is insulting and stupid. It's Tinkle w/ an L, that's reason enough for a different name. I'm ok w/ a different gender though. No reason for a "hero from the past" to pop into a different person every now and again. But he can't be called Linkle. Susan. Barbara. Jennifer. But not Linkle.
Starfox did it right w/ Krystal. Though had Starfox been captured and Krystal rescue him that would have been even better. But I'm glad she wasn't called Starfoxie.
right? (^_^ )/
Dark Souls has more in common with the first Zelda game than Skyward Sword has in common with the first Zelda game. The only problem I have in Dark Souls (besides the crappy ending) is that your character is kind of boring. She doesn't have a personality or really interacts with anyone, so I have to pretend or make up everything for her (her history, how she acts, her motives, and how she responds). I would rather see a more fleshed out character, and I hope Nintendo keeps on polishing the characters of Link, Zelda, and Linkelle (if she's part of the story now) rather then staying with this "blank-slate" approach.
I'm totally fine with giving people a choice when they start a game. I just don't get why this is even a big deal. For people saying they want Linkle to be the ONLY main character in a future main Zelda game.... no, just no. What's next? Galaxy 3 starring Mariola?
I kinda hate it when there's an option to customize my character. I always waste way too much time trying to make it look like myself, only to realize after two hours of playing that it's not quite good enough, so I restart and do it all over again. And in the end the character is always looking away from the camera, or will have their face covered with a helmet eventually, so why did I even bother?
It's an obvious step forward to have a choice between a male and female character model, given you can change link's name.
I think it hasn't been done before because Link is a Nintendo mascot like Mario, and was chosen to be male to begin with. The fact that the character 'links' the player to the game and the changeable name are strong counters that should come with the option to choose gender.
Interesting point. Short answer: No. If a simple gender change option for the main character in an already established multimillion dollar video game franchise "enhances" the gameplay experience for some... then those people gotta problem. I'd tell them to enjoy they game they way the devz intended and stop taking games so seriously. Gameplay is paramount... not forced deliberate expressions of perceived political correctness.
This debate reminds me of a comment a game reviewer once made criticizing Mario Kart 8 for not displaying more characters of color. You have apes, turtle dragon hybrids, mushroom people, dinosaurs, Italian plumbers, and you're complaining that the Mario Kart 8 cast isn't racially diverse??!? People are crazy!?! Just enjoy they game they way it was intended.
I don't see how the lore would need to be rewritten if we end up with a female Link that will happen after all the previous lore already established, since when the lore say that the spirit of the hero need to be male ? I saw nothing written about it, it's just people assuming since the spirit picked a male protagonist every time that it will always be a male.
Link is never the same character except for when they make a series of sequel in the same timeline aka Majora's Mask and Wind Waker series, otherwise it's always a different incarnation of the spirit of the hero.
Just look how Link dies in OoT and then suddenly a new Link come back to fight Ganon later in the Link to the past and original Zelda games timeline.
Link can be female any time Nintendo want, also the way the games are made there's barely any voice acting required for each characters since it's pretty much moans and other little sound effects.
The only change would be some dialogues depending on the gender. A female Link is still possible.
@Ralizah Sorry but no no offence to the fans, but whats next male samus? female mario sisters? want CD to make lara croft male? or goddess of war by sony? this is the next step once one things change it's on to the next one.
@Ryu_Niiyama Basically what I was going to say. No problem with Linkle for this game (even though Agitha's already much closer to being my avatar anyway, ha), but it'd be more interesting to see playable Zelda than female Link.
Not that I haven't been imagining main series games Link as a girl this whole time anyway or anything...
@FullbringIchigo have to disagree zelda is female. want a male zelda or a male impa? cause i bet nintendo would do that if they ever switch link to female.
@World I'm a huge mythology considering that the Zelda narrative is pretty much a myth and fairy tale rolled into one I'm ok with keeping the narrative as is. Besides, Zelda has been a magical archer, a kunoichi and a pirate in addition to being a princess. Um, she is the coolest character in the series! Link's defining trait? He's lazy...and if you can wake him up he will totally save the world... :/
@kenrulei Some of these...sound like kind of good ideas? Also Giana Sisters literally started off as a Mario ripoff that was "female Mario/Luigi." The main character is even named Maria!
(I only have the DS one, but the series goes way back; it's actually pretty good!)
Wait, who is Link? I thought Nintendo finally realized(or acknowledged) Zelda is a girl's name? This hasn't just ben about a cultural difference? I mean it's not a very popular name in Japan so I'm not surprised if they thought it was a boy's name.
i'll add this one dev made a female version, Cloud/Lighting in final fantasy everyone was quick to hate on lighting because of this, it would be the same thing here making linkle her own character is a better idea. a choice could work but it would destroy the zelda traditions, making zelda the playable character in game and having link in danger could work also. (cdi doesn't count before someone get's smart)
Zelda being female is mostly because she share the same blood with the goddess who took an human appearance, this way Hylia can reincarnate each time. This also explain why Zelda mother is always never mentioned because she probably died while giving birth. And it became a tradition for the royal family to name their female newborn Zelda in honor to the human form of Hylia back in Skyward Sword.
Remember how in Skyward Sword there was no royal family set in stone yet.
Meanwhile Link only share a spirit meaning each incarnation has a possibility to be female.
I don't think Link is a blank slate per say, I think he is just a nameless protagonist. He and Zelda are established characters in the series. Personally I wouldn't want just an option for a female Link that's simply just a character model swap. I'd rather have a game buit around the idea that this hero in this era is female.
Another idea would be to have a second quest unlocked after beating the game that allowed the player to play the game as Zelda through her point of view. The story would have to work in that both Zelda and "Link" would have their own adventures and meet up at certain points. If done right, I think it could work.
well yeah they was sued back in the day though, the ds and remake are good games i played the rip off game also.
What will happen if one day Nintendo decide to create a twin Brother and Sister Link that can be swapped in the game with both using different mechanics ?
Which is the real Samus? you can pick your favorite game, but there's only one Samus, and yes, that includes Metroid: Other M's Samus. She's one woman and she has accomplished all of the things that is in all of her games. The same goes with Mario. There's only one Mario and he's the star of every Mario game.
Can you say the same thing about Link and Zelda? I would say that the main Link and Zelda are Ocarina of Time's Link and Zelda, only because so many games reference Ocarina of Time. But there are tons of Links. And the story even implies that during some of the bad events where Hyrule was waiting for a Link to show up, none did. So who's to say there can't be Linkelle, who stepped up to the plate during one of those events?
But that's beside the point. Nintendo needs to make Zelda a main character because she's already an established character with a history. And that being said, I don't want a gender swap option. @Jaco said it perfectly. A gender swap is just a cop-out, but a story built around a female hero is awesome because it means the hero isn't just some blank slate. Nintendo needs to step away from blank slate characters. All video game developers need to step away from blank slate characters, especially if they want video game stories to become more sophisticated.
also people should read official material about link, in say... the manga adaptions, he speaks also in the manga's, big shock i know.
I don't understand why is this always an issue. Although Link was always technically male, he always looked so androgynous ever since The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I know a few people whom actually mistaken Link for a girl before, but of course, those same people thought the character is "Zelda".
again the manga's show links personalty, if they was put them in the game it would be text heavy. maybe in the future, but we all know why link isn't talking same as mario. Shigeru Miyamoto = gameplay less story.
@kenrulel I think manga adaptation and anime are quite different from the in-game content. See Pokemon for example where the anime is mostly for kids and has the same protagonist that never age, meanwhile the manga uses the game characters and can go really dark where characters can die.
this is true and not so true, pokemon was planned to be multiple things. the manga of zelda is more faithful to games with extra story's added in.
I know. I have the OoT and MM manga, and also the LttP graphic novel. And I think Nintendo is doing a good job with giving characters personality without dialogue. It's why we all have a picture in our mind of how Mario, Samus, and yes, different versions of Link and Zelda should be.
But I was making a comment that this is how it should be, even with Linkelle added to the picture and that Linkelle isn't nor should she be just a gender-swap with Link. It's why I wouldn't support a gender-choice for a main Zelda game. Because I don't believe Link and Zelda are blank slates, no matter what Nintendo claims they are.
@Ryu_Niiyama That was very intelligent analysis. And I agree completely! Linkle is just a badass bonus character, in a non-canon spin off, who happen to be a girl who resembles Link. It's not gonna mess with the mythos at all.
But I'd love a mainline game with a playable Zelda, along with Link of course. I think they should make her like Skyward Sword Zelda! (I will also accept Tetra) She was my favourite incarnation because she wasn't just a stoic princess sorcerer then, she had personality and even a character arc.
@Yorumi @FullbringIchigo @Ralizah
I don't want gender-swapping in adventure games. If they're gonna make a female protagonist Link, make it a female Link in the story. Give her an identity/character and attitude in the story. I don't want them to make a generic character or a generic story that will accommodate both male and female Link. Focus on one. Give it a character.
Link is an established male. Don't change that just to appease those who wanted to play as a female. Give them Linkle instead who is her own character with her own story. If not, give them Zelda as a playable character with her own motive to go in an adventure.
I'm cool with Linkle. I mean, she's kind of a starting point already.
Then again, Pokémon, a younger franchise than the Zelda series, only took around seven years (give or take) to include a female player option; considering Link can be given a name in just about every Zelda game (thus making him a complete audience surrogate), this is kinda jarring.
@dkxcalibur Automatic crossbows? Magic crossbows? Hey if Edward Kenway can have four guns in Black flag I think two crossbows are fine.
Doesn't feel right to me. The whole thing just seems a bit cheap and forced in imo. Maybe it'll grow on me with some backstory ......
While it may not affect "the story" a female Link would not be Link. The story is lined out in the Skyward Sword and how they are cursed to repeat the eternal fight. Link will always be a boy and Zelda the princess. Unless Nintendo elaborate the nature of the curse OR they make a story where Linkle is an protagonist in her own right and NOT Link then that would make sense.
