We know that more DLC is coming to Super Smash Bros. on Wii U and 3DS, but that doesn't stop data miners digging around for more information. They've done so successfully in the past, notably leaking some of the big E3 DLC reveals months before they were announced.
The data miner that was apparently behind discovering Ryu and Roy earlier this year has been at it again, though it seems that Nintendo has been a little smarter in its file naming conventions. They've discovered data slots for three as-yet-unnamed characters, with no hints this time as to who this will be. This tallies up (albeit with some extra spaces) with slots found earlier in the year.
The digging also found six slots for stages (normal and Omega) though it's suspected that two may actually refer to the Wii U-only Pirate Ship due to its positioning in the data.
None of this is a huge surprise, especially as we're still awaiting the Fighter Ballot character winners, but it's a pleasant reminder that there's more to come.
As the weekend is upon us by all means speculate wildly below - which characters do you want the most?
[source reddit.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 84
Perhaps for the ballot characters.
Hoping they at least put 3 of them in the game.
Just enough for slots for Hades, Inkling, and S. Belmont. Though, I'm fine with Chibi-Robo taking the place of Belmont due to Konami going off the rails. Or Bomberman, as Nintendo should outright buy his rights.
If we get Phoenix Wright, Knuckles, Bandana Dee or Zero, I can die happy.
I know it wont happen, but I want Klonoa for Smash! He's already a Namco-Bandai character, so no license issues! Wahoo!!
I bet two of those slots will be for Namco & Sega since Campcom have 2 rep.. I would be really happy if that comes true!!
Seems pretty obvious that one of them will be Shovel Knight. The other two? Let's hope for Treasure Tracker Toad and Crystal.
Shovel Knight, Wreck It Ralph & Chibi Robo for me.
Shovel Knight is obvious, so Snake and Wright for the other two hopefully!
I know I'm dreaming a bit but Gokuuuu!
Shovel Knight and Inkling would be most welcome though.
Shantae, Snake and Bayonetta.
Wreck it Ralph? whats wrong wih U son!!?
Hoping for more then 1 character for the Ballot.
If not, maybe a come back for Wolf to advertise SF Zero next year?
Goemon, Shantae & Bomberman FTW!!
Koopa, Tanooki Mario, and Pink Gold Peach.
Just want Shadow the Hedgehog, and I'm okay with anything else really. Phoenix Wright would be interesting and he fits well since most of his games are on Nintendo and he debuted on GBA in Japan and NDS elsewhere so yeah.
Geeeeenooooooo!!!!! Maaaaaallooooow!!!
(...and Shantae, Shovel Knight, Bayonetta, Snake, Klonoa, Drill Dozer Jill, Goemon, Chibi-Robo, Knuckles, Phoenix Wright, Layton and Luke, Advance Wars' Andy or Sami or someone, Felix or Isaac, Starfy, Bomberman, Mallo from the Pushmo series, Zack & Wiki, Crono, ugh I could go on for days....)
Better be these characters:
still hopes for Rune Factory
We already knew there would be 3 more characters because it was announced at E3 and they're going to be most if not all ballot characters too. I understand E3 sucked this year but I thought most people watched the smash direct before it. People also thought the ballot had ended back in June when they thought Ryu was going to be a ballot character. So maybe people are just really bad at retaining information.
Rayman and K. Rool are my two must-haves, but I agree with @ACK that Hades would make an excellent fighter. He might be my third choice. I'd also be extatic to see Waluigi, Ashley from WarioWare, or (to a lesser extent) Shovel Knight or the Inklings.
Wolf needs to come back as DLC. Alongside Mewtwo and Lucas, he was the most pointless cut between Brawl and this game.
Shovel Knight and Snake are the ones I'm hoping for the most.
Character Guess!
Solid Snake!!! Dixie Kong!!! Shovel Knight!!!
Stage Guess!
Shadow Moses! A Splatoon Stage! A StarFox Stage New/Old! A Metroid Stage New/Old!
Gotta love a good guess
Knuckles, Bomberman, and Sceptile or Black Shadow (F-Zero)
I don't think it's been mentioned yet, but a Final Fantasy rep would be great. The series has been around since the NES, and it's still alive and well. Cloud is probably the most well known character from the series, so I'd like to see him in.
Snake, Wolf, and the Ice Climbers.
...hey, I can hope.
Great that there'll still probably be multiple characters to come. I say this every time, but Rayman is the one I'm wanting most, but there's plenty other characters I'll be happy with such as Shantae, Professor Layton and Shovel Knight.
Ok, what makes Shovel Knight "so obvious"? There's absolutely nothing suggesting Shovel Knight will be in the game other than a rumor that Liam Robertson reported on. That rumor is looking more and more bogus by the day.
The only character who has anything to go off of is Wolf, simply because he's a veteran who has no technical or legal issues holding him back.