Idea: cool. Name: sucks.
Question: Would the addition of a female option in LoZ be significantly different to when the Pokemon Company did the same thing with Crystal?
I think it's interesting, and there are a few relevant points to make. The main argument against is that Link is a well established character; an 'icon' of the series - even more than the eponymous Zelda - and dividing that character in two waters down that iconography. A counter to this argument is that LoZ, just like Pokemon, almost always starts you off with a new protagonist, although LoZ clearly makes more of an effort to establish some sort of continuity.
Another theme that separates the two series is that of 'legend' (obviously), and of history repeating itself. Zelda games are littered with references to stories of the past, with your job as the player essentially being to re-enact them in the current game. I think many people cherish the idea of 'Link: Boy, Zelda: Girl' as being an integral part of this eternal legend.
And the third, final, and probably most tenuous reason why I think people hold the current conception of Link dear is that of interactivity. In the Pokemon games, you character actually DOES an impressively little amount, so you don't tend to associate their actions with the character. People think of it being 'Link, the hero of Hyrule' who triumphs in the Zelda games, whereas the person who beats the Elite 4 is usually thought of as just 'Me'. The Pokemon protagonists walk around, listen to people, and stand in the background as their Pokemon battle, but... they don't really DO anything as characters. Compare this to an avatar like Mario, whose chubby form we're used to seeing bounce, wall-jump, and butt-stomp around the Mushroom Kingdom, and it would feel odd and unnecessary have anyone else share the role of 'Main Character'. Having said that, 3D World has shown that other characters can comfortably step up alongside him and open the gameplay up as a result. Actually, I think I've rather shot myself in the foot with that last example; if you can complete a Mario game as Peach, then maybe the sky's the limit.
Anyway, I think if Mr. Aonuma wanted it, I think the option could potentially be slipped in with little consequence. Comparisons to Mario becoming Maria don't quite hold water, as there aren't generations of Mario's; there's just Mario. You're not constantly given fresh starts.
However, Mr. Aonuma might equally have good reasons to keep Link as a single, set character. Skyward Sword's story had power, because you were looking into the world of two well-defined characters (Link and Zelda). The relationship would have been cheapened if you knew one of them could be swapped out at a whim. To return to the original and motivating question - which I'd kind of forgot about - Pokemon doesn't have any such relationships. Your character really is a vessel, and I think that suits the Pokemon series down to the ground.
So basically, after all that, I think the best option is whatever Mr. Aonuma thinks would suit the games he's making best. And at time in which almost every Zelda game ever made is available to playable in some form on the current generation of consoles, I won't turn my nose up too much at efforts to break tradition.
The story of skyward sword never said Link need to always be a boy, that's why it's the spirit of the hero, meanwhile Zelda is tied by blood meaning she will reincarnate each generation.
The spirit of the hero will go to the person who is the most fitting candidate when Ganon will come back, be it male or female.
Link is a totally different character compared to Mario, Samus, Pit and Donkey Kong, only in a select few game you get the same Link from a previous game, while the rest are just linked by name and the spirit of the hero.
Also Demise reincarnate into Ganondorf in some of the games, while before he was only known as Ganon which is the appearance the Triforce give him.
Again I don't care about the whole female Link concept, it just seems unoriginal and pointless. Now I'm not saying I'm against female protagonists, if they introduce a female heroine into the main Zelda games that would be great, as long as they make her a completely new character with her own identity.
Link is pretty popular among my (straight) female friends. He's got the looks of a pretty boy with the fierceness of a bad-ass. While I wouldn't be against a Linkle option, I get the feeling that Link does an unusually good job of appealing to just about everybody.
Hmmm, the name is stupid. And the design is has nothing to do with Link. And she doesn't even have a sword. Are you people sure this is a true Link? She looks more like a Zelda. Personally I had something totally different in mind (not a sex-bomb mind you. Lol)!
At first in her design she had a sword and shield, then it got changed to dual Crossgun.
Having the option to play as a female Link would be great. Gamers have no sound footing to stand against it besides childishness.
I will say Linkle is a stupid name, and if they so choose to make a female option in the main series that the outfit more or less needs to be the same between both genders.
Didn't they say somewhere that this was Link's sister?
Well put. Makes wonderful sense and I would be very fine with this.
I loved her design in the concept art, so I'm happy she's here (I mean, this game is pure fanservice anyways right? Nothing needs to make sense.)
I just wish they had gone with ANY other name then Linkle. I mean, it's painfully obvious it's supposed to sound like a female sounding 'Link' name, but you had to go with Linkle? It's such an unpleasant sound.
Linkle's great. I love the moveset we've seen with the double crossbows, looks like she'll be a lot of fun to play. I've been hoping we might see her since scans came through of the concept art from Japan, and I picked up the guide for Hyrule Warriors for the concept art which also featured her. If she's as enjoyable to play as Lianshi was in Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper, I'm set.
Would I want her in the mainline games though, as a 'female Link'? No. I'd rather keep playing with Link. I'd rather play as Zelda if the games were going that way. Just like I'd rather play as Peach instead of a 'female Mario'. (I do own Super Princess Peach, rather fun game. I also beat SM3DW as Peach, only really changing character to do a level again to get a stamp.)
I'm just amused that after years of people calling for a 'female Link', now Linkle is here she's being called a 'Ms. Male character' by some previously wanting that.
I'm honestly apathetic towards chosing gender in The Legend of Zelda, but I'd certainly understand the inclusion. Link is merely the connection between the player and Hyrule, and if the connection is easier to associate with if you could change your gender, skin tone, etc. then I'm all for it.
The only challenge with it is more personal for me; Link has always been Link in my eyes, as a defined character in his own right. Now I admit that because Link is intentionally suppose to easily be associated with, he is somewhat of a blank slate. But this is also true of Mario, who has always been male. I don't really think it helps diversify your franchise to simply "rebrand" your already established characters as different races or genders, and while this is less of an issue with Link it's something I've noticed get done more and more, particularly in comic books.
Do you know what I'd rather see? I'd want to see a Legend of Zelda title with two alternative campaigns that play differently. One path has you play as Link, the Hero of Courage. Another has you play as Zelda, who although is born with the Triforce of Wisdom she is not of the royal family this time around. I think there's a lot of potential with the already established women of The Legend of Zelda in such ways.
As much as I love Linkle's design, I don't like the idea of playing as Linkle for the main Zelda installments. Will Zelda not be a romance option anymore then? Or will the girls be forced to be a lesbian in the game? Just sounds silly and unneeded.
I don't know why people always need to play as a character that is exactly like them, I'm a guy and I love playing as girls and guys of all varieties. I love playing as people in different situations in me, I love playing as someone in a completely different body then my own. While I love character customization aswell, part of the reasons I play video games as a whole is to get a glimpse at being someone different.
If they keep Zelda's as a love interest, I will be fine with Linkle being playable in future flagship installments, but that sounds like it will spark "controversy" of feminists and SJWs getting mad.
I also wish they named her "Linka" instead of Linkle lol
There's just as good reason to stand against it as to stand FOR it.
The only reason to stand for it is that it allows people who prefer to play as a female character to do so in a Zelda game. Well, given how many games already allow you to do that, that's really not a particularly meaningul reason.
The main reason to stand against it is that customisable characters nearly ALWAYS detract from storytelling, as they constantly have to work their way around this "unknown quantity" (the only real way of bypassing that problem is to make the male and female essentially identical, like in Mass Effect)
I still don't get the obsession of gender swapping Link. I totally agree there should be a Zelda game with a main female character, but how about, uh, I dunno...Zelda?!!! Or Impa, or any other tons of cool female LoZ characters.
Linkle seems more like a weird anime/hentai fetish and less of actual gender equality.
Zelda game where Zelda is the main's really that simple...
@JaxonH I've always thought male and female twin Links would be fun for co-op or even cool single-player puzzles. Or just team up with Zelda instead of saving her.
I think with Legend of Zelda the opportunity for an awesome female character has always been: you can play as Zelda. It's sort of a duh.
All that said, female Link would be fine with me, too. I've never thought it was the same person. Especially Wind Waker does a good job of setting up the recurring legend and how he fits into it there.
Marketing-wise, however, there are some old Zelda fans who've abandoned Nintendo but are still waiting for a new ultimate game and they'll be expecting male Link to be reimagined in an awesome way. If they are worth targeting, Link should probably remain male.
Let me just get through this: 1.I don't care. Hell, the only difference that gender-swapping would cause in the game is Link being referred to as a she, so...yeah. Wouldn't really be that big a deal, but hey. That's just me. 2.That name is pretty dang stupid.
@Rosofa And as a girl who plays stuff like PES, I'm used to playing "not me" all the time. I don't know if I really care about Linkle that much, but I would like to play as Zelda at some point.
Also, people always throw around "feminists will be mad" with just made-up things, but I definitely agree with you that a lesbian Linkle WOULD actually draw that kind of negative attention from that group (the thing some people miss is how radical feminists just straight-up hate lesbians for existing). Of course...that kind of makes me want to see it slightly more.
Long comment aside: hold on now, ZELDA IS/WAS A LOVE INTEREST?!
(Ok, maybe in Skyward Sword. But yeah, I always imagined that they were secretly siblings)
Why couldn't they have named her Linka instead?
This article neglects to mention that picking the heroes gender has been an option in the series past - in the three soundlink games for Super Famicom. Nintendo has already done this. Also I wonder if the author has actually played the CDI games they say are awful or are they criticising from a position of ignorance like most people.
Possibilities... for rule 34
It's like making Mario into a female Mario. I don't hate the idea for messing around and changing things. I like how things were before but I'm also open to new things too. I like same things and different things all the same. Anything new I am always intrigued by. Whatever happens happens and I'm down for the ride. Male female fat skinny white black boring exciting I am down.
@Gold_Ranger the art book for the original Hyrule Warriors has concept for Linkle and it refers to her as "a little sister like friend"
only the media seems to be claiming she is THE Link despite not sharing anything other than a colour scheme. Its like claiming Batgirl is Bruce-ina Wayne
@16bitdave Except there's no need for Maria because Peach is playable! Clearly the best solution is to make Zelda playable?
(I don't know. For me, the best solution is always to make Agitha playable...but whatever).
@Yorumi While I agree that the official stance of Nintendo supports the blank slate argument, I think it's Nintendo's stance that needs to change. Link does have defining attributes (i.e. pointy ears, blonde hair, fair skin etc.). Even though I am a guy, these don't represent me at all. So just giving him a gender swap option opens up a slew of other issues and it will hit the point where the Link everyone knows and recognizes will be lost. Look at Triforce Heroes. The Link in that game is recruited because he looks like the "Hero".
Even though the gender may be open to interpretation, there are subtleties that define the gender in the games. Ruto's engagement, Darunia's brotherhood, Mido's jealousy, Ilia's affection, Groose's rivalry, the brother sister relationship in WW, the Tetra-relationship, the fact that boys are dressed in the tunic to mimic the hero when they come of age in WW, etc.
I don't have a problem with a female protagonist, but a choice would eliminate all these small little details. Unless each choice also changed the story accordingly. That might even add some replay value.
Linkle is going for a tinkel...
Seriously! Who comes up with these names!? And can't we please stop with the political correctness in gaming? For me, it's really killing the fun.
If there is really a need for a female Hylian protagonist, than create a new one and don't chop off Link's dingly-dangly-diddly-ding-dong!
why a female link? just to please some childish SJW's kids that give money to anita sarkeesian?
If ain't broken DON'T FIX IT.
Linkle is cute, but not enough to convince me to play a Zelda game
Should have called her Lingle. She could be the female Tingle.
Put Link in the dress this time and Zelda saves him.
Well that's what everyone gets. We're not getting another.
The difference in my opinion between Mario vs Link having gender options is that in a couple games peach was a playable character. She was also her own character though, not just a pink Mario minus a mustache.
I don't think it should be a simple "are you a boy or a girl?" For new loz games. If they use Linkle, she should be an additional character instead of a gender swap.
Not to say she couldn't be playable, they could have puzzles for the both, one or the other, or any combination to make it more complex. It'd be interesting to see some sort of a relationship or rivalry between link and linkle and just have both rename-able.
If they really wanted to use her as a gender swap out though, it'd be funny if they switched all of the character's genders. Might even work to a point.
The only thing to me is, I expected a toughened up She-Link. Not a prancing little girl divided from a character that kills anything with everything, with grunts.
Ironically, in pandering to the entitled SJW's who think it is Nintendo's job to make their art for them, Nintendo has merely created a female Link. This can only suggest that the only way for a female character to be compelling is for her to be a carbon copy/cheap imitation of the male character. The name Linkle is perfect for this character as it completely captures how utterly stupid this approach is. Zelda or Shiek as a playable character is clearly the solution to the problem that didn't exist in the first place. This Linkle thing (I swear a piece of my soul dies every time I say Linkle out loud. Seriously, say it out loud.) is insultingly stupid in artless concept and pandering.
I'm pretty sure Linkle is just a mistranslation and her name is supposed to be Linkelle. Linkelle not only sounds better, it looks better, and works as a girl's name.
btw, I'm going to pre-order this game first thing tomorrow. (^_^ )/
Or maybe Linkle is just her own character and the LoZ series can do it's thing, maybe branch out and follow Impa's story or have a story where Zelda is the main protagonist doing stuff not involving Ganondorf, but is protecting her kingdom regardless and Link can just be Link, a guy, cause there's nothing wrong with him being a guy.
@EatMyMoney I agree with the Linkle name being a little out of place. It obviously stems from Link, but the character name could be more original than that. As far as others concern that it is just a female version of Link, I don't see it that way. Zelda games have had strong female characters; Zelda (Sheik, Tetra, etc), Midna, and others. I think the character has enough merit and personality of her own with a passing resemblance to Link. Maybe this will be a Star Wars Luke and Leia deal where the characters once thought to be unrelated are actually brother and sister.
I don't see how having more options is a bad thing.
@Shadowkiller97 People don't understand that the details are such a huge part of the games. SJW's won't be happy until games are required to be safely bland with politically motivated and flat out boring gameplay and worlds. The story of the male hero saving the princess is universal in cultures the world over. Clearly the appeal of that narrative hasn't worn off. What is stopping any of these people from playing Dragon Age? Or any other RPG like that? Why must the Legend of Zelda change to be like those other games? It would only serve to dilute the unique offering that is the Legend of Zelda in a AAA gaming landscape already too homogenized.
I hate how nowadays, everyone wants to change things, because "if you don't do as I think you're racist, sexist, homophobic...". I love female protagonist, I love Samus, I have no issues playing as a female protagonist. If TLoZ was a franchise from 2010~2015, I'd be totally ok with female Link, but no, it's been 30 years and you want to change a legendary character? I don't want female Mario, male Samus or female Fox, even if character customization and gender choice are great for some games, they're not for games like Zelda, Mario or Metroid, because, believe it or not, sometimes the main character is enough to represent a franchise... You don't go to a store and look for a game with the triforce in the cover, you go around looking for a cover with a white blonde guy with pointy ears and green clothes... If Nintendo decides to change Link, I will not complain, I'll just stop buying LoZ games, because they won't be Zelda games anymore, they will be just another adventure-action game with character customization... I don't want female Link, nor black Link, nor Alien Link, NO... I want my good old silent protagonist in a lot of new Legends... I wouldn't mind a game with playable Zelda
I really don't like the idea of Linkle simply being a gendered swapped Link. If she (or characters like her) were to be included in future games, flesh them out and make them characters in their own right. From the trailer Linkle looks absolutely awesome, and I'd much rather see her in a game with her own story (maybe as Link's sister, who knows).
@MarinoKadame "Spirit of the HERO" denotes that his spirit is gender-locked to male.
Female heroes are called Heroines.
Also, he has always reincarnated as a man.
These are not coincidences; Link is a male and should remain as such.
If people want to play as a woman in a Zelda game, it should be as Zelda, Linkle once she's got her own fleshed out back-story, or a new female lead.
We should not be replacing Link with a gender-swapped Link for the sake of the ludicrous idea that we need a woman to play as, when there are other options that don't mess with series lore.
@LUIGITORNADO "Besides childishness"
So it's childish to respect series lore?
I disagree.
We don't need to replace Link with a gender swap.
We have Zelda, Impa, various other female characters, and now Linkle to play as.
There's no reason, none whatsoever, to kill off the persona that Link has become just to appeal to the SJW's that want to see him junk-less and busty.
I think a story with Link and Linkle for the next Zelda would be awesome u could choose one or the other but both have relevance throughout the game. I'm playing Skyward Sword at the moment and even though it cops a lot of hate, I'm actually loving it! Particularly for its story, so I hope the next Zelda regardless how open it is, has some kind of cool story throughout it.
@smashbrolink I agree. I don't think Link needs to change gender after being an established male character for 30+ years just for the sake of it but I think the prospect of Linkle to be playable would be a really cool idea. But again agreed, KEEP LINK'S JUNK!!
Well said!
Actually, scrap my idea. Let me play as Zelda!
Thank you! Saves me from replying and typing.
I feel sorry for you Tom you wright (or type) a good article pointing out about how "Link" is just an avatar, a tool to be used to play a video game and everyone loses the plot arguing as if he's an actual character again. Honostly if they put a gender choice in it wouldn't bother me cuz I don't have to select it. also when it comes to naming avatars in games (like skyrim) I always use my nickname its funny because my nickname is link (hence my username).
"Blablabla, we want female Link replace male Link at future Zelda games."
Oh really! Should we make Zelda a transgender male as well?
Stop ruining a decent site with stupid editorials like that!
next zelda game should have linkle as a playable char, but in doing so zelda is changed to prince zeldo
If Linkle is in fact an option, then I'll play as her. Screen art looks cute!
But isn't Link the holder of the Triforce of Courage? So how would a 'female Link' work? Unless the choice is between Link and Zelda (who holds the Triforce of Wisdom), or even as the story progresses you have to switch characters for one or two segments, so that you almost get 2 different games... either way, this is all Aonuma-San's problem to figure out.
@DinoFett definitely with you there would be awesome too learn more about her back story n history.
...I still think she looks a little TOO much like Valla from Diablo 3. Also, Tetra is still a more likely suspect of "SJW pandering" than Linkle, who really isn't one. (Even though Tetra predates SJW's...)
I'm pretty sure the lore has already established that beyond the first titles in the timeline, such as Skyward Sword, the subsequent characters in the timeline are simply shaped by the legendary characters of these ancient past stories; they aren't actually the legends themselves. Wind Waker was perhaps the first title to really emphasize this, since Link was not just some prophesied reincarnation of previous heroes. "Link" was possibly not even his real name. One who takes up the mantle of "Link" was defined by their actions, not their bloodline or genetics.
Thus, there's nothing preventing a different point in time (other than the first ones) from having a courageous female youth take up the mantle. It has nothing to do with "player choice" or "projecting oneself onto the character". It could just simply be a female youth instead of a male one who happened to answer the call of Courage and Adventure in that particular era. All of this analysis of the issue makes it way more complicated than it actually is.
@bobbypaycheque Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I recall reading that Linkle was Koei Tecmo's creation rather than Nintendo's. If you know a decent source pointing to either conclusion, then I'd be glad to see it.
I think everybody has said pretty much everything there is to be said about Linkle, so I'll just say this: I'm all for Linkle, and I would play her in every future game she might become a part of. I am not a fan of the Zelda universe, and I've felt it has been quite stale in many of the Zelda games, with few exceptions (some of those being Majora's Mask and The Minish Cap, which were amazing games unlike ALTTP, ALBW and OOT which were somewhere between decent and utter garbage imo). However, I like the design of Linkle and I feel she may be a breath of fresh air into the franchise. I am also buying Hyrule Warriors Legends for the sole purpose of supporting the Linkle character.