Nintendo possibly adding new Smash characters when they already said they would? Whaaaaaat?
Oh well, none of my most wanted characters are popular enough to be in the top 3. I doubt they'll just pick the top three though.
I have a feeling Nintendo will never do another ballot after this. Seeing the way people post about their choices tells me everyone will complain no matter what they get.
@faint Let's be real, people would've complained regardless of a ballot. People love to complain for the sake of complaining.
Hopefully they're NEW characters, none of this Wolf B.S.. Ugh god, no more cheesy Sonic characters, please.
I think, realistically, these characters may enter the fray in order of likelienss:
Inkling (for sure, it's their new IP!)
King K. Rool
Dixie Kong
Tom Nook
And there is another rumor for those interested.
Shantae, bayonetta, and shovel knight please.
They can add as many as they want. I don't think it matters.
I think Wolf is a given at this point, who could the other two be? I'm dearly hoping and praying for Banjo
@MasterWario Right. This doesn't mean it's just three more characters we're getting. The most I can see is 4.
@Undead_terror I'm just going to assume that he got lucky with the Pirate Ship stage. However, Bomberman, Shovel Knight and K Rool in Smash(along with the return of Wolf) would be pretty damn awesome.
@SJND "Hopefully they're NEW characters, none of this Wolf B.S.. Ugh god, no more cheesy Sonic characters, please."
But Wolf is from Starfox...
These are my ideas
A:Bomberman, Banjo and wolf
B:kryistal,Bomberman and Banjo
C:Ninten, banjo and knuckles
D:or could be 3 versions of Mario
Wii U only magnificent and the other 3ds only stage
Both:inkling arena, super Mario land 2,star fox stage and a banjo stage.
Also update 1.1.2 dream land 3ds stage gets updated for all 3ds owners GB virtual console games
Earthbound beginnings and bomberman GB and GBC games on 3DS virtual console. Also a 15 page apologize on how we waited for 3ds virtual console games.
Just my theory.
"Bowns down"
Do not hold your breath for this.
I'm just hoping Shrek doesn't get in...
Still going to stand with Professor Layton!
As much as I love Splatoon, I hope they save inklings to be a high profile addition to the inevitable Smash for NX.
K. Rool, however, is my main man here. Shovel Knight and Dixie Kong would be mighty fine by me too.
@TheTeaStirrer You don't have to worry about that ever happening.
I'd be happy with any Xenoblade characters, but my vote went to Fiora. I'd also love to see one of the cheerleaders from Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! (Japanese equivalent of Elite Beat Agents), as well as Shovel Knight. Those are just my top three, of course.
My predictions:
1. Wolf - Would require a shorter development time and could release alongside a couple newcomers. He would also be useful for promoting the new StarFox. Seems pretty likely.
2. Rayman or Bomberman - If another third party character gets into SSB, I think it's going to be an iconic one that has had long-term impact on the industry. (Ie, definitely not niche or modern indie third party titles like Shovel Knight, Shantae, etc, no matter how good their games may be, though maybe they'll throw in a stage from those games.) Rayman seems like the more likely of the two.
3. K Rool, Isaac, or Professor Layton - A first-party character that has gotten a positive response from the SSB ballot.
I think it's important to remember that Nintendo has never once said this ballot was a vote and that the top ones would be guaranteed to be selected. Instead, it's more like a big suggestion box.
Rayman, Shantae, and Knuckles are the characters that I want the most. As long as one of them makes it, I'll be happy.
Come on Paper Mario, I know you can do it!
The fans have spoken! WE WANT RIDLEY!!!
Shantae, Shovel Knight, and Krystal, please!
1 newcomer: King K. Rool
2 veterans: Snake & Wolf
With the stages: Shadow Moses (Snakes stage) & King K. Rools ship
Mah predictions xD
@Not_Soos Hades won't make it and it tears at my soul... No doubt, he's Nintendo's most fabulous villain ever (eat your heart out, Ghirahim) and his final smash is ready-made: he devours nearby fighters who have to traverse his volatile insides before being regurgitated with unrivaled class. This would of course ensure an unbearably stylish smash at a certain percent.
His chance is so0o0oo0o00o small, but Ristar plz :' U
Let the wild speculation continue.
Now if I had my pick, it'd by Lyn, Hector, and Ephraim...What? You can never have too many Fire Emblem characters!
Can somebody that knows about this kind of stuff explain to me why Nintendo wouldn't make it so those slots aren't even there? I mean why wouldn't they just wait until after announcing those characters and stages to add the slots?
Everybody wants non-Nintendo characters, but I say we give some of Nintendo's other IPs some representation! Splatoon? Codename S.T.E.A.M.? Pushmo, Golden Sun, Harmoknight, Dillon's Rolling Western? What about Chibi-Robo and Rhythm Heaven? Nintendogs or Brain Age, even? Balloon Fight?