Welcome, Linkle. I hope you stay for a long, long time.
@DuckLord707 I feel like this comment completely misses the point of the article. The article is saying that broadening the in-game representation of who "Link" is could be in line with Aonuma's vision of having the in game character represent the player more fully. I don't think anyone is being entitled or upset here, it's Aonuma himself who suggests the idea that player immersion is the point. Since "Link" was always just whatever you name him, allowing "him" to be a "her" in character model would be an interesting new thing they could do the next time around, since there is now a "Linkle" character concept. I don't think anyone is demanding it, just thinking about the possibility. Basically, "Link" just becomes the new "Robin" from Fire Emblem. Why does thinking this is an interesting idea make me entitled?
@Blizzia "ALTTP, ALBW and OOT which were somewhere between decent and utter garbage imo"
I think Link should be a boy/man so him and Zelda should both fall in love and live happily ever after (at least until Ganon is realeased again).
@tux_peng Rule 63, actually.
Unless you WANT that to combine with 34, to give them some... Uh... Self gratification.
If the official canon is to be believed, Link's spirit and Zelda's bloodline is cursed to be in conflict with the Spirit of Demise. There is nothing there that doesn't say that Link's Spirit has to be in a male (note it isn't even a descendant of Link, but someone with his spirit) nor does it say that it even has be a female Zelda, just one of the bloodline. That leaves a lot of room for creativity.
Now, it would be really silly to have an iconic character change that much. It would be like Lara Croft suddenly becoming Luke Croft. So I think for now, Linkle, the child of Link and Tingle (thanks NVC) is doomed to be a non-canon character or side-character.
Just call her Link. As others are pointing out, the whole point of the character is to act as a "link" to the player. Giving her a stupid alteration of the name that doesn't even sound more feminine (and sounds too reminiscent of "Tingle," besides) makes it feel forced and weird.
Also, double-crossbows? Who thought of that one? It bugs me that there's a clear trend of giving girls arrows as weapons, because everyone knows they can't use swords! I know they let other female characters have swords; I know that I'm generalizing. But if she's just girl Link, they seem awfully keen to make her different from him. Maybe some view that as a plus. I think it's kinda lame.
It is childishness. And your mentioning of SJWs is only proof of that.
What most are asking for. What I ASKED FOR. Is the option to play as a female Link. OPTIONAL. So if chosen, those who don't want to play a female Link can never play as one. It doesn't change your experience at all, but it'll change others people's experience for the better.
All Link ever was suppose to be is a link between the player and the world. A gender choice of female or male is the most basic option out there that has been incorporated into hundreds of games.
Is this progressive or just pandering?
So much crotch clutching going on! Drowning in buzzwords: SJW, entitlement, feminists, pandering, PC...add righteous anger to the mix and it's perfect.
What a hoot, lol.
Linkle is probably Link's long lost twin from another timeline.
I'm just saying that the story would be effected by dual genders. Either limitting story elements, causing more work with two different stories, or points of poor story.
@Maxz Nintendo controls the brand. Koei Tecmo cannot create or add characters to the brand without Nintendo's approval. Koei Tecmo doesn't have license to do whatever they want with LoZ characters. The Koei Tecmo LoZ character representations do not exist in a total vacuum. That isn't how brand licensing works. The LoZ main entries are near perfect, and with the way Nintendo needs the NX to sell, they shouldn't screw around with what has made the franchise work. (And again, say 'Linkle' out loud. Seriously.)
Lol at all the people getting their underwear all twisted up because of either Nintendo or this article on Nintendo Life messing up their cherished yet misinformed childhood memories of Link being a boy hero (because "obviously", a knight in shining armor or the person coming to the rescue can be nothing else but a male character, right?)
Unfortunately, these are nothing but your own misgivings/misinterpretations of what the creators have ALWAYS intended Link to be, and that is a non-character/blank slate/avatar/representation of the player, that will allow you to immerse yourself into the adventure a bit more than with a pre-defined character so it will feel like it is YOU saving the world and not the IP you are controlling. You get to live the adventure in your own way, as you see fit, whether or not you keep "Link" as the name, or change it to one of your own choosing. Aside from that, the word "Link" has also been used to define the link between past/present/future in a couple of the Zelda games. (such as OoT, LttP, MM and so on)
Miyamoto has expressed multiple times in the past that the blank slate idea is an important thing for the Zelda games and one WAY more so than other IP's because they either have a different kind of story that is far simpler and/or more predetermined or have gameplay mechanics that don't rely so much on a player having to be a specific someone, such as in games that have multiple characters to begin with, like a lot of the Mario games and such.
I know I myself have tried every character in Mario Kart, not only to find out which one better suited me, but also to win with every character. Not that I'm a real completionist, but in the case of games like these, I always like to try and achieve that.
Anyway, I don't know (and I don't really care) if we should see this as pandering or being politically correct, but to me it simply represents an option for players to play as a female character, if they wish to do so, so I think @LUIGITORNADO has hit the nail on the head, to name one of the few level headed commenters concerning this topic.
If you don't want to, then simply stick with the male character, but for a lot of people it may be nice to have the choice, and I'd like for everyone to also think of them instead of only thinking about what Link "should" be to yourself.
There may very well be a lot of female gamers that are sick and tired of having to play a prince, knight or similar kind of male hero, and there may also be quite a lot of male gamers that wouldn't mind playing a Zelda game from a different perspective for once, so why not have the option included?
It won't hurt the traditionalists and at the same time it caters to people that would indeed like to have the choice, so to me it sounds like a win-win situation. And as for the whole love interest thing: to me that is also in the eye of the beholder for most games.
The princess is more like Link's dream object, a fantasy that is out of his reach, but by saving the kingdom he will at least have her admiration, and the king's gratitude, so if you view it like that, there wouldn't have to be any issue with the Link character being female. After Linkle saves the kingdom, they simply become BFF's, or maybe even siblings as the king will adopt her out of gratitude and because the Link character never has any parents to speak of. Problem solved...
For people that are interested, here are a couple of articles/web pages that have more background info on the how and why of Link. I looked them up prompted by the comment from @rishisquid saying "The fact is that though he doesn't speak, he is a character and has a character. I'd also like to see a recent source where Ninty says he isn't, I'm just curious."
The only male thing in all this trivia that I could find, is that Miyamoto was partially inspired by Peter Pan, and mixed that story with his own childhood memories of exploring caves and such. Other than that, no definite gender is mentioned.
As those of you that are going to read them will all be able to see, I didn't find anything that is really very recent, but some things only need to be said once and as recent as a few years ago, Miyamoto has repeated himself on this, so it's pretty much set in stone that the label "Link" truly isn't meant to be the name of a character. It's nothing more than a set of handlebars to draw players into the adventure and make it their own...
Believe what you will. Nintendo decided on this, and since it's their IP, it would be really strange that they would be wrong about it and some entitled players would be right...
@bobbypaycheque In that case, I believe there's still some distinction between that and "Nintendo merely creating a female Link". Nintendo may have approved and licensed the character, but there's a difference between that and 'creating' it.
This distinction is also relevant in considering the likelihood of 'Linkle' or someone similar entering the main series. If she were Mr. Aonuma's creation, that would point to his interest is developing a female equivalent to Link, which would likely bleed into the games he's working on. If she's just the product of some Koei-Tecmo designer (with a possibly questionable fondness for gender-swapping) who was simply got allowed in because; 'hey, this is Hyrule Warriors and anything goes', then that paints a different story.
Well, for the sake of the game, it's to have a more diverse character. With there already being 3 forms of link and sword,dual crossbow makes for a newer moveset.
One issue to take into account is the amount of extra work involved with the option, not to say it should be off the table, but that a gender option (rather than giving linkle her own game or something of that nature) would definitely involve more work, thus eiither delaying the game further or limiting content.
At the very least, you have to make a model for both genders.
Aside from that, the story will be effected. Certain situations, especially in the context of an old world fantasy setting, would be very different for a boy or girl. Certain characters would react differently to either gender.
Here, the writers would have to either:
-create a gender neutral story, thus limitting the story dramatically
-create splits on the story for situations where gender would matter, then have the stories rejoin after, which also limits story and would render those parts mostly meaningless.
-create two different stories for each gender. Story would not be limitted, but would take a lot more work.
-not care about gender switches and treat one gender as an alternate skin. In this case "gender" is superfluous and ignored by all characters. Playing as other gender would seem silly or non-believable.
@khaosklub No it wouldn't be >_>
Zelda is old-world fantasy? This isn't Song of Ice and Fire where 13-year-old girls are getting married off to warlords.
Zelda is children's fantasy. Nintendo can make whatever rules they want. And Having strong female warriors isn't something outside of the realm of Zelda: Impa! For shame there is entire race of female warriors in the series O_O
And the story is not hinged on the player being boy. There's nothing male specific about the writing outside of mentions of "he" and some female NPCs alluding to Link's "cuteness."
And why does there need to be gender specific different quests in the story? There doesn't need to be. WTH would that even be? It's silly. Not to offend you, but I do believe it's just innocent ignorance on your end.
That's it!
The argument against having the option to play a girl keeps getting sillier.
@khaosklub There are a lot of ways in which they could tackle that like for example by making intertwining quests, aka every other level is played by one of the characters so you could have a gender specific quest.
And contrary to what you propose, making two separate story lines isn't a whole lot of work at all: making a character say something else to either Link or Linkle is a few lines of programming, as is the intent of the quest as a whole, percentage-wise and if it is something that Aonuma and Miyamoto want, you can bet it has long since been implemented.
You're still talking from the perspective that having a girl-Link as a main character is somehow wrong, but as my wall of text already showed it isn't that strange to begin with. It's only the preposition that a lot of veteran Zelda players have that their own idea of what Zelda games are supposed to be is somehow threatened or tainted, which truly isn't the case, since it would simply be an option that can be left alone by people that don't want it and it will have no effect whatsoever on your personal game-playing experience, which is exactly why I don't understand all the fuss about it being wrong or bad.
Except what you're describing is more like option two rather than option 3.
Actually, my stance is that I would prefer a set gender for link in a given game. Female or male, doesn't matter which, since the games are pretty much all unrelated anyway. I'd prefer a game just featuring a female link that focuses on a female hero's difficulty in being accepted as a hero, kinda like young link, but with depth
@khaosklub Well, this is exactly where I didn't want the discussion to go. It doesn't matter, because the ONLY thing that is relevant is that A) Link is NOT a boy/man, regardless of what droves of prematurely disappointed people seem to think, and B) having the option in the game to choose your preferred gender does not IN ANY WAY alter the experience of the person that doesn't want that option, since he or she can simply play the game as a "normal" Link.
All the other stuff is in the bears on the road category, by you and others, creating problems that we as gamers will never experience, since it is stuff that only the developers/designers will come across.
It's Nintendo's decision in the end, and if they want to include it, I'm definitely in favor of it because I would like for everyone to enjoy these games and if some would like to be able to have a female Link to be able to enjoy these games even more, then I hope that they will see their wish come true sooner rather than later. In my honest opinion, any other thought would be extremely selfish and short-sighted.
This reminds me of that "What if Zelda was a girl" meme, and its actually Zelda in the displayed picture. SO I ask what if Link was a boy! I mean ops i actually know what im talking about, sorry . Zelda* Oh and Ganon needs to be a girl. infact i should be able to decided everyones gender. WHO CARES about link and all the stories he went on, i want to design my own character, and enemies. and call it Zeldude appeasement of Linkle. Its perfect.
While it doesn't effect the experience of the completed game, it does effect us as gamers.
Like I've suggested, the story would likely suffer... that or development time would be increased. While the completed product as a result will be the same experience for those who want to play any given gender as it would be if that game did not have the option.
But it would either be less of a game, or a greater game experienced later.
I am not against the idea though, though I do have my preferences, simply stating that such factors should be taken into account before clamoring for something we may all regret
Except it's not an argument against a female link, but one that suggests gender option would effect story.
Many cases in previous zelda games would have to be handled differently if gender option was included.
Just taking ocarina of time for example. Ruto would not give her engagement stone to a girl, at least not with the same intentions. Being a princess, expecting progeny, she would be expected to have a husband... and this being children's fantasy like you said, she probably would not have a consort.
Darunia might not call her brother... though I'm not sure if gorons understand gender... or may just call her an honorary brother anyway.
Saria probably wouldn't crush on her and mido would probably white knight instead of being a butt.
The little things. Male characters would probably be nicer or more coddling. The whole mention of oldworld is because there were certain ways things worked in ye olden times, because it was similar to the world of zelda.
@khaosklub "The story would likely suffer" No, it wouldn't, or let me correct myself: we don't know that, so that is purely an assumption that is presumably in part based on personal preference. Try to make an argument without mentioning things that developers have to do, since like I already said these are of no concern to us. Bears on the road and all that...
If a developer has to put in a few more months to make the game work properly: that is of no concern or effect to the gamer
If a developer has to make the story different to cater to different genders: that is of no concern or effect to the gamer.
I can make up a list of around twenty of such points, but I am hoping you get my point without me having to do so. In essence, anything development or design related that has to do with character gender is simply not relevant to the quality of the game, as long as the final product is one that we can all enjoy playing.
And as such, a game where both male and female gamers could choose their own preferred gender WITHOUT it taking anything away from the "original" format is nothing but a win-win. If you can't see that, then it will be useless to continue this discussion, since we would then be going into the "what if" territory of assuming that adding another story line into the supposedly predominantly male one would be detrimental to the game and in turn to the satisfaction of the gamer, which is hypothetical at best, but far from proven, since the game isn't even out yet.
@khaosklub If I may suggest a small constructive tip: I always try to think in solutions instead of focusing on all the potential problems that I "might" come across. It is not conducive to progress or to positive thinking...
I don't think Linkle was a "Clunky Introduction For a "Female Link"".
I never asked for a female Link, but nor was I ever against it. I don't see what the problem is with Linkle is though. Now that Linkle is official I'm still indifferent.
I don't think there is a specific issue with the name "Linkle" other than it sounds a bit like "Tingle" (and I don't have an issue with Tingle). I think it's better than the alternatives of "Female Link" or "Linkette".
Using The Witcher 3 and Fallout 4 as comparisons though? Nintendo put dating and romance in Zelda games please.
@TheRealThanos The point I was making wasn't against a female Link specifically, it was that Link wasn't just a blank slate, that he was a character. But that leads me to my point, that if they make the protag female, fine, thats great, but don't change the gender of a already established, beloved and iconic character.
Also, you say that some people would enjoy seeing a character that represents themselves as they play, right? That if you put in a quick gender option and give Link boobs everyone will be happy? Well what about black people, what if they want to see themselves in the game? What about every other race/gender combo? Then you have to put character customization in. Then what do you have? Skyrim.
@DarkKirby I think "Linka" would have sounded better myself, but a little variety doesn't hurt since we already have Zelda, Impa, Lana, Cia, Agatha, and Midna. Too many -a's!
"the story would likely suffer... that or development time would be increased."
The full quote, covering the extra month[s] to get a better product.
"But it would either be less of a game, or a greater game experienced later."
I understand your point, but I still insist that these issues that developers face should be taken into consideration.
Same as how gamers gripe about subpar graphics, the complain about bland games which come directly as a result of graphical push. It is irresponsible for gamers to not consider how their demands effect things on the developer's end.
@Zelkardaim I have no idea where you got that from, since I'm a very social person. You don't even know me, and apparently also don't understand the intent of what I'm saying. I'm not trying to insult anybody nor am I belittling people, so it seems to me that you saying I treat people like idiots is rather uncalled for. I'm 45, and I'm more than relaxed enough, being WAY beyond all the "I have to feel better than you" and "I'm the definite truth sayer" tropes of all the anonymous keyboard warriors out there. I couldn't care less about that, but what I will do is speak my mind, even though that may not always be what other people say or think. And both on the internet and in daily life, not everyone always agrees with me but the difference is that in daily life, the tone is less condescending because people have to face you, but that's the internet for you...
I'm simply saying that giving a game an extra option need not affect the original game or the more traditional gamer, but at the same time it CAN offer more enjoyment to gamers that DO want such an option. Simple as that. And talking about how development might be impeded or how difficult it may be to implement that is hardly of any relevance to the discussion, since that isn't the point.
@rishisquid But the actual point is that Link being male isn't officially established at all, other than by the gamers because they are either used to it or think they can interpret the story in any way that suits them best.
As for the race issue: The Legend of Zelda is a fantasy game in a fantasy realm, so race need not be implemented, since the race as such is of Elven origin (hence the spiky ears) so it doesn't even apply to Caucasian people either. Back in the day, a lot of games simply had options to choose a male or female character with zero effect to gameplay.
Obviously, nowadays it's a bit more complicated than that, but still...
That is sn interesting point... it does have slippery slope potential, doesn't it? Though I'm worried that zelda is already headed in the skyrim direction. I look forward to horseback riding for hours on end to get to hyrule castle -_-...
Besides the already mentioned "not being the point in the Link/Linkle discussion" part, why the heck would we have to take that into consideration? I just want good quality games and everything and anything that crosses the path of the people that make it BEFORE it reaches my local game shop is truly of no concern to me whatsoever.
As for the gamers' demands: I don't think Nintendo (or any company for that matter) truly listens to gamers concerning their own IP's. If they were to cater to that, no one would ever be satisfied full stop...
They may let you think they give you the game that you want/need, but in the end they simply make the game that THEY want to make and that they can be proud of, not because a bunch of gamers wants something, except in this case some of them are in luck because it seems that Nintendo wants to implement a female version of Link, and all we should focus on is the why not part and for the rest of us, just play with male Link if it bothers you that much.
That part of the game will more than likely not change; it would seem to me that an addition to the game would be just that. An extra instead of taking away from the original experience, and that should be a good thing, but apparently I should look at it from a glass half empty point of view...
I wonder why star fox was delayed... couldn't have anything to do with complaints of subpar graphics could it? Then the complaints about delayed games...
Nintendo does listen... in their strange stubborn way... but we do effect games.
You're absolutely right though, it would be extra, and extra costs extra. Either extra time or less content storywise. Considering all the negative reactions to delayed games, we're more likely to get less content than wait longer.
But really, it should just be that the demands come with these considerations. You want quality games and extra content? Then we have to show that we can wait for content and perhaps would be willing to pay for it. Imagine gender swap dlc.
@earthboundlink Someone had to say it mate. I can't stand when things get ridiculous reviews despite not being that good. Nintendolife is sadly often a "victim" of reviews like this when it comes to the Zelda franchise. I was actually happy when I saw Tri-Force Heroes get a 6/10, if only for the fact that they didn't bias it up to 10/10 just for being a Zelda game.
The games just weren't really that good in my (personal) opinion. This doesn't make them worse to you, but I just don't find that they were worth the review ratings. I bought them all and played them to see for myself (not because of the review ratings, just out of curiosity.)
@Maxz Nintendo gets the final say and it sets a precedent. You can rationalize yourself into any kind of technicality you want, but the fact is this crossed Nintendo's desk and they had the opportunity to kill it and didn't. With a crucial entry of LoZ upcoming for the WiiU and likely to jump start the NX it is worrying to see the lore being tampered with. The hero saving the princess and the realm is a timeless theme, tampering with it now would be foolish, but that certainly seems what Nintendo is considering doing.
@khaosklub No offense but I'm truly puzzled. The reactions to the sub-par graphics on Star Fox were more or less in the "after the fact" category, since what they showed on E3 was already old, but they had to show something. Meanwhile, development will have continued as normal, meaning what you have seen now is simply natural progress of a game being several months further in development, not because children whined about ugly graphics.