@Jock_Nerd How is it obvious Shovel Knight's getting into the game? Because of his amiibo? With that logic, so are the Animal Crossing characters and Inklings.
Expect a lot of people to read too much into this thing and get excited for nothing. It's probably some ballot characters and nothing else.
Here are the characters that I expect in the Smash Ballot this Sunday: Banjo & Kazooie (come at me, World), King K. Rool, Shovel Knight, Shantae, Krystal (don't overthink it too much, please), Isaac, Felix, and Zero.
Ugh please god no Shovel Knight
WaLuigi!!!!! I love that guy and I really want his amiibo.
King K. Rool, Isaac and Wolf?
@VeeFlamesNL not only bec of his amiibo but bec they've refused to show the bottom of the amiibo. Which reveals if it's a smash amiibo or not. You will see.
I wish they would start eliminating characters from Smash instead of adding more pointless characters... would be better if roster were core characters.
If Bandanna Dee gets in, I'll be able to die happy. Wolf would be welcome too.
Rawk Hawk, Vyse (for a new Skies of Arcadia) and some new Mario Kart DLC please.
@Giygas_95 I swear, if there is some way assist trophies could become fighters, Lyn would be my choice. But that also means Shadow could become a fighter, and I don't want to deal with that stupid side of the Sonic fanbase, so...
@WaddleDeeWeegee I hear ya brother. And I would also like Dark Samus and Dillon to move up from assist trophy to fighter. However, Sonic is such an annoying pest to me in Smash... Wouldn't want to have to fight another obnoxious Sonic character personally.
@Giygas_95. I'd also LOVE to see Jeff and Isabelle become fighters. I'm a huge Earthbound fan, and I love the characters who are always happy and beat everybody up like nothing (This is one of the reasons why Villager is one of my mains.). I would love to see Tails join the fray, because he isnt some annoying emo character, but a classic character who most recognize as a staple character in the series. If I were to get another rep. from the other 3rd party franchises, my choices would be Blinky (Who else?),Zero, and Chun Li. Who do you think?
@WaddleDeeWeegee Zero fo shizzle! I wanted him to be in from the start! His moveset could be a combination of buster shots and saber attacks, and his specials could be some of the moves he learns from bosses in X4.
As for Jeff, he can't be in. He hangs around with that annoying Ness kid, and you saw how that turned out for ME.
@Giygas_95 Oh Yeah... Take a melo-SORRY.
I'd love to see Phoenix Wright as well. That would be a hilarious moveset.
@WaddleDeeWeegee Take a melo-what? If that was an Earthbound joke I must have forgotten it...It has been a while since I played it.
I want Professor Layton and Luke. Maybe as a duo character.
@Jock_Nerd I thought it was already confirmed the amiibo's NOT in the Smash line of amiibo:

Notice it doesn't have the Smash logo on the packaging. Same for the Inkling/Animal Crossing amiibo packaging.
Really, many more characters are way more obvious than Shovel Knight. That shouldn't be shocking to anyone.
@gamerkev Oh God, 100% seconded. XD I just want to control Professor Layton, but having Luke as a sidekick is a much needed bonus!
@TheTeaStirrer Me too.
@cmk8 how about amiibo update for Mario kart 7 the 3ds needs more support. Also in the virtual console area.
I've been hoping for Shantae and Bandana Dee since the beginning, but now I'd also like to see Shovel Knight
Professor Layton, Phoenix Wright, and Inkling are my top three, although I wouldn't mind Shovel Knight.
K. Rool, Inkling and Chibi Robo, please.
There's going to be THREE Ballot winners and not one? Now there's no excuse. One of them HAS to be Shantae.
I have a feeling a new character or two were already in the works before the ballot ended. It seems DLC (stages or characters) comes out every month and a half to two months (even though the last two DLC updates were stages and Mii costumes)...
4/28: Mewtwo
6/14: Dreamland; Ryu (and castle stage); Roy; Lucas
7/31: Hyrule Castle; Peach's Castle
9/30: Super Mario Maker; Pirate Ship
Source: http://www.smashbros.com/us/dlc/
Sakurai said it takes many months to create a new character and properly balance it, so it wouldn't surprise me if we get the ballot winner sometime in the Spring or Summer 2016 (and maybe a couple more before that. I'm predicting at least one new character for Holiday 2016 with maybe a new stage or two to go with it). But I digress, Sakurai did say the focus for DLC from here on out will be "fan service", so we'll see.
im getting so sick and tired of data miners
@chiefeagle02 Since the ballot is a suggestion box for Sakurai, I don't think it would make sense for them to do something with the ballot until it ended. There were two extra character placeholders alongside when Roy and Ryu leaked. (Two extra character slots alongside Roy and Ryu) Which means they already had fighter picked out. This extra third slot is probably a character they just started working on.
@AGuyWithFood I'm thinking so as well. We'll see what happens (sooner than later hopefully).
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