Us affecting games that hugely would be saying that the average Joe controls the world by voting. (which we don't by the way)
Also, the extra is not a subtraction of the original game, so why you would make a black and white assumption of "it would either cost more time or have less content" is beyond me. Why not consider it as being on top of?
That was one of the points of my whole argument in the first place: those that want to play Zelda as they are used to, can select male Link and the entire adventure will be unaffected, and those that wish to play as female Link will get a slightly different story.
And I would be more than willing to wait if that would mean a better game. And knowing how diligently mr. Aonuma is working on this latest game, I'm quite confident that it will at the very least be an interesting experience. And as mr. Miyamoto himself once said: "a delayed game will eventually be good, but a rushed game is forever bad."
@TheRealThanos Nobody's memory is misinformed. The LoZ formula of the hero/knight, getting a special weapon(s), and saving the princess and the realm is so relatable because it is ingrained in culture so much as to be universal. From Author and his Knights to Japanese lore, the hero prince saving the princess and the realm is familiar to people the world over. Link is male, no matter what name the player gives him he is a male. In all of the games he is male. In particular in Wind Waker the tradition of the village is that the boys dress in green to honor the hero of Hyrule who banished evil. All that before you get into the comics and anime that further develop the character. Link definitely has a personality and isn't a blank slate. Just play any of the games and it is plain to see. If you want gender options why not play any of the other RPG's that offer that? Why should LoZ change the formula that has clearly worked? It's ridiculous. Zelda as a playable character makes so much more sense rather than the dollar store Link that is Linkle (LINKLE! DAMMIT! It's awful!) You also can't just sit there and discredit people's past experience of the games. Nobody has died and left you the big cheese who decides how Link is defined by the people who played the games. Even Nintendo can't do that. In many ways anything as popular as LoZ takes on a life of it's own through the fans. Just look at Star Wars for an example of that. Of course Link is supposed to be a link between gamer and game, any character in any game is the link between the player and the game, whether you create a custom character from scratch or not. But clearly customization of the character stops at naming him for a reason. The only thing your links prove is that the name Link and the earliest inceptions of the character didn't imprint any obvious characterizations on Link because the creator didn't want anything coming between the player and the puzzle solving elements of the game. Guess what? It's been thirty years and a lot of games since then and the character of Link has evolved. Been playing LoZ series for thirty years, I haven't 'mis-remembered' a god damned thing.
Names better than Linkle:
1. Linkra
2. Linka
3. Buttface
@bobbypaycheque I'm in agreement on the name, but that is probably the least important issue here. I'm just wondering why so many people seem to feel like it's a personal attack if "their" Legend of Zelda game would also offer you the option of having a female Link, if only to cater to the probably millions of girl gamers that would also like to be represented for once, instead of having to play with a knight, prince or male hero all the time.
And as for Link: why should we debate what Miyamoto has said? He said Link is a representation of the player, hence also being the silent hero (save for cries and shouts), because giving the character a voice might take away from the player's immersion into the adventure, and doing so now after so many previous adventures might again start up a whole range of heated debates because it will almost certainly not live up to expectations of a large number of gamers.
One would almost feel sorry for Nintendo, because in this case, no matter what they do, it will always be wrong for one part of the community.
Sad, really when there are so many things in this world way more important than a hobby...
Well, since I love to play girls in video games, and since The Legend of Zelda is one of my favorite franchise, I'm hyped for Linkle. Seriously, I waited this announcement since the E3 2014.
Now, what about her design? is she canon? Is she "Link"?
I don't like her current design very much, but it's ok because it's only the HW art direction.
About her canonicity, I really don't think Nintendo would let her appear, even for a spin-off if they were closed in their idea of "the savior of Hyrule is a male".
Now, is she Link or a separate character? She's definitively Link. More than a name, Link is a title, the title of the player's character, the one who will save Hyrule. There's no difference if it's a boy, a girl, or a turtle, if this one is able to save Hyrule.
If Linkle is a separate character, it would mean that "male Link" still exist and still would be the actual hero of Hyrule, but, there's no sense to name her "LINKle" in this case.
Anyway, I love this character and how the Zelda community is hyped for her. Let's go to The Legend of Zelda for Wii U now! <3
PS: Also, sorry about my terrible grammar
You're grammar is fine, but watch your mouth next time ~Santa
Now we need to have Larry Croft and and Samuel Aran!
If that sounds stupid, well there you go...
@Blizzia Different strokes, I guess, but LTTP and OOT are a couple of my favorite games of all time. I also really enjoyed ALBW, likely because of my love of LTTP. I really enjoyed MC, and I like MM, but neither one nearly as much as LTTP and OOT. I don't know your gaming life at all, but it sounds like you like things with a little more of a twist. That's cool and I respect that, but man, I'll just never forget being absolutely blown away running around Kokiri forest for the first time in 3D with my fairy, slashing signs and jumping across water. It was a Mario 64-level revelation for me in gaming.
@earthboundlink Hey, I can totally respect your opinion mate Your feelings towards LTTP, OOT and ALBW differ from mine, but they are similar to the feelings I have towards MC and MM. You're right when you say I like things with a little more of a twist, and of course depending on what you like, different things will intrigue and amaze you I can totally relate to the blown away part, although this was something I got from a few other games I got it from Minish Cap back in the day, and from Fire Emblem: Awakening a few years ago.
Also, on a sidenote: Nice to meet a person with a passion for a franchise who doesn't lash out just because we don't necessarily agree on the greatness of one or several parts of the franchise I always find it enjoyable to chat with individuals such as you, because we actually get something worthwhile out of it rather than the endless bickering over what game was best and why naming Link John is a heinous sin xD
Well said.
Some people take the whole "Spirit of the Hero" thing a little TOO literally.
Captain America embodies the "Spirit of America", but that doesn't mean he's literally 3.8 million sq.miles of the North American continent.
I like this line, came we not cross it?
@TheRealThanos You have taken what Miyamoto said completely out of historical context. On NES Link was an 8bit representation, difficult to express all but simple expressions, no voice components at all. Miyamoto made a design decision based on limitations. He tried to immerse people in the game within their own imagination as much as possible. That was 1986. The character of Link has been given much more characterization as technology has improved. OoT forward were the biggest leaps in his character. Your claim that Link is not a boy/man is flat out wrong as he is identified as a boy multiple times throughout the games. Off the top of my head, in Legend of Zelda, LTTP, OoT, WW (the tradition is the boys of the village wear green to honor the hero of legend), TP, Skyward Sword. Then there is the official manga. Alot of changes since 1986. Then Aonuma set the record straight at E3 2014 (because people don't play the games I guess?) and flat out says Link is male. The real kicker, besides you not actually playing the games and making the claim that Link's gender is a figment of people's imagination, is how sexist it is to suggest that A) a player can only feel represented by a character if they are the same gender, and B) the only way for the female option to be viable is if she is a cheap knockoff of male Link. How ever do males play Tomb Raider games or Bayonetta or Resident Evil when playing as Jill Valentine? Because gender isn't the only way to relate to character. Whatever the original intent for Link in 1986 the games, manga and fans over the last almost thirty years have established Link as male. Girls want to play as girls in a great RPG? Dragon Age, Skyrim, Diablo III, every MMO ever. All of this before the game design headache that would be adjusting NPC interactions, dungeon designs to fascilitate two characters with different abilities and on and on and on. All of this before you have to say Linkle again (just absolutely awful. Names DO matter.) It isn't sad to like a series of games, it's sad to drag gender politics into a longstanding franchise that has long established it's norms over the last thirty years. Don't like it? Go make a better game.
No, it's the other way around; it's childish to mess with series lore to please SJW's, and it's even more childish to deny that that's exactly what it would be pandering to.
You don't need a female Link.
You have Linkle.
You have Zelda.
You have the option for a whole new female lead.
But messing with Link by gender-swapping him, screws with the lore, which as a fan pisses me, and most of the Zelda fanbase, off.
It doesn't take a genius to understand that a Female Link would no longer be the Hero.
It would be a denial of lore, and an affront to fans.
If you want a female protagonist, ask to play as Zelda or Linkle, or as a new character made for the game.
That doesn't affect you in any negative way and still shows respect to the lore of the series, and to Link as a character.
If anything, the idea of a gender swapped Link should come across as lazy and offensively pandering, compared to an original and unique woman with her own back story and life to explore and enjoy.
Women are not heroes.
Women are heroines.
Link is not a heroine.
He is a Hero, as denoted by his spirit being the spirit of the HERO.
This is not Mass Effect, where your character is easily made as some androgynous new-body that everyone just calls by their last name, and Link is not what Aonuma intended him to be anymore.
He's grown beyond being just a link between player and game, and has become an icon, a character unto himself.
Turning Link into a woman would be just as insultingly lazy as leaving everyone else alone, but gender-swapping Zelda for the sake of men that want the damsel-in-distress gone.
@MaverickHunterX They take it literally because the lore proves it is MEANT literally.
His spirit is as much a male as Link's body ends up being time and time again.
That's not a coincidence; that's because he's a HERO, not a HEROINE.
We have these terms for good reasons; to denote roles.
There is no reason to change Link into a heroine.
It's lazy and insulting to established lore, on top of being a far worse choice than giving Zelda her own chance to shine through a playable second story path campaign, or Linkle, or literally any newcomer woman with her own personality and background would be.
If you actually respect the series, you don't ask for a lazy gender-swap to pander to SJW standards of needing a female to play as in literally everything popular.
Leave Link's in-game fate out of the hands of the people who write those stupid fan-tard gender-swapped comic fanfiction fantasies.
Give us a real woman. Not a gender-swapped failure.
Well said.
@jibaycay Actually, you're completely wrong.
In the Hyrule Warriors art collection book, Linkle is described as "a sister figure to Link."
In other words, there's a perfectly valid explanation as to why she looks like Link; by her own back-story, she was intended as a sibling.
And many siblings look similar to one-another, hence here as well.
She is NOT Link, nor was she ever intended to be.
And this is a GOOD thing, because that gives her her own lore, her own story, and makes her an exciting new prospect separate from Link that we might have a chance to play as in other games going forward, if Nintendo allows it.
As I've said in the past two posts; a gender-swapped Link is too lazy to be respectful to fans, and too nonsensical to be respectful to series lore.
We need Zelda, or Linkle, or a new female to play as.
We need to LEAVE! LINK! ALONE!
He's not just a name or an empty avatar anymore.
That was back when there wasn't enough power in the tech of consoles to do expression of character well enough for Link to have any.
Link is an icon, now. He's his own man.
NOT a blank slate that makes sense to gender-swap to please people who preach "equality" without giving Zelda or other female options their fair shot.
I don't really mind this much, especially if she turns out to be Link's sister in a future Zelda game. He already had one in Wind Waker, now she will also be a heroine. Choose either Link or his sister, to go on a legendary quest! She becomes a character of her own, rather than just a female Link.
For the people who mind the name, it is meant to be a pun which didn't translate in English. Her name in Japanese is Rinkuru, with "kuru kuru" meaning spinning/twirling. Kuru also means to come, which can translate her name to "The Link to come". NoA just lazily converted it to English though, hence the name.
@bobbypaycheque Yeah, I made a mistake on the boy part, so kudos on picking that specific part out of my argument, but the more important points in my whole argument were that Miyamoto did intend for Link to not be a real name but simply a placeholder for the character to be more interchangeable with the player and Link still doesn't have a voice for that very reason, NOT because of hardware limitations.
As recent as two years ago Miyamoto has said that to suddenly give Link a voice now, would more than likely disappoint a whole lot of gamers that have by now imagined their own version of Link, with a certain voice and the two might not match up, giving rise to a whole lot of protests once again.
My other most important point was that it shouldn't have to be detrimental to you as a gamer who prefers a male Link if there is an EXTRA option in the game to play as a female Link, taking NOTHING away from the original experience. All other things concerning development issues because of that and what not are secondary or even tertiary. What the hell is so difficult to understand about that?
Just because we also play games like Tomb Raider and the like, doesn't mean that a character gender has to be fixed all the time in every game. In some games it definitely serves a purpose, in other games not so much.
Maybe if you were a girl/woman, you wouldn't mind playing as a guy in a game, but maybe you would also appreciate having a choice and I don't mean that you would then have to play another game because the game you would like it to be in doesn't offer it.
And besides, it is Nintendo themselves that brought this gender "issue" up by introducing this character, so they have probably been thinking about it for some time already, so who knows how far they are with bringing something like that into a game like Zelda.
Oh, and I already agreed on the name being awful, so no need to bring that up again.
@LasermasterA Thanks for that useful addition. Interesting to know.
@smashbrolink Series lore? What lore says the hero HAS to be a dude?
Find it. Let's see it. All you are doing is dissecting word choice and warping into some sort of fan-wank.
There's those words again: Pandering, SJW. Paahhhhlease. If Nintendo chooses to give players THE OPTION to play as a girl Link, then it shouldn't be any skin off your back. You can continue to play as a boy, ignore the female hero, and go on your merry way.
It's downright selfish to be against an option.
I'm not dissecting or warping anything: Link has been regarded as the "spirit of the HERO" in multiple Zelda lore stories.
And in case you don't know BASIC ENGLISH, a HERO, denotes a MALE, and a HEROINE, denotes a FEMALE.
If anyone's acting like any sort of wank here, it's you for wanting to screw with lore when there are BETTER OPTIONS.
And yes, it IS pandering.
NEGATIVE pandering, to a bunch of DA fantards with female Link fantasies.
Maybe you don't understand this, but it doesn't matter if you do or not; completely replacing a male lead that has formed his own characterization and who has deep ties to the lore, with an androgynous DOLL that can freely be either sex, is NOT RESPECTFUL TO THE SERIES.
It's downright selfish to ask Link to become a woman when we've GOT women that deserve some lime-light.
This is not Mass Effect.
We need to quit pretending it is, and give an ACTUAL woman her shot, rather than a lazy gender swap.
@smashbrolink Wow.
What's your problem? I'm a huge fan of Zelda since I've got the age to play a video game, and I'll get 29 in two months.
So what, I'm not a true fan?
It's because I'm this kind of fan that I want "Link" to not stay the "old" Link you love but to become something better, greater, and more inclusive than never.
Anyway, there's no reason to be so aggressive. I'm just here to exprime my point of view about this news, and you're crying at me like a jerk.
Good night.
@Plateface You do realize Link's personality and backstory change almost every game, right?
That's just it; it's not making Link "better greater and more inclusive than ever" to completely transform him into someone he is not.
You think that's the case, but it would be just as disrespectful as gender-swapping Zelda for the sake of getting rid of the damsel in distress.
If you want Link to change, then encourage Nintendo to deepen his characterization like they did in Skyward Sword.
Show him laughing, crying, getting angry, growing emotionally.
Changing him into a woman for the sake of pandering to gender equality doesn't show respect to Link or the world he is a part of, and in particular it ignores the chance that Zelda and other female characters should be given to have a turn in the lime-light.
I'm not being aggressive for the sake of putting you down; I'm being aggressive because I'm sick and tired of gender politicians trying to screw up a series that would benefit from those kinds of politics leaving it alone and never coming back.
Link is just fine as he is.
If we really want to be inclusive of both genders in a Zelda game, the way to do that is NOT to go out of our way to let players gender-swap a traditionally and CANONICALLY male character.
The way to do that, is to let separate defined characters, which do NOT remove their opposite sex counterparts from the equation of their stories when selected by the player, have a turn at saving the world.
Linkle, Zelda, Malon, Midna, Lana, and so many other LoZ characters are available to revisit in later Zelda games in some shape or form, on top of new ladies that we haven't been introduced to yet.
Ignoring them for the sake of taking Male Link out of the story, to pander to extreme feministic ideals of gender equality, would do nothing more than insult the series, and [most of] its long-time fans who have been waiting to see an already-established female or a new female get her own shot at adventuring.
Gender-swapping Link is lazy and insulting, and if I seem irate to you, it's not because I'm ticked at you personally.
It's because I'm done being nice with people that have issues with the Spirit of the Hero staying the male that the lore has designed him to be time and time again.
Free Zelda, or another female who deserves a chance.
Don't delete Link for the sake of letting a gender-swap of him take his place.
It doesn't affect you at all if they give the option to play as a female Link. Keep playing as the boy. You keep talking about this as if boy Link will go away, even though the argument is that players want the option to choose Link's gender. One day you're going to roll-out of bed and realize how silly it is to be upset over such a thing.
And if your entire argument hinges on the use of "hero" instead of "heroine.." well...women are often called heroes in literature. And if all Links have the "spirit" of the hero, all that really means is that the original hero was a male >_>
Listen. Uptight feminists get under my skin to. I don't listen to them. I don't know what they're arguing for or against. They probably would rather want a Zelda game ONLY staring a female protagonist, and that's crazy.
Ever hear about that story of the father who reprogrammed Donkey Kong to allow his daughter to play as Pauline and rescue Mario instead? He didn't do that because he's some sort of fem-nazi, he did it for his daughter, so she would be more interested in playing. He wanted to share gaming with her; and fact is, gaming is dominated by male characters, and even though some women don't mind that, there is an opportunity to reach a broader audience by making more relate-able characters, and at a basic level we relate to what we are: boy, girl. Giving players the option to play as a female Link could very well make some little girl interested in Zelda, create new fans.
Is that so bad? Is it really THAT bad that some Zelda-fan father out there might have a better chance to share Zelda with his daughter if they simply had the option to play as female Link? I don't want to go on a pulpit and preach how empowering it would be, but think of the alternative media for a little girl, and tell me that Zelda isn't better than that shit.
It's clear that you feel connected to Link, that you've spent probably thousands of hours adventuring through him. No one is taking that away from you, all we want is for more people to love Zelda.
I hear you with wanting a game staring Zelda, but that's not excluded JUST because Nintendo decides to give players the option to play as a female Link.
I hope you can at least be open minded about what I said.
Less Anita Sarkeesian, more daughters.
@smashbrolink Well, the problem wasn't about the fact I was wrong or not, but how you said it (the caps lock use is a kind of authority I don't accept in an online discussion).
Anyway, I never said I want Linkle to replace male Link in the next Zelda games. I like her, but the problem would stay, and the gender swap option is definitely the best thing Nintendo could do about Link (and that's pretty much why I think she's just a female Link).
If some people prefer the old Link, it's nice. If my niece wish to play a girl, this option would be cool for her.
Also, sorry about my rude answer
They could also do what Pokemon does and give the opposite gender character a role in the story.
@OneBagTravel help, it's the return of the triforce doge
@Bolt_Strike yea I was just thinking about that
@jibaycay @smashbrolink
Both of you have many good points, but i think they should leave Link alone and not mess with his gender. Yes Link was originally created to be "link" to the player and not character of his own. All LoZ games from LoZ, LA, and ALTTP you can see Link as an empty shell. But starting in OoT they started to change that. In OoT Link was romantically interested by Ruto, she said the Zora's Sapphire is given to her would be husband. WW pretty much solidified Link's growth as a character rather than an empty slate. Link was given a sister and a grandmother. Aryll actually calls him lazy brother, here all boys when they come of age at 13 must wear the Hero's Clothes like the boy of legend once did. In TP Link and Ilia have a love interest going on throughout the game. Link here now has relationships here. Illias dad wants a strong man for her daughter and thinks Link is too carefree. SS was the biggest evidence of Link becoming his own character. He clearly has feelings for Zelda. In that game it was all about saving Zelda than saving the land of Skyloft. Groose is also interested in Zelda and sees Link as a threat. At the end they hold hands ( also in Spirit Tracks) at he end you can see the love interest between them. Can you change that to have them be Link be a girl and Zelda have a love interest? Yes. Though that would make almost a decade worth of games be pointless in even giving Link emotions towards the others.
@Locke159 Well, I never deny there's some romances in Zelda, between Link and Zelda or some other female protagonists.
In Skyward Sword and Link's Awakening this is obvious, a bit discutable in some other games (OoT, ST..), and pratically unexistant for the rest.
The romance in Zelda serie isn't a constant, and even if Zelda Wii U get some too, Nintendo totally could include one heterosexual romance or more for female Link/Linkle too (and maybe homosexual romance since Nintendo is getting inclusive). Bioware do it right, why not Nintendo?
All this.
And what people like you don't understand, is that there isn't a single one of us against having a playable female character. Link is bland as hell, but he is his own character.Link has been his own character for 3O freakin years.
Some games have customizable male/female options. This is fine, I enjoy those games.
Some games have pre-established characters, regardless of how much or how little personality they have. Legend of Zelda, is one of these kinds of games. This is also fine and I enjoy playing them.
I would rather play Zelda or Shiek or Impa or Aryll or Midna. Or you know, any of the pre-established girls.
Mario has Princess Peach to play as. Why can't Zelda have a turn in her own game? (The CDi games don't count)
@Tempestryke Agreed there are plenty of female characters in the Zelda franchise that deserve the spotlight in their own games. My daughter is currently working her way through Skyward sword (Its taking months) after she finished OoT3D and wants to play a Zelda led game. I showed her Linkle and she said she was cool until I said that she could "be the next link" she flatly refused the idea and asked for a Zelda game.
Man she was so happy when she got to play as Link and Zelda in Hyrule Warriors. Equally I loved being able to finally play as Impa
You know, at some point Nintendo is going to have lots of games again. That's gonna be odd for you guys.
The big question is why does this need to even exist in the first place.
That title of the article is large kotaku/ign [other worthless gaming site] click-bait. Spoiler alert: it's not about "interesting possibilities".
"I'm just pointing out the obvious; many have never played as Link"
Ok, I could agree that many didn't play TLoZ 1, 2, Link to the Past, but Ocarina of time and Majora's Mask witch are obviously about Link ie Hero of Time and from where it came from (and sorta continued in MM)?
Of course I could be wrong with that thought process, but doesn't it go this way [or I mixed up 2 games]?
I don't know any better, but is the author trying to say that many started playing Zelda with Windwaker or later?
Or "goy in green" refers to kids having issues with Half-life?
Why do we need a Linkle when we already have a Zelda, an Impa, Zora queen/princesses, Gerudo, etc.?
@starman292 comment #22 , I agree completely with your comment I prefer Link stay Link in the main series just like I prefer Samus to be Samus in the Metroid series I think it would throw off the feel and lore of the series, to me Link is a character in his own right as is Zelda and personally I hope that doesn't change., In a title like Hyrule Warriors sure but a main series title I hope not I mean even Links silence is important to me in a main game I know thats off subject to a degree yet like Link himself this is a core part to what makes a TRUE Zelda game a TRUE Zelda game to me ..
One other thing I have to say is I really don't see where people think or thought that the new Link from the upcoming Zelda U title looks like a female character I don't see it , I think he looks very much like a male elf , if Nintendo would have announced the character in the video they showed of Zelda U as a female character personally I would have thought wow thats a kinda butch character ., LoL
@erv I read your comment and thought you need to go online and look up how many exclusive games Nintendo had in 2015 compared to how many Sony and Microsoft had I think you might be shocked I can tell you I read Nintendo had 60 and the other two no where near that .
Female link is cool, but the name is still very bad.
What would having a female Link do to the series?
Not much. Unless you can make something unquie like Toon Link it's going to be Zelda no matter what.
I'm usually not for changing the gender of an already established character, but I do see the argument for this one at least, as much as the series even means to me as is. I'm really up in the air on this one. I understand females would like to make who they look at as an avatar a female, and for the most part I don't see that being an issue here. Though that would require some things to be a bit different in the story perhaps. Hinting at things such as Link and Zelda...umm....ending up 'making' the next descendant, would be impossible. Unless making Link a girl would make Zelda (or whatever the name may be) a boy. Of course the story could just completely avoid that sort of thing. Maybe not a huge deal.
I think it's just odd for me to think since while I understand guys like Robin or Corrin having options for the start, Link has been an established character for me for many years. As long as they don't start saying Mario, DK, or whoever needs to be female. At least Link makes some sense.
On another note, while it's not a playable character (which they could be made to be), we do already have Zelda, Impa, and some other female characters that are often times pretty strong. Not real sure if this is just about girls wanting an option to customize their character or just some political junk.
If Link were a template for the player, I'd also want to be able to alter his age, ethnicity, height, weight, sense of morality, weapon of choice, and so on. Just because I'm playing as a middle-aged Deku Scub harassing the townspeople by bombing their livestock doesn't mean I'm not playing as Link! /s
In all seriousness, what does a female Link option REALLY add to the game? Is it worth everything it takes away? Even basic things like a character's age impact stories. Imagine if Wind Waker's Link was in his late teens, or if Twilight Princess starred a 10 year old boy. Even if they are vessels, they determine how interactions take place. The same applies to gender.
@Ralizah tp link and illia midna. Not all about zelda
@Whopper744 what you just described is a long long line of incest
@Ralizah That's the thing. He's not a blank slate and many see him already having a character. It's because he's been this guy in tights for nearly 30 years that a large portion of Zelda fans feel that even though he may not speak, they've played as him enough to already have a certain view of his character. Either way, I don't think Nintendo is anywhere near taking such a risky leap.
@LUIGITORNADO No, if the option were added link would just become an avatar, of which he is not.
So once again an article like this comes up and once again I have to say the same thing. Link is not a blank slate. Adding the option to alter his gender is completely against that idea. This topic is so worn out and brought up so often it's irritating.
@Zelkardaim Thank you.
@Minotaurgamer Thank you.
How are people still calling Linkle a "female Link" or a "gender swapped Link". Is it not clear that she may have started life that way but she has grown into her own separate character with her own separate story?
I will never buy a game with a female link...... Or a male zelda.
Didn't the original concept for Zelda 1 include the option to choose between a sword and a boomerang as your main weapon? Maybe something similar could be implemented with Link being a sword-user and Linkle being a bow-user, both being able to get the other weapons but with lesser power and skill than the opposite gender who is versed in it?
"It doesn't affect you at all if they give the option to play as a female Link. Keep playing as the boy. You keep talking about this as if boy Link will go away, even though the argument is that players want the option to choose Link's gender. One day you're going to roll-out of bed and realize how silly it is to be upset over such a thing."
It isn't silly; it's perfectly logical to be upset when someone suggests that a character that has long ago transcended being a "Mass Effect Avatar" should be turned into an androgynous and easily-replaced doll with no real impact or importance to the story.
The moment you give the player a choice in this particular matter, that's the same as saying that Link, as an established character, doesn't matter at all.
And that's not true, because Link is a male character, and he matters as an established persona in the series.
"And if your entire argument hinges on the use of "hero" instead of "heroine.." well...women are often called heroes in literature. And if all Links have the "spirit" of the hero, all that really means is that the original hero was a male >_>"
That entire argument falls under the "If blank said it then it has to be true!" trope.
Novelists and literature are just as prone to inaccuracies as any other medium, and the constant misuse of the term Hero is a perfect example of this.
Link is a hero, his spirit and form have always been, and should always be, male, because he is an established character.
We should not strip him of that part of his identity in order to pander to gender politics.
"Listen. Uptight feminists get under my skin to. I don't listen to them. I don't know what they're arguing for or against. They probably would rather want a Zelda game ONLY staring a female protagonist, and that's crazy."
Agreed; Link should always be there in some capacity. Even as just a friend in the village while the player chooses to play as a different character would be fine, but Link should always be there.
He's an established part of this series and shouldn't be treated as a throw-away asset that can be freely re-created without some sort of boundaries.
"Ever hear about that story of the father who reprogrammed Donkey Kong to allow his daughter to play as Pauline and rescue Mario instead? He didn't do that because he's some sort of fem-nazi, he did it for his daughter, so she would be more interested in playing. He wanted to share gaming with her; and fact is, gaming is dominated by male characters, and even though some women don't mind that, there is an opportunity to reach a broader audience by making more relate-able characters, and at a basic level we relate to what we are: boy, girl. Giving players the option to play as a female Link could very well make some little girl interested in Zelda, create new fans.
Is that so bad? Is it really THAT bad that some Zelda-fan father out there might have a better chance to share Zelda with his daughter if they simply had the option to play as female Link? I don't want to go on a pulpit and preach how empowering it would be, but think of the alternative media for a little girl, and tell me that Zelda isn't better than that shit."
No offense, but that is a TERRIBLE example.
The father/daughter story was about swapping roles, not swapping genders.
It let her play as the Heroine of the game rather than the Hero, and in that context, it is NOTHING like what you're proposing, I.E., changing Link's entire gender around for the sake of gender politics pandering.
"It's clear that you feel connected to Link, that you've spent probably thousands of hours adventuring through him. No one is taking that away from you, all we want is for more people to love Zelda."
Proposing that you give anyone the opportunity to change Link into something he is not, I.E., a woman, IS taking something away.
If you want more people to love the Zelda series, via gender roles, then encourage the use or creation of more playable females in Zelda games.
NOT the replacement or degrading of an established male character.
"I hear you with wanting a game staring Zelda, but that's not excluded JUST because Nintendo decides to give players the option to play as a female Link.
I hope you can at least be open minded about what I said.
Less Anita Sarkeesian, more daughters."
And that's just it; allowing a traditionally male character to be rewritten as a gender-bendable androgynous avatar doll, degrades the character for the sake of pandering to the kind of "males mean less than females" mind-set that Anita frequently supports.
The reason I'm against this is not because I'm not open-minded; it's because I recognize how WRONG it is to completely rewrite a character into something they are not, for the sake of pandering to gender politics.
Link is a man.
Let him STAY a man, and give us new options.
We shouldn't allow players the choice to make Link inconsequential just because they want to play as a woman; that's disrespectful to the lore, its creators, and to Link as an established part of The Legend of Zelda.
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